1 Edinburgh Meeting House Management Committee
2 Tuesday 6 June 5 p.m., in 7 Victoria Terrace
4 Please note the revised time, which I believe is possible for
5 everyone, in person, which I would very much like for our first
6 meeting together. If you definitely _cannot_ make this time in
7 person, please let me know ASAP so I can arrange for Zoom.
9 0 New convenor's welcome [Henry]
10 * How I will aim to handle our business
11 * A reminder of our remit
12 Guiding principles: First part of
13 https://www.dropbox.com/home/SESAM%20Management%20Committee/Background?di=left_nav_browse&preview=Report+for+Management+Cttee+2017.doc
14 Specific Terms of Reference
15 https://www.dropbox.com/home/SESAM%20Management%20Committee/Policy?di=left_nav_browse&preview=SESAM+MH+Management+Committee+Terms+of+Ref-2022-10-11.docx
16 1. Date and time of next meeting
17 2 Matters arising [Henry 8a, 8b; Miranda 6a bullet 3, 9b bullet 4;
18 Jackie 11 bullet 3 (maybe)]
19 3 Manager's update [Miranda]
20 4 Fringe update [D. Sterratt _in absentia_, Miranda]
21 5 Victoria Terrace affordability group update ([Henry]
22 7 Room hire (lettings) & marketing
23 7.a Controversial bookings: Common Knowledge [Henry]
24 7.b Quaker weddings: Griffiths/Lawrence [Miranda]
25 8 IT
26 8.a Private and public networks [Henry]
27 8.b [Email issues and possibility of using Google Workspace or MS Office
28 for email: Carried forward]
29 9 Fabric and maintenance
30 9.a [Large projects on hold: None]
31 9.b Ongoing issues [Miranda, maybe]
32 9.c Environmental improvements: [Miranda, maybe]
33 9.d Carpets [Miranda, maybe]
34 9.e Signage [Miranda, maybe]
36 [shuffle break]
38 6 Staffing
39 6.a Moving to operation with one resident manager [Miranda, Henry]
40 * Where we are
41 * Where we would like to be
42 6.b [Ongoing staffing issues: None]
44 10 Time without staff [Henry]