changeset 539:1c827e21114f

html OK, but some work needed on xml, some already done
author Henry Thompson <>
date Fri, 30 Aug 2024 15:15:06 +0100 (6 months ago)
parents b9c60ab31f0f
children 58090a2a81a1
files MHMC/2024-08-29/notes.html MHMC/2024-08-29/notes.xml
diffstat 2 files changed, 260 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
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+     </style><style type="text/css">.a::before {content: "ACTION: "; font-weight: bold}</style><title>MEK Meeting 2024-08-29</title></head><body style="font-family: DejaVu Sans, Arial; background: rgb(254,250,246)"><div style="text-align: center" class="head"><h1>MEK Meeting 2024-08-29</h1><hr/><div class="byline">Henry S.
+Thompson</div><div class="byline">Tuesday 29 August 2024<br/>7 Victoria Terrace</div><div class="copyright">Copyright &#xa9; 2024 <a href="">Henry S. Thompson</a>&#160;<a href="">CC-BY-SA</a></div></div><div class="body"><div><h2>1.  Attendance</h2><p>Eliza Giles (EG), Ken Latham (KL), Majk Stokes (MS), Henry S. Thompson
+(HST)</p></div><div><h2>2.  Report on MHMC meeting 2024-08-27</h2><p>HST shared aspects of the Committee's meeting:</p><p>C'ttee very pleased with staff's stepping up in challenging
+circumstances.</p><p>MS to be given the title of Acting Manager</p><p>Salary uplift to continue until new Manager in place, at least through
+October.</p><p>Interviews and appointment of new casual staff can be done for October if
+it's clear that help is needed due to bookings received.</p><p class="a">MS to move forward with carpet</p></div><div><h2>3.  Staff feedback on the last seven weeks</h2><ul class=" "><li><p>[missing/broken items] &#x2013; consumables were often missing; loo roll
+didn&#x2019;t arrive until 15/8, soap often missing. Use our suppliers next time: fits
+with ethos, fits our containers. E.g. one Sunday when no loo roll in any of the
+loos.</p></li><li><p>Paper hand towels? We didn&#x2019;t this time, worked OK? Probably some
+use of loo roll for drying</p></li><li><p>Start and end of day procedures &#x2013; define/clarify, who&#x2019;s responsible
+for what. E.g. turning <i>on</i> the emergency lighting is our job.</p></li><li><p>WHo repairs things? We do a daily inspection and fix things/bill
+for getting them fixed</p></li><li><p>If there are things we are now going to do, we will have to charge
+for that, not clear how e.g.&#xa0;lump sum vs.&#xa0;timeshet.</p></li><li><p>WiFi - This impacted our own ability to do our own work, because of
+low bandwidth and/or &#x2018;no internet&#x2019;</p></li><li><p>Kitchen - Not our cleaners job, did CV expect it? MEK cleaned it
+from time to time: sweeping and wiping surfaces. Performers in there? Gap(s) in
+the licence. Food out, so mice flourished. Fridge available? &#x201c;You have to name
+and date your food, or we&#x2019;ll through it away&#x201d;. Buckets left with dirty water
+in.</p> <p>Leave less cutlery/plates etc. out for them</p> <p>Use as an office
+made cleaning difficult - should clear away each night?</p></li><li><p>Emptying bin bags, agreeing about triage (recyclable/food
+waste/rubbish). Do we have to be responsible for all this so it can be done as
+we would like.</p></li><li><p>Weekend cleaning is necessary, we did some cleaning on Sunday
+and/or Monday morning (kitchen, loos, loo seats in particular).</p></li><li><p>We need to spend more time up front preparing the
+building</p></li><li><p>Emergency lights can&#x2019;t be completely covered, dimmed is
+OK</p></li><li><p>Contact person, who is on site most of most days, for niggles (E.g.
+shoes in the kitchen :-) (continuity)</p></li><li><p>Staffing level in general</p></li><li><p>Poster mount scarring</p></li><li><p>More pictures in advance&#x2026;</p></li><li><p>Staples in the poster boards</p></li><li><p>Discount for 4F wrt shower</p></li><li><p>One negative comment about the Sunday meeting space (HST
+disagreed)</p></li><li><p>As an ethical workplace, how do we feel about the way CVenue treats
+their staff, both volunteer and paid?</p></li><li><p>Sundays have gone well (Wednesdays worked well, bar steps for Tony
+Peach and Margaret Anderson and someone else with limited mobility).</p></li></ul></div><div><h2>4.  Was it OK? Do this again (with C Venues or someone else)?</h2><dl class=" "><dt><b><a name="KL">KL</a></b></dt><dd>More &#x2018;unexpected work&#x2019; than
+&#x2018;unpleasant&#x2019;</dd><dt><b><a name="EG">EG</a></b></dt><dd>The annoying things could be sorted in the agreement,
+including a process for things that are still unclear (e.g.&#xa0;the toilet leak)</dd><dt><b><a name="MS">MS</a></b></dt><dd>Niggles rather than disasters. Worth looking for alternatives,
+e.g.&#xa0;Greenside, before committing to CArts, bearing in mind that they would
+have <i>their</i> teething problems</dd></dl></div><div><h2>5.  Miscelaneous</h2><p class="a">HST to get C Venue's (local)
+network guy&#x2019;s contact details from Hartley</p><p class="a">KL to scan and
+distribute missing/broken items list</p><p class="a">HST to figure out how to
+address the need for a regular MEK - MCMember meeting with a schedule that has
+no full MEK overlap time in it.</p><p>Clarification wrt casual staffing: Ellie
+is <i>not</i> happy about evening or saturday working, and MEK are covering a
+lot of evening/Saturday shifts.</p><p>Keith Gunn to go ahead with new cable
+trays.</p><p>MS has renewed Giffgaff contract</p><p>Ian Wilson will be visiting
+some time soon</p><p class="a">HST To check the state of the T&amp;C redo by
+Trustees.</p><p class="a">HST To go through MHMC on listing on sites that charge a
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/MHMC/2024-08-29/notes.xml	Fri Aug 30 15:15:06 2024 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<!DOCTYPE doc PUBLIC "-//Henry S. Thompson//DTD doc//EN" "d:\\lib\\xml\\doc.dtd" >
+<doc xmlns:x="">
+ <head><title>MEK Meeting 2024-08-29</title><author>Henry S.
+Thompson</author><date>Tuesday 29 August 2024<x:br/>7 Victoria Terrace</date><style>.a::before {content: "ACTION: "; font-weight: bold}</style></head>
+ <body>
+  <div>
+   <title>Attendance</title>
+   <p>Eliza Giles (EG), Ken Latham (KL), Majk Stokes (MS), Henry S. Thompson
+  </div>
+  <div>
+   <title>Report on MHMC meeting 2024-08-27</title>
+   <p>HST shared aspects of the Committee's meeting:</p>
+   <p>C'ttee very pleased with staff's stepping up in challenging
+   <p>MS to be given the title of Acting Manager</p>
+   <p>Salary uplift to continue until new Manager in place, at least through
+   <p>Interviews and appointment of new casual staff can be done for October if
+it's clear that help is needed due to bookings received.</p>
+   <p class="a">MS to move forward with carpet</p>
+  </div>
+  <div>
+   <title>Staff feedback on the last seven weeks</title>
+   <div>
+    <title>Problems</title>
+    <p>[missing/broken items] – consumables were often missing; loo roll
+didn’t arrive until 15/8, soap often missing. Use our suppliers next time: fits
+with ethos, fits our containers. E.g. one Sunday when no loo roll in any of the
+    <p>WiFi - This impacted our own ability to do our own work, because of
+low bandwidth and/or ‘no internet’</p>
+   </div>
+   <div>
+    <title>For next time, if there is one</title>
+    <p>Paper hand towels? We didn’t this time, worked OK? Probably some
+use of loo roll for drying</p>
+    <p>Start and end of day procedures – define/clarify, who’s responsible
+for what. E.g. turning <emph>on</emph> the emergency lighting is our job.</p>
+    <p>Clarify who repairs things. We do a daily inspection and fix things/bill
+for getting them fixed</p>
+    <p>In general if there are things we agree are are responsibility that we
+are going to do for their benefit, we will have to charge
+for that, not clear how e.g. lump sum vs. timesheet.</p>
+   </div>
+   <item></item>
+   <item></item>
+   <item><p>Kitchen - Not our cleaners job, did CV expect it? MEK cleaned it
+from time to time: sweeping and wiping surfaces. Performers in there? Gap(s) in
+the licence. Food out, so mice flourished. Fridge available? “You have to name
+and date your food, or we’ll through it away”. Buckets left with dirty water
+in.</p> <p>Leave less cutlery/plates etc. out for them</p> <p>Use as an office
+made cleaning difficult - should clear away each night?</p></item>
+   <item><p>Emptying bin bags, agreeing about triage (recyclable/food
+waste/rubbish). Do we have to be responsible for all this so it can be done as
+we would like.</p></item>
+   <item><p>Weekend cleaning is necessary, we did some cleaning on Sunday
+and/or Monday morning (kitchen, loos, loo seats in particular).</p></item>
+   <item><p>We need to spend more time up front preparing the
+   <item><p>Emergency lights can’t be completely covered, dimmed is
+   <item><p>Contact person, who is on site most of most days, for niggles (E.g.
+shoes in the kitchen :-) (continuity)</p></item>
+   <item><p>Staffing level in general</p></item>
+   <item><p>Poster mount scarring</p></item>
+   <item><p>More pictures in advance…</p></item>
+   <item><p>Staples in the poster boards</p></item>
+   <item><p>Discount for 4F wrt shower</p></item>
+   <item><p>One negative comment about the Sunday meeting space (HST
+   <item><p>As an ethical workplace, how do we feel about the way CVenue treats
+their staff, both volunteer and paid?</p></item>
+   <item><p>Sundays have gone well (Wednesdays worked well, bar steps for Tony
+Peach and Margaret Anderson and someone else with limited mobility).</p></item>
+  </div>
+  <div>
+   <title>Was it OK? Do this again (with C Venues or someone else)?</title>
+   <list type="defn">
+    <item term="KL">More ‘unexpected work’ than
+    <item term="EG">The annoying things could be sorted in the agreement,
+including a process for things that are still unclear (e.g. the toilet leak)</item><item term="MS">Niggles rather than disasters. Worth looking for alternatives,
+e.g. Greenside, before committing to CArts, bearing in mind that they would
+have <emph>their</emph> teething problems</item>
+   </list>
+  </div>
+  <div>
+   <title>Miscelaneous</title>
+   <p class="a">HST to get C Venue's (local)
+network guy’s contact details from Hartley</p><p class="a">KL to scan and
+distribute missing/broken items list</p>
+  <p class="a">HST to figure out how to
+address the need for a regular MEK - MCMember meeting with a schedule that has
+no full MEK overlap time in it.</p>
+  <p>Clarification wrt casual staffing: Ellie
+is <emph>not</emph> happy about evening or saturday working, and MEK are covering a
+lot of evening/Saturday shifts.</p>
+  <p>Keith Gunn to go ahead with new cable
+  <p>MS has renewed Giffgaff contract</p>
+  <p>Ian Wilson will be visiting
+some time soon</p>
+  <p class="a">HST To check the state of the T&amp;C redo by
+  <p class="a">HST To go through MHMC on listing on sites that charge a
+ </body>