1 ;;!emacs
2 ;;
3 ;; FILE: hui.el
4 ;; SUMMARY: GNU Emacs User Interface to Hyperbole
5 ;; USAGE: GNU Emacs Lisp Library
6 ;; KEYWORDS: hypermedia
7 ;;
8 ;; AUTHOR: Bob Weiner
9 ;; ORG: InfoDock Associates
10 ;;
11 ;; ORIG-DATE: 19-Sep-91 at 21:42:03
12 ;; LAST-MOD: 10-Nov-96 at 01:51:13 by Bob Weiner
13 ;;
14 ;; This file is part of Hyperbole.
15 ;; Available for use and distribution under the same terms as GNU Emacs.
16 ;;
17 ;; Copyright (C) 1991-1996, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
18 ;; Developed with support from Motorola Inc.
19 ;;
23 ;;; ************************************************************************
24 ;;; Other required Elisp libraries
25 ;;; ************************************************************************
27 (require 'hargs) (require 'set) (require 'hmail)
29 ;;; ************************************************************************
30 ;;; Public variables
31 ;;; ************************************************************************
33 (defvar hui:ebut-delete-confirm-p t
34 "*Non-nil means prompt before interactively deleting explicit buttons.")
36 ;;; ************************************************************************
37 ;;; Public functions
38 ;;; ************************************************************************
40 (defun hui:ebut-create (&optional start end)
41 "Creates an explicit but starting from label between optional START and END.
42 Indicates by delimiting and adding any necessary instance number of the button
43 label."
44 (interactive (list (and (marker-position (hypb:mark-marker t))
45 (region-beginning))
46 (and (marker-position (hypb:mark-marker t))
47 (region-end))))
48 (let ((default-lbl) lbl but-buf actype)
49 (save-excursion
50 (setq default-lbl
51 (hui:hbut-label-default start end (not (interactive-p)))
52 lbl (hui:hbut-label default-lbl "ebut-create"))
53 (if (not (equal lbl default-lbl)) (setq default-lbl nil))
55 (setq but-buf (if default-lbl (current-buffer) (hui:ebut-buf)))
56 (hui:buf-writable-err but-buf "ebut-create")
58 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'loc (hui:key-src but-buf))
59 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'dir (hui:key-dir but-buf))
60 (setq actype (hui:actype))
61 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'actype actype)
62 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'args (hargs:actype-get actype))
63 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'action
64 (and (boundp 'hui:ebut-prompt-for-action)
65 hui:ebut-prompt-for-action (hui:action actype)))
66 )
67 (ebut:operate lbl nil)))
69 (defun hui:ebut-delete (but-key &optional key-src)
70 "Deletes explicit Hyperbole button given by BUT-KEY in optional KEY-SRC.
71 KEY-SRC may be a buffer or a pathname, when nil the current buffer is used.
72 Returns t if button is deleted, nil if user chooses not to delete or signals
73 an error otherwise. If called interactively, prompts user whether to delete
74 and derives BUT-KEY from the button that point is within.
75 Signals an error if point is not within a button."
76 (interactive (list (if (ebut:at-p)
77 (hattr:get 'hbut:current 'lbl-key)
78 nil)))
79 (cond ((null but-key)
80 (hypb:error
81 "(ebut-delete): Point is not over the label of an existing button."))
82 ((not (stringp but-key))
83 (hypb:error
84 "(ebut-delete): Invalid label key argument: '%s'." but-key)))
85 (let ((interactive (interactive-p)))
86 (if (and hui:ebut-delete-confirm-p interactive)
87 (if (y-or-n-p (format "Delete button %s%s%s? "
88 ebut:start
89 (hbut:key-to-label but-key) ebut:end))
90 (hui:ebut-delete-op interactive but-key key-src)
91 (message ""))
92 (hui:ebut-delete-op interactive but-key key-src))))
94 (defun hui:ebut-edit ()
95 "Creates or modifies an explicit Hyperbole button when conditions are met.
96 A region must have been delimited with the action-key and point must now be
97 within it before this function is called or it will do nothing. The region
98 must be no larger than the size given by 'ebut:max-len'. It must be entirely
99 within or entirely outside of an existing explicit button. When region is
100 within the button, the button is interactively modified. Otherwise, a new
101 button is created interactively with the region as the default label."
102 (interactive)
103 (let ((m (marker-position (hypb:mark-marker t)))
104 (op action-key-depress-prev-point) (p (point)) (lbl-key))
105 (if (and m (eq (marker-buffer m) (marker-buffer op))
106 (< op m) (<= (- m op) ebut:max-len)
107 (<= p m) (<= op p))
108 (progn
109 (if (setq lbl-key (ebut:label-p))
110 (hui:ebut-modify lbl-key)
111 (hui:ebut-create op m))
112 t))))
114 (defun hui:ebut-modify (lbl-key)
115 "Modifies an explicit Hyperbole button given by LBL-KEY.
116 Signals an error when no such button is found in the current buffer."
117 (interactive (list (save-excursion
118 (hui:buf-writable-err (current-buffer) "ebut-modify")
119 (or (ebut:label-p)
120 (ebut:label-to-key
121 (hargs:read-match "Button to modify: "
122 (ebut:alist) nil t
123 nil 'ebut))))))
124 (let ((lbl (ebut:key-to-label lbl-key))
125 (but-buf (current-buffer))
126 actype but new-lbl)
127 (save-excursion
128 (or (interactive-p)
129 (hui:buf-writable-err but-buf "ebut-modify"))
131 (or (setq but (ebut:get lbl-key but-buf))
132 (progn (pop-to-buffer but-buf)
133 (hypb:error "(ebut-modify): Invalid button, no data for '%s'." lbl)))
135 (setq new-lbl
136 (hargs:read
137 "Change button label to: "
138 (function
139 (lambda (lbl)
140 (and (not (string= lbl "")) (<= (length lbl) ebut:max-len))))
141 lbl
142 (format "(ebut-modify): Enter a string of at most %s chars."
143 ebut:max-len)
144 'string))
146 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'loc (hui:key-src but-buf))
147 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'dir (hui:key-dir but-buf))
148 (setq actype (hui:actype (hattr:get but 'actype)))
149 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'actype actype)
150 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'args (hargs:actype-get actype 'modifying))
151 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'action
152 (and (boundp 'hui:ebut-prompt-for-action)
153 hui:ebut-prompt-for-action (hui:action actype)))
154 )
155 (ebut:operate lbl new-lbl)))
157 (defun hui:ebut-rename (curr-label new-label)
158 "Renames explicit Hyperbole button given by CURR-LABEL to NEW-LABEL.
159 If called interactively when point is not within an explicit button:
160 prompts for old and new button label values and performs rename.
161 If called interactively when point is within an explicit button:
162 saves button label and tells user to edit label, then call again.
163 second call changes the button's name from the stored value to the
164 edited value.
165 Signals an error if any problem occurs."
166 (interactive
167 (save-excursion
168 (let (curr-label new-label)
169 (hui:buf-writable-err (current-buffer) "ebut-rename")
170 (if hui:ebut-label-prev
171 (setq curr-label hui:ebut-label-prev
172 new-label (ebut:label-p 'as-label))
173 (setq new-label nil
174 curr-label
175 (or (ebut:label-p 'as-label)
176 (let ((buts (ebut:alist)))
177 (if (null buts)
178 (hypb:error "(ebut-rename): No explicit buttons in buffer.")
179 (prog1 (hargs:read-match
180 "Button label to rename: "
181 buts nil t nil 'ebut)
182 (setq new-label
183 (hargs:read
184 "Rename button label to: "
185 (function
186 (lambda (lbl)
187 (and (not (string= lbl ""))
188 (<= (length lbl) ebut:max-len))))
189 curr-label
190 (format
191 "(ebut-rename): Use a quoted string of at most %s chars."
192 ebut:max-len)
193 'string))))))))
194 (list curr-label new-label))))
196 (save-excursion
197 (if (interactive-p)
198 nil
199 (hui:buf-writable-err (current-buffer) "ebut-rename")
200 (if (or (not (stringp curr-label)) (string= curr-label ""))
201 (hypb:error "(ebut-rename): 'curr-label' must be a non-empty string: %s"
202 curr-label))
203 (and (stringp new-label) (string= new-label "")
204 (hypb:error "(ebut-rename): 'new-label' must be a non-empty string: %s"
205 new-label)))
206 (or (ebut:get (ebut:label-to-key curr-label))
207 (hypb:error "(ebut-rename): Can't rename %s since no button data."
208 curr-label))
209 )
210 (cond (new-label
211 (ebut:operate curr-label new-label)
212 (setq hui:ebut-label-prev nil)
213 (message "Renamed from '%s' to '%s'." curr-label new-label))
214 (curr-label
215 (setq hui:ebut-label-prev curr-label)
216 (message "Edit button label and use same command to finish rename."))
217 (t (hypb:error "(ebut-rename): Move point to within a button label."))))
219 (defun hui:ebut-search (string &optional match-part)
220 "Shows lines of files/buffers containing an explicit but match for STRING.
221 Returns number of buttons matched and displayed.
222 By default, only matches for whole button labels are found, optional MATCH-PART
223 enables partial matches. The match lines are shown in a buffer which serves as
224 a menu to find any of the occurrences."
225 (interactive (list (read-string "Search for button string: ")
226 (y-or-n-p "Enable partial matches? ")))
227 (if (not (stringp string))
228 (hypb:error "(ebut-search): String to search for is required."))
229 (let* ((prefix (if (> (length string) 14)
230 (substring string 0 13) string))
231 (out-buf (get-buffer-create (concat "*" prefix " Hypb Search*")))
232 (total (ebut:search string out-buf match-part)))
233 (if (> total 0)
234 (progn
235 (set-buffer out-buf)
236 (moccur-mode)
237 (if (fboundp 'outline-minor-mode)
238 (and (progn (goto-char 1)
239 (search-forward "\C-m" nil t))
240 (outline-minor-mode 1)))
241 (if (fboundp 'hproperty:but-create)
242 (hproperty:but-create nil nil (regexp-quote
243 (if match-part string
244 (concat ebut:start string ebut:end)))))
245 (goto-char (point-min))
246 (pop-to-buffer out-buf)
247 (if (interactive-p) (message "%d match%s." total
248 (if (> total 1) "es" ""))
249 total))
250 (if (interactive-p) (message "No matches.")
251 total))))
253 (defun hui:error (&rest args)
254 (hypb:error "(hui:error): Obsolete, use hypb:error instead."))
256 (defun hui:gbut-create (lbl)
257 "Creates Hyperbole global button with LBL."
258 (interactive "sCreate global button labeled: ")
259 (let (but-buf actype)
260 (save-excursion
261 (setq actype (hui:actype))
262 (setq but-buf (set-buffer (find-file-noselect gbut:file)))
263 (hui:buf-writable-err but-buf "ebut-create")
264 ;; This prevents movement of point which might be useful to user.
265 (save-excursion
266 (goto-char (point-max))
267 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'loc (hui:key-src but-buf))
268 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'dir (hui:key-dir but-buf))
269 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'actype actype)
270 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'args (hargs:actype-get actype))
271 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'action
272 (and (boundp 'hui:ebut-prompt-for-action)
273 hui:ebut-prompt-for-action (hui:action actype)))
274 (setq lbl (concat lbl (ebut:operate lbl nil)))
275 (goto-char (point-max))
276 (insert "\n")
277 (save-buffer)
278 )
279 (message "%s created." lbl)
280 )))
282 (defun hui:gbut-modify (lbl-key)
283 "Modifies a global Hyperbole button given by LBL-KEY.
284 Signals an error when no such button is found."
285 (interactive (list (save-excursion
286 (hui:buf-writable-err
287 (find-file-noselect gbut:file) "gbut-modify")
288 (hbut:label-to-key
289 (hargs:read-match "Global button to modify: "
290 (mapcar 'list (gbut:label-list))
291 nil t nil 'ebut)))))
292 (let ((lbl (hbut:key-to-label lbl-key))
293 (but-buf (find-file-noselect gbut:file))
294 actype but new-lbl)
295 (save-excursion
296 (or (interactive-p)
297 (hui:buf-writable-err but-buf "gbut-modify"))
299 (or (setq but (ebut:get lbl-key but-buf))
300 (progn (pop-to-buffer but-buf)
301 (hypb:error
302 "(gbut-modify): Invalid button, no data for '%s'." lbl)))
304 (setq new-lbl
305 (hargs:read
306 "Change global button label to: "
307 (function
308 (lambda (lbl)
309 (and (not (string= lbl "")) (<= (length lbl) ebut:max-len))))
310 lbl
311 (format "(gbut-modify): Enter a string of at most %s chars."
312 ebut:max-len)
313 'string))
315 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'loc (hui:key-src but-buf))
316 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'dir (hui:key-dir but-buf))
317 (setq actype (hui:actype (hattr:get but 'actype)))
318 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'actype actype)
319 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'args (hargs:actype-get actype 'modifying))
320 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'action
321 (and (boundp 'hui:ebut-prompt-for-action)
322 hui:ebut-prompt-for-action (hui:action actype)))
323 (set-buffer but-buf)
324 (ebut:operate lbl new-lbl))))
326 (defun hui:hbut-act (&optional but)
327 "Executes action for optional Hyperbole button symbol BUT in current buffer.
328 Default is the current button."
329 (interactive
330 (let ((but (hbut:at-p)) (lst))
331 (list
332 (cond (but)
333 ((setq lst (ebut:alist))
334 (ebut:get (ebut:label-to-key
335 (hargs:read-match "Button to execute: " lst nil t
336 (ebut:label-p 'as-label) 'ebut))))
337 (t (hypb:error "(hbut-act): No explicit buttons in buffer."))))))
338 (cond ((and (interactive-p) (null but))
339 (hypb:error "(hbut-act): No current button to activate."))
340 ((not (hbut:is-p but))
341 (hypb:error "(hbut-act): Button is invalid; it has no attributes."))
342 (t (or but (setq but 'hbut:current))
343 (hui:but-flash) (hyperb:act but))))
345 (defun hui:hbut-current-act ()
346 "Activate Hyperbole button at point or signal an error if there is no such button."
347 (interactive)
348 (let ((but (hbut:at-p)))
349 (cond ((null but)
350 (hypb:error "(hbut-act): No current button to activate."))
351 ((not (hbut:is-p but))
352 (hypb:error "(hbut-act): Button is invalid; it has no attributes."))
353 (t (hui:but-flash) (hyperb:act but)))))
355 (defun hui:hbut-help (&optional but)
356 "Checks for and explains an optional button given by symbol, BUT.
357 BUT defaults to the button whose label point is within."
358 (interactive)
359 (setq but (or but (hbut:at-p)
360 (ebut:get (ebut:label-to-key
361 (hargs:read-match "Help for button: "
362 (ebut:alist) nil t nil 'ebut)))))
363 (or but
364 (hypb:error "(hbut-help): Move point to a valid Hyperbole button."))
365 (if (not (hbut:is-p but))
366 (cond (but (hypb:error "(hbut-help): Invalid button."))
367 (t (hypb:error
368 "(hbut-help): Not on an implicit button and no buffer explicit buttons."))))
369 (let ((type-help-func (intern-soft
370 (concat
371 (htype:names 'ibtypes (hattr:get but 'categ))
372 ":help"))))
373 (or (equal (hypb:indirect-function 'hui:but-flash)
374 (function (lambda nil)))
375 ;; Only flash button if point is on it.
376 (let ((lbl-key (hattr:get but 'lbl-key)))
377 (and lbl-key
378 (or (equal lbl-key (ebut:label-p))
379 (equal lbl-key (ibut:label-p)))
380 (hui:but-flash))))
381 (if type-help-func
382 (funcall type-help-func but)
383 (let ((total (hbut:report but)))
384 (if total (hui:help-ebut-highlight))))))
386 (defun hui:hbut-label (default-label func-name)
387 "Reads button label from user using DEFAULT-LABEL and caller's FUNC-NAME."
388 (hargs:read "Button label: "
389 (function
390 (lambda (lbl)
391 (and (not (string= lbl "")) (<= (length lbl) ebut:max-len))))
392 default-label
393 (format "(%s): Enter a string of at most %s chars."
394 func-name ebut:max-len)
395 'string))
397 (defun hui:hbut-label-default (start end &optional skip-len-test)
398 "Returns default label based on START and END region markers or points.
399 Optional SKIP-LEN-TEST means don't limit label to 'ebut:max-len' length.
400 Returns nil if START or END are invalid or if region fails length test.
402 Also has side effect of moving point to start of default label, if any."
403 (if (markerp start) (setq start (marker-position start)))
404 (if (markerp end) (setq end (marker-position end)))
405 ;; Test whether to use region as default button label.
406 (if (and (integerp start) (integerp end)
407 (or skip-len-test
408 (<= (max (- end start) (- start end)) ebut:max-len)))
409 (progn (goto-char start)
410 (buffer-substring start end))))
412 (defun hui:hbut-report (&optional arg)
413 "Pretty prints attributes of current button, using optional prefix ARG.
414 See 'hbut:report'."
415 (interactive "P")
416 (if (and arg (symbolp arg))
417 (hui:hbut-help arg)
418 (let ((total (hbut:report arg)))
419 (if total
420 (progn (hui:help-ebut-highlight)
421 (message "%d button%s." total (if (/= total 1) "s" "")))))))
423 (fset 'hui:hbut-summarize 'hui:hbut-report)
425 (defun hui:link-directly ()
426 "Creates a Hyperbole link button at depress point, linked to release point.
427 See also documentation for 'hui:link-possible-types'."
428 (let* ((link-types (hui:link-possible-types))
429 (but-window action-key-depress-window)
430 (num-types (length link-types))
431 (release-window (selected-window))
432 (but-modify nil)
433 type-and-args lbl-key but-loc but-dir)
434 (select-window action-key-depress-window)
435 (hui:buf-writable-err (current-buffer) "link-directly")
436 (if (ebut:at-p)
437 (progn
438 (setq but-modify t
439 but-loc (hattr:get 'hbut:current 'loc)
440 but-dir (hattr:get 'hbut:current 'dir)
441 lbl-key (hattr:get 'hbut:current 'lbl-key)))
442 (setq but-loc (hui:key-src (current-buffer))
443 but-dir (hui:key-dir (current-buffer))
444 lbl-key (hbut:label-to-key
445 (hui:hbut-label
446 (if (marker-position (hypb:mark-marker t))
447 (hui:hbut-label-default
448 (region-beginning) (region-end)))
449 "link-directly"))))
450 (select-window release-window)
452 (cond ((= num-types 0)
453 (error "(link-directly): No possible link type to create."))
454 ((= num-types 1)
455 (hui:link-create but-modify
456 but-window lbl-key but-loc but-dir
457 (setq type-and-args (car link-types))))
458 (t;; more than 1
459 (let ((item)
460 type)
461 (hui:link-create
462 but-modify but-window
463 lbl-key but-loc but-dir
464 (setq type-and-args
465 (hui:menu-select
466 (cons '("Link to>")
467 (mapcar
468 (function
469 (lambda (type-and-args)
470 (setq type (car type-and-args))
471 (list
472 (capitalize
473 (if (string-match
474 "^\\(link-to\\|eval\\)-"
475 (setq item (symbol-name type)))
476 (setq item (substring
477 item (match-end 0)))
478 item))
479 type-and-args
480 (documentation
481 (intern (concat "actypes::"
482 (symbol-name type)))))))
483 link-types))))))))
484 (message "`%s' button %s type `%s'."
485 (hbut:key-to-label lbl-key)
486 (if but-modify "set to" "created with")
487 (car type-and-args))))
489 ;;; ************************************************************************
490 ;;; Private functions
491 ;;; ************************************************************************
493 (defun hui:action (actype &optional prompt)
494 "Prompts for and returns an action to override action from ACTYPE."
495 (and actype
496 (let* ((act) (act-str)
497 (params (actype:params actype))
498 (params-str (and params (concat " " (prin1-to-string params))))
499 )
500 (while (progn
501 (while (and (setq act-str
502 (hargs:read
503 (or prompt (concat "Action" params-str
504 ": ")) nil nil
505 nil 'string))
506 (not (string= act-str ""))
507 (condition-case ()
508 (progn (setq act (read act-str)) nil)
509 (error
510 (beep) (message "Invalid action syntax.")
511 (sit-for 3) t))))
512 (and (not (symbolp act))
513 params
514 ;; Use the weak condition that action must
515 ;; involve at least one of actype's parameters
516 ;; or else we assume the action is invalid, tell
517 ;; the user and provide another chance for entry.
518 (not (memq t
519 (mapcar
520 (function
521 (lambda (param)
522 (setq param (symbol-name param))
523 (and (string-match
524 (concat "[\( \t\n,']"
525 (regexp-quote param)
526 "[\(\) \t\n\"]")
527 act-str)
528 t)))
529 params)))
530 ))
531 (beep) (message "Action must use at least one parameter.")
532 (sit-for 3))
533 (let (head)
534 (while (cond ((listp act)
535 (and act (setq head (car act))
536 (not (or (eq head 'lambda)
537 (eq head 'defun)
538 (eq head 'defmacro)))
539 (setq act (list 'lambda params act))
540 nil ;; terminate loop
541 ))
542 ((symbolp act)
543 (setq act (cons act params)))
544 ((stringp act)
545 (setq act (action:kbd-macro act 1)))
546 ;; Unrecognized form
547 (t (setq act nil))
548 )))
549 act)))
551 (defun hui:actype (&optional default-actype prompt)
552 "Using optional DEFAULT-ACTYPE, PROMPTs for a button action type.
553 DEFAULT-ACTYPE may be a valid symbol or symbol-name."
554 (and default-actype (symbolp default-actype)
555 (progn
556 (setq default-actype (symbol-name default-actype))
557 (if (string-match "actypes::" default-actype)
558 (setq default-actype (substring default-actype (match-end 0))))))
559 (if (or (null default-actype) (stringp default-actype))
560 (intern-soft
561 (concat "actypes::"
562 (hargs:read-match (or prompt "Button's action type: ")
563 (mapcar 'list (htype:names 'actypes))
564 nil t default-actype 'actype)))
565 (hypb:error "(actype): Invalid default action type received.")
566 ))
568 (defun hui:buf-writable-err (but-buf func-name)
569 "If BUT-BUF is read-only or is unwritable, signal an error from FUNC-NAME."
570 (let ((obuf (prog1 (current-buffer) (set-buffer but-buf)))
571 ;; (unwritable (and buffer-file-name
572 ;; (not (file-writable-p buffer-file-name))))
573 (err))
574 ;; (if unwritable
575 ;; Commented error out since some people want to be able to create
576 ;; buttons within files which they have purposely marked read-only.
577 ;; (setq err
578 ;; (format "(ebut-modify): You are not allowed to modify '%s'."
579 ;; (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))))
580 (if buffer-read-only
581 (setq err
582 (format
583 "Button buffer '%s' is read-only. Use %s to change it."
584 (buffer-name but-buf)
585 (hypb:cmd-key-string
586 (if (where-is-internal 'vc-toggle-read-only)
587 'vc-toggle-read-only 'toggle-read-only))
588 )))
589 (set-buffer obuf)
590 (if err (progn (pop-to-buffer but-buf) (hypb:error err)))))
592 (defun hui:ebut-buf (&optional prompt)
593 "Prompt for and return a buffer in which to place a button."
594 (let ((buf-name))
595 (while
596 (progn
597 (setq buf-name
598 (hargs:read-match
599 (or prompt "Button's buffer: ")
600 (delq nil
601 (mapcar
602 (function
603 (lambda (buf)
604 (let ((b (buffer-name buf)))
605 (if (and (not (string-match "mail\\*" b))
606 (not (string-match "\\*post-news\\*" b))
607 (string-match "\\`[* ]" b))
608 nil
609 (cons b nil)))))
610 (buffer-list)))
611 nil t (buffer-name) 'buffer))
612 (or (null buf-name) (equal buf-name "")))
613 (beep))
614 (get-buffer buf-name)))
616 (defun hui:ebut-delete-op (interactive but-key key-src)
617 "INTERACTIVEly or not deletes explicit Hyperbole button given by BUT-KEY in KEY-SRC.
618 KEY-SRC may be a buffer or a pathname, when nil the current buffer is used.
619 Returns t if button is deleted, signals error otherwise. If called
620 with INTERACTIVE non-nil, derives BUT-KEY from the button that point is
621 within."
622 (let ((buf (current-buffer)) (ebut))
623 (if (if interactive
624 (ebut:delete)
625 (cond ((or (null key-src) (and (bufferp key-src) (setq buf key-src)))
626 (setq ebut (ebut:get but-key key-src)))
627 ((and (stringp key-src)
628 (setq buf (find-file-noselect key-src)))
629 (setq ebut (ebut:get but-key buf)))
630 (t (hypb:error "(ebut-delete): Invalid key-src: '%s'." key-src)))
631 (if ebut
632 (ebut:delete ebut)
633 (hypb:error "(ebut-delete): No valid %s button in %s."
634 (ebut:key-to-label but-key) buf))
635 )
636 (progn (set-buffer buf)
637 (if interactive
638 (progn
639 (call-interactively 'hui:ebut-unmark)
640 (message "Button deleted."))
641 (hui:ebut-unmark but-key key-src))
642 (if (hmail:reader-p) (hmail:msg-narrow))
643 )
644 (hypb:error "(ebut-delete): You may not delete buttons from this buffer."))))
646 (defun hui:ebut-delimit (start end instance-str)
647 (hypb:error "(hui:ebut-delimit): Obsolete, use ebut:delimit instead."))
649 (defun hui:ebut-operate (curr-label new-label)
650 (hypb:error "(hui:ebut-operate): Obsolete, use ebut:operate instead."))
652 (defun hui:ebut-unmark (&optional but-key key-src directory)
653 "Remove delimiters from button given by BUT-KEY in KEY-SRC of DIRECTORY.
654 All args are optional, the current button and buffer file are the defaults."
655 (interactive)
656 (let ((form (function
657 (lambda ()
658 (let ((buffer-read-only) start end)
659 (setq start (match-beginning 0)
660 end (match-end 0))
661 (and (fboundp 'hproperty:but-delete)
662 (hproperty:but-delete start))
663 (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
664 (skip-chars-backward "0-9")
665 (if (= (preceding-char) (string-to-char ebut:instance-sep))
666 (setq start (1- (point))))
667 (if (search-backward ebut:start (- (point) ebut:max-len) t)
668 (if current-prefix-arg
669 ;; Remove button label, delimiters and preceding
670 ;; space, if any.
671 (delete-region (max (point-min)
672 (1- (match-beginning 0)))
673 end)
674 ;;
675 ;; Remove button delimiters only.
676 ;;
677 ;; Remove button ending delimiter
678 (delete-region start end)
679 ;; Remove button starting delimiter
680 (delete-region (match-beginning 0)
681 (match-end 0)))))))))
682 (if (interactive-p)
683 (save-excursion
684 (if (search-forward ebut:end nil t) (funcall form)))
685 ;; Non-interactive invocation.
686 (let ((cur-p))
687 (if (and (or (null key-src) (eq key-src buffer-file-name))
688 (or (null directory) (eq directory default-directory)))
689 (setq cur-p t)
690 (set-buffer (find-file-noselect
691 (expand-file-name key-src directory))))
692 (save-excursion
693 (goto-char (point-min))
694 (if (re-search-forward (ebut:label-regexp but-key) nil t)
695 (progn (funcall form)
696 ;; If modified a buffer other than the current one,
697 ;; save it.
698 (or cur-p (save-buffer)))))))))
700 (defun hui:file-find (file-name)
701 "If FILE-NAME is readable, finds it, else signals an error."
702 (if (and (stringp file-name) (file-readable-p file-name))
703 (find-file file-name)
704 (hypb:error "(file-find): \"%s\" does not exist or is not readable."
705 file-name)))
707 (defun hui:hbut-term-highlight (start end)
708 "For terminals only: Emphasize a button spanning from START to END."
709 (save-restriction
710 (save-excursion
711 (goto-char start)
712 (narrow-to-region (point-min) start)
713 (sit-for 0)
714 (setq inverse-video t)
715 (goto-char (point-min))
716 (widen)
717 (narrow-to-region (point) end)
718 (sit-for 0)
719 (setq inverse-video nil)
720 )))
722 (defun hui:hbut-term-unhighlight (start end)
723 "For terminals only: Remove any emphasis from hyper-button at START to END."
724 (save-restriction
725 (save-excursion
726 (goto-char start)
727 (narrow-to-region (point-min) start)
728 (sit-for 0)
729 (setq inverse-video nil))))
731 (defun hui:help-ebut-highlight ()
732 "Highlight any explicit buttons in help buffer associated with current buffer."
733 (if (fboundp 'hproperty:but-create)
734 (save-excursion
735 (set-buffer
736 (get-buffer (hypb:help-buf-name)))
737 (hproperty:but-create))))
739 (defun hui:htype-delete (htype-sym)
740 "Deletes HTYPE-SYM from use in current Hyperbole session.
741 HTYPE-SYM must be redefined for use again."
742 (and htype-sym (symbolp htype-sym)
743 (let ((type
744 (intern (hargs:read-match
745 (concat "Delete from " (symbol-name htype-sym) ": ")
746 (mapcar 'list (htype:names htype-sym))
747 nil t nil htype-sym))))
748 (htype:delete type htype-sym))))
750 (defun hui:htype-help (htype-sym &optional no-sort)
751 "Displays documentation for types from HTYPE-SYM which match to a regexp.
752 Optional NO-SORT means display in decreasing priority order (natural order)."
753 (and htype-sym (symbolp htype-sym)
754 (let* ((tstr (symbol-name htype-sym))
755 (tprefix (concat tstr "::"))
756 (buf-name (hypb:help-buf-name (capitalize tstr)))
757 (temp-buffer-show-hook
758 (function
759 (lambda (buf)
760 (set-buffer buf) (goto-char (point-min))
761 (replace-regexp "^" " ") (goto-char (point-min))
762 (replace-string (concat " " tprefix) "")
763 (goto-char (point-min)) (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
764 (display-buffer buf nil))))
765 (temp-buffer-show-function temp-buffer-show-hook)
766 (names (htype:names htype-sym))
767 (term (hargs:read-match
768 (concat (capitalize tstr)
769 " to describe (RET for all): ")
770 (mapcar 'list (cons "" names))
771 nil t nil htype-sym))
772 nm-list
773 doc-list)
774 (setq nm-list
775 (if (string= term "")
776 (let ((type-names
777 (mapcar (function (lambda (nm) (concat tprefix nm)))
778 names)))
779 (if no-sort type-names
780 (sort type-names 'string<)))
781 (cons (concat tprefix term) nil))
782 doc-list (delq nil (mapcar
783 (function
784 (lambda (name)
785 (let ((doc (documentation
786 (intern-soft name))))
787 (if doc (cons name doc)))))
788 nm-list)))
789 (with-output-to-temp-buffer buf-name
790 (mapcar (function (lambda (nm-doc-cons)
791 (princ (car nm-doc-cons)) (terpri)
792 (princ (cdr nm-doc-cons)) (terpri)))
793 doc-list)))))
795 (defun hui:key-dir (but-buf)
796 "Returns button key src directory based on BUT-BUF, a buffer."
797 (if (bufferp but-buf)
798 (let ((file (buffer-file-name but-buf)))
799 (if file
800 (file-name-directory (hpath:symlink-referent file))
801 (cdr (assq 'default-directory (buffer-local-variables but-buf)))))
802 (hypb:error "(hui:key-dir): '%s' is not a valid buffer.")))
804 (defun hui:key-src (but-buf)
805 "Returns button key src location based on BUT-BUF, a buffer.
806 This is BUT-BUF when button data is stored in the buffer and the
807 button's source file name when the button data is stored externally."
808 (save-excursion
809 (set-buffer but-buf)
810 (cond ((hmail:mode-is-p) but-buf)
811 ((hpath:symlink-referent (buffer-file-name but-buf)))
812 (t but-buf))))
814 (defun hui:link-create (modify but-window lbl-key but-loc but-dir type-and-args)
815 "Creates or modifies a new Hyperbole button.
816 If MODIFY is non-nil, modifies button at point in BUT-WINDOW,
817 otherwise, prompts for button label and creates a button.
818 LBL-KEY is internal form of button label. BUT-LOC is file or buffer
819 in which to create button. BUT-DIR is directory of BUT-LOC.
820 TYPE-AND-ARGS is the action type for the button followed by any arguments it requires."
821 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'loc but-loc)
822 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'dir but-dir)
823 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'actype (intern-soft
824 (concat "actypes::"
825 (symbol-name
826 (car type-and-args)))))
827 (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'args (cdr type-and-args))
829 (select-window but-window)
830 (let ((label (ebut:key-to-label lbl-key)))
831 (ebut:operate label (if modify label)))
832 )
834 (defun hui:link-possible-types ()
835 "Returns list of possible link types for a Hyperbole button link to point.
836 Each list element is a list of the link type and any arguments it requires.
838 The link types considered are fixed. Defining new link types will not alter
839 the possible types. The code must be changed to do that.
841 Referent Context Possible Link Type Returned
842 ----------------------------------------------------
843 Explicit Button link-to-ebut
844 or
845 Info Node link-to-Info-node
846 or
847 Mail Reader Msg link-to-mail
849 Outline Regexp Prefix link-to-string-match
850 or
851 Directory Name link-to-directory
852 or
853 File Name link-to-file
854 or
855 Koutline Cell link-to-kcell
856 or
857 Buffer attached to File link-to-file
858 or
859 Buffer without File link-to-buffer-tmp
861 Elisp Buffer at Start
862 or End of Sexpression eval-elisp
863 "
864 (let (val)
865 (delq nil
866 (list (if (ebut:at-p)
867 (list 'link-to-ebut buffer-file-name (ebut:label-p)))
868 (cond ((eq major-mode 'Info-mode)
869 (let ((hargs:reading-p 'Info-node))
870 (list 'link-to-Info-node (hargs:at-p))))
871 ((hmail:reader-p)
872 (list 'link-to-mail
873 (list (rmail:msg-id-get) buffer-file-name)))
874 )
875 (cond
876 ;; If link is within an outline-regexp prefix, use
877 ;; a link-to-string-match.
878 ((and (boundp 'outline-regexp)
879 (stringp outline-regexp)
880 (save-excursion
881 (<= (point)
882 (progn
883 (beginning-of-line)
884 (if (looking-at outline-regexp)
885 (match-end 0)
886 0)))))
887 (save-excursion
888 (end-of-line)
889 (let ((heading (buffer-substring
890 (point)
891 (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))))
892 (occur 1))
893 (while (search-backward heading nil t)
894 (setq occur (1+ occur)))
895 (list 'link-to-string-match
896 heading occur buffer-file-name))))
897 ((let ((hargs:reading-p 'directory))
898 (setq val (hargs:at-p t)))
899 (list 'link-to-directory val))
900 ((let ((hargs:reading-p 'file))
901 (setq val (hargs:at-p t)))
902 (list 'link-to-file val (point)))
903 ((eq major-mode 'kotl-mode)
904 (list 'link-to-kcell buffer-file-name (kcell-view:idstamp)))
905 (buffer-file-name
906 (list 'link-to-file buffer-file-name (point)))
907 (t (list 'link-to-buffer-tmp (buffer-name)))
908 )
909 (and (fboundp 'smart-emacs-lisp-mode-p)
910 (smart-emacs-lisp-mode-p)
911 (or (= (char-syntax (following-char)) ?\()
912 (= (char-syntax (preceding-char)) ?\)))
913 (setq val (hargs:sexpression-p))
914 (list 'eval-elisp val))
915 ))))
918 ;;; ************************************************************************
919 ;;; Private variables
920 ;;; ************************************************************************
923 (defvar hui:ebut-label-prev nil
924 "String value of previous button name during an explicit button rename.
925 At other times, values must be nil.")
927 (provide 'hui)