1 //
2 // String.h -- a generic class to simplify manipulation of (char *)'s
3 // Written by Don Yacktman (c) 1993 by Don Yacktman.
4 // Version 1.1. All rights reserved.
5 //
6 // You may use and copy this class freely as long as you
7 // comply with the following terms:
8 // (1) If you use this class in an application which you
9 // intend to sell commercially, as shareware, or otherwise,
10 // you may only do so with express written permission
11 // of the author. Use in applications which will
12 // be distributed free of charge is encouraged.
13 // (2) You must include the source code to this object and
14 // all accompanying documentation with your application,
15 // or provide it to users if requested, free of charge.
16 // (3) Do not remove the author's name or any of the
17 // copyright notices
18 //
20 #import <appkit/appkit.h>
22 @interface String:Object
23 {
24 char *buffer;
25 NXStringOrderTable *orderTable;
26 int length, _length;
27 }
29 // basic allocation, deallocation methods
30 - init;
31 - initString:(const char *)aString;
32 - allocateBuffer:(int)size;
33 - allocateBuffer:(int)size fromZone:(NXZone *)zone;
34 - read:(NXTypedStream *)stream;
35 - write:(NXTypedStream *)stream;
36 - freeString;
37 - free;
39 // strcpy(), strlen() covers
40 - copyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone; // a -copy message calls this.
41 - setString:(const char *)aString;
42 - setString:(const char *)aString fromZone:(NXZone *)zone;
43 - setStringValue:sender;
44 - setStringValue:sender fromZone:(NXZone *)zone;
45 - (const char *)stringValue;
46 - (int)length;
48 // strcat(), strncat() covers
49 - concatenate:sender;
50 - concatenate:sender n:(int)n;
51 - concatenate:sender fromZone:(NXZone *)zone;
52 - concatenate:sender n:(int)n fromZone:(NXZone *)zone;
53 - cat:(const char *)aString;
54 - cat:(const char *)aString n:(int)n;
55 - cat:(const char *)aString fromZone:(NXZone *)zone;
56 - cat:(const char *)aString n:(int)n fromZone:(NXZone *)zone;
58 // index(), rindex() covers
59 - (const char *)rindex:(char)aChar;
60 - (const char *)index:(char)aChar;
62 // strcmp(), strncmp(), strcasecmp(), strncasecmp() covers
63 - setStringOrderTable:(NXStringOrderTable *)table;
64 - (NXStringOrderTable *)stringOrderTable;
65 - (BOOL)isEqual:anObject;
66 - (int)compareTo:sender;
67 - (int)compareTo:sender n:(int)n;
68 - (int)compareTo:sender caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense;
69 - (int)compareTo:sender n:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense;
70 - (int)cmp:(const char *)aString;
71 - (int)cmp:(const char *)aString n:(int)n;
72 - (int)casecmp:(const char *)aString;
73 - (int)casecmp:(const char *)aString n:(int)n;
74 - (const char *)strstr:(const char *)subString;
76 // like BASIC's left$(), right$(), and mid$(); all return a new instance.
77 - left:(int)count;
78 - right:(int)count;
79 - midFrom:(int)start to:(int)end;
80 - midFrom:(int)start length:(int)len;
81 - left:(int)count fromZone:(NXZone *)zone;
82 - right:(int)count fromZone:(NXZone *)zone;
83 - midFrom:(int)start to:(int)end fromZone:(NXZone *)zone;
84 - midFrom:(int)start length:(int)len fromZone:(NXZone *)zone;
85 - subStringRight:subString;
86 - subStringLeft:subString;
88 // private methods: do not use these!
89 - _unhookBuffer;
92 @end