1 MG to go ahead and refuse the statue if no site is found by AM.
2 Maybe take two of the figurines if breaking it up is an option
4 HST to email Neil to ask him to ask Miranda for access to her flat if
5 it's needed for John Renshaw
7 HST to contact Martin Burnell re a joint meeting at 7 VT.
9 MG to go ahead and offer summer 2024, price TBD, any changes they
10 want? Do check with Greenside.
12 HST to make sure we do some planning about emergency when MG is not
13 around, particularly fire alarm. Is just hand-delivering a polite,
14 even apologetic, notice to all the occupants of 6UB telling them that
15 in the event of a fire in the MH the fire alarm in the stair will go
16 off and they should evacuate. Is the fire alarm connected to the fire
17 station?
19 HST to agree room hire uplift with Jacqui, then MHMC by end of the month.
21 HST to sit down with Jacqui and see if we can a) document a recent gap
22 and b) project a gap based on proposed room hire and salary uplifts.
24 MG to schedual a meeting w. Laragh.