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6 <title>Transcription of comments on 7VT Futures questionnaires</title>
7 <author>Henry S. Thompson</author>
8 <date>26 Apr 2009</date>
9 </head>
10 <body>
11 <div>
12 <title>Anon</title>
13 <list type="defn">
14 <item term="3">Improviing with the reopening of the terrace.</item>
15 <item term="4">An alternative access [to the creche?] avoiding the kitchen
16 would help. Improve toilets.</item>
17 <item term="12">An alternative access to the rooms/space beyond the kitchen
18 would be good. This would improve kitchen safety and make the additional space
19 more usable for group use. Perhaps improvements to the toilets are needed.</item>
20 <item term="13">
21 <list type="ndivs">
22 <item>Improvements do have cost implications. Could we ask
23 Festival Committee to identify Meeting House improvements as one of the fund
24 raising projects (as we did for Kelso Meeting House & the Foyer upgrade)
25 over say 3 years.</item>
26 <item>The Meeting House is a great space, with flexibility having some larger
27 and smaller areas. The availability for outreach here is so important. A
28 window in the city and affordable lettings for groups that might find
29 alternatives difficult.</item>
30 <item>Thank you to the Friends who are reviewing these responses. Your time
31 and consideration is really valuable and appreciated.</item>
32 </list>
33 </item>
34 </list>
35 </div>
36 <div>
37 <title>Anne Davies, Sarah J. Davies</title>
38 <list type="defn">
39 <item term="2">[ticked 'Not important'] I.e. Haymarket area reasonable.
40 Suburbs accessible (from train/bus station)</item>
41 <item term="12"><list type="enum">
42 <item>Better access to building—almost impossible (steep hill/steps).</item>
43 <item>Improve bottle neck entrance to Foyer.</item>
44 <item>Improve access to loos—stairs v. tricky for elderly.</item>
45 <item>Cheerful, purpose built areas for children &
46 young people—i.e. for latter, spreading sofas & [??] [??] 'dens' (?).</item>
47 <item>Parking facilities for cars bringing elderly to
48 Meeting—imposs.</item>
49 <item>Bike shelter.</item>
50 </list></item>
51 <item term="13"><list type="enum">
52 <item>Let's start with this premise that we want the Meeting House to be a
53 place for: Meeting for Worship; A quiet centre; A refuge for all looking to worship.</item>
54 <item>Do we want to be tied, for the foreseeable future,
55 to income generation?</item>
56 <item>Is the building [therefore] too expensive to
57 maintain? Is this the bottom line?</item>
58 </list></item>
59 </list>
60 </div>
61 <div>
62 <title>Anon</title>
63 <list type="defn">
64 <item term="12"></item>
65 <item term="13"></item>
66 </list>
67 </div>
68 <div>
69 <title>Anon</title>
70 <list type="defn">
71 <item term="12"></item>
72 <item term="13"></item>
73 </list>
74 </div>
75 <div>
76 <title>Anon</title>
77 <list type="defn">
78 <item term="12"></item>
79 <item term="13"></item>
80 </list>
81 </div>
82 <div>
83 <title>Anon</title>
84 <list type="defn">
85 <item term="12"></item>
86 <item term="13"></item>
87 </list>
88 </div>
89 <div>
90 <title>Anon</title>
91 <list type="defn">
92 <item term="12"></item>
93 <item term="13"></item>
94 </list>
95 </div>
96 <div>
97 <title>Anon</title>
98 <list type="defn">
99 <item term="12"></item>
100 <item term="13"></item>
101 </list>
102 </div>
103 <div>
104 <title>Anon</title>
105 <list type="defn">
106 <item term="12"></item>
107 <item term="13"></item>
108 </list>
109 </div>
110 <div>
111 <title>Anon</title>
112 <list type="defn">
113 <item term="12"></item>
114 <item term="13"></item>
115 </list>
116 </div>
117 <div>
118 <title>Anon</title>
119 <list type="defn">
120 <item term="12"></item>
121 <item term="13"></item>
122 </list>
123 </div>
124 <div>
125 <title>Anon</title>
126 <list type="defn">
127 <item term="12"></item>
128 <item term="13"></item>
129 </list>
130 </div>
131 <div>
132 <title>Anon</title>
133 <list type="defn">
134 <item term="12"></item>
135 <item term="13"></item>
136 </list>
137 </div>
138 <div>
139 <title>Anon</title>
140 <list type="defn">
141 <item term="12"></item>
142 <item term="13"></item>
143 </list>
144 </div>
145 <div>
146 <title>Tony Peach</title>
147 <list type="defn">
148 <item term="12">Improvement of toilet facilities if faunds allow.</item>
149 <item term="13">
150 <list type="ndivs">
151 <item>The Meeting House, as you see from my ansers above, ticks
152 all the boxes for me. I see no reason to move and many to stay. I think it
153 extremely unlikely we could find a better centre and would be best
154 concentrating on realising how lucky we are to have it.</item>
155 <item>If finance is thought to be the main problem, maybe more efforts could
156 be concentrated on
157 <list type="enum">
158 <item>helping the Managers to maximise rentals;</item>
159 <item>considering more fund-raising for future major financial outlay.</item>
160 </list>
161 </item>
162 </list>
163 </item>
164 </list>
165 </div>
166 <div>
167 <title>Anon</title>
168 <list type="defn">
169 <item term="12">Can't think of any.</item>
170 <item term="13">Seems perfect in every way.</item>
171 </list>
172 </div>
173 <div>
174 <title>Annie Miller</title>
175 <list type="defn">
176 <item term="3">Difficult at the moment, because the terrace is closed</item>
177 <item term="12"><list type="ndivs">
178 <item>Upgrade toilets</item>
179 <item>More time available for Quaker committees & other
180 Quaker groups</item>
181 </list></item>
182 <item term="13">I would like us to consider 7VT as a contact point for all
183 Quakers & attenders in Scotland, with an office for GM, maybe?</item>
184 </list>
185 </div>
186 <div>
187 <title>Penny (?) Holland</title>
188 <list type="defn">
189 <item term="12">[Keep?] given slots for Quaker events e.g. funerals/weddings one
190 Saturday afternoon per month free in Meeting Room for such
191 opportunity—even if it means losing income.</item>
192 <item term="13">Certainly think Victoria Terrace is <emph>the best
193 option</emph> in spite of need for forward (?) 'upgrading' etc.</item>
194 </list>
195 </div>
196 <div>
197 <title>Rachel Frith</title>
198 <list type="defn">
199 <item term="3">Access will be excellent soon I hope when building at end of terrace is finished</item>
200 <item term="12">Toilets</item>
201 </list>
202 </div>
203 <div>
204 <title>Gill Reid</title>
205 <list type="defn">
206 <item term="12">I think the building is managed well and feedback from
207 people I know who use it and are not Quakers is good.</item>
208 <item term="13">No home for any organisation is going to be perfect bu this
209 suits our needs.</item>
210 </list>
211 </div>
212 <div>
213 <title>Alastair Reid</title>
214 <list type="defn">
215 <item term="12">
216 <list type="ndivs">
217 <item>Some way that Friends could find out about the groups that use it.</item>
218 <item>More devolution of decision-making to assistant managers if possible.</item>
219 <item>Noticeboards—much improved lately—However culd there be
220 a small notice somewhere that sawys what is where.</item>
221 <item>DO we have a leaflet etc. on hiring?</item>
222 <item>Is there smoe way small rooms could be more easily booked (often
223 seems to be full)</item>
224 </list>
225 </item>
226 <item term="13">
227 <list type="ndivs">
228 <item>Readers guides to topics of books/pamphlets in library e.g.
229 silence, intro to Quaker writings, beginners, Peace testimony, environmental
230 testimony, Meeting for Worship, prayer etc. etc.</item>
231 <item>I hope that we do not move/sell in the near future—we need an
232 affordable central base—movement elsewhere could be expensive and not
233 necessarily of benefit to Qs & the wider community.</item>
234 </list>
235 </item>
236 </list>
237 </div>
238 <div>
239 <title>Anon</title>
240 <list type="defn">
241 <item term="12">
242 <list type="enum">
243 <item>Toilet facilities need upgrading;</item>
244 <item>Children need a space
245 that <emph>does not</emph> require access through the Kitchen—this is
246 dangerous and makes a mockery of Health/Safety Regs;</item>
247 <item>Priority must be given to Quaker Groups.</item>
248 </list>
249 </item>
250 <item term="13">
251 <list type="enum">
252 <item>Radical changes need to be made with regard to
253 Library/Kitchen/Children—It is impossible to cater for groups when access to
254 the Kitchen is unavailable when the Library is in use. It is inefficient and
255 unsage for staff/users—particularly children.</item>
256 <item>The running costs of the building are astronomical. Although I am
257 in favour of remaining in the building, it might be preferable to find more
258 'affordable' premises.</item>
259 <item>The costs of staffing/managing the building are high because the
260 building is inefficient to run. How do we find a way of upgrading the building
261 with increasing running costs without it simply becominga costly venue for
262 external groups?</item>
263 <item>Too much energy is being expended on hiring out the building.</item>
264 <item>A Quaker Meeting House should be for use by Quakers and community groups.</item>
265 </list>
266 </item>
267 </list>
268 </div>
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270 </doc>