diff lisp/hyperbole/hui.el @ 0:376386a54a3c r19-14

Import from CVS: tag r19-14
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:45:50 +0200
children 4103f0995bd7
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/hyperbole/hui.el	Mon Aug 13 08:45:50 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
+;; FILE:         hui.el
+;; SUMMARY:      GNU Emacs User Interface to Hyperbole
+;; USAGE:        GNU Emacs Lisp Library
+;; KEYWORDS:     hypermedia
+;; AUTHOR:       Bob Weiner
+;; ORG:          Brown U.
+;; ORIG-DATE:    19-Sep-91 at 21:42:03
+;; LAST-MOD:     25-Aug-95 at 02:26:56 by Bob Weiner
+;; This file is part of Hyperbole.
+;; Available for use and distribution under the same terms as GNU Emacs.
+;; Copyright (C) 1991-1995, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Developed with support from Motorola Inc.
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Other required Elisp libraries
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(require 'hargs) (require 'set) (require 'hmail)
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Public variables
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(defvar hui:ebut-delete-confirm-p t
+  "*Non-nil means prompt before interactively deleting explicit buttons.")
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Public functions
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(defun hui:ebut-create (&optional start end)
+  "Creates an explicit but starting from label between optional START and END.
+Indicates by delimiting and adding any necessary instance number of the button
+  (interactive (list (and (marker-position (hypb:mark-marker t))
+			  (region-beginning))
+		     (and (marker-position (hypb:mark-marker t))
+			  (region-end))))
+  (let ((default-lbl) lbl but-buf actype)
+    (save-excursion
+      (setq default-lbl
+	    (hui:hbut-label-default start end (not (interactive-p)))
+	    lbl (hui:hbut-label default-lbl "ebut-create"))
+      (if (not (equal lbl default-lbl)) (setq default-lbl nil))
+      (setq but-buf (if default-lbl (current-buffer) (hui:ebut-buf)))
+      (hui:buf-writable-err but-buf "ebut-create")
+      (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'loc (hui:key-src but-buf))
+      (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'dir (hui:key-dir but-buf))
+      (setq actype (hui:actype))
+      (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'actype actype)
+      (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'args (hargs:actype-get actype))
+      (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'action
+		 (and (boundp 'hui:ebut-prompt-for-action)
+		      hui:ebut-prompt-for-action (hui:action actype)))
+      )
+    (ebut:operate lbl nil)))
+(defun hui:ebut-delete (but-key &optional key-src)
+  "Deletes explicit Hyperbole button given by BUT-KEY in optional KEY-SRC.
+KEY-SRC may be a buffer or a pathname, when nil the current buffer is used.
+Returns t if button is deleted, nil if user chooses not to delete or signals
+an error otherwise.  If called interactively, prompts user whether to delete
+and derives BUT-KEY from the button that point is within.
+Signals an error if point is not within a button."
+  (interactive (list (if (ebut:at-p)
+			 (hattr:get 'hbut:current 'lbl-key)
+		       nil)))
+  (cond ((null but-key)
+	 (hypb:error
+	  "(ebut-delete): Point is not over the label of an existing button."))
+	((not (stringp but-key))
+	 (hypb:error
+	  "(ebut-delete): Invalid label key argument: '%s'." but-key)))
+  (let ((interactive (interactive-p)))
+    (if (and hui:ebut-delete-confirm-p interactive)
+	(if (y-or-n-p (format "Delete button %s%s%s? "
+			      ebut:start
+			      (hbut:key-to-label but-key) ebut:end))
+	    (hui:ebut-delete-op interactive but-key key-src)
+	  (message ""))
+      (hui:ebut-delete-op interactive but-key key-src))))
+(defun hui:ebut-edit ()
+  "Creates or modifies an explicit Hyperbole button when conditions are met.
+A region must have been delimited with the action-key and point must now be
+within it before this function is called or it will do nothing.  The region
+must be no larger than the size given by 'ebut:max-len'.  It must be entirely
+within or entirely outside of an existing explicit button.  When region is
+within the button, the button is interactively modified.  Otherwise, a new
+button is created interactively with the region as the default label."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((m (marker-position (hypb:mark-marker t)))
+	(op action-key-depress-prev-point) (p (point)) (lbl-key))
+    (if (and m (eq (marker-buffer m) (marker-buffer op))
+	     (< op m) (<= (- m op) ebut:max-len)
+	     (<= p m) (<= op p))
+	(progn
+	  (if (setq lbl-key (ebut:label-p))
+	      (hui:ebut-modify lbl-key)
+	    (hui:ebut-create op m))
+	  t))))
+(defun hui:ebut-modify (lbl-key)
+  "Modifies an explicit Hyperbole button given by LBL-KEY.
+Signals an error when no such button is found in the current buffer."
+  (interactive (list (save-excursion
+		       (hui:buf-writable-err (current-buffer) "ebut-modify")
+		       (or (ebut:label-p)
+			   (ebut:label-to-key
+			    (hargs:read-match "Button to modify: "
+					      (ebut:alist) nil t
+					      nil 'ebut))))))
+  (let ((lbl (ebut:key-to-label lbl-key))
+	(but-buf (current-buffer))
+	actype but new-lbl)
+    (save-excursion
+      (or (interactive-p)
+	  (hui:buf-writable-err but-buf "ebut-modify"))
+      (or (setq but (ebut:get lbl-key but-buf))
+	  (progn (pop-to-buffer but-buf)
+		 (hypb:error "(ebut-modify): Invalid button, no data for '%s'." lbl)))
+      (setq new-lbl
+	    (hargs:read
+	     "Change button label to: "
+	     (function
+	       (lambda (lbl)
+		(and (not (string= lbl "")) (<= (length lbl) ebut:max-len))))
+	     lbl
+	     (format "(ebut-modify): Enter a string of at most %s chars."
+		     ebut:max-len)
+	     'string))
+      (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'loc (hui:key-src but-buf))
+      (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'dir (hui:key-dir but-buf))
+      (setq actype (hui:actype (hattr:get but 'actype)))
+      (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'actype actype)
+      (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'args (hargs:actype-get actype 'modifying))
+      (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'action
+		 (and (boundp 'hui:ebut-prompt-for-action)
+		      hui:ebut-prompt-for-action (hui:action actype)))
+      )
+    (ebut:operate lbl new-lbl)))
+(defun hui:ebut-rename (curr-label new-label)
+  "Renames explicit Hyperbole button given by CURR-LABEL to NEW-LABEL.
+If called interactively when point is not within an explicit button:
+   prompts for old and new button label values and performs rename.
+If called interactively when point is within an explicit button:
+   saves button label and tells user to edit label, then call again.
+   second call changes the button's name from the stored value to the
+   edited value.
+Signals an error if any problem occurs."
+  (interactive
+   (save-excursion
+     (let (curr-label new-label)
+       (hui:buf-writable-err (current-buffer) "ebut-rename")
+       (if hui:ebut-label-prev
+	   (setq curr-label hui:ebut-label-prev
+		 new-label (ebut:label-p 'as-label))
+	 (setq new-label nil
+	       curr-label 
+	       (or (ebut:label-p 'as-label)
+		   (let ((buts (ebut:alist)))
+		     (if (null buts)
+			 (hypb:error "(ebut-rename): No explicit buttons in buffer.")
+		       (prog1 (hargs:read-match
+			       "Button label to rename: "
+			       buts nil t nil 'ebut)
+			 (setq new-label
+			       (hargs:read
+				"Rename button label to: "
+				(function
+				  (lambda (lbl)
+				   (and (not (string= lbl ""))
+					(<= (length lbl) ebut:max-len))))
+				curr-label
+				(format
+				 "(ebut-rename): Use a quoted string of at most %s chars."
+				 ebut:max-len)
+				'string))))))))
+       (list curr-label new-label))))
+  (save-excursion
+    (if (interactive-p)
+	nil
+      (hui:buf-writable-err (current-buffer) "ebut-rename")
+      (if (or (not (stringp curr-label)) (string= curr-label ""))
+	  (hypb:error "(ebut-rename): 'curr-label' must be a non-empty string: %s"
+		 curr-label))
+      (and (stringp new-label) (string= new-label "")
+	   (hypb:error "(ebut-rename): 'new-label' must be a non-empty string: %s"
+		  new-label)))
+    (or (ebut:get (ebut:label-to-key curr-label))
+	(hypb:error "(ebut-rename): Can't rename %s since no button data."
+	       curr-label))
+    )
+  (cond (new-label
+	 (ebut:operate curr-label new-label)
+	 (setq hui:ebut-label-prev nil)
+	 (message "Renamed from '%s' to '%s'." curr-label new-label))
+	(curr-label
+	 (setq hui:ebut-label-prev curr-label)
+	 (message "Edit button label and use same command to finish rename."))
+	(t (hypb:error "(ebut-rename): Move point to within a button label."))))
+(defun hui:ebut-search (string &optional match-part)
+  "Shows lines of files/buffers containing an explicit but match for STRING.
+Returns number of buttons matched and displayed.
+By default, only matches for whole button labels are found, optional MATCH-PART
+enables partial matches.  The match lines are shown in a buffer which serves as
+a menu to find any of the occurrences."
+  (interactive (list (read-string "Search for button string: ")
+		     (y-or-n-p "Enable partial matches? ")))
+  (if (not (stringp string))
+      (hypb:error "(ebut-search): String to search for is required."))
+  (let*  ((prefix (if (> (length string) 14)
+		      (substring string 0 13) string))
+	  (out-buf (get-buffer-create (concat "*" prefix " Hypb Search*")))
+	  (total (ebut:search string out-buf match-part)))
+    (if (> total 0)
+	(progn
+	  (set-buffer out-buf)
+	  (moccur-mode)
+	  (if (fboundp 'outline-minor-mode)
+	      (and (progn (goto-char 1)
+			  (search-forward "\C-m" nil t))
+		   (outline-minor-mode 1)))
+	  (if (fboundp 'hproperty:but-create)
+	      (hproperty:but-create nil nil (regexp-quote
+				      (if match-part string
+					(concat ebut:start string ebut:end)))))
+	  (goto-char (point-min))
+	  (pop-to-buffer out-buf)
+	  (if (interactive-p) (message "%d match%s." total
+				       (if (> total 1) "es" ""))
+	    total))
+      (if (interactive-p) (message "No matches.")
+	total))))
+(defun hui:error (&rest args)
+  (hypb:error "(hui:error): Obsolete, use hypb:error instead."))
+(defun hui:gbut-create (lbl)
+  "Creates Hyperbole global button with LBL."
+  (interactive "sCreate global button labeled: ")
+  (let (but-buf actype)
+    (save-excursion
+      (setq actype (hui:actype))
+      (setq but-buf (set-buffer (find-file-noselect gbut:file)))
+      (hui:buf-writable-err but-buf "ebut-create")
+      ;; This prevents movement of point which might be useful to user.
+      (save-excursion
+	(goto-char (point-max))
+	(hattr:set 'hbut:current 'loc (hui:key-src but-buf))
+	(hattr:set 'hbut:current 'dir (hui:key-dir but-buf))
+	(hattr:set 'hbut:current 'actype actype)
+	(hattr:set 'hbut:current 'args (hargs:actype-get actype))
+	(hattr:set 'hbut:current 'action
+		   (and (boundp 'hui:ebut-prompt-for-action)
+			hui:ebut-prompt-for-action (hui:action actype)))
+	(setq lbl (concat lbl (ebut:operate lbl nil)))
+	(goto-char (point-max))
+	(insert "\n")
+	(save-buffer)
+	)
+      (message "%s created." lbl)
+      )))
+(defun hui:gbut-modify (lbl-key)
+  "Modifies a global Hyperbole button given by LBL-KEY.
+Signals an error when no such button is found."
+  (interactive (list (save-excursion
+		       (hui:buf-writable-err
+			(find-file-noselect gbut:file) "gbut-modify")
+		       (hbut:label-to-key
+			(hargs:read-match "Global button to modify: "
+					  (mapcar 'list (gbut:lbl-list))
+					  nil t nil 'ebut)))))
+  (let ((lbl (hbut:key-to-label lbl-key))
+	(but-buf (find-file-noselect gbut:file))
+	actype but new-lbl)
+    (save-excursion
+      (or (interactive-p)
+	  (hui:buf-writable-err but-buf "gbut-modify"))
+      (or (setq but (ebut:get lbl-key but-buf))
+	  (progn (pop-to-buffer but-buf)
+		 (hypb:error
+		  "(gbut-modify): Invalid button, no data for '%s'." lbl)))
+      (setq new-lbl
+	    (hargs:read
+	     "Change global button label to: "
+	     (function
+	       (lambda (lbl)
+		(and (not (string= lbl "")) (<= (length lbl) ebut:max-len))))
+	     lbl
+	     (format "(gbut-modify): Enter a string of at most %s chars."
+		     ebut:max-len)
+	     'string))
+      (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'loc (hui:key-src but-buf))
+      (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'dir (hui:key-dir but-buf))
+      (setq actype (hui:actype (hattr:get but 'actype)))
+      (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'actype actype)
+      (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'args (hargs:actype-get actype 'modifying))
+      (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'action
+		 (and (boundp 'hui:ebut-prompt-for-action)
+		      hui:ebut-prompt-for-action (hui:action actype)))
+      (set-buffer but-buf)
+      (ebut:operate lbl new-lbl))))
+(defun hui:hbut-act (&optional but)
+  "Executes action for optional Hyperbole button symbol BUT in current buffer.
+Default is the current button."
+  (interactive
+   (let ((but (hbut:at-p)) (lst))
+     (list
+      (cond (but)
+	    ((setq lst (ebut:alist))
+	     (ebut:get (ebut:label-to-key
+			(hargs:read-match "Button to execute: " lst nil t
+					  (ebut:label-p 'as-label) 'ebut))))
+	    (t (hypb:error "(hbut-act): No explicit buttons in buffer."))))))
+  (cond ((and (interactive-p) (null but))
+	 (hypb:error "(hbut-act): No current button to activate."))
+	((not (hbut:is-p but))
+	 (hypb:error "(hbut-act): Button is invalid; it has no attributes."))
+	(t (or but (setq but 'hbut:current))
+	   (hui:but-flash) (hyperb:act but))))
+(defun hui:hbut-help (&optional but)
+  "Checks for and explains an optional button given by symbol, BUT.
+BUT defaults to the button whose label point is within."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq but (or but (hbut:at-p)
+		(ebut:get (ebut:label-to-key
+			   (hargs:read-match "Help for button: "
+					     (ebut:alist) nil t nil 'ebut)))))
+  (or but
+      (hypb:error "(hbut-help):  Move point to a valid Hyperbole button."))
+  (if (not (hbut:is-p but))
+      (cond (but (hypb:error "(hbut-help): Invalid button."))
+	    (t   (hypb:error
+		  "(hbut-help): Not on an implicit button and no buffer explicit buttons."))))
+  (let ((type-help-func (intern-soft
+			 (concat 
+			  (htype:names 'ibtypes (hattr:get but 'categ))
+			  ":help"))))
+    (or (equal (hypb:indirect-function 'hui:but-flash)
+	       (function (lambda nil)))
+	;; Only flash button if point is on it.
+	(let ((lbl-key (hattr:get but 'lbl-key)))
+	  (and lbl-key
+	       (or (equal lbl-key (ebut:label-p))
+		   (equal lbl-key (ibut:label-p)))
+	       (hui:but-flash))))
+    (if type-help-func
+	(funcall type-help-func but)
+      (let ((total (hbut:report but)))
+	(if total (hui:help-ebut-highlight))))))
+(defun hui:hbut-label (default-label func-name)
+  "Reads button label from user using DEFAULT-LABEL and caller's FUNC-NAME."
+  (hargs:read "Button label: "
+	      (function
+		(lambda (lbl)
+		  (and (not (string= lbl "")) (<= (length lbl) ebut:max-len))))
+	      default-label
+	      (format "(%s): Enter a string of at most %s chars."
+		      func-name ebut:max-len)
+	      'string))
+(defun hui:hbut-label-default (start end &optional skip-len-test)
+  "Returns default label based on START and END region markers or points.
+Optional SKIP-LEN-TEST means don't limit label to 'ebut:max-len' length.
+Returns nil if START or END are invalid or if region fails length test. 
+Also has side effect of moving point to start of default label, if any."
+  (if (markerp start) (setq start (marker-position start)))
+  (if (markerp end) (setq end (marker-position end)))
+  ;; Test whether to use region as default button label.
+  (if (and (integerp start) (integerp end) 
+	   (or skip-len-test
+	       (<= (max (- end start) (- start end)) ebut:max-len)))
+      (progn (goto-char start)
+	     (buffer-substring start end))))
+(defun hui:hbut-report (&optional arg)
+  "Pretty prints attributes of current button, using optional prefix ARG.
+See 'hbut:report'."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (if (and arg (symbolp arg))
+      (hui:hbut-help arg)
+    (let ((total (hbut:report arg)))
+      (if total
+	  (progn (hui:help-ebut-highlight)
+		 (message "%d button%s." total (if (/= total 1) "s" "")))))))
+(fset 'hui:hbut-summarize 'hui:hbut-report)
+(defun hui:link-directly ()
+  "Creates a Hyperbole link button at depress point, linked to release point.
+See also documentation for 'hui:link-possible-types'."
+  (let* ((link-types (hui:link-possible-types))
+	 (but-window action-key-depress-window)
+	 (num-types (length link-types))
+	 (release-window (selected-window))
+	 (but-modify nil)
+	 type-and-args lbl-key but-loc but-dir)
+    (select-window action-key-depress-window)
+    (hui:buf-writable-err (current-buffer) "link-directly")
+    (if (ebut:at-p)
+	(progn
+	  (setq but-modify t
+		but-loc (hattr:get 'hbut:current 'loc)
+		but-dir (hattr:get 'hbut:current 'dir)
+		lbl-key (hattr:get 'hbut:current 'lbl-key)))
+      (setq but-loc (hui:key-src (current-buffer))
+	    but-dir (hui:key-dir (current-buffer))
+	    lbl-key (hbut:label-to-key
+		      (hui:hbut-label
+			(if (marker-position (hypb:mark-marker t))
+			    (hui:hbut-label-default
+			      (region-beginning) (region-end)))
+			"link-directly"))))
+    (select-window release-window)
+    (cond ((= num-types 0)
+	   (error "(link-directly): No possible link type to create."))
+	  ((= num-types 1)
+	   (hui:link-create but-modify
+			    but-window lbl-key but-loc but-dir
+			    (setq type-and-args (car link-types))))
+	  (t;; more than 1
+	    (let ((item)
+		  type)
+	      (hui:link-create
+		but-modify but-window
+		lbl-key but-loc but-dir
+		(setq type-and-args
+		      (hui:menu-select
+			(cons '("Link to>")
+			      (mapcar
+				(function
+				  (lambda (type-and-args)
+				    (setq type (car type-and-args))
+				    (list 
+				      (capitalize
+					(if (string-match
+					      "^\\(link-to\\|eval\\)-"
+					      (setq item (symbol-name type)))
+					    (setq item (substring
+							 item (match-end 0)))
+					  item))
+				      type-and-args
+				      (documentation
+				       (intern (concat "actypes::"
+						       (symbol-name type)))))))
+				link-types))))))))
+    (message "`%s' button %s type `%s'."
+	     (hbut:key-to-label lbl-key)
+	     (if but-modify "set to" "created with")
+	     (car type-and-args))))
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Private functions
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(defun hui:action (actype &optional prompt)
+  "Prompts for and returns an action to override action from ACTYPE."
+  (and actype
+       (let* ((act) (act-str)
+	      (params (actype:params actype))
+	      (params-str (and params (concat " " (prin1-to-string params))))
+	      )
+	 (while (progn
+		 (while (and (setq act-str
+				   (hargs:read
+				    (or prompt (concat "Action" params-str
+						       ": ")) nil nil
+						       nil 'string))
+			     (not (string= act-str ""))
+			     (condition-case ()
+				 (progn (setq act (read act-str)) nil)
+			       (error
+				(beep) (message "Invalid action syntax.")
+				(sit-for 3) t))))
+		 (and (not (symbolp act))
+		      params
+		      ;; Use the weak condition that action must
+		      ;; involve at least one of actype's parameters
+		      ;; or else we assume the action is invalid, tell
+		      ;; the user and provide another chance for entry.
+		      (not (memq t
+				 (mapcar
+				  (function
+				    (lambda (param)
+				     (setq param (symbol-name param))
+				     (and (string-match
+					   (concat "[\( \t\n,']"
+						   (regexp-quote param)
+						   "[\(\) \t\n\"]")
+					   act-str)
+					  t)))
+				  params)))
+		      ))
+	   (beep) (message "Action must use at least one parameter.")
+	   (sit-for 3))
+	 (let (head)
+	   (while (cond ((listp act)
+			 (and act (setq head (car act))
+			      (not (or (eq head 'lambda)
+				       (eq head 'defun)
+				       (eq head 'defmacro)))
+			      (setq act (list 'lambda params act))
+			      nil  ;; terminate loop
+			      ))
+			((symbolp act)
+			 (setq act (cons act params)))
+			((stringp act)
+			 (setq act (action:kbd-macro act 1)))
+			;; Unrecognized form
+			(t (setq act nil))
+			)))
+	 act)))
+(defun hui:actype (&optional default-actype prompt)
+  "Using optional DEFAULT-ACTYPE, PROMPTs for a button action type.
+DEFAULT-ACTYPE may be a valid symbol or symbol-name."
+  (and default-actype (symbolp default-actype)
+       (progn
+	 (setq default-actype (symbol-name default-actype))
+	 (if (string-match "actypes::" default-actype)
+	     (setq default-actype (substring default-actype (match-end 0))))))
+  (if (or (null default-actype) (stringp default-actype))
+      (intern-soft
+       (concat "actypes::"
+	       (hargs:read-match (or prompt "Button's action type: ")
+				(mapcar 'list (htype:names 'actypes))
+				nil t default-actype 'actype)))
+    (hypb:error "(actype): Invalid default action type received.")
+    ))
+(defun hui:buf-writable-err (but-buf func-name)
+  "If BUT-BUF is read-only or is unwritable, signal an error from FUNC-NAME."
+  (let ((obuf (prog1 (current-buffer) (set-buffer but-buf)))
+	;; (unwritable (and buffer-file-name
+	;;		 (not (file-writable-p buffer-file-name))))
+	(err))
+    ;; (if unwritable
+    ;;     Commented error out since some people want to be able to create
+    ;;     buttons within files which they have purposely marked read-only.
+    ;;     (setq err 
+    ;;	     (format "(ebut-modify): You are not allowed to modify '%s'."
+    ;;		     (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))))
+    (if buffer-read-only
+	(setq err
+	      (format
+	       "Button buffer '%s' is read-only.  Use %s to change it."
+	       (buffer-name but-buf)
+	       (hypb:cmd-key-string
+		(if (where-is-internal 'vc-toggle-read-only)
+		    'vc-toggle-read-only 'toggle-read-only))
+	       )))
+    (set-buffer obuf)
+    (if err (progn (pop-to-buffer but-buf) (hypb:error err)))))
+(defun hui:ebut-buf (&optional prompt)
+  "Prompt for and return a buffer in which to place a button."
+  (let ((buf-name))
+    (while
+	(progn
+	  (setq buf-name
+		(hargs:read-match
+		 (or prompt "Button's buffer: ")
+		 (delq nil
+		       (mapcar
+			(function
+			  (lambda (buf)
+			   (let ((b (buffer-name buf)))
+			     (if (and (not (string-match "mail\\*" b))
+				      (not (string-match "\\*post-news\\*" b))
+				      (string-match "\\`[* ]" b))
+				 nil 
+			       (cons b nil)))))
+			(buffer-list)))
+		 nil t (buffer-name) 'buffer))
+	  (or (null buf-name) (equal buf-name "")))
+      (beep))
+  (get-buffer buf-name)))
+(defun hui:ebut-delete-op (interactive but-key key-src)
+  "INTERACTIVEly or not deletes explicit Hyperbole button given by BUT-KEY in KEY-SRC.
+KEY-SRC may be a buffer or a pathname, when nil the current buffer is used.
+Returns t if button is deleted, signals error otherwise.  If called
+with INTERACTIVE non-nil, derives BUT-KEY from the button that point is
+  (let ((buf (current-buffer)) (ebut))
+    (if (if interactive
+	    (ebut:delete)
+	  (cond ((or (null key-src) (and (bufferp key-src) (setq buf key-src)))
+		 (setq ebut (ebut:get but-key key-src)))
+		((and (stringp key-src)
+		      (setq buf (find-file-noselect key-src)))
+		 (setq ebut (ebut:get but-key buf)))
+		(t (hypb:error "(ebut-delete): Invalid key-src: '%s'." key-src)))
+	  (if ebut
+	      (ebut:delete ebut)
+	    (hypb:error "(ebut-delete): No valid %s button in %s."
+		   (ebut:key-to-label but-key) buf))
+	  )
+	(progn (set-buffer buf)
+	       (if interactive
+		   (progn
+		     (call-interactively 'hui:ebut-unmark)
+		     (message "Button deleted."))
+		 (hui:ebut-unmark but-key key-src))
+	       (if (hmail:reader-p) (hmail:msg-narrow))
+	       )
+      (hypb:error "(ebut-delete): You may not delete buttons from this buffer."))))
+(defun hui:ebut-delimit (start end instance-str)
+  (hypb:error "(hui:ebut-delimit): Obsolete, use ebut:delimit instead."))
+(defun hui:ebut-operate (curr-label new-label)
+  (hypb:error "(hui:ebut-operate): Obsolete, use ebut:operate instead."))
+(defun hui:ebut-unmark (&optional but-key key-src directory)
+  "Remove delimiters from button given by BUT-KEY in KEY-SRC of DIRECTORY.
+All args are optional, the current button and buffer file are the defaults."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((form (function
+	       (lambda ()
+		 (let ((buffer-read-only) start end)
+		   (setq start (match-beginning 0)
+			 end (match-end 0))
+		   (and (fboundp 'hproperty:but-delete)
+			(hproperty:but-delete start))
+		   (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
+		   (skip-chars-backward "0-9")
+		   (if (= (preceding-char) (string-to-char ebut:instance-sep))
+		       (setq start (1- (point))))
+		   (if (search-backward ebut:start (- (point) ebut:max-len) t)
+		       (if current-prefix-arg
+			   ;; Remove button label, delimiters and preceding
+			   ;; space, if any.
+			   (delete-region (max (point-min)
+					       (1- (match-beginning 0)))
+					  end)
+			 ;;
+			 ;; Remove button delimiters only.
+			 ;;
+			 ;; Remove button ending delimiter
+			 (delete-region start end)
+			 ;; Remove button starting delimiter
+			 (delete-region (match-beginning 0)
+					(match-end 0)))))))))
+    (if (interactive-p)
+	(save-excursion
+	  (if (search-forward ebut:end nil t) (funcall form)))
+      ;; Non-interactive invocation.
+      (let ((cur-p))
+	(if (and (or (null key-src) (eq key-src buffer-file-name))
+		 (or (null directory) (eq directory default-directory)))
+	    (setq cur-p t)
+	  (set-buffer (find-file-noselect
+			(expand-file-name key-src directory))))
+	(save-excursion
+	  (goto-char (point-min))
+	  (if (re-search-forward (ebut:label-regexp but-key) nil t)
+	      (progn (funcall form)
+		     ;; If modified a buffer other than the current one,
+		     ;; save it.
+		     (or cur-p (save-buffer)))))))))
+(defun hui:file-find (file-name)
+  "If FILE-NAME is readable, finds it, else signals an error."
+  (if (and (stringp file-name) (file-readable-p file-name))
+      (find-file file-name)
+    (hypb:error "(file-find): \"%s\" does not exist or is not readable."
+	   file-name)))
+(defun hui:hbut-term-highlight (start end)
+  "For terminals only: Emphasize a button spanning from START to END."
+  (save-restriction
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char start)
+      (narrow-to-region (point-min) start)
+      (sit-for 0)
+      (setq inverse-video t)
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (widen)
+      (narrow-to-region (point) end)
+      (sit-for 0)
+      (setq inverse-video nil)
+      )))
+(defun hui:hbut-term-unhighlight (start end)
+  "For terminals only: Remove any emphasis from hyper-button at START to END."
+  (save-restriction
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char start)
+      (narrow-to-region (point-min) start)
+      (sit-for 0)
+      (setq inverse-video nil))))
+(defun hui:help-ebut-highlight ()
+  "Highlight any explicit buttons in help buffer associated with current buffer."
+  (if (fboundp 'hproperty:but-create)
+      (save-excursion
+	(set-buffer
+	 (get-buffer (hypb:help-buf-name)))
+	(hproperty:but-create))))
+(defun hui:htype-delete (htype-sym)
+  "Deletes HTYPE-SYM from use in current Hyperbole session.
+HTYPE-SYM must be redefined for use again."
+  (and htype-sym (symbolp htype-sym)
+       (let ((type
+	      (intern (hargs:read-match
+		       (concat "Delete from " (symbol-name htype-sym) ": ")
+		       (mapcar 'list (htype:names htype-sym))
+		       nil t nil htype-sym))))
+	 (htype:delete type htype-sym))))
+(defun hui:htype-help (htype-sym &optional no-sort)
+  "Displays documentation for types from HTYPE-SYM which match to a regexp.
+Optional NO-SORT means display in decreasing priority order (natural order)."
+  (and htype-sym (symbolp htype-sym)
+       (let* ((tstr (symbol-name htype-sym))
+	      (tprefix (concat tstr "::"))
+	      (buf-name (hypb:help-buf-name (capitalize tstr)))
+	      (temp-buffer-show-hook
+	       (function
+		 (lambda (buf)
+		  (set-buffer buf) (goto-char (point-min))
+		  (replace-regexp "^" "  ") (goto-char (point-min))
+		  (replace-string (concat "  " tprefix) "") 
+		  (goto-char (point-min)) (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+		  (display-buffer buf nil))))
+	      (temp-buffer-show-function temp-buffer-show-hook)
+	      (names (htype:names htype-sym))
+	      (term (hargs:read-match
+		     (concat (capitalize tstr)
+			     " to describe (RTN for all): ")
+		     (mapcar 'list (cons "" names))
+		     nil t nil htype-sym))
+	      nm-list
+	      doc-list)
+	 (setq nm-list
+	       (if (string= term "")
+		   (let ((type-names
+			   (mapcar (function (lambda (nm) (concat tprefix nm)))
+				   names)))
+		     (if no-sort type-names
+		       (sort type-names 'string<)))
+		 (cons (concat tprefix term) nil))
+	       doc-list (delq nil (mapcar
+				    (function
+				      (lambda (name)
+					(let ((doc (documentation
+						     (intern-soft name))))
+					  (if doc (cons name doc)))))
+				    nm-list)))
+	 (with-output-to-temp-buffer buf-name
+	   (mapcar (function (lambda (nm-doc-cons)
+			       (princ (car nm-doc-cons)) (terpri)
+			       (princ (cdr nm-doc-cons)) (terpri)))
+		   doc-list)))))
+(defun hui:key-dir (but-buf)
+  "Returns button key src directory based on BUT-BUF, a buffer."
+  (if (bufferp but-buf)
+      (let ((file (buffer-file-name but-buf)))
+	(if file
+	    (file-name-directory (hpath:symlink-referent file))
+	  (cdr (assq 'default-directory (buffer-local-variables but-buf)))))
+    (hypb:error "(hui:key-dir): '%s' is not a valid buffer.")))
+(defun hui:key-src (but-buf)
+  "Returns button key src location based on BUT-BUF, a buffer.
+This is BUT-BUF when button data is stored in the buffer and the
+button's source file name when the button data is stored externally."
+  (save-excursion
+    (set-buffer but-buf)
+    (cond ((hmail:mode-is-p) but-buf)
+	  ((hpath:symlink-referent (buffer-file-name but-buf)))
+	  (t but-buf))))
+(defun hui:link-create (modify but-window lbl-key but-loc but-dir type-and-args)
+  "Creates or modifies a new Hyperbole button.
+If MODIFY is non-nil, modifies button at point in BUT-WINDOW,
+otherwise, prompts for button label and creates a button.
+LBL-KEY is internal form of button label.  BUT-LOC is file or buffer
+in which to create button.  BUT-DIR is directory of BUT-LOC.
+TYPE-AND-ARGS is the action type for the button followed by any arguments it requires."
+  (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'loc but-loc)
+  (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'dir but-dir)
+  (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'actype (intern-soft
+				     (concat "actypes::"
+					     (symbol-name
+					       (car type-and-args)))))
+  (hattr:set 'hbut:current 'args (cdr type-and-args))
+  (select-window but-window)
+  (let ((label (ebut:key-to-label lbl-key)))
+    (ebut:operate label (if modify label)))
+  )
+(defun hui:link-possible-types ()
+  "Returns list of possible link types for a Hyperbole button link to point.
+Each list element is a list of the link type and any arguments it requires.
+The link types considered are fixed.  Defining new link types will not alter
+the possible types.  The code must be changed to do that.
+Referent Context         Possible Link Type Returned
+Explicit Button          link-to-ebut
+  or
+Info Node                link-to-Info-node
+  or
+Mail Reader Msg          link-to-mail
+Outline Regexp Prefix    link-to-string-match
+  or
+Directory Name           link-to-directory
+  or
+File Name                link-to-file
+  or
+Koutline Cell            link-to-kcell
+  or
+Buffer attached to File  link-to-file
+  or
+Buffer without File      link-to-buffer-tmp
+Elisp Buffer at Start
+or End of Sexpression    eval-elisp
+  (let (val)
+    (delq nil
+	  (list (if (ebut:at-p)
+		    (list 'link-to-ebut buffer-file-name (ebut:label-p)))
+		(cond ((eq major-mode 'Info-mode)
+		       (let ((hargs:reading-p 'Info-node))
+			 (list 'link-to-Info-node (hargs:at-p))))
+		      ((hmail:reader-p)
+		       (list 'link-to-mail
+			     (list (rmail:msg-id-get) buffer-file-name)))
+		      )
+		(cond
+		 ;; If link is within an outline-regexp prefix, use
+		 ;; a link-to-string-match.
+		 ((and (boundp 'outline-regexp)
+		       (stringp outline-regexp)
+		       (save-excursion
+			 (<= (point)
+			     (progn
+			       (beginning-of-line)
+			       (if (looking-at outline-regexp)
+				   (match-end 0)
+				 0)))))
+		  (save-excursion
+		    (end-of-line)
+		    (let ((heading (buffer-substring
+				    (point)
+				    (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))))
+			  (occur 1))
+		      (while (search-backward heading nil t)
+			(setq occur (1+ occur)))
+		      (list 'link-to-string-match
+			    heading occur buffer-file-name))))
+		 ((let ((hargs:reading-p 'directory))
+		    (setq val (hargs:at-p t)))
+		  (list 'link-to-directory val))
+		 ((let ((hargs:reading-p 'file))
+		    (setq val (hargs:at-p t)))
+		  (list 'link-to-file val (point)))
+		 ((eq major-mode 'kotl-mode)
+		  (list 'link-to-kcell buffer-file-name (kcell-view:idstamp)))
+		 (buffer-file-name
+		  (list 'link-to-file buffer-file-name (point)))
+		 (t (list 'link-to-buffer-tmp (buffer-name)))
+		 )
+		(and (fboundp 'smart-emacs-lisp-mode-p)
+		     (smart-emacs-lisp-mode-p)
+		     (or (= (char-syntax (following-char)) ?\()
+			 (= (char-syntax (preceding-char)) ?\)))
+		     (setq val (hargs:sexpression-p))
+		     (list 'eval-elisp val))
+		))))
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Private variables
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(defvar hui:ebut-label-prev nil
+  "String value of previous button name during an explicit button rename.
+At other times, values must be nil.")
+(provide 'hui)