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6 <title>Meeting
7 House Management Committee Minutes 2024-05-07</title>
8 <author>Convenor: Henry S. Thompson</author>
9 <date>Monday 24 June, p.m., in 7 Victoria Terrace</date>
10 <style>.r {margin-left: 3em}
11 .a::before {content: "ACTION: "; font-weight: bold}
12 </style>
13 </head>
14 <body>
15 <div>
16 <title>Attendance</title>
17 <list type="defn">
18 <item term="Present">Rachel Fitzgerald (RF), Miranda Girdlestone
19 (MG) (in part), Katrina McCrea (KM),
20 Jacqueline Noltingk (JN), Laragh Quinney (LQ),
21 Henry S. Thompson(HST)
22 </item>
23 <item term="Prevented">Sue Sierra (SS)</item>
24 <item term="Copy to">Susie Harding, Neil Turner</item>
25 </list>
26 </div>
27 <div>
28 <title>Transition and hiring</title>
29 <div>
30 <title>Transition cover</title>
31 <p>MG asks for questions</p>
32 <p>Do you foresee any problems for contract staff (Majk Stokes (M),
33 Eliza Giles (E), Ken Latham (K)) going forward?</p>
34 <p>Having 3 people in an office along with 2 PCs is not likely to work
35 well. So we need to work hard to encourage M&K to take annual leave.</p>
36 <p class="a">MG & HST to identify work for MEK to do during July/August towards
37 improving the booking process</p>
38 <p>E has a project to move forward on sustainable reusables, K
39 on signage</p>
40 <p>MEK all have annual leave cards, fill in and bring it to MG, it's on TeamUp</p>
41 <p>MG thinks MEK's Job Descriptions are sufficient for what's coming</p>
42 <p>At Annual Review time, we'll look at their Job Descriptions if need be.</p>
43 <p>Structure between the three of them should be as flat as possible: when in doubt, send email
44 to all three. Leave it up to them to choose who
45 does something that you ask to be done. Always be
46 encouraging them to work
47 as a team.</p>
48 <p>A small uplift across the board, say 1%, would be a good
49 signal that we recognise their contribution.</p>
50 </div>
51 <div>
52 <title>Security issues</title>
53 <p>Safe is in two parts, MS and MG have keys to the top, there's a
54 key to the bottom therein</p>
55 <p class="a">MG to add "safe key" to [relevant log]</p>
56 <p class="a">MG to inventory the safe and send to HST</p>
57 <p>Passwords?</p>
58 <p>Building security in the absence of anyone on the stair:</p>
59 <p class="a">HST and MG to arrange for more building keys, for MHMC
60 contacts and CArts</p>
61 <p class="a">HST to bring the matter of the intruder alarm back to a
62 subsequent meeting</p></div>
63 <div>
64 <title> Hiring</title>
65 <p>MG: This [her leaving] is not an uncommon problem, the difficulties
66 of [the situation] are widely shared</p>
67 <p>You'll need to reset/review/renew the situation with MEK
68 for what's coming next, say next 3 months</p>
69 <p>Gave a relevant Job Description for Manchester to HST</p>
70 <p class="a">HST to circulate Manchester Job Description</p>
71 <p class="a">Get a system for notice when contract renewal
72 (e.g. maintenance) are coming up.</p>
73 </div>
74 <div>
75 <title>Minor points</title>
76 <p>September - carpet changeover will need attention from staff, but
77 they should be up for it</p>
78 <p>E cares for the wee garden and the plants</p>
79 <p>K/E will be tasked with checking empty flat(s) regularly to satisfy insurance</p>
80 <p class="a">MG to notify JN when she cancels the utility contract
81 for 3F2, take meter reading and send to JN as she leaves.</p>
82 <p class="a">MG to be sure that new lighting invoice from Gunn is addressed
83 to Area Meeting and goes to JN</p></div>
84 </div>
85 <div>
86 <title> Practical matters during Fringe</title>
87 <div>
88 <title> On-call rota for 7 weeks</title>
89 <p class="a">RF to arrange contact rota with HST, RF</p>
90 <p class="a">MG to get HST, RF, KM access to TeamUps</p>
91 </div>
92 <div>
93 <title> Staff rota for 7 weeks</title>
94 <p>In case of illness/family urgency, staff will contact us if
95 can't sort out between themselves.</p>
96 <p class="a">MG to send August staff rota to HST</p>
97 <p class="a">HST to send staff rota to RF, KM</p>
98 </div>
99 <div>
100 <title> Staff tasks during their weeks</title>
101 <p class="a">HST to ask staff to think about this at all-hands on 25/6 <name>DONE</name></p>
102 </div>
103 </div>
104 <div>
105 <title> Time without staff</title>
106 <p>We have had time without staff, which was taken up with a good threshing session.</p>
107 <p>Job Description is simple to update, key
108 part of expectation management for new hire(s) is getting the Aims and Objectives right.
109 Calling this a 'Manager' post carries an expectation of e.g. a 5-year
110 plan and a budget.</p>
111 </div>
112 <div>
113 <title>Date of next meeting</title>
114 <p>Tuesday 2 July, 5 p.m., at 7 Victoria Terrace</p>
115 </div>
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