1 July:
2 ----------
3 One fact mentioned almost in passing that was a surprise to me, at
4 least: Britain Yearly Meeting has 179 paid employees at last count
6 In an otherwise business-as-usual report from BYM Trustees, the
7 process of strategic planning I reported on from the April meeting has
8 continued, and its goal has been distilled to a remarkable one-liner:
10 "a vision of a simple church supported by a simple charity to
11 reinvigorate Quakerism"
13 *Revising our Book of Discipline*
15 Meeting for Sufferings has asked Central Nominations Committee to
16 bring forward names to serve on a Book of Discipline Revision Committee
18 It's too late to put your name forward for consideration to serve on
19 on this, but you _can_ submit material for consideration, via
21 https://forms.quaker.org.uk/qfp-idea/
22 -------------
23 Minute 17 records our agreement that Area Meeting trustees be
24 encouraged to report on sustainability actions in their annual report.
26 Guidelines for this have been prepared by Quaker Stewardship Committee
27 and members of BYM Sustainability Group have indicated they would be
28 happy to supply help and support on request.
29 ------------
30 ============October==========
31 Trustees: Simplifying and removing some restrictions on the process of launching
32 and managing legacy-funded projects.
34 Three strategic priorities, to bridge the planning gap between _Our
35 Faith in the Future_ and the Operational Plan: "thriving Quaker
36 communities, a sustainable peaceful world and simple structure and
37 practice"
38 -------------
39 We (BYM) now have a Inclusion and Diversity Co-ordinator, her name is
40 Edwina Peart.
42 Responses to the request for input from Area Meetings:
43 * Doing well on age (but see immediately below), gender and sexual orientation
44 * Not so well on race, class and <18 ages
46 What questions are good to ask a newcomer after meeting?
47 * Don't ask questions, say a little about yourself, and then leave some space...
48 * Asking questions often unintentionally reveals mistaken assumptions
49 which can lead to awkward silences...
51 *BYM investments and occupied Palestine*
53 We do not currently have any investments in any companies known to be
54 "profiting from the occupation of Palestine".
56 Trustees have asked MfS to advise on whether we should explicitly make
57 divestment a policy.
59 There is an excellent review of the background to this in the papers.
61 Recognising the difficulties in identifying such companies...
63 MfS advised Trustees to go ahead and "exclude from its investments
64 companies profiting from the occupation of Palestine, and to amend the
65 BYM Investment Policy accordingly."
66 ------------
67 MfS have agreed an experiment to appoint 4 YAFs to MfS for the
68 remainder of this triennium. Interested YAFs should contact the
69 ============November============
70 Residential
71 -----------
72 QCCIR have been busy, with a very extensive research effort on "The
73 Changing Face of Faith" [1]. The first part of this was discussed at
74 a conference in March, there will be another in March 2019 to which
75 AMs are invited to send representatives: "Area Meetings are encouraged
76 to send representatives to share local experience and learn for
77 experience in other parts of the yearly Meeting.":
78 -----------
79 *Quaker Peace and Social Witness*
81 Promoting a new film, _War School_, "this film from Pow Productions
82 takes a closer look at militarisation in Britain":
84 https://www.quaker.org.uk/our-work/peace/challenging-militarism-1#heading-1
85 ------------
86 *Quaker World Relations Committee:
88 Promoting a new film, _Quakers and Climate Change around the World_:
90 http://fwcc.world/sustainability-resources
91 -----------
92 *Trustee's strategic priorities*
94 "A simple church supported by a simple charity"
96 Brilliant presentation by Ingrid Greenhow, Clerk to Trustees for just
97 a bit longer, and Paul Parker, Recording Clerk, on new strategic
98 priorities, BYM Trustees: see the diagram
99 -----------
100 * Recommendations from the Review of the Committee on Clerks*
101 [A bit of a procedural mess, ask me if you are interested in the
102 minutiae of BYM procedures]
104 "Nominations is the holiest thing we do" [Elsie Dick]
106 *Sustainabilty Group, again*
107 We laid down the Sustainability Group, but Liz Birch did not go
108 quietly, in the best possible way.
110 She raised again the elephant in the room: what does it actually mean
111 in concrete practical terms for YM to adopt a concern? Substitute
112 'AM' for 'YM' and you have something we've known we need to address, if
113 not how...
115 "Are [we] ready to be held accountable on how [we] are working towards
116 sustainability?"
117 --------
118 *Diversity*
120 We have a new Inclusion and Diversity Coordinator at Friends House,
121 Edwina Peart. She quite sensibly suggested that we need to know where
122 we actually _are_ before we can decide what we need to _do_. She's
123 produced a survey:
125 http://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/quakersurvey
127 which I would encourage everyone to fill in, it's quite short.
129 People might also be interested in Quaker Life Central Committee's new
130 statement on gender diversity, which was introduced to us by Jocelyn
131 Bell Burnell:
133 http://www.quaker.org.uk/documents/qlcc-gender-diversity-statement-for-discussion-2018-11
135 ============
136 "goatwalking" jim corbett