changeset 288:0925374241b6

updated from 06 to create starting point for 07
author Henry Thompson <>
date Thu, 13 Jul 2023 13:14:07 +0100 (20 months ago)
parents e104c158c805
children 6c41e12f0d60
files MHMC/2023-07-13/minutes.xml
diffstat 1 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MHMC/2023-07-13/minutes.xml	Thu Jul 13 13:14:07 2023 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../../../lib/xml/doc.xsl" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE doc SYSTEM "../../../lib/xml/doc.dtd" [
+  <!ENTITY prev "">
+ <head>
+  <title>Agenda</title>
+  <title>Edinburgh Meeting House Management Committee</title>
+  <author>Henry S. Thompson, Convenor</author>
+  <date>Thursday 13 July 6:30 p.m., in 7 Victoria Terrace</date>
+    <style type="text/css">.minute {margin-left: 1cm; border-left:
+2px solid red; padding-left: 2px}
+    div.toc ul.naked {padding-left: 0 ! important}</style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+  <div><list type="1defn">
+   <item term="Present:">Miranda Girdlestone (MG), Jackie Noltingk (JN), John
+Phillips (JP), Laragh Quinney (LQ), Sue Sierra (SS), Henry Thompson (HT)</item>
+   <item term="Prevented:"></item>
+   <item term="Copies to:">Marilyn Higgins (MH), Neil Turner (NT), David
+Sterratt (DS)</item>
+  </list></div>
+  <div id="next">
+   <title>Date and time of next meeting</title>
+      <p class="action" on="HT">Email membership for available weeks
+in September, then poll for date/time.</p>
+    </div>
+  <div id="arising">
+   <title>Matters arising</title>
+   <div id="p_1">
+    <title><link href="&prev;#next">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 1 Next
+        <p>On HT: "@@@ FIXME": <name>Done</name>.</p>
+   </div>
+      <div id="pp_6a">
+        <title><link href="">MHM_2023-04-20</link>
+6a bullet 3: Staffing</title>
+       <p class="action" on="MG">Lone worker lanyard alarms. Carried forward.</p>
+    </div>
+      <div id="pp_9c">
+        <title><link href="">MHM_2023-04-20</link>
+9c: Fabric and maintenance</title>
+      <p class="action" on="MG">Installing LED lighting.  Carried forward.</p>
+     </div>
+   <div id="p_3.2">
+    <title><link href="&prev;#PAT">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 3.2 PAT Testing</title>
+    <p class="action" on="MG">Draft a proposal and send it, noting our agreement, to the Safety Officer of AM
+Trustees.  Carried forward.</p>
+   </div>
+   <div id="p_3.3">
+    <title><link href="&prev;#PAT">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 3.3 Risk management strategy</title>
+   </div>
+   <div id="p_6.2a">
+    <title><link href="&prev;#staff">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 6.2 Ongoing staffing issues</title>
+   </div>
+   <div id="p_6.2b">
+    <title><link href="&prev;#staff">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 6.2 Ongoing staffing issues</title>
+    <p>On HT: "Tell R&amp;L that they have to vacate."  <name>Done</name>, with a minimum of fuss.</p>
+    <p>On HT: "Ask DS for time at the next Affordability Group
+meeting (26 June 1200) for an informal chat with members of the MHC to discuss
+the flat(s)".  <name>Not done</name>, see <link href="#flats">below under 6
+Upper Bow Flats</link>.</p>
+   </div>
+   <div id="p_8.2">
+    <title><link href="&prev;#email">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 8.2 Email issues</title>
+    <p>On HT, MG: "Meet with Majk to explore options, e.g. multiple folders,
+multiple email addresses".  <name>Done</name>, but more work needed. See <link href="#email">below under Email issues</link></p>
+   </div>   
+   <div id="p_9">
+    <title><link href="&prev;#staffing">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 9. Fabric and Maintenance</title>
+    <p>On HT: "Put [F&amp;M specialist needed] on the agenda for next time."  <name>Done</name>, see <link href="#building">below under Fabric and Maintenance</link>.</p>
+   </div>
+    <div id="p_9.2.1">
+     <title><link href="&prev;#wifi2f">MHM_2023-06-06</link></title>
+     <p>On HT: "Meet with DS to discuss state of networking in 7VT, possible remedial
+actions." <name>Done</name>, but more work needed.  See <link href="#wifi2f">below under Meeting Room wifi</link>.</p></div>
+   <div id="9.2.2">
+    <title><link href="&prev;#wifi2f">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 9.2.2
+Glazing in flats</title> @@@ FIXME et seq.
+   </div>
+   <div id="9.2.3">
+    <title><link href="&prev;#wifi2f">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 9.2.3 Emergency phone in lift</title>
+   </div>
+   <div id="9.3">
+    <title><link href="&prev;#wifi2f">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 9.3 Carpets</title>
+   </div>
+   <div id="9.4">
+    <title><link href="&prev;#wifi2f">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 9.4 Signage</title>
+   </div>
+  </div>
+  <div id="convenor">
+   <title>Convenor's report</title>
+   <p>HT still struggling to manage the multitude of Dropbox accounts, Google
+groups and GMail accounts involved in this job.</p>
+   <p class="action" on="HT">Make all relevent Dropbox accounts and Google
+groups use the MHMCC email address, i.e. <code></code>.</p>
+   <p>MG and HST have agreed to have regular meetings to share status updates.</p>
+  </div>
+  <div id="MGupdate">
+   <title>Manager's update</title>
+   <div id="Risk">
+     <title>Risk Management Strategy</title>
+    </div>
+    </div>  
+  <div id="VTAG">
+   <title>Victoria Terrace affordability group update</title>
+   <p><link href="">Notes from meeting 2023-06-26</link></p>
+   <p>See the above for details.  Some topics of interest to us:</p>
+      <list>
+        <item></item>
+        <item></item>
+      </list>
+    </div>
+  <div id="staffing">
+   <title>Staffing</title>
+      <div id="assistant">
+        <title>Additional Meeting House Assistant</title>
+       <p>Last time we asked Trustees to agree to the creation of a new  permanent
+          part-time MH Assistant job starting in September, to be
+          advertised widely, and they agreed</p>
+        <p></p>
+    </div>
+   <div id="casual">
+    <title>Additional casual staff</title>
+   </div>
+    </div>
+  <div id="lettings">
+   <title>Room hire &amp; marketing</title>
+      <div id="weddings">
+        <title>Quaker weddings: Griffiths/Lawrence</title>
+    </div>
+    </div>
+  <div id="IT">
+   <title>IT</title>
+      <div id="email">
+        <title>Email issues</title>
+       <p>There's too much email on too many diverse topics coming in
+to <code></code>.  Things get lost.</p>
+        <p class="action" on="HT">Draft a proposal for upgrading email handling.</p>
+    </div>
+    </div>
+  <div id="building">
+   <title>Fabric and maintenance</title>
+   <div id="specialist">
+    <title>New committee member?</title>
+   </div>
+      <div id="large">
+        <title>Large projects on hold</title>
+    </div>
+      <div id="issues">
+        <title>Ongoing issues</title>
+        <div id="wifi2f">
+          <title>Meeting room wifi</title>
+        </div>
+        <div id="glazing">
+          <title>Glazing in flats</title>
+        </div>
+        <div id="alarm">
+          <title>Alarm callout phone</title>
+          <p>@@@ Copy from revised previous minute</p>
+       </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>  
+  <div id="flats">
+   <title>6 Upper Bow</title>
+   <p>Decision process for refurbishment, including discussion with VTAG</p>
+   <p>Request from Richard xxx for furniture from 3F2</p>
+  </div>
+  <div id="woStaff">
+   <title>Time without staff</title>
+    </div>
+  <div class="appendix" id="actions">
+   <title>Action items</title>
+   <div class="actions"/>
+  </div>
+ </body>