comparison mdetect.php @ 6:077b0a0a3e6d

remaining originals according to dependency walk
author Robert Boland <>
date Thu, 16 Feb 2017 22:29:02 +0000
children 093e42d5a874
equal deleted inserted replaced
5:55445b456ad0 6:077b0a0a3e6d
1 <?php
3 /* *******************************************
4 // Copyright 2010, Anthony Hand
5 //
6 // File version date: November 28, 2010
7 //
9 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
10 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
12 //
13 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14 // software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16 // either express or implied. See the License for the specific
17 // language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
18 //
19 //
21 // Project Owner: Anthony Hand
22 // Email:
23 // Web Site:
24 // Source Files:
25 //
26 // Versions of this code are available for:
27 // PHP, JavaScript, Java, ASP.NET (C#), and Ruby
28 //
29 // *******************************************
30 */
34 //**************************
35 // The uagent_info class encapsulates information about
36 // a browser's connection to your web site.
37 // You can use it to find out whether the browser asking for
38 // your site's content is probably running on a mobile device.
39 // The methods were written so you can be as granular as you want.
40 // For example, enquiring whether it's as specific as an iPod Touch or
41 // as general as a smartphone class device.
42 // The object's methods return 1 for true, or 0 for false.
43 class uagent_info
44 {
45 var $useragent = "";
46 var $httpaccept = "";
48 //standardized values for true and false.
49 var $true = 1;
50 var $false = 0;
52 //Optional: store values for quickly accessing same info multiple times.
53 // Call InitDeviceScan() to initialize these values.
54 var $isIphone = 0; //Stores whether the device is an iPhone or iPod Touch.
55 var $isTierIphone = 0; //Stores whether is the iPhone tier of devices.
56 var $isTierRichCss = 0; //Stores whether the device can probably support Rich CSS, but JavaScript support is not assumed. (e.g., newer BlackBerry, Windows Mobile)
57 var $isTierGenericMobile = 0; //Stores whether it is another mobile device, which cannot be assumed to support CSS or JS (eg, older BlackBerry, RAZR)
59 //Initialize some initial smartphone string variables.
60 var $engineWebKit = 'webkit';
61 var $deviceIphone = 'iphone';
62 var $deviceIpod = 'ipod';
63 var $deviceIpad = 'ipad';
64 var $deviceMacPpc = 'macintosh'; //Used for disambiguation
66 var $deviceAndroid = 'android';
67 var $deviceGoogleTV = 'googletv';
69 var $deviceNuvifone = 'nuvifone'; //Garmin Nuvifone
71 var $deviceSymbian = 'symbian';
72 var $deviceS60 = 'series60';
73 var $deviceS70 = 'series70';
74 var $deviceS80 = 'series80';
75 var $deviceS90 = 'series90';
77 var $deviceWinPhone7 = 'windows phone os 7';
78 var $deviceWinMob = 'windows ce';
79 var $deviceWindows = 'windows';
80 var $deviceIeMob = 'iemobile';
81 var $devicePpc = 'ppc'; //Stands for PocketPC
82 var $enginePie = 'wm5 pie'; //An old Windows Mobile
84 var $deviceBB = 'blackberry';
85 var $vndRIM = 'vnd.rim'; //Detectable when BB devices emulate IE or Firefox
86 var $deviceBBStorm = 'blackberry95'; //Storm 1 and 2
87 var $deviceBBBold = 'blackberry97'; //Bold
88 var $deviceBBTour = 'blackberry96'; //Tour
89 var $deviceBBCurve = 'blackberry89'; //Curve2
90 var $deviceBBTorch = 'blackberry 98'; //Torch
92 var $devicePalm = 'palm';
93 var $deviceWebOS = 'webos'; //For Palm's new WebOS devices
94 var $engineBlazer = 'blazer'; //Old Palm browser
95 var $engineXiino = 'xiino'; //Another old Palm
97 var $deviceKindle = 'kindle'; //Amazon Kindle, eInk one.
99 //Initialize variables for mobile-specific content.
100 var $vndwap = 'vnd.wap';
101 var $wml = 'wml';
103 //Initialize variables for other random devices and mobile browsers.
104 var $deviceBrew = 'brew';
105 var $deviceDanger = 'danger';
106 var $deviceHiptop = 'hiptop';
107 var $devicePlaystation = 'playstation';
108 var $deviceNintendoDs = 'nitro';
109 var $deviceNintendo = 'nintendo';
110 var $deviceWii = 'wii';
111 var $deviceXbox = 'xbox';
112 var $deviceArchos = 'archos';
114 var $engineOpera = 'opera'; //Popular browser
115 var $engineNetfront = 'netfront'; //Common embedded OS browser
116 var $engineUpBrowser = 'up.browser'; //common on some phones
117 var $engineOpenWeb = 'openweb'; //Transcoding by OpenWave server
118 var $deviceMidp = 'midp'; //a mobile Java technology
119 var $uplink = '';
120 var $engineTelecaQ = 'teleca q'; //a modern feature phone browser
122 var $devicePda = 'pda'; //some devices report themselves as PDAs
123 var $mini = 'mini'; //Some mobile browsers put 'mini' in their names.
124 var $mobile = 'mobile'; //Some mobile browsers put 'mobile' in their user agent strings.
125 var $mobi = 'mobi'; //Some mobile browsers put 'mobi' in their user agent strings.
127 //Use Maemo, Tablet, and Linux to test for Nokia's Internet Tablets.
128 var $maemo = 'maemo';
129 var $maemoTablet = 'tablet';
130 var $linux = 'linux';
131 var $qtembedded = 'qt embedded'; //for Sony Mylo and others
132 var $mylocom2 = 'com2'; //for Sony Mylo also
134 //In some UserAgents, the only clue is the manufacturer.
135 var $manuSonyEricsson = "sonyericsson";
136 var $manuericsson = "ericsson";
137 var $manuSamsung1 = "sec-sgh";
138 var $manuSony = "sony";
139 var $manuHtc = "htc"; //Popular Android and WinMo manufacturer
141 //In some UserAgents, the only clue is the operator.
142 var $svcDocomo = "docomo";
143 var $svcKddi = "kddi";
144 var $svcVodafone = "vodafone";
146 //Disambiguation strings.
147 var $disUpdate = "update"; //pda vs. update
150 //**************************
151 //The constructor. Initializes several default variables.
152 function uagent_info()
153 {
154 $this->useragent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
155 $this->httpaccept = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']);
156 }
158 //**************************
159 // Initialize Key Stored Values.
160 function InitDeviceScan()
161 {
162 global $isIphone, $isTierIphone, $isTierRichCss, $isTierGenericMobile;
164 $this->isIphone = $this->DetectIphoneOrIpod();
165 $this->isTierIphone = $this->DetectTierIphone();
166 $this->isTierRichCss = $this->DetectTierRichCss();
167 $this->isTierGenericMobile = $this->DetectTierOtherPhones();
168 }
170 //**************************
171 //Returns the contents of the User Agent value, in lower case.
172 function Get_Uagent()
173 {
174 return $this->useragent;
175 }
177 //**************************
178 //Returns the contents of the HTTP Accept value, in lower case.
179 function Get_HttpAccept()
180 {
181 return $this->httpaccept;
182 }
184 //**************************
185 // Detects if the current device is an iPhone.
186 function DetectIphone()
187 {
188 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceIphone) > -1)
189 {
190 //The iPad and iPod Touch say they're an iPhone! So let's disambiguate.
191 if ($this->DetectIpad() == $this->true ||
192 $this->DetectIpod() == $this->true)
193 {
194 return $this->false;
195 }
196 else
197 return $this->true;
198 }
199 else
200 return $this->false;
201 }
203 //**************************
204 // Detects if the current device is an iPod Touch.
205 function DetectIpod()
206 {
207 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceIpod) > -1)
208 return $this->true;
209 else
210 return $this->false;
211 }
213 //**************************
214 // Detects if the current device is an iPad tablet.
215 function DetectIpad()
216 {
217 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceIpad) > -1 &&
218 $this->DetectWebkit() == $this->true)
219 return $this->true;
220 else
221 return $this->false;
222 }
224 //**************************
225 // Detects if the current device is an iPhone or iPod Touch.
226 function DetectIphoneOrIpod()
227 {
228 //We repeat the searches here because some iPods may report themselves as an iPhone, which would be okay.
229 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceIphone) > -1 ||
230 stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceIpod) > -1)
231 return $this->true;
232 else
233 return $this->false;
234 }
236 //**************************
237 // Detects if the current device is an Android OS-based device.
238 function DetectAndroid()
239 {
240 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceAndroid) > -1)
241 return $this->true;
242 else
243 return $this->false;
244 }
246 //**************************
247 // Detects if the current device is an Android OS-based device and
248 // the browser is based on WebKit.
249 function DetectAndroidWebKit()
250 {
251 if ($this->DetectAndroid() == $this->true)
252 {
253 if ($this->DetectWebkit() == $this->true)
254 {
255 return $this->true;
256 }
257 else
258 return $this->false;
259 }
260 else
261 return $this->false;
262 }
264 //**************************
265 // Detects if the current device is a GoogleTV.
266 function DetectGoogleTV()
267 {
268 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceGoogleTV) > -1)
269 return $this->true;
270 else
271 return $this->false;
272 }
274 //**************************
275 // Detects if the current browser is based on WebKit.
276 function DetectWebkit()
277 {
278 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineWebKit) > -1)
279 return $this->true;
280 else
281 return $this->false;
282 }
285 //**************************
286 // Detects if the current browser is the Nokia S60 Open Source Browser.
287 function DetectS60OssBrowser()
288 {
289 //First, test for WebKit, then make sure it's either Symbian or S60.
290 if ($this->DetectWebkit() == $this->true)
291 {
292 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceSymbian) > -1 ||
293 stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceS60) > -1)
294 {
295 return $this->true;
296 }
297 else
298 return $this->false;
299 }
300 else
301 return $this->false;
302 }
304 //**************************
305 // Detects if the current device is any Symbian OS-based device,
306 // including older S60, Series 70, Series 80, Series 90, and UIQ,
307 // or other browsers running on these devices.
308 function DetectSymbianOS()
309 {
310 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceSymbian) > -1 ||
311 stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceS60) > -1 ||
312 stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceS70) > -1 ||
313 stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceS80) > -1 ||
314 stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceS90) > -1)
315 return $this->true;
316 else
317 return $this->false;
318 }
320 //**************************
321 // Detects if the current browser is a
322 // Windows Phone 7 device.
323 function DetectWindowsPhone7()
324 {
325 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceWinPhone7) > -1)
326 return $this->true;
327 else
328 return $this->false;
329 }
331 //**************************
332 // Detects if the current browser is a Windows Mobile device.
333 // Excludes Windows Phone 7 devices.
334 // Focuses on Windows Mobile 6.xx and earlier.
335 function DetectWindowsMobile()
336 {
337 if ($this->DetectWindowsPhone7() == $this->true)
338 return $this->false;
339 //Most devices use 'Windows CE', but some report 'iemobile'
340 // and some older ones report as 'PIE' for Pocket IE.
341 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceWinMob) > -1 ||
342 stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceIeMob) > -1 ||
343 stripos($this->useragent, $this->enginePie) > -1)
344 return $this->true;
345 //Test for Windows Mobile PPC but not old Macintosh PowerPC.
346 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->devicePpc) > -1
347 && !(stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceMacPpc) > 1))
348 return $this->true;
349 //Test for certain Windwos Mobile-based HTC devices.
350 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->manuHtc) > -1 &&
351 stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceWindows) > -1)
352 return $this->true;
353 if ($this->DetectWapWml() == $this->true &&
354 stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceWindows) > -1)
355 return $this->true;
356 else
357 return $this->false;
358 }
360 //**************************
361 // Detects if the current browser is a BlackBerry of some sort.
362 function DetectBlackBerry()
363 {
364 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceBB) > -1)
365 return $this->true;
366 if (stripos($this->httpaccept, $this->vndRIM) > -1)
367 return $this->true;
368 else
369 return $this->false;
370 }
372 //**************************
373 // Detects if the current browser is a BlackBerry device AND uses a
374 // WebKit-based browser. These are signatures for the new BlackBerry OS 6.
375 // Examples: Torch
376 function DetectBlackBerryWebKit()
377 {
378 if ((stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceBB) > -1) &&
379 (stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineWebKit) > -1))
380 {
381 return $this->true;
382 }
383 else
384 return $this->false;
385 }
387 //**************************
388 // Detects if the current browser is a BlackBerry Touch
389 // device, such as the Storm or Torch.
390 function DetectBlackBerryTouch()
391 {
392 if ((stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceBBStorm) > -1) ||
393 (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceBBTorch) > -1))
394 return $this->true;
395 else
396 return $this->false;
397 }
399 //**************************
400 // Detects if the current browser is a BlackBerry OS 5 device AND
401 // has a more capable recent browser.
402 // Examples, Storm, Bold, Tour, Curve2
403 // Excludes the new BlackBerry OS 6 browser!!
404 function DetectBlackBerryHigh()
405 {
406 //Disambiguate for BlackBerry OS 6 (WebKit) browser
407 if ($this->DetectBlackBerryWebKit() == $this->true)
408 return $this->false;
409 if ($this->DetectBlackBerry() == $this->true)
410 {
411 if (($this->DetectBlackBerryTouch() == $this->true) ||
412 stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceBBBold) > -1 ||
413 stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceBBTour) > -1 ||
414 stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceBBCurve) > -1)
415 {
416 return $this->true;
417 }
418 else
419 return $this->false;
420 }
421 else
422 return $this->false;
423 }
425 //**************************
426 // Detects if the current browser is a BlackBerry device AND
427 // has an older, less capable browser.
428 // Examples: Pearl, 8800, Curve1.
429 function DetectBlackBerryLow()
430 {
431 if ($this->DetectBlackBerry() == $this->true)
432 {
433 //Assume that if it's not in the High tier, then it's Low.
434 if ($this->DetectBlackBerryHigh() == $this->true)
435 return $this->false;
436 else
437 return $this->true;
438 }
439 else
440 return $this->false;
441 }
443 //**************************
444 // Detects if the current browser is on a PalmOS device.
445 function DetectPalmOS()
446 {
447 //Most devices nowadays report as 'Palm', but some older ones reported as Blazer or Xiino.
448 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->devicePalm) > -1 ||
449 stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineBlazer) > -1 ||
450 stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineXiino) > -1)
451 {
452 //Make sure it's not WebOS first
453 if ($this->DetectPalmWebOS() == $this->true)
454 return $this->false;
455 else
456 return $this->true;
457 }
458 else
459 return $this->false;
460 }
463 //**************************
464 // Detects if the current browser is on a Palm device
465 // running the new WebOS.
466 function DetectPalmWebOS()
467 {
468 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceWebOS) > -1)
469 return $this->true;
470 else
471 return $this->false;
472 }
474 //**************************
475 // Detects if the current browser is a
476 // Garmin Nuvifone.
477 function DetectGarminNuvifone()
478 {
479 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceNuvifone) > -1)
480 return $this->true;
481 else
482 return $this->false;
483 }
486 //**************************
487 // Check to see whether the device is any device
488 // in the 'smartphone' category.
489 function DetectSmartphone()
490 {
491 if ($this->DetectIphoneOrIpod() == $this->true)
492 return $this->true;
493 if ($this->DetectS60OssBrowser() == $this->true)
494 return $this->true;
495 if ($this->DetectSymbianOS() == $this->true)
496 return $this->true;
497 if ($this->DetectAndroid() == $this->true)
498 return $this->true;
499 if ($this->DetectWindowsMobile() == $this->true)
500 return $this->true;
501 if ($this->DetectWindowsPhone7() == $this->true)
502 return $this->true;
503 if ($this->DetectBlackBerry() == $this->true)
504 return $this->true;
505 if ($this->DetectPalmWebOS() == $this->true)
506 return $this->true;
507 if ($this->DetectPalmOS() == $this->true)
508 return $this->true;
509 if ($this->DetectGarminNuvifone() == $this->true)
510 return $this->true;
511 else
512 return $this->false;
513 }
516 //**************************
517 // Detects whether the device is a Brew-powered device.
518 function DetectBrewDevice()
519 {
520 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceBrew) > -1)
521 return $this->true;
522 else
523 return $this->false;
524 }
526 //**************************
527 // Detects the Danger Hiptop device.
528 function DetectDangerHiptop()
529 {
530 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceDanger) > -1 ||
531 stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceHiptop) > -1)
532 return $this->true;
533 else
534 return $this->false;
535 }
537 //**************************
538 // Detects if the current browser is Opera Mobile or Mini.
539 function DetectOperaMobile()
540 {
541 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineOpera) > -1)
542 {
543 if ((stripos($this->useragent, $this->mini) > -1) ||
544 (stripos($this->useragent, $this->mobi) > -1))
545 return $this->true;
546 else
547 return $this->false;
548 }
549 else
550 return $this->false;
551 }
553 //**************************
554 // Detects whether the device supports WAP or WML.
555 function DetectWapWml()
556 {
557 if (stripos($this->httpaccept, $this->vndwap) > -1 ||
558 stripos($this->httpaccept, $this->wml) > -1)
559 return $this->true;
560 else
561 return $this->false;
562 }
564 //**************************
565 // Detects if the current device is an Amazon Kindle.
566 function DetectKindle()
567 {
568 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceKindle) > -1)
569 return $this->true;
570 else
571 return $this->false;
572 }
575 //**************************
576 // The quick way to detect for a mobile device.
577 // Will probably detect most recent/current mid-tier Feature Phones
578 // as well as smartphone-class devices. Excludes Apple iPads.
579 function DetectMobileQuick()
580 {
581 //Let's say no if it's an iPad, which contains 'mobile' in its user agent.
582 if ($this->DetectiPad() == $this->true)
583 return $this->false;
585 //Most mobile browsing is done on smartphones
586 if ($this->DetectSmartphone() == $this->true)
587 return $this->true;
589 if ($this->DetectWapWml() == $this->true)
590 return $this->true;
591 if ($this->DetectBrewDevice() == $this->true)
592 return $this->true;
593 if ($this->DetectOperaMobile() == $this->true)
594 return $this->true;
596 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineNetfront) > -1)
597 return $this->true;
598 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineUpBrowser) > -1)
599 return $this->true;
600 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineOpenWeb) > -1)
601 return $this->true;
603 if ($this->DetectDangerHiptop() == $this->true)
604 return $this->true;
606 if ($this->DetectMidpCapable() == $this->true)
607 return $this->true;
609 if ($this->DetectMaemoTablet() == $this->true)
610 return $this->true;
611 if ($this->DetectArchos() == $this->true)
612 return $this->true;
614 if ((stripos($this->useragent, $this->devicePda) > -1) &&
615 (stripos($this->useragent, $this->disUpdate) < 0)) //no index found
616 return $this->true;
617 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->mobile) > -1)
618 return $this->true;
620 else
621 return $this->false;
622 }
624 //**************************
625 // Detects if the current device is a Sony Playstation.
626 function DetectSonyPlaystation()
627 {
628 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->devicePlaystation) > -1)
629 return $this->true;
630 else
631 return $this->false;
632 }
634 //**************************
635 // Detects if the current device is a Nintendo game device.
636 function DetectNintendo()
637 {
638 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceNintendo) > -1 ||
639 stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceWii) > -1 ||
640 stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceNintendoDs) > -1)
641 return $this->true;
642 else
643 return $this->false;
644 }
646 //**************************
647 // Detects if the current device is a Microsoft Xbox.
648 function DetectXbox()
649 {
650 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceXbox) > -1)
651 return $this->true;
652 else
653 return $this->false;
654 }
656 //**************************
657 // Detects if the current device is an Internet-capable game console.
658 function DetectGameConsole()
659 {
660 if ($this->DetectSonyPlaystation() == $this->true)
661 return $this->true;
662 else if ($this->DetectNintendo() == $this->true)
663 return $this->true;
664 else if ($this->DetectXbox() == $this->true)
665 return $this->true;
666 else
667 return $this->false;
668 }
670 //**************************
671 // Detects if the current device supports MIDP, a mobile Java technology.
672 function DetectMidpCapable()
673 {
674 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceMidp) > -1 ||
675 stripos($this->httpaccept, $this->deviceMidp) > -1)
676 return $this->true;
677 else
678 return $this->false;
679 }
681 //**************************
682 // Detects if the current device is on one of the Maemo-based Nokia Internet Tablets.
683 function DetectMaemoTablet()
684 {
685 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->maemo) > -1)
686 return $this->true;
687 //Must be Linux + Tablet, or else it could be something else.
688 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->maemoTablet) > -1 &&
689 stripos($this->useragent, $this->linux) > -1)
690 return $this->true;
691 else
692 return $this->false;
693 }
695 //**************************
696 // Detects if the current device is an Archos media player/Internet tablet.
697 function DetectArchos()
698 {
699 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceArchos) > -1)
700 return $this->true;
701 else
702 return $this->false;
703 }
705 //**************************
706 // Detects if the current browser is a Sony Mylo device.
707 function DetectSonyMylo()
708 {
709 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->manuSony) > -1)
710 {
711 if ((stripos($this->useragent, $this->qtembedded) > -1) ||
712 (stripos($this->useragent, $this->mylocom2) > -1))
713 {
714 return $this->true;
715 }
716 else
717 return $this->false;
718 }
719 else
720 return $this->false;
721 }
724 //**************************
725 // The longer and more thorough way to detect for a mobile device.
726 // Will probably detect most feature phones,
727 // smartphone-class devices, Internet Tablets,
728 // Internet-enabled game consoles, etc.
729 // This ought to catch a lot of the more obscure and older devices, also --
730 // but no promises on thoroughness!
731 function DetectMobileLong()
732 {
733 if ($this->DetectMobileQuick() == $this->true)
734 return $this->true;
735 if ($this->DetectGameConsole() == $this->true)
736 return $this->true;
737 if ($this->DetectSonyMylo() == $this->true)
738 return $this->true;
740 //Detect older phones from certain manufacturers and operators.
741 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->uplink) > -1)
742 return $this->true;
743 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->manuSonyEricsson) > -1)
744 return $this->true;
745 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->manuericsson) > -1)
746 return $this->true;
748 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->manuSamsung1) > -1)
749 return $this->true;
750 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->svcDocomo) > -1)
751 return $this->true;
752 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->svcKddi) > -1)
753 return $this->true;
754 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->svcVodafone) > -1)
755 return $this->true;
757 else
758 return $this->false;
759 }
763 //*****************************
764 // For Mobile Web Site Design
765 //*****************************
768 //**************************
769 // The quick way to detect for a tier of devices.
770 // This method detects for devices which can
771 // display iPhone-optimized web content.
772 // Includes iPhone, iPod Touch, Android, WebOS, etc.
773 function DetectTierIphone()
774 {
775 if ($this->DetectIphoneOrIpod() == $this->true)
776 return $this->true;
777 if ($this->DetectAndroid() == $this->true)
778 return $this->true;
779 if ($this->DetectAndroidWebKit() == $this->true)
780 return $this->true;
781 if ($this->DetectWindowsPhone7() == $this->true)
782 return $this->true;
783 if ($this->DetectBlackBerryWebKit() == $this->true)
784 return $this->true;
785 if ($this->DetectPalmWebOS() == $this->true)
786 return $this->true;
787 if ($this->DetectGarminNuvifone() == $this->true)
788 return $this->true;
789 if ($this->DetectMaemoTablet() == $this->true)
790 return $this->true;
791 else
792 return $this->false;
793 }
795 //**************************
796 // The quick way to detect for a tier of devices.
797 // This method detects for devices which are likely to be capable
798 // of viewing CSS content optimized for the iPhone,
799 // but may not necessarily support JavaScript.
800 // Excludes all iPhone Tier devices.
801 function DetectTierRichCss()
802 {
803 if ($this->DetectMobileQuick() == $this->true)
804 {
805 if ($this->DetectTierIphone() == $this->true)
806 return $this->false;
808 //The following devices are explicitly ok.
809 if ($this->DetectWebkit() == $this->true) //Any WebKit
810 return $this->true;
811 if ($this->DetectS60OssBrowser() == $this->true)
812 return $this->true;
814 //Note: 'High' BlackBerry devices ONLY
815 if ($this->DetectBlackBerryHigh() == $this->true)
816 return $this->true;
818 if ($this->DetectWindowsMobile() == $this->true)
819 return $this->true;
820 if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineTelecaQ) > -1)
821 return $this->true;
823 //default
824 else
825 return $this->false;
826 }
827 else
828 return $this->false;
829 }
831 //**************************
832 // The quick way to detect for a tier of devices.
833 // This method detects for all other types of phones,
834 // but excludes the iPhone and RichCSS Tier devices.
835 function DetectTierOtherPhones()
836 {
837 if ($this->DetectMobileLong() == $this->true)
838 {
839 //Exclude devices in the other 2 categories
840 if ($this->DetectTierIphone() == $this->true)
841 return $this->false;
842 if ($this->DetectTierRichCss() == $this->true)
843 return $this->false;
845 //Otherwise, it's a YES
846 else
847 return $this->true;
848 }
849 else
850 return $this->false;
851 }
854 }
855 //Was informed by a MobileESP user that it's a best practice
856 // to omit the closing ?&gt; marks here. They can sometimes
857 // cause errors with HTML headers.