diff uk/index.php @ 1:7a532f1e0f07

author robert
date Wed, 28 Dec 2016 12:42:43 +0000
children 385ddd7c4b55 84a412b8122c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uk/index.php	Wed Dec 28 12:42:43 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+	function uniqueRand($n, $min = 0, $max = null)
+	{
+		if($max === null)
+			$max = getrandmax();
+		$array = range($min, $max);
+		$return = array();
+		$keys = array_rand($array, $n);
+		foreach($keys as $key)
+			$return[] = $array[$key];
+		return $return;
+	}
+	include "../mdetect.php";
+	$uagent_obj = new uagent_info();
+	$iPhone = $uagent_obj->DetectSmartphone();
+	$iPad = $uagent_obj->DetectIpad();
+  	$proceed = true;
+	$launchScript = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" src=\"../books/books.nocache.js\"></script>";
+	//print_r($_SERVER);
+  	if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || isset($_GET['facebook']))
+	{
+		$pos = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "apps.facebook.com");
+		if($pos !== false || isset($_GET['facebook']))
+		{
+			//we are in facebook canvas so react appropriately
+			include_once '../facebook.php';
+			$facebook = new Facebook(array(
+				'appId'  => '128245333876633',
+				'secret' => 'f51afc7e04289db62448edd8b70d83bf',
+				'cookie' => true,
+				'domain' => 'yournextpresent.com'
+			));
+			$session = $facebook->getSession();
+			if (!$session) {
+				$proceed = false;
+				$url = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array(
+						   'canvas' => 1,
+						   'fbconnect' => 0,
+						   'req_perms' => 'email,user_birthday,publish_stream'
+					   ));
+				echo "<script type='text/javascript'>top.location.href = '$url';</script>";
+			} 
+			else
+			{
+				$launchScript = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" src=\"../booksFB/books.nocache.js\"></script>";
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	echo "<!DOCTYPE html><html>";
+	if($proceed)
+	{
+	echo "<head>";
+	echo "<meta name=\"fragment\" content=\"!\">";
+	echo "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, user-scalable=no\" />";
+    echo "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">";
+	echo "<link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"../Books.css\">";
+		if(isset($_GET['_escaped_fragment_'])) {
+			$isbn = $_GET['_escaped_fragment_'];			
+			if($isbn == ""){
+				echo "<META NAME=\"Description\" CONTENT=\"Discover and share your next book at YourNextRead. YourNextRead makes book discovery and recommendation simple. Great for both bookworms and casual readers!\">";
+				echo "<title>YourNextRead: Book Recommendations (UK)</title>";
+				echo "<div id=\"script\"></div><noscript>
+				<p>You need to have Javascript enabled to use YourNextRead - Sorry!<p>
+				<p>Please see instructions on how to switch this on, depending on which browser you use:<p>
+				<ul>
+				<li><a href=\"http://www.ehow.com/how_2033406_enable-javascript-firefox.html\">Firefox</a></li>
+				<li><a href=\"http://www.chromefans.org/chrome-tutorial/how-to-enable-or-disable-javascript-in-google-chrome.htm\">Chrome</a></li>
+				<li><a href=\"http://support.microsoft.com/gp/howtoscript\">Internet Explorer</a></li>
+				</ul>
+				<p>Thank you for using YourNextRead<p>
+				<img src=\"http://www.yournextread.com/images/topleft.gif\" alt=\"YourNextRead\"/>
+				</noscript>";
+				if($iPhone && !$iPad)
+				{
+					echo "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, user-scalable=no\" />";
+					echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" src=\"../booksMob/books.nocache.js\"></script>";
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" src=\"../raphael-min.js\"></script>";
+					echo $launchScript;//"<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" src=\"../books/books.nocache.js\"></script>";
+				}
+				echo "</head>";
+				echo "<body>";
+				//we are at the launch page
+				echo "<p>Get started, search for a book you like... or choose from one of the lists below:</p><BR></BR>";
+				$ret = 1;													
+				$bookLists = include "../php/read/getAllSavedBooks.php"; 			
+				$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($bookLists);
+				$numOfLists = sizeof($xml->List) - 1;	//-1 for zero indexing 
+				$randomFourLists = uniqueRand(4,0,$numOfLists);				
+				foreach ($randomFourLists as $id) {
+					$ListName = $xml->List[$id]->SavedListName;
+					echo "<p><b>$ListName</b></p><BR></BR>";
+					for($i=0;$i<sizeof($xml->List[$id]->ListDetails->Book);$i++){
+						$bookTitle = $xml->List[$id]->ListDetails->Book[$i]->BookTitle;
+						$isbn = $xml->List[$id]->ListDetails->Book[$i]->ISBN;
+						echo "<a href=http://www.YourNextRead.com/uk/#!isbn=$isbn>$bookTitle</a> ";
+					}
+				}		
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				try{
+				$isbn = substr($isbn, 5); 
+				$chars = explode("/",$isbn);
+				$isbn = $chars[0];
+				$ret = 1;
+				$countryCode = 1;
+				include "../../private/db.php"; 
+				$query = "CALL b_getBookInfo('$isbn', $countryCode)";
+				//echo $query;
+				$res = mysqli_query($link, $query) or exit( mysqli_error( $link ));
+				include "../xml/aws_signed_request.php";
+				include "../xml/getAmazonInfo.php";
+				if ( mysqli_num_rows( $res ) > 0 )
+				{
+					$rows=mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC);		
+					$title = $rows["Title"];
+					$author = $rows["Author"];
+				}		
+				else
+				{
+					$bookDetails = getAmazonDet($isbn,1,'uk'); 
+					$bookXML = new SimpleXMLElement($bookDetails);
+					$title = $bookXML->Items->Item[0]->ItemAttributes->Title;
+					$author = $bookXML->Items->Item[0]->ItemAttributes->Author;
+				}
+				$linkedBooks = include "../php/read/getLinkedBooks.php"; 
+				$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($linkedBooks);
+				$recommended = "";
+				$linkedRecommended = "";
+				for($i=0;$i<sizeof($xml->isbn);$i++){
+					$linkedISBN = $xml->isbn[$i];
+					include "../../private/db.php"; 
+					$query = "CALL b_getBookInfo('$linkedISBN', $countryCode)";
+					//echo $query;
+					$res = mysqli_query($link, $query) or exit( mysqli_error( $link ));
+					if ( mysqli_num_rows( $res ) > 0 )
+					{
+						$rows=mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC);		
+						$titleL = $rows["Title"];
+						$authorL = $rows["Author"];
+						mysqli_close($link);
+					}		
+					else
+					{					
+						$bookLDetails = getAmazonDet($linkedISBN,1,'uk'); 
+						$bookLXML = new SimpleXMLElement($bookLDetails);
+						$titleL = $bookLXML->Items->Item[0]->ItemAttributes->Title;
+						$authorL = $bookLXML->Items->Item[0]->ItemAttributes->Author;
+					}
+					if($titleL != "")
+					{
+						$recommended .= " $titleL by $authorL,";
+						$underAuthor = str_replace(" ","_",$authorL);
+						$underTitle = str_replace(" ","_",$titleL);
+						$linkedRecommended .= "<a href=\"http://www.YourNextRead.com/uk/#!isbn=$linkedISBN/$underTitle" . "_by_$authorL\">$titleL by $authorL</a>, ";		
+					}					
+				}
+				$vote = "Vote on these recommendations!";
+				echo "<META NAME=\"Description\" CONTENT=\"YourNextRead recommended books for $title by $author:$recommended $vote\">";
+				echo "<title>YourNextRead (UK) Recommended Books for $title by $author</title>";
+				echo "<div id=\"script\"></div><noscript>
+				<p>You need to have Javascript enabled to use YourNextRead - Sorry!<p>
+				<p>Please see instructions on how to switch this on, depending on which browser you use:<p>
+				<ul>
+				<li><a href=\"http://www.ehow.com/how_2033406_enable-javascript-firefox.html\">Firefox</a></li>
+				<li><a href=\"http://www.chromefans.org/chrome-tutorial/how-to-enable-or-disable-javascript-in-google-chrome.htm\">Chrome</a></li>
+				<li><a href=\"http://support.microsoft.com/gp/howtoscript\">Internet Explorer</a></li>
+				</ul>
+				<p>Thank you for using YourNextRead<p>
+				<img src=\"http://www.yournextread.com/images/topleft.gif\" alt=\"YourNextRead\"/>
+				</noscript>";
+				if($iPhone && !$iPad)
+				{
+					echo "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, user-scalable=no\" />";
+					echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" src=\"../booksMob/books.nocache.js\"></script>";
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" src=\"../raphael-min.js\"></script>";
+					echo $launchScript;//"<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" src=\"../books/books.nocache.js\"></script>";
+				}
+				echo "</head>";
+				echo "<body>";				
+				echo "<p>Recommended Books for <b>$title</b> by <b>$author</b>:";
+				echo $linkedRecommended . "</p>";
+				echo "<p>" . $vote . "</p>";
+				echo "Change to <a href=\"http://www.YourNextRead.com/de/#!isbn=$isbn/$title" . "_by_$author\">YourNextRead Germany</a>, ";
+				echo "Change to <a href=\"http://www.YourNextRead.com/ca/#!isbn=$isbn/$title" . "_by_$author\">YourNextRead Canada</a>, ";
+				echo "Change to <a href=\"http://www.YourNextRead.com/fr/#!isbn=$isbn/$title" . "_by_$author\">YourNextRead France</a>, ";				
+				echo "Change to <a href=\"http://www.YourNextRead.com/us/#!isbn=$isbn/$title" . "_by_$author\">YourNextRead USA</a>";
+				echo ", See this on <a href=\"http://www.YourNextPresent.com/uk/#!isbn=$isbn\">YourNextPresent</a>, ";
+				echo "Switch to <a href=\"http://www.YourNextFilm.com/uk/\">YourNextFilm</a>, ";
+				echo "Switch to <a href=\"http://www.YourNextGame.com/uk/\">YourNextGame</a>";
+				}
+				catch(Exception $e)
+				{
+				  echo 'Message: ' .$e->getMessage();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			echo "<META NAME=\"Description\" CONTENT=\"YourNextRead recommends your next book. YourNextRead provides a book recommendation system showing aggregated book reviews, updated by real peoples opinions, in a simple visual map, helping you to decide 'What Should I Read Next?'. Perfect for both bookworms and casual readers!\">";
+			echo "<title>YourNextRead: Book Recommendations (UK)</title>";
+			//the title will get changed dynamically in the GWT code
+			echo "<div id=\"script\"></div><noscript>
+			<p>You need to have Javascript enabled to use YourNextRead - Sorry!<p>
+			<p>Please see instructions on how to switch this on, depending on which browser you use:<p>
+			<ul>
+			<li><a href=\"http://www.ehow.com/how_2033406_enable-javascript-firefox.html\">Firefox</a></li>
+			<li><a href=\"http://www.chromefans.org/chrome-tutorial/how-to-enable-or-disable-javascript-in-google-chrome.htm\">Chrome</a></li>
+			<li><a href=\"http://support.microsoft.com/gp/howtoscript\">Internet Explorer</a></li>
+			</ul>
+			<p>Thank you for using YourNextRead<p>
+			<img src=\"http://www.yournextread.com/images/topleft.gif\" alt=\"YourNextRead\"/>
+			</noscript>";
+			if($iPhone && !$iPad)
+			{
+				echo "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, user-scalable=no\" />";
+				echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" src=\"../booksMob/books.nocache.js\"></script>";
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" src=\"../raphael-min.js\"></script>";
+				echo $launchScript;//"<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" src=\"../books/books.nocache.js\"></script>";
+			}
+			echo "</head>";
+			echo "<body>";
+			echo "<div id=\"fb-root\"></div>
+			<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js\"></script>
+			 <script type=\"text/javascript\">
+			   FB.init({
+				 appId  : '128245333876633',
+				 status : true, // check login status
+				 cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
+				 xfbml  : true  // parse XFBML
+			   });
+			 </script>";
+			echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
+			var obj =   new Object;
+			obj.height=960;
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+		}
+	}	
+	?>
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