changeset 55:237105932af5

author Henry S. Thompson <>
date Tue, 15 Oct 2024 16:06:27 +0100
parents 39119ac1256f (current diff) d533894173d0 (diff)
children dd06d7afbfe0
diffstat 5 files changed, 1042 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
Binary file APP39557 Vision and Approach.docx has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LURID3.xml	Tue Oct 15 16:06:27 2024 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../../../lib/xml/doc.xsl" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE doc SYSTEM "../../../lib/xml/doc.dtd" >
+<doc xmlns:x="">
+ <head>
+  <title>LURID3: Longitudinal studies of the World Wide Web<x:br/>
+  <span style="font-size:80%">UKRI reference APP39557</span></title>
+  <author>Henry S. Thompson</author>
+  <date>22 Apr 2024</date>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+  <div>
+   <title>Vision</title>
+   <div>
+    <title>Motivation</title>
+    <p>Empirical evidence of how use of the Web has changed in the past provides crucial input to decisions about its future.   Creative uses of the mechanisms the Web provides expand its potential, but also sometimes put it at risk, so it’s worrying that there’s surprisingly little empirical evidence available to guide standardization and planning more generally. Which aspects of the Web’s functionality are widely used? Hardly ever used? How is this changing over time?</p>
+    <p>The kind of evidence needed to answer such questions is hard to come by.
+  The proposed research builds on our previous work in this area [Thompson and
+Tong 2018], [Chen 2021], [Thompson 2024], taking advantage of the computational resource Cirrus provides to validate and expand our work on the Common Crawl web archive.</p>
+    <p>Common Crawl (CC) is a very-large-scale web archive, containing
+petabytes of data from more than 65 monthly/bi-monthly archives, totalling over
+100 billion web pages.  Collection began in 2008 with annual archives,
+expanding steadily to the point that since 2017 archives were collected monthly
+until 2023, since when it's been bi-monthly. Recent archives contain over
+3x10^9 pages, about 75 Terabytes (compressed).  Together with Edinburgh colleagues we have created local copies of 8 months of CC in a petabyte store attached to Cirrus.  For our purposes it is important to note that the overlap between any two archives as measured by Jaccard similarity of page checksums is less than .02 [Nagel 2022].</p>
+    <p>The very large size of CC's constituent archives makes using it for research, particularly
+longitudinal studies, which necessarily involve multiple archives, very
+expensive in terms of compute time and storage space and/or web bandwidth. The proposed work will build on our just-completed project
+(<name>LURID2: Assessing the validity of Common Crawl</name>, EPSRC Access to
+HPC Award from 2022&ndash;12 to 2023&ndash;04).  As reported in [Thompson
+2024], the two main results of that project for
+addressing the expense problem are based on exploiting and extending the much smaller (&lt;200 gigabytes (GB) compressed) <emph>index</emph> which is available for each archive, as follows:</p>
+    <list>
+     <item>By adding Last-Modified timestamps to the index we enable
+fine-grained longitudinal exploration using only a single archive;</item>
+     <item>By comparing the distribution of index features for each of the 100
+segments into which each archive is packaged for access with their distribution over the whole archive, we identified the least and most representative segments for a number of recent archives. Using this allows the segment(s) that are most representative of an archive to be used as proxies for the whole.</item>
+    </list>
+    <p>Combining these two approaches allowed us to produces a fine-grained
+analysis of how URI lengths have changed over time, leading to an unanticipated
+insight into the how the process of creating of Web pages <emph>itself</emph> has changed.</p>
+   </div>
+   <div>
+    <title>Objectives</title>
+    <list type="1defn">
+     <item term="Objective 1: Foster research">The augmented index form
+CC's August 2019 data is now available online.  In </item>
+    </list>
+   </div>
+  </div>
+  <div>
+   <title>Approach</title>
+  </div>
+ </body>
Binary file UKRI-210223-ResumeResearchInnovationTemplate2023.docx has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lurid3/notes.txt	Tue Oct 15 16:06:27 2024 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,987 @@
+See old_notes.txt for all older notes on Common Crawl dataprocessing,
+starting from Azure via Turing and then LURID and LURID2.
+Installed /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2024-33/cdx
+  >: cd results/CC-MAIN-2024-33/cdx/
+  >: cut -f 2 counts.tsv | btot
+  2,793,986,828 
+State of play wrt data -- see status.xlsx
+[in trying to tabulate the date ranges of the crawls, I found that the
+WARC timestamp is sometimes bogus:
+  >: fgrep ' 2009' CC-MAIN-2018-34/cdx/cluster.idx
+  net,tyredeyes)/robots.txt 20090201191318	cdx-00230.gz	160573468	198277	920675
+  >: zgrep '^net,tyredeyes)/robots.txt' CC-MAIN-2018-34/cdx/warc/cdx-00230.gz
+  net,tyredeyes)/robots.txt 20090201191318 {"url": "", "mime": "text/html", "mime-detected": "text/html", "status": "301", "digest": "QH732FYSV7UM34JYWVYMB7EZGR2CYM6B", "length": "582", "offset": "1224614", "filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221215075.58/robotstxt/CC-MAIN-20180819090604-20180819110604-00558.warc.gz"}
+  net,tyredeyes)/robots.txt 20090201191319 {"url": "", "mime": "text/plain", "mime-detected": "text/plain", "status": "200", "digest": "PSX5IZU4B4SIXGNDKXCVFH75Q27VHUTJ", "length": "549", "offset": "2069841", "filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221215075.58/robotstxt/CC-MAIN-20180819090604-20180819110604-00485.warc.gz"}
+This happens in 2019-35 as well :-(
+  >: fgrep ' 20181023' CC-MAIN-2019-35/cdx/cluster.idx
+  com,gyshbsh)/robots.txt 20181023022000	cdx-00078.gz	356340085	162332	315406
+  >: zgrep ' 20181023' CC-MAIN-2019-35/cdx/warc/cdx-00078.gz
+  com,gyshbsh)/robots.txt 20181023022000 {"url": "", "mime": "text/html", "mime-detected": "text/html", "status": "301", "digest": "3I42H3S6NNFQ2MSVX7XZKYAYSCX5QBYJ", "length": "529", "offset": "638892", "filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027315618.73/robotstxt/CC-MAIN-20190820200701-20190820222701-00120.warc.gz"}
+  ...
+Tabulate all the date ranges for the WARC files we have
+  >: for d in {2017-30,2019-35,2020-34,2021-25,2023-40,2023-50}; do printf "%s\t" $d; (ls CC-MAIN-$d/*.{?,??}/orig/warc | fgrep .gz | cut -f 3,4 -d - | sort -u |tee /dev/fd/3 | head -1 ) 3> >( tail -1 ) | tr '\n' '\t'; echo; done | cut -f 1,2,4 -d -  | sed 's/-20/ 20/;s/.$//' | tr ' ' '\t' > dates.tsv
+  >: for d in {2018-30,2018-34}; do printf "%s\t" $d; (ls CC-MAIN-$d/{*.?,*.??} | fgrep warc.gz | cut -f 3,4 -d - | sort -u |tee /dev/fd/3 | { sleep 10 ; head -1 ; } ) 3> >( tail -1 ) | tr '\n' '\t'; echo; done >> dates.tsv
+  >: for d in 2019-18; do printf "%s\t" $d; (ls CC-MAIN-$d/{*.?,*.??} | fgrep warc.gz | cut -f 3,4 -d - | sort -u | head -1); done
+2019-18	20190418101243-20190418122248
+  >: for d in 2019-18; do printf "%s\t" $d; (ls CC-MAIN-$d/{*.?,*.??} | fgrep warc.gz | cut -f 3,4 -d - | sort -u | tail -1); done
+2019-18	20190426153423-20190426175423
+  >: echo 2019-18       20190418101243-20190418122248   20190426153423-20190426175423 >> dates.tsv 
+  >: pwd
+  /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2016-30/cdx/warc
+  >: echo {000..299} | tr ' ' '\n' | parallel -j 10 'uz cdx-00{}.gz | cut -f 2 -d " " | sort -u > /tmp/hst/{}'
+  >: sort -mu /tmp/hst/??? > /tmp/hst/all
+  >: wc -l /tmp/hst/all
+  679686 /tmp/hst/all
+  >: head -1 /tmp/hst/all
+  20160723090435
+  >: tail -1 /tmp/hst/all
+  20160731110639
+  >: cd ../../..
+  >: echo 2016-30       20160723090435  20160731110639 >> dates.tsv 
+tweaked and sorted in xemacs:
+  2016-30	20160723090435	20160731110639
+  2017-30	20170720121902	20170729132938
+  2018-30	20180715183800	20180723184955
+  2018-34	20180814062251	20180822085454
+  2019-18	20190418101243	20190426175423
+  2019-35	20190817102624	20190826111356
+  2020-34	20200803083123	20200815214756
+  2021-25	20210612103920	20210625145905
+  2023-40	20230921073711	20231005042006
+  2023-50	20231128083443	20231212000408
+Added to status.xlsx in shortened form, with number of days
+  8
+  9
+  8
+  8
+  8
+  9
+  12
+  13
+  15
+  15
+Fill a gap by downloading 2022-33
+  >: for s in 0; do ~/bin/ CC-MAIN-2022-33 $s 5; done > /tmp/hst/get_22-33_0.log &
+  130 minutes...
+  >: for s in 1; do ~/bin/ CC-MAIN-2022-33 $s 10; done > /tmp/hst/get_22-33_1.log &
+  59 minutes
+Another day to get to a quarter?
+  >: for s in {2..23}; do ~/bin/ CC-MAIN-2022-33 $s 10; done > /tmp/hst/get_22-33_2-23.log &
+And finally 2015-35
+Fetched in just 2 chunks, 0-9 and 10-99, e.g.
+  >: for s in {10..99}; do ~/bin/ CC-MAIN-2015-35 $s 10; done > /tmp/hst/get_15-35_10-99.log &
+Much smaller.
+Compare 2023-40, with 900 files per segment:
+  >: lss */orig/warc/*-0023?.* | cut -f 5 -d ' ' | stats
+  n	=	1000
+  min	=	1.14775e+09
+  max	=	1.26702e+09
+  sum	=	1.20192e+12
+  mean	=	1.20192e+09
+  sd	=	2.26049e+07
+with 2015-35, with 353 files per segment
+  >: lss */orig/warc/*-0023?-* | cut -f 5 -d ' ' | stats
+  n	=	1000
+  min	=	1.66471e+08
+  max	=	9.6322e+08
+  sum	=	9.19222e+11
+  mean	=	9.19222e+08
+  sd	=	8.20542e+07
+The min files all come from segment 1440644060633.7, whose files are
+_all_ small:
+  >: uz *00123-*.gz | wc -l
+  12,759,931
+Compare to 1440644060103.8
+  >: zcat *00123-*.gz | wc -l
+  75,806,738
+Also faster
+Compare 2022-33:
+ >: fgrep -h BST /tmp/hst/get_22-33_{2-23,24-49,50-99}.log |  cut -f 1-7 -d ' ' | while read s; do if read e; then echo $((($(date --date="$e" +%s) - $(date --date="$s" +%s)) / 60)); fi; done   | stats n min max  mean    sd
+                              98 19 256  75.1   25.2
+with 2015-35:
+  >: fgrep -h BST /tmp/hst/get_15-35_{0-9,10-99}.log |  cut -f 1-7 -d ' ' | while read s; do if read e; then echo $((($(date --date="$e" +%s) - $(date --date="$s" +%s)) / 60)); fi; done   | stats n min max mean sd
+		       100 15  40 32.6 2.9
+  >: echo {000..299} | tr ' ' '\n' | parallel -j 10 'uz cdx-00{}.gz | cut -f 2 -d " " | sort -u > /tmp/hst/2015_{}' &
+  >: sort --parallel=10 -mu /tmp/hst/2015_??? > /tmp/hst/2015_all
+  >: head -1 /tmp/hst/2015_all
+  20150827191534
+  >: tail -1 /tmp/hst/2015_all
+  20150905180914
+  >: wc -l /tmp/hst/2015_all
+  698128 /tmp/hst/2015_all
+What about wet files -- do they include text from pdfs?  What about
+truncated pdfs?
+  >: time for s in 0; do ~/bin/ CC-MAIN-2019-35 $s 10; done > /tmp/hst/get_wet_19-35_0.log &
+  real    26m3.049s
+  user    0m1.225s
+  sys     0m1.310s
+In the segment 0 cdx file (!) we find 3747 probable truncations:
+  >: zgrep -a '"mime-detected": "application/pdf", ' cdx.gz > /tmp/hst/2019-35_seg0_pdf.idx
+  >: wc -l /tmp/hst/2019-35_seg0_pdf.idx
+  42345 /tmp/hst/2019-35_seg0_pdf.idx
+  >: egrep -a '"length": "10....."' /tmp/hst/2019-35_seg0_pdf.idx > /tmp/hst/2019-35_seg0_long_pdf.idx &
+  >: wc -l < /tmp/hst/2019-35_seg0_long_pdf.idx
+  3747
+Of which 70 are in file 0:
+  >: egrep -a '.-00000\.' /tmp/hst/2019-35_seg0_pdf.idx > /tmp/hst/2019-35_seg0_file0_pdf.idx
+  >: wc -l /tmp/hst/2019-35_seg0_file0_pdf.idx
+  70 /tmp/hst/2019-35_seg0_file0_pdf.idx
+In segment 0 file 0 we find 70 application/pdf Content-Type headers:
+  >: -h -w  -x </tmp/hst/2019-35_seg0_file0_pdf.idx |egrep '^(WARC-Target-URI:|Content-Length:) '|cut -f 2 -d ' ' |tr -d '\r'|while read l1; do read uri; read l2; printf '%s\t%s\t%s\n' $l1 $l2 "$uri"; done > ~/results/CC-MAIN-2019-35/seg0_file0_lengths.tsv
+  >: wc -l < ~/results/CC-MAIN-2019-35/seg0_file0_lengths.tsv
+  70
+  >: head -3 ~/results/CC-MAIN-2019-35/seg0_file0_lengths.tsv
+Of which 14 are truncated:
+  >: fgrep -c 1048576 ~/results/CC-MAIN-2019-35/seg0_file0_lengths.tsv
+  14
+  >: fgrep 1048576 ~/results/CC-MAIN-2019-35/seg0_file0_lengths.tsv | head -3
+  1049051 1048576
+  1049469 1048576
+  1048824 1048576
+Are any of the pdfs in the corresponding wet file?
+Yes, 2:
+  >: cut -f 3 ~/results/CC-MAIN-2019-35/seg0_file0_lengths.tsv | fgrep -af - <(uz 1566027313501.0/orig/wet/*-00000.warc.wet.gz)
+  WARC-Target-URI:
+  WARC-Target-URI:
+Is it in fact corresponding?
+  >: diff -bw <(uz 1566027313501.0/orig/warc/*-00000.warc.gz | egrep -a '^WARC-Target-URI: ' | uniq | head -1000) <(uz 1566027313501.0/orig/wet/*-00000.warc.wet.gz | egrep -a '^WARC-Target-URI: ' | head -1000)|egrep -c '^<'
+  19
+So, yes, mostly.  .2% are missing
+Just checking the search:
+  >: cut -f 3 ~/results/CC-MAIN-2019-35/seg0_file0_lengths.tsv | fgrep -af - <(uz 1566027313501.0/orig/warc/*-00000.warc.gz) | wc -l
+  210
+So, what pdfs make it into the WET:
+  >: cut -f 3 ~/results/CC-MAIN-2019-35/seg0_file0_lengths.tsv | fgrep -af - <(uz 1566027313501.0/orig/wet/*-00000.warc.wet.gz) > ~/results/CC-MAIN-2019-35/s0_file0_pdf.txt
+  >: wc -l < ~/results/CC-MAIN-2019-35/s0_file0_pdf.txt
+  2
+ >: cut -f 2 -d ' ' ~/results/CC-MAIN-2019-35/s0_file0_pdf.txt | tr -d '\r' | fgrep -f -   ~/results/CC-MAIN-2019-35/seg0_file0_lengths.tsv
+  11588   10913
+  1048979 1048576 
+Here's the short one:
+WARC-Type: response
+WARC-Date: 2019-08-17T22:40:17Z
+WARC-Record-ID: <urn:uuid:ea98167b-c42a-4233-b57e-994aa627e38a>
+Content-Length: 11588
+Content-Type: application/http; msgtype=response
+WARC-Warcinfo-ID: <urn:uuid:f689f8d0-24f3-4824-9a38-4f3fee422a4e>
+WARC-Concurrent-To: <urn:uuid:2d51c956-0012-4d78-affc-8f57fe9d2e15>
+WARC-Identified-Payload-Type: application/pdf
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0,no-cache
+Pragma: public,no-cache
+Content-Type: application/pdf",text/html; charset=utf-8
+X-Crawler-Content-Encoding: gzip
+Expires: 0
+Set-Cookie: 166d74d734106ba68b20ea303011f622=301619e3fe31ecb98c8473f0ff5f35a2; path=/
+Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Mdiathque dpartementale des Deux-Svres - Rsultats de la recherche Belfond.pdf"
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
+Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2019 22:40:16 GMT
+X-Crawler-Content-Length: 5448
+Content-Length: 10913
+        %PDF-1.7
+7 0 obj
+<< /Type /Page /Parent 1 0 R /LastModified (D:20190818004016+02'00') /Resources 2
+ 0 R /MediaBox [0.000000 0.000000 595.276000 841.890000] /CropBox [0.000000 0.000
+000 595.276000 841.890000] /BleedBox [0.000000 0.000000 595.276000 841.890000] /T
+rimBox [0.000000 0.000000 595.276000 841.890000] /ArtBox [0.000000 0.000000 595.2
+76000 841.890000] /Contents 8 0 R /Rotate 0 /Group << /Type /Group /S /Transparen
+cy /CS /DeviceRGB >> /PZ 1 >>
+8 0 obj
+  >: uz 1566027313501.0/orig/warc/*-00000.warc.gz|tail -n +1823434 | tail -n +24 | head -c 20000 > ~/results/CC-MAIN-2019-35/mediatheque.pdf
+  >: ps2ascii mediatheque.pdf
+                             Médiathèque départementale des Deux-Sèvres - Résultats de la recherche Belfond
+                             Médiathèque départementale des Deux-Sèvres - Résultats de
+                             la recherche Belfond
+                                                               A charge de revanche
+                             Titre :
+                             Auteur : Grippando, James (1958-....)
+  ...
+  etc., three pages, no errors
+  >: uz 1566027313501.0/orig/warc/*-00000.warc.gz|fgrep -an
+  38896837:WARC-Target-URI:
+  38896858:WARC-Target-URI:
+  38904590:WARC-Target-URI:
+    >: uz 1566027313501.0/orig/warc/*-00000.warc.gz|tail -n +38896858 | egrep -an '^%%EOF'
+  27:%%EOF
+  1114658:%%EOF
+  1313299:%%EOF
+  >: uz 1566027313501.0/orig/warc/*-00000.warc.gz|tail -n +38896858 | egrep -an '^(%%EOF|WARC)' | head -30
+  1:WARC-Target-URI:
+  3:WARC-Block-Digest: sha1:QTKJA6A7445Z7264K2YAFBUUM2OYH2T2
+  4:WARC-Truncated: length
+  5:WARC-Identified-Payload-Type: application/pdf
+  27:%%EOF
+  7725:WARC/1.0
+  7726:WARC-Type: metadata
+  7727:WARC-Date: 2019-08-17T22:59:14Z
+  7728:WARC-Record-ID: <urn:uuid:77df2747-e567-45d3-8646-3069ae9a9f25>
+  7731:WARC-Warcinfo-ID: <urn:uuid:f689f8d0-24f3-4824-9a38-4f3fee422a4e>
+  7732:WARC-Concurrent-To: <urn:uuid:eceb4adc-d81e-4497-82fe-eea61ce171f4>
+  7733:WARC-Target-URI:
+  7739:WARC/1.0
+OK, so indeed truncated after 7700 lines or so...
+  >: uz 1566027313501.0/orig/warc/*-00000.warc.gz|tail -n +38896858 | tail -n +21 | head -c 1048576 > ~/results/CC-MAIN-2019-35/museum.pdf
+  >: ps2ascii ~/results/CC-MAIN-2019-35/museum.pdf
+   **** Error:  An error occurred while reading an XREF table.
+   **** The file has been damaged.
+Look in big_pdf?
+====Modify the original CC indexer to write new indices including lastmod=====
+Looks like WarcRecordWriter.write, in
+src/nutch-cc/src/java/org/commoncrawl/util/WarcRecordWriter, is what
+needs to be editted to include LastModified date
+To rebuild nutch-cc, particularly to recompile jar files after editting
+  >: cd $HHOME/src/nutch-cc
+  >: ant
+Fixed deprecation bug in
+Modified src/java/org/commoncrawl/util/
+to include lastmod
+Can run just one test, which should allow testing this:
+  >: ant test-core -Dtestcase='TestWarcRecordWriter'
+Logic is tricky, and there's no easy way in
+Basically, tools/ is launches a hadoop job based on a
+hadoop-runnable WarcExport instance.  Hadoop will in due course call
+ExportReducer.reduce, which will create an instance of WarcCapture
+"for each page capture", and call ExportMapper.context.write with that instance (via
+some configuration magic with the hadoop job Context).  That in turn
+uses (more magic) WarcOutputFormat.getRecordWriter, which
+(finally!) calls a previously created WarcRecordWriter
+instance.write(the capture).
+So to fake a test case, I need to build
+ 1) a WarcRecordWriter instance
+ 2) a WarcCapture instance
+and then invoke 1.write(2)
+Got that working, although still can't figure out where in the normal
+flow the metadata entry for Response.CONTENT_TYPE gets set.
+Now, add a test that takes a stream of WARC Response extracts and
+rewrites their index entries
+  >: head -8804 <(uz /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/cdx/warc/cdx-00150.gz)|tail -10| -h -w -x  > /tmp/hst/headers.txt
+  >: cp /tmp/hst/headers.txt src/test/org/commoncrawl/util/
+  >: shuf /tmp/hst/headers.txt > src/test/org/commoncrawl/util/headers_mixed.txt
+Won't quite work :-(
+How do We reconstruct the Warc filename, offset and length from the
+original index?
+Well, we can find a .warc.gz records!
+Thanks to
+  >: ~/lib/python/ /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz > /tmp/hst/recs.txt
+Nearly working, got 1/3rd of the way through a single WARC and then failed:
+  >: n=0 && ~/lib/python/ /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz 2>/tmp/hst/tt.txt|while read o l; do echo $((n+=1)); echo $o $l >> /tmp/hst/r3a; $l $o   CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz| wc -l; done
+  ...
+  20
+  10215
+  CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz
+  Process fail: Compressed file ended before the end-of-stream marker was reached, input:
+   length=10762, offset=60784640, file=/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz
+  >: head -10217 /tmp/hst/r3a | tail -4
+  60784173 467
+  60784640 10762
+  60795402 463
+  60795865 460
+  >: 467 60784173   CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz|fgrep Target
+  WARC-Target-URI:
+  >: zcat /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/cdx/warc/cdx.gz 
+  ...
+  co,drycarerestoration)/corner-furniture-piece/unique-corner-decoration-pieces-or-corner-furniture-pieces-corner-corner-furniture-piece-corner-furniture-pieces-bedroom 20190819020224 {"url": "", "mime": "text/html", "mime-detected": "text/html", "status": "200", "digest": "DTKGJL45XQDXUS7PTXPYR6POMPLG46RZ", "length": "2570", "offset": "60784640", "filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027314638.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz", "charset": "UTF-8", "languages": "eng"}
+  >: 2570 60784640   CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz|less
+  >: echo $((10762 - 2570))
+  8192
+Ah, the error I was dreading :-(  I _think_ this happens when an
+individual record ends exactly on a 8K boundary.
+  >: echo $((60784640 % 8192))
+  0
+Even with buffer 1MB:
+  21
+  160245
+  CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz
+  Process fail: Compressed file ended before the end-of-stream marker was reached, input:
+   length=8415, offset=1059033915, file=/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz
+  0
+  160246
+  >: tail -60 /tmp/hst/r3b|head -20
+  1059013061 423
+  1059013484 7218
+  1059020702 425
+  1059021127 424
+  1059021551 11471
+  1059033022 426
+  1059033448g 467
+  1059033915 8415
+Argh.  This is at the _same_ point (before 51 fails before EOF).  Ah,
+maybe that's the point -- this is the last read before EOF, and it's
+not a full buffer!
+  >: 467 1059033448   CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz|less
+  ...
+  WARC-Target-URI:
+Reran with more instrumentation, took at least all day:
+  >: n=0 && ~/lib/python/ /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz 2> /tmp/hst/r3e_err.txt | while read o l; do
+      echo $((n+=1)); echo $o $l >> /tmp/hst/r3e_val; $l $o CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz | wc -l;
+  done > /tmp/hst/r3e_log 2>&1
+  >: wc -l /tmp/hst/r3e_err.txt
+  160296 /tmp/hst/r3e_err.txt
+  >: tail -60 /tmp/hst/r3e_err.txt|cat -n | grep -C2 True\ True
+       7  b 28738 28738 28312 426 False False
+       8  b 28312 28312 27845 467 False False
+       9  b 27845 378162 369747 8415 True True  < this is the first hit the last
+                                                  (partial) block
+      10  b 369747 369747 369312 435 False True
+      11  b 369312 369312 368878 434 False True
+  >: tail -55 /tmp/hst/r3e_val | head -3
+  1059033022 426
+  1059033448 467
+  1059033915 8415
+  >: dd ibs=1  skip=1059033022 count=426 if=/beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz of=/dev/stdout | uz -t
+  ...
+  426 bytes copied, 0.00468243 s, 91.0 kB/s
+  sing<3411>: dd ibs=1  skip=1059033448 count=467 if=/beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz of=/dev/stdout | uz -t
+  ...
+  467 bytes copied, 0.00382692 s, 122 kB/s
+  sing<3412>: dd ibs=1  skip=1059033915 count=8415 if=/beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz of=/dev/stdout | uz -t
+  igzip: Error (null) does not contain a complete gzip file
+  ...
+  8415 bytes (8.4 kB, 8.2 KiB) copied, 0.00968889 s, 869 kB/s
+So, tried one change to use the actually size rather than BUFSIZE at
+one point, seems to work now:
+  >: time ~/lib/python/ /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz 2> /tmp/hst/r3f_err.txt | tee /tmp/hst/r3f_val | while read l o; do printf '%s\t%s\t%s\n' $l $o 'CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz';
+done 2>&1 | tee /tmp/hst/r3f_log | -w | egrep -c '^WARC/1\.0'
+  160296
+  real  3m48.393s
+  user  0m47.997s
+  sys   0m26.641s
+  >: tail /tmp/hst/r3f_val
+10851 1059370472
+475 1059381323
+444 1059381798
+22437 1059382242
+447 1059404679
+506 1059405126
+15183 1059405632
+471 1059420815
+457 1059421286
+17754 1059421743
+  >: wc -l /tmp/hst/*_val
+    171 /tmp/hst/r3d_val
+  160297 /tmp/hst/r3e_val
+  160296 /tmp/hst/r3f_val
+  320764 total
+  >: uz /tmp/hst/head.warc.gz |egrep -c '^WARC/1\.0.$'
+  171
+  >: tail -n 3 /tmp/hst/*_val
+  ==> /tmp/hst/r3d_val <==
+  454 1351795
+  414 1352249
+  0 1352663 [so the 171 above is bogus, and we're missing one]
+  ==> /tmp/hst/r3e_val <==
+  1059393441 457
+  1059393898 17754
+  0 [likewise bogus, so see below]
+  ==> /tmp/hst/r3f_val <==
+  471 1059420815
+  457 1059421286
+  17754 1059421743 [better, but still one missing]
+  >: uz /tmp/hst/head.warc.gz |egrep '^WARC-Type: ' | tee >(wc -l 1>&2) | tail -4
+  WARC-Type: response
+  WARC-Type: metadata
+  WARC-Type: request
+  WARC-Type: response [missing]
+  171
+  >: ls -lt /tmp/hst/*_val
+  -rw-r--r-- 1 hst dc007    1977 Sep 29 09:27 /tmp/hst/r3d_val
+  -rw-r--r-- 1 hst dc007 2319237 Sep 28 14:28 /tmp/hst/r3f_val
+  -rw-r--r-- 1 hst dc007 2319238 Sep 27 19:41 /tmp/hst/r3e_val
+  >: ls -l ~/lib/python/
+  -rwxr-xr-x 1 hst dc007 1821 Sep 28 15:13 .../dc007/hst/lib/python/
+So e and f are stale, rerun
+  >: time ~/lib/python/ /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz 2>/tmp/hst/r3f_err.txt| tee /tmp/hst/r3f_val|while read l o; do printf '%s\t%s\t%s\n' $l $o 'CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz' ;done |& tee /tmp/hst/r3f_log | -w |egrep '^WARC-Type: ' | tail -4 &
+  >: Reading length, offset, filename tab-delimited triples from stdin...
+  WARC-Type: response
+  WARC-Type: metadata
+  WARC-Type: request
+  WARC-Type: response
+  real  3m49.760s
+  user  0m47.180s
+  sys   0m32.218s
+So missing the final metadata...
+Back to head.warc.gz, with debug info
+  >: n=0 && ~/lib/python/ /tmp/hst/head.warc.gz 2>/tmp/hst/ttd.txt|while read l o; do echo $((n+=1)); echo $l $o >> /tmp/hst/r3d_val; dd ibs=1 skip=$o count=$l if=/tmp/hst/head.warc.gz of=/dev/stdout 2>/tmp/hst/r3d_ido| uz -t ; done >/tmp/hst/r3d_log 2>&1
+  >: tail -2 /tmp/hst/r3d_log
+  171
+  igzip: Error invalid gzip header found for file (null)
+  >: tail -n 3 /tmp/hst/ttd.txt /tmp/hst/r3d_val
+  ==> /tmp/hst/ttd.txt <==
+  b 9697 9697 9243 454 False True
+  b 9243 9243 8829 414 False True
+  n 8829
+  ==> /tmp/hst/r3d_val <==
+  454 1351795
+  414 1352249
+  0 1352663
+  >: cat -n /tmp/hst/r3f_val | head -172 | tail -4
+     169  454 1351795
+     170  414 1352249
+     171  8829 1352663
+     172  446 1361492
+Fixed, maybe
+  >: tail -n 3 /tmp/hst/r3d_log /tmp/hst/r3d_val
+  ==> /tmp/hst/r3d_log <==
+  169
+  170
+  171
+  ==> /tmp/hst/r3d_val <==
+  454 1351795
+  414 1352249
+  8829 1352663
+  >: time ~/lib/python/ /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz 2>/tmp/hst/r3f_err| tee /tmp/hst/r3f_val|while read l o; do printf '%s\t%s\t%s\n' $l $o 'CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz' ;done |& tee /tmp/hst/r3f_log | -w |egrep '^WARC-Type: ' | tail -4
+  Reading length, offset, filename tab-delimited triples from stdin...
+  WARC-Type: metadata
+  WARC-Type: request
+  WARC-Type: response
+  WARC-Type: metadata
+  real  3m26.042s
+  user  0m44.167s
+  sys   0m24.716s
+  >: tail -n 3 /tmp/hst/r3f*
+  ==> /tmp/hst/r3f_err <==
+  ==> /tmp/hst/r3f_val <==
+  457 1059421286
+  17754 1059421743
+  425 1059439497
+Doubling buffer size doesn't speed up
+  >: time ~/lib/python/ -b $((2 * 1024 * 1024)) /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz 2>/tmp/hst/r3g_err| tee /tmp/hst/r3g_val|while read l o; do printf '%s\t%s\t%s\n' $l $o 'CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz' ;done |& tee /tmp/hst/r3g_log | -w |egrep '^WARC-Type: ' | tail -4
+  Reading length, offset, filename tab-delimited triples from stdin...
+  WARC-Type: metadata
+  WARC-Type: request
+  WARC-Type: response
+  WARC-Type: metadata
+  real  3m34.519s
+  user  0m52.312s
+  sys   0m24.875s
+Tried using FileIO.readinto([a fixed buffer]), but didn't immediately
+work. Abandoned because I still don't understand how zlib.decompress
+works at all...
+Time to convert unpackz to a library which takes a callback
+alternative to an output file -- Done
+W/o using callback, timing and structure for what we need for
+re-indexing task looks encouraging:
+  >: time ~/lib/python/cc/ -o /dev/stdout /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz |egrep -aA20 '^WARC-Type: response' | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | egrep -a '^WARC-' |sus | tee >(wc -l 1>&2)
+    52468 WARC-Block-Digest:
+    52468 WARC-Concurrent-To:
+    52468 WARC-Date:
+    52468 WARC-Identified-Payload-Type:
+    52468 WARC-IP-Address:
+    52468 WARC-Payload-Digest:
+    52468 WARC-Record-ID:
+    52468 WARC-Target-URI:
+    52468 WARC-Type:
+    52468 WARC-Warcinfo-ID:
+      236 WARC-Truncated:
+  11
+  real  0m20.308s
+  user  0m19.720s
+  sys   0m4.505s
+Whole thing, with no pre-filtering:
+  >: time ~/lib/python/cc/ -o /dev/stdout /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz  | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | egrep -a '^(WARC-|Content-|Last-Modified)' |sus | tee >(wc -l 1>&2)
+   211794 Content-Length:
+   211162 Content-Type:
+   159323 WARC-Target-URI:
+   159311 WARC-Warcinfo-ID:
+   159301 WARC-Record-ID:
+   159299 WARC-Date:
+   159297 WARC-Type:
+   105901 WARC-Concurrent-To:
+   105896 WARC-IP-Address:
+    52484 WARC-Block-Digest:
+    52484 WARC-Identified-Payload-Type:
+    52482 WARC-Payload-Digest:
+     9239 Last-Modified:
+     3941 Content-Language:
+     2262 Content-Security-Policy:
+      642 Content-language:
+      326 Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+      238 WARC-Truncated:
+      114 Content-Disposition:
+      352 Content-*:
+	1 WARC-Filename:
+  42
+real  0m30.896s
+user  0m37.335s
+sys   0m7.542s
+First 51 after WARC-Type: response
+  >: time ~/lib/python/cc/ -o /dev/stdout /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz |egrep -aA50 '^WARC-Type: response' | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | egrep -a '^(WARC-|Content-|Last-Modified)' |sus | tee >(wc -l 1>&2)
+   106775 Content-Length:
+   106485 Content-Type:
+    55215 WARC-Type:
+    55123 WARC-Date:
+    54988 WARC-Record-ID:
+    54551 WARC-Warcinfo-ID:
+    54246 WARC-Target-URI:
+    54025 WARC-Concurrent-To:
+    52806 WARC-IP-Address:
+    52468 WARC-Block-Digest:
+    52468 WARC-Identified-Payload-Type:
+    52468 WARC-Payload-Digest:
+     9230 Last-Modified:
+     3938 Content-Language:
+     2261 Content-Security-Policy:
+      639 Content-language:
+      324 Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+      236 WARC-Truncated:
+      114 Content-Disposition:
+      342 Content-*:
+  41
+  real  0m21.483s
+  user  0m22.372s
+  sys   0m5.400s
+So, not worth the risk, let's try python
+  >: time ~/lib/python/cc/ /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz|wc -l
+  9238
+  real  0m25.426s
+  user  0m23.201s
+  sys   0m0.711s
+Looks good, but why 9238 instead of 9239???
+  >: ~/lib/python/cc/ -o /dev/stdout /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz | egrep -a '^Last-Modified: ' > /tmp/hst/lmo.tsv
+Argh.  Serious bug in unpackz, wasn't handline cross-buffer-boundary
+records correctly.  Fixed.  Redoing the above...
+No pre-filter:
+  >: uz /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz|egrep -c '^WARC/1\.0.$'
+  160297
+  >: time ~/lib/python/cc/ -o /dev/stdout /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz  | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | egrep -a '^(WARC-|Content-|Last-Modified)' |sus | tee >(wc -l 1>&2)
+ 213719 Content-Length:
+ 213088 Content-Type:
+ 160297 WARC-Date:
+ 160297 WARC-Record-ID:
+ 160297 WARC-Type:
+ 160296 WARC-Target-URI:
+ 160296 WARC-Warcinfo-ID:
+ 106864 WARC-Concurrent-To:
+ 106864 WARC-IP-Address:
+  53432 WARC-Block-Digest:  [consistent with 106297 == (3 * 53432) + 1]
+  53432 WARC-Identified-Payload-Type:
+  53432 WARC-Payload-Digest:
+   9430 Last-Modified:
+   4006 Content-Language:
+   2325 Content-Security-Policy:
+    653 Content-language:
+    331 Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+    298 WARC-Truncated:
+    128 Content-Disposition:
+     83 Content-Location:
+     67 Content-type:
+     51 Content-MD5:
+     45 Content-Script-Type:
+     42 Content-Style-Type:
+     31 Content-Transfer-Encoding:
+     13 Content-disposition:
+      8 Content-Md5:
+      5 Content-Description:
+      5 Content-script-type:
+      5 Content-style-type:
+      3 Content-transfer-encoding:
+      2 Content-Encoding-handler:
+      1 Content-DocumentTitle:
+      1 Content-Hash:
+      1 Content-ID:
+      1 Content-Legth:
+      1 Content-length:
+      1 Content-Range:
+      1 Content-Secure-Policy:
+      1 Content-security-policy:
+      1 Content-Type-Options:
+      1 WARC-Filename:
+real  0m28.876s
+user  0m35.703s
+sys   0m6.976s
+  >: ~/lib/python/cc/ -o /dev/stdout /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz | egrep -a '^Last-Modified: ' > /tmp/hst/lmo.tsv
+  >: wc -l /tmp/hst/lmo.tsv
+  9430 /tmp/hst/lmo.tsv
+  >: time ~/lib/python/cc/ /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz > /tmp/hst/lm.tsv
+  real  0m17.191s
+  user  0m15.739s
+  sys   0m0.594s
+  >: wc -l /tmp/hst/lm.tsv
+  9423 /tmp/hst/lm.tsv
+  >: diff <(sed 's/^Last-Modified: //' /tmp/hst/lmo.tsv | tr -d '\r') <(cut -f 3 /tmp/hst/lm.tsv)
+  853d852
+  <       Mon, 19 Aug 2019 01:46:49 GMT
+  4058d4056
+  < Tue, 03 Nov 2015 21:31:18 GMT<br />
+  4405d4402
+  < Mon, 19 Aug 2019 01:54:52 GMT
+  5237,5238d5233
+  < 3
+  < Asia/Amman
+  7009d7003
+  <       Mon, 19 Aug 2019 02:34:20 GMT
+  9198d9191
+  <       Mon, 19 Aug 2019 02:14:49 GMT
+All good.  The only implausable case is
+  < Mon, 19 Aug 2019 01:54:52 GMT
+which turns out to be a case of two Last-Modified headers in the same
+the same response record's HTTP headers.  RFCs 2616 and 7230 rule it
+out but neither specifies a recovery, so first-wins is as good as
+anything, and indeed 6797 specifies that.
+Start looking at how we do the merge of with existing index
+Try it with the existing _per segment_ index we have for 2019-35
+Assuming we have to key on segment plus offset, as reconstructing the
+proper index key is such a pain / buggy / is going to change with the year.
+Stay with segment 49
+  >: uz cdx.gz |wc -l
+ 29,870,307
+  >: time uz cdx.gz|egrep -ao ' "length": "[0-9]*", "offset": "[0-9]*"' |wc
+  29,870,307 119,481,228 1,241,098,122
+             = 4 * 29,870,307
+So no bogons, not _too_ surprising :-)
+Bad news is it's a _big_ file:
+  >: ls -lh cdx.gz
+  -rw-r--r-- 1 hst dc007 2.0G Mar 18  2021 cdx.gz
+So not viable to paste offset as a key and then sort on command line,
+or to load it in to python and do the work there...
+Do it per warc file and then merge?
+  >: time uz cdx.gz |fgrep -a warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00558.warc.gz | sort -n -t\" -k28,28 > /tmp/hst/558.warc.cdx
+  real  0m23.494s
+  user  0m14.541s
+  sys   0m9.158s
+  >: wc -l /tmp/hst/558.warc.cdx
+  53432 /tmp/hst/558.warc.cdx
+  >: echo $((600 * 53432))
+  32,059,200
+So, 600 of those, plus approx. same again for extracting, that pbly
+_is_ doable in python, not more than 10 hours total, assuming internal
+sort and external merge is not too expensive...
+For each segment, suppose we pull out 60 groups of 10 target files
+  >: time uz cdx.gz |egrep -a warc/CC-MAIN-2019[^-]*-2019[^-]*-0000..warc.gz > /tmp/hst/0000.warc.cdx
+  real  0m42.129s
+  user  0m35.147s
+  sys   0m9.140s
+  >: wc -l /tmp/hst/0000.warc.cdx
+  533150
+Key it with offset and sort:
+  >: time egrep -ao ' "length": "[0-9]*", "offset": "[0-9]*"' /tmp/hst/0000.warc.cdx | cut -f 5 -d ' ' | tr -d \"  > /tmp/hst/0000_offsets
+  real  0m5.578s
+  user  0m5.593s
+  sys   0m0.265s
+  >: time paste /tmp/hst/0000_offsets /tmp/hst/0000.warc.cdx |sort -nk1,1 | cut -f 2 > /tmp/hst/0000_sorted.warc.cdx
+  real  0m4.185s
+  user  0m2.001s
+  sys   0m1.334s
+  >: time seq 0 9 | parallel -j 10 "~/lib/python/cc/ /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-*-*-0000'{}'.warc.gz > /tmp/hst/lm_0000'{}'.tsv"
+  real  0m24.610s
+  user  2m54.146s
+  sys   0m10.226s
+  >: head /tmp/hst/lm_00000.tsv
+  9398  16432     Mon, 19 Aug 2019 02:44:15 GMT
+  20796 26748     Tue, 16 Jul 2019 04:39:09 GMT
+  4648  340633    Fri, 07 Dec 2018 09:05:59 GMT
+  3465  357109    Sun, 18 Aug 2019 11:48:23 GMT
+  7450  914189    Mon, 19 Aug 2019 02:50:08 GMT
+  ...
+  sing<3956>: fgrep '"length": "9398", "offset": "16432"' /tmp/hst/0000_sorted.warc.cdx
+  com,roommeme,0401a)/index.phtml?channel=&op=&p=140&put=show&r2= 20190819024416 {"url": "", "mime": "text/html", "mime-detected": "text/html", "status": "200", "digest": "5DNDVX5HQBOOBHISSCOI4UBVMUL63L36", "length": "9398", "offset": "16432", "filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027314638.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00000.warc.gz", "charset": "Big5", "languages": "zho"}
+So, the python code is pretty straightfoward: open the 10 individual
+lm-*.tsv outputs into an array, initialise a 10-elt array with the
+first line of each and another with its offset, record the
+fileno(s) of the lowest offset, then iterate
+  read cdx lines and write unchanged until offset = lowest
+  merge line from fileno and output
+  remove fileno from list of matches
+  read and store a new line for fileno [handle EOF]
+  if list of matches is empty, redo setting of lowest
+Resort the result by actual key
+Meanwhile, get a whole test set:
+sbatch --output=slurm_aug_cdx_49_10-599-out --time=01:00:00 --ntasks=10 -c 36 --exclusive $HOME/bin/ -m 00 59 $PWD -t 18 -b 'export resdir=CC-MAIN-2019-35/aug_cdx/49
+export DEC=$xarg' "export PYTHONPATH=./lib/python/cc:$PYTHONPATH
+seq 0 9 | parallel -j 10 \"~/lib/python/cc/ /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-*-*-00\${DEC}'{}'.warc.gz > \$resdir/00\${DEC}'{}'.tsv\""
+Actually finished 360 in the hour.
+sbatch --output=slurm_aug_cdx_49_360-599-out --time=01:00:00 --ntasks=10 -c 36 --exclusive $HOME/bin/ -m 36 59 $PWD -t 18 -b 'export resdir=CC-MAIN-2019-35/aug_cdx/49
+export DEC=$xarg' "export PYTHONPATH=./lib/python/cc:$PYTHONPATH
+seq 0 9 | parallel -j 10 \"~/lib/python/cc/ /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/1566027314638.49/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-*-*-00\${DEC}'{}'.warc.gz > \$resdir/00\${DEC}'{}'.tsv\""
+But something is wrong, the number of jobs is all wrong:
+  5>: fgrep -c parallel slurm_aug_cdx_49_0-359-out
+  741
+  sing<4046>: ls -lt CC-MAIN-2019-35/aug_cdx/49/|wc -l
+  372
+Every file is being produced twice.
+Took me a while to figure out my own code :-(
+  >: sbatch --output=slurm_aug_cdx_49_360-599-out --time=01:00:00 --ntasks=10 -c 36 --exclusive $HOME/bin/ -m 49 49 $PWD -t 18 -b 'export resdir=CC-MAIN-2019-35/aug_cdx/$xarg
+  export SEG=$xarg
+ -f "%03g\n" -s 360 599 $n $task > /tmp/hst_$task' -i 'cat /tmp/hst_$task' 'export PYTHONPATH=./lib/python/cc:$PYTHONPATH
+   ~/lib/python/cc/ /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/*.$SEG/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-*-*-00${arg}.warc.gz > $resdir/00${arg}.tsv'
+Oops, only 560, not 600
+Took 3.5 minutes for 200, so call it 10 for 560, so do 6 more in an
+  >: sbatch --output=slurm_aug_cdx_50-55_out --time=01:00:00 --ntasks=10 -c 36 --exclusive $HOME/bin/ -m 50 55 $PWD -t 18 -b 'export resdir=CC-MAIN-2019-35/aug_cdx/$xarg
+mkdir -p $resdir
+> export SEG=$xarg -f "%03g\n" -s 360 599 $n $task > /tmp/hst_$task' -i 'cat /tmp/hst_$task' 'export PYTHONPATH=./lib/python/cc:$PYTHONPATH
+ ~/lib/python/cc/ /beegfs/common_crawl/CC-MAIN-2019-35/*.$SEG/orig/warc/CC-MAIN-*-*-00${arg}.warc.gz > $resdir/00${arg}.tsv'
+  >: tail slurm_aug_cdx_50-55_out
+  ...
+  Wed Oct 9 22:25:47 BST 2024 Finished 55
+  >: head -1 slurm_aug_cdx_50-55_out
+  Wed Oct 9 21:29:43 BST
+               56:04
+  >: du -s CC-MAIN-2019-35/aug_cdx
+  1,902,916
+Not bad, so order 20MB for the whole thing
+Next step, compare to my existing cdx with timestamp
+First check looks about right:
+  [cd .../warc_lmhx]
+  >: seq --format='%03g' 0 299 > /tmp/hst/cdx_nums
+  >: parallel -j 20 -a /tmp/hst/cdx_nums 'uz idx/cdx-00{}.gz | egrep -o "\"filename\": \"crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/[^.]*[.]50.*\"lastmod\":" | sed "s/^.*-00//;s/^\(...\).*/\1/"| sus > /tmp/hst/checkseg_50_{}'
+  [cd .../aug_cdx/50]
+  >: wc -l 00123.tsv
+  9333
+  >: egrep -h '123$' /tmp/hst/checkseg_50_??? | acut 1 | btot
+  9300
+  >: wc -l 00400.tsv
+  9477 00400.tsv
+  >: egrep -h '400$' /tmp/hst/checkseg_50_??? | acut 1 | btot
+  9439
+Difference is presumable the bogus timestamps aren't in the augmented
+cdx as shipped.
+Note that the following 'bad' kind of timestamp is fixed before does its thing:
+   ... <(uz $arg/*00???.warc.gz | '"fgrep $'\t'|sed '/GMT$/s/\([^ ]\)GMT$/\1 GMT/')"' >$arg/ks.tsv
+  >: egrep -c '[^ ]GMT$' 50/00123.tsv
+  22
+  >: egrep -c '[^ ]GMT$' 50/00400.tsv
+  14
+  >: PYTHONPATH=~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH <(uz ../warc_lmhx/50/*00123.warc.gz | fgrep $'\t'|sed '/GMT$/s/\([^ ]\)GMT$/\1 GMT/') 2> /tmp/hst/123_errs | wc -l
+  9300
+  >: fgrep -c Invalid /tmp/hst/123_errs
+  33
+  >: PYTHONPATH=~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH <(uz ../warc_lmhx/50/*00400.warc.gz | fgrep $'\t'|sed '/GMT$/s/\([^ ]\)GMT$/\1 GMT/') 2> /tmp/hst/400_errs | wc -l
+  9439
+  >: fgrep -c Invalid /tmp/hst/400_errs
+  38
+All good.
+  >: seq --format='%03g' 0 559 > /tmp/hst/warc_nums
+  >: xx () {
+  r=$(diff -bw
+   <(echo $((
+    $( <(uz ../warc_lmhx/50/*00$1.warc.gz |
+      fgrep $'\t'|sed '/GMT$/s/\([^ ]\)GMT$/\1 GMT/') 2>/tmp/hst/ec_$1 |wc -l)
+       +
+    $(fgrep -c Invalid /tmp/hst/ec_$1))))
+  <(wc -l < 50/00$1.tsv))
+ if [ "$r" ]
+ then printf "%s:\n%s\n" $2 "$r"
+ fi
+ }
+  >: parallel -j 20 -a /tmp/hst/warc_nums xx '{}'  '$(({#} - 1))'  | tee /tmp/hst/aug_bugs
+  >: fgrep -c 1c1 /tmp/hst/aug_bugs
+  77
+  sing<4318>: wc -l < /tmp/hst/aug_bugs
+  385
+  sing<4319>: echo $((77 * 5))
+  385
+OK, there are a few other error messages from date conversion
+   >: xx () { r=$(diff -bw <(echo $(($( <(uz ../warc_lmhx/50/*00$1.warc.gz | fgrep $'\t'|sed '/GMT$/s/\([^ ]\)GMT$/\1 GMT/') 2>/tmp/hst/ec_$1 |wc -l) + $(egrep -c 'Invalid|must be in|out of range' /tmp/hst/ec_$1)))) <(wc -l < 50/00$1.tsv)); if [ "$r" ]; then  printf "%s:\n%s\n" $2 "$r"; fi; }
+sing<4337>: parallel -j 20 -a /tmp/hst/warc_nums xx '{}'  '$(({#} - 1))'  | tee /tmp/hst/aug_bugs2
+   [nothing]
+So, I think we can believe we're OK
+But 7 is better than 1:
+  >: xx () { r=$(diff -bw <(echo $(($( <(uz ../warc_lmhx/$3/*00$1.warc.gz | fgrep $'\t'|sed '/GMT$/s/\([^ ]\)GMT$/\1 GMT/') 2>/tmp/hst/ec_$1 |wc -l) + $(egrep -c 'Invalid|must be in|out of range' /tmp/hst/ec_$1)))) <(wc -l < $3/00$1.tsv)); if [ "$r" ]; then  printf "%s:\n%s\n" $2 "$r"; fi; }
+  >: for s in 49 {51..55}; do parallel -j 20 -a /tmp/hst/warc_nums xx '{}'  '$(({#} - 1))' $s  | tee /tmp/hst/aug_bugs_$s; done
+  [nothing]
+Next step: ?
Binary file lurid3/status.xlsx has changed