1 <?php
3 /*
4 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5 | localization/<lang>/csv2vcard.inc |
6 | |
7 | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail client |
8 | Copyright (C) 2005-2015, The Roundcube Dev Team |
9 | |
10 | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
11 | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
12 | See the README file for a full license statement. |
13 | |
14 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
15 | Author: Aleksander Machniak <alec@alec.pl> |
16 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
17 */
18 $map = array();
19 $map['anniversary'] = "Anniversary";
20 $map['assistants_name'] = "Assistant's Name";
21 $map['assistants_phone'] = "Assistant's Phone";
22 $map['birthday'] = "Birthday";
23 $map['business_city'] = "Ciudad de trabajo";
24 $map['business_countryregion'] = "Provincia o estado de trabajo";
25 $map['business_fax'] = "Business Fax";
26 $map['business_phone'] = "Teléfono del trabajo";
27 $map['business_phone_2'] = "Business Phone 2";
28 $map['business_postal_code'] = "Código postal del trabajo";
29 $map['business_state'] = "País o región del trabajo";
30 $map['business_street'] = "Calle del trabajo";
31 $map['car_phone'] = "Car Phone";
32 $map['categories'] = "Categorías";
33 $map['company'] = "Organización";
34 $map['department'] = "Department";
35 $map['email_address'] = "E-mail Address";
36 $map['email_2_address'] = "Dirección de correo electrónico 2";
37 $map['email_3_address'] = "Dirección del correo electrónico 3";
38 $map['first_name'] = "Nombre";
39 $map['gender'] = "Género";
40 $map['home_city'] = "Home City";
41 $map['home_countryregion'] = "País o región del domicilio";
42 $map['home_fax'] = "Home Fax";
43 $map['home_phone'] = "Particular";
44 $map['home_phone_2'] = "Home Phone 2";
45 $map['home_postal_code'] = "Home Postal Code";
46 $map['home_state'] = "Home State";
47 $map['home_street'] = "Home Street";
48 $map['job_title'] = "Puesto";
49 $map['last_name'] = "Apellidos";
50 $map['managers_name'] = "Nombre del director";
51 $map['middle_name'] = "Segundo nombre";
52 $map['mobile_phone'] = "Mobile Phone";
53 $map['notes'] = "Notes";
54 $map['other_city'] = "Otra ciudad";
55 $map['other_countryregion'] = "Otra provincia o estado";
56 $map['other_fax'] = "Otro fax";
57 $map['other_phone'] = "Otro teléfono";
58 $map['other_postal_code'] = "Otro código postal";
59 $map['other_state'] = "Otro país o región";
60 $map['other_street'] = "Otra calle";
61 $map['pager'] = "Pager";
62 $map['primary_phone'] = "Teléfono principal";
63 $map['spouse'] = "Spouse";
64 $map['suffix'] = "Suffix";
65 $map['title'] = "Title";
66 $map['web_page'] = "Página web";
67 $map['birth_day'] = "Día de nacimiento";
68 $map['birth_month'] = "Mes de nacimiento";
69 $map['birth_year'] = "Año de nacimiento";
70 $map['display_name'] = "Nombre en pantalla";
71 $map['fax_number'] = "Fax";
72 $map['home_address'] = "Dirección personal";
73 $map['home_country'] = "País de residencia";
74 $map['home_zipcode'] = "Código postal";
75 $map['mobile_number'] = "Teléfono móvil";
76 $map['nickname'] = "Apodo";
77 $map['organization'] = "Organización";
78 $map['pager_number'] = "Buscapersonas";
79 $map['primary_email'] = "Dirección de correo electrónico principal";
80 $map['secondary_email'] = "Dirección de correo electrónico secundaria";
81 $map['web_page_1'] = "Página web 1";
82 $map['web_page_2'] = "Página web 2";
83 $map['work_phone'] = "Teléfono (Trabajo)";
84 $map['work_address'] = "Dirección de trabajo";
85 $map['work_country'] = "País (Trabajo)";
86 $map['work_zipcode'] = "Código postal (Trabajo)";
87 $map['date_of_birth'] = "Date of Birth";
88 $map['email'] = "Email";
89 $map['home_mobile'] = "Home Mobile";
90 $map['home_zip'] = "Home Zip";
91 $map['info'] = "Info";
92 $map['user_photo'] = "User Photo";
93 $map['url'] = "URL";
94 $map['work_city'] = "Work City";
95 $map['work_company'] = "Work Company";
96 $map['work_dept'] = "Work Dept";
97 $map['work_fax'] = "Work Fax";
98 $map['work_mobile'] = "Work Mobile";
99 $map['work_state'] = "Work State";
100 $map['work_title'] = "Work Title";
101 $map['work_zip'] = "Work Zip";