view php/read/similar.php @ 59:e4c78b3eace7

stop bothering at all
author Charlie Root
date Sun, 09 Jun 2019 06:49:35 -0400
parents d9dd9705e724
line wrap: on
line source


function dbConnect($go)
	if($go == 1)
		return "../../private/db.php"; 
		return "../../../private/db.php"; 

function addAmazonSimilarBooks($isbn1, $loc, $go)
include dbConnect($go);

$queryLoc = "CALL getLocation('$loc')"; //"select locname from location where LocID = $loc";
$res = mysqli_query($link, $queryLoc) or exit( mysqli_error( $link ));
mysqli_close($link);	//do not remove. reset is needed otherwise mysqli_fetch_array doesn't work after first loop
include dbConnect($go);

$rows=mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC);

  'language'           =>'en',           //what language to render the page in
  'locale'             =>$locale,           //which server's products? available: ca,de,fr,jp,uk,us
  'page'               =>1,              
  'operation'          =>'SimilarityLookup',   
  'searchparameter'    =>'ItemId',       //what kind of search?
  'searchparameterdata'=>$isbn1,  //what to search for?

  'uk' => 'bookwhack-21',
  'us' => 'your02b-20',
  'ca' => 'book009-20',
  'de' => 'book04c-21',
  'fr' => 'book07f-21',

  'ca' => array(
    'ext' => 'ca'                      ,  //Canadian normal server
    'nor' => ''    ,  //Canadian normal server
    'xml' => ''   ,  //Canadian xml server
  'de' => array(
    'ext' => 'de'                      ,  //German normal server
    'nor' => ''    ,  //German normal server
    'xml' => '',  //German xml server
  'fr' => array(
    'ext' => 'fr'                      ,  //French normal server
    'nor' => ''    ,  //French normal server
    'xml' => '',  //French xml server
  'jp' => array(
    'ext' => 'jp'                      ,  //Japanese normal server, not!
    'nor' => '' ,  //Japanese normal server
    'xml' => ''   ,  //Japanese xml server
  'uk' => array(
    'ext' => ''                   ,  //UK normal server
    'nor' => '' ,  //UK normal server
    'xml' => '',  //UK xml server
  'us' => array(
    'ext' => 'com'                     ,  //USA normal server
    'nor' => ''   ,  //USA normal server
    'xml' => ''   ,  //USA xml server

include "aws_signed_request.php";
$public_key ="AKIAIHTNWC7L6LOUY4LQ";

//for all parameters see if the user has overruled it or use the default
foreach ($Adefault as $i=>$d) {

    'Operation'       =>$operation              ,
    //'Keywords'        =>urlencode($search)      ,
    //'SearchIndex'     =>$searchindex            ,  //Books for example.
    "$searchparameter"=>$searchparameterdata    ,
    'ItemPage'        =>$page                   ,  //which page?
    'AssociateTag'    =>$Aassociates_id[$locale],
    'ResponseGroup'   =>'Small'          ,  //Small, Medium, Large or SellerListing, Similarities

//echo $url;

        $crl = curl_init();
        $timeout = 5;
        curl_setopt ($crl, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
        curl_setopt ($crl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt ($crl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
	  $semaphore = new SyncSemaphore("Amazon");
	  $gotit = $semaphore->lock(5000);
	  if (!$gotit) {
			      "Got it: ".(int)$gotit." 4\n",FILE_APPEND);
	    $gotit = $semaphore->lock(5000);
		        "Got it: ".(int)$gotit." 4a\n",FILE_APPEND);
        $ret = curl_exec($crl);
	if ($gotit) {
	else {
			    "Unlocking 4\n",FILE_APPEND);
        //echo $ret;
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($ret);

//$isbn1 = $xml->Items->Request->SimilarityLookupRequest->ItemId;
//echo $isbn1;

$result = "";
   foreach($xml->Items->Item[$i]->ASIN as $isbn2){
    //  echo $isbn2;

	$group = $xml->Items->Item[$i]->ItemAttributes->ProductGroup;

	//foreach one of these, create a new request to check whether its a book.
	//if it is then add it to the return (or add it to the database)
	if($group == 'Book')
		$query1 = "CALL b_getLinkID('$isbn1', '$isbn2', $loc)"; // "select ScoreID from scoretable where BookID1 = '$isbn1' and BookID2 = '$isbn2' and LocID = $loc";
		//echo $query1;
		$data1 = mysqli_query($link, $query1) or exit( mysqli_error( $link ));
		mysqli_close($link);	//do not remove. reset is needed otherwise mysqli_fetch_array doesn't work after first loop
		include dbConnect($go); 

	if ( mysqli_num_rows( $data1 ) < 1 )
			$queryL = "CALL b_addNewLink('$isbn1','$isbn2',0,$loc)";
			//echo $queryL;
			$results1 = mysqli_query($link, $queryL);
			$rows=mysqli_fetch_array($results1, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
			//reset connection
			mysqli_close($link);	//do not remove. reset is needed otherwise mysqli_fetch_array doesn't work after first loop
			include dbConnect($go); 
			//$scoreQuery = "CALL b_insertTempScore('$isbn1','$isbn2',$loc,$linkid,0)";		
			//echo $scoreQuery;
			//$scoreFinal = mysqli_query($link, $scoreQuery);
			$result .= "<type>0</type>";
			$result .= "<isbn>" . $isbn2 . "</isbn>";
			$result .= "<linkID>" . trim($linkid) . "</linkID>";

return $result;
