view php/read/getBookDetails.php @ 59:e4c78b3eace7

stop bothering at all
author Charlie Root
date Sun, 09 Jun 2019 06:49:35 -0400
parents 39600878ff93
line wrap: on
line source

include_once "dlog.php";

include_once "web.php";
function findGenre($browseNode, &$ID, &$gen)
	if($browseNode->Name == "Subjects")
		 return true;		 
			if(findGenre($browseNode->Ancestors->BrowseNode, $ID, $gen) == true)
				$gen = $browseNode->Name;
				$ID = $browseNode->BrowseNodeId;
				//if($browseNode->Name == "Literature & Fiction") //to return one level up the tree as well
				//	return true;
		return false;		

global $out,$isbn,$Aserver,$Aassociates_id;
	$isbn = $_GET['isbn'];
	switch ($locale) {
    case "uk":
        $loc = 1;
    case "us":
        $loc = 0;
    case "ca":
        $loc = 2;
	case "de":
        $loc = 3;
	case "fr":
        $loc = 4;
	case "":
        $loc = 0;
	$output = "";

	$output .=  "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
	$output .=  "<BookDetails>";
	$proceed = true;
	include "db.php";

	$query = "CALL b_getBookInfo('$isbn', $loc)";
	//select Timestamp,Title,Author,Binding,DeweyDecimal,ImageURL,SalesRank,PublicationDate,Publisher,Genre1,Genre2,Genre3 from books where ISBN = '$isbn'";
	//echo $query;
	$res = my_query($query,'gbd1');
	if ( mysqli_num_rows( $res ) > 0 )
		$rows=mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
		mysqli_close($link);	//do not remove. reset is needed otherwise mysqli_fetch_array doesn't work after first loop
		//echo $timestamp;
		$dbStamp = strtotime($timestamp);
		//echo $dbStamp;
		$unixTime = time();
		//echo $unixTime;			
		$timeDiff = $unixTime - $dbStamp;
		//echo $timeDiff;
		if($timeDiff < 2592000) //if it has been updated in the last 30 days 
			$proceed = false;
			$output .=  "<ISBN>" . $isbn . "</ISBN>";
			$output .=  "<Title>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["Title"]) . "</Title>";
			$output .=  "<Author>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["Author"]) . "</Author>";
			$output .=  "<Binding>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["Binding"]) . "</Binding>";
			$output .=  "<Dewey>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["DeweyDecimal"]) . "</Dewey>";
			$output .=  "<ImageURL>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["ImageURL"]) . "</ImageURL>";
			$output .=  "<SalesRank>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["SalesRank"]) . "</SalesRank>";
			$output .=  "<PublicationDate>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["PublicationDate"]) . "</PublicationDate>";
			$output .=  "<Publisher>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["Publisher"]) . "</Publisher>";
			$output .=  "<Genre1>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["Genre1"]) . "</Genre1>";
			$output .=  "<Genre2>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["Genre2"]) . "</Genre2>";
			$output .=  "<Genre3>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["Genre3"]) . "</Genre3>";
			$output .=  "<ProductGroup>Book</ProductGroup>";
	else {
	  mysqli_close($link);	//do not remove. reset is needed otherwise mysqli_fetch_array doesn't work after first loop
	dl("gbd: ".strlen($output)." $proceed\n$output\n");
	if($proceed == true)
	    include "aws_signed_request.php";
	    include_once "xml/doAmazonRequest.php";

	    //book does not exist already so look up all the info from browse nodes....

			    'language'           =>'en',           //what language to render the page in
			    'locale'             =>'us',           //which server's products? available: ca,de,fr,jp,uk,us
			    'page'               =>1,              //first page to show (we are counting from 1 not 0)
			    'operation'          =>'ItemLookup',   //what to do?	//ItemSearch
			    'searchparameter'    =>'ItemId',       //what kind of search?
			    'searchindex'     => 'Books',
			    'searchparameterdata'=>$isbn,  //what to search for?
			    'search' =>$isbn,
			    //here some debugging flags you can put at the end of the URL to call this script with, like: '?show_array=true'
			    'show_array'         =>false,          //debug: show complete incoming array? You can use this to see what other information Amazon is sending
			    'show_url'           =>false,          //debug: show XML request url to be send to Amazon?
			    'show_xml'           =>false,          //debug: show incoming XML code from Amazon?
	    //change the debug options to true if you want to activate them or call the script with '?show_array=true' to see what actual information you're getting from Amazon and how little my standard script is actually showing of it

	    //for all parameters see if the user has overruled it or use the default
	    foreach ($Adefault as $i=>$d) {

			      'Operation'       =>$operation              ,
			      'Keywords'        =>urlencode($search)      ,
			      "$searchparameter"=>$searchparameterdata    ,
			      'ItemPage'        =>$page                   ,  //which page?
			      'AssociateTag'    =>$Aassociates_id[$locale],
			      'ResponseGroup'   =>'ItemAttributes,Images,SalesRank,BrowseNodes'

	    if ($searchindex!='Books') {

	    try {
	      //use this xml to pull out the necessary information and save it
	      set_error_handler(function () {
		  global $out,$isbn;
		  dl("Caught one bd: $isbn\n");
		  dl(print_r($out, TRUE)."\n");
		} );
	      include "db.php";
	      $title = $xml->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Title;
	      $author = $xml->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Author;
	      $binding = $xml->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Binding;
	      $dewey = $xml->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->DeweyDecimalNumber;
	      if($dewey == "")
		$dewey = "null";
	      $imageURL = $xml->Items->Item->MediumImage->URL;
	      $salesRank = $xml->Items->Item->SalesRank;
	      $pubDate = $xml->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->PublicationDate;
	      $publisher = $xml->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Publisher;
	      if ($publisher and strlen($publisher)>30) {
	      if ($author and strlen($author)>30) {
	      if ($title and strlen($title)>100) {
	      if (strlen($pubDate)==4) { $pubDate=$pubDate."-01-01";}
	      if (strlen($pubDate)==7) { $pubDate=$pubDate."-01";}
	      if (strlen($pubDate)==0) {
	      else {
	      /*echo $title;
	       echo $author;
	       echo $binding;
	       echo $dewey;
	       echo $imageURL;
	       echo $salesRank;
	       echo $pubDate;
	       echo $publisher;*/
	      $genreID = "";
	      $genre = "";		
	      $genArr = array();
	      $g1 = "null";
	      $g2 = "null";
	      $g3 = "null";
		  //sexy recursive function
		  findGenre($xml->Items->Item->BrowseNodes->BrowseNode[$i], $genreID, $genre);
		  if($genre != "")
		    $genArr[strval($genreID)] = strval($genre);
		  //$genArr[$i] = array(strval($genreID) => strval($genre));

		  //echo $genre;
		  //echo $genreID;
		  $genre = "";
		  $genreID = "";
		$g1 = "null";
		$g2 = "null";
		$g3 = "null";
		$loop = 1;
		foreach ($genArr as $key => $value) {
		  //echo "$key => $value";
		  if ($key>2047) {
		    //HST added
		  $queryG = "CALL b_addBrowseNode($key,\"$value\")";	//add the name value pair for genre to new table	
		  //echo $queryG;
		  $resG = my_query($queryG,'gbd2');
		  switch ($loop) {
		  case 1:
		    $g1 = $key;
		  case 2:
		    $g2 = $key;
		  case 3:
		    $g3 = $key;
	      if($salesRank == "")
		$salesRank = "null";
	      mysqli_close($link);	//do not remove. reset is needed otherwise mysqli_fetch_array doesn't work after first loop
	      include "db.php";
	      $title = strtr($title, '"', "'");	
	      $queryInsert = "CALL b_addNewBook(\"$isbn\",\"$title\", \"$author\",\"$binding\",\"$imageURL\", $dewey, $salesRank,$pubDate,\"$publisher\",$g1,$g2,$g3,$loc)";	
	      //echo $queryInsert;
	      $res = my_query($queryInsert,'gbd3');
	      mysqli_close($link);	//do not remove. reset is needed otherwise mysqli_fetch_array doesn't work after first loop		

	      $output .=  "<ISBN>" . htmlspecialchars($isbn) . "</ISBN>";
	      $output .=  "<Title>" . htmlspecialchars($title) . "</Title>";
	      $output .=  "<Author>" . htmlspecialchars($author) . "</Author>";
	      $output .=  "<Binding>" . htmlspecialchars($binding) . "</Binding>";
	      $output .=  "<Dewey>" . htmlspecialchars($dewey) . "</Dewey>";
	      $output .=  "<ImageURL>" . htmlspecialchars($imageURL) . "</ImageURL>";
	      $output .=  "<SalesRank>" . htmlspecialchars($salesRank) . "</SalesRank>";
	      $output .=  "<PublicationDate>" . htmlspecialchars($pubDate) . "</PublicationDate>";
	      $output .=  "<Publisher>" . htmlspecialchars($publisher) . "</Publisher>";
	      $output .=  "<Genre1>" . htmlspecialchars($g1) . "</Genre1>";
	      $output .=  "<Genre2>" . htmlspecialchars($g2) . "</Genre2>";
	      $output .=  "<Genre3>" . htmlspecialchars($g3) . "</Genre3>";	
	      $output .=  "<ProductGroup>Book</ProductGroup>";
	    catch (Exception $e) {
	      dl("gBD: dAR failed:".$e->getMessage()."\n");
	      if (isset($rows)) {
		dl("gBD:  returning stale info from DB: $timeDiff\n");
		/* HST hack, copied from above */
		$output .=  "<ISBN>" . $isbn . "</ISBN>";
		$output .=  "<Title>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["Title"]) . "</Title>";
		$output .=  "<Author>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["Author"]) . "</Author>";
		$output .=  "<Binding>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["Binding"]) . "</Binding>";
		$output .=  "<Dewey>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["DeweyDecimal"]) . "</Dewey>";
		$output .=  "<ImageURL>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["ImageURL"]) . "</ImageURL>";
		$output .=  "<SalesRank>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["SalesRank"]) . "</SalesRank>";
		$output .=  "<PublicationDate>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["PublicationDate"]) . "</PublicationDate>";
		$output .=  "<Publisher>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["Publisher"]) . "</Publisher>";
		$output .=  "<Genre1>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["Genre1"]) . "</Genre1>";
		$output .=  "<Genre2>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["Genre2"]) . "</Genre2>";
		$output .=  "<Genre3>" . htmlspecialchars($rows["Genre3"]) . "</Genre3>";
		$output .=  "<ProductGroup>Book</ProductGroup>";
	      else {
		dl("gBD:  no DB info either, bailing\n");
		# try to avoid looping behaviour from client :-(
	$output .=  "</BookDetails>";
	echo $output;