1 HST to finish cleaning up Job Review reports
3 Agreed that EICR issue can be put off until September (existing expiry
4 is 17 September)
6 MG happy to be in post through September
7 She is committed to not wasting the salaried staff's time over the key
8 four weeks of the Fringe.
10 The target inspiring MG at the interview of building the business and
11 making it work never was pushed forward from above once she arrived.
13 The extent to which the job has turned out to be a Warden's, not a
14 Manager's, is what is really not working for her.
16 This building is a tremendous resource. It can be a not only a
17 wonderful home for QUaker worship and a launchpad for Quaker witness,
18 it can be a great business. That was the vision MG expected Trustees
19 to be pushing her to deliver, asking about progress, doing what (in
20 previous jobs) she had expected and gotten from 'above'. But that
21 never happened.
23 HST mentioned his COO/CEO idea, and maybe that would have helped.
24 Has MHMC in fact been part of the problem?