1 Table of Contents
2 =================
4 1. What is SKK?
5 2. Files
6 3. Installation
7 4. Personal setting
8 5. SKK Mailing List
10 1. What is SKK?
11 ===============
13 SKK is a very fast and efficient Japanese input system written entirely in
14 emacs lisp and runs under Nemacs (which is a Japanese version of
15 GNU Emacs, developed by Mr. Ken'ichi Handa <handa@etl.go.jp> et al.),
16 under Mule (which is a Multi-lingual version of GNU Emacs, also
17 developed by Mr. Ken'ich Hand et al.) and under Demacs (which is a DOS
18 version of GNU Emacs developed by Manabu Higashida
19 <manabu@sigmath.osaka-u.ac.jp> and HIRANO Satoshi
20 <hirano@tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp>).
22 The author of skk.el and other emacs lisp libraries is Masahiko Sato
23 (masahiko@sato.riec.tohoku.ac.jp) and the author of skkserv.c is
24 Yukiyoshi Kameyama (kam@sato.riec.tohoku.ac.jp).
26 SKK is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General
27 Public License.
29 ReadMe and skk.texi or skk.ps explain SKK in more details.
31 2. Files
32 ========
34 This package contains SKK 9.6 and consists of the following files:
36 doc/gpl.texi
37 doc/skk.texi
38 doc/Makefile.in
39 doc/skk.info
40 doc/jtexindex/Perl/jptexindex
41 doc/jtexindex/C/Makefile.in
42 doc/jtexindex/C/alloca.c
43 doc/jtexindex/C/bzero.c
44 doc/jtexindex/C/configure
45 doc/jtexindex/C/configure.in
46 doc/jtexindex/C/getopt.c
47 doc/jtexindex/C/getopt.h
48 doc/jtexindex/C/getopt1.c
49 doc/jtexindex/C/install.sh
50 doc/jtexindex/C/jtexindex.diff
51 doc/jtexindex/C/texindex.c
52 doc/jtexindex/C/texindex.c.old
53 doc/skk.toc
54 doc/skk.cp
55 doc/skk.fn
56 doc/skk.vr
57 doc/skk.tp
58 doc/skk.ky
59 doc/skk.pg
60 doc/skk.ps
61 doc/skk.cps
62 doc/skk.fns
63 doc/skk.kys
64 doc/skk.vrs
65 doc/texinfo.tex
66 doc/skk.info-1
67 doc/skk.info-2
68 doc/skk.info-3
69 doc/skk.info-4
70 doc/skk.info-5
71 doc/skk.info-6
72 doc/texi-jp.tex
73 doc/skk.log
74 doc/skk.dvi
75 doc/skk.aux
76 etc/SKK.tut
77 etc/SKK.tut.E
78 etc/Makefile.in
79 jisyo/SKK-JISYO.JIS2
80 jisyo/SKK-JISYO.L
81 jisyo/SKK-JISYO.M
82 jisyo/SKK-JISYO.S
83 skkserv/skkserv.c
84 skkserv/skkserv.h
85 skkserv/README
86 skkserv/add-rc.local
87 skkserv/add-services
88 skkserv/Makefile.bak
89 skkserv/Makefile.in
90 jisyo-tools/README
91 jisyo-tools/skkdic-expr.c
92 jisyo-tools/skkdic-sort.c
93 jisyo-tools/skkdic-count.c
94 jisyo-tools/README.1st
95 jisyo-tools/Makefile.in
96 vip/vip.el.diff
97 vip/unsupported/skk-viper.el
98 vip/unsupported/README.jpn
99 lisp/avltree.el
100 lisp/elib-node.el
101 lisp/queue-m.el
102 lisp/skk-auto.el
103 lisp/skk-comp.el
104 lisp/skk-e18.el
105 lisp/skk-e19.el
106 lisp/skk-gadget.el
107 lisp/skk-is-n.el
108 lisp/skk-isearch.el
109 lisp/skk-kakasi.el
110 lisp/skk-kcode.el
111 lisp/skk-num.el
112 lisp/skk-server.el
113 lisp/skk-tools.el
114 lisp/skk-tree.el
115 lisp/skk-tut.el
116 lisp/skk-vip.el
117 lisp/skk.el
118 lisp/stack-m.el
119 lisp/string.el
120 lisp/Makefile.18
121 lisp/bytecomp-2.07/mule.dif
122 lisp/bytecomp-2.07/README
123 lisp/bytecomp-2.07/bytecomp.el
124 lisp/bytecomp-2.07/byte-optimize.el
125 lisp/bytecomp-2.07/bytecomp-runtime.el
126 lisp/bytecomp-2.07/disass.el
127 lisp/bytecomp-2.07/bytecode.c
128 lisp/bytecomp-2.07/data.c.patch
129 lisp/bytecomp-2.07/eval.c.patch
130 lisp/bytecomp-2.07/lread.c.patch
131 lisp/bytecomp-2.07/print.c.patch
132 lisp/bytecomp-2.07/make-docfile.c
133 lisp/bytecomp-2.07/README.jpn
134 lisp/Makefile.in
135 contrib/dbskkd/compat/include/machine/ansi.h
136 contrib/dbskkd/compat/include/err.h
137 contrib/dbskkd/compat/strerror.c
138 contrib/dbskkd/compat/err.c
139 contrib/dbskkd/makeskkdb.c
140 contrib/dbskkd/dbskkd.c
141 contrib/dbskkd/Release-Notes
142 contrib/pskkserv/perl4/makedbmdic
143 contrib/pskkserv/perl4/pskkserv
144 contrib/pskkserv/perl5/makedbmdic
145 contrib/pskkserv/perl5/pskkserv
146 contrib/skktools/READ.ME
147 contrib/skktools/README
148 contrib/skktools/adddummy.t
149 contrib/skktools/alpha-kana.pl
150 contrib/skktools/atok2skk.pl
151 contrib/skktools/codeconv.pl
152 contrib/skktools/convprog.t
153 contrib/skktools/kana2roma.pl
154 contrib/skktools/list2skk.t
155 contrib/skktools/pubdic2list.t
156 contrib/skktools/removedummy.t
157 contrib/skktools/roma2kana.pl
158 contrib/skktools/skk2list.t
159 contrib/skktools/skkconv.t
160 contrib/skktools/sub.t
161 contrib/skktools/wx2skk.pl
162 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/78_83.c
163 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/ANNOUNCE
164 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/CHANGES
165 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/COPYING
166 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/E2.c
167 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/H2.c
168 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/J2.c
169 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/J2.h
170 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/JISYO
171 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/K2.c
172 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/a2.c
173 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/atoc-conv.c
174 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/conv-util.c
175 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/dict.c
176 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/g2.c
177 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/itaiji.c
178 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/itaijidict
179 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/j2.c
180 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/k2.c
181 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/kakasi.1
182 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/kakasi.c
183 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/kakasi.cat
184 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/kakasi.h
185 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/kanji.h
186 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/kanjiio.c
187 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/mkkanwa.c
188 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/rdic-conv.c
189 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/furigana.h
190 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/src/conv-util.h
191 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/IAFA-PACKAGE
192 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/README
193 contrib/kakasi-2.2.5/README.jpn
194 contrib/skkinput-0.99/dot.skkinput
195 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkel.c
196 contrib/skkinput-0.99/Imakefile
197 contrib/skkinput-0.99/Makefile.std
198 contrib/skkinput-0.99/README.euc
199 contrib/skkinput-0.99/CHANGES.euc
200 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkconv.c
201 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkel.h
202 contrib/skkinput-0.99/SkkInput.c
203 contrib/skkinput-0.99/SkkInput.h
204 contrib/skkinput-0.99/SkkInputP.h
205 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkkey.h
206 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkkeymap.c
207 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkkip.c
208 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkldic.c
209 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkldrec.c
210 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkmain.c
211 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkmain.h
212 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkmarker.c
213 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkmbuf.c
214 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkproto.h
215 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skksoc.c
216 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skksvect.c
217 contrib/skkinput-0.99/table.h
218 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skksvect.h
219 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkwin.c
220 contrib/skkinput-0.99/version.h
221 contrib/skkinput-0.99/config.h
222 contrib/skkinput-0.99/mytime.h
223 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkconfig.c
224 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkinput.man
225 contrib/skkinput-0.99/skkinput.doc
226 contrib/skkinput-0.99/.depend
227 contrib/skkinput-0.99/COPYING
228 Makefile.18
229 mkinstalldirs
230 install-sh
231 configure.in
232 configure
233 config.h.in
234 Makefile.in
235 ReadMe
236 ReadMe.English
238 3. Installation
239 ===============
241 3.1 In case of installation under Mule (Emacs19 base)
242 -----------------------------------------------------
243 Run following commands in this directory.
245 % ./configure
246 % make
247 % make install
249 Modify Makefile if necessary. By running 'make install',
250 Emacs Lisp Programms, dictionaries, info documents etc are installed.
252 3.2 In case of installation under Nemacs or Mule (Emacs18 base)
253 ---------------------------------------------------------------
254 Run 'make -f Makefile.18 in this directory.
256 4. Personal setting
257 ====================
259 There are two ways to use the common dictionary (SKK-JISYO.L):
261 (i) Read in the dictionary into an Emacs buffer.
262 (ii) Use the SKK dictionary server.
264 If you will be using the common dictionary by method (i) then follow
265 the steps described in 4.1, and if not, follow the steps described in
266 4.2.
268 4.1
269 ---
271 [i-1] Add the following lines to your .emacs file:
273 (global-set-key "\C-x\C-j" 'skk-mode)
274 (global-set-key "\C-xj" 'skk-auto-fill-mode)
275 (global-set-key "\C-xt" 'skk-tutorial)
276 (autoload 'skk-mode "skk" nil t)
277 (autoload 'skk-tutorial "skk-tut" nil t)
278 (autoload 'skk-check-jisyo "skk-tools" nil t)
279 (autoload 'skk-merge "skk-tools" nil t)
280 (autoload 'skk-diff "skk-tools" nil t)
282 Moreover, if you are going to run skk under Nemacs or Mule based on
283 Emacs version 18, then add the following lines to .emacs
285 (global-set-key "\C-s" 'skk-isearch-forward)
286 (global-set-key "\C-r" 'skk-isearch-backward)
287 (autoload 'skk-isearch-forward "skk-isearch" nil t)
288 (autoload 'skk-isearch-backward "skk-isearch" nil t)
290 If you are going to run SKK under Mule based on Emacs version 19, then
291 add the following lines to .emacs
293 (autoload 'skk-isearch-mode-setup "skk-isearch" nil t)
294 (autoload 'skk-isearch-mode-cleanup "skk-isearch" nil t)
295 (add-hook 'isearch-mode-hook
296 (function (lambda ()
297 (and (boundp 'skk-mode) skk-mode
298 (skk-isearch-mode-setup)))))
299 (add-hook 'isearch-mode-end-hook
300 (function (lambda ()
301 (and (boundp 'skk-mode) skk-mode
302 (skk-isearch-mode-cleanup)
303 (skk-set-cursor-color-properly)))))
305 [i-2] Create the file ~/.skk and the put the following line in it:
307 (setq skk-large-jisyo ".../SKK-JISYO.L")
309 where `...' denotes the directory where you installed the common
310 dictionary.
312 4.2
313 ---
315 [ii-1] Add the following lines to your .emacs file:
317 (global-set-key "\C-x\C-j" 'skk-mode)
318 (global-set-key "\C-xj" 'skk-auto-fill-mode)
319 (global-set-key "\C-xt" 'skk-tutorial)
320 (autoload 'skk-mode "skk" nil t)
321 (autoload 'skk-tutorial "skk-tut" nil t)
322 (autoload 'skk-check-jisyo "skk-tools" nil t)
323 (autoload 'skk-merge "skk-tools" nil t)
324 (autoload 'skk-diff "skk-tools" nil t)
326 Moreover, if you are going to run SKK under Nemacs or Mule based on
327 Emacs version 18, then add the following lines to .emacs
329 (global-set-key "\C-s" 'skk-isearch-forward)
330 (global-set-key "\C-r" 'skk-isearch-backward)
331 (autoload 'skk-isearch-forward "skk-isearch" nil t)
332 (autoload 'skk-isearch-backward "skk-isearch" nil t)
334 If you are going to run skk under Mule based on Emacs version 19, then
335 add the following lines to .emacs
337 (autoload 'skk-isearch-mode-setup "skk-isearch" nil t)
338 (autoload 'skk-isearch-mode-cleanup "skk-isearch" nil t)
339 (add-hook 'isearch-mode-hook
340 (function (lambda ()
341 (and (boundp 'skk-mode) skk-mode
342 (skk-isearch-mode-setup)))))
343 (add-hook 'isearch-mode-end-hook
344 (function (lambda ()
345 (and (boundp 'skk-mode) skk-mode
346 (skk-isearch-mode-cleanup)
347 (skk-set-cursor-color-properly)))))
350 [ii-2] Put the following lines in your .skk file:
352 (setq skk-server-host "...") ;; `...' is the name of the server host
353 (setq skk-serv "/usr/local/soft/nemacs/etc/skkserv")
354 (setq skk-aux-large-jisyo ".../SKK-JISYO.L") ;; ... is the
355 ;; directory where you installed the common dictionary
356 (setq skk-server-portnum 1178) ;; Notice. This variable was named
357 ;; 'skk-portnum' until version 8.
359 4.3
360 ---
362 If you will be using SKK under Demacs, follow the steps in 4.1 and
363 then add the following line in your _emacs file:
365 (setq skk-init-file "~/_skk")
367 4.4
368 ---
370 You can learn the usage of SKK by the tutorial program, which you can
371 invoke by typing 'C-x t'. If you wish to use the English tutorial
372 text, put the following line in your .emacs file:
374 (setq skk-tut-file ".../SKK.tut.E") ;; ... is the directory
375 ;; you installed SKK.tut.E
377 5. SKK Mailing List
378 ===================
380 SKK mailing list has been created to discuss various aspects of SKK, and
381 to exchange information about SKK. Questions and answers to them, problems
382 and solutions to them, bugs and fixes to them, suggestions, contributions
383 of utilities etc. are the main topics so far.
385 Discussions are mainly done in Japanese. If you cannot enter Japanese
386 texts for some reasons, you can send your articles in English, but you will
387 probably get replies in Japanese. We are assuming that you have Nemacs
388 and a terminal which can display Japanese.
390 (1) To join the mailing list, send an email to the following address.
392 skk-join@kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp
394 (2) Contributions to the list should be sent to:
396 skk@kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp
398 (Articles in Japanese must be encoded in JIS.)
400 (3) To leave the mailing list, send an email to the following address.
402 skk-leave@kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp
404 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
406 Masahiko Sato (masahiko@kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
407 and
408 Yukiyoshi Kameyama (kameyama@kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
409 Department of Information Science
410 Kyoto University