changeset 18:d95e72db5c07 r19-15b92

Import from CVS: tag r19-15b92
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:49:43 +0200 (2007-08-13)
parents 4579af9d8826
children ac1f612d5250
files CHANGES-beta lisp/custom/custom-edit.el lisp/custom/custom-opt.el lisp/custom/custom.el lisp/custom/widget-edit.el lisp/custom/widget-example.el lisp/custom/widget.el lisp/gnus/ChangeLog lisp/gnus/custom-edit.el lisp/gnus/custom-opt.el lisp/gnus/custom.el lisp/gnus/gnus-art.el lisp/gnus/gnus-dup.el lisp/gnus/gnus-edit.el lisp/gnus/gnus-group.el lisp/gnus/gnus-salt.el lisp/gnus/gnus-score.el lisp/gnus/gnus-setup.el lisp/gnus/gnus-sound.el lisp/gnus/gnus-srvr.el lisp/gnus/gnus-start.el lisp/gnus/gnus-sum.el lisp/gnus/gnus-topic.el lisp/gnus/gnus-util.el lisp/gnus/gnus-uu.el lisp/gnus/gnus-vis.el lisp/gnus/gnus-xmas.el lisp/gnus/gnus.el lisp/gnus/lpath.el lisp/gnus/message.el lisp/gnus/nnheader.el lisp/gnus/nnkiboze.el lisp/gnus/nnml.el lisp/gnus/nnvirtual.el lisp/gnus/smiley.el lisp/gnus/widget-edit.el lisp/gnus/widget.el lisp/modes/make-mode.el lisp/modes/sendmail.el lisp/mu/mu-cite.el lisp/prim/auto-autoloads.el lisp/prim/keydefs.el lisp/prim/loadup.el lisp/tl/mu-bbdb.el lisp/tm/tm-ftp.el lisp/tm/tm-partial.el lisp/tm/tm-play.el lisp/tm/tm-rich.el lisp/tm/tm-setup.el lisp/version.el lisp/vm/vm-autoload.el lisp/w3/Makefile lisp/w3/w3-sysdp.el lisp/w3/widget-edit.el lisp/w3/widget.el lisp/x11/x-menubar.el man/gnus.texi src/ src/cmds.c
diffstat 59 files changed, 5436 insertions(+), 9894 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/CHANGES-beta	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/CHANGES-beta	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
 							-*- indented-text -*-
+to 19.15 beta92
+-- gnus-5.4.11
+-- tm-7.103.1
+-- custom-1.24
+-- widget-1.24
+-- Corrections for dumping custom.elc with XEmacs
+-- Miscellaneous bug fixes
 to 19.15 beta91
 -- Gnus-5.4.9 Courtesy of Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen
 -- Custom-1.20 Courtesy of Per Abrahamsen
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/custom/custom-edit.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1635 @@
+;;; custom-edit.el --- Tools for customization Emacs.
+;; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <>
+;; Keywords: help, faces
+;; Version: 1.24
+;; X-URL:
+;;; Commentary:
+;; See `custom.el'.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'custom)
+(require 'widget-edit)
+(require 'easymenu)
+(define-widget-keywords :custom-prefixes :custom-menu :custom-show
+  :custom-magic :custom-state :custom-level :custom-form
+  :custom-set :custom-save :custom-reset-current :custom-reset-saved 
+  :custom-reset-factory)
+;;; Utilities.
+(defun custom-quote (sexp)
+  "Quote SEXP iff it is not self quoting."
+  (if (or (memq sexp '(t nil))
+	  (and (symbolp sexp)
+	       (eq (aref (symbol-name sexp) 0) ?:))
+	  (and (listp sexp)
+	       (memq (car sexp) '(lambda)))
+	  (stringp sexp)
+	  (numberp sexp)
+	  (and (fboundp 'characterp)
+	       (characterp sexp)))
+      sexp
+    (list 'quote sexp)))
+(defun custom-split-regexp-maybe (regexp)
+  "If REGEXP is a string, split it to a list at `\\|'.
+You can get the original back with from the result with: 
+  (mapconcat 'identity result \"\\|\")
+IF REGEXP is not a string, return it unchanged."
+  (if (stringp regexp)
+      (let ((start 0)
+	    all)
+	(while (string-match "\\\\|" regexp start)
+	  (setq all (cons (substring regexp start (match-beginning 0)) all)
+		start (match-end 0)))
+	(nreverse (cons (substring regexp start) all)))
+    regexp))
+(defvar custom-prefix-list nil
+  "List of prefixes that should be ignored by `custom-unlispify'")
+(defcustom custom-unlispify-menu-entries t
+  "Display menu entries as words instead of symbols if non nil."
+  :group 'customize
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defun custom-unlispify-menu-entry (symbol &optional no-suffix)
+  "Convert symbol into a menu entry."
+  (cond ((not custom-unlispify-menu-entries)
+	 (symbol-name symbol))
+	((get symbol 'custom-tag)
+	 (if no-suffix
+	     (get symbol 'custom-tag)
+	   (concat (get symbol 'custom-tag) "...")))
+	(t
+	 (save-excursion
+	   (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *Custom-Work*"))
+	   (erase-buffer)
+	   (princ symbol (current-buffer))
+	   (goto-char (point-min))
+	   (let ((prefixes custom-prefix-list)
+		 prefix)
+	     (while prefixes
+	       (setq prefix (car prefixes))
+	       (if (search-forward prefix (+ (point) (length prefix)) t)
+		   (progn 
+		     (setq prefixes nil)
+		     (delete-region (point-min) (point)))
+		 (setq prefixes (cdr prefixes)))))
+	   (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) ?- ?\  t)
+	   (capitalize-region (point-min) (point-max))
+	   (unless no-suffix 
+	     (goto-char (point-max))
+	     (insert "..."))
+	   (buffer-string)))))
+(defcustom custom-unlispify-tag-names t
+  "Display tag names as words instead of symbols if non nil."
+  :group 'customize
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defun custom-unlispify-tag-name (symbol)
+  "Convert symbol into a menu entry."
+  (let ((custom-unlispify-menu-entries custom-unlispify-tag-names))
+    (custom-unlispify-menu-entry symbol t)))
+(defun custom-prefix-add (symbol prefixes)
+  ;; Addd SYMBOL to list of ignored PREFIXES.
+  (cons (or (get symbol 'custom-prefix)
+	    (concat (symbol-name symbol) "-"))
+	prefixes))
+;;; The Custom Mode.
+(defvar custom-options nil
+  "Customization widgets in the current buffer.")
+(defvar custom-mode-map nil
+  "Keymap for `custom-mode'.")
+(unless custom-mode-map
+  (setq custom-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+  (set-keymap-parent custom-mode-map widget-keymap))
+(easy-menu-define custom-mode-menu 
+    custom-mode-map
+  "Menu used in customization buffers."
+    '("Custom"
+      ["Set" custom-set t]
+      ["Save" custom-save t]
+      ["Reset to Current" custom-reset-current t]
+      ["Reset to Saved" custom-reset-saved t]
+      ["Reset to Factory Settings" custom-reset-factory t]
+      ["Info" (Info-goto-node "(custom)The Customization Buffer") t]))
+(defcustom custom-mode-hook nil
+  "Hook called when entering custom-mode."
+  :type 'hook
+  :group 'customize)
+(defun custom-mode ()
+  "Major mode for editing customization buffers.
+The following commands are available:
+\\[widget-forward]		Move to next button or editable field.
+\\[widget-backward]		Move to previous button or editable field.
+\\[widget-button-click]		Activate button under the mouse pointer.
+\\[widget-button-press]		Activate button under point.
+\\[custom-set]			Set all modifications.
+\\[custom-save]		Make all modifications default.
+\\[custom-reset-current]        Reset all modified options. 
+\\[custom-reset-saved]		Reset all modified or set options.
+\\[custom-reset-factory]	Reset all options.
+Entry to this mode calls the value of `custom-mode-hook'
+if that value is non-nil."
+  (kill-all-local-variables)
+  (setq major-mode 'custom-mode
+	mode-name "Custom")
+  (use-local-map custom-mode-map)
+  (make-local-variable 'custom-options)
+  (run-hooks 'custom-mode-hook))
+;;; Custom Mode Commands.
+(defun custom-set ()
+  "Set changes in all modified options."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((children custom-options))
+    (mapcar (lambda (child)
+	      (when (eq (widget-get child :custom-state) 'modified)
+		(widget-apply child :custom-set)))
+	    children)))
+(defun custom-save ()
+  "Set all modified group members and save them."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((children custom-options))
+    (mapcar (lambda (child)
+	      (when (memq (widget-get child :custom-state) '(modified set))
+		(widget-apply child :custom-save)))
+	    children))
+  (custom-save-all))
+(defvar custom-reset-menu 
+  '(("Current" . custom-reset-current)
+    ("Saved" . custom-reset-saved)
+    ("Factory Settings" . custom-reset-factory))
+  "Alist of actions for the `Reset' button.
+The key is a string containing the name of the action, the value is a
+lisp function taking the widget as an element which will be called
+when the action is chosen.")
+(defun custom-reset (event)
+  "Select item from reset menu."
+  (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
+	 (answer (widget-choose "Reset to"
+				custom-reset-menu
+				event)))
+    (if answer
+	(funcall answer))))
+(defun custom-reset-current ()
+  "Reset all modified group members to their current value."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((children custom-options))
+    (mapcar (lambda (child)
+	      (when (eq (widget-get child :custom-state) 'modified)
+		(widget-apply child :custom-reset-current)))
+	    children)))
+(defun custom-reset-saved ()
+  "Reset all modified or set group members to their saved value."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((children custom-options))
+    (mapcar (lambda (child)
+	      (when (eq (widget-get child :custom-state) 'modified)
+		(widget-apply child :custom-reset-current)))
+	    children)))
+(defun custom-reset-factory ()
+  "Reset all modified, set, or saved group members to their factory settings."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((children custom-options))
+    (mapcar (lambda (child)
+	      (when (eq (widget-get child :custom-state) 'modified)
+		(widget-apply child :custom-reset-current)))
+	    children)))
+;;; The Customize Commands
+(defun customize (symbol)
+  "Customize SYMBOL, which must be a customization group."
+  (interactive (list (completing-read "Customize group: (default emacs) "
+				      obarray 
+				      (lambda (symbol)
+					(get symbol 'custom-group))
+				      t)))
+  (when (stringp symbol)
+    (if (string-equal "" symbol)
+	(setq symbol 'emacs)
+      (setq symbol (intern symbol))))
+  (custom-buffer-create (list (list symbol 'custom-group))))
+(defun customize-variable (symbol)
+  "Customize SYMBOL, which must be a variable."
+  (interactive
+   ;; Code stolen from `help.el'.
+   (let ((v (variable-at-point))
+	 (enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
+	 val)
+     (setq val (completing-read 
+		(if v
+		    (format "Customize variable (default %s): " v)
+		  "Customize variable: ")
+		obarray 'boundp t))
+     (list (if (equal val "")
+	       v (intern val)))))
+  (custom-buffer-create (list (list symbol 'custom-variable))))
+(defun customize-face (symbol)
+  "Customize FACE."
+  (interactive (list (completing-read "Customize face: " 
+				      obarray 'custom-facep)))
+  (if (stringp symbol)
+      (setq symbol (intern symbol)))
+  (unless (symbolp symbol)
+    (error "Should be a symbol %S" symbol))
+  (custom-buffer-create (list (list symbol 'custom-face))))
+(defun customize-customized ()
+  "Customize all already customized user options."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((found nil))
+    (mapatoms (lambda (symbol)
+		(and (get symbol 'saved-face)
+		     (custom-facep symbol)
+		     (setq found (cons (list symbol 'custom-face) found)))
+		(and (get symbol 'saved-value)
+		     (boundp symbol)
+		     (setq found
+			   (cons (list symbol 'custom-variable) found)))))
+    (if found 
+	(custom-buffer-create found)
+      (error "No customized user options"))))
+(defun customize-apropos (regexp &optional all)
+  "Customize all user options matching REGEXP.
+If ALL (e.g., started with a prefix key), include options which are not
+  (interactive "sCustomize regexp: \nP")
+  (let ((found nil))
+    (mapatoms (lambda (symbol)
+		(when (string-match regexp (symbol-name symbol))
+		  (when (get symbol 'custom-group)
+		    (setq found (cons (list symbol 'custom-group) found)))
+		  (when (custom-facep symbol)
+		    (setq found (cons (list symbol 'custom-face) found)))
+		  (when (and (boundp symbol)
+			     (or (get symbol 'saved-value)
+				 (get symbol 'factory-value)
+				 (if all
+				     (get symbol 'variable-documentation)
+				   (user-variable-p symbol))))
+		    (setq found
+			  (cons (list symbol 'custom-variable) found))))))
+    (if found 
+	(custom-buffer-create found)
+      (error "No matches"))))
+(defun custom-buffer-create (options)
+  "Create a buffer containing OPTIONS.
+OPTIONS should be an alist of the form ((SYMBOL WIDGET)...), where
+SYMBOL is a customization option, and WIDGET is a widget for editing
+that option."
+  (kill-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Customization*"))
+  (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Customization*"))
+  (custom-mode)
+  (widget-insert "This is a customization buffer.
+Push RET or click mouse-2 on the word ")
+  (widget-create 'info-link 
+		 :tag "help"
+		 :help-echo "Push me for help."
+		 "(custom)The Customization Buffer")
+  (widget-insert " for more information.\n\n")
+  (setq custom-options 
+	(mapcar (lambda (entry)
+		  (prog1 
+		      (if (> (length options) 1)
+			  (widget-create (nth 1 entry)
+					 :tag (custom-unlispify-tag-name
+					       (nth 0 entry))
+					 :value (nth 0 entry))
+			;; If there is only one entry, don't hide it!
+			(widget-create (nth 1 entry)
+				       :custom-state 'unknown
+				       :tag (custom-unlispify-tag-name
+					       (nth 0 entry))
+				       :value (nth 0 entry)))
+		    (unless (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
+		      (widget-insert "\n"))
+		    (widget-insert "\n")))
+		options))
+  (mapcar 'custom-magic-reset custom-options)
+  (widget-create 'push-button
+		 :tag "Set"
+		 :help-echo "Push me to set all modifications."
+		 :action (lambda (widget &optional event)
+			   (custom-set)))
+  (widget-insert " ")
+  (widget-create 'push-button
+		 :tag "Save"
+		 :help-echo "Push me to make the modifications default."
+		 :action (lambda (widget &optional event)
+			   (custom-save)))
+  (widget-insert " ")
+  (widget-create 'push-button
+		 :tag "Reset"
+		 :help-echo "Push me to undo all modifications.."
+		 :action (lambda (widget &optional event)
+			   (custom-reset event)))
+  (widget-insert "\n")
+  (widget-setup))
+;;; Modification of Basic Widgets.
+;; We add extra properties to the basic widgets needed here.  This is
+;; fine, as long as we are careful to stay within out own namespace.
+;; We want simple widgets to be displayed by default, but complex
+;; widgets to be hidden.
+(widget-put (get 'item 'widget-type) :custom-show t)
+(widget-put (get 'editable-field 'widget-type)
+	    :custom-show (lambda (widget value)
+			   (let ((pp (pp-to-string value)))
+			     (cond ((string-match "\n" pp)
+				    nil)
+				   ((> (length pp) 40)
+				    nil)
+				   (t t)))))
+(widget-put (get 'menu-choice 'widget-type) :custom-show t)
+;;; The `custom-manual' Widget.
+(define-widget 'custom-manual 'info-link
+  "Link to the manual entry for this customization option."
+  :help-echo "Push me to read the manual."
+  :tag "Manual")
+;;; The `custom-magic' Widget.
+(defface custom-invalid-face '((((class color))
+				(:foreground "yellow" :background "red"))
+			       (t
+				(:bold t :italic t :underline t)))
+  "Face used when the customize item is invalid.")
+(defface custom-rogue-face '((((class color))
+			      (:foreground "pink" :background "black"))
+			     (t
+			      (:underline t)))
+  "Face used when the customize item is not defined for customization.")
+(defface custom-modified-face '((((class color)) 
+				 (:foreground "white" :background "blue"))
+				(t
+				 (:italic t :bold)))
+  "Face used when the customize item has been modified.")
+(defface custom-set-face '((((class color)) 
+				(:foreground "blue" :background "white"))
+			       (t
+				(:italic t)))
+  "Face used when the customize item has been set.")
+(defface custom-changed-face '((((class color)) 
+				(:foreground "white" :background "blue"))
+			       (t
+				(:italic t)))
+  "Face used when the customize item has been changed.")
+(defface custom-saved-face '((t (:underline t)))
+  "Face used when the customize item has been saved.")
+(defcustom custom-magic-alist '((nil "#" underline "\
+uninitialized, you should not see this.")
+				(unknown "?" italic "\
+unknown, you should not see this.")
+				(hidden "-" default "\
+hidden, press the state button to show.")
+				(invalid "x" custom-invalid-face "\
+the value displayed for this item is invalid and cannot be set.")
+				(modified "*" custom-modified-face "\
+you have edited the item, and can now set it.")
+				(set "+" custom-set-face "\
+you have set this item, but not saved it.")
+				(changed ":" custom-changed-face "\
+this item has been changed outside customize.")
+				(saved "!" custom-saved-face "\
+this item has been saved.")
+				(rogue "@" custom-rogue-face "\
+this item is not prepared for customization.")
+				(factory " " nil "\
+this item is unchanged from its factory setting."))
+  "Alist of customize option states.
+Each entry is of the form (STATE MAGIC FACE DESCRIPTION), where 
+STATE is one of the following symbols:
+   For internal use, should never occur.
+   For internal use, should never occur.
+   This item is not being displayed. 
+   This item is modified, but has an invalid form.
+   This item is modified, and has a valid form.
+   This item has been set but not saved.
+   The current value of this item has been changed temporarily.
+   This item is marked for saving.
+   This item has no customization information.
+   This item is unchanged from the factory default.
+MAGIC is a string used to present that state.
+FACE is a face used to present the state.
+DESCRIPTION is a string describing the state.
+The list should be sorted most significant first."
+  :type '(list (checklist :inline t
+			  (group (const nil)
+				 (string :tag "Magic")
+				 face 
+				 (string :tag "Description"))
+			  (group (const unknown)
+				 (string :tag "Magic")
+				 face 
+				 (string :tag "Description"))
+			  (group (const hidden)
+				 (string :tag "Magic")
+				 face 
+				 (string :tag "Description"))
+			  (group (const invalid)
+				 (string :tag "Magic")
+				 face 
+				 (string :tag "Description"))
+			  (group (const modified)
+				 (string :tag "Magic")
+				 face 
+				 (string :tag "Description"))
+			  (group (const set)
+				 (string :tag "Magic")
+				 face 
+				 (string :tag "Description"))
+			  (group (const changed)
+				 (string :tag "Magic")
+				 face 
+				 (string :tag "Description"))
+			  (group (const saved)
+				 (string :tag "Magic")
+				 face 
+				 (string :tag "Description"))
+			  (group (const rogue)
+				 (string :tag "Magic")
+				 face 
+				 (string :tag "Description"))
+			  (group (const factory)
+				 (string :tag "Magic")
+				 face 
+				 (string :tag "Description")))
+	       (editable-list :inline t
+			      (group symbol
+				     (string :tag "Magic")
+				     face
+				     (string :tag "Description"))))
+  :group 'customize)
+(defcustom custom-magic-show 'long
+  "Show long description of the state of each customization option."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "no" nil)
+		 (const short)
+		 (const long))
+  :group 'customize)
+(defcustom custom-magic-show-button t
+  "Show a magic button indicating the state of each customization option."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'customize)
+(define-widget 'custom-magic 'default
+  "Show and manipulate state for a customization option."
+  :format "%v"
+  :action 'widget-choice-item-action
+  :value-get 'ignore
+  :value-create 'custom-magic-value-create
+  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete)
+(defun custom-magic-value-create (widget)
+  ;; Create compact status report for WIDGET.
+  (let* ((parent (widget-get widget :parent))
+	 (state (widget-get parent :custom-state))
+	 (entry (assq state custom-magic-alist))
+	 (magic (nth 1 entry))
+	 (face (nth 2 entry))
+	 (text (nth 3 entry))
+	 (lisp (eq (widget-get parent :custom-form) 'lisp))
+	 children)
+    (when custom-magic-show
+      (push (widget-create-child-and-convert widget 'choice-item 
+					     :help-echo "\
+Push me to change the state of this item."
+					     :format "%[%t%]"
+					     :tag "State")
+	    children)
+      (insert ": ")
+      (if (eq custom-magic-show 'long)
+	  (insert text)
+	(insert (symbol-name state)))
+      (when lisp 
+	(insert " (lisp)"))
+      (insert "\n"))
+    (when custom-magic-show-button
+      (when custom-magic-show
+	(let ((indent (widget-get parent :indent)))
+	  (when indent
+	    (insert-char ?  indent))))
+      (push (widget-create-child-and-convert widget 'choice-item 
+					     :button-face face
+					     :help-echo "\
+Push me to change the state."
+					     :format "%[%t%]"
+					     :tag (if lisp 
+						      (concat "(" magic ")")
+						    (concat "[" magic "]")))
+	    children)
+      (insert " "))
+    (widget-put widget :children children)))
+(defun custom-magic-reset (widget)
+  "Redraw the :custom-magic property of WIDGET."
+  (let ((magic (widget-get widget :custom-magic)))
+    (widget-value-set magic (widget-value magic))))
+;;; The `custom-level' Widget.
+(define-widget 'custom-level 'item
+  "The custom level buttons."
+  :format "%[%t%]"
+  :help-echo "Push me to expand or collapse this item."
+  :action 'custom-level-action)
+(defun custom-level-action (widget &optional event)
+  "Toggle visibility for parent to WIDGET."
+  (let* ((parent (widget-get widget :parent))
+	 (state (widget-get parent :custom-state)))
+    (cond ((memq state '(invalid modified))
+	   (error "There are unset changes"))
+	  ((eq state 'hidden)
+	   (widget-put parent :custom-state 'unknown))
+	  (t
+	   (widget-put parent :custom-state 'hidden)))
+    (custom-redraw parent)))
+;;; The `custom' Widget.
+(define-widget 'custom 'default
+  "Customize a user option."
+  :convert-widget 'custom-convert-widget
+  :format "%l%[%t%]: %v%m%h%a"
+  :format-handler 'custom-format-handler
+  :notify 'custom-notify
+  :custom-level 1
+  :custom-state 'hidden
+  :documentation-property 'widget-subclass-responsibility
+  :value-create 'widget-subclass-responsibility
+  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
+  :value-get 'widget-item-value-get
+  :validate 'widget-editable-list-validate
+  :match (lambda (widget value) (symbolp value)))
+(defun custom-convert-widget (widget)
+  ;; Initialize :value and :tag from :args in WIDGET.
+  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args)))
+    (when args 
+      (widget-put widget :value (widget-apply widget
+					      :value-to-internal (car args)))
+      (widget-put widget :tag (custom-unlispify-tag-name (car args)))
+      (widget-put widget :args nil)))
+  widget)
+(defun custom-format-handler (widget escape)
+  ;; We recognize extra escape sequences.
+  (let* ((buttons (widget-get widget :buttons))
+	 (state (widget-get widget :custom-state))
+	 (level (widget-get widget :custom-level)))
+    (cond ((eq escape ?l)
+	   (when level 
+	     (push (widget-create-child-and-convert
+		    widget 'custom-level (make-string level ?*))
+		   buttons)
+	     (widget-insert " ")
+	     (widget-put widget :buttons buttons)))
+	  ((eq escape ?L)
+	   (when (eq state 'hidden)
+	     (widget-insert " ...")))
+	  ((eq escape ?m)
+	   (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
+		(widget-get widget :indent)
+		(insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
+	   (let ((magic (widget-create-child-and-convert
+			 widget 'custom-magic nil)))
+	     (widget-put widget :custom-magic magic)
+	     (push magic buttons)
+	     (widget-put widget :buttons buttons)))
+	  ((eq escape ?a)
+	   (let* ((symbol (widget-get widget :value))
+		  (links (get symbol 'custom-links))
+		  (many (> (length links) 2)))
+	     (when links
+	       (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
+		    (widget-get widget :indent)
+		    (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
+	       (insert "See also ")
+	       (while links
+		 (push (widget-create-child-and-convert widget (car links))
+		       buttons)
+		 (setq links (cdr links))
+		 (cond ((null links)
+			(insert ".\n"))
+		       ((null (cdr links))
+			(if many
+			    (insert ", and ")
+			  (insert " and ")))
+		       (t 
+			(insert ", "))))
+	       (widget-put widget :buttons buttons))))
+	  (t 
+	   (widget-default-format-handler widget escape)))))
+(defun custom-notify (widget &rest args)
+  "Keep track of changes."
+  (widget-put widget :custom-state 'modified)
+  (let ((buffer-undo-list t))
+    (custom-magic-reset widget))
+  (apply 'widget-default-notify widget args))
+(defun custom-redraw (widget)
+  "Redraw WIDGET with current settings."
+  (widget-value-set widget (widget-value widget))
+  (custom-redraw-magic widget))
+(defun custom-redraw-magic (widget)
+  "Redraw WIDGET state with current settings."
+  (while widget 
+    (let ((magic (widget-get widget :custom-magic)))
+      (unless magic 
+	(debug))
+      (widget-value-set magic (widget-value magic))
+      (when (setq widget (widget-get widget :group))
+	(custom-group-state-update widget))))
+  (widget-setup))
+(defun custom-show (widget value)
+  "Non-nil if WIDGET should be shown with VALUE by default."
+  (let ((show (widget-get widget :custom-show)))
+    (cond ((null show)
+	   nil)
+	  ((eq t show)
+	   t)
+	  (t
+	   (funcall show widget value)))))
+(defun custom-load-symbol (symbol)
+  "Load all dependencies for SYMBOL."
+  (let ((loads (get symbol 'custom-loads))
+	load)
+    (while loads
+      (setq load (car loads)
+	    loads (cdr loads))
+      (cond ((symbolp load)
+	     (condition-case nil
+		 (require load)
+	       (error nil)))
+	    ((assoc load load-history))
+	    (t
+	     (condition-case nil
+		 (load-library load)
+	       (error nil)))))))
+(defun custom-load-widget (widget)
+  "Load all dependencies for WIDGET."
+  (custom-load-symbol (widget-value widget)))
+;;; The `custom-variable' Widget.
+(defface custom-variable-sample-face '((t (:underline t)))
+  "Face used for unpushable variable tags."
+  :group 'customize)
+(defface custom-variable-button-face '((t (:underline t :bold t)))
+  "Face used for pushable variable tags."
+  :group 'customize)
+(define-widget 'custom-variable 'custom
+  "Customize variable."
+  :format "%l%v%m%h%a"
+  :help-echo "Push me to set or reset this variable."
+  :documentation-property 'variable-documentation
+  :custom-state nil
+  :custom-menu 'custom-variable-menu-create
+  :custom-form 'edit
+  :value-create 'custom-variable-value-create
+  :action 'custom-variable-action
+  :custom-set 'custom-variable-set
+  :custom-save 'custom-variable-save
+  :custom-reset-current 'custom-redraw
+  :custom-reset-saved 'custom-variable-reset-saved
+  :custom-reset-factory 'custom-variable-reset-factory)
+(defun custom-variable-value-create (widget)
+  "Here is where you edit the variables value."
+  (custom-load-widget widget)
+  (let* ((buttons (widget-get widget :buttons))
+	 (children (widget-get widget :children))
+	 (form (widget-get widget :custom-form))
+	 (state (widget-get widget :custom-state))
+	 (symbol (widget-get widget :value))
+	 (options (get symbol 'custom-options))
+	 (child-type (or (get symbol 'custom-type) 'sexp))
+	 (tag (widget-get widget :tag))
+	 (type (let ((tmp (if (listp child-type)
+			      (copy-list child-type)
+			    (list child-type))))
+		 (when options
+		   (widget-put tmp :options options))
+		 tmp))
+	 (conv (widget-convert type))
+	 (value (if (default-boundp symbol)
+		    (default-value symbol)
+		  (widget-get conv :value))))
+    ;; If the widget is new, the child determine whether it is hidden.
+    (cond (state)
+	  ((custom-show type value)
+	   (setq state 'unknown))
+	  (t
+	   (setq state 'hidden)))
+    ;; If we don't know the state, see if we need to edit it in lisp form.
+    (when (eq state 'unknown)
+      (unless (widget-apply conv :match value)
+	;; (widget-apply (widget-convert type) :match value)
+	(setq form 'lisp)))
+    ;; Now we can create the child widget.
+    (cond ((eq state 'hidden)
+	   ;; Indicate hidden value.
+	   (push (widget-create-child-and-convert 
+		  widget 'item
+		  :format "%{%t%}: ..."
+		  :sample-face 'custom-variable-sample-face
+		  :tag tag
+		  :parent widget)
+		 children))
+	  ((eq form 'lisp)
+	   ;; In lisp mode edit the saved value when possible.
+	   (let* ((value (cond ((get symbol 'saved-value)
+				(car (get symbol 'saved-value)))
+			       ((get symbol 'factory-value)
+				(car (get symbol 'factory-value)))
+			       ((default-boundp symbol)
+				(custom-quote (default-value symbol)))
+			       (t
+				(custom-quote (widget-get conv :value))))))
+	     (push (widget-create-child-and-convert 
+		    widget 'sexp 
+		    :button-face 'custom-variable-button-face
+		    :tag (symbol-name symbol)
+		    :parent widget
+		    :value value)
+		   children)))
+	  (t
+	   ;; Edit mode.
+	   (push (widget-create-child-and-convert
+		  widget type 
+		  :tag tag
+		  :button-face 'custom-variable-button-face
+		  :sample-face 'custom-variable-sample-face
+		  :value value)
+		 children)))
+    ;; Now update the state.
+    (unless (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
+      (widget-insert "\n"))
+    (if (eq state 'hidden)
+	(widget-put widget :custom-state state)
+      (custom-variable-state-set widget))
+    (widget-put widget :custom-form form)	     
+    (widget-put widget :buttons buttons)
+    (widget-put widget :children children)))
+(defun custom-variable-state-set (widget)
+  "Set the state of WIDGET."
+  (let* ((symbol (widget-value widget))
+	 (value (if (default-boundp symbol)
+		    (default-value symbol)
+		  (widget-get widget :value)))
+	 tmp
+	 (state (cond ((setq tmp (get symbol 'customized-value))
+		       (if (condition-case nil
+			       (equal value (eval (car tmp)))
+			     (error nil))
+			   'saved
+			 'set))
+		      ((setq tmp (get symbol 'saved-value))
+		       (if (condition-case nil
+			       (equal value (eval (car tmp)))
+			     (error nil))
+			   'saved
+			 'set))
+		      ((setq tmp (get symbol 'factory-value))
+		       (if (condition-case nil
+			       (equal value (eval (car tmp)))
+			     (error nil))
+			   'factory
+			 'set))
+		      (t 'rogue))))
+    (widget-put widget :custom-state state)))
+(defvar custom-variable-menu 
+  '(("Edit" . custom-variable-edit)
+    ("Edit Lisp" . custom-variable-edit-lisp)
+    ("Set" . custom-variable-set)
+    ("Save" . custom-variable-save)
+    ("Reset to Current" . custom-redraw)
+    ("Reset to Saved" . custom-variable-reset-saved)
+    ("Reset to Factory Settings" . custom-variable-reset-factory))
+  "Alist of actions for the `custom-variable' widget.
+The key is a string containing the name of the action, the value is a
+lisp function taking the widget as an element which will be called
+when the action is chosen.")
+(defun custom-variable-action (widget &optional event)
+  "Show the menu for `custom-variable' WIDGET.
+Optional EVENT is the location for the menu."
+  (if (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) 'hidden)
+      (progn 
+	(widget-put widget :custom-state 'unknown)
+	(custom-redraw widget))
+    (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
+	   (answer (widget-choose (symbol-name (widget-get widget :value))
+				  custom-variable-menu
+				  event)))
+      (if answer
+	  (funcall answer widget)))))
+(defun custom-variable-edit (widget)
+  "Edit value of WIDGET."
+  (widget-put widget :custom-state 'unknown)
+  (widget-put widget :custom-form 'edit)
+  (custom-redraw widget))
+(defun custom-variable-edit-lisp (widget)
+  "Edit the lisp representation of the value of WIDGET."
+  (widget-put widget :custom-state 'unknown)
+  (widget-put widget :custom-form 'lisp)
+  (custom-redraw widget))
+(defun custom-variable-set (widget)
+  "Set the current value for the variable being edited by WIDGET."
+  (let ((form (widget-get widget :custom-form))
+	(state (widget-get widget :custom-state))
+	(child (car (widget-get widget :children)))
+	(symbol (widget-value widget))
+	val)
+    (cond ((eq state 'hidden)
+	   (error "Cannot set hidden variable."))
+	  ((setq val (widget-apply child :validate))
+	   (goto-char (widget-get val :from))
+	   (error "%s" (widget-get val :error)))
+	  ((eq form 'lisp)
+	   (set symbol (eval (setq val (widget-value child))))
+	   (put symbol 'customized-value (list val)))
+	  (t
+	   (set symbol (widget-value child))
+	   (put symbol 'customized-value (list (custom-quote val)))))
+    (custom-variable-state-set widget)
+    (custom-redraw-magic widget)))
+(defun custom-variable-save (widget)
+  "Set the default value for the variable being edited by WIDGET."
+  (let ((form (widget-get widget :custom-form))
+	(state (widget-get widget :custom-state))
+	(child (car (widget-get widget :children)))
+	(symbol (widget-value widget))
+	val)
+    (cond ((eq state 'hidden)
+	   (error "Cannot set hidden variable."))
+	  ((setq val (widget-apply child :validate))
+	   (goto-char (widget-get val :from))
+	   (error "%s" (widget-get val :error)))
+	  ((eq form 'lisp)
+	   (put symbol 'saved-value (list (widget-value child)))
+	   (set symbol (eval (widget-value child))))
+	  (t
+	   (put symbol
+		'saved-value (list (custom-quote (widget-value
+						  child))))
+	   (set symbol (widget-value child))))
+    (put symbol 'customized-value nil)
+    (custom-save-all)
+    (custom-variable-state-set widget)
+    (custom-redraw-magic widget)))
+(defun custom-variable-reset-saved (widget)
+  "Restore the saved value for the variable being edited by WIDGET."
+  (let ((symbol (widget-value widget)))
+    (if (get symbol 'saved-value)
+	(condition-case nil
+	    (set symbol (eval (car (get symbol 'saved-value))))
+	  (error nil))
+      (error "No saved value for %s" symbol))
+    (put symbol 'customized-value nil)
+    (widget-put widget :custom-state 'unknown)
+    (custom-redraw widget)))
+(defun custom-variable-reset-factory (widget)
+  "Restore the factory setting for the variable being edited by WIDGET."
+  (let ((symbol (widget-value widget)))
+    (if (get symbol 'factory-value)
+	(set symbol (eval (car (get symbol 'factory-value))))
+      (error "No factory default for %S" symbol))
+    (put symbol 'customized-value nil)
+    (when (get symbol 'saved-value)
+      (put symbol 'saved-value nil)
+      (custom-save-all))
+    (widget-put widget :custom-state 'unknown)
+    (custom-redraw widget)))
+;;; The `custom-face-edit' Widget.
+(defvar custom-face-edit-args
+  (mapcar (lambda (att)
+	    (list 'group 
+		  :inline t
+		  (list 'const :format "" :value (nth 0 att)) 
+		  (nth 1 att)))
+	  custom-face-attributes))
+(define-widget 'custom-face-edit 'checklist
+  "Edit face attributes."
+  :format "%t: %v"
+  :tag "Attributes"
+  :extra-offset 12
+  :args (mapcar (lambda (att)
+		  (list 'group 
+			:inline t
+			(list 'const :format "" :value (nth 0 att)) 
+			(nth 1 att)))
+		custom-face-attributes))
+;;; The `custom-display' Widget.
+(define-widget 'custom-display 'menu-choice
+  "Select a display type."
+  :tag "Display"
+  :value t
+  :args '((const :tag "all" t)
+	  (checklist :offset 0
+		     :extra-offset 9
+		     :args ((group (const :format "Type: " type)
+				   (checklist :inline t
+					      :offset 0
+					      (const :format "X "
+						     x)
+					      (const :format "PM "
+						     pm)
+					      (const :format "Win32 "
+						     win32)
+					      (const :format "DOS "
+						     pc)
+					      (const :format "TTY%n"
+						     tty)))
+			    (group (const :format "Class: " class)
+				   (checklist :inline t
+					      :offset 0
+					      (const :format "Color "
+						     color)
+					      (const :format
+						     "Grayscale "
+						     grayscale)
+					      (const :format "Monochrome%n"
+						     mono)))
+			    (group  (const :format "Background: " background)
+				    (checklist :inline t
+					       :offset 0
+					       (const :format "Light "
+						      light)
+					       (const :format "Dark\n"
+						      dark)))))))
+;;; The `custom-face' Widget.
+(defface custom-face-tag-face '((t (:underline t)))
+  "Face used for face tags."
+  :group 'customize)
+(define-widget 'custom-face 'custom
+  "Customize face."
+  :format "%l%{%t%}: %s%m%h%a%v"
+  :format-handler 'custom-face-format-handler
+  :sample-face 'custom-face-tag-face
+  :help-echo "Push me to set or reset this face."
+  :documentation-property 'face-documentation
+  :value-create 'custom-face-value-create
+  :action 'custom-face-action
+  :custom-set 'custom-face-set
+  :custom-save 'custom-face-save
+  :custom-reset-current 'custom-redraw
+  :custom-reset-saved 'custom-face-reset-saved
+  :custom-reset-factory 'custom-face-reset-factory
+  :custom-menu 'custom-face-menu-create)
+(defun custom-face-format-handler (widget escape)
+  ;; We recognize extra escape sequences.
+  (let (child
+	(symbol (widget-get widget :value)))
+    (cond ((eq escape ?s)
+	   (and (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
+		;; XEmacs cannot display initialized faces.
+		(not (custom-facep symbol))
+		(copy-face 'custom-face-empty symbol))
+	   (setq child (widget-create-child-and-convert 
+			widget 'item
+			:format "(%{%t%})\n"
+			:sample-face symbol
+			:tag "sample")))
+	  (t 
+	   (custom-format-handler widget escape)))
+    (when child
+      (widget-put widget
+		  :buttons (cons child (widget-get widget :buttons))))))
+(defun custom-face-value-create (widget)
+  ;; Create a list of the display specifications.
+  (unless (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
+    (insert "\n"))
+  (when (not (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) 'hidden))
+    (custom-load-widget widget)
+    (let* ((symbol (widget-value widget))
+	   (edit (widget-create-child-and-convert
+		  widget 'editable-list
+		  :entry-format "%i %d %v"
+		  :value (or (get symbol 'saved-face)
+			     (get symbol 'factory-face))
+		  '(group :format "%v"
+			  custom-display custom-face-edit))))
+      (custom-face-state-set widget)
+      (widget-put widget :children (list edit)))))
+(defvar custom-face-menu 
+  '(("Set" . custom-face-set)
+    ("Save" . custom-face-save)
+    ("Reset to Saved" . custom-face-reset-saved)
+    ("Reset to Factory Setting" . custom-face-reset-factory))
+  "Alist of actions for the `custom-face' widget.
+The key is a string containing the name of the action, the value is a
+lisp function taking the widget as an element which will be called
+when the action is chosen.")
+(defun custom-face-state-set (widget)
+  "Set the state of WIDGET."
+  (let ((symbol (widget-value widget)))
+    (widget-put widget :custom-state (cond ((get symbol 'customized-face)
+					    'set)
+					   ((get symbol 'saved-face)
+					    'saved)
+					   ((get symbol 'factory-face)
+					    'factory)
+					   (t 
+					    'rogue)))))
+(defun custom-face-action (widget &optional event)
+  "Show the menu for `custom-face' WIDGET.
+Optional EVENT is the location for the menu."
+  (if (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) 'hidden)
+      (progn 
+	(widget-put widget :custom-state 'unknown)
+	(custom-redraw widget))
+    (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
+	   (symbol (widget-get widget :value))
+	   (answer (widget-choose (symbol-name symbol)
+				  custom-face-menu event)))
+      (if answer
+	  (funcall answer widget)))))
+(defun custom-face-set (widget)
+  "Make the face attributes in WIDGET take effect."
+  (let* ((symbol (widget-value widget))
+	 (child (car (widget-get widget :children)))
+	 (value (widget-value child)))
+    (put symbol 'customized-face value)
+    (custom-face-display-set symbol value)
+    (custom-face-state-set widget)
+    (custom-redraw-magic widget)))
+(defun custom-face-save (widget)
+  "Make the face attributes in WIDGET default."
+  (let* ((symbol (widget-value widget))
+	 (child (car (widget-get widget :children)))
+	 (value (widget-value child)))
+    (custom-face-display-set symbol value)
+    (put symbol 'saved-face value)
+    (put symbol 'customized-face nil)
+    (custom-face-state-set widget)
+    (custom-redraw-magic widget)))
+(defun custom-face-reset-saved (widget)
+  "Restore WIDGET to the face's default attributes."
+  (let* ((symbol (widget-value widget))
+	 (child (car (widget-get widget :children)))
+	 (value (get symbol 'saved-face)))
+    (unless value
+      (error "No saved value for this face"))
+    (put symbol 'customized-face nil)
+    (custom-face-display-set symbol value)
+    (widget-value-set child value)
+    (custom-face-state-set widget)
+    (custom-redraw-magic widget)))
+(defun custom-face-reset-factory (widget)
+  "Restore WIDGET to the face's factory settings."
+  (let* ((symbol (widget-value widget))
+	 (child (car (widget-get widget :children)))
+	 (value (get symbol 'factory-face)))
+    (unless value
+      (error "No factory default for this face"))
+    (put symbol 'customized-face nil)
+    (when (get symbol 'saved-face)
+      (put symbol 'saved-face nil)
+      (custom-save-all))
+    (custom-face-display-set symbol value)
+    (widget-value-set child value)
+    (custom-face-state-set widget)
+    (custom-redraw-magic widget)))
+;;; The `face' Widget.
+(define-widget 'face 'default
+  "Select and customize a face."
+  :convert-widget 'widget-item-convert-widget
+  :format "%[%t%]: %v"
+  :tag "Face"
+  :value 'default
+  :value-create 'widget-face-value-create
+  :value-delete 'widget-face-value-delete
+  :value-get 'widget-item-value-get
+  :validate 'widget-editable-list-validate
+  :action 'widget-face-action
+  :match '(lambda (widget value) (symbolp value)))
+(defun widget-face-value-create (widget)
+  ;; Create a `custom-face' child.
+  (let* ((symbol (widget-value widget))
+	 (child (widget-create-child-and-convert
+		 widget 'custom-face
+		 :format "%t %s%m%h%v"
+		 :custom-level nil
+		 :value symbol)))
+    (custom-magic-reset child)
+    (setq custom-options (cons child custom-options))
+    (widget-put widget :children (list child))))
+(defun widget-face-value-delete (widget)
+  ;; Remove the child from the options.
+  (let ((child (car (widget-get widget :children))))
+    (setq custom-options (delq child custom-options))
+    (widget-children-value-delete widget)))
+(defvar face-history nil
+  "History of entered face names.")
+(defun widget-face-action (widget &optional event)
+  "Prompt for a face."
+  (let ((answer (completing-read "Face: "
+				 (mapcar (lambda (face)
+					   (list (symbol-name face)))
+					 (face-list))
+				 nil nil nil				 
+				 'face-history)))
+    (unless (zerop (length answer))
+      (widget-value-set widget (intern answer))
+      (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
+      (widget-setup))))
+;;; The `hook' Widget.
+(define-widget 'hook 'list
+  "A emacs lisp hook"
+  :convert-widget 'custom-hook-convert-widget
+  :tag "Hook")
+(defun custom-hook-convert-widget (widget)
+  ;; Handle `:custom-options'.
+  (let* ((options (widget-get widget :options))
+	 (other `(editable-list :inline t 
+				:entry-format "%i %d%v"
+				(function :format " %v")))
+	 (args (if options
+		   (list `(checklist :inline t
+				     ,@(mapcar (lambda (entry)
+						 `(function-item ,entry))
+					       options))
+			 other)
+		 (list other))))
+    (widget-put widget :args args)
+    widget))
+;;; The `custom-group' Widget.
+(defcustom custom-group-tag-faces '(custom-group-tag-face-1)
+  ;; In XEmacs, this ought to play games with font size.
+  "Face used for group tags.
+The first member is used for level 1 groups, the second for level 2,
+and so forth.  The remaining group tags are shown with
+  :type '(repeat face)
+  :group 'customize)
+(defface custom-group-tag-face-1 '((((class color)
+				   (background dark))
+				  (:foreground "pink" :underline t))
+				 (((class color)
+				   (background light))
+				  (:foreground "red" :underline t))
+				 (t (:underline t)))
+  "Face used for group tags.")
+(defface custom-group-tag-face '((((class color)
+				   (background dark))
+				  (:foreground "light blue" :underline t))
+				 (((class color)
+				   (background light))
+				  (:foreground "blue" :underline t))
+				 (t (:underline t)))
+  "Face used for low level group tags."
+  :group 'customize)
+(define-widget 'custom-group 'custom
+  "Customize group."
+  :format "%l%{%t%}:%L\n%m%h%a%v"
+  :sample-face-get 'custom-group-sample-face-get
+  :documentation-property 'group-documentation
+  :help-echo "Push me to set or reset all members of this group."
+  :value-create 'custom-group-value-create
+  :action 'custom-group-action
+  :custom-set 'custom-group-set
+  :custom-save 'custom-group-save
+  :custom-reset-current 'custom-group-reset-current
+  :custom-reset-saved 'custom-group-reset-saved
+  :custom-reset-factory 'custom-group-reset-factory
+  :custom-menu 'custom-group-menu-create)
+(defun custom-group-sample-face-get (widget)
+  ;; Use :sample-face.
+  (or (nth (1- (widget-get widget :custom-level)) custom-group-tag-faces)
+      'custom-group-tag-face))
+(defun custom-group-value-create (widget)
+  (let ((state (widget-get widget :custom-state)))
+    (unless (eq state 'hidden)
+      (custom-load-widget widget)
+      (let* ((level (widget-get widget :custom-level))
+	     (symbol (widget-value widget))
+	     (members (get symbol 'custom-group))
+	     (prefixes (widget-get widget :custom-prefixes))
+	     (custom-prefix-list (custom-prefix-add symbol prefixes))
+	     (children (mapcar (lambda (entry)
+				 (widget-insert "\n")
+				 (prog1
+				     (widget-create-child-and-convert
+				      widget (nth 1 entry)
+				      :group widget
+				      :tag (custom-unlispify-tag-name
+					    (nth 0 entry))
+				      :custom-prefixes custom-prefix-list
+				      :custom-level (1+ level)
+				      :value (nth 0 entry))
+				   (unless (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
+				     (widget-insert "\n"))))
+			       members)))
+	(mapcar 'custom-magic-reset children)
+	(widget-put widget :children children)
+	(custom-group-state-update widget)))))
+(defvar custom-group-menu 
+  '(("Set" . custom-group-set)
+    ("Save" . custom-group-save)
+    ("Reset to Current" . custom-group-reset-current)
+    ("Reset to Saved" . custom-group-reset-saved)
+    ("Reset to Factory" . custom-group-reset-factory))
+  "Alist of actions for the `custom-group' widget.
+The key is a string containing the name of the action, the value is a
+lisp function taking the widget as an element which will be called
+when the action is chosen.")
+(defun custom-group-action (widget &optional event)
+  "Show the menu for `custom-group' WIDGET.
+Optional EVENT is the location for the menu."
+  (if (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) 'hidden)
+      (progn 
+	(widget-put widget :custom-state 'unknown)
+	(custom-redraw widget))
+    (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
+	   (answer (widget-choose (symbol-name (widget-get widget :value))
+				  custom-group-menu
+				  event)))
+      (if answer
+	  (funcall answer widget)))))
+(defun custom-group-set (widget)
+  "Set changes in all modified group members."
+  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children)))
+    (mapcar (lambda (child)
+	      (when (eq (widget-get child :custom-state) 'modified)
+		(widget-apply child :custom-set)))
+	    children )))
+(defun custom-group-save (widget)
+  "Save all modified group members."
+  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children)))
+    (mapcar (lambda (child)
+	      (when (memq (widget-get child :custom-state) '(modified set))
+		(widget-apply child :custom-save)))
+	    children )))
+(defun custom-group-reset-current (widget)
+  "Reset all modified group members."
+  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children)))
+    (mapcar (lambda (child)
+	      (when (eq (widget-get child :custom-state) 'modified)
+		(widget-apply child :custom-reset-current)))
+	    children )))
+(defun custom-group-reset-saved (widget)
+  "Reset all modified or set group members."
+  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children)))
+    (mapcar (lambda (child)
+	      (when (memq (widget-get child :custom-state) '(modified set))
+		(widget-apply child :custom-reset-saved)))
+	    children )))
+(defun custom-group-reset-factory (widget)
+  "Reset all modified, set, or saved group members."
+  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children)))
+    (mapcar (lambda (child)
+	      (when (memq (widget-get child :custom-state)
+			  '(modified set saved))
+		(widget-apply child :custom-reset-factory)))
+	    children )))
+(defun custom-group-state-update (widget)
+  "Update magic."
+  (unless (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) 'hidden)
+    (let* ((children (widget-get widget :children))
+	   (states (mapcar (lambda (child)
+			     (widget-get child :custom-state))
+			   children))
+	   (magics custom-magic-alist)
+	   (found 'factory))
+      (while magics
+	(let ((magic (car (car magics))))
+	  (if (and (not (eq magic 'hidden))
+		   (memq magic states))
+	      (setq found magic
+		    magics nil)
+	    (setq magics (cdr magics)))))
+      (widget-put widget :custom-state found)))
+  (custom-magic-reset widget))
+;;; The `custom-save-all' Function.
+(defcustom custom-file "~/.emacs"
+  "File used for storing customization information.
+If you change this from the default \"~/.emacs\" you need to
+explicitly load that file for the settings to take effect."
+  :type 'file
+  :group 'customize)
+(defun custom-save-delete (symbol)
+  "Delete the call to SYMBOL form `custom-file'.
+Leave point at the location of the call, or after the last expression."
+  (set-buffer (find-file-noselect custom-file))
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (catch 'found
+    (while t
+      (let ((sexp (condition-case nil
+		      (read (current-buffer))
+		    (end-of-file (throw 'found nil)))))
+	(when (and (listp sexp)
+		   (eq (car sexp) symbol))
+	  (delete-region (save-excursion
+			   (backward-sexp)
+			   (point))
+			 (point))
+	  (throw 'found nil))))))
+(defun custom-save-variables ()
+  "Save all customized variables in `custom-file'."
+  (save-excursion
+    (custom-save-delete 'custom-set-variables)
+    (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
+      (unless (bolp)
+	(princ "\n"))
+      (princ "(custom-set-variables")
+      (mapatoms (lambda (symbol)
+		  (let ((value (get symbol 'saved-value)))
+		    (when value
+		      (princ "\n '(")
+		      (princ symbol)
+		      (princ " ")
+		      (prin1 (car value))
+		      (if (or (get symbol 'factory-value)
+			      (and (not (boundp symbol))
+				   (not (get symbol 'force-value))))
+			  (princ ")")
+			(princ " t)"))))))
+      (princ ")")
+      (unless (eolp)
+	(princ "\n")))))
+(defun custom-save-faces ()
+  "Save all customized faces in `custom-file'."
+  (save-excursion
+    (custom-save-delete 'custom-set-faces)
+    (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
+      (unless (bolp)
+	(princ "\n"))
+      (princ "(custom-set-faces")
+      (mapatoms (lambda (symbol)
+		  (let ((value (get symbol 'saved-face)))
+		    (when value
+		      (princ "\n '(")
+		      (princ symbol)
+		      (princ " ")
+		      (prin1 value)
+		      (if (or (get symbol 'factory-face)
+			      (and (not (custom-facep symbol))
+				   (not (get symbol 'force-face))))
+			  (princ ")")
+			(princ " t)"))))))
+      (princ ")")
+      (unless (eolp)
+	(princ "\n")))))
+(defun custom-save-all ()
+  "Save all customizations in `custom-file'."
+  (custom-save-variables)
+  (custom-save-faces)
+  (save-excursion
+    (set-buffer (find-file-noselect custom-file))
+    (save-buffer)))
+;;; The Customize Menu.
+(defcustom custom-menu-nesting 2
+  "Maximum nesting in custom menus."
+  :type 'integer
+  :group 'customize)
+(defun custom-face-menu-create (widget symbol)
+  "Ignoring WIDGET, create a menu entry for customization face SYMBOL."
+  (vector (custom-unlispify-menu-entry symbol)
+	  `(custom-buffer-create '((,symbol custom-face)))
+	  t))
+(defun custom-variable-menu-create (widget symbol)
+  "Ignoring WIDGET, create a menu entry for customization variable SYMBOL."
+  (let ((type (get symbol 'custom-type)))
+    (unless (listp type)
+      (setq type (list type)))
+    (if (and type (widget-get type :custom-menu))
+	(widget-apply type :custom-menu symbol)
+      (vector (custom-unlispify-menu-entry symbol)
+	      `(custom-buffer-create '((,symbol custom-variable)))
+	      t))))
+(widget-put (get 'boolean 'widget-type)
+	    :custom-menu (lambda (widget symbol)
+			   (vector (custom-unlispify-menu-entry symbol)
+				   `(custom-buffer-create
+				     '((,symbol custom-variable)))
+				   ':style 'toggle
+				   ':selected symbol)))
+(defun custom-group-menu-create (widget symbol)
+  "Ignoring WIDGET, create a menu entry for customization group SYMBOL."
+  (custom-menu-create symbol))
+(defun custom-menu-create (symbol &optional name)
+  "Create menu for customization group SYMBOL.
+If optional NAME is given, use that as the name of the menu. 
+Otherwise make up a name from SYMBOL.
+The menu is in a format applicable to `easy-menu-define'."
+  (unless name
+    (setq name (custom-unlispify-menu-entry symbol)))
+  (let ((item (vector name
+		      `(custom-buffer-create '((,symbol custom-group)))
+		      t)))
+    (if (and (> custom-menu-nesting 0)
+	     (< (length (get symbol 'custom-group)) widget-menu-max-size))
+	(let ((custom-menu-nesting (1- custom-menu-nesting))
+	      (custom-prefix-list (custom-prefix-add symbol
+						     custom-prefix-list)))
+	  (custom-load-symbol symbol)
+	  `(,(custom-unlispify-menu-entry symbol t)
+	    ,item
+	    "--"
+	    ,@(mapcar (lambda (entry)
+			(widget-apply (if (listp (nth 1 entry))
+					  (nth 1 entry)
+					(list (nth 1 entry)))
+				      :custom-menu (nth 0 entry)))
+		      (get symbol 'custom-group))))
+      item)))
+(defun custom-menu-update ()
+  "Update customize menu."
+  (interactive)
+  (add-hook 'custom-define-hook 'custom-menu-reset)
+  (let ((menu `(,(car custom-help-menu)
+		,(widget-apply '(custom-group) :custom-menu 'emacs)
+		,@(cdr (cdr custom-help-menu)))))
+    (if (fboundp 'add-submenu)
+	(add-submenu '("Help") menu)
+      (define-key global-map [menu-bar help-menu customize-menu]
+	(cons (car menu) (easy-menu-create-keymaps (car menu) (cdr menu)))))))
+;;; Dependencies.
+(defun custom-make-dependencies ()
+  "Batch function to extract custom dependencies from .el files.
+Usage: emacs -batch *.el -f custom-make-dependencies > deps.el"
+  (let ((buffers (buffer-list)))
+    (while buffers
+      (set-buffer (car buffers))
+      (setq buffers (cdr buffers))
+      (let ((file (buffer-file-name)))
+	(when (and file (string-match "\\`\\(.*\\)\\.el\\'" file))
+	  (goto-char (point-min))
+	  (condition-case nil
+	      (let ((name (file-name-nondirectory (match-string 1 file))))
+		(while t
+		  (let ((expr (read (current-buffer))))
+		    (when (and (listp expr)
+			       (memq (car expr) '(defcustom defface defgroup)))
+		      (eval expr)
+		      (put (nth 1 expr) 'custom-where name)))))
+	    (error nil))))))
+  (mapatoms (lambda (symbol)
+	      (let ((members (get symbol 'custom-group))
+		    item where found)
+		(when members
+		  (princ "(put '")
+		  (princ symbol)
+		  (princ " 'custom-loads '(")
+		  (while members
+		    (setq item (car (car members))
+			  members (cdr members)
+			  where (get item 'custom-where))
+		    (unless (or (null where)
+				(member where found))
+		      (when found
+			(princ " "))
+		      (prin1 where)
+		      (push where found)))
+		  (princ "))\n"))))))
+;;; The End.
+(provide 'custom-edit)
+;; custom-edit.el ends here
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/custom/custom-opt.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+;;; custom-opt.el --- An option group.
+;; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <>
+;; Keywords: help, faces
+;; Version: 1.24
+;; X-URL:
+;;; Code:
+(require 'custom)
+(defgroup options nil
+  "This group contains often used customization options."
+  :group 'emacs)
+(defvar custom-options 
+  '((line-number-mode boolean)
+    (column-number-mode boolean)
+    (debug-on-error boolean)
+    (debug-on-quit boolean)
+    (case-fold-search boolean)
+    (case-replace boolean)
+    (transient-mark-mode boolean))
+  "Alist of customization options.
+The first element of each entry should be a variable name, the second
+a widget type.")
+(let ((options custom-options)
+      option name type)
+  (while options
+    (setq option (car options)
+	  options (cdr options)
+	  name (nth 0 option)
+	  type (nth 1 option))
+    (put name 'custom-type type)
+    (custom-add-to-group 'options name 'custom-variable))
+  (run-hooks 'custom-define-hook))
+;;; The End.
+(provide 'custom-opt)
+;; custom-edit.el ends here
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/custom/custom.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,590 @@
+;;; custom.el -- Tools for declaring and initializing options.
+;; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <>
+;; Keywords: help, faces
+;; Version: 1.24
+;; X-URL:
+;;; Commentary:
+;; If you want to use this code, please visit the URL above.
+;; This file only contain the code needed to declare and initialize
+;; user options.  The code to customize options is autoloaded from
+;; `custom-edit.el'. 
+;;; Code:
+(require 'widget)
+(define-widget-keywords :prefix :tag :load :link :options :type :group)
+;; These autoloads should be deleted when the file is added to Emacs
+(autoload 'customize "custom-edit" nil t)
+(autoload 'customize-variable "custom-edit" nil t)
+(autoload 'customize-face "custom-edit" nil t)
+(autoload 'customize-apropos "custom-edit" nil t)
+(autoload 'customize-customized "custom-edit" nil t)
+(autoload 'custom-buffer-create "custom-edit")
+(autoload 'custom-menu-update "custom-edit")
+(autoload 'custom-make-dependencies "custom-edit")
+;;; Compatibility.
+(unless (fboundp 'x-color-values)
+  ;; Emacs function missing in XEmacs 19.14.
+  (defun x-color-values  (color)
+    "Return a description of the color named COLOR on frame FRAME.
+The value is a list of integer RGB values--(RED GREEN BLUE).
+These values appear to range from 0 to 65280 or 65535, depending
+on the system; white is (65280 65280 65280) or (65535 65535 65535).
+If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame."
+    (color-instance-rgb-components (make-color-instance color))))
+(unless (fboundp 'frame-property)
+  ;; XEmacs function missing in Emacs 19.34.
+  (defun frame-property (frame property &optional default)
+    "Return FRAME's value for property PROPERTY."
+    (or (cdr (assq property (frame-parameters frame)))
+	default)))
+(defun custom-background-mode ()
+  "Kludge to detext background mode."
+  (let* ((bg-resource 
+	  (condition-case ()
+	      (x-get-resource ".backgroundMode" "BackgroundMode" 'string)
+	    (error nil)))
+	 color
+	 (mode (cond (bg-resource
+		      (intern (downcase bg-resource)))
+		     ((and (setq color (condition-case ()
+					   (or (frame-property
+						(selected-frame)
+						'background-color)
+					       (color-instance-name
+						(specifier-instance
+						 (face-background 'default))))
+					 (error nil)))
+			   (< (apply '+ (x-color-values color))
+			      (/ (apply '+ (x-color-values "white"))
+				 3)))
+		      'dark)
+		     (t 'light))))
+    (modify-frame-parameters (selected-frame)
+			     (list (cons 'background-mode mode)))
+    mode))
+;; XEmacs and Emacs have different definitions of `facep'.  
+;; The Emacs definition is the useful one, so emulate that. 
+(cond ((not (fboundp 'facep))
+       (defun custom-facep (face) 
+	 "No faces"
+	 nil))
+      ((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
+       (defun custom-facep (face) 
+	 "Face symbol or object."
+	 (or (facep face)
+	     (find-face face))))
+      (t
+       (defalias 'custom-facep 'facep)))
+;;; The `defcustom' Macro.
+(defun custom-declare-variable (symbol value doc &rest args)
+  "Like `defcustom', but SYMBOL and VALUE are evaluated as notmal arguments."
+  (unless (and (default-boundp symbol)
+	       (not (get symbol 'saved-value)))
+    (set-default symbol (if (get symbol 'saved-value)
+			    (eval (car (get symbol 'saved-value)))
+			  (eval value))))
+  (put symbol 'factory-value (list value))
+  (when doc
+    (put symbol 'variable-documentation doc))
+  (while args 
+    (let ((arg (car args)))
+      (setq args (cdr args))
+      (unless (symbolp arg)
+	(error "Junk in args %S" args))
+      (let ((keyword arg)
+	    (value (car args)))
+	(unless args
+	  (error "Keyword %s is missing an argument" keyword))
+	(setq args (cdr args))
+	(cond ((eq keyword :type)
+	       (put symbol 'custom-type value))
+	      ((eq keyword :options)
+	       (if (get symbol 'custom-options)
+		   ;; Slow safe code to avoid duplicates.
+		   (mapcar (lambda (option)
+			     (custom-add-option symbol option))
+			   value)
+		 ;; Fast code for the common case.
+		 (put symbol 'custom-options (copy-list value))))
+	      (t
+	       (custom-handle-keyword symbol keyword value
+				      'custom-variable))))))
+  (run-hooks 'custom-define-hook)
+  symbol)
+(defmacro defcustom (symbol value doc &rest args)
+  "Declare SYMBOL as a customizable variable that defaults to VALUE.
+DOC is the variable documentation.
+Neither SYMBOL nor VALUE needs to be quoted.
+If SYMBOL is not already bound, initialize it to VALUE.
+The remaining arguments should have the form
+The following KEYWORD's are defined:
+:type	VALUE should be a widget type.
+:options VALUE should be a list of valid members of the widget type.
+:group  VALUE should be a customization group.  
+        Add SYMBOL to that group.
+Read the section about customization in the emacs lisp manual for more
+  `(eval-and-compile
+     (custom-declare-variable (quote ,symbol) (quote ,value) ,doc ,@args)))
+;;; The `defface' Macro.
+(defun custom-declare-face (face spec doc &rest args)
+  "Like `defface', but FACE is evaluated as a normal argument."
+  (put face 'factory-face spec)
+  (when (fboundp 'facep)
+    (unless (and (custom-facep face)
+		 (not (get face 'saved-face)))
+      ;; If the user has already created the face, respect that.
+      (let ((value (or (get face 'saved-face) spec)))
+	(custom-face-display-set face value))))
+  (when doc
+    (put face 'face-documentation doc))
+  (custom-handle-all-keywords face args 'custom-face)
+  (run-hooks 'custom-define-hook)
+  face)
+(defmacro defface (face spec doc &rest args)
+  "Declare FACE as a customizable face that defaults to SPEC.
+FACE does not need to be quoted.
+Third argument DOC is the face documentation.
+If FACE has been set with `custom-set-face', set the face attributes
+as specified by that function, otherwise set the face attributes
+according to SPEC.
+The remaining arguments should have the form
+The following KEYWORD's are defined:
+:group  VALUE should be a customization group.
+        Add FACE to that group.
+SPEC should be an alist of the form ((DISPLAY ATTS)...).
+ATTS is a list of face attributes and their values.  The possible
+attributes are defined in the variable `custom-face-attributes'.
+Alternatively, ATTS can be a face in which case the attributes of that
+face is used.
+The ATTS of the first entry in SPEC where the DISPLAY matches the
+frame should take effect in that frame.  DISPLAY can either be the
+symbol `t', which will match all frames, or an alist of the form
+\((REQ ITEM...)...)
+For the DISPLAY to match a FRAME, the REQ property of the frame must
+match one of the ITEM.  The following REQ are defined:
+`type' (the value of (window-system))
+  Should be one of `x' or `tty'.
+`class' (the frame's color support)
+  Should be one of `color', `grayscale', or `mono'.
+`background' (what color is used for the background text)
+  Should be one of `light' or `dark'.
+Read the section about customization in the emacs lisp manual for more
+  `(custom-declare-face (quote ,face) ,spec ,doc ,@args))
+;;; The `defgroup' Macro.
+(defun custom-declare-group (symbol members doc &rest args)
+  "Like `defgroup', but SYMBOL is evaluated as a normal argument."
+  (put symbol 'custom-group (nconc members (get symbol 'custom-group)))
+  (when doc
+    (put symbol 'group-documentation doc))
+  (while args 
+    (let ((arg (car args)))
+      (setq args (cdr args))
+      (unless (symbolp arg)
+	(error "Junk in args %S" args))
+      (let ((keyword arg)
+	    (value (car args)))
+	(unless args
+	  (error "Keyword %s is missing an argument" keyword))
+	(setq args (cdr args))
+	(cond ((eq keyword :prefix)
+	       (put symbol 'custom-prefix value))
+	      (t
+	       (custom-handle-keyword symbol keyword value
+				      'custom-group))))))
+  (run-hooks 'custom-define-hook)
+  symbol)
+(defmacro defgroup (symbol members doc &rest args)
+  "Declare SYMBOL as a customization group containing MEMBERS.
+SYMBOL does not need to be quoted.
+Third arg DOC is the group documentation.
+MEMBERS should be an alist of the form ((NAME WIDGET)...) where
+NAME is a symbol and WIDGET is a widget is a widget for editing that
+symbol.  Useful widgets are `custom-variable' for editing variables,
+`custom-face' for edit faces, and `custom-group' for editing groups.
+The remaining arguments should have the form
+The following KEYWORD's are defined:
+:group  VALUE should be a customization group.
+        Add SYMBOL to that group.
+Read the section about customization in the emacs lisp manual for more
+  `(custom-declare-group (quote ,symbol) ,members ,doc ,@args))
+(defun custom-add-to-group (group option widget)
+  "To existing GROUP add a new OPTION of type WIDGET,
+If there already is an entry for that option, overwrite it."
+  (let* ((members (get group 'custom-group))
+	 (old (assq option members)))
+    (if old
+	(setcar (cdr old) widget)
+      (put group 'custom-group (nconc members (list (list option widget)))))))
+;;; Properties.
+(defun custom-handle-all-keywords (symbol args type)
+  "For customization option SYMBOL, handle keyword arguments ARGS.
+Third argument TYPE is the custom option type."
+  (while args 
+    (let ((arg (car args)))
+      (setq args (cdr args))
+      (unless (symbolp arg)
+	(error "Junk in args %S" args))
+      (let ((keyword arg)
+	    (value (car args)))
+	(unless args
+	  (error "Keyword %s is missing an argument" keyword))
+	(setq args (cdr args))
+	(custom-handle-keyword symbol keyword value type)))))  
+(defun custom-handle-keyword (symbol keyword value type)
+  "For customization option SYMBOL, handle KEYWORD with VALUE.
+Fourth argument TYPE is the custom option type."
+  (cond ((eq keyword :group)
+	 (custom-add-to-group value symbol type))
+	((eq keyword :link)
+	 (custom-add-link symbol value))
+	((eq keyword :load)
+	 (custom-add-load symbol value))
+	((eq keyword :tag)
+	 (put symbol 'custom-tag value))
+	(t
+	 (error "Unknown keyword %s" symbol))))  
+(defun custom-add-option (symbol option)
+  "To the variable SYMBOL add OPTION.
+If SYMBOL is a hook variable, OPTION should be a hook member.
+For other types variables, the effect is undefined."
+  (let ((options (get symbol 'custom-options)))
+    (unless (member option options)
+      (put symbol 'custom-options (cons option options)))))
+(defun custom-add-link (symbol widget)
+  "To the custom option SYMBOL add the link WIDGET."
+  (let ((links (get symbol 'custom-links)))
+    (unless (member widget links)
+      (put symbol 'custom-links (cons widget links)))))
+(defun custom-add-load (symbol load)
+  "To the custom option SYMBOL add the dependency LOAD.
+LOAD should be either a library file name, or a feature name."
+  (let ((loads (get symbol 'custom-loads)))
+    (unless (member load loads)
+      (put symbol 'custom-loads (cons load loads)))))
+;;; Face Utilities.
+(and (fboundp 'make-face)
+     (make-face 'custom-face-empty))
+(defun custom-face-display-set (face spec &optional frame)
+  "Set FACE to the attributes to the first matching entry in SPEC.
+Iff optional FRAME is non-nil, set it for that frame only.
+See `defface' for information about SPEC."
+  (when (fboundp 'copy-face)
+    (copy-face 'custom-face-empty face)
+    (while spec 
+      (let* ((entry (car spec))
+	     (display (nth 0 entry))
+	     (atts (nth 1 entry)))
+	(setq spec (cdr spec))
+	(when (custom-display-match-frame display frame)
+	  (apply 'custom-face-attribites-set face frame atts)
+	  (setq spec nil))))))
+(defcustom custom-background-mode nil
+  "The brightness of the background.
+Set this to the symbol dark if your background color is dark, light if
+your background is light, or nil (default) if you want Emacs to
+examine the brightness for you."
+  :group 'customize
+  :type '(choice (choice-item dark) 
+		 (choice-item light)
+		 (choice-item :tag "default" nil)))
+(defun custom-display-match-frame (display frame)
+  "Non-nil iff DISPLAY matches FRAME.
+If FRAME is nil, the current FRAME is used."
+  ;; This is a kludge to get started, we really should use specifiers!
+  (unless frame 
+    (setq frame (selected-frame)))
+  (if (eq display t)
+      t
+    (let ((match t))
+      (while (and display match)
+	(let* ((entry (car display))
+	       (req (car entry))
+	       (options (cdr entry)))
+	  (setq display (cdr display))
+	  (cond ((eq req 'type)
+		 (let ((type (if (fboundp 'device-type)
+				 (device-type (frame-device frame))
+			       window-system)))
+		   (setq match (memq type options))))
+		((eq req 'class)
+		 (let ((class (if (fboundp 'device-class)
+				  (device-class (frame-device frame))
+				(frame-property frame 'display-type))))
+		   (setq match (memq class options))))
+		((eq req 'background)
+		 (let ((background (or custom-background-mode
+				       (frame-property frame 'background-mode)
+				       (custom-background-mode))))
+		   (setq match (memq background options))))
+		(t
+		 (error "Unknown req `%S' with options `%S'" req options)))))
+      match)))
+(defconst custom-face-attributes
+  '((:bold (toggle :format "Bold: %v") custom-set-face-bold)
+    (:italic (toggle :format "Italic: %v") custom-set-face-italic)
+    (:underline
+     (toggle :format "Underline: %v") set-face-underline-p)
+    (:foreground (color :tag "Foreground") set-face-foreground)
+    (:background (color :tag "Background") set-face-background)
+    (:stipple (editable-field :format "Stipple: %v") set-face-stipple))
+  "Alist of face attributes. 
+The elements are of the form (KEY TYPE SET) where KEY is a symbol
+identifying the attribute, TYPE is a widget type for editing the
+attibute, SET is a function for setting the attribute value.
+The SET function should take three arguments, the face to modify, the
+value of the attribute, and optionally the frame where the face should
+be changed.")
+(when (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
+  ;; Support for special XEmacs font attributes.
+  (require 'font)
+  (unless (fboundp 'face-font-name)
+    (defun face-font-name (face &rest args)
+      (apply 'face-font face args)))
+  (defun set-face-font-size (face size &rest args)
+    "Set the font of FACE to SIZE"
+    (let* ((font (apply 'face-font-name face args))
+	   (fontobj (font-create-object font)))
+      (set-font-size fontobj size)
+      (apply 'set-face-font face fontobj args)))
+  (defun set-face-font-family (face family &rest args)
+    "Set the font of FACE to FAMILY"
+    (let* ((font (apply 'face-font-name face args))
+	   (fontobj (font-create-object font)))
+      (set-font-family fontobj family)
+      (apply 'set-face-font face fontobj args)))
+  (nconc custom-face-attributes
+	 '((:family (editable-field :format "Family: %v") 
+		    set-face-font-family)
+	   (:size (editable-field :format "Size: %v")
+		  set-face-font-size))))
+(defun custom-face-attribites-set (face frame &rest atts)
+  "For FACE on FRAME set the attributes [KEYWORD VALUE]....
+Each keyword should be listed in `custom-face-attributes'.
+If FRAME is nil, set the default face."
+  (while atts 
+    (let* ((name (nth 0 atts))
+	   (value (nth 1 atts))
+	   (fun (nth 2 (assq name custom-face-attributes))))
+      (setq atts (cdr (cdr atts)))
+      (condition-case nil
+	  (funcall fun face value)
+	(error nil)))))
+(defun custom-set-face-bold (face value &optional frame)
+  "Set the bold property of FACE to VALUE."
+  (if value
+      (make-face-bold face frame)
+    (make-face-unbold face frame)))
+(defun custom-set-face-italic (face value &optional frame)
+  "Set the italic property of FACE to VALUE."
+  (if value
+      (make-face-italic face frame)
+    (make-face-unitalic face frame)))
+(defun custom-initialize-faces (&optional frame)
+  "Initialize all custom faces for FRAME.
+If FRAME is nil or omitted, initialize them for all frames."
+  (mapatoms (lambda (symbol)
+	      (let ((spec (or (get symbol 'saved-face)
+			      (get symbol 'factory-face))))
+		(when spec 
+		  (custom-face-display-set symbol spec frame))))))
+;;; Initializing.
+(defun custom-set-variables (&rest args)
+  "Initialize variables according to user preferences.  
+The arguments should be a list where each entry has the form:
+The unevaluated VALUE is stored as the saved value for SYMBOL.
+If NOW is present and non-nil, VALUE is also evaluated and bound as
+the default value for the SYMBOL."
+  (while args 
+    (let ((entry (car args)))
+      (if (listp entry)
+	  (let ((symbol (nth 0 entry))
+		(value (nth 1 entry))
+		(now (nth 2 entry)))
+	    (put symbol 'saved-value (list value))
+	    (when now 
+	      (put symbol 'force-value t)
+	      (set-default symbol (eval value)))
+	    (setq args (cdr args)))
+	;; Old format, a plist of SYMBOL VALUE pairs.
+	(let ((symbol (nth 0 args))
+	      (value (nth 1 args)))
+	  (put symbol 'saved-value (list value)))
+	(setq args (cdr (cdr args)))))))
+(defun custom-set-faces (&rest args)
+  "Initialize faces according to user preferences.
+The arguments should be a list where each entry has the form:
+SPEC will be stored as the saved value for FACE.  If NOW is present
+and non-nil, FACE will also be created according to SPEC.
+See `defface' for the format of SPEC."
+  (while args
+    (let ((entry (car args)))
+      (if (listp entry)
+	  (let ((face (nth 0 entry))
+		(spec (nth 1 entry))
+		(now (nth 2 entry)))
+	    (put face 'saved-face spec)
+	    (when now
+	      (put face 'force-face t)
+	      (custom-face-display-set face spec))
+	    (setq args (cdr args)))
+	;; Old format, a plist of FACE SPEC pairs.
+	(let ((face (nth 0 args))
+	      (spec (nth 1 args)))
+	  (put face 'saved-face spec))
+	(setq args (cdr (cdr args)))))))
+;;; Meta Customization
+(defgroup emacs nil
+  "Customization of the One True Editor."
+  :link '(custom-manual "(emacs)Top"))
+(defgroup customize '((widgets custom-group))
+  "Customization of the Customization support."
+  :link '(custom-manual "(custom)Top")
+  :link '(url-link :tag "Development Page" 
+		   "")
+  :prefix "custom-"
+  :group 'emacs)
+(defcustom custom-define-hook nil
+  "Hook called after defining each customize option."
+  :group 'customize
+  :type 'hook)
+;;; Menu support
+(defconst custom-help-menu '("Customize"
+			     ["Update menu..." custom-menu-update t]
+			     ["Group..." customize t]
+			     ["Variable..." customize-variable t]
+			     ["Face..." customize-face t]
+			     ["Saved..." customize-customized t]
+			     ["Apropos..." customize-apropos t])
+  "Customize menu")
+(defun custom-menu-reset ()
+  "Reset customize menu."
+  (remove-hook 'custom-define-hook 'custom-menu-reset)
+  (cond ((fboundp 'add-submenu)
+	 ;; XEmacs with menus.
+	 (add-submenu '("Help") custom-help-menu))
+	((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
+	 ;; XEmacs without menus.
+	 )
+	(t
+	 ;; Emacs.
+	 (define-key global-map [menu-bar help-menu customize-menu]
+	   (cons (car custom-help-menu)
+		 (easy-menu-create-keymaps (car custom-help-menu)
+					   (cdr custom-help-menu)))))))
+; (custom-menu-reset)
+;;; The End.
+(provide 'custom)
+;; custom.el ends here
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/custom/widget-edit.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2202 @@
+;;; widget-edit.el --- Functions for creating and using widgets.
+;; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <>
+;; Keywords: extensions
+;; Version: 1.24
+;; X-URL:
+;;; Commentary:
+;; See `widget.el'.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'widget)
+(require 'cl)
+(autoload 'pp-to-string "pp")
+(autoload 'Info-goto-node "info")
+(if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
+    ;; XEmacs spell `intangible' as `atomic'.
+    (defun widget-make-intangible (from to side)
+      "Make text between FROM and TO atomic with regard to movement.
+Third argument should be `start-open' if it should be sticky to the rear,
+and `end-open' if it should sticky to the front."
+      (require 'atomic-extents)
+      (let ((ext (make-extent from to)))
+	 ;; XEmacs doesn't understant different kinds of read-only, so
+	 ;; we have to use extents instead.  
+	(put-text-property from to 'read-only nil)
+	(set-extent-property ext 'read-only t)
+	(set-extent-property ext 'start-open nil)
+	(set-extent-property ext 'end-open nil)
+	(set-extent-property ext side t)
+	(set-extent-property ext 'atomic t)))
+  (defun widget-make-intangible (from to size)
+    "Make text between FROM and TO intangible."
+    (put-text-property from to 'intangible 'front)))
+;; The following should go away when bundled with Emacs.
+  (condition-case ()
+      (require 'custom)
+    (error nil))
+  (unless (and (featurep 'custom) (fboundp 'custom-declare-variable))
+    ;; We have the old custom-library, hack around it!
+    (defmacro defgroup (&rest args) nil)
+    (defmacro defcustom (&rest args) nil)
+    (defmacro defface (&rest args) nil)
+    (when (fboundp 'copy-face)
+      (copy-face 'default 'widget-documentation-face)
+      (copy-face 'bold 'widget-button-face)
+      (copy-face 'italic 'widget-field-face))
+    (defvar widget-mouse-face 'highlight)
+    (defvar widget-menu-max-size 40)))
+;;; Compatibility.
+(unless (fboundp 'event-point)
+  ;; XEmacs function missing in Emacs.
+  (defun event-point (event)
+    "Return the character position of the given mouse-motion, button-press,
+or button-release event.  If the event did not occur over a window, or did
+not occur over text, then this returns nil.  Otherwise, it returns an index
+into the buffer visible in the event's window."
+    (posn-point (event-start event))))
+(unless (fboundp 'error-message-string)
+  ;; Emacs function missing in XEmacs.
+  (defun error-message-string (obj)
+    "Convert an error value to an error message."
+    (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *error-message*")))
+      (erase-buffer buf)
+      (display-error obj buf)
+      (buffer-string buf))))
+;;; Customization.
+(defgroup widgets nil
+  "Customization support for the Widget Library."
+  :link '(custom-manual "(widget)Top")
+  :link '(url-link :tag "Development Page" 
+		   "")
+  :prefix "widget-"
+  :group 'emacs)
+(defface widget-documentation-face '((((class color)
+				       (background dark))
+				      (:foreground "lime green"))
+				     (((class color)
+				       (background light))
+				      (:foreground "dark green"))
+				     (t nil))
+  "Face used for documentation text."
+  :group 'widgets)
+(defface widget-button-face '((t (:bold t)))
+  "Face used for widget buttons."
+  :group 'widgets)
+(defcustom widget-mouse-face 'highlight
+  "Face used for widget buttons when the mouse is above them."
+  :type 'face
+  :group 'widgets)
+(defface widget-field-face '((((class grayscale color)
+			       (background light))
+			      (:background "light gray"))
+			     (((class grayscale color)
+			       (background dark))
+			      (:background "dark gray"))
+			     (t 
+			      (:italic t)))
+  "Face used for editable fields."
+  :group 'widgets)
+(defcustom widget-menu-max-size 40
+  "Largest number of items allowed in a popup-menu.
+Larger menus are read through the minibuffer."
+  :group 'widgets
+  :type 'integer)
+;;; Utility functions.
+;; These are not really widget specific.
+(defun widget-plist-member (plist prop)
+  ;; Return non-nil if PLIST has the property PROP.
+  ;; PLIST is a property list, which is a list of the form
+  ;; (PROP1 VALUE1 PROP2 VALUE2 ...).  PROP is a symbol.
+  ;; Unlike `plist-get', this allows you to distinguish between a missing
+  ;; property and a property with the value nil.
+  ;; The value is actually the tail of PLIST whose car is PROP.
+  (while (and plist (not (eq (car plist) prop)))
+    (setq plist (cdr (cdr plist))))
+  plist)
+(defun widget-princ-to-string (object)
+  ;; Return string representation of OBJECT, any Lisp object.
+  ;; No quoting characters are used; no delimiters are printed around
+  ;; the contents of strings.
+  (save-excursion
+    (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *widget-tmp*"))
+    (erase-buffer)
+    (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
+      (princ object))
+    (buffer-string)))
+(defun widget-clear-undo ()
+  "Clear all undo information."
+  (buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
+  (buffer-enable-undo))
+(defun widget-choose (title items &optional event)
+  "Choose an item from a list.
+First argument TITLE is the name of the list.
+Second argument ITEMS is an alist (NAME . VALUE).
+Optional third argument EVENT is an input event.
+The user is asked to choose between each NAME from the items alist,
+and the VALUE of the chosen element will be returned.  If EVENT is a
+mouse event, and the number of elements in items is less than
+`widget-menu-max-size', a popup menu will be used, otherwise the
+  (cond ((and (< (length items) widget-menu-max-size)
+	      event (fboundp 'x-popup-menu) window-system)
+	 ;; We are in Emacs-19, pressed by the mouse
+	 (x-popup-menu event
+		       (list title (cons "" items))))
+	((and (< (length items) widget-menu-max-size)
+	      event (fboundp 'popup-menu) window-system)
+	 ;; We are in XEmacs, pressed by the mouse
+	 (let ((val (get-popup-menu-response
+		     (cons ""
+			   (mapcar
+			    (function
+			     (lambda (x)
+			       (vector (car x) (list (car x)) t)))
+			    items)))))
+	   (setq val (and val
+			  (listp (event-object val))
+			  (stringp (car-safe (event-object val)))
+			  (car (event-object val))))
+	   (cdr (assoc val items))))
+	(t
+	 (cdr (assoc (completing-read (concat title ": ")
+				      items nil t)
+		     items)))))
+;;; Widget text specifications.
+;; These functions are for specifying text properties. 
+(defun widget-specify-none (from to)
+  ;; Clear all text properties between FROM and TO.
+  (set-text-properties from to nil))
+(defun widget-specify-text (from to)
+  ;; Default properties.
+  (add-text-properties from to (list 'read-only t
+				     'front-sticky t
+				     'start-open t
+				     'end-open t
+				     'rear-nonsticky nil)))
+(defun widget-specify-field (widget from to)
+  ;; Specify editable button for WIDGET between FROM and TO.
+  (widget-specify-field-update widget from to)
+  ;; Make it possible to edit the front end of the field.
+  (add-text-properties (1- from) from (list 'rear-nonsticky t
+					    'end-open t
+					    'invisible t))
+  (when (or (string-match "\\(.\\|\n\\)%v" (widget-get widget :format))
+	    (widget-get widget :hide-front-space))
+    ;; WARNING: This is going to lose horrible if the character just
+    ;; before the field can be modified (e.g. if it belongs to a
+    ;; choice widget).  We try to compensate by checking the format
+    ;; string, and hope the user hasn't changed the :create method.
+    (widget-make-intangible (- from 2) from 'end-open))
+  ;; Make it possible to edit back end of the field.
+  (add-text-properties to (1+ to) (list 'front-sticky nil
+					'read-only t
+					'start-open t))
+  (cond ((widget-get widget :size)
+	 (put-text-property to (1+ to) 'invisible t)
+	 (when (or (string-match "%v\\(.\\|\n\\)" (widget-get widget :format))
+		   (widget-get widget :hide-rear-space))
+	   ;; WARNING: This is going to lose horrible if the character just
+	   ;; after the field can be modified (e.g. if it belongs to a
+	   ;; choice widget).  We try to compensate by checking the format
+	   ;; string, and hope the user hasn't changed the :create method.
+	   (widget-make-intangible to (+ to 2) 'start-open)))
+	((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
+	 ;; XEmacs does not allow you to insert before a read-only
+	 ;; character, even if it is
+	 ;; XEmacs does allow you to delete an read-only extent, so
+	 ;; making the terminating newline read only doesn't help.
+	 ;; I tried putting an invisible intangible read-only space
+	 ;; before the newline, which gave really weird effects.
+	 ;; So for now, we just have trust the user not to delete the
+	 ;; newline.  
+	 (put-text-property to (1+ to) 'read-only nil))))
+(defun widget-specify-field-update (widget from to)
+  ;; Specify editable button for WIDGET between FROM and TO.
+  (let ((map (widget-get widget :keymap))
+	(secret (widget-get widget :secret))
+	(secret-to to)
+	(size (widget-get widget :size))
+	(face (or (widget-get widget :value-face)
+		  'widget-field-face)))
+    (when secret 
+      (while (and size
+		  (not (zerop size))
+		  (> secret-to from)
+		  (eq (char-after (1- secret-to)) ?\ ))
+	(setq secret-to (1- secret-to)))
+      (save-excursion
+	(goto-char from)
+	(while (< (point) secret-to)
+	  (let ((old (get-text-property (point) 'secret)))
+	    (when old
+	      (subst-char-in-region (point) (1+ (point)) secret old)))
+	  (forward-char))))
+    (set-text-properties from to (list 'field widget
+				       'read-only nil
+				       'keymap map
+				       'local-map map
+				       'face face))
+    (when secret 
+      (save-excursion
+	(goto-char from)
+	(while (< (point) secret-to)
+	  (let ((old (following-char)))
+	    (subst-char-in-region (point) (1+ (point)) old secret)
+	    (put-text-property (point) (1+ (point)) 'secret old))
+	  (forward-char))))
+    (unless (widget-get widget :size)
+      (add-text-properties to (1+ to) (list 'field widget
+					    'face face
+					    'local-map map
+					    'keymap map)))))
+(defun widget-specify-button (widget from to)
+  ;; Specify button for WIDGET between FROM and TO.
+  (let ((face (widget-apply widget :button-face-get)))
+    (add-text-properties from to (list 'button widget
+				       'mouse-face widget-mouse-face
+				       'start-open t
+				       'end-open t
+				       'face face))))
+(defun widget-specify-sample (widget from to)
+  ;; Specify sample for WIDGET between FROM and TO.
+  (let ((face (widget-apply widget :sample-face-get)))
+    (when face
+      (add-text-properties from to (list 'start-open t
+					 'end-open t
+					 'face face)))))
+(defun widget-specify-doc (widget from to)
+  ;; Specify documentation for WIDGET between FROM and TO.
+  (add-text-properties from to (list 'widget-doc widget
+				     'face 'widget-documentation-face)))
+(defmacro widget-specify-insert (&rest form)
+  ;; Execute FORM without inheriting any text properties.
+  `(save-restriction
+     (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
+	   result
+	   after-change-functions)
+       (insert "<>")
+       (narrow-to-region (- (point) 2) (point))
+       (widget-specify-none (point-min) (point-max))
+       (goto-char (1+ (point-min)))
+       (setq result (progn ,@form))
+       (delete-region (point-min) (1+ (point-min)))
+       (delete-region (1- (point-max)) (point-max))
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       result)))
+;;; Widget Properties.
+(defun widget-put (widget property value)
+The value can later be retrived with `widget-get'."
+  (setcdr widget (plist-put (cdr widget) property value)))
+(defun widget-get (widget property)
+  "In WIDGET, get the value of PROPERTY.
+The value could either be specified when the widget was created, or
+later with `widget-put'."
+  (cond ((widget-plist-member (cdr widget) property)
+	 (plist-get (cdr widget) property))
+	((car widget)
+	 (widget-get (get (car widget) 'widget-type) property))
+	(t nil)))
+(defun widget-member (widget property)
+  "Non-nil iff there is a definition in WIDGET for PROPERTY."
+  (cond ((widget-plist-member (cdr widget) property)
+	 t)
+	((car widget)
+	 (widget-member (get (car widget) 'widget-type) property))
+	(t nil)))
+(defun widget-apply (widget property &rest args)
+  "Apply the value of WIDGET's PROPERTY to the widget itself.
+ARGS are passed as extra argments to the function."
+  (apply (widget-get widget property) widget args))
+(defun widget-value (widget)
+  "Extract the current value of WIDGET."
+  (widget-apply widget
+		:value-to-external (widget-apply widget :value-get)))
+(defun widget-value-set (widget value)
+  "Set the current value of WIDGET to VALUE."
+  (widget-apply widget
+		:value-set (widget-apply widget
+					 :value-to-internal value)))
+(defun widget-match-inline (widget vals)
+  ;; In WIDGET, match the start of VALS.
+  (cond ((widget-get widget :inline)
+	 (widget-apply widget :match-inline vals))
+	((and vals
+	      (widget-apply widget :match (car vals)))
+	 (cons (list (car vals)) (cdr vals)))
+	(t nil)))
+;;; Creating Widgets.
+(defun widget-create (type &rest args)
+  "Create widget of TYPE.  
+The optional ARGS are additional keyword arguments."
+  (let ((widget (apply 'widget-convert type args)))
+    (widget-apply widget :create)
+    widget))
+(defun widget-create-child-and-convert (parent type &rest args)
+  "As part of the widget PARENT, create a child widget TYPE.
+The child is converted, using the keyword arguments ARGS."
+  (let ((widget (apply 'widget-convert type args)))
+    (widget-put widget :parent parent)
+    (unless (widget-get widget :indent)
+      (widget-put widget :indent (+ (or (widget-get parent :indent) 0)
+				    (or (widget-get widget :extra-offset) 0)
+				    (widget-get parent :offset))))
+    (widget-apply widget :create)
+    widget))
+(defun widget-create-child (parent type)
+  "Create widget of TYPE."
+  (let ((widget (copy-list type)))
+    (widget-put widget :parent parent)
+    (unless (widget-get widget :indent)
+      (widget-put widget :indent (+ (or (widget-get parent :indent) 0)
+				    (or (widget-get widget :extra-offset) 0)
+				    (widget-get parent :offset))))
+    (widget-apply widget :create)
+    widget))
+(defun widget-create-child-value (parent type value)
+  "Create widget of TYPE with value VALUE."
+  (let ((widget (copy-list type)))
+    (widget-put widget :value (widget-apply widget :value-to-internal value))
+    (widget-put widget :parent parent)
+    (unless (widget-get widget :indent)
+      (widget-put widget :indent (+ (or (widget-get parent :indent) 0)
+				    (or (widget-get widget :extra-offset) 0)
+				    (widget-get parent :offset))))
+    (widget-apply widget :create)
+    widget))
+(defun widget-delete (widget)
+  "Delete WIDGET."
+  (widget-apply widget :delete))
+(defun widget-convert (type &rest args)
+  "Convert TYPE to a widget without inserting it in the buffer. 
+The optional ARGS are additional keyword arguments."
+  ;; Don't touch the type.
+  (let* ((widget (if (symbolp type) 
+		     (list type)
+		   (copy-list type)))
+	 (current widget)
+	 (keys args))
+    ;; First set the :args keyword.
+    (while (cdr current)		;Look in the type.
+      (let ((next (car (cdr current))))
+	(if (and (symbolp next) (eq (aref (symbol-name next) 0) ?:))
+	    (setq current (cdr (cdr current)))
+	  (setcdr current (list :args (cdr current)))
+	  (setq current nil))))
+    (while args				;Look in the args.
+      (let ((next (nth 0 args)))
+	(if (and (symbolp next) (eq (aref (symbol-name next) 0) ?:))
+	    (setq args (nthcdr 2 args))
+	  (widget-put widget :args args)
+	  (setq args nil))))
+    ;; Then Convert the widget.
+    (setq type widget)
+    (while type
+      (let ((convert-widget (plist-get (cdr type) :convert-widget)))
+	(if convert-widget
+	    (setq widget (funcall convert-widget widget))))
+      (setq type (get (car type) 'widget-type)))
+    ;; Finally set the keyword args.
+    (while keys 
+      (let ((next (nth 0 keys)))
+	(if (and (symbolp next) (eq (aref (symbol-name next) 0) ?:))
+	    (progn 
+	      (widget-put widget next (nth 1 keys))
+	      (setq keys (nthcdr 2 keys)))
+	  (setq keys nil))))
+    ;; Convert the :value to internal format.
+    (if (widget-member widget :value)
+	(let ((value (widget-get widget :value)))
+	  (widget-put widget
+		      :value (widget-apply widget :value-to-internal value))))
+    ;; Return the newly create widget.
+    widget))
+(defun widget-insert (&rest args)
+  "Call `insert' with ARGS and make the text read only."
+  (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
+	after-change-functions
+	(from (point)))
+    (apply 'insert args)
+    (widget-specify-text from (point))))
+;;; Keymap and Comands.
+(defvar widget-keymap nil
+  "Keymap containing useful binding for buffers containing widgets.
+Recommended as a parent keymap for modes using widgets.")
+(unless widget-keymap 
+  (setq widget-keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
+  (define-key widget-keymap "\t" 'widget-forward)
+  (define-key widget-keymap "\M-\t" 'widget-backward)
+  (define-key widget-keymap [(shift tab)] 'widget-backward)
+  (define-key widget-keymap [(shift tab)] 'widget-backward)
+  (define-key widget-keymap [backtab] 'widget-backward)
+  (if (string-match "XEmacs" (emacs-version))
+      (define-key widget-keymap [button2] 'widget-button-click)
+    (define-key widget-keymap [menu-bar] 'nil)
+    (define-key widget-keymap [mouse-2] 'widget-button-click))
+  (define-key widget-keymap "\C-m" 'widget-button-press))
+(defvar widget-global-map global-map
+  "Keymap used for events the widget does not handle themselves.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'widget-global-map)
+(defvar widget-field-keymap nil
+  "Keymap used inside an editable field.")
+(unless widget-field-keymap 
+  (setq widget-field-keymap (copy-keymap widget-keymap))
+  (define-key widget-field-keymap "\C-m" 'widget-field-activate)
+  (set-keymap-parent widget-field-keymap global-map))
+(defvar widget-text-keymap nil
+  "Keymap used inside a text field.")
+(unless widget-text-keymap 
+  (setq widget-text-keymap (copy-keymap widget-keymap))
+  (set-keymap-parent widget-text-keymap global-map))
+(defun widget-field-activate (pos &optional event)
+  "Activate the ediable field at point."
+  (interactive "@d")
+  (let* ((field (get-text-property pos 'field)))
+    (if field
+	(widget-apply field :action event)
+      (call-interactively
+       (lookup-key widget-global-map (this-command-keys))))))
+(defun widget-button-click (event)
+  "Activate button below mouse pointer."
+  (interactive "@e")
+  (widget-button-press (event-point event) event))
+(defun widget-button-press (pos &optional event)
+  "Activate button at POS."
+  (interactive "@d")
+  (let* ((button (get-text-property pos 'button)))
+    (if button
+	(widget-apply button :action event)
+      (call-interactively
+       (lookup-key widget-global-map (this-command-keys))))))
+(defun widget-move (arg)
+  "Move point to the ARG next field or button.
+ARG may be negative to move backward."
+  (while (> arg 0)
+    (setq arg (1- arg))
+    (let ((next (cond ((get-text-property (point) 'button)
+		       (next-single-property-change (point) 'button))
+		      ((get-text-property (point) 'field)
+		       (next-single-property-change (point) 'field))
+		      (t
+		       (point)))))
+      (if (null next)			; Widget extends to end. of buffer
+	  (setq next (point-min)))
+      (let ((button (next-single-property-change next 'button))
+	    (field (next-single-property-change next 'field)))
+	(cond ((or (get-text-property next 'button)
+		   (get-text-property next 'field))
+	       (goto-char next))
+	      ((and button field)
+	       (goto-char (min button field)))
+	      (button (goto-char button))
+	      (field (goto-char field))
+	      (t
+	       (let ((button (next-single-property-change (point-min) 'button))
+		     (field (next-single-property-change (point-min) 'field)))
+		 (cond ((and button field) (goto-char (min button field)))
+		       (button (goto-char button))
+		       (field (goto-char field))
+		       (t
+			(error "No buttons or fields found")))))))))
+  (while (< arg 0)
+    (if (= (point-min) (point))
+	(forward-char 1))
+    (setq arg (1+ arg))
+    (let ((previous (cond ((get-text-property (1- (point)) 'button)
+			   (previous-single-property-change (point) 'button))
+			  ((get-text-property (1- (point)) 'field)
+			   (previous-single-property-change (point) 'field))
+			  (t
+			   (point)))))
+      (if (null previous)		; Widget extends to beg. of buffer
+	  (setq previous (point-max)))
+      (let ((button (previous-single-property-change previous 'button))
+	    (field (previous-single-property-change previous 'field)))
+	(cond ((and button field)
+	       (goto-char (max button field)))
+	      (button (goto-char button))
+	      (field (goto-char field))
+	      (t
+	       (let ((button (previous-single-property-change
+			      (point-max) 'button))
+		     (field (previous-single-property-change
+			     (point-max) 'field)))
+		 (cond ((and button field) (goto-char (max button field)))
+		       (button (goto-char button))
+		       (field (goto-char field))
+		       (t
+			(error "No buttons or fields found"))))))))
+    (let ((button (previous-single-property-change (point) 'button))
+	  (field (previous-single-property-change (point) 'field)))
+      (cond ((and button field)
+	     (goto-char (max button field)))
+	    (button (goto-char button))
+	    (field (goto-char field)))))
+  (widget-echo-help (point))
+  (run-hooks 'widget-move-hook))
+(defun widget-forward (arg)
+  "Move point to the next field or button.
+With optional ARG, move across that many fields."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (run-hooks 'widget-forward-hook)
+  (widget-move arg))
+(defun widget-backward (arg)
+  "Move point to the previous field or button.
+With optional ARG, move across that many fields."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (run-hooks 'widget-backward-hook)
+  (widget-move (- arg)))
+;;; Setting up the buffer.
+(defvar widget-field-new nil)
+;; List of all newly created editable fields in the buffer.
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'widget-field-new)
+(defvar widget-field-list nil)
+;; List of all editable fields in the buffer.
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'widget-field-list)
+(defun widget-setup ()
+  "Setup current buffer so editing string widgets works."
+  (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
+	(after-change-functions nil)
+	field)
+    (while widget-field-new
+      (setq field (car widget-field-new)
+	    widget-field-new (cdr widget-field-new)
+	    widget-field-list (cons field widget-field-list))
+      (let ((from (widget-get field :value-from))
+	    (to (widget-get field :value-to)))
+	(widget-specify-field field from to)
+	(move-marker from (1- from))
+	(move-marker to (1+ to)))))
+  (widget-clear-undo)
+  ;; We need to maintain text properties and size of the editing fields.
+  (make-local-variable 'after-change-functions)
+  (if widget-field-list
+      (setq after-change-functions '(widget-after-change))
+    (setq after-change-functions nil)))
+(defvar widget-field-last nil)
+;; Last field containing point.
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'widget-field-last)
+(defvar widget-field-was nil)
+;; The widget data before the change.
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'widget-field-was)
+(defun widget-field-find (pos)
+  ;; Find widget whose editing field is located at POS.
+  ;; Return nil if POS is not inside and editing field.
+  ;; 
+  ;; This is only used in `widget-field-modified', since ordinarily
+  ;; you would just test the field property.
+  (let ((fields widget-field-list)
+	field found)
+    (while fields
+      (setq field (car fields)
+	    fields (cdr fields))
+      (let ((from (widget-get field :value-from))
+	    (to (widget-get field :value-to)))
+	(if (and from to (< from pos) (> to  pos))
+	    (setq fields nil
+		  found field))))
+    found))
+(defun widget-after-change (from to old)
+  ;; Adjust field size and text properties.
+  (condition-case nil
+      (let ((field (widget-field-find from))
+	    (inhibit-read-only t))
+	(cond ((null field))
+	      ((not (eq field (widget-field-find to)))
+	       (debug)
+	       (message "Error: `widget-after-change' called on two fields"))
+	      (t
+	       (let ((size (widget-get field :size)))
+		 (if size 
+		     (let ((begin (1+ (widget-get field :value-from)))
+			   (end (1- (widget-get field :value-to))))
+		       (widget-specify-field-update field begin end)
+		       (cond ((< (- end begin) size)
+			      ;; Field too small.
+			      (save-excursion
+				(goto-char end)
+				(insert-char ?\  (- (+ begin size) end))
+				(widget-specify-field-update field 
+							     begin
+							     (+ begin size))))
+			     ((> (- end begin) size)
+			      ;; Field too large and
+			      (if (or (< (point) (+ begin size))
+				      (> (point) end))
+				  ;; Point is outside extra space.
+				  (setq begin (+ begin size))
+				;; Point is within the extra space.
+				(setq begin (point)))
+			      (save-excursion
+				(goto-char end)
+				(while (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\ )
+					    (> (point) begin))
+				  (delete-backward-char 1))))))
+		   (widget-specify-field-update field from to)))
+	       (widget-apply field :notify field))))
+    (error (debug))))
+;;; Widget Functions
+;; These functions are used in the definition of multiple widgets. 
+(defun widget-children-value-delete (widget)
+  "Delete all :children and :buttons in WIDGET."
+  (mapcar 'widget-delete (widget-get widget :children))
+  (widget-put widget :children nil)
+  (mapcar 'widget-delete (widget-get widget :buttons))
+  (widget-put widget :buttons nil))
+(defun widget-types-convert-widget (widget)
+  "Convert :args as widget types in WIDGET."
+  (widget-put widget :args (mapcar 'widget-convert (widget-get widget :args)))
+  widget)
+;;; The `default' Widget.
+(define-widget 'default nil
+  "Basic widget other widgets are derived from."
+  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value) value)
+  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value) value)
+  :create 'widget-default-create
+  :indent nil
+  :offset 0
+  :format-handler 'widget-default-format-handler
+  :button-face-get 'widget-default-button-face-get 
+  :sample-face-get 'widget-default-sample-face-get 
+  :delete 'widget-default-delete
+  :value-set 'widget-default-value-set
+  :value-inline 'widget-default-value-inline
+  :menu-tag-get 'widget-default-menu-tag-get
+  :validate (lambda (widget) nil)
+  :action 'widget-default-action
+  :notify 'widget-default-notify)
+(defun widget-default-create (widget)
+  "Create WIDGET at point in the current buffer."
+  (widget-specify-insert
+   (let ((from (point))
+	 (tag (widget-get widget :tag))
+	 (doc (widget-get widget :doc))
+	 button-begin button-end
+	 sample-begin sample-end
+	 doc-begin doc-end
+	 value-pos)
+     (insert (widget-get widget :format))
+     (goto-char from)
+     ;; Parse % escapes in format.
+     (while (re-search-forward "%\\(.\\)" nil t)
+       (let ((escape (aref (match-string 1) 0)))
+	 (replace-match "" t t)
+	 (cond ((eq escape ?%)
+		(insert "%"))
+	       ((eq escape ?\[)
+		(setq button-begin (point)))
+	       ((eq escape ?\])
+		(setq button-end (point)))
+	       ((eq escape ?\{)
+		(setq sample-begin (point)))
+	       ((eq escape ?\})
+		(setq sample-end (point)))
+	       ((eq escape ?n)
+		(when (widget-get widget :indent)
+		  (insert "\n")
+		  (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent))))
+	       ((eq escape ?t)
+		(if tag
+		    (insert tag)
+		  (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
+		    (princ (widget-get widget :value)))))
+	       ((eq escape ?d)
+		(when doc
+		  (setq doc-begin (point))
+		  (insert doc)
+		  (while (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
+		    (delete-backward-char 1))
+		  (insert "\n")
+		  (setq doc-end (point))))
+	       ((eq escape ?v)
+		(if (and button-begin (not button-end))
+		    (widget-apply widget :value-create)
+		  (setq value-pos (point))))
+	       (t 
+		(widget-apply widget :format-handler escape)))))
+     ;; Specify button, sample, and doc, and insert value.
+     (and button-begin button-end
+	  (widget-specify-button widget button-begin button-end))
+     (and sample-begin sample-end
+	  (widget-specify-sample widget sample-begin sample-end))
+     (and doc-begin doc-end
+	  (widget-specify-doc widget doc-begin doc-end))
+     (when value-pos
+       (goto-char value-pos)
+       (widget-apply widget :value-create)))
+   (let ((from (copy-marker (point-min)))
+	 (to (copy-marker (point-max))))
+     (widget-specify-text from to)
+     (set-marker-insertion-type from t)
+     (set-marker-insertion-type to nil)
+     (widget-put widget :from from)
+     (widget-put widget :to to))))
+(defun widget-default-format-handler (widget escape)
+  ;; We recognize the %h escape by default.
+  (let* ((buttons (widget-get widget :buttons))
+	 (doc-property (widget-get widget :documentation-property))
+	 (doc-try (cond ((widget-get widget :doc))
+			((symbolp doc-property)
+			 (documentation-property (widget-get widget :value)
+						 doc-property))
+			(t
+			 (funcall doc-property (widget-get widget :value)))))
+	 (doc-text (and (stringp doc-try)
+			(> (length doc-try) 1)
+			doc-try)))
+    (cond ((eq escape ?h)
+	   (when doc-text
+	     (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
+		  (widget-get widget :indent)
+		  (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
+	     ;; The `*' in the beginning is redundant.
+	     (when (eq (aref doc-text  0) ?*)
+	       (setq doc-text (substring doc-text 1)))
+	     ;; Get rid of trailing newlines.
+	     (when (string-match "\n+\\'" doc-text)
+	       (setq doc-text (substring doc-text 0 (match-beginning 0))))
+	     (push (if (string-match "\n." doc-text)
+		       ;; Allow multiline doc to be hiden.
+		       (widget-create-child-and-convert
+			widget 'widget-help 
+			:doc (progn
+			       (string-match "\\`.*" doc-text)
+			       (match-string 0 doc-text))
+			:widget-doc doc-text
+			"?")
+		     ;; A single line is just inserted.
+		     (widget-create-child-and-convert
+		      widget 'item :format "%d" :doc doc-text nil))
+		   buttons)))
+	  (t 
+	   (error "Unknown escape `%c'" escape)))
+    (widget-put widget :buttons buttons)))
+(defun widget-default-button-face-get (widget)
+  ;; Use :button-face or widget-button-face
+  (or (widget-get widget :button-face) 'widget-button-face))
+(defun widget-default-sample-face-get (widget)
+  ;; Use :sample-face.
+  (widget-get widget :sample-face))
+(defun widget-default-delete (widget)
+  ;; Remove widget from the buffer.
+  (let ((from (widget-get widget :from))
+	(to (widget-get widget :to))
+	(inhibit-read-only t)
+	after-change-functions)
+    (widget-apply widget :value-delete)
+    (delete-region from to)
+    (set-marker from nil)
+    (set-marker to nil)))
+(defun widget-default-value-set (widget value)
+  ;; Recreate widget with new value.
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (widget-get widget :from))
+    (widget-apply widget :delete)
+    (widget-put widget :value value)
+    (widget-apply widget :create)))
+(defun widget-default-value-inline (widget)
+  ;; Wrap value in a list unless it is inline.
+  (if (widget-get widget :inline)
+      (widget-value widget)
+    (list (widget-value widget))))
+(defun widget-default-menu-tag-get (widget)
+  ;; Use tag or value for menus.
+  (or (widget-get widget :menu-tag)
+      (widget-get widget :tag)
+      (widget-princ-to-string (widget-get widget :value))))
+(defun widget-default-action (widget &optional event)
+  ;; Notify the parent when a widget change
+  (let ((parent (widget-get widget :parent)))
+    (when parent
+      (widget-apply parent :notify widget event))))
+(defun widget-default-notify (widget child &optional event)
+  ;; Pass notification to parent.
+  (widget-default-action widget event))
+;;; The `item' Widget.
+(define-widget 'item 'default
+  "Constant items for inclusion in other widgets."
+  :convert-widget 'widget-item-convert-widget
+  :value-create 'widget-item-value-create
+  :value-delete 'ignore
+  :value-get 'widget-item-value-get
+  :match 'widget-item-match
+  :match-inline 'widget-item-match-inline
+  :action 'widget-item-action
+  :format "%t\n")
+(defun widget-item-convert-widget (widget)
+  ;; Initialize :value from :args in WIDGET.
+  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args)))
+    (when args 
+      (widget-put widget :value (widget-apply widget
+					      :value-to-internal (car args)))
+      (widget-put widget :args nil)))
+  widget)
+(defun widget-item-value-create (widget)
+  ;; Insert the printed representation of the value.
+  (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
+    (princ (widget-get widget :value))))
+(defun widget-item-match (widget value)
+  ;; Match if the value is the same.
+  (equal (widget-get widget :value) value))
+(defun widget-item-match-inline (widget values)
+  ;; Match if the value is the same.
+  (let ((value (widget-get widget :value)))
+    (and (listp value)
+	 (<= (length value) (length values))
+	 (let ((head (subseq values 0 (length value))))
+	   (and (equal head value)
+		(cons head (subseq values (length value))))))))
+(defun widget-item-action (widget &optional event)
+  ;; Just notify itself.
+  (widget-apply widget :notify widget event))
+(defun widget-item-value-get (widget)
+  ;; Items are simple.
+  (widget-get widget :value))
+;;; The `push-button' Widget.
+(define-widget 'push-button 'item
+  "A pushable button."
+  :format "%[[%t]%]")
+;;; The `link' Widget.
+(define-widget 'link 'item
+  "An embedded link."
+  :help-echo "Push me to follow the link."
+  :format "%[_%t_%]")
+;;; The `info-link' Widget.
+(define-widget 'info-link 'link
+  "A link to an info file."
+  :action 'widget-info-link-action)
+(defun widget-info-link-action (widget &optional event)
+  "Open the info node specified by WIDGET."
+  (Info-goto-node (widget-value widget)))
+;;; The `url-link' Widget.
+(define-widget 'url-link 'link
+  "A link to an www page."
+  :action 'widget-url-link-action)
+(defun widget-url-link-action (widget &optional event)
+  "Open the url specified by WIDGET."
+  (require 'browse-url)
+  (funcall browse-url-browser-function (widget-value widget)))
+;;; The `editable-field' Widget.
+(define-widget 'editable-field 'default
+  "An editable text field."
+  :convert-widget 'widget-item-convert-widget
+  :keymap widget-field-keymap
+  :format "%v"
+  :value ""
+  :action 'widget-field-action
+  :validate 'widget-field-validate
+  :valid-regexp ""
+  :error "No match"
+  :value-create 'widget-field-value-create
+  :value-delete 'widget-field-value-delete
+  :value-get 'widget-field-value-get
+  :match 'widget-field-match)
+;; History of field minibuffer edits.
+(defvar widget-field-history nil)
+(defun widget-field-action (widget &optional event)
+  ;; Edit the value in the minibuffer.
+  (let ((tag (widget-apply widget :menu-tag-get))
+	(invalid (widget-apply widget :validate)))
+    (when invalid
+      (error (widget-get invalid :error)))
+    (widget-value-set widget 
+		      (widget-apply widget 
+				    :value-to-external
+				    (read-string (concat tag ": ") 
+						 (widget-apply 
+						  widget
+						  :value-to-internal
+						  (widget-value widget))
+						 'widget-field-history)))
+    (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
+    (widget-setup)))
+(defun widget-field-validate (widget)
+  ;; Valid if the content matches `:valid-regexp'.
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((value (widget-apply widget :value-get))
+	  (regexp (widget-get widget :valid-regexp)))
+      (if (string-match regexp value)
+	  nil
+	widget))))
+(defun widget-field-value-create (widget)
+  ;; Create an editable text field.
+  (insert " ")
+  (let ((size (widget-get widget :size))
+	(value (widget-get widget :value))
+	(from (point)))
+    (insert value)
+    (and size
+	 (< (length value) size)
+	 (insert-char ?\  (- size (length value))))
+    (unless (memq widget widget-field-list)
+      (setq widget-field-new (cons widget widget-field-new)))
+    (widget-put widget :value-to (copy-marker (point)))
+    (set-marker-insertion-type (widget-get widget :value-to) nil)
+    (if (null size)
+	(insert ?\n)
+      (insert ?\ ))
+    (widget-put widget :value-from (copy-marker from))
+    (set-marker-insertion-type (widget-get widget :value-from) t)))
+(defun widget-field-value-delete (widget)
+  ;; Remove the widget from the list of active editing fields.
+  (setq widget-field-list (delq widget widget-field-list))
+  ;; These are nil if the :format string doesn't contain `%v'.
+  (when (widget-get widget :value-from)
+    (set-marker (widget-get widget :value-from) nil))
+  (when (widget-get widget :value-from)
+    (set-marker (widget-get widget :value-to) nil)))
+(defun widget-field-value-get (widget)
+  ;; Return current text in editing field.
+  (let ((from (widget-get widget :value-from))
+	(to (widget-get widget :value-to))
+	(size (widget-get widget :size))
+	(secret (widget-get widget :secret))
+	(old (current-buffer)))
+    (if (and from to)
+	(progn 
+	  (set-buffer (marker-buffer from))
+	  (setq from (1+ from)
+		to (1- to))
+	  (while (and size
+		      (not (zerop size))
+		      (> to from)
+		      (eq (char-after (1- to)) ?\ ))
+	    (setq to (1- to)))
+	  (let ((result (buffer-substring-no-properties from to)))
+	    (when secret
+	      (let ((index 0))
+		(while (< (+ from index) to)
+		  (aset result index
+			(get-text-property (+ from index) 'secret))
+		  (setq index (1+ index)))))
+	    (set-buffer old)
+	    result))
+      (widget-get widget :value))))
+(defun widget-field-match (widget value)
+  ;; Match any string.
+  (stringp value))
+;;; The `text' Widget.
+(define-widget 'text 'editable-field
+  :keymap widget-text-keymap
+  "A multiline text area.")
+;;; The `menu-choice' Widget.
+(define-widget 'menu-choice 'default
+  "A menu of options."
+  :convert-widget  'widget-types-convert-widget
+  :format "%[%t%]: %v"
+  :case-fold t
+  :tag "choice"
+  :void '(item :format "invalid (%t)\n")
+  :value-create 'widget-choice-value-create
+  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
+  :value-get 'widget-choice-value-get
+  :value-inline 'widget-choice-value-inline
+  :action 'widget-choice-action
+  :error "Make a choice"
+  :validate 'widget-choice-validate
+  :match 'widget-choice-match
+  :match-inline 'widget-choice-match-inline)
+(defun widget-choice-value-create (widget)
+  ;; Insert the first choice that matches the value.
+  (let ((value (widget-get widget :value))
+	(args (widget-get widget :args))
+	current)
+    (while args
+      (setq current (car args)
+	    args (cdr args))
+      (when (widget-apply current :match value)
+	(widget-put widget :children (list (widget-create-child-value
+					    widget current value)))
+	(widget-put widget :choice current)
+	(setq args nil
+	      current nil)))
+    (when current
+      (let ((void (widget-get widget :void)))
+	(widget-put widget :children (list (widget-create-child-and-convert
+					    widget void :value value)))
+	(widget-put widget :choice void)))))
+(defun widget-choice-value-get (widget)
+  ;; Get value of the child widget.
+  (widget-value (car (widget-get widget :children))))
+(defun widget-choice-value-inline (widget)
+  ;; Get value of the child widget.
+  (widget-apply (car (widget-get widget :children)) :value-inline))
+(defun widget-choice-action (widget &optional event)
+  ;; Make a choice.
+  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
+	(old (widget-get widget :choice))
+	(tag (widget-apply widget :menu-tag-get))
+	(completion-ignore-case (widget-get widget :case-fold))
+	current choices)
+    ;; Remember old value.
+    (if (and old (not (widget-apply widget :validate)))
+	(let* ((external (widget-value widget))
+	       (internal (widget-apply old :value-to-internal external)))
+	  (widget-put old :value internal)))
+    ;; Find new choice.
+    (setq current
+	  (cond ((= (length args) 0)
+		 nil)
+		((= (length args) 1)
+		 (nth 0 args))
+		((and (= (length args) 2)
+		      (memq old args))
+		 (if (eq old (nth 0 args))
+		     (nth 1 args)
+		   (nth 0 args)))
+		(t
+		 (while args
+		   (setq current (car args)
+			 args (cdr args))
+		   (setq choices
+			 (cons (cons (widget-apply current :menu-tag-get)
+				     current)
+			       choices)))
+		 (widget-choose tag (reverse choices) event))))
+    (when current
+      (widget-value-set widget 
+			(widget-apply current :value-to-external
+				      (widget-get current :value)))
+    (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
+    (widget-setup)))
+  ;; Notify parent.
+  (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
+  (widget-clear-undo))
+(defun widget-choice-validate (widget)
+  ;; Valid if we have made a valid choice.
+  (let ((void (widget-get widget :void))
+	(choice (widget-get widget :choice))
+	(child (car (widget-get widget :children))))
+    (if (eq void choice)
+	widget
+      (widget-apply child :validate))))
+(defun widget-choice-match (widget value)
+  ;; Matches if one of the choices matches.
+  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
+	current found)
+    (while (and args (not found))
+      (setq current (car args)
+	    args (cdr args)
+	    found (widget-apply current :match value)))
+    found))
+(defun widget-choice-match-inline (widget values)
+  ;; Matches if one of the choices matches.
+  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
+	current found)
+    (while (and args (null found))
+      (setq current (car args)
+	    args (cdr args)
+	    found (widget-match-inline current values)))
+    found))
+;;; The `toggle' Widget.
+(define-widget 'toggle 'menu-choice
+  "Toggle between two states."
+  :convert-widget 'widget-toggle-convert-widget
+  :format "%v"
+  :on "on"
+  :off "off")
+(defun widget-toggle-convert-widget (widget)
+  ;; Create the types representing the `on' and `off' states.
+  (let ((on-type (widget-get widget :on-type))
+	(off-type (widget-get widget :off-type)))
+    (unless on-type
+      (setq on-type
+	    (list 'choice-item 
+		  :value t
+		  :match (lambda (widget value) value)
+		  :tag (widget-get widget :on))))
+    (unless off-type
+      (setq off-type
+	    (list 'choice-item :value nil :tag (widget-get widget :off))))
+    (widget-put widget :args (list on-type off-type)))
+  widget)
+;;; The `checkbox' Widget.
+(define-widget 'checkbox 'toggle
+  "A checkbox toggle."
+  :convert-widget 'widget-item-convert-widget
+  :on-type '(choice-item :format "%[[X]%]" t)
+  :off-type  '(choice-item :format "%[[ ]%]" nil))
+;;; The `checklist' Widget.
+(define-widget 'checklist 'default
+  "A multiple choice widget."
+  :convert-widget 'widget-types-convert-widget
+  :format "%v"
+  :offset 4
+  :entry-format "%b %v"
+  :menu-tag "checklist"
+  :greedy nil
+  :value-create 'widget-checklist-value-create
+  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
+  :value-get 'widget-checklist-value-get
+  :validate 'widget-checklist-validate
+  :match 'widget-checklist-match
+  :match-inline 'widget-checklist-match-inline)
+(defun widget-checklist-value-create (widget)
+  ;; Insert all values
+  (let ((alist (widget-checklist-match-find widget (widget-get widget :value)))
+	(args (widget-get widget :args)))
+    (while args 
+      (widget-checklist-add-item widget (car args) (assq (car args) alist))
+      (setq args (cdr args)))
+    (widget-put widget :children (nreverse (widget-get widget :children)))))
+(defun widget-checklist-add-item (widget type chosen)
+  ;; Create checklist item in WIDGET of type TYPE.
+  ;; If the item is checked, CHOSEN is a cons whose cdr is the value.
+  (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
+       (widget-get widget :indent)
+       (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
+  (widget-specify-insert 
+   (let* ((children (widget-get widget :children))
+	  (buttons (widget-get widget :buttons))
+	  (from (point))
+	  child button)
+     (insert (widget-get widget :entry-format))
+     (goto-char from)
+     ;; Parse % escapes in format.
+     (while (re-search-forward "%\\([bv%]\\)" nil t)
+       (let ((escape (aref (match-string 1) 0)))
+	 (replace-match "" t t)
+	 (cond ((eq escape ?%)
+		(insert "%"))
+	       ((eq escape ?b)
+		(setq button (widget-create-child-and-convert
+			      widget 'checkbox :value (not (null chosen)))))
+	       ((eq escape ?v)
+		(setq child
+		      (cond ((not chosen)
+			     (widget-create-child widget type))
+			    ((widget-get type :inline)
+			     (widget-create-child-value
+			      widget type (cdr chosen)))
+			    (t
+			     (widget-create-child-value
+			      widget type (car (cdr chosen)))))))
+	       (t 
+		(error "Unknown escape `%c'" escape)))))
+     ;; Update properties.
+     (and button child (widget-put child :button button))
+     (and button (widget-put widget :buttons (cons button buttons)))
+     (and child (widget-put widget :children (cons child children))))))
+(defun widget-checklist-match (widget values)
+  ;; All values must match a type in the checklist.
+  (and (listp values)
+       (null (cdr (widget-checklist-match-inline widget values)))))
+(defun widget-checklist-match-inline (widget values)
+  ;; Find the values which match a type in the checklist.
+  (let ((greedy (widget-get widget :greedy))
+	(args (copy-list (widget-get widget :args)))
+	found rest)
+    (while values
+      (let ((answer (widget-checklist-match-up args values)))
+	(cond (answer 
+	       (let ((vals (widget-match-inline answer values)))
+		 (setq found (append found (car vals))
+		       values (cdr vals)
+		       args (delq answer args))))
+	      (greedy
+	       (setq rest (append rest (list (car values)))
+		     values (cdr values)))
+	      (t 
+	       (setq rest (append rest values)
+		     values nil)))))
+    (cons found rest)))
+(defun widget-checklist-match-find (widget vals)
+  ;; Find the vals which match a type in the checklist.
+  ;; Return an alist of (TYPE MATCH).
+  (let ((greedy (widget-get widget :greedy))
+	(args (copy-list (widget-get widget :args)))
+	found)
+    (while vals
+      (let ((answer (widget-checklist-match-up args vals)))
+	(cond (answer 
+	       (let ((match (widget-match-inline answer vals)))
+		 (setq found (cons (cons answer (car match)) found)
+		       vals (cdr match)
+		       args (delq answer args))))
+	      (greedy
+	       (setq vals (cdr vals)))
+	      (t 
+	       (setq vals nil)))))
+    found))
+(defun widget-checklist-match-up (args vals)
+  ;; Rerturn the first type from ARGS that matches VALS.
+  (let (current found)
+    (while (and args (null found))
+      (setq current (car args)
+	    args (cdr args)
+	    found (widget-match-inline current vals)))
+    (if found
+	current
+      nil)))
+(defun widget-checklist-value-get (widget)
+  ;; The values of all selected items.
+  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
+	child result)
+    (while children 
+      (setq child (car children)
+	    children (cdr children))
+      (if (widget-value (widget-get child :button))
+	  (setq result (append result (widget-apply child :value-inline)))))
+    result))
+(defun widget-checklist-validate (widget)
+  ;; Ticked chilren must be valid.
+  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
+	child button found)
+    (while (and children (not found))
+      (setq child (car children)
+	    children (cdr children)
+	    button (widget-get child :button)
+	    found (and (widget-value button)
+		       (widget-apply child :validate))))
+    found))
+;;; The `option' Widget
+(define-widget 'option 'checklist
+  "An widget with an optional item."
+  :inline t)
+;;; The `choice-item' Widget.
+(define-widget 'choice-item 'item
+  "Button items that delegate action events to their parents."
+  :action 'widget-choice-item-action
+  :format "%[%t%] \n")
+(defun widget-choice-item-action (widget &optional event)
+  ;; Tell parent what happened.
+  (widget-apply (widget-get widget :parent) :action event))
+;;; The `radio-button' Widget.
+(define-widget 'radio-button 'toggle
+  "A radio button for use in the `radio' widget."
+  :notify 'widget-radio-button-notify
+  :on-type '(choice-item :format "%[(*)%]" t)
+  :off-type '(choice-item :format "%[( )%]" nil))
+(defun widget-radio-button-notify (widget child &optional event)
+  ;; Notify the parent.
+  (widget-apply (widget-get widget :parent) :action widget event))
+;;; The `radio-button-choice' Widget.
+(define-widget 'radio-button-choice 'default
+  "Select one of multiple options."
+  :convert-widget 'widget-types-convert-widget
+  :offset 4
+  :format "%v"
+  :entry-format "%b %v"
+  :menu-tag "radio"
+  :value-create 'widget-radio-value-create
+  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
+  :value-get 'widget-radio-value-get
+  :value-inline 'widget-radio-value-inline
+  :value-set 'widget-radio-value-set
+  :error "You must push one of the buttons"
+  :validate 'widget-radio-validate
+  :match 'widget-choice-match
+  :match-inline 'widget-choice-match-inline
+  :action 'widget-radio-action)
+(defun widget-radio-value-create (widget)
+  ;; Insert all values
+  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
+	arg)
+    (while args 
+      (setq arg (car args)
+	    args (cdr args))
+      (widget-radio-add-item widget arg))))
+(defun widget-radio-add-item (widget type)
+  "Add to radio widget WIDGET a new radio button item of type TYPE."
+  ;; (setq type (widget-convert type))
+  (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
+       (widget-get widget :indent)
+       (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
+  (widget-specify-insert 
+   (let* ((value (widget-get widget :value))
+	  (children (widget-get widget :children))
+	  (buttons (widget-get widget :buttons))
+	  (from (point))
+	  (chosen (and (null (widget-get widget :choice))
+		       (widget-apply type :match value)))
+	  child button)
+     (insert (widget-get widget :entry-format))
+     (goto-char from)
+     ;; Parse % escapes in format.
+     (while (re-search-forward "%\\([bv%]\\)" nil t)
+       (let ((escape (aref (match-string 1) 0)))
+	 (replace-match "" t t)
+	 (cond ((eq escape ?%)
+		(insert "%"))
+	       ((eq escape ?b)
+		(setq button (widget-create-child-and-convert
+			      widget 'radio-button 
+			      :value (not (null chosen)))))
+	       ((eq escape ?v)
+		(setq child (if chosen
+				(widget-create-child-value
+				 widget type value)
+			      (widget-create-child widget type))))
+	       (t 
+		(error "Unknown escape `%c'" escape)))))
+     ;; Update properties.
+     (when chosen
+       (widget-put widget :choice type))
+     (when button 
+       (widget-put child :button button)
+       (widget-put widget :buttons (nconc buttons (list button))))
+     (when child
+       (widget-put widget :children (nconc children (list child))))
+     child)))
+(defun widget-radio-value-get (widget)
+  ;; Get value of the child widget.
+  (let ((chosen (widget-radio-chosen widget)))
+    (and chosen (widget-value chosen))))
+(defun widget-radio-chosen (widget)
+  "Return the widget representing the chosen radio button."
+  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
+	current found)
+    (while children
+      (setq current (car children)
+	    children (cdr children))
+      (let* ((button (widget-get current :button))
+	     (value (widget-apply button :value-get)))
+	(when value
+	  (setq found current
+		children nil))))
+    found))
+(defun widget-radio-value-inline (widget)
+  ;; Get value of the child widget.
+  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
+	current found)
+    (while children
+      (setq current (car children)
+	    children (cdr children))
+      (let* ((button (widget-get current :button))
+	     (value (widget-apply button :value-get)))
+	(when value
+	  (setq found (widget-apply current :value-inline)
+		children nil))))
+    found))
+(defun widget-radio-value-set (widget value)
+  ;; We can't just delete and recreate a radio widget, since children
+  ;; can be added after the original creation and won't be recreated
+  ;; by `:create'.
+  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
+	current found)
+    (while children
+      (setq current (car children)
+	    children (cdr children))
+      (let* ((button (widget-get current :button))
+	     (match (and (not found)
+			 (widget-apply current :match value))))
+	(widget-value-set button match)
+	(if match 
+	    (widget-value-set current value))
+	(setq found (or found match))))))
+(defun widget-radio-validate (widget)
+  ;; Valid if we have made a valid choice.
+  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
+	current found button)
+    (while (and children (not found))
+      (setq current (car children)
+	    children (cdr children)
+	    button (widget-get current :button)
+	    found (widget-apply button :value-get)))
+    (if found
+	(widget-apply current :validate)
+      widget)))
+(defun widget-radio-action (widget child event)
+  ;; Check if a radio button was pressed.
+  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
+	(buttons (widget-get widget :buttons))
+	current)
+    (when (memq child buttons)
+      (while children
+	(setq current (car children)
+	      children (cdr children))
+	(let* ((button (widget-get current :button)))
+	  (cond ((eq child button)
+		 (widget-value-set button t))
+		((widget-value button)
+		 (widget-value-set button nil)))))))
+  ;; Pass notification to parent.
+  (widget-apply widget :notify child event))
+;;; The `insert-button' Widget.
+(define-widget 'insert-button 'push-button
+  "An insert button for the `editable-list' widget."
+  :tag "INS"
+  :action 'widget-insert-button-action)
+(defun widget-insert-button-action (widget &optional event)
+  ;; Ask the parent to insert a new item.
+  (widget-apply (widget-get widget :parent) 
+		:insert-before (widget-get widget :widget)))
+;;; The `delete-button' Widget.
+(define-widget 'delete-button 'push-button
+  "A delete button for the `editable-list' widget."
+  :tag "DEL"
+  :action 'widget-delete-button-action)
+(defun widget-delete-button-action (widget &optional event)
+  ;; Ask the parent to insert a new item.
+  (widget-apply (widget-get widget :parent) 
+		:delete-at (widget-get widget :widget)))
+;;; The `editable-list' Widget.
+(define-widget 'editable-list 'default
+  "A variable list of widgets of the same type."
+  :convert-widget 'widget-types-convert-widget
+  :offset 12
+  :format "%v%i\n"
+  :format-handler 'widget-editable-list-format-handler
+  :entry-format "%i %d %v"
+  :menu-tag "editable-list"
+  :value-create 'widget-editable-list-value-create
+  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
+  :value-get 'widget-editable-list-value-get
+  :validate 'widget-editable-list-validate
+  :match 'widget-editable-list-match
+  :match-inline 'widget-editable-list-match-inline
+  :insert-before 'widget-editable-list-insert-before
+  :delete-at 'widget-editable-list-delete-at)
+(defun widget-editable-list-format-handler (widget escape)
+  ;; We recognize the insert button.
+  (cond ((eq escape ?i)
+	 (and (widget-get widget :indent)
+	      (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
+	 (widget-create-child-and-convert widget 'insert-button))
+	(t 
+	 (widget-default-format-handler widget escape))))
+(defun widget-editable-list-value-create (widget)
+  ;; Insert all values
+  (let* ((value (widget-get widget :value))
+	 (type (nth 0 (widget-get widget :args)))
+	 (inlinep (widget-get type :inline))
+	 children)
+    (widget-put widget :value-pos (copy-marker (point)))
+    (set-marker-insertion-type (widget-get widget :value-pos) t)
+    (while value
+      (let ((answer (widget-match-inline type value)))
+	(if answer
+	    (setq children (cons (widget-editable-list-entry-create
+				  widget
+				  (if inlinep
+				      (car answer)
+				    (car (car answer)))
+				  t)
+				 children)
+		  value (cdr answer))
+	  (setq value nil))))
+    (widget-put widget :children (nreverse children))))
+(defun widget-editable-list-value-get (widget)
+  ;; Get value of the child widget.
+  (apply 'append (mapcar (lambda (child) (widget-apply child :value-inline))
+			 (widget-get widget :children))))
+(defun widget-editable-list-validate (widget)
+  ;; All the chilren must be valid.
+  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
+	child found)
+    (while (and children (not found))
+      (setq child (car children)
+	    children (cdr children)
+	    found (widget-apply child :validate)))
+    found))
+(defun widget-editable-list-match (widget value)
+  ;; Value must be a list and all the members must match the type.
+  (and (listp value)
+       (null (cdr (widget-editable-list-match-inline widget value)))))
+(defun widget-editable-list-match-inline (widget value)
+  (let ((type (nth 0 (widget-get widget :args)))
+	(ok t)
+	found)
+    (while (and value ok)
+      (let ((answer (widget-match-inline type value)))
+	(if answer 
+	    (setq found (append found (car answer))
+		  value (cdr answer))
+	  (setq ok nil))))
+    (cons found value)))
+(defun widget-editable-list-insert-before (widget before)
+  ;; Insert a new child in the list of children.
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
+	  (inhibit-read-only t)
+	  after-change-functions)
+      (cond (before 
+	     (goto-char (widget-get before :entry-from)))
+	    (t
+	     (goto-char (widget-get widget :value-pos))))
+      (let ((child (widget-editable-list-entry-create 
+		    widget nil nil)))
+	(when (< (widget-get child :entry-from) (widget-get widget :from))
+	  (set-marker (widget-get widget :from)
+		      (widget-get child :entry-from)))
+	(widget-specify-text (widget-get child :entry-from)
+			     (widget-get child :entry-to))
+	(if (eq (car children) before)
+	    (widget-put widget :children (cons child children))
+	  (while (not (eq (car (cdr children)) before))
+	    (setq children (cdr children)))
+	  (setcdr children (cons child (cdr children)))))))
+  (widget-setup)
+  (widget-apply widget :notify widget))
+(defun widget-editable-list-delete-at (widget child)
+  ;; Delete child from list of children.
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((buttons (copy-list (widget-get widget :buttons)))
+	  button
+	  (inhibit-read-only t)
+	  after-change-functions)
+      (while buttons
+	(setq button (car buttons)
+	      buttons (cdr buttons))
+	(when (eq (widget-get button :widget) child)
+	  (widget-put widget
+		      :buttons (delq button (widget-get widget :buttons)))
+	  (widget-delete button))))
+    (let ((entry-from (widget-get child :entry-from))
+	  (entry-to (widget-get child :entry-to))
+	  (inhibit-read-only t)
+	  after-change-functions)
+      (widget-delete child)
+      (delete-region entry-from entry-to)
+      (set-marker entry-from nil)
+      (set-marker entry-to nil))
+    (widget-put widget :children (delq child (widget-get widget :children))))
+  (widget-setup)
+  (widget-apply widget :notify widget))
+(defun widget-editable-list-entry-create (widget value conv)
+  ;; Create a new entry to the list.
+  (let ((type (nth 0 (widget-get widget :args)))
+	child delete insert)
+    (widget-specify-insert 
+     (save-excursion
+       (and (widget-get widget :indent)
+	    (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
+       (insert (widget-get widget :entry-format)))
+     ;; Parse % escapes in format.
+     (while (re-search-forward "%\\(.\\)" nil t)
+       (let ((escape (aref (match-string 1) 0)))
+	 (replace-match "" t t)
+	 (cond ((eq escape ?%)
+		(insert "%"))
+	       ((eq escape ?i)
+		(setq insert (widget-create-child-and-convert
+			      widget 'insert-button)))
+	       ((eq escape ?d)
+		(setq delete (widget-create-child-and-convert
+			      widget 'delete-button)))
+	       ((eq escape ?v)
+		(if conv
+		    (setq child (widget-create-child-value 
+				 widget type value))
+		  (setq child (widget-create-child widget type))))
+	       (t 
+		(error "Unknown escape `%c'" escape)))))
+     (widget-put widget 
+		 :buttons (cons delete 
+				(cons insert
+				      (widget-get widget :buttons))))
+     (let ((entry-from (copy-marker (point-min)))
+	   (entry-to (copy-marker (point-max))))
+       (widget-specify-text entry-from entry-to)
+       (set-marker-insertion-type entry-from t)
+       (set-marker-insertion-type entry-to nil)
+       (widget-put child :entry-from entry-from)
+       (widget-put child :entry-to entry-to)))
+    (widget-put insert :widget child)
+    (widget-put delete :widget child)
+    child))
+;;; The `group' Widget.
+(define-widget 'group 'default
+  "A widget which group other widgets inside."
+  :convert-widget 'widget-types-convert-widget
+  :format "%v"
+  :value-create 'widget-group-value-create
+  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
+  :value-get 'widget-editable-list-value-get
+  :validate 'widget-editable-list-validate
+  :match 'widget-group-match
+  :match-inline 'widget-group-match-inline)
+(defun widget-group-value-create (widget)
+  ;; Create each component.
+  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
+	(value (widget-get widget :value))
+	arg answer children)
+    (while args
+      (setq arg (car args)
+	    args (cdr args)
+	    answer (widget-match-inline arg value)
+	    value (cdr answer))
+      (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
+	   (widget-get widget :indent)
+	   (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
+      (push (cond ((null answer)
+		   (widget-create-child widget arg))
+		  ((widget-get arg :inline)
+		   (widget-create-child-value widget arg  (car answer)))
+		  (t
+		   (widget-create-child-value widget arg  (car (car answer)))))
+	    children))
+    (widget-put widget :children (nreverse children))))
+(defun widget-group-match (widget values)
+  ;; Match if the components match.
+  (and (listp values)
+       (let ((match (widget-group-match-inline widget values)))
+	 (and match (null (cdr match))))))
+(defun widget-group-match-inline (widget vals)
+  ;; Match if the components match.
+  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
+	argument answer found)
+    (while args
+      (setq argument (car args)
+	    args (cdr args)
+	    answer (widget-match-inline argument vals))
+      (if answer 
+	  (setq vals (cdr answer)
+		found (append found (car answer)))
+	(setq vals nil
+	      args nil)))
+    (if answer
+	(cons found vals)
+      nil)))
+;;; The `widget-help' Widget.
+(define-widget 'widget-help 'push-button
+  "The widget documentation button."
+  :format "%[[%t]%] %d"
+  :help-echo "Push me to toggle the documentation."
+  :action 'widget-help-action)
+(defun widget-help-action (widget &optional event)
+  "Toggle documentation for WIDGET."
+  (let ((old (widget-get widget :doc))
+	(new (widget-get widget :widget-doc)))
+    (widget-put widget :doc new)
+    (widget-put widget :widget-doc old))
+  (widget-value-set widget (widget-value widget)))
+;;; The Sexp Widgets.
+(define-widget 'const 'item
+  "An immutable sexp."
+  :format "%t\n%d")
+(define-widget 'function-item 'item
+  "An immutable function name."
+  :format "%v\n%h"
+  :documentation-property (lambda (symbol)
+			    (condition-case nil
+				(documentation symbol t)
+			      (error nil))))
+(define-widget 'variable-item 'item
+  "An immutable variable name."
+  :format "%v\n%h"
+  :documentation-property 'variable-documentation)
+(define-widget 'string 'editable-field
+  "A string"
+  :tag "String"
+  :format "%[%t%]: %v")
+(define-widget 'regexp 'string
+  "A regular expression."
+  ;; Should do validation.
+  :tag "Regexp")
+(define-widget 'file 'string
+  "A file widget.  
+It will read a file name from the minibuffer when activated."
+  :format "%[%t%]: %v"
+  :tag "File"
+  :action 'widget-file-action)
+(defun widget-file-action (widget &optional event)
+  ;; Read a file name from the minibuffer.
+  (let* ((value (widget-value widget))
+	 (dir (file-name-directory value))
+	 (file (file-name-nondirectory value))
+	 (menu-tag (widget-apply widget :menu-tag-get))
+	 (must-match (widget-get widget :must-match))
+	 (answer (read-file-name (concat menu-tag ": (defalt `" value "') ")
+				 dir nil must-match file)))
+    (widget-value-set widget (abbreviate-file-name answer))
+    (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
+    (widget-setup)))
+(define-widget 'directory 'file
+  "A directory widget.  
+It will read a directory name from the minibuffer when activated."
+  :tag "Directory")
+(define-widget 'symbol 'string
+  "A lisp symbol."
+  :value nil
+  :tag "Symbol"
+  :match (lambda (widget value) (symbolp value))
+  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value)
+		       (if (symbolp value)
+			   (symbol-name value)
+			 value))
+  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value)
+		       (if (stringp value)
+			   (intern value)
+			 value)))
+(define-widget 'function 'sexp
+  ;; Should complete on functions.
+  "A lisp function."
+  :tag "Function")
+(define-widget 'variable 'symbol
+  ;; Should complete on variables.
+  "A lisp variable."
+  :tag "Variable")
+(define-widget 'sexp 'string
+  "An arbitrary lisp expression."
+  :tag "Lisp expression"
+  :value nil
+  :validate 'widget-sexp-validate
+  :match (lambda (widget value) t)
+  :value-to-internal 'widget-sexp-value-to-internal
+  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value) (read value)))
+(defun widget-sexp-value-to-internal (widget value)
+  ;; Use pp for printer representation.
+  (let ((pp (pp-to-string value)))
+    (while (string-match "\n\\'" pp)
+      (setq pp (substring pp 0 -1)))
+    (if (or (string-match "\n\\'" pp)
+	    (> (length pp) 40))
+	(concat "\n" pp)
+      pp)))
+(defun widget-sexp-validate (widget)
+  ;; Valid if we can read the string and there is no junk left after it.
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((buffer (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *Widget Scratch*"))))
+      (erase-buffer)
+      (insert (widget-apply widget :value-get))
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (condition-case data
+	  (let ((value (read buffer)))
+	    (if (eobp)
+		(if (widget-apply widget :match value)
+		    nil
+		  (widget-put widget :error (widget-get widget :type-error))
+		  widget)
+	      (widget-put widget
+			  :error (format "Junk at end of expression: %s"
+					 (buffer-substring (point)
+							   (point-max))))
+	      widget))
+	(error (widget-put widget :error (error-message-string data))
+	       widget)))))
+(define-widget 'integer 'sexp
+  "An integer."
+  :tag "Integer"
+  :value 0
+  :type-error "This field should contain an integer"
+  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value)
+		       (if (integerp value) 
+			   (prin1-to-string value)
+			 value))
+  :match (lambda (widget value) (integerp value)))
+(define-widget 'character 'string
+  "An character."
+  :tag "Character"
+  :value 0
+  :size 1 
+  :format "%{%t%}: %v\n"
+  :type-error "This field should contain a character"
+  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value)
+		       (if (integerp value) 
+			   (char-to-string value)
+			 value))
+  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value)
+		       (if (stringp value)
+			   (aref value 0)
+			 value))
+  :match (lambda (widget value) (integerp value)))
+(define-widget 'number 'sexp
+  "A floating point number."
+  :tag "Number"
+  :value 0.0
+  :type-error "This field should contain a number"
+  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value)
+		       (if (numberp value)
+			   (prin1-to-string value)
+			 value))
+  :match (lambda (widget value) (numberp value)))
+(define-widget 'list 'group
+  "A lisp list."
+  :tag "List"
+  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v")
+(define-widget 'vector 'group
+  "A lisp vector."
+  :tag "Vector"
+  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v"
+  :match 'widget-vector-match
+  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value) (append value nil))
+  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value) (apply 'vector value)))
+(defun widget-vector-match (widget value) 
+  (and (vectorp value)
+       (widget-group-match widget
+			   (widget-apply :value-to-internal widget value))))
+(define-widget 'cons 'group
+  "A cons-cell."
+  :tag "Cons-cell"
+  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v"
+  :match 'widget-cons-match
+  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value)
+		       (list (car value) (cdr value)))
+  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value)
+		       (cons (nth 0 value) (nth 1 value))))
+(defun widget-cons-match (widget value) 
+  (and (consp value)
+       (widget-group-match widget
+			   (widget-apply widget :value-to-internal value))))
+(define-widget 'choice 'menu-choice
+  "A union of several sexp types."
+  :tag "Choice"
+  :format "%[%t%]: %v")
+(define-widget 'radio 'radio-button-choice
+  "A union of several sexp types."
+  :tag "Choice"
+  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v")
+(define-widget 'repeat 'editable-list
+  "A variable length homogeneous list."
+  :tag "Repeat"
+  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v%i\n")
+(define-widget 'set 'checklist
+  "A list of members from a fixed set."
+  :tag "Set"
+  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v")
+(define-widget 'boolean 'toggle
+  "To be nil or non-nil, that is the question."
+  :tag "Boolean"
+  :format "%{%t%}: %v")
+;;; The `color' Widget.
+(define-widget 'color-item 'choice-item
+  "A color name (with sample)."
+  :format "%v (%[sample%])\n"
+  :button-face-get 'widget-color-item-button-face-get)
+(defun widget-color-item-button-face-get (widget)
+  ;; We create a face from the value.
+  (require 'facemenu)
+  (condition-case nil
+      (facemenu-get-face (intern (concat "fg:" (widget-value widget))))
+    (error 'default)))
+(define-widget 'color 'push-button
+  "Choose a color name (with sample)."
+  :format "%[%t%]: %v"
+  :tag "Color"
+  :value "default"
+  :value-create 'widget-color-value-create
+  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
+  :value-get 'widget-color-value-get
+  :value-set 'widget-color-value-set
+  :action 'widget-color-action
+  :match 'widget-field-match
+  :tag "Color")
+(defvar widget-color-choice-list nil)
+;; Variable holding the possible colors.
+(defun widget-color-choice-list ()
+  (unless widget-color-choice-list
+    (setq widget-color-choice-list 
+	  (mapcar '(lambda (color) (list color))
+		  (x-defined-colors))))
+  widget-color-choice-list)
+(defun widget-color-value-create (widget)
+  (let ((child (widget-create-child-and-convert
+		widget 'color-item (widget-get widget :value))))
+    (widget-put widget :children (list child))))
+(defun widget-color-value-get (widget)
+  ;; Pass command to first child.
+  (widget-apply (car (widget-get widget :children)) :value-get))
+(defun widget-color-value-set (widget value)
+  ;; Pass command to first child.
+  (widget-apply (car (widget-get widget :children)) :value-set value))
+(defvar widget-color-history nil
+  "History of entered colors")
+(defun widget-color-action (widget &optional event)
+  ;; Prompt for a color.
+  (let* ((tag (widget-apply widget :menu-tag-get))
+	 (prompt (concat tag ": "))
+	 (answer (cond ((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
+			(read-color prompt))
+		       ((fboundp 'x-defined-colors)
+			(completing-read (concat tag ": ")
+					 (widget-color-choice-list) 
+					 nil nil nil 'widget-color-history))
+		       (t
+			(read-string prompt (widget-value widget))))))
+    (unless (zerop (length answer))
+      (widget-value-set widget answer)
+      (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
+      (widget-setup))))
+;;; The Help Echo
+(defun widget-echo-help-mouse ()
+  "Display the help message for the widget under the mouse.
+Enable with (run-with-idle-timer 1 t 'widget-echo-help-mouse)"
+  (let* ((pos (mouse-position))
+	 (frame (car pos))
+	 (x (car (cdr pos)))
+	 (y (cdr (cdr pos)))
+	 (win (window-at x y frame))
+	 (where (coordinates-in-window-p (cons x y) win)))
+    (when (consp where)
+      (save-window-excursion
+	(progn ; save-excursion
+	  (select-window win)
+	  (let* ((result (compute-motion (window-start win)
+					 '(0 . 0)
+					 (window-end win)
+					 where
+					 (window-width win)
+					 (cons (window-hscroll) 0)
+					 win)))
+	    (when (and (eq (nth 1 result) x)
+		       (eq (nth 2 result) y))
+	      (widget-echo-help (nth 0 result))))))))
+  (unless track-mouse
+    (setq track-mouse t)
+    (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'widget-stop-mouse-tracking)))
+(defun widget-stop-mouse-tracking (&rest args)
+  "Stop the mouse tracking done while idle."
+  (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'widget-stop-mouse-tracking)
+  (setq track-mouse nil))
+(defun widget-at (pos)
+  "The button or field at POS."
+  (or (get-text-property pos 'button)
+      (get-text-property pos 'field)))
+(defun widget-echo-help (pos)
+  "Display the help echo for widget at POS."
+  (let* ((widget (widget-at pos))
+	 (help-echo (and widget (widget-get widget :help-echo))))
+    (cond ((stringp help-echo)
+	   (message "%s" help-echo))
+	  ((and (symbolp help-echo) (fboundp help-echo)
+		(stringp (setq help-echo (funcall help-echo widget))))
+	   (message "%s" help-echo)))))
+;;; The End:
+(provide 'widget-edit)
+;; widget-edit.el ends here
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/custom/widget-example.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+;;; widget-example.el -- example of using the widget library
+;; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <>
+;; Keywords: help, extensions, faces, hypermedia
+;; Version: 1.24
+;; X-URL:
+(require 'widget)
+  (require 'widget-edit))
+(defvar widget-example-repeat)
+(defun widget-example ()
+  "Create the widgets from the Widget manual."
+  (interactive)
+  (switch-to-buffer "*Widget Example*")
+  (kill-all-local-variables)
+  (make-local-variable 'widget-example-repeat)
+  (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+    (erase-buffer))
+  (widget-insert "Here is some documentation.\n\n")
+  (widget-create 'editable-field
+		 :size 12
+		 :format "Name: %v "
+		 "My Name")
+  (widget-create 'menu-choice
+		 :tag "Choose"
+		 :value "This"
+		 :help-echo "Choose me, please!"
+		 :notify (lambda (widget &rest ignore)
+			   (message "%s is a good choice!"
+				    (widget-value widget)))
+		 '(item :tag "This option" :value "This")
+		 '(choice-item "That option")
+		 '(editable-field :menu-tag "No option" "Thus option"))
+  (widget-insert "Address: ")
+  (widget-create 'editable-field
+		 "Some Place\nIn some City\nSome country.")
+  (widget-insert "\nSee also ")
+  (widget-create 'link
+		 :notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
+			   (widget-value-set widget-example-repeat 
+					     '("En" "To" "Tre"))
+			   (widget-setup))
+		 "other work")
+  (widget-insert " for more information.\n\nNumbers: count to three below\n")
+  (setq widget-example-repeat
+	(widget-create 'editable-list
+		       :entry-format "%i %d %v"
+		       :notify (lambda (widget &rest ignore)
+				 (let ((old (widget-get widget
+							':example-length))
+				       (new (length (widget-value widget))))
+				   (unless (eq old new)
+				     (widget-put widget ':example-length new)
+				     (message "You can count to %d." new))))
+		       :value '("One" "Eh, two?" "Five!")
+		       '(editable-field :value "three")))
+  (widget-insert "\n\nSelect multiple:\n\n")
+  (widget-create 'checkbox t)
+  (widget-insert " This\n")
+  (widget-create 'checkbox nil)
+  (widget-insert " That\n")
+  (widget-create 'checkbox
+		 :notify (lambda (&rest ignore) (message "Tickle"))
+		 t)
+  (widget-insert " Thus\n\nSelect one:\n\n")
+  (widget-create 'radio-button-choice
+		 :value "One"
+		 :notify (lambda (widget &rest ignore)
+			   (message "You selected %s"
+				    (widget-value widget)))
+		 '(item "One") '(item "Anthor One.") '(item "A Final One."))
+  (widget-insert "\n")
+  (widget-create 'push-button
+		 :notify (lambda (&rest ignore) 
+			   (if (= (length (widget-value widget-example-repeat))
+				  3)
+			       (message "Congratulation!")
+			     (error "Three was the count!")))
+		 "Apply Form")
+  (widget-insert " ")
+  (widget-create 'push-button
+		 :notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
+			   (widget-example))
+		 "Reset Form")
+  (widget-insert "\n")
+  (use-local-map widget-keymap)
+  (widget-setup))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/custom/widget.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+;;; widget.el --- a library of user interface components.
+;; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <>
+;; Keywords: help, extensions, faces, hypermedia
+;; Version: 1.24
+;; X-URL:
+;;; Commentary:
+;; If you want to use this code, please visit the URL above.
+;; This file only contain the code needed to define new widget types.
+;; Everything else is autoloaded from `widget-edit.el'.
+;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(defmacro define-widget-keywords (&rest keys)
+  (`
+   (eval-and-compile
+     (let ((keywords (quote (, keys))))
+       (while keywords
+	 (or (boundp (car keywords))
+	     (set (car keywords) (car keywords)))
+	 (setq keywords (cdr keywords)))))))
+(define-widget-keywords :valid-regexp
+  :secret :sample-face :sample-face-get :case-fold :widget-doc 
+  :create :convert-widget :format :value-create :offset :extra-offset
+  :tag :doc :from :to :args :value :value-from :value-to :action
+  :value-set :value-delete :match :parent :delete :menu-tag-get
+  :value-get :choice :void :menu-tag :on :off :on-type :off-type
+  :notify :entry-format :button :children :buttons :insert-before
+  :delete-at :format-handler :widget :value-pos :value-to-internal
+  :indent :size :value-to-external :validate :error :directory
+  :must-match :type-error :value-inline :inline :match-inline :greedy
+  :button-face-get :button-face :value-face :keymap :entry-from
+  :entry-to :help-echo :documentation-property :hide-front-space
+  :hide-rear-space) 
+;; These autoloads should be deleted when the file is added to Emacs.
+(autoload 'widget-create "widget-edit")
+(autoload 'widget-insert "widget-edit")
+(defun define-widget (name class doc &rest args)
+  "Define a new widget type named NAME from CLASS.
+NAME and CLASS should both be symbols, CLASS should be one of the
+existing widget types, or nil to create the widget from scratch.
+After the new widget has been defined, the following two calls will
+create identical widgets:
+* (widget-create NAME)
+* (apply 'widget-create CLASS ARGS)
+The third argument DOC is a documentation string for the widget."
+  (put name 'widget-type (cons class args))
+  (put name 'widget-documentation doc))
+;;; The End.
+(provide 'widget)
+;; widget.el ends here
--- a/lisp/gnus/ChangeLog	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/ChangeLog	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,60 @@
+Tue Feb  4 03:49:59 1997  Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen  <>
+	* gnus.el: Gnus v5.4.11 is released.
+Tue Feb  4 01:57:56 1997  Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen  <>
+	* nnvirtual.el (nnvirtual-last-accessed-component-group): New
+	variable. 
+	(nnvirtual-request-article): Use it and allow fetching by
+	Message-ID. 
+	* gnus-dup.el (gnus-dup-enter-articles): Don't enter canceled
+	articles into dup lists.
+	* nnvirtual.el (nnvirtual-update-read-and-marked): Check that we
+	have a current group.
+	* message.el (message-mode): Add "field" menu under XEmacs.
+Mon Feb  3 07:46:33 1997  Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen  <>
+	* gnus.el: Gnus v5.4.10 is released.
+Mon Feb  3 05:48:09 1997  Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen  <>
+	* message.el (message-fcc-handler-function): Doc fix.
+	(message-do-fcc): Revert to 5.4.8 behavior.
+	* gnus-util.el ((fboundp 'point-at-bol)): Made into defun.
+	* gnus-topic.el (gnus-topic-check-topology): Skip "".
+	(gnus-group-sort-topic): Delete "".
+	* gnus-art.el (article-make-date-line): Add a newline.
+	* nnkiboze.el (nnkiboze-generate-group): Check that the nov file
+	exists. 
+	* gnus-sum.el (gnus-summary-make-menu-bar): Moved some.
+	* gnus-art.el (gnus-article-make-menu-bar): Exclude the summary
+	menu. 
+	* gnus.el (gnus-similar-server-opened): New function.
+	(gnus-server-extend-method): Use it.
+	* gnus-sum.el (gnus-data-set-header): New macro.
+	(gnus-summary-edit-article-done): Update when the Message-ID is
+	edited. 
+	* nnml.el (nnml-request-article): Return the correct group name. 
+Sat Feb  1 21:29:56 1997  Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen  <>
+	* smiley.el (smiley-buffer): Use the `smiley-mouse-face' variable,
+	not face.
 Sat Feb  1 14:19:54 1997  Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen  <>
 	* gnus.el: Gnus v5.4.9 is released.
--- a/lisp/gnus/custom-edit.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1634 +0,0 @@
-;;; custom-edit.el --- Tools for customization Emacs.
-;; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <>
-;; Keywords: help, faces
-;; Version: 1.20
-;; X-URL:
-;;; Commentary:
-;; See `custom.el'.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'custom)
-(require 'widget-edit)
-(require 'easymenu)
-(define-widget-keywords :custom-prefixes :custom-menu :custom-show
-  :custom-magic :custom-state :custom-level :custom-form
-  :custom-set :custom-save :custom-reset-current :custom-reset-saved 
-  :custom-reset-factory)
-;;; Utilities.
-(defun custom-quote (sexp)
-  "Quote SEXP iff it is not self quoting."
-  (if (or (memq sexp '(t nil))
-	  (and (symbolp sexp)
-	       (eq (aref (symbol-name sexp) 0) ?:))
-	  (and (listp sexp)
-	       (memq (car sexp) '(lambda)))
-	  (stringp sexp)
-	  (numberp sexp)
-	  (and (fboundp 'characterp)
-	       (funcall (intern "characterp") sexp)))
-      sexp
-    (list 'quote sexp)))
-(defun custom-split-regexp-maybe (regexp)
-  "If REGEXP is a string, split it to a list at `\\|'.
-You can get the original back with from the result with: 
-  (mapconcat 'identity result \"\\|\")
-IF REGEXP is not a string, return it unchanged."
-  (if (stringp regexp)
-      (let ((start 0)
-	    all)
-	(while (string-match "\\\\|" regexp start)
-	  (setq all (cons (substring regexp start (match-beginning 0)) all)
-		start (match-end 0)))
-	(nreverse (cons (substring regexp start) all)))
-    regexp))
-(defvar custom-prefix-list nil
-  "List of prefixes that should be ignored by `custom-unlispify'")
-(defcustom custom-unlispify-menu-entries t
-  "Display menu entries as words instead of symbols if non nil."
-  :group 'customize
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defun custom-unlispify-menu-entry (symbol &optional no-suffix)
-  "Convert symbol into a menu entry."
-  (cond ((not custom-unlispify-menu-entries)
-	 (symbol-name symbol))
-	((get symbol 'custom-tag)
-	 (if no-suffix
-	     (get symbol 'custom-tag)
-	   (concat (get symbol 'custom-tag) "...")))
-	(t
-	 (save-excursion
-	   (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *Custom-Work*"))
-	   (erase-buffer)
-	   (princ symbol (current-buffer))
-	   (goto-char (point-min))
-	   (let ((prefixes custom-prefix-list)
-		 prefix)
-	     (while prefixes
-	       (setq prefix (car prefixes))
-	       (if (search-forward prefix (+ (point) (length prefix)) t)
-		   (progn 
-		     (setq prefixes nil)
-		     (delete-region (point-min) (point)))
-		 (setq prefixes (cdr prefixes)))))
-	   (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) ?- ?\  t)
-	   (capitalize-region (point-min) (point-max))
-	   (unless no-suffix 
-	     (goto-char (point-max))
-	     (insert "..."))
-	   (buffer-string)))))
-(defcustom custom-unlispify-tag-names t
-  "Display tag names as words instead of symbols if non nil."
-  :group 'customize
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defun custom-unlispify-tag-name (symbol)
-  "Convert symbol into a menu entry."
-  (let ((custom-unlispify-menu-entries custom-unlispify-tag-names))
-    (custom-unlispify-menu-entry symbol t)))
-(defun custom-prefix-add (symbol prefixes)
-  ;; Addd SYMBOL to list of ignored PREFIXES.
-  (cons (or (get symbol 'custom-prefix)
-	    (concat (symbol-name symbol) "-"))
-	prefixes))
-;;; The Custom Mode.
-(defvar custom-options nil
-  "Customization widgets in the current buffer.")
-(defvar custom-mode-map nil
-  "Keymap for `custom-mode'.")
-(unless custom-mode-map
-  (setq custom-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
-  (set-keymap-parent custom-mode-map widget-keymap))
-(easy-menu-define custom-mode-menu 
-    custom-mode-map
-  "Menu used in customization buffers."
-    '("Custom"
-      ["Set" custom-set t]
-      ["Save" custom-save t]
-      ["Reset to Current" custom-reset-current t]
-      ["Reset to Saved" custom-reset-saved t]
-      ["Reset to Factory Settings" custom-reset-factory t]
-      ["Info" (Info-goto-node "(custom)The Customization Buffer") t]))
-(defcustom custom-mode-hook nil
-  "Hook called when entering custom-mode."
-  :type 'hook
-  :group 'customize)
-(defun custom-mode ()
-  "Major mode for editing customization buffers.
-The following commands are available:
-\\[widget-forward]		Move to next button or editable field.
-\\[widget-backward]		Move to previous button or editable field.
-\\[widget-button-click]		Activate button under the mouse pointer.
-\\[widget-button-press]		Activate button under point.
-\\[custom-set]			Set all modifications.
-\\[custom-save]		Make all modifications default.
-\\[custom-reset-current]        Reset all modified options. 
-\\[custom-reset-saved]		Reset all modified or set options.
-\\[custom-reset-factory]	Reset all options.
-Entry to this mode calls the value of `custom-mode-hook'
-if that value is non-nil."
-  (kill-all-local-variables)
-  (setq major-mode 'custom-mode
-	mode-name "Custom")
-  (use-local-map custom-mode-map)
-  (make-local-variable 'custom-options)
-  (run-hooks 'custom-mode-hook))
-;;; Custom Mode Commands.
-(defun custom-set ()
-  "Set changes in all modified options."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((children custom-options))
-    (mapcar (lambda (child)
-	      (when (eq (widget-get child :custom-state) 'modified)
-		(widget-apply child :custom-set)))
-	    children)))
-(defun custom-save ()
-  "Set all modified group members and save them."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((children custom-options))
-    (mapcar (lambda (child)
-	      (when (memq (widget-get child :custom-state) '(modified set))
-		(widget-apply child :custom-save)))
-	    children))
-  (custom-save-all))
-(defvar custom-reset-menu 
-  '(("Current" . custom-reset-current)
-    ("Saved" . custom-reset-saved)
-    ("Factory Settings" . custom-reset-factory))
-  "Alist of actions for the `Reset' button.
-The key is a string containing the name of the action, the value is a
-lisp function taking the widget as an element which will be called
-when the action is chosen.")
-(defun custom-reset (event)
-  "Select item from reset menu."
-  (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
-	 (answer (widget-choose "Reset to"
-				custom-reset-menu
-				event)))
-    (if answer
-	(funcall answer))))
-(defun custom-reset-current ()
-  "Reset all modified group members to their current value."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((children custom-options))
-    (mapcar (lambda (child)
-	      (when (eq (widget-get child :custom-state) 'modified)
-		(widget-apply child :custom-reset-current)))
-	    children)))
-(defun custom-reset-saved ()
-  "Reset all modified or set group members to their saved value."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((children custom-options))
-    (mapcar (lambda (child)
-	      (when (eq (widget-get child :custom-state) 'modified)
-		(widget-apply child :custom-reset-current)))
-	    children)))
-(defun custom-reset-factory ()
-  "Reset all modified, set, or saved group members to their factory settings."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((children custom-options))
-    (mapcar (lambda (child)
-	      (when (eq (widget-get child :custom-state) 'modified)
-		(widget-apply child :custom-reset-current)))
-	    children)))
-;;; The Customize Commands
-(defun customize (symbol)
-  "Customize SYMBOL, which must be a customization group."
-  (interactive (list (completing-read "Customize group: (default emacs) "
-				      obarray 
-				      (lambda (symbol)
-					(get symbol 'custom-group))
-				      t)))
-  (when (stringp symbol)
-    (if (string-equal "" symbol)
-	(setq symbol 'emacs)
-      (setq symbol (intern symbol))))
-  (custom-buffer-create (list (list symbol 'custom-group))))
-(defun customize-variable (symbol)
-  "Customize SYMBOL, which must be a variable."
-  (interactive
-   ;; Code stolen from `help.el'.
-   (let ((v (variable-at-point))
-	 (enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
-	 val)
-     (setq val (completing-read 
-		(if v
-		    (format "Customize variable (default %s): " v)
-		  "Customize variable: ")
-		obarray 'boundp t))
-     (list (if (equal val "")
-	       v (intern val)))))
-  (custom-buffer-create (list (list symbol 'custom-variable))))
-(defun customize-face (symbol)
-  "Customize FACE."
-  (interactive (list (completing-read "Customize face: " 
-				      obarray 'custom-facep)))
-  (if (stringp symbol)
-      (setq symbol (intern symbol)))
-  (unless (symbolp symbol)
-    (error "Should be a symbol %S" symbol))
-  (custom-buffer-create (list (list symbol 'custom-face))))
-(defun customize-customized ()
-  "Customize all already customized user options."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((found nil))
-    (mapatoms (lambda (symbol)
-		(and (get symbol 'saved-face)
-		     (custom-facep symbol)
-		     (setq found (cons (list symbol 'custom-face) found)))
-		(and (get symbol 'saved-value)
-		     (boundp symbol)
-		     (setq found
-			   (cons (list symbol 'custom-variable) found)))))
-    (if found 
-	(custom-buffer-create found)
-      (error "No customized user options"))))
-(defun customize-apropos (regexp &optional all)
-  "Customize all user options matching REGEXP.
-If ALL (e.g., started with a prefix key), include options which are not
-  (interactive "sCustomize regexp: \nP")
-  (let ((found nil))
-    (mapatoms (lambda (symbol)
-		(when (string-match regexp (symbol-name symbol))
-		  (when (get symbol 'custom-group)
-		    (setq found (cons (list symbol 'custom-group) found)))
-		  (when (custom-facep symbol)
-		    (setq found (cons (list symbol 'custom-face) found)))
-		  (when (and (boundp symbol)
-			     (or (get symbol 'saved-value)
-				 (get symbol 'factory-value)
-				 (if all
-				     (get symbol 'variable-documentation)
-				   (user-variable-p symbol))))
-		    (setq found
-			  (cons (list symbol 'custom-variable) found))))))
-    (if found 
-	(custom-buffer-create found)
-      (error "No matches"))))
-(defun custom-buffer-create (options)
-  "Create a buffer containing OPTIONS.
-OPTIONS should be an alist of the form ((SYMBOL WIDGET)...), where
-SYMBOL is a customization option, and WIDGET is a widget for editing
-that option."
-  (kill-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Customization*"))
-  (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Customization*"))
-  (custom-mode)
-  (widget-insert "This is a customization buffer.
-Push RET or click mouse-2 on the word ")
-  (widget-create 'info-link 
-		 :tag "help"
-		 :help-echo "Push me for help."
-		 "(custom)The Customization Buffer")
-  (widget-insert " for more information.\n\n")
-  (setq custom-options 
-	(mapcar (lambda (entry)
-		  (prog1 
-		      (if (> (length options) 1)
-			  (widget-create (nth 1 entry)
-					 :tag (custom-unlispify-tag-name
-					       (nth 0 entry))
-					 :value (nth 0 entry))
-			;; If there is only one entry, don't hide it!
-			(widget-create (nth 1 entry)
-				       :custom-state 'unknown
-				       :tag (custom-unlispify-tag-name
-					       (nth 0 entry))
-				       :value (nth 0 entry)))
-		    (unless (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
-		      (widget-insert "\n"))
-		    (widget-insert "\n")))
-		options))
-  (mapcar 'custom-magic-reset custom-options)
-  (widget-create 'push-button
-		 :tag "Set"
-		 :help-echo "Push me to set all modifications."
-		 :action (lambda (widget &optional event)
-			   (custom-set)))
-  (widget-insert " ")
-  (widget-create 'push-button
-		 :tag "Save"
-		 :help-echo "Push me to make the modifications default."
-		 :action (lambda (widget &optional event)
-			   (custom-save)))
-  (widget-insert " ")
-  (widget-create 'push-button
-		 :tag "Reset"
-		 :help-echo "Push me to undo all modifications.."
-		 :action (lambda (widget &optional event)
-			   (custom-reset event)))
-  (widget-insert "\n")
-  (widget-setup))
-;;; Modification of Basic Widgets.
-;; We add extra properties to the basic widgets needed here.  This is
-;; fine, as long as we are careful to stay within out own namespace.
-;; We want simple widgets to be displayed by default, but complex
-;; widgets to be hidden.
-(widget-put (get 'item 'widget-type) :custom-show t)
-(widget-put (get 'editable-field 'widget-type)
-	    :custom-show (lambda (widget value)
-			   (let ((pp (pp-to-string value)))
-			     (cond ((string-match "\n" pp)
-				    nil)
-				   ((> (length pp) 40)
-				    nil)
-				   (t t)))))
-(widget-put (get 'menu-choice 'widget-type) :custom-show t)
-;;; The `custom-manual' Widget.
-(define-widget 'custom-manual 'info-link
-  "Link to the manual entry for this customization option."
-  :help-echo "Push me to read the manual."
-  :tag "Manual")
-;;; The `custom-magic' Widget.
-(defface custom-invalid-face '((((class color))
-				(:foreground "yellow" :background "red"))
-			       (t
-				(:bold t :italic t :underline t)))
-  "Face used when the customize item is invalid.")
-(defface custom-rogue-face '((((class color))
-			      (:foreground "pink" :background "black"))
-			     (t
-			      (:underline t)))
-  "Face used when the customize item is not defined for customization.")
-(defface custom-modified-face '((((class color)) 
-				 (:foreground "white" :background "blue"))
-				(t
-				 (:italic t :bold)))
-  "Face used when the customize item has been modified.")
-(defface custom-set-face '((((class color)) 
-				(:foreground "blue" :background "white"))
-			       (t
-				(:italic t)))
-  "Face used when the customize item has been set.")
-(defface custom-changed-face '((((class color)) 
-				(:foreground "white" :background "blue"))
-			       (t
-				(:italic t)))
-  "Face used when the customize item has been changed.")
-(defface custom-saved-face '((t (:underline t)))
-  "Face used when the customize item has been saved.")
-(defcustom custom-magic-alist '((nil "#" underline "\
-uninitialized, you should not see this.")
-				(unknown "?" italic "\
-unknown, you should not see this.")
-				(hidden "-" default "\
-hidden, press the state button to show.")
-				(invalid "x" custom-invalid-face "\
-the value displayed for this item is invalid and cannot be set.")
-				(modified "*" custom-modified-face "\
-you have edited the item, and can now set it.")
-				(set "+" custom-set-face "\
-you have set this item, but not saved it.")
-				(changed ":" custom-changed-face "\
-this item has been changed outside customize.")
-				(saved "!" custom-saved-face "\
-this item has been saved.")
-				(rogue "@" custom-rogue-face "\
-this item is not prepared for customization.")
-				(factory " " nil "\
-this item is unchanged from its factory setting."))
-  "Alist of customize option states.
-Each entry is of the form (STATE MAGIC FACE DESCRIPTION), where 
-STATE is one of the following symbols:
-   For internal use, should never occur.
-   For internal use, should never occur.
-   This item is not being displayed. 
-   This item is modified, but has an invalid form.
-   This item is modified, and has a valid form.
-   This item has been set but not saved.
-   The current value of this item has been changed temporarily.
-   This item is marked for saving.
-   This item has no customization information.
-   This item is unchanged from the factory default.
-MAGIC is a string used to present that state.
-FACE is a face used to present the state.
-DESCRIPTION is a string describing the state.
-The list should be sorted most significant first."
-  :type '(list (checklist :inline t
-			  (group (const nil)
-				 (string :tag "Magic")
-				 face 
-				 (string :tag "Description"))
-			  (group (const unknown)
-				 (string :tag "Magic")
-				 face 
-				 (string :tag "Description"))
-			  (group (const hidden)
-				 (string :tag "Magic")
-				 face 
-				 (string :tag "Description"))
-			  (group (const invalid)
-				 (string :tag "Magic")
-				 face 
-				 (string :tag "Description"))
-			  (group (const modified)
-				 (string :tag "Magic")
-				 face 
-				 (string :tag "Description"))
-			  (group (const set)
-				 (string :tag "Magic")
-				 face 
-				 (string :tag "Description"))
-			  (group (const changed)
-				 (string :tag "Magic")
-				 face 
-				 (string :tag "Description"))
-			  (group (const saved)
-				 (string :tag "Magic")
-				 face 
-				 (string :tag "Description"))
-			  (group (const rogue)
-				 (string :tag "Magic")
-				 face 
-				 (string :tag "Description"))
-			  (group (const factory)
-				 (string :tag "Magic")
-				 face 
-				 (string :tag "Description")))
-	       (editable-list :inline t
-			      (group symbol
-				     (string :tag "Magic")
-				     face
-				     (string :tag "Description"))))
-  :group 'customize)
-(defcustom custom-magic-show 'long
-  "Show long description of the state of each customization option."
-  :type '(choice (const :tag "no" nil)
-		 (const short)
-		 (const long))
-  :group 'customize)
-(defcustom custom-magic-show-button t
-  "Show a magic button indicating the state of each customization option."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'customize)
-(define-widget 'custom-magic 'default
-  "Show and manipulate state for a customization option."
-  :format "%v"
-  :action 'widget-choice-item-action
-  :value-get 'ignore
-  :value-create 'custom-magic-value-create
-  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete)
-(defun custom-magic-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Create compact status report for WIDGET.
-  (let* ((parent (widget-get widget :parent))
-	 (state (widget-get parent :custom-state))
-	 (entry (assq state custom-magic-alist))
-	 (magic (nth 1 entry))
-	 (face (nth 2 entry))
-	 (text (nth 3 entry))
-	 (lisp (eq (widget-get parent :custom-form) 'lisp))
-	 children)
-    (when custom-magic-show
-      (push (widget-create-child-and-convert widget 'choice-item 
-					     :help-echo "\
-Push me to change the state of this item."
-					     :format "%[%t%]"
-					     :tag "State")
-	    children)
-      (insert ": ")
-      (if (eq custom-magic-show 'long)
-	  (insert text)
-	(insert (symbol-name state)))
-      (when lisp 
-	(insert " (lisp)"))
-      (insert "\n"))
-    (when custom-magic-show-button
-      (when custom-magic-show
-	(let ((indent (widget-get parent :indent)))
-	  (when indent
-	    (insert-char ?  indent))))
-      (push (widget-create-child-and-convert widget 'choice-item 
-					     :button-face face
-					     :help-echo "\
-Push me to change the state."
-					     :format "%[%t%]"
-					     :tag (if lisp 
-						      (concat "(" magic ")")
-						    (concat "[" magic "]")))
-	    children)
-      (insert " "))
-    (widget-put widget :children children)))
-(defun custom-magic-reset (widget)
-  "Redraw the :custom-magic property of WIDGET."
-  (let ((magic (widget-get widget :custom-magic)))
-    (widget-value-set magic (widget-value magic))))
-;;; The `custom-level' Widget.
-(define-widget 'custom-level 'item
-  "The custom level buttons."
-  :format "%[%t%]"
-  :help-echo "Push me to expand or collapse this item."
-  :action 'custom-level-action)
-(defun custom-level-action (widget &optional event)
-  "Toggle visibility for parent to WIDGET."
-  (let* ((parent (widget-get widget :parent))
-	 (state (widget-get parent :custom-state)))
-    (cond ((memq state '(invalid modified))
-	   (error "There are unset changes"))
-	  ((eq state 'hidden)
-	   (widget-put parent :custom-state 'unknown))
-	  (t
-	   (widget-put parent :custom-state 'hidden)))
-    (custom-redraw parent)))
-;;; The `custom' Widget.
-(define-widget 'custom 'default
-  "Customize a user option."
-  :convert-widget 'custom-convert-widget
-  :format "%l%[%t%]: %v%m%h%a"
-  :format-handler 'custom-format-handler
-  :notify 'custom-notify
-  :custom-level 1
-  :custom-state 'hidden
-  :documentation-property 'widget-subclass-responsibility
-  :value-create 'widget-subclass-responsibility
-  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
-  :value-get 'widget-item-value-get
-  :validate 'widget-editable-list-validate
-  :match (lambda (widget value) (symbolp value)))
-(defun custom-convert-widget (widget)
-  ;; Initialize :value and :tag from :args in WIDGET.
-  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args)))
-    (when args 
-      (widget-put widget :value (widget-apply widget
-					      :value-to-internal (car args)))
-      (widget-put widget :tag (custom-unlispify-tag-name (car args)))
-      (widget-put widget :args nil)))
-  widget)
-(defun custom-format-handler (widget escape)
-  ;; We recognize extra escape sequences.
-  (let* ((buttons (widget-get widget :buttons))
-	 (state (widget-get widget :custom-state))
-	 (level (widget-get widget :custom-level)))
-    (cond ((eq escape ?l)
-	   (when level 
-	     (push (widget-create-child-and-convert
-		    widget 'custom-level (make-string level ?*))
-		   buttons)
-	     (widget-insert " ")
-	     (widget-put widget :buttons buttons)))
-	  ((eq escape ?L)
-	   (when (eq state 'hidden)
-	     (widget-insert " ...")))
-	  ((eq escape ?m)
-	   (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
-		(widget-get widget :indent)
-		(insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
-	   (let ((magic (widget-create-child-and-convert
-			 widget 'custom-magic nil)))
-	     (widget-put widget :custom-magic magic)
-	     (push magic buttons)
-	     (widget-put widget :buttons buttons)))
-	  ((eq escape ?a)
-	   (let* ((symbol (widget-get widget :value))
-		  (links (get symbol 'custom-links))
-		  (many (> (length links) 2)))
-	     (when links
-	       (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
-		    (widget-get widget :indent)
-		    (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
-	       (insert "See also ")
-	       (while links
-		 (push (widget-create-child-and-convert widget (car links))
-		       buttons)
-		 (setq links (cdr links))
-		 (cond ((null links)
-			(insert ".\n"))
-		       ((null (cdr links))
-			(if many
-			    (insert ", and ")
-			  (insert " and ")))
-		       (t 
-			(insert ", "))))
-	       (widget-put widget :buttons buttons))))
-	  (t 
-	   (widget-default-format-handler widget escape)))))
-(defun custom-notify (widget &rest args)
-  "Keep track of changes."
-  (widget-put widget :custom-state 'modified)
-  (let ((buffer-undo-list t))
-    (custom-magic-reset widget))
-  (apply 'widget-default-notify widget args))
-(defun custom-redraw (widget)
-  "Redraw WIDGET with current settings."
-  (widget-value-set widget (widget-value widget))
-  (custom-redraw-magic widget))
-(defun custom-redraw-magic (widget)
-  "Redraw WIDGET state with current settings."
-  (while widget 
-    (let ((magic (widget-get widget :custom-magic)))
-      (unless magic 
-	(debug))
-      (widget-value-set magic (widget-value magic))
-      (when (setq widget (widget-get widget :group))
-	(custom-group-state-update widget))))
-  (widget-setup))
-(defun custom-show (widget value)
-  "Non-nil if WIDGET should be shown with VALUE by default."
-  (let ((show (widget-get widget :custom-show)))
-    (cond ((null show)
-	   nil)
-	  ((eq t show)
-	   t)
-	  (t
-	   (funcall show widget value)))))
-(defun custom-load-symbol (symbol)
-  "Load all dependencies for SYMBOL."
-  (let ((loads (get symbol 'custom-loads))
-	load)
-    (while loads
-      (setq load (car loads)
-	    loads (cdr loads))
-      (cond ((symbolp load)
-	     (condition-case nil
-		 (require load)
-	       (error nil)))
-	    ((assoc load load-history))
-	    (t
-	     (condition-case nil
-		 (load-library load)
-	       (error nil)))))))
-(defun custom-load-widget (widget)
-  "Load all dependencies for WIDGET."
-  (custom-load-symbol (widget-value widget)))
-;;; The `custom-variable' Widget.
-(defface custom-variable-sample-face '((t (:underline t)))
-  "Face used for unpushable variable tags."
-  :group 'customize)
-(defface custom-variable-button-face '((t (:underline t :bold t)))
-  "Face used for pushable variable tags."
-  :group 'customize)
-(define-widget 'custom-variable 'custom
-  "Customize variable."
-  :format "%l%v%m%h%a"
-  :help-echo "Push me to set or reset this variable."
-  :documentation-property 'variable-documentation
-  :custom-state nil
-  :custom-menu 'custom-variable-menu-create
-  :custom-form 'edit
-  :value-create 'custom-variable-value-create
-  :action 'custom-variable-action
-  :custom-set 'custom-variable-set
-  :custom-save 'custom-variable-save
-  :custom-reset-current 'custom-redraw
-  :custom-reset-saved 'custom-variable-reset-saved
-  :custom-reset-factory 'custom-variable-reset-factory)
-(defun custom-variable-value-create (widget)
-  "Here is where you edit the variables value."
-  (custom-load-widget widget)
-  (let* ((buttons (widget-get widget :buttons))
-	 (children (widget-get widget :children))
-	 (form (widget-get widget :custom-form))
-	 (state (widget-get widget :custom-state))
-	 (symbol (widget-get widget :value))
-	 (options (get symbol 'custom-options))
-	 (child-type (or (get symbol 'custom-type) 'sexp))
-	 (tag (widget-get widget :tag))
-	 (type (let ((tmp (if (listp child-type)
-			      (copy-list child-type)
-			    (list child-type))))
-		 (when options
-		   (widget-put tmp :options options))
-		 tmp))
-	 (conv (widget-convert type))
-	 (value (if (default-boundp symbol)
-		    (default-value symbol)
-		  (widget-get conv :value))))
-    ;; If the widget is new, the child determine whether it is hidden.
-    (cond (state)
-	  ((custom-show type value)
-	   (setq state 'unknown))
-	  (t
-	   (setq state 'hidden)))
-    ;; If we don't know the state, see if we need to edit it in lisp form.
-    (when (eq state 'unknown)
-      (unless (widget-apply conv :match value)
-	;; (widget-apply (widget-convert type) :match value)
-	(setq form 'lisp)))
-    ;; Now we can create the child widget.
-    (cond ((eq state 'hidden)
-	   ;; Indicate hidden value.
-	   (push (widget-create-child-and-convert 
-		  widget 'item
-		  :format "%{%t%}: ..."
-		  :sample-face 'custom-variable-sample-face
-		  :tag tag
-		  :parent widget)
-		 children))
-	  ((eq form 'lisp)
-	   ;; In lisp mode edit the saved value when possible.
-	   (let* ((value (cond ((get symbol 'saved-value)
-				(car (get symbol 'saved-value)))
-			       ((get symbol 'factory-value)
-				(car (get symbol 'factory-value)))
-			       ((default-boundp symbol)
-				(custom-quote (default-value symbol)))
-			       (t
-				(custom-quote (widget-get conv :value))))))
-	     (push (widget-create-child-and-convert 
-		    widget 'sexp 
-		    :button-face 'custom-variable-button-face
-		    :tag (symbol-name symbol)
-		    :parent widget
-		    :value value)
-		   children)))
-	  (t
-	   ;; Edit mode.
-	   (push (widget-create-child-and-convert
-		  widget type 
-		  :tag tag
-		  :button-face 'custom-variable-button-face
-		  :sample-face 'custom-variable-sample-face
-		  :value value)
-		 children)))
-    ;; Now update the state.
-    (unless (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
-      (widget-insert "\n"))
-    (if (eq state 'hidden)
-	(widget-put widget :custom-state state)
-      (custom-variable-state-set widget))
-    (widget-put widget :custom-form form)	     
-    (widget-put widget :buttons buttons)
-    (widget-put widget :children children)))
-(defun custom-variable-state-set (widget)
-  "Set the state of WIDGET."
-  (let* ((symbol (widget-value widget))
-	 (value (if (default-boundp symbol)
-		    (default-value symbol)
-		  (widget-get widget :value)))
-	 tmp
-	 (state (cond ((setq tmp (get symbol 'customized-value))
-		       (if (condition-case nil
-			       (equal value (eval (car tmp)))
-			     (error nil))
-			   'saved
-			 'set))
-		      ((setq tmp (get symbol 'saved-value))
-		       (if (condition-case nil
-			       (equal value (eval (car tmp)))
-			     (error nil))
-			   'saved
-			 'set))
-		      ((setq tmp (get symbol 'factory-value))
-		       (if (condition-case nil
-			       (equal value (eval (car tmp)))
-			     (error nil))
-			   'factory
-			 'set))
-		      (t 'rogue))))
-    (widget-put widget :custom-state state)))
-(defvar custom-variable-menu 
-  '(("Edit" . custom-variable-edit)
-    ("Edit Lisp" . custom-variable-edit-lisp)
-    ("Set" . custom-variable-set)
-    ("Save" . custom-variable-save)
-    ("Reset to Current" . custom-redraw)
-    ("Reset to Saved" . custom-variable-reset-saved)
-    ("Reset to Factory Settings" . custom-variable-reset-factory))
-  "Alist of actions for the `custom-variable' widget.
-The key is a string containing the name of the action, the value is a
-lisp function taking the widget as an element which will be called
-when the action is chosen.")
-(defun custom-variable-action (widget &optional event)
-  "Show the menu for `custom-variable' WIDGET.
-Optional EVENT is the location for the menu."
-  (if (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) 'hidden)
-      (progn 
-	(widget-put widget :custom-state 'unknown)
-	(custom-redraw widget))
-    (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
-	   (answer (widget-choose (symbol-name (widget-get widget :value))
-				  custom-variable-menu
-				  event)))
-      (if answer
-	  (funcall answer widget)))))
-(defun custom-variable-edit (widget)
-  "Edit value of WIDGET."
-  (widget-put widget :custom-state 'unknown)
-  (widget-put widget :custom-form 'edit)
-  (custom-redraw widget))
-(defun custom-variable-edit-lisp (widget)
-  "Edit the lisp representation of the value of WIDGET."
-  (widget-put widget :custom-state 'unknown)
-  (widget-put widget :custom-form 'lisp)
-  (custom-redraw widget))
-(defun custom-variable-set (widget)
-  "Set the current value for the variable being edited by WIDGET."
-  (let ((form (widget-get widget :custom-form))
-	(state (widget-get widget :custom-state))
-	(child (car (widget-get widget :children)))
-	(symbol (widget-value widget))
-	val)
-    (cond ((eq state 'hidden)
-	   (error "Cannot set hidden variable."))
-	  ((setq val (widget-apply child :validate))
-	   (error "Invalid %S" val))
-	  ((eq form 'lisp)
-	   (set symbol (eval (setq val (widget-value child))))
-	   (put symbol 'customized-value (list val)))
-	  (t
-	   (set symbol (widget-value child))
-	   (put symbol 'customized-value (list (custom-quote val)))))
-    (custom-variable-state-set widget)
-    (custom-redraw-magic widget)))
-(defun custom-variable-save (widget)
-  "Set the default value for the variable being edited by WIDGET."
-  (let ((form (widget-get widget :custom-form))
-	(state (widget-get widget :custom-state))
-	(child (car (widget-get widget :children)))
-	(symbol (widget-value widget))
-	val)
-    (cond ((eq state 'hidden)
-	   (error "Cannot set hidden variable."))
-	  ((setq val (widget-apply child :validate))
-	   (error "Invalid %S" val))
-	  ((eq form 'lisp)
-	   (put symbol 'saved-value (list (widget-value child)))
-	   (set symbol (eval (widget-value child))))
-	  (t
-	   (put symbol
-		'saved-value (list (custom-quote (widget-value
-						  child))))
-	   (set symbol (widget-value child))))
-    (put symbol 'customized-value nil)
-    (custom-save-all)
-    (custom-variable-state-set widget)
-    (custom-redraw-magic widget)))
-(defun custom-variable-reset-saved (widget)
-  "Restore the saved value for the variable being edited by WIDGET."
-  (let ((symbol (widget-value widget)))
-    (if (get symbol 'saved-value)
-	(condition-case nil
-	    (set symbol (eval (car (get symbol 'saved-value))))
-	  (error nil))
-      (error "No saved value for %s" symbol))
-    (put symbol 'customized-value nil)
-    (widget-put widget :custom-state 'unknown)
-    (custom-redraw widget)))
-(defun custom-variable-reset-factory (widget)
-  "Restore the factory setting for the variable being edited by WIDGET."
-  (let ((symbol (widget-value widget)))
-    (if (get symbol 'factory-value)
-	(set symbol (eval (car (get symbol 'factory-value))))
-      (error "No factory default for %S" symbol))
-    (put symbol 'customized-value nil)
-    (when (get symbol 'saved-value)
-      (put symbol 'saved-value nil)
-      (custom-save-all))
-    (widget-put widget :custom-state 'unknown)
-    (custom-redraw widget)))
-;;; The `custom-face-edit' Widget.
-(defvar custom-face-edit-args
-  (mapcar (lambda (att)
-	    (list 'group 
-		  :inline t
-		  (list 'const :format "" :value (nth 0 att)) 
-		  (nth 1 att)))
-	  custom-face-attributes))
-(define-widget 'custom-face-edit 'checklist
-  "Edit face attributes."
-  :format "%t: %v"
-  :tag "Attributes"
-  :extra-offset 12
-  :args (mapcar (lambda (att)
-		  (list 'group 
-			:inline t
-			(list 'const :format "" :value (nth 0 att)) 
-			(nth 1 att)))
-		custom-face-attributes))
-;;; The `custom-display' Widget.
-(define-widget 'custom-display 'menu-choice
-  "Select a display type."
-  :tag "Display"
-  :value t
-  :args '((const :tag "all" t)
-	  (checklist :offset 0
-		     :extra-offset 9
-		     :args ((group (const :format "Type: " type)
-				   (checklist :inline t
-					      :offset 0
-					      (const :format "X "
-						     x)
-					      (const :format "PM "
-						     pm)
-					      (const :format "Win32 "
-						     win32)
-					      (const :format "DOS "
-						     pc)
-					      (const :format "TTY%n"
-						     tty)))
-			    (group (const :format "Class: " class)
-				   (checklist :inline t
-					      :offset 0
-					      (const :format "Color "
-						     color)
-					      (const :format
-						     "Grayscale "
-						     grayscale)
-					      (const :format "Monochrome%n"
-						     mono)))
-			    (group  (const :format "Background: " background)
-				    (checklist :inline t
-					       :offset 0
-					       (const :format "Light "
-						      light)
-					       (const :format "Dark\n"
-						      dark)))))))
-;;; The `custom-face' Widget.
-(defface custom-face-tag-face '((t (:underline t)))
-  "Face used for face tags."
-  :group 'customize)
-(define-widget 'custom-face 'custom
-  "Customize face."
-  :format "%l%{%t%}: %s%m%h%a%v"
-  :format-handler 'custom-face-format-handler
-  :sample-face 'custom-face-tag-face
-  :help-echo "Push me to set or reset this face."
-  :documentation-property 'face-documentation
-  :value-create 'custom-face-value-create
-  :action 'custom-face-action
-  :custom-set 'custom-face-set
-  :custom-save 'custom-face-save
-  :custom-reset-current 'custom-redraw
-  :custom-reset-saved 'custom-face-reset-saved
-  :custom-reset-factory 'custom-face-reset-factory
-  :custom-menu 'custom-face-menu-create)
-(defun custom-face-format-handler (widget escape)
-  ;; We recognize extra escape sequences.
-  (let (child
-	(state (widget-get widget :custom-state))
-	(symbol (widget-get widget :value)))
-    (cond ((eq escape ?s)
-	   (and (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
-		;; XEmacs cannot display initialized faces.
-		(not (custom-facep symbol))
-		(copy-face 'custom-face-empty symbol))
-	   (setq child (widget-create-child-and-convert 
-			widget 'item
-			:format "(%{%t%})\n"
-			:sample-face symbol
-			:tag "sample")))
-	  (t 
-	   (custom-format-handler widget escape)))
-    (when child
-      (widget-put widget
-		  :buttons (cons child (widget-get widget :buttons))))))
-(defun custom-face-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Create a list of the display specifications.
-  (unless (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
-    (insert "\n"))
-  (when (not (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) 'hidden))
-    (custom-load-widget widget)
-    (let* ((symbol (widget-value widget))
-	   (edit (widget-create-child-and-convert
-		  widget 'editable-list
-		  :entry-format "%i %d %v"
-		  :value (or (get symbol 'saved-face)
-			     (get symbol 'factory-face))
-		  '(group :format "%v"
-			  custom-display custom-face-edit))))
-      (custom-face-state-set widget)
-      (widget-put widget :children (list edit)))))
-(defvar custom-face-menu 
-  '(("Set" . custom-face-set)
-    ("Save" . custom-face-save)
-    ("Reset to Saved" . custom-face-reset-saved)
-    ("Reset to Factory Setting" . custom-face-reset-factory))
-  "Alist of actions for the `custom-face' widget.
-The key is a string containing the name of the action, the value is a
-lisp function taking the widget as an element which will be called
-when the action is chosen.")
-(defun custom-face-state-set (widget)
-  "Set the state of WIDGET."
-  (let ((symbol (widget-value widget)))
-    (widget-put widget :custom-state (cond ((get symbol 'customized-face)
-					    'set)
-					   ((get symbol 'saved-face)
-					    'saved)
-					   ((get symbol 'factory-face)
-					    'factory)
-					   (t 
-					    'rogue)))))
-(defun custom-face-action (widget &optional event)
-  "Show the menu for `custom-face' WIDGET.
-Optional EVENT is the location for the menu."
-  (if (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) 'hidden)
-      (progn 
-	(widget-put widget :custom-state 'unknown)
-	(custom-redraw widget))
-    (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
-	   (symbol (widget-get widget :value))
-	   (answer (widget-choose (symbol-name symbol)
-				  custom-face-menu event)))
-      (if answer
-	  (funcall answer widget)))))
-(defun custom-face-set (widget)
-  "Make the face attributes in WIDGET take effect."
-  (let* ((symbol (widget-value widget))
-	 (child (car (widget-get widget :children)))
-	 (value (widget-value child)))
-    (put symbol 'customized-face value)
-    (custom-face-display-set symbol value)
-    (custom-face-state-set widget)
-    (custom-redraw-magic widget)))
-(defun custom-face-save (widget)
-  "Make the face attributes in WIDGET default."
-  (let* ((symbol (widget-value widget))
-	 (child (car (widget-get widget :children)))
-	 (value (widget-value child)))
-    (custom-face-display-set symbol value)
-    (put symbol 'saved-face value)
-    (put symbol 'customized-face nil)
-    (custom-face-state-set widget)
-    (custom-redraw-magic widget)))
-(defun custom-face-reset-saved (widget)
-  "Restore WIDGET to the face's default attributes."
-  (let* ((symbol (widget-value widget))
-	 (child (car (widget-get widget :children)))
-	 (value (get symbol 'saved-face)))
-    (unless value
-      (error "No saved value for this face"))
-    (put symbol 'customized-face nil)
-    (custom-face-display-set symbol value)
-    (widget-value-set child value)
-    (custom-face-state-set widget)
-    (custom-redraw-magic widget)))
-(defun custom-face-reset-factory (widget)
-  "Restore WIDGET to the face's factory settings."
-  (let* ((symbol (widget-value widget))
-	 (child (car (widget-get widget :children)))
-	 (value (get symbol 'factory-face)))
-    (unless value
-      (error "No factory default for this face"))
-    (put symbol 'customized-face nil)
-    (when (get symbol 'saved-face)
-      (put symbol 'saved-face nil)
-      (custom-save-all))
-    (custom-face-display-set symbol value)
-    (widget-value-set child value)
-    (custom-face-state-set widget)
-    (custom-redraw-magic widget)))
-;;; The `face' Widget.
-(define-widget 'face 'default
-  "Select and customize a face."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-item-convert-widget
-  :format "%[%t%]: %v"
-  :tag "Face"
-  :value 'default
-  :value-create 'widget-face-value-create
-  :value-delete 'widget-face-value-delete
-  :value-get 'widget-item-value-get
-  :validate 'widget-editable-list-validate
-  :action 'widget-face-action
-  :match '(lambda (widget value) (symbolp value)))
-(defun widget-face-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Create a `custom-face' child.
-  (let* ((symbol (widget-value widget))
-	 (child (widget-create-child-and-convert
-		 widget 'custom-face
-		 :format "%t %s%m%h%v"
-		 :custom-level nil
-		 :value symbol)))
-    (custom-magic-reset child)
-    (setq custom-options (cons child custom-options))
-    (widget-put widget :children (list child))))
-(defun widget-face-value-delete (widget)
-  ;; Remove the child from the options.
-  (let ((child (car (widget-get widget :children))))
-    (setq custom-options (delq child custom-options))
-    (widget-children-value-delete widget)))
-(defvar face-history nil
-  "History of entered face names.")
-(defun widget-face-action (widget &optional event)
-  "Prompt for a face."
-  (let ((answer (completing-read "Face: "
-				 (mapcar (lambda (face)
-					   (list (symbol-name face)))
-					 (face-list))
-				 nil nil nil				 
-				 'face-history)))
-    (unless (zerop (length answer))
-      (widget-value-set widget (intern answer))
-      (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
-      (widget-setup))))
-;;; The `hook' Widget.
-(define-widget 'hook 'list
-  "A emacs lisp hook"
-  :convert-widget 'custom-hook-convert-widget
-  :tag "Hook")
-(defun custom-hook-convert-widget (widget)
-  ;; Handle `:custom-options'.
-  (let* ((options (widget-get widget :options))
-	 (other `(editable-list :inline t 
-				:entry-format "%i %d%v"
-				(function :format " %v")))
-	 (args (if options
-		   (list `(checklist :inline t
-				     ,@(mapcar (lambda (entry)
-						 `(function-item ,entry))
-					       options))
-			 other)
-		 (list other))))
-    (widget-put widget :args args)
-    widget))
-;;; The `custom-group' Widget.
-(defcustom custom-group-tag-faces '(custom-group-tag-face-1)
-  ;; In XEmacs, this ought to play games with font size.
-  "Face used for group tags.
-The first member is used for level 1 groups, the second for level 2,
-and so forth.  The remaining group tags are shown with
-  :type '(repeat face)
-  :group 'customize)
-(defface custom-group-tag-face-1 '((((class color)
-				   (background dark))
-				  (:foreground "pink" :underline t))
-				 (((class color)
-				   (background light))
-				  (:foreground "red" :underline t))
-				 (t (:underline t)))
-  "Face used for group tags.")
-(defface custom-group-tag-face '((((class color)
-				   (background dark))
-				  (:foreground "light blue" :underline t))
-				 (((class color)
-				   (background light))
-				  (:foreground "blue" :underline t))
-				 (t (:underline t)))
-  "Face used for low level group tags."
-  :group 'customize)
-(define-widget 'custom-group 'custom
-  "Customize group."
-  :format "%l%{%t%}:%L\n%m%h%a%v"
-  :sample-face-get 'custom-group-sample-face-get
-  :documentation-property 'group-documentation
-  :help-echo "Push me to set or reset all members of this group."
-  :value-create 'custom-group-value-create
-  :action 'custom-group-action
-  :custom-set 'custom-group-set
-  :custom-save 'custom-group-save
-  :custom-reset-current 'custom-group-reset-current
-  :custom-reset-saved 'custom-group-reset-saved
-  :custom-reset-factory 'custom-group-reset-factory
-  :custom-menu 'custom-group-menu-create)
-(defun custom-group-sample-face-get (widget)
-  ;; Use :sample-face.
-  (or (nth (1- (widget-get widget :custom-level)) custom-group-tag-faces)
-      'custom-group-tag-face))
-(defun custom-group-value-create (widget)
-  (let ((state (widget-get widget :custom-state)))
-    (unless (eq state 'hidden)
-      (custom-load-widget widget)
-      (let* ((level (widget-get widget :custom-level))
-	     (symbol (widget-value widget))
-	     (members (get symbol 'custom-group))
-	     (prefixes (widget-get widget :custom-prefixes))
-	     (custom-prefix-list (custom-prefix-add symbol prefixes))
-	     (children (mapcar (lambda (entry)
-				 (widget-insert "\n")
-				 (prog1
-				     (widget-create-child-and-convert
-				      widget (nth 1 entry)
-				      :group widget
-				      :tag (custom-unlispify-tag-name
-					    (nth 0 entry))
-				      :custom-prefixes custom-prefix-list
-				      :custom-level (1+ level)
-				      :value (nth 0 entry))
-				   (unless (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
-				     (widget-insert "\n"))))
-			       members)))
-	(mapcar 'custom-magic-reset children)
-	(widget-put widget :children children)
-	(custom-group-state-update widget)))))
-(defvar custom-group-menu 
-  '(("Set" . custom-group-set)
-    ("Save" . custom-group-save)
-    ("Reset to Current" . custom-group-reset-current)
-    ("Reset to Saved" . custom-group-reset-saved)
-    ("Reset to Factory" . custom-group-reset-factory))
-  "Alist of actions for the `custom-group' widget.
-The key is a string containing the name of the action, the value is a
-lisp function taking the widget as an element which will be called
-when the action is chosen.")
-(defun custom-group-action (widget &optional event)
-  "Show the menu for `custom-group' WIDGET.
-Optional EVENT is the location for the menu."
-  (if (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) 'hidden)
-      (progn 
-	(widget-put widget :custom-state 'unknown)
-	(custom-redraw widget))
-    (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
-	   (answer (widget-choose (symbol-name (widget-get widget :value))
-				  custom-group-menu
-				  event)))
-      (if answer
-	  (funcall answer widget)))))
-(defun custom-group-set (widget)
-  "Set changes in all modified group members."
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children)))
-    (mapcar (lambda (child)
-	      (when (eq (widget-get child :custom-state) 'modified)
-		(widget-apply child :custom-set)))
-	    children )))
-(defun custom-group-save (widget)
-  "Save all modified group members."
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children)))
-    (mapcar (lambda (child)
-	      (when (memq (widget-get child :custom-state) '(modified set))
-		(widget-apply child :custom-save)))
-	    children )))
-(defun custom-group-reset-current (widget)
-  "Reset all modified group members."
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children)))
-    (mapcar (lambda (child)
-	      (when (eq (widget-get child :custom-state) 'modified)
-		(widget-apply child :custom-reset-current)))
-	    children )))
-(defun custom-group-reset-saved (widget)
-  "Reset all modified or set group members."
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children)))
-    (mapcar (lambda (child)
-	      (when (memq (widget-get child :custom-state) '(modified set))
-		(widget-apply child :custom-reset-saved)))
-	    children )))
-(defun custom-group-reset-factory (widget)
-  "Reset all modified, set, or saved group members."
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children)))
-    (mapcar (lambda (child)
-	      (when (memq (widget-get child :custom-state)
-			  '(modified set saved))
-		(widget-apply child :custom-reset-factory)))
-	    children )))
-(defun custom-group-state-update (widget)
-  "Update magic."
-  (unless (eq (widget-get widget :custom-state) 'hidden)
-    (let* ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	   (states (mapcar (lambda (child)
-			     (widget-get child :custom-state))
-			   children))
-	   (magics custom-magic-alist)
-	   (found 'factory))
-      (while magics
-	(let ((magic (car (car magics))))
-	  (if (and (not (eq magic 'hidden))
-		   (memq magic states))
-	      (setq found magic
-		    magics nil)
-	    (setq magics (cdr magics)))))
-      (widget-put widget :custom-state found)))
-  (custom-magic-reset widget))
-;;; The `custom-save-all' Function.
-(defcustom custom-file "~/.emacs"
-  "File used for storing customization information.
-If you change this from the default \"~/.emacs\" you need to
-explicitly load that file for the settings to take effect."
-  :type 'file
-  :group 'customize)
-(defun custom-save-delete (symbol)
-  "Delete the call to SYMBOL form `custom-file'.
-Leave point at the location of the call, or after the last expression."
-  (set-buffer (find-file-noselect custom-file))
-  (goto-char (point-min))
-  (catch 'found
-    (while t
-      (let ((sexp (condition-case nil
-		      (read (current-buffer))
-		    (end-of-file (throw 'found nil)))))
-	(when (and (listp sexp)
-		   (eq (car sexp) symbol))
-	  (delete-region (save-excursion
-			   (backward-sexp)
-			   (point))
-			 (point))
-	  (throw 'found nil))))))
-(defun custom-save-variables ()
-  "Save all customized variables in `custom-file'."
-  (save-excursion
-    (custom-save-delete 'custom-set-variables)
-    (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
-      (unless (bolp)
-	(princ "\n"))
-      (princ "(custom-set-variables")
-      (mapatoms (lambda (symbol)
-		  (let ((value (get symbol 'saved-value)))
-		    (when value
-		      (princ "\n '(")
-		      (princ symbol)
-		      (princ " ")
-		      (prin1 (car value))
-		      (if (or (get symbol 'factory-value)
-			      (and (not (boundp symbol))
-				   (not (get symbol 'force-value))))
-			  (princ ")")
-			(princ " t)"))))))
-      (princ ")")
-      (unless (eolp)
-	(princ "\n")))))
-(defun custom-save-faces ()
-  "Save all customized faces in `custom-file'."
-  (save-excursion
-    (custom-save-delete 'custom-set-faces)
-    (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
-      (unless (bolp)
-	(princ "\n"))
-      (princ "(custom-set-faces")
-      (mapatoms (lambda (symbol)
-		  (let ((value (get symbol 'saved-face)))
-		    (when value
-		      (princ "\n '(")
-		      (princ symbol)
-		      (princ " ")
-		      (prin1 value)
-		      (if (or (get symbol 'factory-face)
-			      (and (not (custom-facep symbol))
-				   (not (get symbol 'force-face))))
-			  (princ ")")
-			(princ " t)"))))))
-      (princ ")")
-      (unless (eolp)
-	(princ "\n")))))
-(defun custom-save-all ()
-  "Save all customizations in `custom-file'."
-  (custom-save-variables)
-  (custom-save-faces)
-  (save-excursion
-    (set-buffer (find-file-noselect custom-file))
-    (save-buffer)))
-;;; The Customize Menu.
-(defcustom custom-menu-nesting 2
-  "Maximum nesting in custom menus."
-  :type 'integer
-  :group 'customize)
-(defun custom-face-menu-create (widget symbol)
-  "Ignoring WIDGET, create a menu entry for customization face SYMBOL."
-  (vector (custom-unlispify-menu-entry symbol)
-	  `(custom-buffer-create '((,symbol custom-face)))
-	  t))
-(defun custom-variable-menu-create (widget symbol)
-  "Ignoring WIDGET, create a menu entry for customization variable SYMBOL."
-  (let ((type (get symbol 'custom-type)))
-    (unless (listp type)
-      (setq type (list type)))
-    (if (and type (widget-get type :custom-menu))
-	(widget-apply type :custom-menu symbol)
-      (vector (custom-unlispify-menu-entry symbol)
-	      `(custom-buffer-create '((,symbol custom-variable)))
-	      t))))
-(widget-put (get 'boolean 'widget-type)
-	    :custom-menu (lambda (widget symbol)
-			   (vector (custom-unlispify-menu-entry symbol)
-				   `(custom-buffer-create
-				     '((,symbol custom-variable)))
-				   ':style 'toggle
-				   ':selected symbol)))
-(defun custom-group-menu-create (widget symbol)
-  "Ignoring WIDGET, create a menu entry for customization group SYMBOL."
-  (custom-menu-create symbol))
-(defun custom-menu-create (symbol &optional name)
-  "Create menu for customization group SYMBOL.
-If optional NAME is given, use that as the name of the menu. 
-Otherwise make up a name from SYMBOL.
-The menu is in a format applicable to `easy-menu-define'."
-  (unless name
-    (setq name (custom-unlispify-menu-entry symbol)))
-  (let ((item (vector name
-		      `(custom-buffer-create '((,symbol custom-group)))
-		      t)))
-    (if (and (> custom-menu-nesting 0)
-	     (< (length (get symbol 'custom-group)) widget-menu-max-size))
-	(let ((custom-menu-nesting (1- custom-menu-nesting))
-	      (custom-prefix-list (custom-prefix-add symbol
-						     custom-prefix-list)))
-	  (custom-load-symbol symbol)
-	  `(,(custom-unlispify-menu-entry symbol t)
-	    ,item
-	    "--"
-	    ,@(mapcar (lambda (entry)
-			(widget-apply (if (listp (nth 1 entry))
-					  (nth 1 entry)
-					(list (nth 1 entry)))
-				      :custom-menu (nth 0 entry)))
-		      (get symbol 'custom-group))))
-      item)))
-(defun custom-menu-update ()
-  "Update customize menu."
-  (interactive)
-  (add-hook 'custom-define-hook 'custom-menu-reset)
-  (let ((menu `(,(car custom-help-menu)
-		,(widget-apply '(custom-group) :custom-menu 'emacs)
-		,@(cdr (cdr custom-help-menu)))))
-    (if (fboundp 'add-submenu)
-	(add-submenu '("Help") menu)
-      (define-key global-map [menu-bar help-menu customize-menu]
-	(cons (car menu) (easy-menu-create-keymaps (car menu) (cdr menu)))))))
-;;; Dependencies.
-(defun custom-make-dependencies ()
-  "Batch function to extract custom dependencies from .el files.
-Usage: emacs -batch *.el -f custom-make-dependencies > deps.el"
-  (let ((buffers (buffer-list)))
-    (while buffers
-      (set-buffer (car buffers))
-      (setq buffers (cdr buffers))
-      (let ((file (buffer-file-name)))
-	(when (and file (string-match "\\`\\(.*\\)\\.el\\'" file))
-	  (goto-char (point-min))
-	  (condition-case nil
-	      (let ((name (file-name-nondirectory (match-string 1 file))))
-		(while t
-		  (let ((expr (read (current-buffer))))
-		    (when (and (listp expr)
-			       (memq (car expr) '(defcustom defface defgroup)))
-		      (eval expr)
-		      (put (nth 1 expr) 'custom-where name)))))
-	    (error nil))))))
-  (mapatoms (lambda (symbol)
-	      (let ((members (get symbol 'custom-group))
-		    item where found)
-		(when members
-		  (princ "(put '")
-		  (princ symbol)
-		  (princ " 'custom-loads '(")
-		  (while members
-		    (setq item (car (car members))
-			  members (cdr members)
-			  where (get item 'custom-where))
-		    (unless (or (null where)
-				(member where found))
-		      (when found
-			(princ " "))
-		      (prin1 where)
-		      (push where found)))
-		  (princ "))\n"))))))
-;;; The End.
-(provide 'custom-edit)
-;; custom-edit.el ends here
--- a/lisp/gnus/custom-opt.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-;;; custom-opt.el --- An option group.
-;; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <>
-;; Keywords: help, faces
-;; Version: 1.20
-;; X-URL:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'custom)
-(defgroup options nil
-  "This group contains often used customization options."
-  :group 'emacs)
-(defvar custom-options 
-  '((line-number-mode boolean)
-    (column-number-mode boolean)
-    (debug-on-error boolean)
-    (debug-on-quit boolean)
-    (case-fold-search boolean)
-    (case-replace boolean)
-    (transient-mark-mode boolean))
-  "Alist of customization options.
-The first element of each entry should be a variable name, the second
-a widget type.")
-(let ((options custom-options)
-      option name type)
-  (while options
-    (setq option (car options)
-	  options (cdr options)
-	  name (nth 0 option)
-	  type (nth 1 option))
-    (put name 'custom-type type)
-    (custom-add-to-group 'options name 'custom-variable))
-  (run-hooks 'custom-define-hook))
-;;; The End.
-(provide 'custom-opt)
-;; custom-edit.el ends here
--- a/lisp/gnus/custom.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
-;;; custom.el -- Tools for declaring and initializing options.
-;; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <>
-;; Keywords: help, faces
-;; Version: 1.20
-;; X-URL:
-;;; Commentary:
-;; If you want to use this code, please visit the URL above.
-;; This file only contain the code needed to declare and initialize
-;; user options.  The code to customize options is autoloaded from
-;; `custom-edit.el'. 
-;;; Code:
-(require 'widget)
-(define-widget-keywords :prefix :tag :load :link :options :type :group)
-;; These autoloads should be deleted when the file is added to Emacs
-(autoload 'customize "custom-edit" nil t)
-(autoload 'customize-variable "custom-edit" nil t)
-(autoload 'customize-face "custom-edit" nil t)
-(autoload 'customize-apropos "custom-edit" nil t)
-(autoload 'customize-customized "custom-edit" nil t)
-(autoload 'custom-buffer-create "custom-edit")
-(autoload 'custom-menu-update "custom-edit")
-(autoload 'custom-make-dependencies "custom-edit")
-;;; Compatibility.
-(unless (fboundp 'x-color-values)
-  ;; Emacs function missing in XEmacs 19.14.
-  (defun x-color-values  (color)
-    "Return a description of the color named COLOR on frame FRAME.
-The value is a list of integer RGB values--(RED GREEN BLUE).
-These values appear to range from 0 to 65280 or 65535, depending
-on the system; white is (65280 65280 65280) or (65535 65535 65535).
-If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame."
-    (color-instance-rgb-components (make-color-instance color))))
-(unless (fboundp 'frame-property)
-  ;; XEmacs function missing in Emacs 19.34.
-  (defun frame-property (frame property &optional default)
-    "Return FRAME's value for property PROPERTY."
-    (or (cdr (assq property (frame-parameters frame)))
-	default)))
-(defun custom-background-mode ()
-  "Kludge to detext background mode."
-  (let* ((bg-resource 
-	  (condition-case ()
-	      (x-get-resource ".backgroundMode" "BackgroundMode" 'string)
-	    (error nil)))
-	 color
-	 (mode (cond (bg-resource
-		      (intern (downcase bg-resource)))
-		     ((and (setq color (condition-case ()
-					   (or (frame-property
-						(selected-frame)
-						'background-color)
-					       (color-instance-name
-						(specifier-instance
-						 (face-background 'default))))
-					 (error nil)))
-			   (< (apply '+ (x-color-values color))
-			      (/ (apply '+ (x-color-values "white"))
-				 3)))
-		      'dark)
-		     (t 'light))))
-    (modify-frame-parameters (selected-frame)
-			     (list (cons 'background-mode mode)))
-    mode))
-;; XEmacs and Emacs have different definitions of `facep'.  
-;; The Emacs definition is the useful one, so emulate that. 
-(cond ((not (fboundp 'facep))
-       (defun custom-facep (face) 
-	 "No faces"
-	 nil))
-      ((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
-       (defun custom-facep (face) 
-	 "Face symbol or object."
-	 (or (facep face)
-	     (find-face face))))
-      (t
-       (defalias 'custom-facep 'facep)))
-;;; The `defcustom' Macro.
-(defun custom-declare-variable (symbol value doc &rest args)
-  "Like `defcustom', but SYMBOL and VALUE are evaluated as notmal arguments."
-  (unless (and (default-boundp symbol)
-	       (not (get symbol 'saved-value)))
-    (set-default symbol (if (get symbol 'saved-value)
-			    (eval (car (get symbol 'saved-value)))
-			  (eval value))))
-  (put symbol 'factory-value (list value))
-  (when doc
-    (put symbol 'variable-documentation doc))
-  (while args 
-    (let ((arg (car args)))
-      (setq args (cdr args))
-      (unless (symbolp arg)
-	(error "Junk in args %S" args))
-      (let ((keyword arg)
-	    (value (car args)))
-	(unless args
-	  (error "Keyword %s is missing an argument" keyword))
-	(setq args (cdr args))
-	(cond ((eq keyword :type)
-	       (put symbol 'custom-type value))
-	      ((eq keyword :options)
-	       (if (get symbol 'custom-options)
-		   ;; Slow safe code to avoid duplicates.
-		   (mapcar (lambda (option)
-			     (custom-add-option symbol option))
-			   value)
-		 ;; Fast code for the common case.
-		 (put symbol 'custom-options (copy-list value))))
-	      (t
-	       (custom-handle-keyword symbol keyword value
-				      'custom-variable))))))
-  (run-hooks 'custom-define-hook)
-  symbol)
-(defmacro defcustom (symbol value doc &rest args)
-  "Declare SYMBOL as a customizable variable that defaults to VALUE.
-DOC is the variable documentation.
-Neither SYMBOL nor VALUE needs to be quoted.
-If SYMBOL is not already bound, initialize it to VALUE.
-The remaining arguments should have the form
-The following KEYWORD's are defined:
-:type	VALUE should be a widget type.
-:options VALUE should be a list of valid members of the widget type.
-:group  VALUE should be a customization group.  
-        Add SYMBOL to that group.
-Read the section about customization in the emacs lisp manual for more
-  `(eval-and-compile
-     (custom-declare-variable (quote ,symbol) (quote ,value) ,doc ,@args)))
-;;; The `defface' Macro.
-(defun custom-declare-face (face spec doc &rest args)
-  "Like `defface', but FACE is evaluated as a normal argument."
-  (put face 'factory-face spec)
-  (when (fboundp 'facep)
-    (unless (and (custom-facep face)
-		 (not (get face 'saved-face)))
-      ;; If the user has already created the face, respect that.
-      (let ((value (or (get face 'saved-face) spec)))
-	(custom-face-display-set face value))))
-  (when doc
-    (put face 'face-documentation doc))
-  (custom-handle-all-keywords face args 'custom-face)
-  (run-hooks 'custom-define-hook)
-  face)
-(defmacro defface (face spec doc &rest args)
-  "Declare FACE as a customizable face that defaults to SPEC.
-FACE does not need to be quoted.
-Third argument DOC is the face documentation.
-If FACE has been set with `custom-set-face', set the face attributes
-as specified by that function, otherwise set the face attributes
-according to SPEC.
-The remaining arguments should have the form
-The following KEYWORD's are defined:
-:group  VALUE should be a customization group.
-        Add FACE to that group.
-SPEC should be an alist of the form ((DISPLAY ATTS)...).
-ATTS is a list of face attributes and their values.  The possible
-attributes are defined in the variable `custom-face-attributes'.
-Alternatively, ATTS can be a face in which case the attributes of that
-face is used.
-The ATTS of the first entry in SPEC where the DISPLAY matches the
-frame should take effect in that frame.  DISPLAY can either be the
-symbol `t', which will match all frames, or an alist of the form
-\((REQ ITEM...)...)
-For the DISPLAY to match a FRAME, the REQ property of the frame must
-match one of the ITEM.  The following REQ are defined:
-`type' (the value of (window-system))
-  Should be one of `x' or `tty'.
-`class' (the frame's color support)
-  Should be one of `color', `grayscale', or `mono'.
-`background' (what color is used for the background text)
-  Should be one of `light' or `dark'.
-Read the section about customization in the emacs lisp manual for more
-  `(custom-declare-face (quote ,face) ,spec ,doc ,@args))
-;;; The `defgroup' Macro.
-(defun custom-declare-group (symbol members doc &rest args)
-  "Like `defgroup', but SYMBOL is evaluated as a normal argument."
-  (put symbol 'custom-group (nconc members (get symbol 'custom-group)))
-  (when doc
-    (put symbol 'group-documentation doc))
-  (while args 
-    (let ((arg (car args)))
-      (setq args (cdr args))
-      (unless (symbolp arg)
-	(error "Junk in args %S" args))
-      (let ((keyword arg)
-	    (value (car args)))
-	(unless args
-	  (error "Keyword %s is missing an argument" keyword))
-	(setq args (cdr args))
-	(cond ((eq keyword :prefix)
-	       (put symbol 'custom-prefix value))
-	      (t
-	       (custom-handle-keyword symbol keyword value
-				      'custom-group))))))
-  (run-hooks 'custom-define-hook)
-  symbol)
-(defmacro defgroup (symbol members doc &rest args)
-  "Declare SYMBOL as a customization group containing MEMBERS.
-SYMBOL does not need to be quoted.
-Third arg DOC is the group documentation.
-MEMBERS should be an alist of the form ((NAME WIDGET)...) where
-NAME is a symbol and WIDGET is a widget is a widget for editing that
-symbol.  Useful widgets are `custom-variable' for editing variables,
-`custom-face' for edit faces, and `custom-group' for editing groups.
-The remaining arguments should have the form
-The following KEYWORD's are defined:
-:group  VALUE should be a customization group.
-        Add SYMBOL to that group.
-Read the section about customization in the emacs lisp manual for more
-  `(custom-declare-group (quote ,symbol) ,members ,doc ,@args))
-(defun custom-add-to-group (group option widget)
-  "To existing GROUP add a new OPTION of type WIDGET,
-If there already is an entry for that option, overwrite it."
-  (let* ((members (get group 'custom-group))
-	 (old (assq option members)))
-    (if old
-	(setcar (cdr old) widget)
-      (put group 'custom-group (nconc members (list (list option widget)))))))
-;;; Properties.
-(defun custom-handle-all-keywords (symbol args type)
-  "For customization option SYMBOL, handle keyword arguments ARGS.
-Third argument TYPE is the custom option type."
-  (while args 
-    (let ((arg (car args)))
-      (setq args (cdr args))
-      (unless (symbolp arg)
-	(error "Junk in args %S" args))
-      (let ((keyword arg)
-	    (value (car args)))
-	(unless args
-	  (error "Keyword %s is missing an argument" keyword))
-	(setq args (cdr args))
-	(custom-handle-keyword symbol keyword value type)))))  
-(defun custom-handle-keyword (symbol keyword value type)
-  "For customization option SYMBOL, handle KEYWORD with VALUE.
-Fourth argument TYPE is the custom option type."
-  (cond ((eq keyword :group)
-	 (custom-add-to-group value symbol type))
-	((eq keyword :link)
-	 (custom-add-link symbol value))
-	((eq keyword :load)
-	 (custom-add-load symbol value))
-	((eq keyword :tag)
-	 (put symbol 'custom-tag value))
-	(t
-	 (error "Unknown keyword %s" symbol))))  
-(defun custom-add-option (symbol option)
-  "To the variable SYMBOL add OPTION.
-If SYMBOL is a hook variable, OPTION should be a hook member.
-For other types variables, the effect is undefined."
-  (let ((options (get symbol 'custom-options)))
-    (unless (member option options)
-      (put symbol 'custom-options (cons option options)))))
-(defun custom-add-link (symbol widget)
-  "To the custom option SYMBOL add the link WIDGET."
-  (let ((links (get symbol 'custom-links)))
-    (unless (member widget links)
-      (put symbol 'custom-links (cons widget links)))))
-(defun custom-add-load (symbol load)
-  "To the custom option SYMBOL add the dependency LOAD.
-LOAD should be either a library file name, or a feature name."
-  (let ((loads (get symbol 'custom-loads)))
-    (unless (member load loads)
-      (put symbol 'custom-loads (cons load loads)))))
-;;; Face Utilities.
-(and (fboundp 'make-face)
-     (make-face 'custom-face-empty))
-(defun custom-face-display-set (face spec &optional frame)
-  "Set FACE to the attributes to the first matching entry in SPEC.
-Iff optional FRAME is non-nil, set it for that frame only.
-See `defface' for information about SPEC."
-  (when (fboundp 'copy-face)
-    (copy-face 'custom-face-empty face)
-    (while spec 
-      (let* ((entry (car spec))
-	     (display (nth 0 entry))
-	     (atts (nth 1 entry)))
-	(setq spec (cdr spec))
-	(when (custom-display-match-frame display frame)
-	  (apply 'custom-face-attribites-set face frame atts)
-	  (setq spec nil))))))
-(defcustom custom-background-mode nil
-  "The brightness of the background.
-Set this to the symbol dark if your background color is dark, light if
-your background is light, or nil (default) if you want Emacs to
-examine the brightness for you."
-  :group 'customize
-  :type '(choice (choice-item dark) 
-		 (choice-item light)
-		 (choice-item :tag "default" nil)))
-(defun custom-display-match-frame (display frame)
-  "Non-nil iff DISPLAY matches FRAME.
-If FRAME is nil, the current FRAME is used."
-  ;; This is a kludge to get started, we really should use specifiers!
-  (unless frame 
-    (setq frame (selected-frame)))
-  (if (eq display t)
-      t
-    (let ((match t))
-      (while (and display match)
-	(let* ((entry (car display))
-	       (req (car entry))
-	       (options (cdr entry)))
-	  (setq display (cdr display))
-	  (cond ((eq req 'type)
-		 (let ((type (if (fboundp 'device-type)
-				 (device-type (frame-device frame))
-			       window-system)))
-		   (setq match (memq type options))))
-		((eq req 'class)
-		 (let ((class (if (fboundp 'device-class)
-				  (device-class (frame-device frame))
-				(frame-property frame 'display-type))))
-		   (setq match (memq class options))))
-		((eq req 'background)
-		 (let ((background (or custom-background-mode
-				       (frame-property frame 'background-mode)
-				       (custom-background-mode))))
-		   (setq match (memq background options))))
-		(t
-		 (error "Unknown req `%S' with options `%S'" req options)))))
-      match)))
-(defconst custom-face-attributes
-  '((:bold (toggle :format "Bold: %v") custom-set-face-bold)
-    (:italic (toggle :format "Italic: %v") custom-set-face-italic)
-    (:underline
-     (toggle :format "Underline: %v") set-face-underline-p)
-    (:foreground (color :tag "Foreground") set-face-foreground)
-    (:background (color :tag "Background") set-face-background)
-    (:stipple (editable-field :format "Stipple: %v") set-face-stipple))
-  "Alist of face attributes. 
-The elements are of the form (KEY TYPE SET) where KEY is a symbol
-identifying the attribute, TYPE is a widget type for editing the
-attibute, SET is a function for setting the attribute value.
-The SET function should take three arguments, the face to modify, the
-value of the attribute, and optionally the frame where the face should
-be changed.")
-(when (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
-  ;; Support for special XEmacs font attributes.
-  (require 'font)
-  (unless (fboundp 'face-font-name)
-    (defun face-font-name (face &rest args)
-      (apply 'face-font face args)))
-  (defun set-face-font-size (face size &rest args)
-    "Set the font of FACE to SIZE"
-    (let* ((font (apply 'face-font-name face args))
-	   (fontobj (font-create-object font)))
-      (set-font-size fontobj size)
-      (apply 'set-face-font face fontobj args)))
-  (defun set-face-font-family (face family &rest args)
-    "Set the font of FACE to FAMILY"
-    (let* ((font (apply 'face-font-name face args))
-	   (fontobj (font-create-object font)))
-      (set-font-family fontobj family)
-      (apply 'set-face-font face fontobj args)))
-  (nconc custom-face-attributes
-	 '((:family (editable-field :format "Family: %v") 
-		    set-face-font-family)
-	   (:size (editable-field :format "Size: %v")
-		  set-face-font-size))))
-(defun custom-face-attribites-set (face frame &rest atts)
-  "For FACE on FRAME set the attributes [KEYWORD VALUE]....
-Each keyword should be listed in `custom-face-attributes'.
-If FRAME is nil, set the default face."
-  (while atts 
-    (let* ((name (nth 0 atts))
-	   (value (nth 1 atts))
-	   (fun (nth 2 (assq name custom-face-attributes))))
-      (setq atts (cdr (cdr atts)))
-      (condition-case nil
-	  (funcall fun face value)
-	(error nil)))))
-(defun custom-set-face-bold (face value &optional frame)
-  "Set the bold property of FACE to VALUE."
-  (if value
-      (make-face-bold face frame)
-    (make-face-unbold face frame)))
-(defun custom-set-face-italic (face value &optional frame)
-  "Set the italic property of FACE to VALUE."
-  (if value
-      (make-face-italic face frame)
-    (make-face-unitalic face frame)))
-(defun custom-initialize-faces (&optional frame)
-  "Initialize all custom faces for FRAME.
-If FRAME is nil or omitted, initialize them for all frames."
-  (mapatoms (lambda (symbol)
-	      (let ((spec (or (get symbol 'saved-face)
-			      (get symbol 'factory-face))))
-		(when spec 
-		  (custom-face-display-set symbol spec frame))))))
-;;; Initializing.
-(defun custom-set-variables (&rest args)
-  "Initialize variables according to user preferences.  
-The arguments should be a list where each entry has the form:
-The unevaluated VALUE is stored as the saved value for SYMBOL.
-If NOW is present and non-nil, VALUE is also evaluated and bound as
-the default value for the SYMBOL."
-  (while args 
-    (let ((entry (car args)))
-      (if (listp entry)
-	  (let ((symbol (nth 0 entry))
-		(value (nth 1 entry))
-		(now (nth 2 entry)))
-	    (put symbol 'saved-value (list value))
-	    (when now 
-	      (put symbol 'force-value t)
-	      (set-default symbol (eval value)))
-	    (setq args (cdr args)))
-	;; Old format, a plist of SYMBOL VALUE pairs.
-	(let ((symbol (nth 0 args))
-	      (value (nth 1 args)))
-	  (put symbol 'saved-value (list value)))
-	(setq args (cdr (cdr args)))))))
-(defun custom-set-faces (&rest args)
-  "Initialize faces according to user preferences.
-The arguments should be a list where each entry has the form:
-SPEC will be stored as the saved value for FACE.  If NOW is present
-and non-nil, FACE will also be created according to SPEC.
-See `defface' for the format of SPEC."
-  (while args
-    (let ((entry (car args)))
-      (if (listp entry)
-	  (let ((face (nth 0 entry))
-		(spec (nth 1 entry))
-		(now (nth 2 entry)))
-	    (put face 'saved-face spec)
-	    (when now
-	      (put face 'force-face t)
-	      (custom-face-display-set face spec))
-	    (setq args (cdr args)))
-	;; Old format, a plist of FACE SPEC pairs.
-	(let ((face (nth 0 args))
-	      (spec (nth 1 args)))
-	  (put face 'saved-face spec))
-	(setq args (cdr (cdr args)))))))
-;;; Meta Customization
-(defgroup emacs nil
-  "Customization of the One True Editor."
-  :link '(custom-manual "(emacs)Top"))
-(defgroup customize nil
-  "Customization of the Customization support."
-  :link '(custom-manual "(custom)Top")
-  :link '(url-link :tag "Development Page" 
-		   "")
-  :prefix "custom-"
-  :group 'emacs)
-(defcustom custom-define-hook nil
-  "Hook called after defining each customize option."
-  :group 'customize
-  :type 'hook)
-;;; Menu support
-(defconst custom-help-menu '("Customize"
-			     ["Update menu..." custom-menu-update t]
-			     ["Group..." customize t]
-			     ["Variable..." customize-variable t]
-			     ["Face..." customize-face t]
-			     ["Saved..." customize-customized t]
-			     ["Apropos..." customize-apropos t])
-  "Customize menu")
-(defun custom-menu-reset ()
-  "Reset customize menu."
-  (remove-hook 'custom-define-hook 'custom-menu-reset)
-  (if (fboundp 'add-submenu)
-      (add-submenu '("Help") custom-help-menu)
-    (define-key global-map [menu-bar help-menu customize-menu]
-      (cons (car custom-help-menu)
-	    (easy-menu-create-keymaps (car custom-help-menu)
-				      (cdr custom-help-menu))))))
-;;; The End.
-(provide 'custom)
-;; custom.el ends here
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-art.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/gnus-art.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -1162,8 +1162,8 @@
 	    ;; Delete any old Date headers.
 	    (if (re-search-forward date-regexp nil t)
-		  (setq bface (get-text-property (point-at-bol) 'face)
-			eface (get-text-property (1- (point-at-eol))
+		  (setq bface (get-text-property (gnus-point-at-bol) 'face)
+			eface (get-text-property (1- (gnus-point-at-eol))
 		  (message-remove-header date-regexp t)
@@ -1201,11 +1201,13 @@
     (concat "Date: " date "\n"))
    ;; Let the user define the format.
    ((eq type 'user)
-    (format-time-string gnus-article-time-format
-			(ignore-errors
-			  (gnus-encode-date
-			   (timezone-make-date-arpa-standard
-			    date nil "UT")))))
+    (concat 
+     (format-time-string gnus-article-time-format
+			 (ignore-errors
+			   (gnus-encode-date
+			    (timezone-make-date-arpa-standard
+			     date nil "UT"))))
+     "\n"))
    ;; Do an X-Sent lapsed format.
    ((eq type 'lapsed)
     ;; If the date is seriously mangled, the timezone functions are
@@ -1704,9 +1706,10 @@
        ["Remove carriage return" gnus-article-remove-cr t]
        ["Remove quoted-unreadable" gnus-article-de-quoted-unreadable t]))
-    (when (boundp 'gnus-summary-article-menu)
-      (define-key gnus-article-mode-map [menu-bar commands]
-	(cons "Commands" gnus-summary-article-menu)))
+    (when nil
+      (when (boundp 'gnus-summary-article-menu)
+	(define-key gnus-article-mode-map [menu-bar commands]
+	  (cons "Commands" gnus-summary-article-menu))))
     (when (boundp 'gnus-summary-post-menu)
       (define-key gnus-article-mode-map [menu-bar post]
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-dup.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/gnus-dup.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
       (when (and (not (gnus-data-pseudo-p datum))
 		 (> (gnus-data-number datum) 0)
 		 (gnus-data-read-p datum)
+		 (not (= (gnus-data-mark datum) gnus-canceled-mark))
  		 (setq msgid (mail-header-id (gnus-data-header datum)))
  		 (not (nnheader-fake-message-id-p msgid))
  		 (not (intern-soft msgid gnus-dup-hashtb)))
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-edit.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
-;;; gnus-edit.el --- Gnus SCORE file editing
-;; Copyright (C) 1995,96 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <>
-;; Keywords: news, help
-;; Version: 0.2
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Type `M-x gnus-score-customize RET' to invoke.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'custom)
-(require 'gnus-score)
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
-(defconst gnus-score-custom-data
-  '((tag . "Score")
-    (doc . "Customization of Gnus SCORE files.
-SCORE files allow you to assign a score to each article when you enter
-a group, and automatically mark the articles as read or delete them
-based on the score.  In the summary buffer you can use the score to
-sort the articles by score (`C-c C-s C-s') or to jump to the unread
-article with the highest score (`,').")
-    (type . group)
-    (data "\n"
-	  ((header . nil)
-	   (doc . "Name of SCORE file to customize.
-Enter the name in the `File' field, then push the [Load] button to
-load it.  When done editing, push the [Save] button to save the file.
-Several score files may apply to each group, and several groups may
-use the same score file.  This is controlled implicitly by the name of
-the score file and the value of the global variable
-`gnus-score-find-score-files-function', and explicitly by the
-`Files' and `Exclude Files' entries.") 
-	   (compact . t)
-	   (type . group)
-	   (data ((tag . "Load")
-		  (type . button)
-		  (query . gnus-score-custom-load))
-		 ((tag . "Save")
-		  (type . button)
-		  (query . gnus-score-custom-save))
-		 ((name . file)
-		  (tag . "File")
-		  (directory . gnus-kill-files-directory)
-		  (default-file . "SCORE")
-		  (type . file))))
-	  ((name . files)
-	   (tag . "Files")
-	   (doc . "\
-List of score files to load when the current score file is loaded.
-You can use this to share score entries between multiple score files.
-Push the `[INS]' button add a score file to the list, or `[DEL]' to
-delete a score file from the list.")
-	   (type . list)
-	   (data ((type . repeat)
-		  (header . nil)
-		  (data (type . file)
-			(directory . gnus-kill-files-directory)))))
-	  ((name . exclude-files)
-	   (tag . "Exclude Files")
-	   (doc . "\
-List of score files to exclude when the current score file is loaded.
-You can use this if you have a score file you want to share between a
-number of newsgroups, except for the newsgroup this score file
-matches.  [ Did anyone get that? ]
-Push the `[INS]' button add a score file to the list, or `[DEL]' to
-delete a score file from the list.")
-	   (type . list)
-	   (data ((type . repeat)
-		  (header . nil)
-		  (data (type . file)
-			(directory . gnus-kill-files-directory)))))
-	  ((name . mark)
-	   (tag . "Mark")
-	   (doc . "\
-Articles below this score will be automatically marked as read.
-This means that when you enter the summary buffer, the articles will
-be shown but will already be marked as read.  You can then press `x'
-to get rid of them entirely.
-By default articles with a negative score will be marked as read.  To
-change this, push the `Mark' button, and choose `Integer'.  You can
-then enter a value in the `Mark' field.")
-	   (type . gnus-score-custom-maybe-type))
-	  ((name . expunge)
-	   (tag . "Expunge")
-	   (doc . "\
-Articles below this score will not be shown in the summary buffer.")
-	   (type . gnus-score-custom-maybe-type))
-	  ((name . mark-and-expunge)
-	   (tag . "Mark and Expunge")
-	   (doc . "\
-Articles below this score will be marked as read, but not shown.
-Someone should explain me the difference between this and `expunge'
-alone or combined with `mark'.")
-	   (type . gnus-score-custom-maybe-type))
-	  ((name . eval)
-	   (tag . "Eval")
-	   (doc . "\
-Evaluate this lisp expression when the entering summary buffer.")
-	   (type . sexp))
-	  ((name . read-only)
-	   (tag . "Read Only")
-	   (doc . "Read-only score files will not be updated or saved.
-Except from this buffer, of course!")
-	   (type . toggle))
-	  ((type . doc)
-	   (doc . "\
-Each news header has an associated list of score entries.  
-You can use the [INS] buttons to add new score entries anywhere in the
-list, or the [DEL] buttons to delete specific score entries.
-Each score entry should specify a string that should be matched with
-the content actual header in order to determine whether the entry
-applies to that header.  Enter that string in the `Match' field.
-If the score entry matches, the articles score will be adjusted with
-some amount.  Enter that amount in the in the `Score' field.  You
-should specify a positive amount for score entries that matches
-articles you find interesting, and a negative amount for score entries
-matching articles you would rather avoid.  The final score for the
-article will be the sum of the score of all score entries that match
-the article. 
-The score entry can be either permanent or expirable.  To make the
-entry permanent, push the `Date' button and choose the `Permanent'
-entry.  To make the entry expirable, choose instead the `Integer'
-entry.  After choosing the you can enter the date the score entry was
-last matched in the `Date' field.  The date will be automatically
-updated each time the score entry matches an article.  When the date
-become too old, the score entry will be removed.
-For your convenience, the date is specified as the number of days
-elapsed since the (imaginary) Gregorian date Sunday, December 31, 1
-Finally, you can choose what kind of match you want to perform by
-pushing the `Type' button.  For most entries you can choose between
-`Exact' which mean the header content must be exactly identical to the
-match string, or `Substring' meaning the match string should be
-somewhere in the header content, or even `Regexp' to use Emacs regular
-expression matching.  The last choice is `Fuzzy' which is like `Exact'
-except that whitespace derivations, a beginning `Re:' or a terminating
-parenthetical remark are all ignored.  Each of the four types have a
-variant which will ignore case in the comparison.  That variant is
-indicated with a `(fold)' after its name."))
-	  ((name . from)
-	   (tag . "From")
-	   (doc . "Scoring based on the authors email address.")
-	   (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type))
-	  ((name . subject)
-	   (tag . "Subject")
-	   (doc . "Scoring based on the articles subject.")
-	   (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type))
-	  ((name . followup)
-	   (tag . "Followup")
-	   (doc . "Scoring based on who the article is a followup to.
-If you want to see all followups to your own articles, add an entry
-with a positive score matching your email address here.  You can also
-put an entry with a negative score matching someone who is so annoying
-that you don't even want to see him quoted in followups.")
-	   (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type))
-	  ((name . xref)
-	   (tag . "Xref")
-	   (doc . "Scoring based on article crossposting.
-If you want to score based on which newsgroups an article is posted
-to, this is the header to use.  The syntax is a little different from
-the `Newsgroups' header, but scoring in `Xref' is much faster.  As an
-example, to match all crossposted articles match on `:.*:' using the
-`Regexp' type.")
-	   (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type))
-	  ((name . references)
-	   (tag . "References")
-	   (doc . "Scoring based on article references.
-The `References' header gives you an alternative way to score on
-followups.  If you for example want to see follow all discussions
-where people from `' school participate, you can add a
-substring match on `>' on this header.")
-	   (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type))
-	  ((name . message-id)
-	   (tag . "Message-ID")
-	   (doc . "Scoring based on the articles message-id.
-This isn't very useful, but Lars like completeness.  You can use it to
-match all messaged generated by recent Gnus version with a `Substring'
-match on `.fsf@'.")
-	   (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type))
-	  ((type . doc)
-	   (doc . "\
-WARNING:  Scoring on the following three pseudo headers is very slow!
-Scoring on any of the real headers use a technique that avoids
-scanning the entire article, only the actual headers you score on are
-scanned, and this scanning has been heavily optimized.  Using just a
-single entry for one the three pseudo-headers `Head', `Body', and
-`All' will require GNUS to retrieve and scan the entire article, which
-can be very slow on large groups.  However, if you add one entry for
-any of these headers, you can just as well add several.  Each
-subsequent entry cost relatively little extra time."))
-	  ((name . head)
-	   (tag . "Head")
-	   (doc . "Scoring based on the article header.
-Instead of matching the content of a single header, the entire header
-section of the article is matched.  You can use this to match on
-arbitrary headers, foe example to single out TIN lusers, use a substring
-match on `Newsreader: TIN'.  That should get 'em!")
-	   (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type))
-	  ((name . body)
-	   (tag . "Body")
-	   (doc . "Scoring based on the article body.
-If you think any article that mentions `Kibo' is inherently
-interesting, do a substring match on His name.  You Are Allowed.")
-	   (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type))
-	  ((name . all)
-	   (tag . "All")
-	   (doc . "Scoring based on the whole article.")
-	   (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type))
-	  ((name . date)
-	   (tag . "Date")
-	   (doc . "Scoring based on article date.
-You can change the score of articles that have been posted before,
-after, or at a specific date.  You should add the date in the `Match'
-field, and then select `before', `after', or `at' by pushing the
-`Type' button.  Imagine you want to lower the score of very old
-articles, or want to raise the score of articles from the future (such
-things happen!).  Then you can't use date scoring for that.  In fact,
-I can't imagine anything you would want to use this for.   
-For your convenience, the date is specified in Usenet date format.")
-	   (type . gnus-score-custom-date-type))
-	  ((type . doc)
-	   (doc . "\
-The Lines and Chars headers use integer based scoring.  
-This means that you should write an integer in the `Match' field, and
-the push the `Type' field to if the `Chars' or `Lines' header should
-be larger, equal, or smaller than the number you wrote in the match
-	  ((name . chars)
-	   (tag . "Characters")
-	   (doc . "Scoring based on the number of characters in the article.")
-	   (type . gnus-score-custom-integer-type))
-	  ((name . lines)
-	   (tag . "Lines")
-	   (doc . "Scoring based on the number of lines in the article.")
-	   (type . gnus-score-custom-integer-type))
-	  ((name . orphan)
-	   (tag . "Orphan")
-	   (doc . "Score to add to articles with no parents.")
-	   (type . gnus-score-custom-maybe-type))
-	  ((name . adapt)
-	   (tag . "Adapt")
-	   (doc . "Adapting the score files to your newsreading habits.
-When you have finished reading a group GNUS can automatically create
-new score entries based on which articles you read and which you
-skipped.  This is normally controlled by the two global variables
-`gnus-use-adaptive-scoring' and `gnus-default-adaptive-score-alist',
-The first determines whether adaptive scoring should be enabled or
-not, while the second determines what score entries should be created.
-You can overwrite the setting of `gnus-use-adaptive-scoring' by
-selecting `Enable' or `Disable' by pressing the `Adapt' button.
-Selecting `Custom' will allow you to specify the exact adaptation
-rules (overwriting `gnus-default-adaptive-score-alist').")
-	   (type . choice)
-	   (data ((tag . "Default")
-		  (default . nil)
-		  (type . const))
-		 ((tag . "Enable")
-		  (default . t)
-		  (type . const))
-		 ((tag . "Disable")
-		  (default . ignore)
-		  (type . const))
-		 ((tag . "Custom")
-		  (doc . "Customization of adaptive scoring.
-Each time you read an article it will be marked as read.  Likewise, if
-you delete it, it will be marked as deleted, and if you tick it, it will
-be marked as ticked.  When you leave a group, GNUS can automatically
-create score file entries based on these marks, so next time you enter
-the group articles with subjects that you read last time have higher
-score and articles with subjects that deleted will have lower score.  
-Below is a list of such marks.  You can insert new marks to the list
-by pushing on one of the `[INS]' buttons in the left margin to create
-a new entry and then pushing the `Mark' button to select the mark.
-For each mark there is another list, this time of article headers,
-which determine how the mark should affect that header.  The `[INS]'
-buttons of this list are indented to indicate that the belong to the
-mark above.  Push the `Header' button to choose a header, and then
-enter a score value in the `Score' field.   
-For each article that are marked with `Mark' when you leave the
-group, a temporary score entry for the articles `Header' with the
-value of `Score' will be added the adapt file.  If the score entry
-already exists, `Score' will be added to its value.  If you understood
-that, you are smart.
-You can select the special value `Other' when pressing the `Mark' or
-`Header' buttons.  This is because Lars might add more useful values
-there.  If he does, it is up to you to figure out what they are named.")
-		  (type . list)
-		  (default . ((__uninitialized__)))
-		  (data ((type . repeat)
-			 (header . nil)
-			 (data . ((type . list)
-				  (header . nil)
-				  (compact . t)
-				  (data ((type . choice)
-					 (tag . "Mark")
-					 (data ((tag . "Unread")
-						(default . gnus-unread-mark)
-						(type . const))
-					       ((tag . "Ticked")
-						(default . gnus-ticked-mark)
-						(type . const))
-					       ((tag . "Dormant")
-						(default . gnus-dormant-mark)
-						(type . const))
-					       ((tag . "Deleted")
-						(default . gnus-del-mark)
-						(type . const))
-					       ((tag . "Read")
-						(default . gnus-read-mark)
-						(type . const))
-					       ((tag . "Expirable")
-						(default . gnus-expirable-mark)
-						(type . const))
-					       ((tag . "Killed")
-						(default . gnus-killed-mark)
-						(type . const))
-					       ((tag . "Kill-file")
-						(default . gnus-kill-file-mark)
-						(type . const))
-					       ((tag . "Low-score")
-						(default . gnus-low-score-mark)
-						(type . const))
-					       ((tag . "Catchup")
-						(default . gnus-catchup-mark)
-						(type . const))
-					       ((tag . "Ancient")
-						(default . gnus-ancient-mark)
-						(type . const))
-					       ((tag . "Canceled")
-						(default . gnus-canceled-mark)
-						(type . const))
-					       ((prompt . "Other")
-						(default . ??)
-						(type . sexp))))
-					((type . repeat)
-					 (prefix . "            ")
-					 (data . ((type . list)
-						  (compact . t)
-						  (data ((tag . "Header")
-							 (type . choice)
-							 (data ((tag . "Subject")
-								(default . subject)
-								(type . const))
-							       ((prompt . "From")
-								(tag . "From   ")
-								(default . from)
-								(type . const))
-							       ((prompt . "Other")
-								(width . 7)
-								(default . nil)
-								(type . symbol))))
-							((tag . "Score")
-							 (type . integer))))))))))))))
-	  ((name . local)
-	   (tag . "Local")
-	   (doc . "\
-List of local variables to set when this score file is loaded.
-Using this entry can provide a convenient way to set variables that
-will affect the summary mode for only some specific groups, i.e. those
-groups matched by the current score file.")
-	   (type . list)
-	   (data ((type . repeat)
-		  (header . nil)
-		  (data . ((type . list)
-			   (compact . t)
-			   (data ((tag . "Name")
-				  (width . 26)
-				  (type . symbol))
-				 ((tag . "Value")
-				  (width . 26)
-				  (type . sexp)))))))))))
-(defconst gnus-score-custom-type-properties
-  '((gnus-score-custom-maybe-type
-     (type . choice)
-     (data ((type . integer)
-	    (default . 0))
-	   ((tag . "Default")
-	    (type . const)
-	    (default . nil))))
-    (gnus-score-custom-string-type
-     (type . list)
-     (data ((type . repeat)
-	    (header . nil)
-	    (data . ((type . list)
-		     (compact . t)
-		     (data ((tag . "Match")
-			    (width . 59)
-			    (type . string))
-			   "\n            "
-			   ((tag . "Score")
-			    (type . integer))
-			   ((tag . "Date")
-			    (type . choice)
-			    (data ((type . integer)
-				   (default . 0)
-				   (width . 9))
-				  ((tag . "Permanent")
-				   (type . const)
-				   (default . nil))))
-			   ((tag . "Type")
-			    (type . choice)
-			    (data ((tag . "Exact")
-				   (default . E)
-				   (type . const))
-				  ((tag . "Substring")
-				   (default . S) 
-				   (type . const))
-				  ((tag . "Regexp")
-				   (default . R)
-				   (type . const))
-				  ((tag . "Fuzzy")
-				   (default . F)
-				   (type . const))
-				  ((tag . "Exact (fold)")
-				   (default . e)
-				   (type . const))
-				  ((tag . "Substring (fold)")
-				   (default . s) 
-				   (type . const))
-				  ((tag . "Regexp (fold)")
-				   (default . r)
-				   (type . const))
-				  ((tag . "Fuzzy  (fold)")
-				   (default . f)
-				   (type . const))))))))))
-    (gnus-score-custom-integer-type
-     (type . list)
-     (data ((type . repeat)
-	    (header . nil)
-	    (data . ((type . list)
-		     (compact . t)
-		     (data ((tag . "Match")
-			    (type . integer))
-			   ((tag . "Score")
-			    (type . integer))
-			   ((tag . "Date")
-			    (type . choice)
-			    (data ((type . integer)
-				   (default . 0)
-				   (width . 9))
-				  ((tag . "Permanent")
-				   (type . const)
-				   (default . nil))))
-			   ((tag . "Type")
-			    (type . choice)
-			    (data ((tag . "<")
-				   (default . <)
-				   (type . const))
-				  ((tag . ">")
-				   (default . >) 
-				   (type . const))
-				  ((tag . "=")
-				   (default . =)
-				   (type . const))
-				  ((tag . ">=")
-				   (default . >=)
-				   (type . const))
-				  ((tag . "<=")
-				   (default . <=)
-				   (type . const))))))))))
-    (gnus-score-custom-date-type
-     (type . list)
-     (data ((type . repeat)
-	    (header . nil)
-	    (data . ((type . list)
-		     (compact . t)
-		     (data ((tag . "Match")
-			    (width . 59)
-			    (type . string))
-			   "\n           "
-			   ((tag . "Score")
-			    (type . integer))
-			   ((tag . "Date")
-			    (type . choice)
-			    (data ((type . integer)
-				   (default . 0)
-				   (width . 9))
-				  ((tag . "Permanent")
-				   (type . const)
-				   (default . nil))))
-			   ((tag . "Type")
-			    (type . choice)
-			    (data ((tag . "Before")
-				   (default . before)
-				   (type . const))
-				  ((tag . "After")
-				   (default . after) 
-				   (type . const))
-				  ((tag . "At")
-				   (default . at)
-				   (type . const))))))))))))
-(defvar gnus-score-custom-file nil
-  "Name of SCORE file being customized.")
-(defun gnus-score-customize ()
-  "Create a buffer for editing gnus SCORE files."
-  (interactive)
-  (let (gnus-score-alist)
-    (custom-buffer-create "*Score Edit*" gnus-score-custom-data
-			  gnus-score-custom-type-properties
-			  'gnus-score-custom-set
-			  'gnus-score-custom-get
-			  'gnus-score-custom-save))
-  (make-local-variable 'gnus-score-custom-file)
-  (setq gnus-score-custom-file
-	(expand-file-name "SCORE" gnus-kill-files-directory))
-  (make-local-variable 'gnus-score-alist)
-  (setq gnus-score-alist nil)
-  (custom-reset-all))
-(defun gnus-score-custom-get (name)
-  (if (eq name 'file)
-      gnus-score-custom-file
-    (let ((entry (assoc (symbol-name name) gnus-score-alist)))
-      (if entry 
-	  (mapcar 'gnus-score-custom-sanify (cdr entry))
-	(setq entry (assoc name gnus-score-alist))
-	(if  (or (memq name '(files exclude-files local))
-		 (and (eq name 'adapt)
-		      (not (symbolp (car (cdr entry))))))
-	    (cdr entry)
-	  (car (cdr entry)))))))
-(defun gnus-score-custom-set (name value)
-  (cond ((eq name 'file)
-	 (setq gnus-score-custom-file value))
-	((assoc (symbol-name name) gnus-score-alist)
-	 (if value
-	     (setcdr (assoc (symbol-name name) gnus-score-alist) value)
-	   (setq gnus-score-alist (delq (assoc (symbol-name name) 
-					       gnus-score-alist) 
-					gnus-score-alist))))
-	((assoc (symbol-name name) gnus-header-index)
-	 (if value
-	     (setq gnus-score-alist 
-		   (cons (cons (symbol-name name) value) gnus-score-alist))))
-	((assoc name gnus-score-alist)
-	 (cond ((null value)
-		(setq gnus-score-alist (delq (assoc name gnus-score-alist)
-					     gnus-score-alist)))
-	       ((and (listp value) (not (eq name 'eval)))
-		(setcdr (assoc name gnus-score-alist) value))
-	       (t
-		(setcdr (assoc name gnus-score-alist) (list value)))))
-	((null value))
-	((and (listp value) (not (eq name 'eval)))
-	 (setq gnus-score-alist (cons (cons name value) gnus-score-alist)))
-	(t
-	 (setq gnus-score-alist 
-	       (cons (cons name (list value)) gnus-score-alist)))))
-(defun gnus-score-custom-sanify (entry)
-  (list (nth 0 entry)
-	(or (nth 1 entry) gnus-score-interactive-default-score)
-	(nth 2 entry)
-	(cond ((null (nth 3 entry))
-	       's)
-	      ((memq (nth 3 entry) '(before after at >= <=))
-	       (nth 3 entry))
-	      (t
-	       (intern (substring (symbol-name (nth 3 entry)) 0 1))))))
-(defvar gnus-score-cache nil)
-(defun gnus-score-custom-load ()
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((file (custom-name-value 'file)))
-    (if (eq file custom-nil)
-	(error "You must specify a file name"))
-    (setq file (expand-file-name file gnus-kill-files-directory))
-    (gnus-score-load file)
-    (setq gnus-score-custom-file file)
-    (custom-reset-all)
-    (gnus-message 4 "Loaded")))
-(defun gnus-score-custom-save ()
-  (interactive)
-  (custom-apply-all)
-  (gnus-score-remove-from-cache gnus-score-custom-file)
-  (let ((file gnus-score-custom-file)
-	(score gnus-score-alist)
-	emacs-lisp-mode-hook)
-    (save-excursion
-      (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Score*"))
-      (buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
-      (erase-buffer)
-      (pp score (current-buffer))
-      (gnus-make-directory (file-name-directory file))
-      (write-region (point-min) (point-max) file nil 'silent)
-      (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
-  (gnus-message 4 "Saved"))
-(provide 'gnus-edit)
-;;; gnus-edit.el end here
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-group.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/gnus-group.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@
   (gnus-update-format-specifications nil 'group 'group-mode)
   (let ((case-fold-search nil)
-	(props (text-properties-at (point-at-bol)))
+	(props (text-properties-at (gnus-point-at-bol)))
 	(empty (= (point-min) (point-max)))
 	(group (gnus-group-group-name))
@@ -1220,23 +1220,23 @@
 (defun gnus-group-group-name ()
   "Get the name of the newsgroup on the current line."
-  (let ((group (get-text-property (point-at-bol) 'gnus-group)))
+  (let ((group (get-text-property (gnus-point-at-bol) 'gnus-group)))
     (and group (symbol-name group))))
 (defun gnus-group-group-level ()
   "Get the level of the newsgroup on the current line."
-  (get-text-property (point-at-bol) 'gnus-level))
+  (get-text-property (gnus-point-at-bol) 'gnus-level))
 (defun gnus-group-group-indentation ()
   "Get the indentation of the newsgroup on the current line."
-  (or (get-text-property (point-at-bol) 'gnus-indentation)
+  (or (get-text-property (gnus-point-at-bol) 'gnus-indentation)
       (and gnus-group-indentation-function
 	   (funcall gnus-group-indentation-function))
 (defun gnus-group-group-unread ()
   "Get the number of unread articles of the newsgroup on the current line."
-  (get-text-property (point-at-bol) 'gnus-unread))
+  (get-text-property (gnus-point-at-bol) 'gnus-unread))
 (defun gnus-group-new-mail (group)
   (if (nnmail-new-mail-p (gnus-group-real-name group))
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-salt.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/gnus-salt.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@
 	(unless (zerop level)
 	  (gnus-tree-indent level)
 	  (insert (cadr gnus-tree-parent-child-edges))
-	  (setq col (- (setq beg (point)) (point-at-bol) 1))
+	  (setq col (- (setq beg (point)) (gnus-point-at-bol) 1))
 	  ;; Draw "|" lines upwards.
 	  (while (progn
 		   (forward-line -1)
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@
 (defsubst gnus-tree-indent-vertical ()
   (let ((len (- (* (1+ gnus-tree-node-length) gnus-tmp-indent)
-		(- (point) (point-at-bol)))))
+		(- (point) (gnus-point-at-bol)))))
     (when (> len 0)
       (insert (make-string len ? )))))
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-score.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/gnus-score.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -1871,7 +1871,7 @@
 			(funcall search-func match nil t))
 	      ;; Is it really exact?
 	      (and (eolp)
-		   (= (point-at-bol) (match-beginning 0))
+		   (= (gnus-point-at-bol) (match-beginning 0))
 		   ;; Yup.
 		     (setq found (setq arts (get-text-property 
@@ -1942,7 +1942,7 @@
 	  (goto-char (point-min))
 	  (while (and (not (eobp))
 		      (search-forward match nil t))
-	    (when (and (= (point-at-bol) (match-beginning 0))
+	    (when (and (= (gnus-point-at-bol) (match-beginning 0))
 	      (setq found (setq arts (get-text-property (point) 'articles)))
 	      (if trace
@@ -2026,7 +2026,7 @@
-	     (append (get-text-property (point-at-eol) 'articles) val)
+	     (append (get-text-property (gnus-point-at-eol) 'articles) val)
       (set-syntax-table syntab))
     ;; Make all the ignorable words ignored.
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-setup.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/gnus-setup.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -35,6 +35,15 @@
 (defvar running-xemacs (string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" emacs-version))
+(defvar gnus-use-installed-gnus t
+  "*If non-nil Use installed version of Gnus.")
+(defvar gnus-use-installed-tm running-xemacs
+  "*If non-nil use installed version of tm.")
+(defvar gnus-use-installed-mailcrypt running-xemacs
+  "*If non-nil use installed version of mailcrypt.")
 (defvar gnus-emacs-lisp-directory (if running-xemacs
@@ -44,10 +53,6 @@
   "Directory where Gnus Emacs lisp is found.")
-(defvar gnus-sgnus-lisp-directory (concat gnus-emacs-lisp-directory
-					  "sgnus/lisp/")
-  "Directory where September Gnus Emacs lisp is found.")
 (defvar gnus-tm-lisp-directory (concat gnus-emacs-lisp-directory
   "Directory where TM Emacs lisp is found.")
@@ -57,10 +62,10 @@
   "Directory where Mailcrypt Emacs Lisp is found.")
 (defvar gnus-bbdb-lisp-directory (concat gnus-emacs-lisp-directory
-					 "site-lisp/bbdb-1.50/")
+					 "site-lisp/bbdb-1.51/")
   "Directory where Big Brother Database is found.")
-(defvar gnus-use-tm t
+(defvar gnus-use-tm running-xemacs
   "Set this if you want MIME support for Gnus")
 (defvar gnus-use-mhe nil
   "Set this if you want to use MH-E for mail reading")
@@ -76,14 +81,10 @@
   "Set this if you want to use Mailcrypt for dealing with PGP messages")
 (defvar gnus-use-bbdb nil
   "Set this if you want to use the Big Brother DataBase")
-(defvar gnus-use-september nil
-  "Set this if you are using the experimental September Gnus")
-(let ((gnus-directory (if gnus-use-september
-			  gnus-sgnus-lisp-directory
-			gnus-gnus-lisp-directory)))
-  (when (null (member gnus-directory load-path))
-    (push gnus-directory load-path)))
+(when (and (not gnus-use-installed-gnus)
+	   (null (member gnus-gnus-lisp-directory load-path)))
+  (push gnus-gnus-lisp-directory load-path))
 ;;; We can't do this until we know where Gnus is.
 (require 'message)
@@ -93,16 +94,21 @@
 ;;; MORIOKA Tomohiko <>
 (when gnus-use-tm
-  (when (null (member gnus-tm-lisp-directory load-path))
+  (when (and (not gnus-use-installed-tm)
+	     (null (member gnus-tm-lisp-directory load-path)))
     (setq load-path (cons gnus-tm-lisp-directory load-path)))
-  (load "mime-setup"))
+  ;; tm may or may not be dumped with XEmacs.  In Sunpro it is, otherwise
+  ;; it isn't.
+  (unless (featurep 'mime-setup)
+    (load "mime-setup")))
 ;;; Mailcrypt by
 ;;; Jin Choi <>
 ;;; Patrick LoPresti <>
 (when gnus-use-mailcrypt
-  (when (null (member gnus-mailcrypt-lisp-directory load-path))
+  (when (and (not gnus-use-installed-mailcrypt)
+	     (null (member gnus-mailcrypt-lisp-directory load-path)))
     (setq load-path (cons gnus-mailcrypt-lisp-directory load-path)))
   (autoload 'mc-install-write-mode "mailcrypt" nil t)
   (autoload 'mc-install-read-mode "mailcrypt" nil t)
@@ -116,6 +122,7 @@
 ;;; Jamie Zawinski <>
 (when gnus-use-bbdb
+  ;; bbdb will never be installed with emacs.
   (when (null (member gnus-bbdb-lisp-directory load-path))
     (setq load-path (cons gnus-bbdb-lisp-directory load-path)))
   (autoload 'bbdb "bbdb-com"
@@ -161,10 +168,12 @@
 ;;;### (autoloads (gnus gnus-slave gnus-no-server) "gnus" "lisp/gnus.el" (12473 2137))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from lisp/gnus.el
-(autoload 'gnus-slave-no-server "gnus" "\
+;; Don't redo this if autoloads already exist
+(unless (fboundp 'gnus)
+  (autoload 'gnus-slave-no-server "gnus" "\
 Read network news as a slave without connecting to local server." t nil)
-(autoload 'gnus-no-server "gnus" "\
+  (autoload 'gnus-no-server "gnus" "\
 Read network news.
 If ARG is a positive number, Gnus will use that as the
 startup level.  If ARG is nil, Gnus will be started at level 2. 
@@ -172,10 +181,10 @@
 prompt the user for the name of an NNTP server to use.
 As opposed to `gnus', this command will not connect to the local server." t nil)
-(autoload 'gnus-slave "gnus" "\
+  (autoload 'gnus-slave "gnus" "\
 Read news as a slave." t nil)
-(autoload 'gnus "gnus" "\
+  (autoload 'gnus "gnus" "\
 Read network news.
 If ARG is non-nil and a positive number, Gnus will use that as the
 startup level.  If ARG is non-nil and not a positive number, Gnus will
@@ -185,21 +194,21 @@
 ;;; These have moved out of gnus.el into other files.
 ;;; FIX FIX FIX: should other things be in gnus-setup? or these not in it?
-(autoload 'gnus-update-format "gnus-spec" "\
+  (autoload 'gnus-update-format "gnus-spec" "\
 Update the format specification near point." t nil)
-(autoload 'gnus-fetch-group "gnus-group" "\
+  (autoload 'gnus-fetch-group "gnus-group" "\
 Start Gnus if necessary and enter GROUP.
 Returns whether the fetching was successful or not." t nil)
-(defalias 'gnus-batch-kill 'gnus-batch-score)
+  (defalias 'gnus-batch-kill 'gnus-batch-score)
-(autoload 'gnus-batch-score "gnus-kill" "\
+  (autoload 'gnus-batch-score "gnus-kill" "\
 Run batched scoring.
 Usage: emacs -batch -l gnus -f gnus-batch-score <newsgroups> ...
 Newsgroups is a list of strings in Bnews format.  If you want to score
 the comp hierarchy, you'd say \"comp.all\".  If you would not like to
-score the alt hierarchy, you'd say \"!alt.all\"." t nil)
+score the alt hierarchy, you'd say \"!alt.all\"." t nil))
 (provide 'gnus-setup)
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-sound.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-;;; gnus-sound.el --- Sound effects for Gnus
-;; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation
-;; Author: Steven L. Baur <>
-;; Keywords: news
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
-;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This file provides access to sound effects in Gnus.
-;; Prerelease:  This file is partially stripped to support earcons.el
-;; You can safely ignore most of it until Red Gnus. **Evil Laugh**
-;;; Code:
-(if (null (boundp 'running-xemacs))
-    (defvar running-xemacs (string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" emacs-version)))
-(require 'nnheader)
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
-(defvar gnus-sound-inline-sound
-  (and (fboundp 'device-sound-enabled-p)
-       (device-sound-enabled-p))
-  "When t, we will not spawn a subprocess to play sounds.")
-(defvar gnus-sound-directory (nnheader-find-etc-directory "sounds")
-  "The directory containing the Sound Files.")
-(defvar gnus-sound-au-player "/usr/bin/showaudio"
-  "Executable program for playing sun AU format sound files")
-(defvar gnus-sound-wav-player "/usr/local/bin/play"
-  "Executable program for playing WAV files")
-;;; The following isn't implemented yet.  Wait for Red Gnus.
-;(defvar gnus-sound-effects-enabled t
-;  "When t, Gnus will use sound effects.")
-;(defvar gnus-sound-enable-hooks nil
-;  "Functions run when enabling sound effects.")
-;(defvar gnus-sound-disable-hooks nil
-;  "Functions run when disabling sound effects.")
-;(defvar gnus-sound-theme-song nil
-;  "Theme song for Gnus.")
-;(defvar gnus-sound-enter-group nil
-;  "Sound effect played when selecting a group.")
-;(defvar gnus-sound-exit-group nil
-;  "Sound effect played when exiting a group.")
-;(defvar gnus-sound-score-group nil
-;  "Sound effect played when scoring a group.")
-;(defvar gnus-sound-busy-sound nil
-;  "Sound effect played when going into a ... sequence.")
-;(defun gnus-sound-enable-sound ()
-;  "Enable Sound Effects for Gnus."
-;  (interactive)
-;  (setq gnus-sound-effects-enabled t)
-;  (run-hooks gnus-sound-enable-hooks))
-;(defun gnus-sound-disable-sound ()
-;  "Disable Sound Effects for Gnus."
-;  (interactive)
-;  (setq gnus-sound-effects-enabled nil)
-;  (run-hooks gnus-sound-disable-hooks))
-(defun gnus-sound-play (file)
-  "Play a sound through the speaker."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((sound-file (if (file-exists-p file)
-			file
-		      (concat gnus-sound-directory file))))
-    (when (file-exists-p sound-file)
-      (if gnus-sound-inline-sound
-	  (play-sound-file (concat gnus-sound-directory sound-file))
-	(cond ((string-match "\\.wav$" sound-file)
-	       (call-process gnus-sound-wav-player
-			     (concat gnus-sound-directory sound-file)
-			     0
-			     nil))
-	      ((string-match "\\.au$" sound-file)
-	       (call-process gnus-sound-au-player
-			     (concat gnus-sound-directory sound-file)
-			     0
-			     nil)))))))
-;;; The following isn't implemented yet, wait for Red Gnus
-;(defun gnus-sound-startrek-sounds ()
-;  "Enable sounds from Star Trek the original series."
-;  (interactive)
-;  (setq gnus-sound-busy-sound "")
-;  (setq gnus-sound-enter-group "")
-;  (setq gnus-sound-exit-group "")
-;  (setq gnus-sound-score-group "")
-;  (setq gnus-sound-theme-song "")
-;  (add-hook 'gnus-select-group-hook 'gnus-sound-startrek-select-group)
-;  (add-hook 'gnus-exit-group-hook 'gnus-sound-startrek-exit-group))
-(provide 'gnus-sound)
-(run-hooks 'gnus-sound-load-hook)
-;;; gnus-sound.el ends here
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-srvr.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/gnus-srvr.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
 (defun gnus-server-server-name ()
-  (let ((server (get-text-property (point-at-bol) 'gnus-server)))
+  (let ((server (get-text-property (gnus-point-at-bol) 'gnus-server)))
     (and server (symbol-name server))))
 (defalias 'gnus-server-position-point 'gnus-goto-colon)
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@
 (defun gnus-browse-group-name ()
-    (when (re-search-forward ": \\(.*\\)$" (point-at-eol) t)
+    (when (re-search-forward ": \\(.*\\)$" (gnus-point-at-eol) t)
       (gnus-group-prefixed-name (match-string 1) gnus-browse-current-method))))
 (defun gnus-browse-unsubscribe-group ()
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-start.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/gnus-start.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -1666,7 +1666,7 @@
       (while (not (eobp))
 	(condition-case ()
-	      (narrow-to-region (point) (point-at-eol))
+	      (narrow-to-region (point) (gnus-point-at-eol))
 	      ;; group gets set to a symbol interned in the hash table
 	      ;; (what a hack!!) - jwz
 	      (setq group (let ((obarray hashtb)) (read cur)))
@@ -1694,7 +1694,7 @@
 	   (unless ignore-errors
 	     (gnus-message 3 "Warning - illegal active: %s"
-			    (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol))))))
+			    (gnus-point-at-bol) (gnus-point-at-eol))))))
 	(forward-line 1)))))
@@ -1934,7 +1934,7 @@
 	      ;; don't give a damn, frankly, my dear.
 	      (concat gnus-newsrc-options
-		       (point-at-bol)
+		       (gnus-point-at-bol)
 		       ;; Options may continue on the next line.
 		       (or (and (re-search-forward "^[^ \t]" nil 'move)
 				(progn (beginning-of-line) (point)))
@@ -2005,8 +2005,8 @@
 		;; The line was buggy.
 		(setq group nil)
 		(gnus-error 3.1 "Mangled line: %s"
-			    (buffer-substring (point-at-bol)
-					      (point-at-eol))))
+			    (buffer-substring (gnus-point-at-bol)
+					      (gnus-point-at-eol))))
 	  ;; Skip past ", ".  Spaces are illegal in these ranges, but
 	  ;; we allow them, because it's a common mistake to put a
@@ -2115,9 +2115,9 @@
       (while (re-search-forward "[ \t]-n" nil t)
 	(setq eol
 	      (or (save-excursion
-		    (and (re-search-forward "[ \t]-n" (point-at-eol) t)
+		    (and (re-search-forward "[ \t]-n" (gnus-point-at-eol) t)
 			 (- (point) 2)))
-		  (point-at-eol)))
+		  (gnus-point-at-eol)))
 	;; Search for all "words"...
 	(while (re-search-forward "[^ \t,\n]+" eol t)
 	  (if (= (char-after (match-beginning 0)) ?!)
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-sum.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/gnus-sum.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -1592,8 +1592,6 @@
 	["Remove article" gnus-cache-remove-article t])
        ["Enter digest buffer" gnus-summary-enter-digest-group t]
        ["Isearch article..." gnus-summary-isearch-article t]
-       ["Search articles forward..." gnus-summary-search-article-forward t]
-       ["Search articles backward..." gnus-summary-search-article-backward t]
        ["Beginning of the article" gnus-summary-beginning-of-article t]
        ["End of the article" gnus-summary-end-of-article t]
        ["Fetch parent of article" gnus-summary-refer-parent-article t]
@@ -1740,6 +1738,8 @@
 	["Toggle threading" gnus-summary-toggle-threads t])
        ["Filter articles..." gnus-summary-execute-command t]
        ["Run command on subjects..." gnus-summary-universal-argument t]
+       ["Search articles forward..." gnus-summary-search-article-forward t]
+       ["Search articles backward..." gnus-summary-search-article-backward t]
        ["Toggle line truncation" gnus-summary-toggle-truncation t]
        ["Expand window" gnus-summary-expand-window t]
        ["Expire expirable articles" gnus-summary-expire-articles
@@ -1945,6 +1945,9 @@
 (defmacro gnus-data-header (data)
   `(nth 3 ,data))
+(defmacro gnus-data-set-header (data header)
+  `(setf (nth 3 ,data) ,header))
 (defmacro gnus-data-level (data)
   `(nth 4 ,data))
@@ -2974,7 +2977,7 @@
 	(setq thread (list (car (gnus-id-to-thread id))))
       ;; Get the thread this article is part of.
       (setq thread (gnus-remove-thread id)))
-    (setq old-pos (point-at-bol))
+    (setq old-pos (gnus-point-at-bol))
     (setq current (save-excursion
 		    (and (zerop (forward-line -1))
@@ -3133,9 +3136,9 @@
       (goto-char (gnus-data-pos d))
-       (- (point-at-bol)
+       (- (gnus-point-at-bol)
-	      (1+ (point-at-eol))
+	      (1+ (gnus-point-at-eol))
 (defun gnus-sort-threads (threads)
@@ -4196,7 +4199,7 @@
 ;; This function has to be called with point after the article number
 ;; on the beginning of the line.
 (defun gnus-nov-parse-line (number dependencies &optional force-new)
-  (let ((eol (point-at-eol))
+  (let ((eol (gnus-point-at-eol))
 	(buffer (current-buffer))
 	header ref id id-dep ref-dep)
@@ -4354,9 +4357,9 @@
 	  (goto-char (gnus-data-pos d))
-	   (- (point-at-bol)
+	   (- (gnus-point-at-bol)
-		  (1+ (point-at-eol))
+		  (1+ (gnus-point-at-eol))
       (when old-header
 	(mail-header-set-number header (mail-header-number old-header)))
@@ -6913,11 +6916,26 @@
-	    (let ((header (nnheader-parse-head t)))
-	      (set-buffer buffer)
-	      (mail-header-set-number header (cdr gnus-article-current))
-	      (gnus-summary-update-article-line
-	       (cdr gnus-article-current) header))))
+	    (let ((head (buffer-string))
+		  header)
+	      (nnheader-temp-write nil
+		(insert (format "211 %d Article retrieved.\n"
+				(cdr gnus-article-current)))
+		(insert head)
+		(insert ".\n")
+		(let ((nntp-server-buffer (current-buffer)))
+		  (setq header (car (gnus-get-newsgroup-headers
+				     (save-excursion
+				       (set-buffer gnus-summary-buffer)
+				       gnus-newsgroup-dependencies)
+				     t))))
+		(save-excursion
+		  (set-buffer gnus-summary-buffer)
+		  (gnus-data-set-header
+		   (gnus-data-find (cdr gnus-article-current))
+		   header)
+		  (gnus-summary-update-article-line
+		   (cdr gnus-article-current) header))))))
       ;; Update threads.
       (set-buffer (or buffer gnus-summary-buffer))
       (gnus-summary-update-article (cdr gnus-article-current)))
@@ -7314,7 +7332,7 @@
 (defun gnus-summary-update-mark (mark type)
   (let ((forward (cdr (assq type gnus-summary-mark-positions)))
         (buffer-read-only nil))
-    (re-search-backward "[\n\r]" (point-at-bol) 'move-to-limit)
+    (re-search-backward "[\n\r]" (gnus-point-at-bol) 'move-to-limit)
     (when (looking-at "\r")
       (incf forward))
     (when (and forward
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-topic.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/gnus-topic.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -94,16 +94,16 @@
 (defun gnus-group-topic-name ()
   "The name of the topic on the current line."
-  (let ((topic (get-text-property (point-at-bol) 'gnus-topic)))
+  (let ((topic (get-text-property (gnus-point-at-bol) 'gnus-topic)))
     (and topic (symbol-name topic))))
 (defun gnus-group-topic-level ()
   "The level of the topic on the current line."
-  (get-text-property (point-at-bol) 'gnus-topic-level))
+  (get-text-property (gnus-point-at-bol) 'gnus-topic-level))
 (defun gnus-group-topic-unread ()
   "The number of unread articles in topic on the current line."
-  (get-text-property (point-at-bol) 'gnus-topic-unread))
+  (get-text-property (gnus-point-at-bol) 'gnus-topic-unread))
 (defun gnus-topic-unread (topic)
   "Return the number of unread articles in TOPIC."
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
 (defun gnus-topic-visible-p ()
   "Return non-nil if the current topic is visible."
-  (get-text-property (point-at-bol) 'gnus-topic-visible))
+  (get-text-property (gnus-point-at-bol) 'gnus-topic-visible))
 (defun gnus-topic-articles-in-topic (entries)
   (let ((total 0)
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@
   (let* ((tgroups (apply 'append (mapcar (lambda (entry) (cdr entry))
 	 (entry (assoc (caar gnus-topic-topology) gnus-topic-alist))
-	 (newsrc gnus-newsrc-alist)
+	 (newsrc (cdr gnus-newsrc-alist))
     (while newsrc
       (unless (member (setq group (gnus-info-group (pop newsrc))) tgroups)
@@ -1287,6 +1287,7 @@
       ;; !!!Sometimes nil elements sneak into the alist,
       ;; for some reason or other.
       (setcar alist (delq nil (car alist)))
+      (setcar alist (delete "" (car alist)))
       (gnus-topic-sort-topic (pop alist) func reverse))))
 (defun gnus-topic-sort-topic (topic func reverse)
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-util.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/gnus-util.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -30,26 +30,6 @@
 ;;; Code:
-;(if (fboundp 'point-at-bol)
-;    (fset 'gnus-point-at-bol 'point-at-bol)
-;  (defsubst gnus-point-at-bol ()
-;    "Return point at the beginning of the line."
-;    (let ((p (point)))
-;      (beginning-of-line)
-;      (prog1
-;	  (point)
-;	(goto-char p)))))
-;(if (fboundp 'point-at-eol)
-;    (fset 'gnus-point-at-eol 'point-at-eol)
-;  (defsubst gnus-point-at-eol ()
-;    "Return point at the end of the line."
-;    (let ((p (point)))
-;      (end-of-line)
-;      (prog1
-;	  (point)
-;	(goto-char p)))))
 (require 'custom)
 (require 'cl)
 (require 'nnheader)
@@ -122,6 +102,26 @@
      (when (gnus-buffer-exists-p buf)
        (kill-buffer buf))))
+(if (fboundp 'point-at-bol)
+    (fset 'gnus-point-at-bol 'point-at-bol)
+  (defun gnus-point-at-bol ()
+    "Return point at the beginning of the line."
+    (let ((p (point)))
+      (beginning-of-line)
+      (prog1
+	  (point)
+	(goto-char p)))))
+(if (fboundp 'point-at-eol)
+    (fset 'gnus-point-at-eol 'point-at-eol)
+  (defun gnus-point-at-eol ()
+    "Return point at the end of the line."
+    (let ((p (point)))
+      (end-of-line)
+      (prog1
+	  (point)
+	(goto-char p)))))
 (defun gnus-delete-first (elt list)
   "Delete by side effect the first occurrence of ELT as a member of LIST."
   (if (equal (car list) elt)
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
 (defun gnus-goto-colon ()
-  (search-forward ":" (point-at-eol) t))
+  (search-forward ":" (gnus-point-at-eol) t))
 (defun gnus-remove-text-with-property (prop)
   "Delete all text in the current buffer with text property PROP."
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-uu.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/gnus-uu.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -535,11 +535,11 @@
     (goto-char (point-min))
     (when (re-search-forward "^Subject: ")
-      (delete-region (point) (point-at-eol))
+      (delete-region (point) (gnus-point-at-eol))
       (insert subject))
     (goto-char (point-min))
     (when (re-search-forward "^From: ")
-      (delete-region (point) (point-at-eol))
+      (delete-region (point) (gnus-point-at-eol))
       (insert from))
     (message-forward post)
     (delete-file file)
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-vis.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1607 +0,0 @@
-;;; gnus-vis.el --- display-oriented parts of Gnus
-;; Copyright (C) 1995,96 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <>
-;; 	Per Abrahamsen <>
-;; Keywords: news
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
-;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'gnus)
-(require 'gnus-ems)
-(require 'easymenu)
-(require 'custom)
-(require 'browse-url)
-(require 'gnus-score)
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
-(defvar gnus-group-menu-hook nil
-  "*Hook run after the creation of the group mode menu.")
-(defvar gnus-summary-menu-hook nil
-  "*Hook run after the creation of the summary mode menu.")
-(defvar gnus-article-menu-hook nil
-  "*Hook run after the creation of the article mode menu.")
-;;; Summary highlights.
-;(defvar gnus-summary-highlight-properties
-;  '((unread "ForestGreen" "green")
-;    (ticked "Firebrick" "pink")
-;    (read "black" "white")
-;    (low italic italic)
-;    (high bold bold)
-;    (canceled "yellow/black" "black/yellow")))
-;(defvar gnus-summary-highlight-translation
-;  '(((unread (= mark gnus-unread-mark))
-;     (ticked (or (= mark gnus-ticked-mark) (= mark gnus-dormant-mark)))
-;     (read (not (or (= mark gnus-unread-mark) (= mark gnus-dormant-mark)
-;		    (= mark gnus-ticked-mark) (= mark gnus-canceled-mark))))
-;     (canceled (= mark gnus-canceled-mark)))
-;    ((low (< score gnus-summary-default-score))
-;     (high (> score gnus-summary-default-score)))))
-;(defun gnus-visual-map-face-translation ()
-;  (let ((props gnus-summary-highlight-properties)
-;	(trans gnus-summary-highlight-translation)
-;	map)
-;    (while props)))
-;see gnus-cus.el
-;(defvar gnus-summary-selected-face 'underline
-;  "*Face used for highlighting the current article in the summary buffer.")
-;see gnus-cus.el
-;(defvar gnus-summary-highlight
-;  (cond ((not (eq gnus-display-type 'color))
-;	 '(((> score default) . bold)
-;	   ((< score default) . italic)))
-;	((eq gnus-background-mode 'dark)
-;	 (list (cons '(= mark gnus-canceled-mark)
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "yellow" "black" nil nil nil nil))
-;	       (cons '(and (> score default) 
-;			   (or (= mark gnus-dormant-mark)
-;			       (= mark gnus-ticked-mark)))
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "pink" nil nil t nil nil))
-;	       (cons '(and (< score default) 
-;			   (or (= mark gnus-dormant-mark)
-;			       (= mark gnus-ticked-mark)))
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "pink" nil nil nil t nil))
-;	       (cons '(or (= mark gnus-dormant-mark)
-;			  (= mark gnus-ticked-mark))
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "pink" nil nil nil nil nil))
-;	       (cons '(and (> score default) (= mark gnus-ancient-mark))
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "SkyBlue" nil nil t nil nil))
-;	       (cons '(and (< score default) (= mark gnus-ancient-mark))
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "SkyBlue" nil nil nil t nil))
-;	       (cons '(= mark gnus-ancient-mark)
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "SkyBlue" nil nil nil nil nil))
-;	       (cons '(and (> score default) (= mark gnus-unread-mark))
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "white" nil nil t nil nil))
-;	       (cons '(and (< score default) (= mark gnus-unread-mark))
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "white" nil nil nil t nil))
-;	       (cons '(= mark gnus-unread-mark)
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "white" nil nil nil nil nil))
-;	       (cons '(> score default) 'bold)
-;	       (cons '(< score default) 'italic)))
-;	(t
-;	 (list (cons '(= mark gnus-canceled-mark)
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "yellow" "black" nil nil nil nil))
-;	       (cons '(and (> score default) 
-;			   (or (= mark gnus-dormant-mark)
-;			       (= mark gnus-ticked-mark)))
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "firebrick" nil nil t nil nil))
-;	       (cons '(and (< score default) 
-;			   (or (= mark gnus-dormant-mark)
-;			       (= mark gnus-ticked-mark)))
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "firebrick" nil nil nil t nil))
-;	       (cons '(or (= mark gnus-dormant-mark)
-;			  (= mark gnus-ticked-mark))
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "firebrick" nil nil nil nil nil))
-;	       (cons '(and (> score default) (= mark gnus-ancient-mark))
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "RoyalBlue" nil nil t nil nil))
-;	       (cons '(and (< score default) (= mark gnus-ancient-mark))
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "RoyalBlue" nil nil nil t nil))
-;	       (cons '(= mark gnus-ancient-mark)
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "RoyalBlue" nil nil nil nil nil))
-;	       (cons '(and (> score default) (/= mark gnus-unread-mark))
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "DarkGreen" nil nil t nil nil))
-;	       (cons '(and (< score default) (/= mark gnus-unread-mark))
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "DarkGreen" nil nil nil t nil))
-;	       (cons '(/= mark gnus-unread-mark)
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "DarkGreen" nil nil nil nil nil))
-;	       (cons '(> score default) 'bold)
-;	       (cons '(< score default) 'italic))))
-;  "*Alist of `(FORM . FACE)'.
-;Summary lines are highlighted with the FACE for the first FORM which
-;evaluate to a non-nil value.  
-;Point will be at the beginning of the line when FORM is evaluated.
-;The following can be used for convenience:
-;score:   (gnus-summary-article-score)
-;default: gnus-summary-default-score
-;below:   gnus-summary-mark-below
-;mark:    (gnus-summary-article-mark)
-;The latter can be used like this:
-;   ((= mark gnus-replied-mark) . underline)")
-;;; article highlights
-;see gnus-cus.el
-;(defvar gnus-header-face-alist 
-;  (cond ((not (eq gnus-display-type 'color))
-;	 '(("" bold italic)))
-;	((eq gnus-background-mode 'dark)
-;	 (list (list "From" nil 
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "SkyBlue" nil nil t t nil))
-;	       (list "Subject" nil 
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "pink" nil nil t t nil))
-;	       (list "Newsgroups:.*," nil
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "yellow" nil nil t t nil))
-;	       (list "" 
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "cyan" nil nil t nil nil)
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "green" nil nil nil t nil))))
-;	(t
-;	 (list (list "From" nil 
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "RoyalBlue" nil nil t t nil))
-;	       (list "Subject" nil 
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "firebrick" nil nil t t nil))
-;	       (list "Newsgroups:.*," nil
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "red" nil nil t t nil))
-;	       (list ""
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "DarkGreen" nil nil t nil nil)
-;		     (custom-face-lookup "DarkGreen" nil nil nil t nil)))))
-;  "Alist of headers and faces used for highlighting them.
-;The entries in the list has the form `(REGEXP NAME CONTENT)', where
-;REGEXP is a regular expression matching the beginning of the header,
-;NAME is the face used for highlighting the header name and CONTENT is
-;the face used for highlighting the header content. 
-;The first non-nil NAME or CONTENT with a matching REGEXP in the list
-;will be used.")
-;see gnus-cus.el
-;(defvar gnus-make-foreground t
-;  "Non nil means foreground color to highlight citations.")
-;see gnus-cus.el
-;(defvar gnus-article-button-face 'bold
-;  "Face used for text buttons.")
-;see gnus-cus.el
-;(defvar gnus-article-mouse-face (if (boundp 'gnus-mouse-face)
-;				    gnus-mouse-face
-;				  'highlight)
-;  "Face used when the mouse is over the button.")
-;see gnus-cus.el
-;(defvar gnus-signature-face 'italic
-;  "Face used for signature.")
-(defvar gnus-button-url-regexp "\\b\\(s?https?\\|ftp\\|file\\|gopher\\|news\\|telnet\\|wais\\|mailto\\):\\(//[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+:[0-9]*\\)?[-\\wa-zA-Z0-9_=!?#$@~`%&*+|\\/.,]*[-\\wa-zA-Z0-9_=#$@~`%&*+|\\/]"
-  "*Regular expression that matches URLs.")
-(defvar gnus-button-alist 
-  `(("\\bin\\( +article\\)? +\\(<\\([^\n @<>]+@[^\n @<>]+\\)>\\)" 2 
-     t gnus-button-message-id 3)
-    ("\\(<?\\(url: ?\\)?news:\\([^>\n\t ]*\\)>?\\)" 1 t
-     gnus-button-message-id 3)
-    ("\\(<URL: *\\)?mailto: *\\([^> \n\t]+\\)>?" 0 t gnus-button-reply 2)
-    ;; This is how URLs _should_ be embedded in text...
-    ("<URL: *\\([^\n\r>]*\\)>" 0 t gnus-button-url 1)
-    ;; Next regexp stolen from highlight-headers.el.
-    ;; Modified by Vladimir Alexiev.
-    (,gnus-button-url-regexp 0 t gnus-button-url 0))
-  "Alist of regexps matching buttons in article bodies.
-Each entry has the form (REGEXP BUTTON FORM CALLBACK PAR...), where
-REGEXP: is the string matching text around the button,
-BUTTON: is the number of the regexp grouping actually matching the button,
-FORM: is a lisp expression which must eval to true for the button to
-be added, 
-CALLBACK: is the function to call when the user push this button, and each
-PAR: is a number of a regexp grouping whose text will be passed to CALLBACK.
-CALLBACK can also be a variable, in that case the value of that
-variable it the real callback function.")
-(defvar gnus-header-button-alist 
-  `(("^\\(References\\|Message-I[Dd]\\):" "<[^>]+>"
-     0 t gnus-button-message-id 0)
-    ("^\\(From\\|Reply-To\\):" ": *\\(.+\\)$" 1 t gnus-button-reply 1)
-    ("^\\(Cc\\|To\\):" "[^ \t\n<>,()\"]+@[^ \t\n<>,()\"]+" 
-     0 t gnus-button-mailto 0)
-    ("^X-[Uu][Rr][Ll]:" ,gnus-button-url-regexp 0 t gnus-button-url 0)
-    ("^[^:]+:" ,gnus-button-url-regexp 0 t gnus-button-url 0)
-    ("^[^:]+:" "\\(<\\(url: \\)?news:\\([^>\n ]*\\)>\\)" 1 t
-     gnus-button-message-id 3))
-  "Alist of headers and regexps to match buttons in article heads.
-This alist is very similar to `gnus-button-alist', except that each
-alist has an additional HEADER element first in each entry:
-HEADER is a regexp to match a header.  For a fuller explanation, see
-;see gnus-cus.el
-;  (defvar browse-url-browser-function))
-;;; Group mode highlighting.
-;see gnus-cus.el
-;(defvar gnus-group-highlight nil
-;  "Group lines are highlighted with the FACE for the first FORM which
-;evaluate to a non-nil value.  
-;Point will be at the beginning of the line when FORM is evaluated.
-;Variables bound when these forms are evaluated include:
-;group: The group name.
-;unread: The number of unread articles.
-;method: The select method.
-;mailp: Whether the select method is a mail method.
-;level: The level of the group.
-;score: The score of the group.
-;ticked: The number of ticked articles in the group.
-;;; Internal variables.
-(defvar gnus-button-marker-list nil)
-  (autoload 'nnkiboze-generate-groups "nnkiboze")
-  (autoload 'gnus-cite-parse-maybe "gnus-cite" nil t))
-;;; gnus-menu
-(defun gnus-visual-turn-off-edit-menu (type)
-  (define-key (symbol-value (intern (format "gnus-%s-mode-map" type)))
-    [menu-bar edit] 'undefined))
-;; Newsgroup buffer
-(defun gnus-group-make-menu-bar ()
-  (gnus-visual-turn-off-edit-menu 'group)
-  (unless (boundp 'gnus-group-reading-menu)
-    (easy-menu-define
-     gnus-group-reading-menu gnus-group-mode-map ""
-     '("Group"
-       ["Read" gnus-group-read-group (gnus-group-group-name)]
-       ["Select" gnus-group-select-group (gnus-group-group-name)]
-       ["See old articles" (gnus-group-select-group 'all)
-	:keys "C-u SPC" :active (gnus-group-group-name)]
-       ["Catch up" gnus-group-catchup-current (gnus-group-group-name)]
-       ["Catch up all articles" gnus-group-catchup-current-all
-	(gnus-group-group-name)]
-       ["Check for new articles" gnus-group-get-new-news-this-group
-	(gnus-group-group-name)]
-       ["Toggle subscription" gnus-group-unsubscribe-current-group
-	(gnus-group-group-name)]
-       ["Kill" gnus-group-kill-group (gnus-group-group-name)]
-       ["Yank" gnus-group-yank-group gnus-list-of-killed-groups]
-       ["Describe" gnus-group-describe-group (gnus-group-group-name)]
-       ["Fetch FAQ" gnus-group-fetch-faq (gnus-group-group-name)]
-       ["Edit kill file" gnus-group-edit-local-kill
-	(gnus-group-group-name)]
-       ;; Actually one should check, if any of the marked groups gives t for
-       ;; (gnus-check-backend-function 'request-expire-articles ...)
-       ["Expire articles" gnus-group-expire-articles
-	(or (and (gnus-group-group-name)
-		 (gnus-check-backend-function
-		  'request-expire-articles
-		  (gnus-group-group-name))) gnus-group-marked)]
-       ["Set group level" gnus-group-set-current-level
-	(gnus-group-group-name)]
-       ["Select quick" gnus-group-quick-select-group (gnus-group-group-name)]
-       ))
-    (easy-menu-define
-     gnus-group-group-menu gnus-group-mode-map ""
-     '("Groups"
-       ("Listing"
-	["List unread subscribed groups" gnus-group-list-groups t]
-	["List (un)subscribed groups" gnus-group-list-all-groups t]
-	["List killed groups" gnus-group-list-killed gnus-killed-list]
-	["List zombie groups" gnus-group-list-zombies gnus-zombie-list]
-	["List level..." gnus-group-list-level t]
-	["Describe all groups" gnus-group-describe-all-groups t]
-	["Group apropos..." gnus-group-apropos t]
-	["Group and description apropos..." gnus-group-description-apropos t]
-	["List groups matching..." gnus-group-list-matching t]
-	["List all groups matching..." gnus-group-list-all-matching t]
-	["List active file" gnus-group-list-active t])
-       ("Sort"
-	["Default sort" gnus-group-sort-groups
-	 (or (not (boundp 'gnus-topic-mode)) (not gnus-topic-mode))]
-	["Sort by method" gnus-group-sort-groups-by-method
-	 (or (not (boundp 'gnus-topic-mode)) (not gnus-topic-mode))]
-	["Sort by rank" gnus-group-sort-groups-by-rank
-	 (or (not (boundp 'gnus-topic-mode)) (not gnus-topic-mode))]
-	["Sort by score" gnus-group-sort-groups-by-score
-	 (or (not (boundp 'gnus-topic-mode)) (not gnus-topic-mode))]
-	["Sort by level" gnus-group-sort-groups-by-level
-	 (or (not (boundp 'gnus-topic-mode)) (not gnus-topic-mode))]
-	["Sort by unread" gnus-group-sort-groups-by-unread
-	 (or (not (boundp 'gnus-topic-mode)) (not gnus-topic-mode))]
-	["Sort by name" gnus-group-sort-groups-by-alphabet
-	 (or (not (boundp 'gnus-topic-mode)) (not gnus-topic-mode))])
-       ("Mark"
-	["Mark group" gnus-group-mark-group
-	 (and (gnus-group-group-name)
-	      (not (memq (gnus-group-group-name) gnus-group-marked)))]
-	["Unmark group" gnus-group-unmark-group
-	 (and (gnus-group-group-name)
-	      (memq (gnus-group-group-name) gnus-group-marked))]
-	["Unmark all" gnus-group-unmark-all-groups gnus-group-marked]
-	["Mark regexp..." gnus-group-mark-regexp t]
-	["Mark region" gnus-group-mark-region t]
-	["Mark buffer" gnus-group-mark-buffer t]
-	["Execute command" gnus-group-universal-argument
-	 (or gnus-group-marked (gnus-group-group-name))])
-       ("Subscribe"
-	["Subscribe to a group" gnus-group-unsubscribe-group t]
-	["Kill all newsgroups in region" gnus-group-kill-region t]
-	["Kill all zombie groups" gnus-group-kill-all-zombies
-	 gnus-zombie-list]
-	["Kill all groups on level..." gnus-group-kill-level t])
-       ("Foreign groups"
-	["Make a foreign group" gnus-group-make-group t]
-	["Add a directory group" gnus-group-make-directory-group t]
-	["Add the help group" gnus-group-make-help-group t]
-	["Add the archive group" gnus-group-make-archive-group t]
-	["Make a doc group" gnus-group-make-doc-group t]
-	["Make a kiboze group" gnus-group-make-kiboze-group t]
-	["Make a virtual group" gnus-group-make-empty-virtual t]
-	["Add a group to a virtual" gnus-group-add-to-virtual t]
-	["Rename group" gnus-group-rename-group
-	 (gnus-check-backend-function
-	  'request-rename-group (gnus-group-group-name))]
-	["Delete group" gnus-group-delete-group
-	 (gnus-check-backend-function
-	  'request-delete-group (gnus-group-group-name))])
-       ("Editing groups"
-	["Parameters" gnus-group-edit-group-parameters
-	 (gnus-group-group-name)]
-	["Select method" gnus-group-edit-group-method
-	 (gnus-group-group-name)]
-	["Info" gnus-group-edit-group (gnus-group-group-name)])
-       ("Score file"
-	["Flush cache" gnus-score-flush-cache
-	 (or gnus-score-cache gnus-short-name-score-file-cache)])
-       ("Move"
-	["Next" gnus-group-next-group t]
-	["Previous" gnus-group-prev-group t]
-	["Next unread" gnus-group-next-unread-group t]
-	["Previous unread" gnus-group-prev-unread-group t]
-	["Next unread same level" gnus-group-next-unread-group-same-level t]
-	["Previous unread same level"
-	 gnus-group-previous-unread-group-same-level t]
-	["Jump to group" gnus-group-jump-to-group t]
-	["First unread group" gnus-group-first-unread-group t]
-	["Best unread group" gnus-group-best-unread-group t])
-       ["Transpose" gnus-group-transpose-groups
-	(gnus-group-group-name)]
-       ["Read a directory as a group..." gnus-group-enter-directory t]
-       ))
-    (easy-menu-define
-     gnus-group-misc-menu gnus-group-mode-map ""
-     '("Misc"
-       ["Send a bug report" gnus-bug t]
-       ["Send a mail" gnus-group-mail t]
-       ["Post an article..." gnus-group-post-news t]
-       ["Customize score file" gnus-score-customize t]
-       ["Check for new news" gnus-group-get-new-news t]     
-       ["Activate all groups" gnus-activate-all-groups t]
-       ["Delete bogus groups" gnus-group-check-bogus-groups t]
-       ["Find new newsgroups" gnus-find-new-newsgroups t]
-       ["Restart Gnus" gnus-group-restart t]
-       ["Read init file" gnus-group-read-init-file t]
-       ["Browse foreign server" gnus-group-browse-foreign-server t]
-       ["Enter server buffer" gnus-group-enter-server-mode t]
-       ["Expire all expirable articles" gnus-group-expire-all-groups t]
-       ["Generate any kiboze groups" nnkiboze-generate-groups t]
-       ["Gnus version" gnus-version t]
-       ["Save .newsrc files" gnus-group-save-newsrc t]
-       ["Suspend Gnus" gnus-group-suspend t]
-       ["Clear dribble buffer" gnus-group-clear-dribble t]
-       ["Edit global kill file" gnus-group-edit-global-kill t]
-       ["Read manual" gnus-info-find-node t]
-       ["Toggle topics" gnus-topic-mode t]
-       ("SOUP"
-	["Pack replies" nnsoup-pack-replies (fboundp 'nnsoup-request-group)]
-	["Send replies" gnus-soup-send-replies
-	 (fboundp 'gnus-soup-pack-packet)]
-	["Pack packet" gnus-soup-pack-packet (fboundp 'gnus-soup-pack-packet)]
-	["Save areas" gnus-soup-save-areas (fboundp 'gnus-soup-pack-packet)]
-	["Brew SOUP" gnus-soup-brew-soup (fboundp 'gnus-soup-pack-packet)])
-       ["Exit from Gnus" gnus-group-exit t]
-       ["Exit without saving" gnus-group-quit t]
-       ))
-    (run-hooks 'gnus-group-menu-hook)
-    ))
-;; Summary buffer
-(defun gnus-summary-make-menu-bar ()
-  (gnus-visual-turn-off-edit-menu 'summary)
-  (unless (boundp 'gnus-summary-misc-menu)
-    (easy-menu-define
-     gnus-summary-kill-menu gnus-summary-mode-map ""
-     (cons
-      "Score"
-      (nconc
-       (list
-	["Enter score..." gnus-summary-score-entry t])
-       (gnus-visual-score-map 'increase)
-       (gnus-visual-score-map 'lower)
-       '(("Mark"
-	  ["Kill below" gnus-summary-kill-below t]
-	  ["Mark above" gnus-summary-mark-above t]
-	  ["Tick above" gnus-summary-tick-above t]
-	  ["Clear above" gnus-summary-clear-above t])
-	 ["Current score" gnus-summary-current-score t]
-	 ["Set score" gnus-summary-set-score t]
-	 ["Customize score file" gnus-score-customize t]
-	 ["Switch current score file..." gnus-score-change-score-file t]
-	 ["Set mark below..." gnus-score-set-mark-below t]
-	 ["Set expunge below..." gnus-score-set-expunge-below t]
-	 ["Edit current score file" gnus-score-edit-current-scores t]
-	 ["Edit score file" gnus-score-edit-file t]
-	 ["Trace score" gnus-score-find-trace t]
-	 ["Rescore buffer" gnus-summary-rescore t]
-	 ["Increase score..." gnus-summary-increase-score t]
-	 ["Lower score..." gnus-summary-lower-score t]))))
-    '(("Default header"
-       ["Ask" (gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-header nil)
-	:style radio 
-	:selected (null gnus-score-default-header)]
-       ["From" (gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-header 'a)
-	:style radio 
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-header 'a)]
-       ["Subject" (gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-header 's)
-	:style radio 
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-header 's)]
-       ["Article body"
-	(gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-header 'b)
-	:style radio 
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-header 'b )]
-       ["All headers"
-	(gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-header 'h)
-	:style radio 
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-header 'h )]
-       ["Message-Id" (gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-header 'i)
-	:style radio 
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-header 'i )]
-       ["Thread" (gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-header 't)
-	:style radio 
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-header 't )]
-       ["Crossposting"
-	(gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-header 'x)
-	:style radio 
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-header 'x )]
-       ["Lines" (gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-header 'l)
-	:style radio 
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-header 'l )]
-       ["Date" (gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-header 'd)
-	:style radio 
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-header 'd )]
-       ["Followups to author"
-	(gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-header 'f)
-	:style radio 
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-header 'f )])
-      ("Default type"
-       ["Ask" (gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-type nil)
-	:style radio 
-	:selected (null gnus-score-default-type)]
-       ;; The `:active' key is commented out in the following,
-       ;; because the GNU Emacs hack to support radio buttons use
-       ;; active to indicate which button is selected.  
-       ["Substring" (gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-type 's)
-	:style radio 
-	;; :active (not (memq gnus-score-default-header '(l d)))
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-type 's)]
-       ["Regexp" (gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-type 'r)
-	:style radio
-	;; :active (not (memq gnus-score-default-header '(l d)))
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-type 'r)]
-       ["Exact" (gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-type 'e)
-	:style radio
-	;; :active (not (memq gnus-score-default-header '(l d)))
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-type 'e)]
-       ["Fuzzy" (gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-type 'f)
-	:style radio 
-	;; :active (not (memq gnus-score-default-header '(l d)))
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-type 'f)]
-       ["Before date" (gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-type 'b)
-	:style radio 
-	;; :active (eq (gnus-score-default-header 'd))
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-type 'b)]
-       ["At date" (gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-type 'n)
-	:style radio 
-	;; :active (eq (gnus-score-default-header 'd))
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-type 'n)]
-       ["After date" (gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-type 'a)
-	:style radio 
-	;; :active (eq (gnus-score-default-header 'd))
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-type 'a)]
-       ["Less than number"
-	(gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-type '<)
-	:style radio 
-	;; :active (eq (gnus-score-default-header 'l))
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-type '<)]
-       ["Equal to number"
-	(gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-type '=)
-	:style radio 
-	;; :active (eq (gnus-score-default-header 'l))
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-type '=)]
-       ["Greater than number" 
-	(gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-type '>)
-	:style radio 
-	;; :active (eq (gnus-score-default-header 'l))
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-type '>)])
-      ["Default fold" gnus-score-default-fold-toggle
-       :style toggle
-       :selected gnus-score-default-fold]
-      ("Default duration"
-       ["Ask" (gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-duration nil)
-	:style radio
-	:selected (null gnus-score-default-duration)]
-       ["Permanent"
-	(gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-duration 'p)
-	:style radio
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-duration 'p)]
-       ["Temporary"
-	(gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-duration 't)
-	:style radio
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-duration 't)]
-       ["Immediate" 
-	(gnus-score-set-default 'gnus-score-default-duration 'i)
-	:style radio
-	:selected (eq gnus-score-default-duration 'i)]))
-    (easy-menu-define
-     gnus-summary-article-menu gnus-summary-mode-map ""
-     '("Article"
-       ("Hide"
-	["All" gnus-article-hide t]
-	["Headers" gnus-article-hide-headers t]
-	["Signature" gnus-article-hide-signature t]
-	["Citation" gnus-article-hide-citation t]
-	["PGP" gnus-article-hide-pgp t]
-	["Boring headers" gnus-article-hide-boring-headers t])
-       ("Highlight"
-	["All" gnus-article-highlight t]
-	["Headers" gnus-article-highlight-headers t]
-	["Signature" gnus-article-highlight-signature t]
-	["Citation" gnus-article-highlight-citation t])
-       ("Date"
-	["Local" gnus-article-date-local t]
-	["UT" gnus-article-date-ut t]
-	["Original" gnus-article-date-original t]
-	["Lapsed" gnus-article-date-lapsed t])
-       ("Filter"
-	["Overstrike" gnus-article-treat-overstrike t]
-	["Word wrap" gnus-article-fill-cited-article t]
-	["CR" gnus-article-remove-cr t]
-	["Trailing blank lines" gnus-article-remove-trailing-blank-lines t]
-	["Show X-Face" gnus-article-display-x-face t]
-	["Quoted-Printable" gnus-article-de-quoted-unreadable t]
-	["Rot 13" gnus-summary-caesar-message t]
-	["Add buttons" gnus-article-add-buttons t]
-	["Add buttons to head" gnus-article-add-buttons-to-head t]
-	["Stop page breaking" gnus-summary-stop-page-breaking t]
-	["Toggle MIME" gnus-summary-toggle-mime t]
-	["Verbose header" gnus-summary-verbose-headers t]
-	["Toggle header" gnus-summary-toggle-header t])
-       ("Output"
-	["Save in default format" gnus-summary-save-article t]
-	["Save in file" gnus-summary-save-article-file t]
-	["Save in Unix mail format" gnus-summary-save-article-mail t]
-	["Save in MH folder" gnus-summary-save-article-folder t]
-	["Save in VM folder" gnus-summary-save-article-vm t]
-	["Save in RMAIL mbox" gnus-summary-save-article-rmail t]
-	["Save body in file" gnus-summary-save-article-body-file t]
-	["Pipe through a filter" gnus-summary-pipe-output t]
-	["Add to SOUP packet" gnus-soup-add-article t])
-       ("Backend"
-	["Respool article..." gnus-summary-respool-article t]
-	["Move article..." gnus-summary-move-article
-	 (gnus-check-backend-function
-	  'request-move-article gnus-newsgroup-name)]
-	["Copy article..." gnus-summary-copy-article t]
-	["Crosspost article..." gnus-summary-crosspost-article
-	 (gnus-check-backend-function
-	  'request-replace-article gnus-newsgroup-name)]
-	["Import file..." gnus-summary-import-article t]
-	["Edit article" gnus-summary-edit-article
-	 (not (gnus-group-read-only-p))]
-	["Delete article" gnus-summary-delete-article
-	 (gnus-check-backend-function
-	  'request-expire-articles gnus-newsgroup-name)]
-	["Query respool" gnus-summary-respool-query t]
-	["Delete expirable articles" gnus-summary-expire-articles-now
-	 (gnus-check-backend-function
-	  'request-expire-articles gnus-newsgroup-name)])
-       ("Extract"
-	["Uudecode" gnus-uu-decode-uu t]
-	["Uudecode and save" gnus-uu-decode-uu-and-save t]
-	["Unshar" gnus-uu-decode-unshar t]
-	["Unshar and save" gnus-uu-decode-unshar-and-save t]
-	["Save" gnus-uu-decode-save t]
-	["Binhex" gnus-uu-decode-binhex t]
-	["Postscript" gnus-uu-decode-postscript t])
-       ["Enter digest buffer" gnus-summary-enter-digest-group t]
-       ["Isearch article..." gnus-summary-isearch-article t]
-       ["Search articles forward..." gnus-summary-search-article-forward t]
-       ["Search articles backward..." gnus-summary-search-article-backward t]
-       ["Beginning of the article" gnus-summary-beginning-of-article t]
-       ["End of the article" gnus-summary-end-of-article t]
-       ["Fetch parent of article" gnus-summary-refer-parent-article t]
-       ["Fetch referenced articles" gnus-summary-refer-references t]
-       ["Fetch article with id..." gnus-summary-refer-article t]
-       ["Redisplay" gnus-summary-show-article t]))
-    (easy-menu-define
-     gnus-summary-thread-menu gnus-summary-mode-map ""
-     '("Threads"
-       ["Toggle threading" gnus-summary-toggle-threads t]
-       ["Hide threads" gnus-summary-hide-all-threads t]
-       ["Show threads" gnus-summary-show-all-threads t]
-       ["Hide thread" gnus-summary-hide-thread t]
-       ["Show thread" gnus-summary-show-thread t]
-       ["Go to next thread" gnus-summary-next-thread t]
-       ["Go to previous thread" gnus-summary-prev-thread t]
-       ["Go down thread" gnus-summary-down-thread t]
-       ["Go up thread" gnus-summary-up-thread t]
-       ["Top of thread" gnus-summary-top-thread t]
-       ["Mark thread as read" gnus-summary-kill-thread t]
-       ["Lower thread score" gnus-summary-lower-thread t]
-       ["Raise thread score" gnus-summary-raise-thread t]
-       ["Rethread current" gnus-summary-rethread-current t]
-       ))
-    (easy-menu-define
-     gnus-summary-post-menu gnus-summary-mode-map ""
-     '("Post"
-       ["Post an article" gnus-summary-post-news t]
-       ["Followup" gnus-summary-followup t]
-       ["Followup and yank" gnus-summary-followup-with-original t]
-       ["Supersede article" gnus-summary-supersede-article t]
-       ["Cancel article" gnus-summary-cancel-article t]
-       ["Reply" gnus-summary-reply t]
-       ["Reply and yank" gnus-summary-reply-with-original t]
-       ["Mail forward" gnus-summary-mail-forward t]
-       ["Post forward" gnus-summary-post-forward t]
-       ["Digest and mail" gnus-uu-digest-mail-forward t]
-       ["Digest and post" gnus-uu-digest-post-forward t]
-       ["Resend message" gnus-summary-resend-message t]
-       ["Send bounced mail" gnus-summary-resend-bounced-mail t]
-       ["Send a mail" gnus-summary-mail-other-window t]
-       ["Uuencode and post" gnus-uu-post-news t]
-       ;;("Draft"
-       ;;["Send" gnus-summary-send-draft t]
-       ;;["Send bounced" gnus-resend-bounced-mail t])
-       ))
-    (easy-menu-define
-     gnus-summary-misc-menu gnus-summary-mode-map ""
-     '("Misc"
-       ("Mark"
-	("Read"
-	 ["Mark as read" gnus-summary-mark-as-read-forward t]
-	 ["Mark same subject and select"
-	  gnus-summary-kill-same-subject-and-select t]
-	 ["Mark same subject" gnus-summary-kill-same-subject t]
-	 ["Catchup" gnus-summary-catchup t]
-	 ["Catchup all" gnus-summary-catchup-all t]
-	 ["Catchup to here" gnus-summary-catchup-to-here t]
-	 ["Catchup region" gnus-summary-mark-region-as-read t]
-	 ["Mark excluded" gnus-summary-limit-mark-excluded-as-read t])
-	("Various"
-	 ["Tick" gnus-summary-tick-article-forward t]
-	 ["Mark as dormant" gnus-summary-mark-as-dormant t]
-	 ["Remove marks" gnus-summary-clear-mark-forward t]
-	 ["Set expirable mark" gnus-summary-mark-as-expirable t]
-	 ["Set bookmark" gnus-summary-set-bookmark t]
-	 ["Remove bookmark" gnus-summary-remove-bookmark t])
-	("Limit"
-	 ["Marks..." gnus-summary-limit-to-marks t]
-	 ["Subject..." gnus-summary-limit-to-subject t]
-	 ["Author..." gnus-summary-limit-to-author t]
-	 ["Score" gnus-summary-limit-to-score t]
-	 ["Unread" gnus-summary-limit-to-unread t]
-	 ["Non-dormant" gnus-summary-limit-exclude-dormant t]
-	 ["Articles" gnus-summary-limit-to-articles t]
-	 ["Pop limit" gnus-summary-pop-limit t]
-	 ["Show dormant" gnus-summary-limit-include-dormant t]
-	 ["Hide childless dormant" 
-	  gnus-summary-limit-exclude-childless-dormant t]
-	 ;;["Hide thread" gnus-summary-limit-exclude-thread t]
-	 ["Show expunged" gnus-summary-show-all-expunged t])
-	("Process mark"
-	 ["Set mark" gnus-summary-mark-as-processable t]
-	 ["Remove mark" gnus-summary-unmark-as-processable t]
-	 ["Remove all marks" gnus-summary-unmark-all-processable t]
-	 ["Mark above" gnus-uu-mark-over t]
-	 ["Mark series" gnus-uu-mark-series t]
-	 ["Mark region" gnus-uu-mark-region t]
-	 ["Mark by regexp..." gnus-uu-mark-by-regexp t]
-	 ["Mark all" gnus-uu-mark-all t]
-	 ["Mark buffer" gnus-uu-mark-buffer t]
-	 ["Mark sparse" gnus-uu-mark-sparse t]
-	 ["Mark thread" gnus-uu-mark-thread t]
-	 ["Unmark thread" gnus-uu-unmark-thread t]))
-       ("Scroll article"
-	["Page forward" gnus-summary-next-page t]
-	["Page backward" gnus-summary-prev-page t]
-	["Line forward" gnus-summary-scroll-up t])
-       ("Move"
-	["Next unread article" gnus-summary-next-unread-article t]
-	["Previous unread article" gnus-summary-prev-unread-article t]
-	["Next article" gnus-summary-next-article t]
-	["Previous article" gnus-summary-prev-article t]
-	["Next unread subject" gnus-summary-next-unread-subject t]
-	["Previous unread subject" gnus-summary-prev-unread-subject t]
-	["Next article same subject" gnus-summary-next-same-subject t]
-	["Previous article same subject" gnus-summary-prev-same-subject t]
-	["First unread article" gnus-summary-first-unread-article t]
-	["Best unread article" gnus-summary-best-unread-article t]
-	["Go to subject number..." gnus-summary-goto-subject t]
-	["Go to article number..." gnus-summary-goto-article t]
-	["Go to the last article" gnus-summary-goto-last-article t]
-	["Pop article off history" gnus-summary-pop-article t])	
-       ("Sort"
-	["Sort by number" gnus-summary-sort-by-number t]
-	["Sort by author" gnus-summary-sort-by-author t]
-	["Sort by subject" gnus-summary-sort-by-subject t]
-	["Sort by date" gnus-summary-sort-by-date t]
-	["Sort by score" gnus-summary-sort-by-score t])
-       ("Help"
-	["Fetch group FAQ" gnus-summary-fetch-faq t]
-	["Describe group" gnus-summary-describe-group t]
-	["Read manual" gnus-info-find-node t])
-       ("Cache"
-	["Enter article" gnus-cache-enter-article t]
-	["Remove article" gnus-cache-remove-article t])
-       ("Modes"
-	["Pick and read" gnus-pick-mode t]
-	["Binary" gnus-binary-mode t])
-       ["Filter articles..." gnus-summary-execute-command t]
-       ["Run command on subjects..." gnus-summary-universal-argument t]
-       ["Toggle line truncation" gnus-summary-toggle-truncation t]
-       ["Expand window" gnus-summary-expand-window t]
-       ["Expire expirable articles" gnus-summary-expire-articles
-	(gnus-check-backend-function
-	 'request-expire-articles gnus-newsgroup-name)]
-       ["Edit local kill file" gnus-summary-edit-local-kill t]
-       ["Edit main kill file" gnus-summary-edit-global-kill t]
-       ("Exit"
-	["Catchup and exit" gnus-summary-catchup-and-exit t]
-	["Catchup all and exit" gnus-summary-catchup-and-exit t]
-	["Catchup and goto next" gnus-summary-catchup-and-goto-next-group t]
-	["Exit group" gnus-summary-exit t]
-	["Exit group without updating" gnus-summary-exit-no-update t]
-	["Exit and goto next group" gnus-summary-next-group t]
-	["Exit and goto prev group" gnus-summary-prev-group t]
-	["Reselect group" gnus-summary-reselect-current-group t]
-	["Rescan group" gnus-summary-rescan-group t])))
-    (run-hooks 'gnus-summary-menu-hook)
-    ))
-(defun gnus-score-set-default (var value)
-  "A version of set that updates the GNU Emacs menu-bar."
-  (set var value)
-  ;; It is the message that forces the active status to be updated.
-  (message ""))
-(defun gnus-visual-score-map (type)
-  (if t
-      nil
-    (let ((headers '(("author" "from" string)
-		     ("subject" "subject" string)
-		     ("article body" "body" string)
-		     ("article head" "head" string)
-		     ("xref" "xref" string)
-		     ("lines" "lines" number)
-		     ("followups to author" "followup" string)))
-	  (types '((number ("less than" <)
-			   ("greater than" >)
-			   ("equal" =))
-		   (string ("substring" s)
-			   ("exact string" e)
-			   ("fuzzy string" f)
-			   ("regexp" r))))
-	  (perms '(("temporary" (current-time-string))
-		   ("permanent" nil)
-		   ("immediate" now)))
-	  header)
-      (list 
-       (apply 
-	'nconc
-	(list
-	 (if (eq type 'lower)
-	     "Lower score"
-	   "Increase score"))
-	(let (outh)
-	  (while headers
-	    (setq header (car headers))
-	    (setq outh 
-		  (cons 
-		   (apply 
-		    'nconc
-		    (list (car header))
-		    (let ((ts (cdr (assoc (nth 2 header) types)))
-			  outt)
-		      (while ts
-			(setq outt
-			      (cons 
-			       (apply 
-				'nconc
-				(list (caar ts))
-				(let ((ps perms)
-				      outp)
-				  (while ps
-				    (setq outp
-					  (cons
-					   (vector
-					    (caar ps) 
-					    (list
-					     'gnus-summary-score-entry
-					     (nth 1 header)
-					     (if (or (string= (nth 1 header) 
-							      "head")
-						     (string= (nth 1 header)
-							      "body"))
-						 ""
-					       (list 'gnus-summary-header 
-						     (nth 1 header)))
-					     (list 'quote (nth 1 (car ts)))
-					     (list 'gnus-score-default nil)
-					     (nth 1 (car ps))
-					     t)
-					    t)
-					   outp))
-				    (setq ps (cdr ps)))
-				  (list (nreverse outp))))
-			       outt))
-			(setq ts (cdr ts)))
-		      (list (nreverse outt))))
-		   outh))
-	    (setq headers (cdr headers)))
-	  (list (nreverse outh))))))))
-;; Article buffer
-(defun gnus-article-make-menu-bar ()
-  (gnus-visual-turn-off-edit-menu 'summary)
-  (or
-   (boundp 'gnus-article-article-menu)
-   (progn
-     (easy-menu-define
-      gnus-article-article-menu gnus-article-mode-map ""
-      '("Article"
-	["Scroll forwards" gnus-article-goto-next-page t]
-	["Scroll backwards" gnus-article-goto-prev-page t]
-	["Show summary" gnus-article-show-summary t]
-	["Fetch Message-ID at point" gnus-article-refer-article t]
-	["Mail to address at point" gnus-article-mail t]
-	))
-     (easy-menu-define
-      gnus-article-treatment-menu gnus-article-mode-map ""
-      '("Treatment"
-	["Hide headers" gnus-article-hide-headers t]
-	["Hide signature" gnus-article-hide-signature t]
-	["Hide citation" gnus-article-hide-citation t]
-	["Treat overstrike" gnus-article-treat-overstrike t]
-	["Remove carriage return" gnus-article-remove-cr t]
-	["Remove quoted-unreadable" gnus-article-de-quoted-unreadable t]
-	))
-     (run-hooks 'gnus-article-menu-hook))))
-;;; summary highlights
-(defun gnus-highlight-selected-summary ()
-  ;; Added by Per Abrahamsen <>.
-  ;; Highlight selected article in summary buffer
-  (if gnus-summary-selected-face
-      (save-excursion
-	(let* ((beg (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)))
-	       (end (progn (end-of-line) (point)))
-	       ;; Fix by Mike Dugan <>.
-	       (from (if (get-text-property beg gnus-mouse-face-prop) 
-			 beg
-		       (1+ (or (next-single-property-change 
-				beg gnus-mouse-face-prop nil end) 
-			       beg))))
-	       (to (1- (or (next-single-property-change
-			    from gnus-mouse-face-prop nil end)
-			   end))))
-	  ;; If no mouse-face prop on line (e.g. xemacs) we 
-	  ;; will have to = from = end, so we highlight the
-	  ;; entire line instead.
-	  (if (= (+ to 2) from)
-	      (progn
-		(setq from beg)
-		(setq to end)))
-	  (if gnus-newsgroup-selected-overlay
-	      (gnus-move-overlay gnus-newsgroup-selected-overlay 
-				 from to (current-buffer))
-	    (setq gnus-newsgroup-selected-overlay (gnus-make-overlay from to))
-	    (gnus-overlay-put gnus-newsgroup-selected-overlay 'face 
-			      gnus-summary-selected-face))))))
-;; New implementation by Christian Limpach <>.
-(defun gnus-summary-highlight-line ()
-  "Highlight current line according to `gnus-summary-highlight'."
-  (let* ((list gnus-summary-highlight)
-	 (p (point))
-	 (end (progn (end-of-line) (point)))
-	 ;; now find out where the line starts and leave point there.
-	 (beg (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)))
-	 (article (gnus-summary-article-number))
-	 (score (or (cdr (assq (or article gnus-current-article)
-			       gnus-newsgroup-scored))
-		    gnus-summary-default-score 0))
-	 (mark (or (gnus-summary-article-mark) gnus-unread-mark))
-	 (inhibit-read-only t))
-    ;; Eval the cars of the lists until we find a match.
-    (let ((default gnus-summary-default-score))
-      (while (and list
-		  (not (eval (caar list))))
-	(setq list (cdr list))))
-    (let ((face (cdar list)))
-      (unless (eq face (get-text-property beg 'face))
-	(gnus-put-text-property 
-	 beg end 'face 
-	 (setq face (if (boundp face) (symbol-value face) face)))
-	(when gnus-summary-highlight-line-function
-	  (funcall gnus-summary-highlight-line-function article face))))
-    (goto-char p)))
-(defun gnus-group-highlight-line ()
-  "Highlight the current line according to `gnus-group-highlight'."
-  (let* ((list gnus-group-highlight)
-	 (p (point))
-	 (end (progn (end-of-line) (point)))
-	 ;; now find out where the line starts and leave point there.
-	 (beg (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)))
-	 (group (gnus-group-group-name))
-	 (entry (gnus-group-entry group))
-	 (unread (if (numberp (car entry)) (car entry) 0))
-	 (info (nth 2 entry))
-	 (method (gnus-server-get-method group (gnus-info-method info)))
-	 (marked (gnus-info-marks info))
-	 (mailp (memq 'mail (assoc (symbol-name
-				    (car (or method gnus-select-method)))
-				   gnus-valid-select-methods)))
-	 (level (or (gnus-info-level info) 9))
-	 (score (or (gnus-info-score info) 0))
-	 (ticked (gnus-range-length (cdr (assq 'tick marked))))
-	 (inhibit-read-only t))
-    ;; Eval the cars of the lists until we find a match.
-    (while (and list
-		(not (eval (caar list))))
-      (setq list (cdr list)))
-    (let ((face (cdar list)))
-      (unless (eq face (get-text-property beg 'face))
-	(gnus-put-text-property 
-	 beg end 'face 
-	 (setq face (if (boundp face) (symbol-value face) face)))
-	(gnus-extent-start-open beg)))
-    (goto-char p)))
-;;; gnus-carpal
-(defvar gnus-carpal-group-buffer-buttons
-  '(("next" . gnus-group-next-unread-group)
-    ("prev" . gnus-group-prev-unread-group)
-    ("read" . gnus-group-read-group)
-    ("select" . gnus-group-select-group)
-    ("catch-up" . gnus-group-catchup-current)
-    ("new-news" . gnus-group-get-new-news-this-group)
-    ("toggle-sub" . gnus-group-unsubscribe-current-group)
-    ("subscribe" . gnus-group-unsubscribe-group)
-    ("kill" . gnus-group-kill-group)
-    ("yank" . gnus-group-yank-group)
-    ("describe" . gnus-group-describe-group)
-    "list"
-    ("subscribed" . gnus-group-list-groups)
-    ("all" . gnus-group-list-all-groups)
-    ("killed" . gnus-group-list-killed)
-    ("zombies" . gnus-group-list-zombies)
-    ("matching" . gnus-group-list-matching)
-    ("post" . gnus-group-post-news)
-    ("mail" . gnus-group-mail)
-    ("rescan" . gnus-group-get-new-news)
-    ("browse-foreign" . gnus-group-browse-foreign)
-    ("exit" . gnus-group-exit)))
-(defvar gnus-carpal-summary-buffer-buttons
-  '("mark" 
-    ("read" . gnus-summary-mark-as-read-forward)
-    ("tick" . gnus-summary-tick-article-forward)
-    ("clear" . gnus-summary-clear-mark-forward)
-    ("expirable" . gnus-summary-mark-as-expirable)
-    "move"
-    ("scroll" . gnus-summary-next-page)
-    ("next-unread" . gnus-summary-next-unread-article)
-    ("prev-unread" . gnus-summary-prev-unread-article)
-    ("first" . gnus-summary-first-unread-article)
-    ("best" . gnus-summary-best-unread-article)
-    "article"
-    ("headers" . gnus-summary-toggle-header)
-    ("uudecode" . gnus-uu-decode-uu)
-    ("enter-digest" . gnus-summary-enter-digest-group)
-    ("fetch-parent" . gnus-summary-refer-parent-article)
-    "mail"
-    ("move" . gnus-summary-move-article)
-    ("copy" . gnus-summary-copy-article)
-    ("respool" . gnus-summary-respool-article)
-    "threads"
-    ("lower" . gnus-summary-lower-thread)
-    ("kill" . gnus-summary-kill-thread)
-    "post"
-    ("post" . gnus-summary-post-news)
-    ("mail" . gnus-summary-mail)
-    ("followup" . gnus-summary-followup-with-original)
-    ("reply" . gnus-summary-reply-with-original)
-    ("cancel" . gnus-summary-cancel-article)
-    "misc"
-    ("exit" . gnus-summary-exit)
-    ("fed-up" . gnus-summary-catchup-and-goto-next-group)))
-(defvar gnus-carpal-server-buffer-buttons 
-  '(("add" . gnus-server-add-server)
-    ("browse" . gnus-server-browse-server)
-    ("list" . gnus-server-list-servers)
-    ("kill" . gnus-server-kill-server)
-    ("yank" . gnus-server-yank-server)
-    ("copy" . gnus-server-copy-server)
-    ("exit" . gnus-server-exit)))
-(defvar gnus-carpal-browse-buffer-buttons
-  '(("subscribe" . gnus-browse-unsubscribe-current-group)
-    ("exit" . gnus-browse-exit)))
-(defvar gnus-carpal-group-buffer "*Carpal Group*")
-(defvar gnus-carpal-summary-buffer "*Carpal Summary*")
-(defvar gnus-carpal-server-buffer "*Carpal Server*")
-(defvar gnus-carpal-browse-buffer "*Carpal Browse*")
-(defvar gnus-carpal-attached-buffer nil)
-(defvar gnus-carpal-mode-hook nil
-  "*Hook run in carpal mode buffers.")
-(defvar gnus-carpal-button-face 'bold
-  "*Face used on carpal buttons.")
-(defvar gnus-carpal-header-face 'bold-italic
-  "*Face used on carpal buffer headers.")
-(defvar gnus-carpal-mode-map nil)
-(put 'gnus-carpal-mode 'mode-class 'special)
-(if gnus-carpal-mode-map
-    nil
-  (setq gnus-carpal-mode-map (make-keymap))
-  (suppress-keymap gnus-carpal-mode-map)
-  (define-key gnus-carpal-mode-map " " 'gnus-carpal-select)
-  (define-key gnus-carpal-mode-map "\r" 'gnus-carpal-select)
-  (define-key gnus-carpal-mode-map gnus-mouse-2 'gnus-carpal-mouse-select))
-(defun gnus-carpal-mode ()
-  "Major mode for clicking buttons.
-All normal editing commands are switched off.
-The following commands are available:
-  (interactive)
-  (kill-all-local-variables)
-  (setq mode-line-modified "-- ")
-  (setq major-mode 'gnus-carpal-mode)
-  (setq mode-name "Gnus Carpal")
-  (setq mode-line-process nil)
-  (use-local-map gnus-carpal-mode-map)
-  (buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
-  (setq buffer-read-only t)
-  (make-local-variable 'gnus-carpal-attached-buffer)
-  (run-hooks 'gnus-carpal-mode-hook))
-(defun gnus-carpal-setup-buffer (type)
-  (let ((buffer (symbol-value (intern (format "gnus-carpal-%s-buffer" type)))))
-    (if (get-buffer buffer)
-	()
-      (save-excursion
-	(set-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer))
-	(gnus-carpal-mode)
-	(setq gnus-carpal-attached-buffer 
-	      (intern (format "gnus-%s-buffer" type)))
-	(gnus-add-current-to-buffer-list)
-	(let ((buttons (symbol-value 
-			(intern (format "gnus-carpal-%s-buffer-buttons"
-					type))))
-	      (buffer-read-only nil)
-	      button)
-	  (while buttons
-	    (setq button (car buttons)
-		  buttons (cdr buttons))
-	    (if (stringp button)
-		(gnus-set-text-properties
-		 (point)
-		 (prog2 (insert button) (point) (insert " "))
-		 (list 'face gnus-carpal-header-face))
-	      (gnus-set-text-properties
-	       (point)
-	       (prog2 (insert (car button)) (point) (insert " "))
-	       (list 'gnus-callback (cdr button)
-		     'face gnus-carpal-button-face
-		     gnus-mouse-face-prop 'highlight))))
-	  (let ((fill-column (- (window-width) 2)))
-	    (fill-region (point-min) (point-max)))
-	  (set-window-point (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)) 
-			    (point-min)))))))
-(defun gnus-carpal-select ()
-  "Select the button under point."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((func (get-text-property (point) 'gnus-callback)))
-    (if (null func)
-	()
-      (pop-to-buffer (symbol-value gnus-carpal-attached-buffer))
-      (call-interactively func))))
-(defun gnus-carpal-mouse-select (event)
-  "Select the button under the mouse pointer."
-  (interactive "e")
-  (mouse-set-point event)
-  (gnus-carpal-select))
-;;; article highlights
-;; Written by Per Abrahamsen <>.
-;;; Internal Variables:
-(defvar gnus-button-regexp nil)
-;; Regexp matching any of the regexps from `gnus-button-alist'.
-(defvar gnus-button-last nil)
-;; The value of `gnus-button-alist' when `gnus-button-regexp' was build.
-;;; Commands:
-(defun gnus-article-push-button (event)
-  "Check text under the mouse pointer for a callback function.
-If the text under the mouse pointer has a `gnus-callback' property,
-call it with the value of the `gnus-data' text property."
-  (interactive "e")
-  (set-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-start event))))
-  (let* ((pos (posn-point (event-start event)))
-         (data (get-text-property pos 'gnus-data))
-	 (fun (get-text-property pos 'gnus-callback)))
-    (if fun (funcall fun data))))
-(defun gnus-article-press-button ()
-  "Check text at point for a callback function.
-If the text at point has a `gnus-callback' property,
-call it with the value of the `gnus-data' text property."
-  (interactive)
-  (let* ((data (get-text-property (point) 'gnus-data))
-	 (fun (get-text-property (point) 'gnus-callback)))
-    (if fun (funcall fun data))))
-(defun gnus-article-prev-button (n)
-  "Move point to N buttons backward.
-If N is negative, move forward instead."
-  (interactive "p")
-  (gnus-article-next-button (- n)))
-(defun gnus-article-next-button (n)
-  "Move point to N buttons forward.
-If N is negative, move backward instead."
-  (interactive "p")
-  (let ((function (if (< n 0) 'previous-single-property-change
-		    'next-single-property-change))
-	(inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
-	(backward (< n 0))
-	(limit (if (< n 0) (point-min) (point-max))))
-    (setq n (abs n))
-    (while (and (not (= limit (point)))
-		(> n 0))
-      ;; Skip past the current button.
-      (when (get-text-property (point) 'gnus-callback)
-	(goto-char (funcall function (point) 'gnus-callback nil limit)))
-      ;; Go to the next (or previous) button.
-      (gnus-goto-char (funcall function (point) 'gnus-callback nil limit))
-      ;; Put point at the start of the button.
-      (when (and backward (not (get-text-property (point) 'gnus-callback)))
-	(goto-char (funcall function (point) 'gnus-callback nil limit)))
-      ;; Skip past intangible buttons.
-      (when (get-text-property (point) 'intangible)
-	(incf n))
-      (decf n))
-    (unless (zerop n)
-      (gnus-message 5 "No more buttons"))
-    n))
-(defun gnus-article-highlight (&optional force)
-  "Highlight current article.
-This function calls `gnus-article-highlight-headers',
-`gnus-article-highlight-signature', and `gnus-article-add-buttons' to
-do the highlighting.  See the documentation for those functions."
-  (interactive (list 'force))
-  (gnus-article-highlight-headers)
-  (gnus-article-highlight-citation force)
-  (gnus-article-highlight-signature)
-  (gnus-article-add-buttons force)
-  (gnus-article-add-buttons-to-head))
-(defun gnus-article-highlight-some (&optional force)
-  "Highlight current article.
-This function calls `gnus-article-highlight-headers',
-`gnus-article-highlight-signature', and `gnus-article-add-buttons' to
-do the highlighting.  See the documentation for those functions."
-  (interactive (list 'force))
-  (gnus-article-highlight-headers)
-  (gnus-article-highlight-signature)
-  (gnus-article-add-buttons))
-(defun gnus-article-highlight-headers ()
-  "Highlight article headers as specified by `gnus-header-face-alist'."
-  (interactive)
-  (save-excursion
-    (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
-    (save-restriction
-      (let ((alist gnus-header-face-alist)
-	    (buffer-read-only nil)
-	    (case-fold-search t)
-	    (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
-	    entry regexp header-face field-face from hpoints fpoints)
-	(goto-char (point-min))
-	(when (search-forward "\n\n" nil t)
-	  (narrow-to-region (1- (point)) (point-min))
-	  (while (setq entry (pop alist))
-	    (goto-char (point-min))
-	    (setq regexp (concat "^\\("
-				 (if (string-equal "" (nth 0 entry))
-				     "[^\t ]"
-				   (nth 0 entry))
-				 "\\)")
-		  header-face (nth 1 entry)
-		  field-face (nth 2 entry))
-	    (while (and (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
-			(not (eobp)))
-	      (beginning-of-line)
-	      (setq from (point))
-	      (or (search-forward ":" nil t)
-		  (forward-char 1))
-	      (when (and header-face
-			 (not (memq (point) hpoints)))
-		(push (point) hpoints)
-		(gnus-put-text-property from (point) 'face header-face))
-	      (when (and field-face
-			 (not (memq (setq from (point)) fpoints)))
-		(push from fpoints)
-		(if (re-search-forward "^[^ \t]" nil t)
-		    (forward-char -2)
-		  (goto-char (point-max)))
-		(gnus-put-text-property from (point) 'face field-face)))))))))
-(defun gnus-article-highlight-signature ()
-  "Highlight the signature in an article.
-It does this by highlighting everything after
-`gnus-signature-separator' using `gnus-signature-face'." 
-  (interactive)
-  (save-excursion
-    (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
-    (let ((buffer-read-only nil)
-	  (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t))
-      (save-restriction
-	(when (and gnus-signature-face
-		   (gnus-narrow-to-signature))
-	  (gnus-overlay-put (gnus-make-overlay (point-min) (point-max))
-			    'face gnus-signature-face)
-	  (widen)
-	  (re-search-backward gnus-signature-separator nil t)
-	  (let ((start (match-beginning 0))
-		(end (set-marker (make-marker) (1+ (match-end 0)))))
-	    (gnus-article-add-button start (1- end) 'gnus-signature-toggle
-				     end)))))))
-(defun gnus-article-add-buttons (&optional force)
-  "Find external references in the article and make buttons of them.
-\"External references\" are things like Message-IDs and URLs, as
-specified by `gnus-button-alist'."
-  (interactive (list 'force))
-  (save-excursion
-    (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
-    ;; Remove all old markers.
-    (while gnus-button-marker-list
-      (set-marker (pop gnus-button-marker-list) nil))
-    (let ((buffer-read-only nil)
-	  (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
-	  (case-fold-search t)
-	  (alist gnus-button-alist)
-	  beg entry regexp)
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      ;; We skip the headers.
-      (unless (search-forward "\n\n" nil t)
-	(goto-char (point-max)))
-      (setq beg (point))
-      (while (setq entry (pop alist))
-	(setq regexp (car entry))
-	(goto-char beg)
-	(while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
-	  (let* ((start (and entry (match-beginning (nth 1 entry))))
-		 (end (and entry (match-end (nth 1 entry))))
-		 (from (match-beginning 0)))
-	    (when (or (eq t (nth 1 entry))
-		      (eval (nth 1 entry)))
-	      ;; That optional form returned non-nil, so we add the
-	      ;; button. 
-	      (gnus-article-add-button 
-	       start end 'gnus-button-push 
-	       (car (push (set-marker (make-marker) from)
-			  gnus-button-marker-list))))))))))
-;; Add buttons to the head of an article.
-(defun gnus-article-add-buttons-to-head ()
-  "Add buttons to the head of the article."
-  (interactive)
-  (save-excursion
-    (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
-    (let ((buffer-read-only nil)
-	  (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
-	  (case-fold-search t)
-	  (alist gnus-header-button-alist)
-	  entry beg end)
-      (nnheader-narrow-to-headers)
-      (while alist
-	;; Each alist entry.
-	(setq entry (car alist)
-	      alist (cdr alist))
-	(goto-char (point-min))
-	(while (re-search-forward (car entry) nil t)
-	  ;; Each header matching the entry.
-	  (setq beg (match-beginning 0))
-	  (setq end (or (and (re-search-forward "^[^ \t]" nil t)
-			     (match-beginning 0))
-			(point-max)))
-	  (goto-char beg)
-	  (while (re-search-forward (nth 1 entry) end t)
-	    ;; Each match within a header.
-	    (let* ((from (match-beginning 0))
-		   (entry (cdr entry))
-		   (start (match-beginning (nth 1 entry)))
-		   (end (match-end (nth 1 entry)))
-		   (form (nth 2 entry)))
-	      (goto-char (match-end 0))
-	      (and (eval form)
-		   (gnus-article-add-button 
-		    start end (nth 3 entry)
-		    (buffer-substring (match-beginning (nth 4 entry))
-				      (match-end (nth 4 entry)))))))
-	  (goto-char end))))
-    (widen)))
-;;; External functions:
-(defun gnus-article-add-button (from to fun &optional data)
-  "Create a button between FROM and TO with callback FUN and data DATA."
-  (and gnus-article-button-face
-       (gnus-overlay-put (gnus-make-overlay from to)
-			 'face gnus-article-button-face))
-  (gnus-add-text-properties 
-   from to
-   (nconc (and gnus-article-mouse-face
-	       (list gnus-mouse-face-prop gnus-article-mouse-face))
-	  (list 'gnus-callback fun)
-	  (and data (list 'gnus-data data)))))
-;;; Internal functions:
-(defun gnus-signature-toggle (end)
-  (save-excursion
-    (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
-    (let ((buffer-read-only nil)
-	  (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t))
-      (if (get-text-property end 'invisible)
-	  (gnus-unhide-text end (point-max))
-	(gnus-hide-text end (point-max) gnus-hidden-properties)))))
-(defun gnus-button-entry ()
-  ;; Return the first entry in `gnus-button-alist' matching this place.
-  (let ((alist gnus-button-alist)
-	(entry nil))
-    (while alist
-      (setq entry (pop alist))
-      (if (looking-at (car entry))
-	  (setq alist nil)
-	(setq entry nil)))
-    entry))
-(defun gnus-button-push (marker)
-  ;; Push button starting at MARKER.
-  (save-excursion
-    (set-buffer gnus-article-buffer)
-    (goto-char marker)
-    (let* ((entry (gnus-button-entry))
-	   (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
-	   (fun (nth 3 entry))
-	   (args (mapcar (lambda (group) 
-			   (let ((string (buffer-substring
-					  (match-beginning group)
-					  (match-end group))))
-			     (gnus-set-text-properties
-			      0 (length string) nil string)
-			     string))
-			 (nthcdr 4 entry))))
-      (cond
-       ((fboundp fun)
-	(apply fun args))
-       ((and (boundp fun)
-	     (fboundp (symbol-value fun)))
-	(apply (symbol-value fun) args))
-       (t
-	(gnus-message 1 "You must define `%S' to use this button"
-		      (cons fun args)))))))
-(defun gnus-button-message-id (message-id)
-  "Fetch MESSAGE-ID."
-  (save-excursion
-    (set-buffer gnus-summary-buffer)
-    (gnus-summary-refer-article message-id)))
-(defun gnus-button-mailto (address)
-  ;; Mail to ADDRESS.
-  (set-buffer (gnus-copy-article-buffer))
-  (message-reply address))
-(defun gnus-button-reply (address)
-  ;; Reply to ADDRESS.
-  (message-reply address))
-(defun gnus-button-url (address)
-  "Browse ADDRESS."
-  (funcall browse-url-browser-function address))
-;;; Next/prev buttons in the article buffer.
-(defvar gnus-next-page-line-format "%{%(Next page...%)%}\n")
-(defvar gnus-prev-page-line-format "%{%(Previous page...%)%}\n")
-(defvar gnus-prev-page-map nil)
-(unless gnus-prev-page-map
-  (setq gnus-prev-page-map (make-sparse-keymap))
-  (define-key gnus-prev-page-map gnus-mouse-2 'gnus-button-prev-page)
-  (define-key gnus-prev-page-map "\r" 'gnus-button-prev-page))
-(defun gnus-insert-prev-page-button ()
-  (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
-    (gnus-eval-format 
-     gnus-prev-page-line-format nil
-     `(gnus-prev t local-map ,gnus-prev-page-map
-		 gnus-callback gnus-article-button-prev-page))))
-(defvar gnus-next-page-map nil)
-(unless gnus-next-page-map
-  (setq gnus-next-page-map (make-keymap))
-  (suppress-keymap gnus-prev-page-map)
-  (define-key gnus-next-page-map gnus-mouse-2 'gnus-button-next-page)
-  (define-key gnus-next-page-map "\r" 'gnus-button-next-page))
-(defun gnus-button-next-page ()
-  "Go to the next page."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((win (selected-window)))
-    (select-window (get-buffer-window gnus-article-buffer t))
-    (gnus-article-next-page)
-    (select-window win)))
-(defun gnus-button-prev-page ()
-  "Go to the prev page."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((win (selected-window)))
-    (select-window (get-buffer-window gnus-article-buffer t))
-    (gnus-article-prev-page)
-    (select-window win)))
-(defun gnus-insert-next-page-button ()
-  (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
-    (gnus-eval-format gnus-next-page-line-format nil
-		      `(gnus-next t local-map ,gnus-next-page-map
-				  gnus-callback 
-				  gnus-article-button-next-page))))
-(defun gnus-article-button-next-page (arg)
-  "Go to the next page."
-  (interactive "P")
-  (let ((win (selected-window)))
-    (select-window (get-buffer-window gnus-article-buffer t))
-    (gnus-article-next-page)
-    (select-window win)))
-(defun gnus-article-button-prev-page (arg)
-  "Go to the prev page."
-  (interactive "P")
-  (let ((win (selected-window)))
-    (select-window (get-buffer-window gnus-article-buffer t))
-    (gnus-article-prev-page)
-    (select-window win)))
-;;; Compatibility Functions:
-(or (fboundp 'rassoc)
-    ;; Introduced in Emacs 19.29.
-    (defun rassoc (elt list)
-      "Return non-nil if ELT is `equal' to the cdr of an element of LIST.
-The value is actually the element of LIST whose cdr is ELT."
-      (let (result)
-	(while list
-	  (setq result (car list))
-	  (if (equal (cdr result) elt)
-	      (setq list nil)
-	    (setq result nil
-		  list (cdr list))))
-	result)))
-; (require 'gnus-cus)
-(provide 'gnus-vis)
-;;; gnus-vis.el ends here
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-xmas.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/gnus-xmas.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
     (when gnus-newsgroup-selected-overlay
       (delete-extent gnus-newsgroup-selected-overlay))
     (setq gnus-newsgroup-selected-overlay 
-	  (make-extent (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)))
+	  (make-extent (gnus-point-at-bol) (gnus-point-at-eol)))
     (set-extent-face gnus-newsgroup-selected-overlay
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/gnus.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
   :link '(custom-manual "(gnus)Exiting Gnus")
   :group 'gnus)
-(defconst gnus-version-number "5.4.9"
+(defconst gnus-version-number "5.4.11"
   "Version number for this version of Gnus.")
 (defconst gnus-version (format "Gnus v%s" gnus-version-number)
@@ -1165,7 +1165,8 @@
 (defcustom gnus-mode-non-string-length nil
   "*Max length of mode-line non-string contents.
 If this is nil, Gnus will take space as is needed, leaving the rest
-of the modeline intact."
+of the modeline intact.  Note that the default of nil is unlikely
+to be desirable; see the manual for further details."
   :group 'gnus-various
   :type '(choice (const nil)
@@ -2351,14 +2352,21 @@
   ;; "hello", and the select method is ("hello" (my-var "something"))
   ;; in the group "alt.alt", this will result in a new virtual server
   ;; called "hello+alt.alt".
-  (let ((entry
-	 (gnus-copy-sequence
-	  (if (gnus-server-equal method gnus-select-method) gnus-select-method
-	    (cdr (assoc (car method) gnus-server-alist))))))
-    (if (not entry)
-	method
-      (setcar (cdr entry) (concat (nth 1 entry) "+" group))
-      (nconc entry (cdr method)))))
+  (if (or (not (gnus-similar-server-opened method))
+	  (not (cddr method)))
+      method
+    `(,(car method) ,(concat (cadr method) "+" group)
+      (,(intern (format "%s-address" (car method))) ,(cadr method))
+      ,@(cddr method))))
+(defun gnus-similar-server-opened (method)
+  (let ((opened gnus-opened-servers))
+    (while (and method opened)
+      (when (and (equal (cadr method) (cadaar opened))
+		 (not (equal method (caar opened))))
+	(setq method nil))
+      (pop opened))
+    (not method)))
 (defun gnus-server-status (method)
   "Return the status of METHOD."
@@ -2388,7 +2396,7 @@
 	  (setq method
 		(cond ((stringp method)
 		       (gnus-server-to-method method))
-		      ((stringp (car method))
+		      ((stringp (cadr method))
 		       (gnus-server-extend-method group method))
--- a/lisp/gnus/lpath.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/lpath.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
       (defvar track-mouse nil)
       (maybe-fbind '(posn-point event-start x-popup-menu
-		     error-message-string facemenu-get-face window-at
+		     facemenu-get-face window-at
 		     coordinates-in-window-p compute-motion
 		     x-defined-colors easy-menu-create-keymaps)) 
       ;; XEmacs thinks writting compatible code is obsolete.
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 		 device-class get-popup-menu-response event-object
 		 x-defined-colors read-color add-submenu set-font-family
 		 font-create-object set-font-size frame-device find-face
-		 set-extent-property make-extent)))
+		 set-extent-property make-extent characterp display-error)))
 (setq load-path (cons "." load-path))
 (require 'custom)
--- a/lisp/gnus/message.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/message.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@
 (defcustom message-fcc-handler-function 'message-output
   "*A function called to save outgoing articles.
 This function will be called with the name of the file to store the
-article in.  The default function is `rmail-output' which saves in Unix
+article in.  The default function is `message-output' which saves in Unix
 mailbox format."
-  :type '(radio (function-item rmail-output)
+  :type '(radio (function-item message-output)
 		(function :tag "Other"))
   :group 'message-sending)
@@ -1098,6 +1098,7 @@
   (when (string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" emacs-version)
   (easy-menu-add message-mode-menu message-mode-map)
+  (easy-menu-add message-mode-field-menu message-mode-map)
   ;; Allow mail alias things.
   (if (fboundp 'mail-abbrevs-setup)
@@ -2141,7 +2142,13 @@
 	  (setq file (expand-file-name file))
 	  (unless (file-exists-p (file-name-directory file))
 	    (make-directory (file-name-directory file) t))
-	  (funcall message-fcc-handler-function file)))
+	  (if (and message-fcc-handler-function
+		   (not (eq message-fcc-handler-function 'rmail-output)))
+	      (funcall message-fcc-handler-function file)
+	    (if (and (file-readable-p file) (mail-file-babyl-p file))
+		(rmail-output file 1 nil t)
+	      (let ((mail-use-rfc822 t))
+		(rmail-output file 1 t t))))))
       (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))
--- a/lisp/gnus/nnheader.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/nnheader.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 ;; Parsing headers and NOV lines.
 (defsubst nnheader-header-value ()
-  (buffer-substring (match-end 0) (point-at-eol)))
+  (buffer-substring (match-end 0) (gnus-point-at-eol)))
 (defun nnheader-parse-head (&optional naked)
   (let ((case-fold-search t)
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
 ;; (defvar nnheader-none-counter 0)
 (defun nnheader-parse-nov ()
-  (let ((eol (point-at-eol)))
+  (let ((eol (gnus-point-at-eol)))
      (nnheader-nov-read-integer)	; number
      (nnheader-nov-field)		; subject
--- a/lisp/gnus/nnkiboze.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/nnkiboze.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -223,7 +223,8 @@
     (when (file-exists-p newsrc-file)
       (load newsrc-file))
     (nnheader-temp-write nov-file
-      (insert-file-contents nov-file)
+      (when (file-exists-p nov-file)
+	(insert-file-contents nov-file))
       (setq nov-buffer (current-buffer))
       ;; Go through the active hashtb and add new all groups that match the 
       ;; kiboze regexp.
--- a/lisp/gnus/nnml.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/nnml.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -188,7 +188,8 @@
       (nnheader-report 'nnml "Article %s retrieved" id)
       ;; We return the article number.
-      (cons group (string-to-int (file-name-nondirectory path)))))))
+      (cons (if group-num (car group-num) group)
+	    (string-to-int (file-name-nondirectory path)))))))
 (deffoo nnml-request-group (group &optional server dont-check)
--- a/lisp/gnus/nnvirtual.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/nnvirtual.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -184,26 +184,42 @@
 	    (kill-buffer vbuf)))))))
+(defvoo nnvirtual-last-accessed-component-group nil)
 (deffoo nnvirtual-request-article (article &optional group server buffer)
-  (when (and (nnvirtual-possibly-change-server server)
-	     (numberp article))
-    (let* ((amap (nnvirtual-map-article article))
-	   (cgroup (car amap)))
-      (cond
-       ((not amap)
-	(nnheader-report 'nnvirtual "No such article: %s" article))
-       ((not (gnus-check-group cgroup))
-	(nnheader-report
-	 'nnvirtual "Can't open server where %s exists" cgroup))
-       ((not (gnus-request-group cgroup t))
-	(nnheader-report 'nnvirtual "Can't open component group %s" cgroup))
-       (t
-	(if buffer 
-	    (save-excursion
-	      (set-buffer buffer)
-	      (gnus-request-article-this-buffer (cdr amap) cgroup))
-	  (gnus-request-article (cdr amap) cgroup)))))))
+  (when (nnvirtual-possibly-change-server server)
+    (if (stringp article)
+	;; This is a fetch by Message-ID.
+	(cond
+	 ((not nnvirtual-last-accessed-component-group)
+	  (nnheader-report
+	   'nnvirtual "Don't know what server to request from"))
+	 (t
+	  (save-excursion
+	    (when buffer 
+	      (set-buffer buffer))
+	    (let ((method (gnus-find-method-for-group
+			   nnvirtual-last-accessed-component-group)))
+	      (funcall (gnus-get-function method 'request-article)
+		       article nil (nth 1 method) buffer)))))
+      ;; This is a fetch by number.
+      (let* ((amap (nnvirtual-map-article article))
+	     (cgroup (car amap)))
+	(cond
+	 ((not amap)
+	  (nnheader-report 'nnvirtual "No such article: %s" article))
+	 ((not (gnus-check-group cgroup))
+	  (nnheader-report
+	   'nnvirtual "Can't open server where %s exists" cgroup))
+	 ((not (gnus-request-group cgroup t))
+	  (nnheader-report 'nnvirtual "Can't open component group %s" cgroup))
+	 (t
+	  (setq nnvirtual-last-accessed-component-group cgroup)
+	  (if buffer 
+	      (save-excursion
+		(set-buffer buffer)
+		(gnus-request-article-this-buffer (cdr amap) cgroup))
+	    (gnus-request-article (cdr amap) cgroup))))))))
 (deffoo nnvirtual-open-server (server &optional defs)
@@ -348,7 +364,7 @@
   (goto-char (match-end 0))
-  (unless (search-forward "\t" (point-at-eol) 'move)
+  (unless (search-forward "\t" (gnus-point-at-eol) 'move)
     (insert "\t"))
   ;; Remove any spaces at the beginning of the Xref field.
@@ -362,7 +378,7 @@
   ;; If there were existing xref lines, clean them up to have the correct
   ;; component server prefix.
   (let ((xref-end (save-excursion
-		    (search-forward "\t" (point-at-eol) 'move)
+		    (search-forward "\t" (gnus-point-at-eol) 'move)
 	(len (length prefix)))
     (unless (= (point) xref-end)
@@ -391,49 +407,49 @@
   "Copy marks from the virtual group to the component groups.
 If READ-P is not nil, update the (un)read status of the components.
 If UPDATE-P is not nil, call gnus-group-update-group on the components."
-  (let ((unreads (and read-p
-		      (nnvirtual-partition-sequence 
-		       (gnus-list-of-unread-articles 
-			(nnvirtual-current-group)))))
-	(type-marks (mapcar (lambda (ml)
-			      (cons (car ml)
-				    (nnvirtual-partition-sequence (cdr ml))))
-			    (gnus-info-marks (gnus-get-info
-					      (nnvirtual-current-group)))))
-	mark type groups carticles info entry)
+  (when nnvirtual-current-group
+    (let ((unreads (and read-p
+			(nnvirtual-partition-sequence 
+			 (gnus-list-of-unread-articles 
+			  (nnvirtual-current-group)))))
+	  (type-marks (mapcar (lambda (ml)
+				(cons (car ml)
+				      (nnvirtual-partition-sequence (cdr ml))))
+			      (gnus-info-marks (gnus-get-info
+						(nnvirtual-current-group)))))
+	  mark type groups carticles info entry)
-    ;; Ok, atomically move all of the (un)read info, clear any old
-    ;; marks, and move all of the current marks.  This way if someone
-    ;; hits C-g, you won't leave the component groups in a half-way state.
-    (gnus-atomic-progn
-      ;; move (un)read
-      (let ((gnus-newsgroup-active nil)) ;workaround guns-update-read-articles
-	(while (setq entry (pop unreads))
-	  (gnus-update-read-articles (car entry) (cdr entry))))
+      ;; Ok, atomically move all of the (un)read info, clear any old
+      ;; marks, and move all of the current marks.  This way if someone
+      ;; hits C-g, you won't leave the component groups in a half-way state.
+      (gnus-atomic-progn
+	;; move (un)read
+	(let ((gnus-newsgroup-active nil)) ;workaround guns-update-read-articles
+	  (while (setq entry (pop unreads))
+	    (gnus-update-read-articles (car entry) (cdr entry))))
-      ;; clear all existing marks on the component groups
-      (setq groups nnvirtual-component-groups)
-      (while groups
-	(when (and (setq info (gnus-get-info (pop groups)))
-		   (gnus-info-marks info))
-	  (gnus-info-set-marks info nil)))
+	;; clear all existing marks on the component groups
+	(setq groups nnvirtual-component-groups)
+	(while groups
+	  (when (and (setq info (gnus-get-info (pop groups)))
+		     (gnus-info-marks info))
+	    (gnus-info-set-marks info nil)))
-      ;; Ok, currently type-marks is an assq list with keys of a mark type,
-      ;; with data of an assq list with keys of component group names
-      ;; and the articles which correspond to that key/group pair.
-      (while (setq mark (pop type-marks))
-	(setq type (car mark))
-	(setq groups (cdr mark))
-	(while (setq carticles (pop groups))
-	  (gnus-add-marked-articles (car carticles) type (cdr carticles) 
-				    nil t))))
+	;; Ok, currently type-marks is an assq list with keys of a mark type,
+	;; with data of an assq list with keys of component group names
+	;; and the articles which correspond to that key/group pair.
+	(while (setq mark (pop type-marks))
+	  (setq type (car mark))
+	  (setq groups (cdr mark))
+	  (while (setq carticles (pop groups))
+	    (gnus-add-marked-articles (car carticles) type (cdr carticles) 
+				      nil t))))
-    ;; possibly update the display, it is really slow
-    (when update-p
-      (setq groups nnvirtual-component-groups)
-      (while groups
-	(gnus-group-update-group (pop groups) t)))
-    ))
+      ;; possibly update the display, it is really slow
+      (when update-p
+	(setq groups nnvirtual-component-groups)
+	(while groups
+	  (gnus-group-update-group (pop groups) t))))))
 (defun nnvirtual-current-group ()
--- a/lisp/gnus/smiley.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/gnus/smiley.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -224,10 +224,10 @@
 		  (set-extent-property ext 'start-open t)
 		  (set-extent-property ext 'invisible t)
 		  (set-extent-property ext 'keymap smiley-map)
-		  (set-extent-property ext 'mouse-face 'smiley-mouse-face)
+		  (set-extent-property ext 'mouse-face smiley-mouse-face)
 		  (set-extent-property ext 'intangible t)
 		  ;; set annotation params
-		  (set-extent-property ant 'mouse-face 'smiley-mouse-face)
+		  (set-extent-property ant 'mouse-face smiley-mouse-face)
 		  (set-extent-property ant 'keymap smiley-map)
 		  ;; remember each other
 		  (set-extent-property ant 'smiley-extent ext)
--- a/lisp/gnus/widget-edit.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2127 +0,0 @@
-;;; widget-edit.el --- Functions for creating and using widgets.
-;; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <>
-;; Keywords: extensions
-;; Version: 1.20
-;; X-URL:
-;;; Commentary:
-;; See `widget.el'.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'widget)
-(require 'cl)
-(autoload 'pp-to-string "pp")
-(autoload 'Info-goto-node "info")
-(if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
-    ;; XEmacs spell `intangible' as `atomic'.
-    (defun widget-make-intangible (from to side)
-      "Make text between FROM and TO atomic with regard to movement.
-Third argument should be `start-open' if it should be sticky to the rear,
-and `end-open' if it should sticky to the front."
-      (require 'atomic-extents)
-      (let ((ext (make-extent from to)))
-	 ;; XEmacs doesn't understant different kinds of read-only, so
-	 ;; we have to use extents instead.  
-	(put-text-property from to 'read-only nil)
-	(set-extent-property ext 'read-only t)
-	(set-extent-property ext 'start-open nil)
-	(set-extent-property ext 'end-open nil)
-	(set-extent-property ext side t)
-	(set-extent-property ext 'atomic t)))
-  (defun widget-make-intangible (from to size)
-    "Make text between FROM and TO intangible."
-    (put-text-property from to 'intangible 'front)))
-;; The following should go away when bundled with Emacs.
-  (condition-case ()
-      (require 'custom)
-    (error nil))
-  (unless (and (featurep 'custom) (fboundp 'custom-declare-variable))
-    ;; We have the old custom-library, hack around it!
-    (defmacro defgroup (&rest args) nil)
-    (defmacro defcustom (&rest args) nil)
-    (defmacro defface (&rest args) nil)
-    (when (fboundp 'copy-face)
-      (copy-face 'default 'widget-documentation-face)
-      (copy-face 'bold 'widget-button-face)
-      (copy-face 'italic 'widget-field-face))
-    (defvar widget-mouse-face 'highlight)
-    (defvar widget-menu-max-size 40)))
-;;; Compatibility.
-(unless (fboundp 'event-point)
-  ;; XEmacs function missing in Emacs.
-  (defun event-point (event)
-    "Return the character position of the given mouse-motion, button-press,
-or button-release event.  If the event did not occur over a window, or did
-not occur over text, then this returns nil.  Otherwise, it returns an index
-into the buffer visible in the event's window."
-    (posn-point (event-start event))))
-(unless (fboundp 'error-message-string)
-  ;; Emacs function missing in XEmacs.
-  (defun error-message-string (obj)
-    "Convert an error value to an error message."
-    (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *error-message*")))
-      (erase-buffer buf)
-      (funcall (intern "display-error") obj buf)
-      (buffer-string buf))))
-;;; Customization.
-(defgroup widgets nil
-  "Customization support for the Widget Library."
-  :link '(custom-manual "(widget)Top")
-  :link '(url-link :tag "Development Page" 
-		   "")
-  :prefix "widget-"
-  :group 'emacs)
-(defface widget-documentation-face '((((class color)
-				       (background dark))
-				      (:foreground "lime green"))
-				     (((class color)
-				       (background light))
-				      (:foreground "dark green"))
-				     (t nil))
-  "Face used for documentation text."
-  :group 'widgets)
-(defface widget-button-face '((t (:bold t)))
-  "Face used for widget buttons."
-  :group 'widgets)
-(defcustom widget-mouse-face 'highlight
-  "Face used for widget buttons when the mouse is above them."
-  :type 'face
-  :group 'widgets)
-(defface widget-field-face '((((class grayscale color)
-			       (background light))
-			      (:background "light gray"))
-			     (((class grayscale color)
-			       (background dark))
-			      (:background "dark gray"))
-			     (t 
-			      (:italic t)))
-  "Face used for editable fields."
-  :group 'widgets)
-(defcustom widget-menu-max-size 40
-  "Largest number of items allowed in a popup-menu.
-Larger menus are read through the minibuffer."
-  :group 'widgets
-  :type 'integer)
-;;; Utility functions.
-;; These are not really widget specific.
-(defun widget-plist-member (plist prop)
-  ;; Return non-nil if PLIST has the property PROP.
-  ;; PLIST is a property list, which is a list of the form
-  ;; (PROP1 VALUE1 PROP2 VALUE2 ...).  PROP is a symbol.
-  ;; Unlike `plist-get', this allows you to distinguish between a missing
-  ;; property and a property with the value nil.
-  ;; The value is actually the tail of PLIST whose car is PROP.
-  (while (and plist (not (eq (car plist) prop)))
-    (setq plist (cdr (cdr plist))))
-  plist)
-(defun widget-princ-to-string (object)
-  ;; Return string representation of OBJECT, any Lisp object.
-  ;; No quoting characters are used; no delimiters are printed around
-  ;; the contents of strings.
-  (save-excursion
-    (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *widget-tmp*"))
-    (erase-buffer)
-    (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
-      (princ object))
-    (buffer-string)))
-(defun widget-clear-undo ()
-  "Clear all undo information."
-  (buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
-  (buffer-enable-undo))
-(defun widget-choose (title items &optional event)
-  "Choose an item from a list.
-First argument TITLE is the name of the list.
-Second argument ITEMS is an alist (NAME . VALUE).
-Optional third argument EVENT is an input event.
-The user is asked to choose between each NAME from the items alist,
-and the VALUE of the chosen element will be returned.  If EVENT is a
-mouse event, and the number of elements in items is less than
-`widget-menu-max-size', a popup menu will be used, otherwise the
-  (cond ((and (< (length items) widget-menu-max-size)
-	      event (fboundp 'x-popup-menu) window-system)
-	 ;; We are in Emacs-19, pressed by the mouse
-	 (x-popup-menu event
-		       (list title (cons "" items))))
-	((and (< (length items) widget-menu-max-size)
-	      event (fboundp 'popup-menu) window-system)
-	 ;; We are in XEmacs, pressed by the mouse
-	 (let ((val (get-popup-menu-response
-		     (cons ""
-			   (mapcar
-			    (function
-			     (lambda (x)
-			       (vector (car x) (list (car x)) t)))
-			    items)))))
-	   (setq val (and val
-			  (listp (event-object val))
-			  (stringp (car-safe (event-object val)))
-			  (car (event-object val))))
-	   (cdr (assoc val items))))
-	(t
-	 (cdr (assoc (completing-read (concat title ": ")
-				      items nil t)
-		     items)))))
-;;; Widget text specifications.
-;; These functions are for specifying text properties. 
-(defun widget-specify-none (from to)
-  ;; Clear all text properties between FROM and TO.
-  (set-text-properties from to nil))
-(defun widget-specify-text (from to)
-  ;; Default properties.
-  (add-text-properties from to (list 'read-only t
-				     'front-sticky t
-				     'start-open t
-				     'end-open t
-				     'rear-nonsticky nil)))
-(defun widget-specify-field (widget from to)
-  ;; Specify editable button for WIDGET between FROM and TO.
-  (widget-specify-field-update widget from to)
-  ;; Make it possible to edit the front end of the field.
-  (add-text-properties (1- from) from (list 'rear-nonsticky t
-					    'end-open t
-					    'invisible t))
-  (when (or (string-match "\\(.\\|\n\\)%v" (widget-get widget :format))
-	    (widget-get widget :hide-front-space))
-    ;; WARNING: This is going to lose horrible if the character just
-    ;; before the field can be modified (e.g. if it belongs to a
-    ;; choice widget).  We try to compensate by checking the format
-    ;; string, and hope the user hasn't changed the :create method.
-    (widget-make-intangible (- from 2) from 'end-open))
-  ;; Make it possible to edit back end of the field.
-  (add-text-properties to (1+ to) (list 'front-sticky nil
-					'read-only t
-					'start-open t))
-  (cond ((widget-get widget :size)
-	 (put-text-property to (1+ to) 'invisible t)
-	 (when (or (string-match "%v\\(.\\|\n\\)" (widget-get widget :format))
-		   (widget-get widget :hide-rear-space))
-	   ;; WARNING: This is going to lose horrible if the character just
-	   ;; after the field can be modified (e.g. if it belongs to a
-	   ;; choice widget).  We try to compensate by checking the format
-	   ;; string, and hope the user hasn't changed the :create method.
-	   (widget-make-intangible to (+ to 2) 'start-open)))
-	((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
-	 ;; XEmacs does not allow you to insert before a read-only
-	 ;; character, even if it is
-	 ;; XEmacs does allow you to delete an read-only extent, so
-	 ;; making the terminating newline read only doesn't help.
-	 ;; I tried putting an invisible intangible read-only space
-	 ;; before the newline, which gave really weird effects.
-	 ;; So for now, we just have trust the user not to delete the
-	 ;; newline.  
-	 (put-text-property to (1+ to) 'read-only nil))))
-(defun widget-specify-field-update (widget from to)
-  ;; Specify editable button for WIDGET between FROM and TO.
-  (let ((map (or (widget-get widget :keymap)
-		 widget-keymap))
-	(face (or (widget-get widget :value-face)
-		  'widget-field-face)))
-    (set-text-properties from to (list 'field widget
-				       'read-only nil
-				       'keymap map
-				       'local-map map
-				       'face face))
-    (unless (widget-get widget :size)
-      (add-text-properties to (1+ to) (list 'field widget
-					    'face face
-					    'local-map map
-					    'keymap map)))))
-(defun widget-specify-button (widget from to)
-  ;; Specify button for WIDGET between FROM and TO.
-  (let ((face (widget-apply widget :button-face-get)))
-    (add-text-properties from to (list 'button widget
-				       'mouse-face widget-mouse-face
-				       'start-open t
-				       'end-open t
-				       'face face))))
-(defun widget-specify-sample (widget from to)
-  ;; Specify sample for WIDGET between FROM and TO.
-  (let ((face (widget-apply widget :sample-face-get)))
-    (when face
-      (add-text-properties from to (list 'start-open t
-					 'end-open t
-					 'face face)))))
-(defun widget-specify-doc (widget from to)
-  ;; Specify documentation for WIDGET between FROM and TO.
-  (add-text-properties from to (list 'widget-doc widget
-				     'face 'widget-documentation-face)))
-(defmacro widget-specify-insert (&rest form)
-  ;; Execute FORM without inheriting any text properties.
-  `(save-restriction
-     (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
-	   result
-	   after-change-functions)
-       (insert "<>")
-       (narrow-to-region (- (point) 2) (point))
-       (widget-specify-none (point-min) (point-max))
-       (goto-char (1+ (point-min)))
-       (setq result (progn ,@form))
-       (delete-region (point-min) (1+ (point-min)))
-       (delete-region (1- (point-max)) (point-max))
-       (goto-char (point-max))
-       result)))
-;;; Widget Properties.
-(defun widget-put (widget property value)
-The value can later be retrived with `widget-get'."
-  (setcdr widget (plist-put (cdr widget) property value)))
-(defun widget-get (widget property)
-  "In WIDGET, get the value of PROPERTY.
-The value could either be specified when the widget was created, or
-later with `widget-put'."
-  (cond ((widget-plist-member (cdr widget) property)
-	 (plist-get (cdr widget) property))
-	((car widget)
-	 (widget-get (get (car widget) 'widget-type) property))
-	(t nil)))
-(defun widget-member (widget property)
-  "Non-nil iff there is a definition in WIDGET for PROPERTY."
-  (cond ((widget-plist-member (cdr widget) property)
-	 t)
-	((car widget)
-	 (widget-member (get (car widget) 'widget-type) property))
-	(t nil)))
-(defun widget-apply (widget property &rest args)
-  "Apply the value of WIDGET's PROPERTY to the widget itself.
-ARGS are passed as extra argments to the function."
-  (apply (widget-get widget property) widget args))
-(defun widget-value (widget)
-  "Extract the current value of WIDGET."
-  (widget-apply widget
-		:value-to-external (widget-apply widget :value-get)))
-(defun widget-value-set (widget value)
-  "Set the current value of WIDGET to VALUE."
-  (widget-apply widget
-		:value-set (widget-apply widget
-					 :value-to-internal value)))
-(defun widget-match-inline (widget vals)
-  ;; In WIDGET, match the start of VALS.
-  (cond ((widget-get widget :inline)
-	 (widget-apply widget :match-inline vals))
-	((and vals
-	      (widget-apply widget :match (car vals)))
-	 (cons (list (car vals)) (cdr vals)))
-	(t nil)))
-;;; Creating Widgets.
-(defun widget-create (type &rest args)
-  "Create widget of TYPE.  
-The optional ARGS are additional keyword arguments."
-  (let ((widget (apply 'widget-convert type args)))
-    (widget-apply widget :create)
-    widget))
-(defun widget-create-child-and-convert (parent type &rest args)
-  "As part of the widget PARENT, create a child widget TYPE.
-The child is converted, using the keyword arguments ARGS."
-  (let ((widget (apply 'widget-convert type args)))
-    (widget-put widget :parent parent)
-    (unless (widget-get widget :indent)
-      (widget-put widget :indent (+ (or (widget-get parent :indent) 0)
-				    (or (widget-get widget :extra-offset) 0)
-				    (widget-get parent :offset))))
-    (widget-apply widget :create)
-    widget))
-(defun widget-create-child (parent type)
-  "Create widget of TYPE."
-  (let ((widget (copy-list type)))
-    (widget-put widget :parent parent)
-    (unless (widget-get widget :indent)
-      (widget-put widget :indent (+ (or (widget-get parent :indent) 0)
-				    (or (widget-get widget :extra-offset) 0)
-				    (widget-get parent :offset))))
-    (widget-apply widget :create)
-    widget))
-(defun widget-create-child-value (parent type value)
-  "Create widget of TYPE with value VALUE."
-  (let ((widget (copy-list type)))
-    (widget-put widget :value (widget-apply widget :value-to-internal value))
-    (widget-put widget :parent parent)
-    (unless (widget-get widget :indent)
-      (widget-put widget :indent (+ (or (widget-get parent :indent) 0)
-				    (or (widget-get widget :extra-offset) 0)
-				    (widget-get parent :offset))))
-    (widget-apply widget :create)
-    widget))
-(defun widget-delete (widget)
-  "Delete WIDGET."
-  (widget-apply widget :delete))
-(defun widget-convert (type &rest args)
-  "Convert TYPE to a widget without inserting it in the buffer. 
-The optional ARGS are additional keyword arguments."
-  ;; Don't touch the type.
-  (let* ((widget (if (symbolp type) 
-		     (list type)
-		   (copy-list type)))
-	 (current widget)
-	 (keys args))
-    ;; First set the :args keyword.
-    (while (cdr current)		;Look in the type.
-      (let ((next (car (cdr current))))
-	(if (and (symbolp next) (eq (aref (symbol-name next) 0) ?:))
-	    (setq current (cdr (cdr current)))
-	  (setcdr current (list :args (cdr current)))
-	  (setq current nil))))
-    (while args				;Look in the args.
-      (let ((next (nth 0 args)))
-	(if (and (symbolp next) (eq (aref (symbol-name next) 0) ?:))
-	    (setq args (nthcdr 2 args))
-	  (widget-put widget :args args)
-	  (setq args nil))))
-    ;; Then Convert the widget.
-    (setq type widget)
-    (while type
-      (let ((convert-widget (plist-get (cdr type) :convert-widget)))
-	(if convert-widget
-	    (setq widget (funcall convert-widget widget))))
-      (setq type (get (car type) 'widget-type)))
-    ;; Finally set the keyword args.
-    (while keys 
-      (let ((next (nth 0 keys)))
-	(if (and (symbolp next) (eq (aref (symbol-name next) 0) ?:))
-	    (progn 
-	      (widget-put widget next (nth 1 keys))
-	      (setq keys (nthcdr 2 keys)))
-	  (setq keys nil))))
-    ;; Convert the :value to internal format.
-    (if (widget-member widget :value)
-	(let ((value (widget-get widget :value)))
-	  (widget-put widget
-		      :value (widget-apply widget :value-to-internal value))))
-    ;; Return the newly create widget.
-    widget))
-(defun widget-insert (&rest args)
-  "Call `insert' with ARGS and make the text read only."
-  (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
-	after-change-functions
-	(from (point)))
-    (apply 'insert args)
-    (widget-specify-text from (point))))
-;;; Keymap and Comands.
-(defvar widget-keymap nil
-  "Keymap containing useful binding for buffers containing widgets.
-Recommended as a parent keymap for modes using widgets.")
-(if widget-keymap 
-    ()
-  (setq widget-keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
-  (set-keymap-parent widget-keymap global-map)
-  (define-key widget-keymap "\t" 'widget-forward)
-  (define-key widget-keymap "\M-\t" 'widget-backward)
-  (define-key widget-keymap [(shift tab)] 'widget-backward)
-  (define-key widget-keymap [(shift tab)] 'widget-backward)
-  (define-key widget-keymap [backtab] 'widget-backward)
-  (if (string-match "XEmacs" (emacs-version))
-      (define-key widget-keymap [button2] 'widget-button-click)
-    (define-key widget-keymap [menu-bar] 'nil)
-    (define-key widget-keymap [mouse-2] 'widget-button-click))
-  (define-key widget-keymap "\C-m" 'widget-button-press))
-(defvar widget-global-map global-map
-  "Keymap used for events the widget does not handle themselves.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'widget-global-map)
-(defun widget-button-click (event)
-  "Activate button below mouse pointer."
-  (interactive "@e")
-  (widget-button-press (event-point event) event))
-(defun widget-button-press (pos &optional event)
-  "Activate button at POS."
-  (interactive "@d")
-  (let* ((button (get-text-property pos 'button)))
-    (if button
-	(widget-apply button :action event)
-      (call-interactively
-       (lookup-key widget-global-map (this-command-keys))))))
-(defun widget-move (arg)
-  "Move point to the ARG next field or button.
-ARG may be negative to move backward."
-  (while (> arg 0)
-    (setq arg (1- arg))
-    (let ((next (cond ((get-text-property (point) 'button)
-		       (next-single-property-change (point) 'button))
-		      ((get-text-property (point) 'field)
-		       (next-single-property-change (point) 'field))
-		      (t
-		       (point)))))
-      (if (null next)			; Widget extends to end. of buffer
-	  (setq next (point-min)))
-      (let ((button (next-single-property-change next 'button))
-	    (field (next-single-property-change next 'field)))
-	(cond ((or (get-text-property next 'button)
-		   (get-text-property next 'field))
-	       (goto-char next))
-	      ((and button field)
-	       (goto-char (min button field)))
-	      (button (goto-char button))
-	      (field (goto-char field))
-	      (t
-	       (let ((button (next-single-property-change (point-min) 'button))
-		     (field (next-single-property-change (point-min) 'field)))
-		 (cond ((and button field) (goto-char (min button field)))
-		       (button (goto-char button))
-		       (field (goto-char field))
-		       (t
-			(error "No buttons or fields found")))))))))
-  (while (< arg 0)
-    (if (= (point-min) (point))
-	(forward-char 1))
-    (setq arg (1+ arg))
-    (let ((previous (cond ((get-text-property (1- (point)) 'button)
-			   (previous-single-property-change (point) 'button))
-			  ((get-text-property (1- (point)) 'field)
-			   (previous-single-property-change (point) 'field))
-			  (t
-			   (point)))))
-      (if (null previous)		; Widget extends to beg. of buffer
-	  (setq previous (point-max)))
-      (let ((button (previous-single-property-change previous 'button))
-	    (field (previous-single-property-change previous 'field)))
-	(cond ((and button field)
-	       (goto-char (max button field)))
-	      (button (goto-char button))
-	      (field (goto-char field))
-	      (t
-	       (let ((button (previous-single-property-change
-			      (point-max) 'button))
-		     (field (previous-single-property-change
-			     (point-max) 'field)))
-		 (cond ((and button field) (goto-char (max button field)))
-		       (button (goto-char button))
-		       (field (goto-char field))
-		       (t
-			(error "No buttons or fields found"))))))))
-    (let ((button (previous-single-property-change (point) 'button))
-	  (field (previous-single-property-change (point) 'field)))
-      (cond ((and button field)
-	     (goto-char (max button field)))
-	    (button (goto-char button))
-	    (field (goto-char field)))))
-  (widget-echo-help (point))
-  (run-hooks 'widget-move-hook))
-(defun widget-forward (arg)
-  "Move point to the next field or button.
-With optional ARG, move across that many fields."
-  (interactive "p")
-  (run-hooks 'widget-forward-hook)
-  (widget-move arg))
-(defun widget-backward (arg)
-  "Move point to the previous field or button.
-With optional ARG, move across that many fields."
-  (interactive "p")
-  (run-hooks 'widget-backward-hook)
-  (widget-move (- arg)))
-;;; Setting up the buffer.
-(defvar widget-field-new nil)
-;; List of all newly created editable fields in the buffer.
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'widget-field-new)
-(defvar widget-field-list nil)
-;; List of all editable fields in the buffer.
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'widget-field-list)
-(defun widget-setup ()
-  "Setup current buffer so editing string widgets works."
-  (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
-	(after-change-functions nil)
-	field)
-    (while widget-field-new
-      (setq field (car widget-field-new)
-	    widget-field-new (cdr widget-field-new)
-	    widget-field-list (cons field widget-field-list))
-      (let ((from (widget-get field :value-from))
-	    (to (widget-get field :value-to)))
-	(widget-specify-field field from to)
-	(move-marker from (1- from))
-	(move-marker to (1+ to)))))
-  (widget-clear-undo)
-  ;; We need to maintain text properties and size of the editing fields.
-  (make-local-variable 'after-change-functions)
-  (if widget-field-list
-      (setq after-change-functions '(widget-after-change))
-    (setq after-change-functions nil)))
-(defvar widget-field-last nil)
-;; Last field containing point.
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'widget-field-last)
-(defvar widget-field-was nil)
-;; The widget data before the change.
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'widget-field-was)
-(defun widget-field-find (pos)
-  ;; Find widget whose editing field is located at POS.
-  ;; Return nil if POS is not inside and editing field.
-  ;; 
-  ;; This is only used in `widget-field-modified', since ordinarily
-  ;; you would just test the field property.
-  (let ((fields widget-field-list)
-	field found)
-    (while fields
-      (setq field (car fields)
-	    fields (cdr fields))
-      (let ((from (widget-get field :value-from))
-	    (to (widget-get field :value-to)))
-	(if (and from to (< from pos) (> to  pos))
-	    (setq fields nil
-		  found field))))
-    found))
-(defun widget-after-change (from to old)
-  ;; Adjust field size and text properties.
-  (condition-case nil
-      (let ((field (widget-field-find from))
-	    (inhibit-read-only t))
-	(cond ((null field))
-	      ((not (eq field (widget-field-find to)))
-	       (debug)
-	       (message "Error: `widget-after-change' called on two fields"))
-	      (t
-	       (let ((size (widget-get field :size)))
-		 (if size 
-		     (let ((begin (1+ (widget-get field :value-from)))
-			   (end (1- (widget-get field :value-to))))
-		       (widget-specify-field-update field begin end)
-		       (cond ((< (- end begin) size)
-			      ;; Field too small.
-			      (save-excursion
-				(goto-char end)
-				(insert-char ?\  (- (+ begin size) end))
-				(widget-specify-field-update field 
-							     begin
-							     (+ begin size))))
-			     ((> (- end begin) size)
-			      ;; Field too large and
-			      (if (or (< (point) (+ begin size))
-				      (> (point) end))
-				  ;; Point is outside extra space.
-				  (setq begin (+ begin size))
-				;; Point is within the extra space.
-				(setq begin (point)))
-			      (save-excursion
-				(goto-char end)
-				(while (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\ )
-					    (> (point) begin))
-				  (delete-backward-char 1))))))
-		   (widget-specify-field-update field from to)))
-	       (widget-apply field :notify field))))
-    (error (debug))))
-;;; Widget Functions
-;; These functions are used in the definition of multiple widgets. 
-(defun widget-children-value-delete (widget)
-  "Delete all :children and :buttons in WIDGET."
-  (mapcar 'widget-delete (widget-get widget :children))
-  (widget-put widget :children nil)
-  (mapcar 'widget-delete (widget-get widget :buttons))
-  (widget-put widget :buttons nil))
-(defun widget-types-convert-widget (widget)
-  "Convert :args as widget types in WIDGET."
-  (widget-put widget :args (mapcar 'widget-convert (widget-get widget :args)))
-  widget)
-;;; The `default' Widget.
-(define-widget 'default nil
-  "Basic widget other widgets are derived from."
-  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value) value)
-  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value) value)
-  :create 'widget-default-create
-  :indent nil
-  :offset 0
-  :format-handler 'widget-default-format-handler
-  :button-face-get 'widget-default-button-face-get 
-  :sample-face-get 'widget-default-sample-face-get 
-  :delete 'widget-default-delete
-  :value-set 'widget-default-value-set
-  :value-inline 'widget-default-value-inline
-  :menu-tag-get 'widget-default-menu-tag-get
-  :validate (lambda (widget) nil)
-  :action 'widget-default-action
-  :notify 'widget-default-notify)
-(defun widget-default-create (widget)
-  "Create WIDGET at point in the current buffer."
-  (widget-specify-insert
-   (let ((from (point))
-	 (tag (widget-get widget :tag))
-	 (doc (widget-get widget :doc))
-	 button-begin button-end
-	 sample-begin sample-end
-	 doc-begin doc-end
-	 value-pos)
-     (insert (widget-get widget :format))
-     (goto-char from)
-     ;; Parse % escapes in format.
-     (while (re-search-forward "%\\(.\\)" nil t)
-       (let ((escape (aref (match-string 1) 0)))
-	 (replace-match "" t t)
-	 (cond ((eq escape ?%)
-		(insert "%"))
-	       ((eq escape ?\[)
-		(setq button-begin (point)))
-	       ((eq escape ?\])
-		(setq button-end (point)))
-	       ((eq escape ?\{)
-		(setq sample-begin (point)))
-	       ((eq escape ?\})
-		(setq sample-end (point)))
-	       ((eq escape ?n)
-		(when (widget-get widget :indent)
-		  (insert "\n")
-		  (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent))))
-	       ((eq escape ?t)
-		(if tag
-		    (insert tag)
-		  (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
-		    (princ (widget-get widget :value)))))
-	       ((eq escape ?d)
-		(when doc
-		  (setq doc-begin (point))
-		  (insert doc)
-		  (while (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
-		    (delete-backward-char 1))
-		  (insert "\n")
-		  (setq doc-end (point))))
-	       ((eq escape ?v)
-		(if (and button-begin (not button-end))
-		    (widget-apply widget :value-create)
-		  (setq value-pos (point))))
-	       (t 
-		(widget-apply widget :format-handler escape)))))
-     ;; Specify button, sample, and doc, and insert value.
-     (and button-begin button-end
-	  (widget-specify-button widget button-begin button-end))
-     (and sample-begin sample-end
-	  (widget-specify-sample widget sample-begin sample-end))
-     (and doc-begin doc-end
-	  (widget-specify-doc widget doc-begin doc-end))
-     (when value-pos
-       (goto-char value-pos)
-       (widget-apply widget :value-create)))
-   (let ((from (copy-marker (point-min)))
-	 (to (copy-marker (point-max))))
-     (widget-specify-text from to)
-     (set-marker-insertion-type from t)
-     (set-marker-insertion-type to nil)
-     (widget-put widget :from from)
-     (widget-put widget :to to))))
-(defun widget-default-format-handler (widget escape)
-  ;; We recognize the %h escape by default.
-  (let* ((buttons (widget-get widget :buttons))
-	 (doc-property (widget-get widget :documentation-property))
-	 (doc-try (cond ((widget-get widget :doc))
-			((symbolp doc-property)
-			 (documentation-property (widget-get widget :value)
-						 doc-property))
-			(t
-			 (funcall doc-property (widget-get widget :value)))))
-	 (doc-text (and (stringp doc-try)
-			(> (length doc-try) 1)
-			doc-try)))
-    (cond ((eq escape ?h)
-	   (when doc-text
-	     (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
-		  (widget-get widget :indent)
-		  (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
-	     ;; The `*' in the beginning is redundant.
-	     (when (eq (aref doc-text  0) ?*)
-	       (setq doc-text (substring doc-text 1)))
-	     ;; Get rid of trailing newlines.
-	     (when (string-match "\n+\\'" doc-text)
-	       (setq doc-text (substring doc-text 0 (match-beginning 0))))
-	     (push (if (string-match "\n." doc-text)
-		       ;; Allow multiline doc to be hiden.
-		       (widget-create-child-and-convert
-			widget 'widget-help 
-			:doc (progn
-			       (string-match "\\`.*" doc-text)
-			       (match-string 0 doc-text))
-			:widget-doc doc-text
-			"?")
-		     ;; A single line is just inserted.
-		     (widget-create-child-and-convert
-		      widget 'item :format "%d" :doc doc-text nil))
-		   buttons)))
-	  (t 
-	   (error "Unknown escape `%c'" escape)))
-    (widget-put widget :buttons buttons)))
-(defun widget-default-button-face-get (widget)
-  ;; Use :button-face or widget-button-face
-  (or (widget-get widget :button-face) 'widget-button-face))
-(defun widget-default-sample-face-get (widget)
-  ;; Use :sample-face.
-  (widget-get widget :sample-face))
-(defun widget-default-delete (widget)
-  ;; Remove widget from the buffer.
-  (let ((from (widget-get widget :from))
-	(to (widget-get widget :to))
-	(inhibit-read-only t)
-	after-change-functions)
-    (widget-apply widget :value-delete)
-    (delete-region from to)
-    (set-marker from nil)
-    (set-marker to nil)))
-(defun widget-default-value-set (widget value)
-  ;; Recreate widget with new value.
-  (save-excursion
-    (goto-char (widget-get widget :from))
-    (widget-apply widget :delete)
-    (widget-put widget :value value)
-    (widget-apply widget :create)))
-(defun widget-default-value-inline (widget)
-  ;; Wrap value in a list unless it is inline.
-  (if (widget-get widget :inline)
-      (widget-value widget)
-    (list (widget-value widget))))
-(defun widget-default-menu-tag-get (widget)
-  ;; Use tag or value for menus.
-  (or (widget-get widget :menu-tag)
-      (widget-get widget :tag)
-      (widget-princ-to-string (widget-get widget :value))))
-(defun widget-default-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Notify the parent when a widget change
-  (let ((parent (widget-get widget :parent)))
-    (when parent
-      (widget-apply parent :notify widget event))))
-(defun widget-default-notify (widget child &optional event)
-  ;; Pass notification to parent.
-  (widget-default-action widget event))
-;;; The `item' Widget.
-(define-widget 'item 'default
-  "Constant items for inclusion in other widgets."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-item-convert-widget
-  :value-create 'widget-item-value-create
-  :value-delete 'ignore
-  :value-get 'widget-item-value-get
-  :match 'widget-item-match
-  :match-inline 'widget-item-match-inline
-  :action 'widget-item-action
-  :format "%t\n")
-(defun widget-item-convert-widget (widget)
-  ;; Initialize :value from :args in WIDGET.
-  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args)))
-    (when args 
-      (widget-put widget :value (widget-apply widget
-					      :value-to-internal (car args)))
-      (widget-put widget :args nil)))
-  widget)
-(defun widget-item-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Insert the printed representation of the value.
-  (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
-    (princ (widget-get widget :value))))
-(defun widget-item-match (widget value)
-  ;; Match if the value is the same.
-  (equal (widget-get widget :value) value))
-(defun widget-item-match-inline (widget values)
-  ;; Match if the value is the same.
-  (let ((value (widget-get widget :value)))
-    (and (listp value)
-	 (<= (length value) (length values))
-	 (let ((head (subseq values 0 (length value))))
-	   (and (equal head value)
-		(cons head (subseq values (length value))))))))
-(defun widget-item-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Just notify itself.
-  (widget-apply widget :notify widget event))
-(defun widget-item-value-get (widget)
-  ;; Items are simple.
-  (widget-get widget :value))
-;;; The `push-button' Widget.
-(define-widget 'push-button 'item
-  "A pushable button."
-  :format "%[[%t]%]")
-;;; The `link' Widget.
-(define-widget 'link 'item
-  "An embedded link."
-  :help-echo "Push me to follow the link."
-  :format "%[_%t_%]")
-;;; The `info-link' Widget.
-(define-widget 'info-link 'link
-  "A link to an info file."
-  :action 'widget-info-link-action)
-(defun widget-info-link-action (widget &optional event)
-  "Open the info node specified by WIDGET."
-  (Info-goto-node (widget-value widget)))
-;;; The `url-link' Widget.
-(define-widget 'url-link 'link
-  "A link to an www page."
-  :action 'widget-url-link-action)
-(defun widget-url-link-action (widget &optional event)
-  "Open the url specified by WIDGET."
-  (require 'browse-url)
-  (funcall browse-url-browser-function (widget-value widget)))
-;;; The `editable-field' Widget.
-(define-widget 'editable-field 'default
-  "An editable text field."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-item-convert-widget
-  :format "%v"
-  :value ""
-  :action 'widget-field-action
-  :value-create 'widget-field-value-create
-  :value-delete 'widget-field-value-delete
-  :value-get 'widget-field-value-get
-  :match 'widget-field-match)
-;; History of field minibuffer edits.
-(defvar widget-field-history nil)
-(defun widget-field-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Edit the value in the minibuffer.
-  (let ((tag (widget-apply widget :menu-tag-get))
-	(invalid (widget-apply widget :validate)))
-    (when invalid
-      (error (widget-get invalid :error)))
-    (widget-value-set widget 
-		      (widget-apply widget 
-				    :value-to-external
-				    (read-string (concat tag ": ") 
-						 (widget-apply 
-						  widget
-						  :value-to-internal
-						  (widget-value widget))
-						 'widget-field-history)))
-    (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
-    (widget-setup)))
-(defun widget-field-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Create an editable text field.
-  (insert " ")
-  (let ((size (widget-get widget :size))
-	(value (widget-get widget :value))
-	(from (point)))
-    (insert value)
-    (and size
-	 (< (length value) size)
-	 (insert-char ?\  (- size (length value))))
-    (unless (memq widget widget-field-list)
-      (setq widget-field-new (cons widget widget-field-new)))
-    (widget-put widget :value-to (copy-marker (point)))
-    (set-marker-insertion-type (widget-get widget :value-to) nil)
-    (if (null size)
-	(insert ?\n)
-      (insert ?\ ))
-    (widget-put widget :value-from (copy-marker from))
-    (set-marker-insertion-type (widget-get widget :value-from) t)))
-(defun widget-field-value-delete (widget)
-  ;; Remove the widget from the list of active editing fields.
-  (setq widget-field-list (delq widget widget-field-list))
-  (set-marker (widget-get widget :value-from) nil)
-  (set-marker (widget-get widget :value-to) nil))
-(defun widget-field-value-get (widget)
-  ;; Return current text in editing field.
-  (let ((from (widget-get widget :value-from))
-	(to (widget-get widget :value-to))
-	(size (widget-get widget :size))
-	(old (current-buffer)))
-    (if (and from to)
-	(progn 
-	  (set-buffer (marker-buffer from))
-	  (setq from (1+ from)
-		to (1- to))
-	  (while (and size
-		      (not (zerop size))
-		      (> to from)
-		      (eq (char-after (1- to)) ?\ ))
-	    (setq to (1- to)))
-	  (prog1 (buffer-substring-no-properties from to)
-	    (set-buffer old)))
-      (widget-get widget :value))))
-(defun widget-field-match (widget value)
-  ;; Match any string.
-  (stringp value))
-;;; The `text' Widget.
-(define-widget 'text 'editable-field
-  "A multiline text area.")
-;;; The `menu-choice' Widget.
-(define-widget 'menu-choice 'default
-  "A menu of options."
-  :convert-widget  'widget-types-convert-widget
-  :format "%[%t%]: %v"
-  :case-fold t
-  :tag "choice"
-  :void '(item :format "invalid (%t)\n")
-  :value-create 'widget-choice-value-create
-  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
-  :value-get 'widget-choice-value-get
-  :value-inline 'widget-choice-value-inline
-  :action 'widget-choice-action
-  :error "Make a choice"
-  :validate 'widget-choice-validate
-  :match 'widget-choice-match
-  :match-inline 'widget-choice-match-inline)
-(defun widget-choice-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Insert the first choice that matches the value.
-  (let ((value (widget-get widget :value))
-	(args (widget-get widget :args))
-	current)
-    (while args
-      (setq current (car args)
-	    args (cdr args))
-      (when (widget-apply current :match value)
-	(widget-put widget :children (list (widget-create-child-value
-					    widget current value)))
-	(widget-put widget :choice current)
-	(setq args nil
-	      current nil)))
-    (when current
-      (let ((void (widget-get widget :void)))
-	(widget-put widget :children (list (widget-create-child-and-convert
-					    widget void :value value)))
-	(widget-put widget :choice void)))))
-(defun widget-choice-value-get (widget)
-  ;; Get value of the child widget.
-  (widget-value (car (widget-get widget :children))))
-(defun widget-choice-value-inline (widget)
-  ;; Get value of the child widget.
-  (widget-apply (car (widget-get widget :children)) :value-inline))
-(defun widget-choice-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Make a choice.
-  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
-	(old (widget-get widget :choice))
-	(tag (widget-apply widget :menu-tag-get))
-	(completion-ignore-case (widget-get widget :case-fold))
-	current choices)
-    ;; Remember old value.
-    (if (and old (not (widget-apply widget :validate)))
-	(let* ((external (widget-value widget))
-	       (internal (widget-apply old :value-to-internal external)))
-	  (widget-put old :value internal)))
-    ;; Find new choice.
-    (setq current
-	  (cond ((= (length args) 0)
-		 nil)
-		((= (length args) 1)
-		 (nth 0 args))
-		((and (= (length args) 2)
-		      (memq old args))
-		 (if (eq old (nth 0 args))
-		     (nth 1 args)
-		   (nth 0 args)))
-		(t
-		 (while args
-		   (setq current (car args)
-			 args (cdr args))
-		   (setq choices
-			 (cons (cons (widget-apply current :menu-tag-get)
-				     current)
-			       choices)))
-		 (widget-choose tag (reverse choices) event))))
-    (when current
-      (widget-value-set widget 
-			(widget-apply current :value-to-external
-				      (widget-get current :value)))
-    (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
-    (widget-setup)))
-  ;; Notify parent.
-  (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
-  (widget-clear-undo))
-(defun widget-choice-validate (widget)
-  ;; Valid if we have made a valid choice.
-  (let ((void (widget-get widget :void))
-	(choice (widget-get widget :choice))
-	(child (car (widget-get widget :children))))
-    (if (eq void choice)
-	widget
-      (widget-apply child :validate))))
-(defun widget-choice-match (widget value)
-  ;; Matches if one of the choices matches.
-  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
-	current found)
-    (while (and args (not found))
-      (setq current (car args)
-	    args (cdr args)
-	    found (widget-apply current :match value)))
-    found))
-(defun widget-choice-match-inline (widget values)
-  ;; Matches if one of the choices matches.
-  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
-	current found)
-    (while (and args (null found))
-      (setq current (car args)
-	    args (cdr args)
-	    found (widget-match-inline current values)))
-    found))
-;;; The `toggle' Widget.
-(define-widget 'toggle 'menu-choice
-  "Toggle between two states."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-toggle-convert-widget
-  :format "%v"
-  :on "on"
-  :off "off")
-(defun widget-toggle-convert-widget (widget)
-  ;; Create the types representing the `on' and `off' states.
-  (let ((on-type (widget-get widget :on-type))
-	(off-type (widget-get widget :off-type)))
-    (unless on-type
-      (setq on-type
-	    (list 'choice-item 
-		  :value t
-		  :match (lambda (widget value) value)
-		  :tag (widget-get widget :on))))
-    (unless off-type
-      (setq off-type
-	    (list 'choice-item :value nil :tag (widget-get widget :off))))
-    (widget-put widget :args (list on-type off-type)))
-  widget)
-;;; The `checkbox' Widget.
-(define-widget 'checkbox 'toggle
-  "A checkbox toggle."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-item-convert-widget
-  :on-type '(choice-item :format "%[[X]%]" t)
-  :off-type  '(choice-item :format "%[[ ]%]" nil))
-;;; The `checklist' Widget.
-(define-widget 'checklist 'default
-  "A multiple choice widget."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-types-convert-widget
-  :format "%v"
-  :offset 4
-  :entry-format "%b %v"
-  :menu-tag "checklist"
-  :greedy nil
-  :value-create 'widget-checklist-value-create
-  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
-  :value-get 'widget-checklist-value-get
-  :validate 'widget-checklist-validate
-  :match 'widget-checklist-match
-  :match-inline 'widget-checklist-match-inline)
-(defun widget-checklist-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Insert all values
-  (let ((alist (widget-checklist-match-find widget (widget-get widget :value)))
-	(args (widget-get widget :args)))
-    (while args 
-      (widget-checklist-add-item widget (car args) (assq (car args) alist))
-      (setq args (cdr args)))
-    (widget-put widget :children (nreverse (widget-get widget :children)))))
-(defun widget-checklist-add-item (widget type chosen)
-  ;; Create checklist item in WIDGET of type TYPE.
-  ;; If the item is checked, CHOSEN is a cons whose cdr is the value.
-  (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
-       (widget-get widget :indent)
-       (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
-  (widget-specify-insert 
-   (let* ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	  (buttons (widget-get widget :buttons))
-	  (from (point))
-	  child button)
-     (insert (widget-get widget :entry-format))
-     (goto-char from)
-     ;; Parse % escapes in format.
-     (while (re-search-forward "%\\([bv%]\\)" nil t)
-       (let ((escape (aref (match-string 1) 0)))
-	 (replace-match "" t t)
-	 (cond ((eq escape ?%)
-		(insert "%"))
-	       ((eq escape ?b)
-		(setq button (widget-create-child-and-convert
-			      widget 'checkbox :value (not (null chosen)))))
-	       ((eq escape ?v)
-		(setq child
-		      (cond ((not chosen)
-			     (widget-create-child widget type))
-			    ((widget-get type :inline)
-			     (widget-create-child-value
-			      widget type (cdr chosen)))
-			    (t
-			     (widget-create-child-value
-			      widget type (car (cdr chosen)))))))
-	       (t 
-		(error "Unknown escape `%c'" escape)))))
-     ;; Update properties.
-     (and button child (widget-put child :button button))
-     (and button (widget-put widget :buttons (cons button buttons)))
-     (and child (widget-put widget :children (cons child children))))))
-(defun widget-checklist-match (widget values)
-  ;; All values must match a type in the checklist.
-  (and (listp values)
-       (null (cdr (widget-checklist-match-inline widget values)))))
-(defun widget-checklist-match-inline (widget values)
-  ;; Find the values which match a type in the checklist.
-  (let ((greedy (widget-get widget :greedy))
-	(args (copy-list (widget-get widget :args)))
-	found rest)
-    (while values
-      (let ((answer (widget-checklist-match-up args values)))
-	(cond (answer 
-	       (let ((vals (widget-match-inline answer values)))
-		 (setq found (append found (car vals))
-		       values (cdr vals)
-		       args (delq answer args))))
-	      (greedy
-	       (setq rest (append rest (list (car values)))
-		     values (cdr values)))
-	      (t 
-	       (setq rest (append rest values)
-		     values nil)))))
-    (cons found rest)))
-(defun widget-checklist-match-find (widget vals)
-  ;; Find the vals which match a type in the checklist.
-  ;; Return an alist of (TYPE MATCH).
-  (let ((greedy (widget-get widget :greedy))
-	(args (copy-list (widget-get widget :args)))
-	found)
-    (while vals
-      (let ((answer (widget-checklist-match-up args vals)))
-	(cond (answer 
-	       (let ((match (widget-match-inline answer vals)))
-		 (setq found (cons (cons answer (car match)) found)
-		       vals (cdr match)
-		       args (delq answer args))))
-	      (greedy
-	       (setq vals (cdr vals)))
-	      (t 
-	       (setq vals nil)))))
-    found))
-(defun widget-checklist-match-up (args vals)
-  ;; Rerturn the first type from ARGS that matches VALS.
-  (let (current found)
-    (while (and args (null found))
-      (setq current (car args)
-	    args (cdr args)
-	    found (widget-match-inline current vals)))
-    (if found
-	current
-      nil)))
-(defun widget-checklist-value-get (widget)
-  ;; The values of all selected items.
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	child result)
-    (while children 
-      (setq child (car children)
-	    children (cdr children))
-      (if (widget-value (widget-get child :button))
-	  (setq result (append result (widget-apply child :value-inline)))))
-    result))
-(defun widget-checklist-validate (widget)
-  ;; Ticked chilren must be valid.
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	child button found)
-    (while (and children (not found))
-      (setq child (car children)
-	    children (cdr children)
-	    button (widget-get child :button)
-	    found (and (widget-value button)
-		       (widget-apply child :validate))))
-    found))
-;;; The `option' Widget
-(define-widget 'option 'checklist
-  "An widget with an optional item."
-  :inline t)
-;;; The `choice-item' Widget.
-(define-widget 'choice-item 'item
-  "Button items that delegate action events to their parents."
-  :action 'widget-choice-item-action
-  :format "%[%t%] \n")
-(defun widget-choice-item-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Tell parent what happened.
-  (widget-apply (widget-get widget :parent) :action event))
-;;; The `radio-button' Widget.
-(define-widget 'radio-button 'toggle
-  "A radio button for use in the `radio' widget."
-  :notify 'widget-radio-button-notify
-  :on-type '(choice-item :format "%[(*)%]" t)
-  :off-type '(choice-item :format "%[( )%]" nil))
-(defun widget-radio-button-notify (widget child &optional event)
-  ;; Notify the parent.
-  (widget-apply (widget-get widget :parent) :action widget event))
-;;; The `radio-button-choice' Widget.
-(define-widget 'radio-button-choice 'default
-  "Select one of multiple options."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-types-convert-widget
-  :offset 4
-  :format "%v"
-  :entry-format "%b %v"
-  :menu-tag "radio"
-  :value-create 'widget-radio-value-create
-  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
-  :value-get 'widget-radio-value-get
-  :value-inline 'widget-radio-value-inline
-  :value-set 'widget-radio-value-set
-  :error "You must push one of the buttons"
-  :validate 'widget-radio-validate
-  :match 'widget-choice-match
-  :match-inline 'widget-choice-match-inline
-  :action 'widget-radio-action)
-(defun widget-radio-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Insert all values
-  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
-	arg)
-    (while args 
-      (setq arg (car args)
-	    args (cdr args))
-      (widget-radio-add-item widget arg))))
-(defun widget-radio-add-item (widget type)
-  "Add to radio widget WIDGET a new radio button item of type TYPE."
-  ;; (setq type (widget-convert type))
-  (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
-       (widget-get widget :indent)
-       (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
-  (widget-specify-insert 
-   (let* ((value (widget-get widget :value))
-	  (children (widget-get widget :children))
-	  (buttons (widget-get widget :buttons))
-	  (from (point))
-	  (chosen (and (null (widget-get widget :choice))
-		       (widget-apply type :match value)))
-	  child button)
-     (insert (widget-get widget :entry-format))
-     (goto-char from)
-     ;; Parse % escapes in format.
-     (while (re-search-forward "%\\([bv%]\\)" nil t)
-       (let ((escape (aref (match-string 1) 0)))
-	 (replace-match "" t t)
-	 (cond ((eq escape ?%)
-		(insert "%"))
-	       ((eq escape ?b)
-		(setq button (widget-create-child-and-convert
-			      widget 'radio-button 
-			      :value (not (null chosen)))))
-	       ((eq escape ?v)
-		(setq child (if chosen
-				(widget-create-child-value
-				 widget type value)
-			      (widget-create-child widget type))))
-	       (t 
-		(error "Unknown escape `%c'" escape)))))
-     ;; Update properties.
-     (when chosen
-       (widget-put widget :choice type))
-     (when button 
-       (widget-put child :button button)
-       (widget-put widget :buttons (nconc buttons (list button))))
-     (when child
-       (widget-put widget :children (nconc children (list child))))
-     child)))
-(defun widget-radio-value-get (widget)
-  ;; Get value of the child widget.
-  (let ((chosen (widget-radio-chosen widget)))
-    (and chosen (widget-value chosen))))
-(defun widget-radio-chosen (widget)
-  "Return the widget representing the chosen radio button."
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	current found)
-    (while children
-      (setq current (car children)
-	    children (cdr children))
-      (let* ((button (widget-get current :button))
-	     (value (widget-apply button :value-get)))
-	(when value
-	  (setq found current
-		children nil))))
-    found))
-(defun widget-radio-value-inline (widget)
-  ;; Get value of the child widget.
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	current found)
-    (while children
-      (setq current (car children)
-	    children (cdr children))
-      (let* ((button (widget-get current :button))
-	     (value (widget-apply button :value-get)))
-	(when value
-	  (setq found (widget-apply current :value-inline)
-		children nil))))
-    found))
-(defun widget-radio-value-set (widget value)
-  ;; We can't just delete and recreate a radio widget, since children
-  ;; can be added after the original creation and won't be recreated
-  ;; by `:create'.
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	current found)
-    (while children
-      (setq current (car children)
-	    children (cdr children))
-      (let* ((button (widget-get current :button))
-	     (match (and (not found)
-			 (widget-apply current :match value))))
-	(widget-value-set button match)
-	(if match 
-	    (widget-value-set current value))
-	(setq found (or found match))))))
-(defun widget-radio-validate (widget)
-  ;; Valid if we have made a valid choice.
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	current found button)
-    (while (and children (not found))
-      (setq current (car children)
-	    children (cdr children)
-	    button (widget-get current :button)
-	    found (widget-apply button :value-get)))
-    (if found
-	(widget-apply current :validate)
-      widget)))
-(defun widget-radio-action (widget child event)
-  ;; Check if a radio button was pressed.
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	(buttons (widget-get widget :buttons))
-	current)
-    (when (memq child buttons)
-      (while children
-	(setq current (car children)
-	      children (cdr children))
-	(let* ((button (widget-get current :button)))
-	  (cond ((eq child button)
-		 (widget-value-set button t))
-		((widget-value button)
-		 (widget-value-set button nil)))))))
-  ;; Pass notification to parent.
-  (widget-apply widget :notify child event))
-;;; The `insert-button' Widget.
-(define-widget 'insert-button 'push-button
-  "An insert button for the `editable-list' widget."
-  :tag "INS"
-  :action 'widget-insert-button-action)
-(defun widget-insert-button-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Ask the parent to insert a new item.
-  (widget-apply (widget-get widget :parent) 
-		:insert-before (widget-get widget :widget)))
-;;; The `delete-button' Widget.
-(define-widget 'delete-button 'push-button
-  "A delete button for the `editable-list' widget."
-  :tag "DEL"
-  :action 'widget-delete-button-action)
-(defun widget-delete-button-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Ask the parent to insert a new item.
-  (widget-apply (widget-get widget :parent) 
-		:delete-at (widget-get widget :widget)))
-;;; The `editable-list' Widget.
-(define-widget 'editable-list 'default
-  "A variable list of widgets of the same type."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-types-convert-widget
-  :offset 12
-  :format "%v%i\n"
-  :format-handler 'widget-editable-list-format-handler
-  :entry-format "%i %d %v"
-  :menu-tag "editable-list"
-  :value-create 'widget-editable-list-value-create
-  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
-  :value-get 'widget-editable-list-value-get
-  :validate 'widget-editable-list-validate
-  :match 'widget-editable-list-match
-  :match-inline 'widget-editable-list-match-inline
-  :insert-before 'widget-editable-list-insert-before
-  :delete-at 'widget-editable-list-delete-at)
-(defun widget-editable-list-format-handler (widget escape)
-  ;; We recognize the insert button.
-  (cond ((eq escape ?i)
-	 (and (widget-get widget :indent)
-	      (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
-	 (widget-create-child-and-convert widget 'insert-button))
-	(t 
-	 (widget-default-format-handler widget escape))))
-(defun widget-editable-list-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Insert all values
-  (let* ((value (widget-get widget :value))
-	 (type (nth 0 (widget-get widget :args)))
-	 (inlinep (widget-get type :inline))
-	 children)
-    (widget-put widget :value-pos (copy-marker (point)))
-    (set-marker-insertion-type (widget-get widget :value-pos) t)
-    (while value
-      (let ((answer (widget-match-inline type value)))
-	(if answer
-	    (setq children (cons (widget-editable-list-entry-create
-				  widget
-				  (if inlinep
-				      (car answer)
-				    (car (car answer)))
-				  t)
-				 children)
-		  value (cdr answer))
-	  (setq value nil))))
-    (widget-put widget :children (nreverse children))))
-(defun widget-editable-list-value-get (widget)
-  ;; Get value of the child widget.
-  (apply 'append (mapcar (lambda (child) (widget-apply child :value-inline))
-			 (widget-get widget :children))))
-(defun widget-editable-list-validate (widget)
-  ;; All the chilren must be valid.
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	child found)
-    (while (and children (not found))
-      (setq child (car children)
-	    children (cdr children)
-	    found (widget-apply child :validate)))
-    found))
-(defun widget-editable-list-match (widget value)
-  ;; Value must be a list and all the members must match the type.
-  (and (listp value)
-       (null (cdr (widget-editable-list-match-inline widget value)))))
-(defun widget-editable-list-match-inline (widget value)
-  (let ((type (nth 0 (widget-get widget :args)))
-	(ok t)
-	found)
-    (while (and value ok)
-      (let ((answer (widget-match-inline type value)))
-	(if answer 
-	    (setq found (append found (car answer))
-		  value (cdr answer))
-	  (setq ok nil))))
-    (cons found value)))
-(defun widget-editable-list-insert-before (widget before)
-  ;; Insert a new child in the list of children.
-  (save-excursion
-    (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	  (inhibit-read-only t)
-	  after-change-functions)
-      (cond (before 
-	     (goto-char (widget-get before :entry-from)))
-	    (t
-	     (goto-char (widget-get widget :value-pos))))
-      (let ((child (widget-editable-list-entry-create 
-		    widget nil nil)))
-	(when (< (widget-get child :entry-from) (widget-get widget :from))
-	  (set-marker (widget-get widget :from)
-		      (widget-get child :entry-from)))
-	(widget-specify-text (widget-get child :entry-from)
-			     (widget-get child :entry-to))
-	(if (eq (car children) before)
-	    (widget-put widget :children (cons child children))
-	  (while (not (eq (car (cdr children)) before))
-	    (setq children (cdr children)))
-	  (setcdr children (cons child (cdr children)))))))
-  (widget-setup)
-  (widget-apply widget :notify widget))
-(defun widget-editable-list-delete-at (widget child)
-  ;; Delete child from list of children.
-  (save-excursion
-    (let ((buttons (copy-list (widget-get widget :buttons)))
-	  button
-	  (inhibit-read-only t)
-	  after-change-functions)
-      (while buttons
-	(setq button (car buttons)
-	      buttons (cdr buttons))
-	(when (eq (widget-get button :widget) child)
-	  (widget-put widget
-		      :buttons (delq button (widget-get widget :buttons)))
-	  (widget-delete button))))
-    (let ((entry-from (widget-get child :entry-from))
-	  (entry-to (widget-get child :entry-to))
-	  (inhibit-read-only t)
-	  after-change-functions)
-      (widget-delete child)
-      (delete-region entry-from entry-to)
-      (set-marker entry-from nil)
-      (set-marker entry-to nil))
-    (widget-put widget :children (delq child (widget-get widget :children))))
-  (widget-setup)
-  (widget-apply widget :notify widget))
-(defun widget-editable-list-entry-create (widget value conv)
-  ;; Create a new entry to the list.
-  (let ((type (nth 0 (widget-get widget :args)))
-	child delete insert)
-    (widget-specify-insert 
-     (save-excursion
-       (and (widget-get widget :indent)
-	    (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
-       (insert (widget-get widget :entry-format)))
-     ;; Parse % escapes in format.
-     (while (re-search-forward "%\\(.\\)" nil t)
-       (let ((escape (aref (match-string 1) 0)))
-	 (replace-match "" t t)
-	 (cond ((eq escape ?%)
-		(insert "%"))
-	       ((eq escape ?i)
-		(setq insert (widget-create-child-and-convert
-			      widget 'insert-button)))
-	       ((eq escape ?d)
-		(setq delete (widget-create-child-and-convert
-			      widget 'delete-button)))
-	       ((eq escape ?v)
-		(if conv
-		    (setq child (widget-create-child-value 
-				 widget type value))
-		  (setq child (widget-create-child widget type))))
-	       (t 
-		(error "Unknown escape `%c'" escape)))))
-     (widget-put widget 
-		 :buttons (cons delete 
-				(cons insert
-				      (widget-get widget :buttons))))
-     (let ((entry-from (copy-marker (point-min)))
-	   (entry-to (copy-marker (point-max))))
-       (widget-specify-text entry-from entry-to)
-       (set-marker-insertion-type entry-from t)
-       (set-marker-insertion-type entry-to nil)
-       (widget-put child :entry-from entry-from)
-       (widget-put child :entry-to entry-to)))
-    (widget-put insert :widget child)
-    (widget-put delete :widget child)
-    child))
-;;; The `group' Widget.
-(define-widget 'group 'default
-  "A widget which group other widgets inside."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-types-convert-widget
-  :format "%v"
-  :value-create 'widget-group-value-create
-  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
-  :value-get 'widget-editable-list-value-get
-  :validate 'widget-editable-list-validate
-  :match 'widget-group-match
-  :match-inline 'widget-group-match-inline)
-(defun widget-group-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Create each component.
-  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
-	(value (widget-get widget :value))
-	arg answer children)
-    (while args
-      (setq arg (car args)
-	    args (cdr args)
-	    answer (widget-match-inline arg value)
-	    value (cdr answer))
-      (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
-	   (widget-get widget :indent)
-	   (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
-      (push (cond ((null answer)
-		   (widget-create-child widget arg))
-		  ((widget-get arg :inline)
-		   (widget-create-child-value widget arg  (car answer)))
-		  (t
-		   (widget-create-child-value widget arg  (car (car answer)))))
-	    children))
-    (widget-put widget :children (nreverse children))))
-(defun widget-group-match (widget values)
-  ;; Match if the components match.
-  (and (listp values)
-       (let ((match (widget-group-match-inline widget values)))
-	 (and match (null (cdr match))))))
-(defun widget-group-match-inline (widget vals)
-  ;; Match if the components match.
-  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
-	argument answer found)
-    (while args
-      (setq argument (car args)
-	    args (cdr args)
-	    answer (widget-match-inline argument vals))
-      (if answer 
-	  (setq vals (cdr answer)
-		found (append found (car answer)))
-	(setq vals nil
-	      args nil)))
-    (if answer
-	(cons found vals)
-      nil)))
-;;; The `widget-help' Widget.
-(define-widget 'widget-help 'push-button
-  "The widget documentation button."
-  :format "%[[%t]%] %d"
-  :help-echo "Push me to toggle the documentation."
-  :action 'widget-help-action)
-(defun widget-help-action (widget &optional event)
-  "Toggle documentation for WIDGET."
-  (let ((old (widget-get widget :doc))
-	(new (widget-get widget :widget-doc)))
-    (widget-put widget :doc new)
-    (widget-put widget :widget-doc old))
-  (widget-value-set widget (widget-value widget)))
-;;; The Sexp Widgets.
-(define-widget 'const 'item
-  "An immutable sexp."
-  :format "%t\n%d")
-(define-widget 'function-item 'item
-  "An immutable function name."
-  :format "%v\n%h"
-  :documentation-property (lambda (symbol)
-			    (condition-case nil
-				(documentation symbol t)
-			      (error nil))))
-(define-widget 'variable-item 'item
-  "An immutable variable name."
-  :format "%v\n%h"
-  :documentation-property 'variable-documentation)
-(define-widget 'string 'editable-field
-  "A string"
-  :tag "String"
-  :format "%[%t%]: %v")
-(define-widget 'regexp 'string
-  "A regular expression."
-  ;; Should do validation.
-  :tag "Regexp")
-(define-widget 'file 'string
-  "A file widget.  
-It will read a file name from the minibuffer when activated."
-  :format "%[%t%]: %v"
-  :tag "File"
-  :action 'widget-file-action)
-(defun widget-file-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Read a file name from the minibuffer.
-  (let* ((value (widget-value widget))
-	 (dir (file-name-directory value))
-	 (file (file-name-nondirectory value))
-	 (menu-tag (widget-apply widget :menu-tag-get))
-	 (must-match (widget-get widget :must-match))
-	 (answer (read-file-name (concat menu-tag ": (defalt `" value "') ")
-				 dir nil must-match file)))
-    (widget-value-set widget (abbreviate-file-name answer))
-    (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
-    (widget-setup)))
-(define-widget 'directory 'file
-  "A directory widget.  
-It will read a directory name from the minibuffer when activated."
-  :tag "Directory")
-(define-widget 'symbol 'string
-  "A lisp symbol."
-  :value nil
-  :tag "Symbol"
-  :match (lambda (widget value) (symbolp value))
-  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value)
-		       (if (symbolp value)
-			   (symbol-name value)
-			 value))
-  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value)
-		       (if (stringp value)
-			   (intern value)
-			 value)))
-(define-widget 'function 'sexp
-  ;; Should complete on functions.
-  "A lisp function."
-  :tag "Function")
-(define-widget 'variable 'symbol
-  ;; Should complete on variables.
-  "A lisp variable."
-  :tag "Variable")
-(define-widget 'sexp 'string
-  "An arbitrary lisp expression."
-  :tag "Lisp expression"
-  :value nil
-  :validate 'widget-sexp-validate
-  :match (lambda (widget value) t)
-  :value-to-internal 'widget-sexp-value-to-internal
-  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value) (read value)))
-(defun widget-sexp-value-to-internal (widget value)
-  ;; Use pp for printer representation.
-  (let ((pp (pp-to-string value)))
-    (while (string-match "\n\\'" pp)
-      (setq pp (substring pp 0 -1)))
-    (if (or (string-match "\n\\'" pp)
-	    (> (length pp) 40))
-	(concat "\n" pp)
-      pp)))
-(defun widget-sexp-validate (widget)
-  ;; Valid if we can read the string and there is no junk left after it.
-  (save-excursion
-    (let ((buffer (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *Widget Scratch*"))))
-      (erase-buffer)
-      (insert (widget-apply widget :value-get))
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (condition-case data
-	  (let ((value (read buffer)))
-	    (if (eobp)
-		(if (widget-apply widget :match value)
-		    nil
-		  (widget-put widget :error (widget-get widget :type-error))
-		  widget)
-	      (widget-put widget
-			  :error (format "Junk at end of expression: %s"
-					 (buffer-substring (point)
-							   (point-max))))
-	      widget))
-	(error (widget-put widget :error (error-message-string data))
-	       widget)))))
-(define-widget 'integer 'sexp
-  "An integer."
-  :tag "Integer"
-  :value 0
-  :type-error "This field should contain an integer"
-  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value)
-		       (if (integerp value) 
-			   (prin1-to-string value)
-			 value))
-  :match (lambda (widget value) (integerp value)))
-(define-widget 'character 'string
-  "An character."
-  :tag "Character"
-  :value 0
-  :size 1 
-  :format "%{%t%}: %v\n"
-  :type-error "This field should contain a character"
-  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value)
-		       (if (integerp value) 
-			   (char-to-string value)
-			 value))
-  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value)
-		       (if (stringp value)
-			   (aref value 0)
-			 value))
-  :match (lambda (widget value) (integerp value)))
-(define-widget 'number 'sexp
-  "A floating point number."
-  :tag "Number"
-  :value 0.0
-  :type-error "This field should contain a number"
-  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value)
-		       (if (numberp value)
-			   (prin1-to-string value)
-			 value))
-  :match (lambda (widget value) (numberp value)))
-(define-widget 'list 'group
-  "A lisp list."
-  :tag "List"
-  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v")
-(define-widget 'vector 'group
-  "A lisp vector."
-  :tag "Vector"
-  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v"
-  :match 'widget-vector-match
-  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value) (append value nil))
-  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value) (apply 'vector value)))
-(defun widget-vector-match (widget value) 
-  (and (vectorp value)
-       (widget-group-match widget
-			   (widget-apply :value-to-internal widget value))))
-(define-widget 'cons 'group
-  "A cons-cell."
-  :tag "Cons-cell"
-  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v"
-  :match 'widget-cons-match
-  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value)
-		       (list (car value) (cdr value)))
-  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value)
-		       (cons (nth 0 value) (nth 1 value))))
-(defun widget-cons-match (widget value) 
-  (and (consp value)
-       (widget-group-match widget
-			   (widget-apply widget :value-to-internal value))))
-(define-widget 'choice 'menu-choice
-  "A union of several sexp types."
-  :tag "Choice"
-  :format "%[%t%]: %v")
-(define-widget 'radio 'radio-button-choice
-  "A union of several sexp types."
-  :tag "Choice"
-  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v")
-(define-widget 'repeat 'editable-list
-  "A variable length homogeneous list."
-  :tag "Repeat"
-  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v%i\n")
-(define-widget 'set 'checklist
-  "A list of members from a fixed set."
-  :tag "Set"
-  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v")
-(define-widget 'boolean 'toggle
-  "To be nil or non-nil, that is the question."
-  :tag "Boolean"
-  :format "%{%t%}: %v")
-;;; The `color' Widget.
-(define-widget 'color-item 'choice-item
-  "A color name (with sample)."
-  :format "%v (%[sample%])\n"
-  :button-face-get 'widget-color-item-button-face-get)
-(defun widget-color-item-button-face-get (widget)
-  ;; We create a face from the value.
-  (require 'facemenu)
-  (condition-case nil
-      (facemenu-get-face (intern (concat "fg:" (widget-value widget))))
-    (error 'default)))
-(define-widget 'color 'push-button
-  "Choose a color name (with sample)."
-  :format "%[%t%]: %v"
-  :tag "Color"
-  :value "default"
-  :value-create 'widget-color-value-create
-  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
-  :value-get 'widget-color-value-get
-  :value-set 'widget-color-value-set
-  :action 'widget-color-action
-  :match 'widget-field-match
-  :tag "Color")
-(defvar widget-color-choice-list nil)
-;; Variable holding the possible colors.
-(defun widget-color-choice-list ()
-  (unless widget-color-choice-list
-    (setq widget-color-choice-list 
-	  (mapcar '(lambda (color) (list color))
-		  (x-defined-colors))))
-  widget-color-choice-list)
-(defun widget-color-value-create (widget)
-  (let ((child (widget-create-child-and-convert
-		widget 'color-item (widget-get widget :value))))
-    (widget-put widget :children (list child))))
-(defun widget-color-value-get (widget)
-  ;; Pass command to first child.
-  (widget-apply (car (widget-get widget :children)) :value-get))
-(defun widget-color-value-set (widget value)
-  ;; Pass command to first child.
-  (widget-apply (car (widget-get widget :children)) :value-set value))
-(defvar widget-color-history nil
-  "History of entered colors")
-(defun widget-color-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Prompt for a color.
-  (let* ((tag (widget-apply widget :menu-tag-get))
-	 (prompt (concat tag ": "))
-	 (answer (cond ((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
-			(read-color prompt))
-		       ((fboundp 'x-defined-colors)
-			(completing-read (concat tag ": ")
-					 (widget-color-choice-list) 
-					 nil nil nil 'widget-color-history))
-		       (t
-			(read-string prompt (widget-value widget))))))
-    (unless (zerop (length answer))
-      (widget-value-set widget answer)
-      (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
-      (widget-setup))))
-;;; The Help Echo
-(defun widget-echo-help-mouse ()
-  "Display the help message for the widget under the mouse.
-Enable with (run-with-idle-timer 1 t 'widget-echo-help-mouse)"
-  (let* ((pos (mouse-position))
-	 (frame (car pos))
-	 (x (car (cdr pos)))
-	 (y (cdr (cdr pos)))
-	 (win (window-at x y frame))
-	 (where (coordinates-in-window-p (cons x y) win)))
-    (when (consp where)
-      (save-window-excursion
-	(progn ; save-excursion
-	  (select-window win)
-	  (let* ((result (compute-motion (window-start win)
-					 '(0 . 0)
-					 (window-end win)
-					 where
-					 (window-width win)
-					 (cons (window-hscroll) 0)
-					 win)))
-	    (when (and (eq (nth 1 result) x)
-		       (eq (nth 2 result) y))
-	      (widget-echo-help (nth 0 result))))))))
-  (unless track-mouse
-    (setq track-mouse t)
-    (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'widget-stop-mouse-tracking)))
-(defun widget-stop-mouse-tracking (&rest args)
-  "Stop the mouse tracking done while idle."
-  (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'widget-stop-mouse-tracking)
-  (setq track-mouse nil))
-(defun widget-at (pos)
-  "The button or field at POS."
-  (or (get-text-property pos 'button)
-      (get-text-property pos 'field)))
-(defun widget-echo-help (pos)
-  "Display the help echo for widget at POS."
-  (let* ((widget (widget-at pos))
-	 (help-echo (and widget (widget-get widget :help-echo))))
-    (cond ((stringp help-echo)
-	   (message "%s" help-echo))
-	  ((and (symbolp help-echo) (fboundp help-echo)
-		(stringp (setq help-echo (funcall help-echo widget))))
-	   (message "%s" help-echo)))))
-;;; The End:
-(provide 'widget-edit)
-;; widget-edit.el ends here
--- a/lisp/gnus/widget.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-;;; widget.el --- a library of user interface components.
-;; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <>
-;; Keywords: help, extensions, faces, hypermedia
-;; Version: 1.20
-;; X-URL:
-;;; Commentary:
-;; If you want to use this code, please visit the URL above.
-;; This file only contain the code needed to define new widget types.
-;; Everything else is autoloaded from `widget-edit.el'.
-;;; Code:
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
-(defmacro define-widget-keywords (&rest keys)
-  (`
-   (eval-and-compile
-     (let ((keywords (quote (, keys))))
-       (while keywords
-	 (or (boundp (car keywords))
-	     (set (car keywords) (car keywords)))
-	 (setq keywords (cdr keywords)))))))
-(define-widget-keywords :sample-face :sample-face-get :case-fold
-  :widget-doc 
-  :create :convert-widget :format :value-create :offset :extra-offset
-  :tag :doc :from :to :args :value :value-from :value-to :action
-  :value-set :value-delete :match :parent :delete :menu-tag-get
-  :value-get :choice :void :menu-tag :on :off :on-type :off-type
-  :notify :entry-format :button :children :buttons :insert-before
-  :delete-at :format-handler :widget :value-pos :value-to-internal
-  :indent :size :value-to-external :validate :error :directory
-  :must-match :type-error :value-inline :inline :match-inline :greedy
-  :button-face-get :button-face :value-face :keymap :entry-from
-  :entry-to :help-echo :documentation-property :hide-front-space
-  :hide-rear-space) 
-;; These autoloads should be deleted when the file is added to Emacs.
-(autoload 'widget-create "widget-edit")
-(autoload 'widget-insert "widget-edit")
-(defun define-widget (name class doc &rest args)
-  "Define a new widget type named NAME from CLASS.
-NAME and CLASS should both be symbols, CLASS should be one of the
-existing widget types, or nil to create the widget from scratch.
-After the new widget has been defined, the following two calls will
-create identical widgets:
-* (widget-create NAME)
-* (apply 'widget-create CLASS ARGS)
-The third argument DOC is a documentation string for the widget."
-  (put name 'widget-type (cons class args))
-  (put name 'widget-documentation doc))
-;;; The End.
-(provide 'widget)
-;; widget.el ends here
--- a/lisp/modes/make-mode.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/modes/make-mode.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -946,12 +946,11 @@
    target makefile-target-colon))
 (defun makefile-browser-format-macro-line (macro selected)
-  (format
    (concat (make-string makefile-browser-leftmost-column ?\ )
 	   (if selected
-	   (makefile-format-macro-ref macro))))
+	   (makefile-format-macro-ref macro)))
 (defun makefile-browser-fill (targets macros)
   (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
--- a/lisp/modes/sendmail.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/modes/sendmail.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -1241,6 +1241,7 @@
 ;;; Do not execute these when sendmail.el is loaded,
 ;;; only in loaddefs.el.
+;;; Do not autoload, this package is obsolete. -sb
 ;;;###autoload (define-key ctl-x-map "m" 'mail)
 ;;;###autoload (define-key ctl-x-4-map "m" 'mail-other-window)
 ;;;###autoload (define-key ctl-x-5-map "m" 'mail-other-frame)
--- a/lisp/mu/mu-cite.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/mu/mu-cite.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 ;;         MINOURA Makoto <>
 ;;         Shuhei KOBAYASHI <>
 ;; Maintainer: Shuhei KOBAYASHI <>
-;; Version: $Revision: 1.4 $
+;; Version: $Revision: 1.5 $
 ;; Keywords: mail, news, citation
 ;; This file is part of MU (Message Utilities).
@@ -54,14 +54,14 @@
 (defconst mu-cite/RCS-ID
-  "$Id: mu-cite.el,v 1.4 1997/02/02 05:05:45 steve Exp $")
+  "$Id: mu-cite.el,v 1.5 1997/02/04 02:36:02 steve Exp $")
 (defconst mu-cite/version (get-version-string mu-cite/RCS-ID))
 ;;; @ formats
-(defvar mu-cite/cited-prefix-regexp "\\(^[^ \t\n>]+>+[ \t]*\\|^[ \t]*$\\)"
+(defvar mu-cite/cited-prefix-regexp "\\(^[^ \t\n<>]+>+[ \t]*\\|^[ \t]*$\\)"
   "*Regexp to match the citation prefix.
 If match, mu-cite doesn't insert citation prefix.")
@@ -390,10 +390,13 @@
 ;;; @ message editing utilities
 (defvar citation-mark-chars ">}|"
   "*String of characters for citation delimiter. [mu-cite.el]")
+(defvar citation-disable-chars "<{"
+  "*String of characters not allowed as citation-prefix.")
 (defun detect-paragraph-cited-prefix ()
     (goto-char (point-min))
@@ -435,8 +438,10 @@
 	       (goto-char (point-max))
-	       (re-search-backward (concat "[" citation-mark-chars "]")
-				   nil t)
+	       (re-search-backward
+		(concat "[" citation-disable-chars "]") nil t)
+	       (re-search-backward
+		(concat "[" citation-mark-chars "]") nil t)
 	     (goto-char (match-end 0))
 	     (if (looking-at "[ \t]+")
--- a/lisp/prim/auto-autoloads.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/prim/auto-autoloads.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -855,6 +855,202 @@
+;;;### (autoloads (custom-make-dependencies custom-menu-update custom-buffer-create customize-apropos customize-customized customize-face customize-variable customize) "custom-edit" "custom/custom-edit.el")
+(autoload 'customize "custom-edit" "\
+Customize SYMBOL, which must be a customization group." t nil)
+(autoload 'customize-variable "custom-edit" "\
+Customize SYMBOL, which must be a variable." t nil)
+(autoload 'customize-face "custom-edit" "\
+Customize FACE." t nil)
+(autoload 'customize-customized "custom-edit" "\
+Customize all already customized user options." t nil)
+(autoload 'customize-apropos "custom-edit" "\
+Customize all user options matching REGEXP.
+If ALL (e.g., started with a prefix key), include options which are not
+user-settable." t nil)
+(autoload 'custom-buffer-create "custom-edit" "\
+Create a buffer containing OPTIONS.
+OPTIONS should be an alist of the form ((SYMBOL WIDGET)...), where
+SYMBOL is a customization option, and WIDGET is a widget for editing
+that option." nil nil)
+(autoload 'custom-menu-update "custom-edit" "\
+Update customize menu." t nil)
+(autoload 'custom-make-dependencies "custom-edit" "\
+Batch function to extract custom dependencies from .el files.
+Usage: emacs -batch *.el -f custom-make-dependencies > deps.el" nil nil)
+;;;### (autoloads (custom-set-faces custom-set-variables custom-initialize-faces custom-add-to-group defgroup custom-declare-group defface custom-declare-face defcustom custom-declare-variable) "custom" "custom/custom.el")
+(autoload 'custom-declare-variable "custom" "\
+Like `defcustom', but SYMBOL and VALUE are evaluated as notmal arguments." nil nil)
+(autoload 'defcustom "custom" "\
+Declare SYMBOL as a customizable variable that defaults to VALUE.
+DOC is the variable documentation.
+Neither SYMBOL nor VALUE needs to be quoted.
+If SYMBOL is not already bound, initialize it to VALUE.
+The remaining arguments should have the form
+The following KEYWORD's are defined:
+:type	VALUE should be a widget type.
+:options VALUE should be a list of valid members of the widget type.
+:group  VALUE should be a customization group.  
+        Add SYMBOL to that group.
+Read the section about customization in the emacs lisp manual for more
+information." nil 'macro)
+(autoload 'custom-declare-face "custom" "\
+Like `defface', but FACE is evaluated as a normal argument." nil nil)
+(autoload 'defface "custom" "\
+Declare FACE as a customizable face that defaults to SPEC.
+FACE does not need to be quoted.
+Third argument DOC is the face documentation.
+If FACE has been set with `custom-set-face', set the face attributes
+as specified by that function, otherwise set the face attributes
+according to SPEC.
+The remaining arguments should have the form
+The following KEYWORD's are defined:
+:group  VALUE should be a customization group.
+        Add FACE to that group.
+SPEC should be an alist of the form ((DISPLAY ATTS)...).
+ATTS is a list of face attributes and their values.  The possible
+attributes are defined in the variable `custom-face-attributes'.
+Alternatively, ATTS can be a face in which case the attributes of that
+face is used.
+The ATTS of the first entry in SPEC where the DISPLAY matches the
+frame should take effect in that frame.  DISPLAY can either be the
+symbol `t', which will match all frames, or an alist of the form
+\((REQ ITEM...)...)
+For the DISPLAY to match a FRAME, the REQ property of the frame must
+match one of the ITEM.  The following REQ are defined:
+`type' (the value of (window-system))
+  Should be one of `x' or `tty'.
+`class' (the frame's color support)
+  Should be one of `color', `grayscale', or `mono'.
+`background' (what color is used for the background text)
+  Should be one of `light' or `dark'.
+Read the section about customization in the emacs lisp manual for more
+information." nil 'macro)
+(autoload 'custom-declare-group "custom" "\
+Like `defgroup', but SYMBOL is evaluated as a normal argument." nil nil)
+(autoload 'defgroup "custom" "\
+Declare SYMBOL as a customization group containing MEMBERS.
+SYMBOL does not need to be quoted.
+Third arg DOC is the group documentation.
+MEMBERS should be an alist of the form ((NAME WIDGET)...) where
+NAME is a symbol and WIDGET is a widget is a widget for editing that
+symbol.  Useful widgets are `custom-variable' for editing variables,
+`custom-face' for edit faces, and `custom-group' for editing groups.
+The remaining arguments should have the form
+The following KEYWORD's are defined:
+:group  VALUE should be a customization group.
+        Add SYMBOL to that group.
+Read the section about customization in the emacs lisp manual for more
+information." nil 'macro)
+(autoload 'custom-add-to-group "custom" "\
+To existing GROUP add a new OPTION of type WIDGET,
+If there already is an entry for that option, overwrite it." nil nil)
+(autoload 'custom-initialize-faces "custom" "\
+Initialize all custom faces for FRAME.
+If FRAME is nil or omitted, initialize them for all frames." nil nil)
+(autoload 'custom-set-variables "custom" "\
+Initialize variables according to user preferences.  
+The arguments should be a list where each entry has the form:
+The unevaluated VALUE is stored as the saved value for SYMBOL.
+If NOW is present and non-nil, VALUE is also evaluated and bound as
+the default value for the SYMBOL." nil nil)
+(autoload 'custom-set-faces "custom" "\
+Initialize faces according to user preferences.
+The arguments should be a list where each entry has the form:
+SPEC will be stored as the saved value for FACE.  If NOW is present
+and non-nil, FACE will also be created according to SPEC.
+See `defface' for the format of SPEC." nil nil)
+;;;### (autoloads (widget-delete widget-create) "widget-edit" "custom/widget-edit.el")
+(autoload 'widget-create "widget-edit" "\
+Create widget of TYPE.  
+The optional ARGS are additional keyword arguments." nil nil)
+(autoload 'widget-delete "widget-edit" "\
+Delete WIDGET." nil nil)
+;;;### (autoloads (define-widget) "widget" "custom/widget.el")
+(autoload 'define-widget "widget" "\
+Define a new widget type named NAME from CLASS.
+NAME and CLASS should both be symbols, CLASS should be one of the
+existing widget types, or nil to create the widget from scratch.
+After the new widget has been defined, the following two calls will
+create identical widgets:
+* (widget-create NAME)
+* (apply 'widget-create CLASS ARGS)
+The third argument DOC is a documentation string for the widget." nil nil)
 ;;;### (autoloads (ange-ftp-hook-function) "ange-ftp" "dired/ange-ftp.el")
 (defvar ange-ftp-path-format '("^/\\(\\([^@/:]*\\)@\\)?\\([^@/:]*\\):\\(.*\\)" 3 2 4) "\
@@ -1814,172 +2010,6 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (custom-make-dependencies custom-menu-update custom-buffer-create customize-apropos customize-customized customize-face customize-variable customize) "custom-edit" "gnus/custom-edit.el")
-(autoload 'customize "custom-edit" "\
-Customize SYMBOL, which must be a customization group." t nil)
-(autoload 'customize-variable "custom-edit" "\
-Customize SYMBOL, which must be a variable." t nil)
-(autoload 'customize-face "custom-edit" "\
-Customize FACE." t nil)
-(autoload 'customize-customized "custom-edit" "\
-Customize all already customized user options." t nil)
-(autoload 'customize-apropos "custom-edit" "\
-Customize all user options matching REGEXP.
-If ALL (e.g., started with a prefix key), include options which are not
-user-settable." t nil)
-(autoload 'custom-buffer-create "custom-edit" "\
-Create a buffer containing OPTIONS.
-OPTIONS should be an alist of the form ((SYMBOL WIDGET)...), where
-SYMBOL is a customization option, and WIDGET is a widget for editing
-that option." nil nil)
-(autoload 'custom-menu-update "custom-edit" "\
-Update customize menu." t nil)
-(autoload 'custom-make-dependencies "custom-edit" "\
-Batch function to extract custom dependencies from .el files.
-Usage: emacs -batch *.el -f custom-make-dependencies > deps.el" nil nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (custom-set-faces custom-set-variables custom-initialize-faces custom-add-to-group defgroup custom-declare-group defface custom-declare-face defcustom custom-declare-variable) "custom" "gnus/custom.el")
-(autoload 'custom-declare-variable "custom" "\
-Like `defcustom', but SYMBOL and VALUE are evaluated as notmal arguments." nil nil)
-(autoload 'defcustom "custom" "\
-Declare SYMBOL as a customizable variable that defaults to VALUE.
-DOC is the variable documentation.
-Neither SYMBOL nor VALUE needs to be quoted.
-If SYMBOL is not already bound, initialize it to VALUE.
-The remaining arguments should have the form
-The following KEYWORD's are defined:
-:type	VALUE should be a widget type.
-:options VALUE should be a list of valid members of the widget type.
-:group  VALUE should be a customization group.  
-        Add SYMBOL to that group.
-Read the section about customization in the emacs lisp manual for more
-information." nil 'macro)
-(autoload 'custom-declare-face "custom" "\
-Like `defface', but FACE is evaluated as a normal argument." nil nil)
-(autoload 'defface "custom" "\
-Declare FACE as a customizable face that defaults to SPEC.
-FACE does not need to be quoted.
-Third argument DOC is the face documentation.
-If FACE has been set with `custom-set-face', set the face attributes
-as specified by that function, otherwise set the face attributes
-according to SPEC.
-The remaining arguments should have the form
-The following KEYWORD's are defined:
-:group  VALUE should be a customization group.
-        Add FACE to that group.
-SPEC should be an alist of the form ((DISPLAY ATTS)...).
-ATTS is a list of face attributes and their values.  The possible
-attributes are defined in the variable `custom-face-attributes'.
-Alternatively, ATTS can be a face in which case the attributes of that
-face is used.
-The ATTS of the first entry in SPEC where the DISPLAY matches the
-frame should take effect in that frame.  DISPLAY can either be the
-symbol `t', which will match all frames, or an alist of the form
-\((REQ ITEM...)...)
-For the DISPLAY to match a FRAME, the REQ property of the frame must
-match one of the ITEM.  The following REQ are defined:
-`type' (the value of (window-system))
-  Should be one of `x' or `tty'.
-`class' (the frame's color support)
-  Should be one of `color', `grayscale', or `mono'.
-`background' (what color is used for the background text)
-  Should be one of `light' or `dark'.
-Read the section about customization in the emacs lisp manual for more
-information." nil 'macro)
-(autoload 'custom-declare-group "custom" "\
-Like `defgroup', but SYMBOL is evaluated as a normal argument." nil nil)
-(autoload 'defgroup "custom" "\
-Declare SYMBOL as a customization group containing MEMBERS.
-SYMBOL does not need to be quoted.
-Third arg DOC is the group documentation.
-MEMBERS should be an alist of the form ((NAME WIDGET)...) where
-NAME is a symbol and WIDGET is a widget is a widget for editing that
-symbol.  Useful widgets are `custom-variable' for editing variables,
-`custom-face' for edit faces, and `custom-group' for editing groups.
-The remaining arguments should have the form
-The following KEYWORD's are defined:
-:group  VALUE should be a customization group.
-        Add SYMBOL to that group.
-Read the section about customization in the emacs lisp manual for more
-information." nil 'macro)
-(autoload 'custom-add-to-group "custom" "\
-To existing GROUP add a new OPTION of type WIDGET,
-If there already is an entry for that option, overwrite it." nil nil)
-(autoload 'custom-initialize-faces "custom" "\
-Initialize all custom faces for FRAME.
-If FRAME is nil or omitted, initialize them for all frames." nil nil)
-(autoload 'custom-set-variables "custom" "\
-Initialize variables according to user preferences.  
-The arguments should be a list where each entry has the form:
-The unevaluated VALUE is stored as the saved value for SYMBOL.
-If NOW is present and non-nil, VALUE is also evaluated and bound as
-the default value for the SYMBOL." nil nil)
-(autoload 'custom-set-faces "custom" "\
-Initialize faces according to user preferences.
-The arguments should be a list where each entry has the form:
-SPEC will be stored as the saved value for FACE.  If NOW is present
-and non-nil, FACE will also be created according to SPEC.
-See `defface' for the format of SPEC." nil nil)
 ;;;### (autoloads (gnus-earcon-display) "earcon" "gnus/earcon.el")
 (autoload 'gnus-earcon-display "earcon" "\
@@ -2039,13 +2069,6 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (gnus-sound-play) "gnus-sound" "gnus/gnus-sound.el")
-(autoload 'gnus-sound-play "gnus-sound" "\
-Play a sound through the speaker." t nil)
 ;;;### (autoloads (gnus-batch-brew-soup) "gnus-soup" "gnus/gnus-soup.el")
 (autoload 'gnus-batch-brew-soup "gnus-soup" "\
@@ -2113,7 +2136,7 @@
 ;;;### (autoloads (unbold-region bold-region message-news-other-frame message-news-other-window message-mail-other-frame message-mail-other-window message-bounce message-resend message-forward message-recover message-supersede message-cancel-news message-followup message-wide-reply message-reply message-news message-mail message-mode) "message" "gnus/message.el")
-(defcustom message-fcc-handler-function 'message-output "*A function called to save outgoing articles.\nThis function will be called with the name of the file to store the\narticle in.  The default function is `rmail-output' which saves in Unix\nmailbox format." :type '(radio (function-item rmail-output) (function :tag "Other")) :group 'message-sending)
+(defcustom message-fcc-handler-function 'message-output "*A function called to save outgoing articles.\nThis function will be called with the name of the file to store the\narticle in.  The default function is `message-output' which saves in Unix\nmailbox format." :type '(radio (function-item message-output) (function :tag "Other")) :group 'message-sending)
 (defcustom message-from-style 'default "*Specifies how \"From\" headers look.\n\nIf `nil', they contain just the return address like:\n\nIf `parens', they look like:\n (Elvis Parsley)\nIf `angles', they look like:\n	Elvis Parsley <>\n\nOtherwise, most addresses look like `angles', but they look like\n`parens' if `angles' would need quoting and `parens' would not." :type '(choice (const :tag "simple" nil) (const parens) (const angles) (const default)) :group 'message-headers)
@@ -3651,7 +3674,7 @@
 ;;;### (autoloads (ksh-mode) "ksh-mode" "modes/ksh-mode.el")
 (autoload 'ksh-mode "ksh-mode" "\
-ksh-mode $Revision: 1.4 $ - Major mode for editing (Bourne, Korn or Bourne again)
+ksh-mode $Revision: 1.5 $ - Major mode for editing (Bourne, Korn or Bourne again)
 shell scripts.
 Special key bindings and commands:
@@ -4868,7 +4891,7 @@
 (autoload 'vhdl-mode "vhdl-mode" "\
 Major mode for editing VHDL code.
-vhdl-mode $Revision: 1.4 $
+vhdl-mode $Revision: 1.5 $
 To submit a problem report, enter `\\[vhdl-submit-bug-report]' from a
 vhdl-mode buffer.  This automatically sets up a mail buffer with version
 information already added.  You just need to add a description of the
@@ -9503,36 +9526,6 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (widget-delete widget-create) "widget-edit" "w3/widget-edit.el")
-(autoload 'widget-create "widget-edit" "\
-Create widget of TYPE.  
-The optional ARGS are additional keyword arguments." nil nil)
-(autoload 'widget-delete "widget-edit" "\
-Delete WIDGET." nil nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (define-widget) "widget" "w3/widget.el")
-(autoload 'define-widget "widget" "\
-Define a new widget type named NAME from CLASS.
-NAME and CLASS should both be symbols, CLASS should be one of the
-existing widget types, or nil to create the widget from scratch.
-After the new widget has been defined, the following two calls will
-create identical widgets:
-* (widget-create NAME)
-* (apply 'widget-create CLASS ARGS)
-The third argument DOC is a documentation string for the widget." nil nil)
 ;;;### (autoloads (font-menu-weight-constructor font-menu-size-constructor font-menu-family-constructor reset-device-font-menus) "x-font-menu" "x11/x-font-menu.el")
 (defvar font-menu-ignore-scaled-fonts t "\
--- a/lisp/prim/keydefs.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/prim/keydefs.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
 (define-key global-map "\C-x50" 'delete-frame)
 (define-key global-map "\C-x5o" 'other-frame)
 ;; XEmacs addition:
-(define-key global-map "\C-x5m" 'mail-other-frame)
+;;(define-key global-map "\C-x5m" 'mail-other-frame)
 ;; FSFmacs help.el
--- a/lisp/prim/loadup.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/prim/loadup.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -103,6 +103,12 @@
      (load-gc "list-mode")
      (load-gc "modeline") ; after simple.el so it can reference functions
 			  ; defined there.
+     (load-gc "help")
+     (load-gc "buff-menu")
+     (load-gc "w3-sysdp")
+     (load-gc "font") ; required by widget
+     (load-gc "widget")
+     (load-gc "custom") ; Before loaddefs so that defcustom exists.
      ;; If SparcWorks support is included some additional packages are
      ;; dumped which would normally have autoloads.  To avoid
      ;; duplicate doc string warnings, SparcWorks uses a separate
@@ -113,7 +119,6 @@
      (load-gc "loaddefs")
      (load-gc "misc")
      (load-gc "profile")
-     (load-gc "help")
      ;; (load-gc "hyper-apropos")  Soon...
      (load-gc "files")
      (load-gc "lib-complete")
@@ -121,7 +126,6 @@
      (load-gc "indent")
      (load-gc "isearch-mode")
      (load-gc "buffer")
-     (load-gc "buff-menu")
      (load-gc "undo-stack")
      (load-gc "window")
      (load-gc "paths.el")		; don't get confused if paths compiled.
--- a/lisp/tl/mu-bbdb.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-;;; mu-bbdb.el --- `attribution' function for mu-cite with BBDB.
-;; Copyright (C) 1996 Shuhei KOBAYASHI
-;; Author: Shuhei KOBAYASHI <>
-;; Version: $Id: mu-bbdb.el,v 1996/12/18 03:55:31 steve Exp $
-;; This file is part of tl (Tiny Library).
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
-;; your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;  - How to use
-;;    1. bytecompile this file and copy it to the apropriate directory.
-;;    2. put the following lines to your ~/.emacs:
-;;		(require 'tl-misc)
-;;		(call-after-loaded 'mu-cite
-;;				   (function
-;;				    (lambda ()
-;;				      (require 'mu-bbdb)
-;;				      )))
-;;; Code:
-(require 'mu-cite)
-(require 'bbdb)
-(defvar mu-bbdb-load-hook nil
-  "*List of functions called after mu-bbdb is loaded.")
-;;; @@ prefix and registration using BBDB
-(defun mu-cite/get-bbdb-prefix-method ()
-  (or (mu-cite/get-bbdb-attr (mu-cite/get-value 'address))
-      ">")
-  )
-(defun mu-cite/get-bbdb-attr (addr)
-  "Extract attribute information from BBDB."
-  (let ((record (bbdb-search-simple nil addr)))
-    (and record
-         (bbdb-record-getprop record 'attribution))
-    ))
-(defun mu-cite/set-bbdb-attr (attr addr)
-  "Add attribute information to BBDB."
-  (let* ((bbdb-notice-hook nil)
-         (record (bbdb-annotate-message-sender 
-                  addr t
-	          (bbdb-invoke-hook-for-value 
-	           bbdb/mail-auto-create-p)
-		  t)))
-    (if record
-        (progn
-          (bbdb-record-putprop record 'attribution attr)
-          (bbdb-change-record record nil))
-      )))
-(defun mu-cite/get-bbdb-prefix-register-method ()
-  (let ((addr (mu-cite/get-value 'address)))
-    (or (mu-cite/get-bbdb-attr addr)
-    	(let ((return
-	       (read-string "Citation name? "
-			    (or (mu-cite/get-value 'x-attribution)
-				(mu-cite/get-value 'full-name))
-			    'mu-cite/minibuffer-history)
-	       ))
-	  (if (and (not (string-equal return ""))
-                   (y-or-n-p (format "Register \"%s\"? " return)))
-	      (mu-cite/set-bbdb-attr return addr)
-	    )
-	  return))))
-(defun mu-cite/get-bbdb-prefix-register-verbose-method ()
-  (let* ((addr (mu-cite/get-value 'address))
-         (attr (mu-cite/get-bbdb-attr addr))
-	 (return (read-string "Citation name? "
-			      (or attr
-				  (mu-cite/get-value 'x-attribution)
-				  (mu-cite/get-value 'full-name))
-			      'mu-cite/minibuffer-history))
-	 )
-    (if (and (not (string-equal return ""))
-             (not (string-equal return attr))
-	     (y-or-n-p (format "Register \"%s\"? " return))
-	     )
-	(mu-cite/set-bbdb-attr return addr)
-      )
-    return))
-(or (assoc 'bbdb-prefix mu-cite/default-methods-alist)
-    (setq mu-cite/default-methods-alist
-          (append mu-cite/default-methods-alist
-                  (list
-                   (cons 'bbdb-prefix
-                         (function mu-cite/get-bbdb-prefix-method))
-                   (cons 'bbdb-prefix-register
-                         (function mu-cite/get-bbdb-prefix-register-method))
-                   (cons 'bbdb-prefix-register-verbose
-                         (function
-                          mu-cite/get-bbdb-prefix-register-verbose-method))
-                   ))))
-;;; @ end
-(provide 'mu-bbdb)
-(run-hooks 'mu-bbdb-load-hook)
-;;; mu-bbdb.el ends here
--- a/lisp/tm/tm-ftp.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/tm/tm-ftp.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -1,35 +1,58 @@
-;;; tm-ftp: anonymous ftp processor for tm-view
-;;; by MASUTANI Yasuhiro <> (1994/11/ 5)
-;;; modified by MORIOKA Tomohiko <>  (1994/11/ 8)
-;;;         and OKABE Yasuo <> (1994/11/11)
-;;; $Id: tm-ftp.el,v 1.3 1996/12/29 00:15:13 steve Exp $
+;;; tm-ftp.el --- tm-view internal method for anonymous ftp
+;; Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996,1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: MASUTANI Yasuhiro <>
+;;         MORIOKA Tomohiko <>
+;; Created: 1994/11/5
+;; Version: $Id: tm-ftp.el,v 1.4 1997/02/04 02:36:06 steve Exp $
+;; Keywords: anonymous ftp, MIME, multimedia, mail, news
+;; This file is part of tm (Tools for MIME).
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
+;; your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Code:
 (require 'tm-view)
 (require 'ange-ftp)
-(defvar mime/dired-function
+(defvar mime-article/dired-function
   (if mime/use-multi-frame
       (function dired-other-frame)
-    (function dired)
+    (function mime-article/dired-function-for-one-frame)
-(defun mime/decode-message/external-ftp (beg end cal)
-  (let ((access-type (cdr (assoc "access-type" cal)))
-	(site (cdr (assoc "site" cal)))
-	(directory (cdr (assoc "directory" cal)))
-	(name (cdr (assoc "name" cal)))
-	(mode (cdr (assoc "mode" cal)))
-	(pathname))
-    (setq pathname
-	  (concat "/anonymous@" site ":" directory))
-    (message (concat "Accessing " pathname "/" name "..."))
-    (switch-to-buffer mime::article/preview-buffer)
-    (funcall mime/dired-function pathname)
+(defun mime-article/dired-function-for-one-frame (dir)
+  (let ((win (or (get-buffer-window mime::article/preview-buffer)
+		 (get-largest-window))))
+    (select-window win)
+    (dired dir)
+    ))
+(defun mime-article/decode-message/external-ftp (beg end cal)
+  (let* ((access-type (cdr (assoc "access-type" cal)))
+	 (site (cdr (assoc "site" cal)))
+	 (directory (cdr (assoc "directory" cal)))
+	 (name (cdr (assoc "name" cal)))
+	 (mode (cdr (assoc "mode" cal)))
+	 (pathname (concat "/anonymous@" site ":" directory))
+	 )
+    (message (concat "Accessing " (expand-file-name name pathname) "..."))
+    (funcall mime-article/dired-function pathname)
     (goto-char (point-min))
     (search-forward name)
@@ -37,7 +60,13 @@
 (set-atype 'mime/content-decoding-condition
 	   '((type . "message/external-body")
 	     ("access-type" . "anon-ftp")
-	     (method . mime/decode-message/external-ftp)
+	     (method . mime-article/decode-message/external-ftp)
+;;; @ end
 (provide 'tm-ftp)
+;;; tm-ftp.el ends here
--- a/lisp/tm/tm-partial.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/tm/tm-partial.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 ;;; tm-partial.el --- Grabbing all MIME "message/partial"s.
-;; Copyright (C) 1995,1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: OKABE Yasuo @ Kyoto University
 ;;         MORIOKA Tomohiko <>
 ;; Version:
-;;	$Id: tm-partial.el,v 1.3 1996/12/29 00:15:14 steve Exp $ 
+;;	$Id: tm-partial.el,v 1.4 1997/02/04 02:36:07 steve Exp $ 
 ;; Keywords: mail, news, MIME, multimedia, message/partial
 ;; This file is a part of tm (Tools for MIME).
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 ;; General Public License for more details.
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 ;;; Code:
@@ -34,16 +34,16 @@
 ;; display Article at the cursor in Subject buffer.
 (defun tm-partial/preview-article (target)
-  (let ((f (assq target tm-partial/preview-article-method-alist)))
-    (if f
-	(funcall (cdr f))
-      (error "Fatal. Unsupported mode")
-      )))
+  (save-window-excursion
+    (let ((f (assq target tm-partial/preview-article-method-alist)))
+      (if f
+	  (funcall (cdr f))
+	(error "Fatal. Unsupported mode")
+	))))
 (defun mime-article/grab-message/partials (beg end cal)
   (let* ((id (cdr (assoc "id" cal)))
-	 (buffer (generate-new-buffer id))
 	 (mother mime::article/preview-buffer)
 	 (target (cdr (assq 'major-mode cal)))
 	 (article-buffer (buffer-name (current-buffer)))
@@ -63,43 +63,41 @@
     (if (or (file-exists-p full-file)
 	    (not (y-or-n-p "Merge partials?"))
-	(progn
-	  (kill-buffer buffer)
-	  (mime-article/decode-message/partial beg end cal)
-	  )
+	(mime-article/decode-message/partial beg end cal)
       (let (cinfo the-id parameters)
 	(setq subject-id (std11-field-body "Subject"))
 	(if (string-match "[0-9\n]+" subject-id)
 	    (setq subject-id (substring subject-id 0 (match-beginning 0)))
-	(pop-to-buffer subject-buf)
-	(while (search-backward subject-id nil t)
-	  )
-	(catch 'tag
-	  (while t
-	    (tm-partial/preview-article target)
-	    (pop-to-buffer article-buffer)
-	    (switch-to-buffer mime::article/preview-buffer)
-	    (setq cinfo
-		  (mime::preview-content-info/content-info
-		   (car mime::preview/content-list)))
-	    (setq parameters (mime::content-info/parameters cinfo))
-	    (setq the-id (assoc-value "id" parameters))
-	    (if (equal the-id id)
-		(progn
-		  (switch-to-buffer article-buffer)
-		  (mime-article/decode-message/partial
-		   (point-min)(point-max) parameters)
-		  (if (file-exists-p full-file)
-		      (throw 'tag nil)
-		    )
-		  ))
-	    (if (not (progn
-		       (pop-to-buffer subject-buf)
-		       (end-of-line)
-		       (search-forward subject-id nil t)
-		       ))
-		(error "not found")
+	(save-excursion
+	  (set-buffer subject-buf)
+	  (while (search-backward subject-id nil t))
+	  (catch 'tag
+	    (while t
+	      (tm-partial/preview-article target)
+	      (set-buffer article-buffer)
+	      (set-buffer mime::article/preview-buffer)
+	      (setq cinfo
+		    (mime::preview-content-info/content-info
+		     (car mime::preview/content-list)))
+	      (setq parameters (mime::content-info/parameters cinfo))
+	      (setq the-id (assoc-value "id" parameters))
+	      (if (equal the-id id)
+		  (progn
+		    (set-buffer article-buffer)
+		    (mime-article/decode-message/partial
+		     (point-min)(point-max) parameters)
+		    (if (file-exists-p full-file)
+			(throw 'tag nil)
+		      )
+		    ))
+	      (if (not (progn
+			 (set-buffer subject-buf)
+			 (end-of-line)
+			 (search-forward subject-id nil t)
+			 ))
+		  (error "not found")
+		)
--- a/lisp/tm/tm-play.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/tm/tm-play.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ;;; tm-play.el --- decoder for tm-view.el
-;; Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996,1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: MORIOKA Tomohiko <>
 ;; Created: 1995/9/26 (separated from tm-view.el)
-;; Version: $Id: tm-play.el,v 1.2 1996/12/22 00:29:41 steve Exp $
+;; Version: $Id: tm-play.el,v 1.3 1997/02/04 02:36:07 steve Exp $
 ;; Keywords: mail, news, MIME, multimedia
 ;; This file is part of tm (Tools for MIME).
@@ -269,16 +269,44 @@
 (defvar mime-article/coding-system-alist
-  (and (boundp 'MULE)
-       '((mh-show-mode . *noconv*)
-	 (t            . *ctext*)
-	 )))		 
+  (list (cons 'mh-show-mode *noconv*)
+	(cons t (mime-charset-to-coding-system default-mime-charset))
+	))
-(defvar mime-article/kanji-code-alist
-  (and (boundp 'NEMACS)
-       '((mh-show-mode . nil)
-	 (t            . 2)
-	 ))) 
+(cond (running-mule-merged-emacs
+       (defun mime-article::write-region (start end file)
+	 (let ((coding-system-for-write
+		(cdr
+		 (or (assq major-mode mime-article/coding-system-alist)
+		     (assq t mime-article/coding-system-alist)
+		     ))))
+	   (write-region start end file)
+	   ))
+       )
+      ((or (boundp 'MULE)
+	   running-xemacs-with-mule)
+       (defun mime-article::write-region (start end file)
+	 (let ((file-coding-system
+		(cdr
+		 (or (assq major-mode mime-article/coding-system-alist)
+		     (assq t mime-article/coding-system-alist)
+		     ))))
+	   (write-region start end file)
+	   ))
+       )
+      ((boundp 'NEMACS)
+       (defun mime-article::write-region (start end file)
+	 (let ((kanji-fileio-code
+		(cdr
+		 (or (assq major-mode mime-article/kanji-code-alist)
+		     (assq t mime-article/kanji-code-alist)
+		     ))))
+	   (write-region start end file)
+	   ))
+       )
+      (t
+       (defalias 'mime-article::write-region 'write-region)
+       ))
 (defun mime-article/decode-message/partial (beg end cal)
   (goto-char beg)
@@ -287,96 +315,108 @@
 	 (id (cdr (assoc "id" cal)))
 	 (number (cdr (assoc "number" cal)))
 	 (total (cdr (assoc "total" cal)))
-	 (the-buf (current-buffer))
 	 (mother mime::article/preview-buffer)
-	 (win-conf (save-excursion
-		     (set-buffer mother)
-		     mime::preview/original-window-configuration))
-	 )
-    (if (not (file-exists-p root-dir))
+         )
+    (or (file-exists-p root-dir)
 	(make-directory root-dir)
-      )
+	)
     (setq id (replace-as-filename id))
     (setq root-dir (concat root-dir "/" id))
-    (if (not (file-exists-p root-dir))
+    (or (file-exists-p root-dir)
 	(make-directory root-dir)
-      )
+	)
     (setq file (concat root-dir "/FULL"))
-    (if (not (file-exists-p file))
-	(progn
-	  (re-search-forward "^$")
-	  (goto-char (1+ (match-end 0)))
-	  (setq file (concat root-dir "/" number))
-	  (let ((file-coding-system
-		 (cdr
-		  (or (assq major-mode mime-article/coding-system-alist)
-		      (assq t mime-article/coding-system-alist)
-		      )))
-		(kanji-fileio-code
-		 (cdr
-		  (or (assq major-mode mime-article/kanji-code-alist)
-		      (assq t mime-article/kanji-code-alist)
-		      )))
-		)
-	    (write-region (point) (point-max) file)
-	    )
-	  (if (get-buffer mime/temp-buffer-name)
-	      (kill-buffer mime/temp-buffer-name)
+    (if (file-exists-p file)
+	(let ((full-buf (get-buffer-create "FULL"))
+	      (pwin (or (get-buffer-window mother)
+			(get-largest-window)))
+	      )
+	  (save-window-excursion
+	    (set-buffer full-buf)
+	    (erase-buffer)
+	    (as-binary-input-file (insert-file-contents file))
+	    (setq major-mode 'mime/show-message-mode)
+	    (mime/viewer-mode mother)
-	  (switch-to-buffer mime/temp-buffer-name)
-	  (let ((i 1)
-		(max (string-to-int total))
-		(file-coding-system-for-read (if (boundp 'MULE)
-						 *noconv*))
-		kanji-fileio-code)
-	    (catch 'tag
-	      (while (<= i max)
-		(setq file (concat root-dir "/" (int-to-string i)))
-		(if (not (file-exists-p file))
-		    (progn
-		      (switch-to-buffer the-buf)
-		      (throw 'tag nil)
-		      ))
-		(insert-file-contents file)
-		(goto-char (point-max))
-		(setq i (1+ i))
-		)
-	      ;;(delete-other-windows)
-	      (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
-		(write-file (concat root-dir "/FULL"))
-		(set-window-configuration win-conf)
-		(let ((win (get-buffer-window mother)))
-		  (if win
-		      (select-window win)
+	  (set-window-buffer pwin
+			     (save-excursion
+			       (set-buffer full-buf)
+			       mime::article/preview-buffer))
+	  (select-window pwin)
+	  )
+      (re-search-forward "^$")
+      (goto-char (1+ (match-end 0)))
+      (setq file (concat root-dir "/" number))
+      (mime-article::write-region (point) (point-max) file)
+      (let ((total-file (concat root-dir "/CT")))
+	(setq total
+	      (if total
+		  (progn
+		    (or (file-exists-p total-file)
+			(save-excursion
+			  (set-buffer (find-file-noselect total-file))
+			  (erase-buffer)
+			  (insert total)
+			  (save-buffer)
+			  (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
+			  ))
+		    (string-to-number total)
+		    )
+		(and (file-exists-p total-file)
+		     (save-excursion
+		       (set-buffer (find-file-noselect total-file))
+		       (and (re-search-forward "[0-9]+" nil t)
+			    (string-to-number
+			     (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0)
+					       (match-end 0)))
+			    )
+		       (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
+		       ))
+		)))
+      (if (and total (> total 0))
+	  (catch 'tag
+	    (save-excursion
+	      (set-buffer (get-buffer-create mime/temp-buffer-name))
+	      (let ((full-buf (current-buffer)))
+		(erase-buffer)
+		(let ((i 1))
+		  (while (<= i total)
+		    (setq file (concat root-dir "/" (int-to-string i)))
+		    (if (not (file-exists-p file))
+			(throw 'tag nil)
+		      )
+		    (as-binary-input-file (insert-file-contents file))
+		    (goto-char (point-max))
+		    (setq i (1+ i))
-		(set-window-buffer (selected-window) buf)
-		;;(set-window-buffer buf)
-		(setq major-mode 'mime/show-message-mode)
-		)
-	      (mime/viewer-mode mother)
-	      (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))
-	      ))
-	  )
-      (progn
-	;;(delete-other-windows)
-	(set-window-configuration win-conf)
-	(select-window (or (get-buffer-window mother)
-			   (get-buffer-window
-			    (save-excursion
-			      (set-buffer mother)
-			      mime::preview/article-buffer))
-			   (get-largest-window)
+		(as-binary-output-file (write-file (concat root-dir "/FULL")))
+		(let ((i 1))
+		  (while (<= i total)
+		    (let ((file (format "%s/%d" root-dir i)))
+		      (and (file-exists-p file)
+			   (delete-file file)
-	(as-binary-input-file
-	 (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "FULL"))
-	 (insert-file-contents file)
-	 )
-	(setq major-mode 'mime/show-message-mode)
-	(mime/viewer-mode mother)
-	;;(pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))
-	))
-    ))
+		    (setq i (1+ i))
+		    ))
+		(let ((file (expand-file-name "CT" root-dir)))
+		  (and (file-exists-p file)
+		       (delete-file file)
+		       ))
+		(save-window-excursion
+		  (setq major-mode 'mime/show-message-mode)
+		  (mime/viewer-mode mother)
+		  )
+		(let ((pwin (or (get-buffer-window mother)
+				(get-largest-window)
+				))
+		      (pbuf (save-excursion
+			      (set-buffer full-buf)
+			      mime::article/preview-buffer)))
+		  (set-window-buffer pwin pbuf)
+		  (select-window pwin)
+		  )))))
+      )))
 ;;; @ rot13-47
--- a/lisp/tm/tm-rich.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-;;; tm-rich.el --- text/enriched and text/richtext style
-;;;                richtext filter for tm-view
-;;; Copyright (C) 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;;; Copyright (C) 1994 .. 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko
-;;; Author: MORIOKA Tomohiko <>
-;;; Version:
-;;;	$Id: tm-rich.el,v 1996/12/18 03:55:32 steve Exp $
-;;; Keywords: mail, news, MIME, multimedia, richtext, enriched
-;;; This file is part of tm (Tools for MIME).
-;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-;;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
-;;; (at your option) any later version.
-;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;;; General Public License for more details.
-;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;;; along with This program.  If not, write to the Free Software
-;;; Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'tm-view)
-(defvar tm-rich/richtext-module
-  (if (or running-emacs-19_29-or-later
-	  running-xemacs-20
-	  (and running-xemacs (>= emacs-minor-version 14)))
-      'richtext
-    'tinyrich))
-(require tm-rich/richtext-module)
-;;; @ content filters for tm-view
-(defun mime-viewer/filter-text/richtext (ctype params encoding)
-  (let* ((mode mime::preview/original-major-mode)
-	 (m (assq mode mime-viewer/code-converter-alist))
-	 (charset (assoc "charset" params))
-	 ;; 1995/9/21 (c.f. tm-eng:105), 1995/10/3 (c.f. tm-eng:121)
-	 ;;   modified by Eric Ding <>
-	 (beg (point-min)) (end (point-max))
-	 )
-    (remove-text-properties beg end '(face nil))
-    (mime/decode-region encoding beg end)
-    (if (and m (fboundp (setq m (cdr m))))
-	(funcall m beg (point-max) charset encoding)
-      (mime-viewer/default-code-convert-region beg (point-max)
-					       charset encoding)
-      )
-    (richtext-decode beg (point-max))
-    ))
-(defun mime-viewer/filter-text/enriched (ctype params encoding)
-  (let* ((mode mime::preview/original-major-mode)
-	 (m (assq mode mime-viewer/code-converter-alist))
-	 (charset (assoc "charset" params))
-	 ;; 1995/9/21 (c.f. tm-eng:105), 1995/10/3 (c.f. tm-eng:121)
-	 ;;   modified by Eric Ding <>
-	 (beg (point-min)) (end (point-max))
-	 )
-    (remove-text-properties beg end '(face nil))
-    (mime/decode-region encoding beg end)
-    (if (and m (fboundp (setq m (cdr m))))
-	(funcall m beg (point-max) charset encoding)
-      (mime-viewer/default-code-convert-region beg (point-max)
-					       charset encoding)
-      )
-    (enriched-decode beg (point-max))
-    ))
-;;; @ setting
-(set-alist 'mime-viewer/content-filter-alist
-	   "text/richtext" (function mime-viewer/filter-text/richtext))
-(set-alist 'mime-viewer/content-filter-alist
-	   "text/enriched" (function mime-viewer/filter-text/enriched))
-;;; @ end
-(provide 'tm-rich)
-(run-hooks 'tm-rich-load-hook)
-;;; tm-rich.el ends here
--- a/lisp/tm/tm-setup.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/tm/tm-setup.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ;; Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996,1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: MORIOKA Tomohiko <>
-;; Version: $Id: tm-setup.el,v 1.3 1997/02/02 05:06:20 steve Exp $
+;; Version: $Id: tm-setup.el,v 1.4 1997/02/04 02:36:07 steve Exp $
 ;; Keywords: mail, news, MIME, multimedia, multilingual, encoded-word
 ;; This file is part of tm (Tools for MIME).
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 ;; General Public License for more details.
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with This program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 ;;; Code:
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@
     (set-atype 'mime/content-decoding-condition
 	       '((type . "message/external-body")
 		 ("access-type" . "anon-ftp")
-		 (method . mime/decode-message/external-ftp)
+		 (method . mime-article/decode-message/external-ftp)
-    (autoload 'mime/decode-message/external-ftp "tm-ftp")
+    (autoload 'mime-article/decode-message/external-ftp "tm-ftp")
     ;; for LaTeX
     (set-atype 'mime/content-decoding-condition
 	       '((type . "text/x-latex")
--- a/lisp/version.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/version.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 (defconst emacs-version "19.15" "\
 Version numbers of this version of Emacs.")
-(setq emacs-version (purecopy (concat emacs-version " XEmacs Lucid (beta91)")))
+(setq emacs-version (purecopy (concat emacs-version " XEmacs Lucid (beta92)")))
 (defconst emacs-major-version
   (progn (or (string-match "^[0-9]+" emacs-version)
--- a/lisp/vm/vm-autoload.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/vm/vm-autoload.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 (provide 'vm-autoload)
 (autoload (quote vm-delete-message) "vm-delete" "Add the `deleted' attribute to the current message.
 The message will be physically deleted from the current folder the next
--- a/lisp/w3/Makefile	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/w3/Makefile	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 	url-pgp.el url-vars.el url-wais.el url-auth.el mm.el md5.el	\
 	url-gw.el ssl.el base64.el url.el socks.el
-CUSTOMSOURCES = widget.el widget-edit.el
+CUSTOMSOURCES = # widget.el widget-edit.el
--- a/lisp/w3/w3-sysdp.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/w3/w3-sysdp.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
 (sysdep-defalias 'get-other-frame 'get-other-screen)
 (sysdep-defalias 'iconify-frame 'iconify-screen)
 (sysdep-defalias 'lower-frame 'lower-screen)
-(sysdep-defalias 'mail-other-frame 'mail-other-screen)
+;(sysdep-defalias 'mail-other-frame 'mail-other-screen)
 (sysdep-defalias 'make-frame
   (cond ((fboundp 'make-screen)
--- a/lisp/w3/widget-edit.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2187 +0,0 @@
-;;; widget-edit.el --- Functions for creating and using widgets.
-;; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <>
-;; Keywords: extensions
-;; Version: 1.22
-;; X-URL:
-;;; Commentary:
-;; See `widget.el'.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'widget)
-(require 'cl)
-(autoload 'pp-to-string "pp")
-(autoload 'Info-goto-node "info")
-(if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
-    ;; XEmacs spell `intangible' as `atomic'.
-    (defun widget-make-intangible (from to side)
-      "Make text between FROM and TO atomic with regard to movement.
-Third argument should be `start-open' if it should be sticky to the rear,
-and `end-open' if it should sticky to the front."
-      (require 'atomic-extents)
-      (let ((ext (make-extent from to)))
-	 ;; XEmacs doesn't understant different kinds of read-only, so
-	 ;; we have to use extents instead.  
-	(put-text-property from to 'read-only nil)
-	(set-extent-property ext 'read-only t)
-	(set-extent-property ext 'start-open nil)
-	(set-extent-property ext 'end-open nil)
-	(set-extent-property ext side t)
-	(set-extent-property ext 'atomic t)))
-  (defun widget-make-intangible (from to size)
-    "Make text between FROM and TO intangible."
-    (put-text-property from to 'intangible 'front)))
-;; The following should go away when bundled with Emacs.
-  (condition-case ()
-      (require 'custom)
-    (error nil))
-  (unless (and (featurep 'custom) (fboundp 'custom-declare-variable))
-    ;; We have the old custom-library, hack around it!
-    (defmacro defgroup (&rest args) nil)
-    (defmacro defcustom (&rest args) nil)
-    (defmacro defface (&rest args) nil)
-    (when (fboundp 'copy-face)
-      (copy-face 'default 'widget-documentation-face)
-      (copy-face 'bold 'widget-button-face)
-      (copy-face 'italic 'widget-field-face))
-    (defvar widget-mouse-face 'highlight)
-    (defvar widget-menu-max-size 40)))
-;;; Compatibility.
-(unless (fboundp 'event-point)
-  ;; XEmacs function missing in Emacs.
-  (defun event-point (event)
-    "Return the character position of the given mouse-motion, button-press,
-or button-release event.  If the event did not occur over a window, or did
-not occur over text, then this returns nil.  Otherwise, it returns an index
-into the buffer visible in the event's window."
-    (posn-point (event-start event))))
-(unless (fboundp 'error-message-string)
-  ;; Emacs function missing in XEmacs.
-  (defun error-message-string (obj)
-    "Convert an error value to an error message."
-    (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *error-message*")))
-      (erase-buffer buf)
-      (display-error obj buf)
-      (buffer-string buf))))
-;;; Customization.
-(defgroup widgets nil
-  "Customization support for the Widget Library."
-  :link '(custom-manual "(widget)Top")
-  :link '(url-link :tag "Development Page" 
-		   "")
-  :prefix "widget-"
-  :group 'emacs)
-(defface widget-documentation-face '((((class color)
-				       (background dark))
-				      (:foreground "lime green"))
-				     (((class color)
-				       (background light))
-				      (:foreground "dark green"))
-				     (t nil))
-  "Face used for documentation text."
-  :group 'widgets)
-(defface widget-button-face '((t (:bold t)))
-  "Face used for widget buttons."
-  :group 'widgets)
-(defcustom widget-mouse-face 'highlight
-  "Face used for widget buttons when the mouse is above them."
-  :type 'face
-  :group 'widgets)
-(defface widget-field-face '((((class grayscale color)
-			       (background light))
-			      (:background "light gray"))
-			     (((class grayscale color)
-			       (background dark))
-			      (:background "dark gray"))
-			     (t 
-			      (:italic t)))
-  "Face used for editable fields."
-  :group 'widgets)
-(defcustom widget-menu-max-size 40
-  "Largest number of items allowed in a popup-menu.
-Larger menus are read through the minibuffer."
-  :group 'widgets
-  :type 'integer)
-;;; Utility functions.
-;; These are not really widget specific.
-(defun widget-plist-member (plist prop)
-  ;; Return non-nil if PLIST has the property PROP.
-  ;; PLIST is a property list, which is a list of the form
-  ;; (PROP1 VALUE1 PROP2 VALUE2 ...).  PROP is a symbol.
-  ;; Unlike `plist-get', this allows you to distinguish between a missing
-  ;; property and a property with the value nil.
-  ;; The value is actually the tail of PLIST whose car is PROP.
-  (while (and plist (not (eq (car plist) prop)))
-    (setq plist (cdr (cdr plist))))
-  plist)
-(defun widget-princ-to-string (object)
-  ;; Return string representation of OBJECT, any Lisp object.
-  ;; No quoting characters are used; no delimiters are printed around
-  ;; the contents of strings.
-  (save-excursion
-    (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *widget-tmp*"))
-    (erase-buffer)
-    (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
-      (princ object))
-    (buffer-string)))
-(defun widget-clear-undo ()
-  "Clear all undo information."
-  (buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
-  (buffer-enable-undo))
-(defun widget-choose (title items &optional event)
-  "Choose an item from a list.
-First argument TITLE is the name of the list.
-Second argument ITEMS is an alist (NAME . VALUE).
-Optional third argument EVENT is an input event.
-The user is asked to choose between each NAME from the items alist,
-and the VALUE of the chosen element will be returned.  If EVENT is a
-mouse event, and the number of elements in items is less than
-`widget-menu-max-size', a popup menu will be used, otherwise the
-  (cond ((and (< (length items) widget-menu-max-size)
-	      event (fboundp 'x-popup-menu) window-system)
-	 ;; We are in Emacs-19, pressed by the mouse
-	 (x-popup-menu event
-		       (list title (cons "" items))))
-	((and (< (length items) widget-menu-max-size)
-	      event (fboundp 'popup-menu) window-system)
-	 ;; We are in XEmacs, pressed by the mouse
-	 (let ((val (get-popup-menu-response
-		     (cons ""
-			   (mapcar
-			    (function
-			     (lambda (x)
-			       (vector (car x) (list (car x)) t)))
-			    items)))))
-	   (setq val (and val
-			  (listp (event-object val))
-			  (stringp (car-safe (event-object val)))
-			  (car (event-object val))))
-	   (cdr (assoc val items))))
-	(t
-	 (cdr (assoc (completing-read (concat title ": ")
-				      items nil t)
-		     items)))))
-;;; Widget text specifications.
-;; These functions are for specifying text properties. 
-(defun widget-specify-none (from to)
-  ;; Clear all text properties between FROM and TO.
-  (set-text-properties from to nil))
-(defun widget-specify-text (from to)
-  ;; Default properties.
-  (add-text-properties from to (list 'read-only t
-				     'front-sticky t
-				     'start-open t
-				     'end-open t
-				     'rear-nonsticky nil)))
-(defun widget-specify-field (widget from to)
-  ;; Specify editable button for WIDGET between FROM and TO.
-  (widget-specify-field-update widget from to)
-  ;; Make it possible to edit the front end of the field.
-  (add-text-properties (1- from) from (list 'rear-nonsticky t
-					    'end-open t
-					    'invisible t))
-  (when (or (string-match "\\(.\\|\n\\)%v" (widget-get widget :format))
-	    (widget-get widget :hide-front-space))
-    ;; WARNING: This is going to lose horrible if the character just
-    ;; before the field can be modified (e.g. if it belongs to a
-    ;; choice widget).  We try to compensate by checking the format
-    ;; string, and hope the user hasn't changed the :create method.
-    (widget-make-intangible (- from 2) from 'end-open))
-  ;; Make it possible to edit back end of the field.
-  (add-text-properties to (1+ to) (list 'front-sticky nil
-					'read-only t
-					'start-open t))
-  (cond ((widget-get widget :size)
-	 (put-text-property to (1+ to) 'invisible t)
-	 (when (or (string-match "%v\\(.\\|\n\\)" (widget-get widget :format))
-		   (widget-get widget :hide-rear-space))
-	   ;; WARNING: This is going to lose horrible if the character just
-	   ;; after the field can be modified (e.g. if it belongs to a
-	   ;; choice widget).  We try to compensate by checking the format
-	   ;; string, and hope the user hasn't changed the :create method.
-	   (widget-make-intangible to (+ to 2) 'start-open)))
-	((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
-	 ;; XEmacs does not allow you to insert before a read-only
-	 ;; character, even if it is
-	 ;; XEmacs does allow you to delete an read-only extent, so
-	 ;; making the terminating newline read only doesn't help.
-	 ;; I tried putting an invisible intangible read-only space
-	 ;; before the newline, which gave really weird effects.
-	 ;; So for now, we just have trust the user not to delete the
-	 ;; newline.  
-	 (put-text-property to (1+ to) 'read-only nil))))
-(defun widget-specify-field-update (widget from to)
-  ;; Specify editable button for WIDGET between FROM and TO.
-  (let ((map (widget-get widget :keymap))
-	(secret (widget-get widget :secret))
-	(secret-to to)
-	(size (widget-get widget :size))
-	(face (or (widget-get widget :value-face)
-		  'widget-field-face)))
-    (when secret 
-      (while (and size
-		  (not (zerop size))
-		  (> secret-to from)
-		  (eq (char-after (1- secret-to)) ?\ ))
-	(setq secret-to (1- secret-to)))
-      (save-excursion
-	(goto-char from)
-	(while (< (point) secret-to)
-	  (let ((old (get-text-property (point) 'secret)))
-	    (when old
-	      (subst-char-in-region (point) (1+ (point)) secret old)))
-	  (forward-char))))
-    (set-text-properties from to (list 'field widget
-				       'read-only nil
-				       'keymap map
-				       'local-map map
-				       'face face))
-    (when secret 
-      (save-excursion
-	(goto-char from)
-	(while (< (point) secret-to)
-	  (let ((old (following-char)))
-	    (subst-char-in-region (point) (1+ (point)) old secret)
-	    (put-text-property (point) (1+ (point)) 'secret old))
-	  (forward-char))))
-    (unless (widget-get widget :size)
-      (add-text-properties to (1+ to) (list 'field widget
-					    'face face
-					    'local-map map
-					    'keymap map)))))
-(defun widget-specify-button (widget from to)
-  ;; Specify button for WIDGET between FROM and TO.
-  (let ((face (widget-apply widget :button-face-get)))
-    (add-text-properties from to (list 'button widget
-				       'mouse-face widget-mouse-face
-				       'start-open t
-				       'end-open t
-				       'face face))))
-(defun widget-specify-sample (widget from to)
-  ;; Specify sample for WIDGET between FROM and TO.
-  (let ((face (widget-apply widget :sample-face-get)))
-    (when face
-      (add-text-properties from to (list 'start-open t
-					 'end-open t
-					 'face face)))))
-(defun widget-specify-doc (widget from to)
-  ;; Specify documentation for WIDGET between FROM and TO.
-  (add-text-properties from to (list 'widget-doc widget
-				     'face 'widget-documentation-face)))
-(defmacro widget-specify-insert (&rest form)
-  ;; Execute FORM without inheriting any text properties.
-  `(save-restriction
-     (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
-	   result
-	   after-change-functions)
-       (insert "<>")
-       (narrow-to-region (- (point) 2) (point))
-       (widget-specify-none (point-min) (point-max))
-       (goto-char (1+ (point-min)))
-       (setq result (progn ,@form))
-       (delete-region (point-min) (1+ (point-min)))
-       (delete-region (1- (point-max)) (point-max))
-       (goto-char (point-max))
-       result)))
-;;; Widget Properties.
-(defun widget-put (widget property value)
-The value can later be retrived with `widget-get'."
-  (setcdr widget (plist-put (cdr widget) property value)))
-(defun widget-get (widget property)
-  "In WIDGET, get the value of PROPERTY.
-The value could either be specified when the widget was created, or
-later with `widget-put'."
-  (cond ((widget-plist-member (cdr widget) property)
-	 (plist-get (cdr widget) property))
-	((car widget)
-	 (widget-get (get (car widget) 'widget-type) property))
-	(t nil)))
-(defun widget-member (widget property)
-  "Non-nil iff there is a definition in WIDGET for PROPERTY."
-  (cond ((widget-plist-member (cdr widget) property)
-	 t)
-	((car widget)
-	 (widget-member (get (car widget) 'widget-type) property))
-	(t nil)))
-(defun widget-apply (widget property &rest args)
-  "Apply the value of WIDGET's PROPERTY to the widget itself.
-ARGS are passed as extra argments to the function."
-  (apply (widget-get widget property) widget args))
-(defun widget-value (widget)
-  "Extract the current value of WIDGET."
-  (widget-apply widget
-		:value-to-external (widget-apply widget :value-get)))
-(defun widget-value-set (widget value)
-  "Set the current value of WIDGET to VALUE."
-  (widget-apply widget
-		:value-set (widget-apply widget
-					 :value-to-internal value)))
-(defun widget-match-inline (widget vals)
-  ;; In WIDGET, match the start of VALS.
-  (cond ((widget-get widget :inline)
-	 (widget-apply widget :match-inline vals))
-	((and vals
-	      (widget-apply widget :match (car vals)))
-	 (cons (list (car vals)) (cdr vals)))
-	(t nil)))
-;;; Creating Widgets.
-(defun widget-create (type &rest args)
-  "Create widget of TYPE.  
-The optional ARGS are additional keyword arguments."
-  (let ((widget (apply 'widget-convert type args)))
-    (widget-apply widget :create)
-    widget))
-(defun widget-create-child-and-convert (parent type &rest args)
-  "As part of the widget PARENT, create a child widget TYPE.
-The child is converted, using the keyword arguments ARGS."
-  (let ((widget (apply 'widget-convert type args)))
-    (widget-put widget :parent parent)
-    (unless (widget-get widget :indent)
-      (widget-put widget :indent (+ (or (widget-get parent :indent) 0)
-				    (or (widget-get widget :extra-offset) 0)
-				    (widget-get parent :offset))))
-    (widget-apply widget :create)
-    widget))
-(defun widget-create-child (parent type)
-  "Create widget of TYPE."
-  (let ((widget (copy-list type)))
-    (widget-put widget :parent parent)
-    (unless (widget-get widget :indent)
-      (widget-put widget :indent (+ (or (widget-get parent :indent) 0)
-				    (or (widget-get widget :extra-offset) 0)
-				    (widget-get parent :offset))))
-    (widget-apply widget :create)
-    widget))
-(defun widget-create-child-value (parent type value)
-  "Create widget of TYPE with value VALUE."
-  (let ((widget (copy-list type)))
-    (widget-put widget :value (widget-apply widget :value-to-internal value))
-    (widget-put widget :parent parent)
-    (unless (widget-get widget :indent)
-      (widget-put widget :indent (+ (or (widget-get parent :indent) 0)
-				    (or (widget-get widget :extra-offset) 0)
-				    (widget-get parent :offset))))
-    (widget-apply widget :create)
-    widget))
-(defun widget-delete (widget)
-  "Delete WIDGET."
-  (widget-apply widget :delete))
-(defun widget-convert (type &rest args)
-  "Convert TYPE to a widget without inserting it in the buffer. 
-The optional ARGS are additional keyword arguments."
-  ;; Don't touch the type.
-  (let* ((widget (if (symbolp type) 
-		     (list type)
-		   (copy-list type)))
-	 (current widget)
-	 (keys args))
-    ;; First set the :args keyword.
-    (while (cdr current)		;Look in the type.
-      (let ((next (car (cdr current))))
-	(if (and (symbolp next) (eq (aref (symbol-name next) 0) ?:))
-	    (setq current (cdr (cdr current)))
-	  (setcdr current (list :args (cdr current)))
-	  (setq current nil))))
-    (while args				;Look in the args.
-      (let ((next (nth 0 args)))
-	(if (and (symbolp next) (eq (aref (symbol-name next) 0) ?:))
-	    (setq args (nthcdr 2 args))
-	  (widget-put widget :args args)
-	  (setq args nil))))
-    ;; Then Convert the widget.
-    (setq type widget)
-    (while type
-      (let ((convert-widget (plist-get (cdr type) :convert-widget)))
-	(if convert-widget
-	    (setq widget (funcall convert-widget widget))))
-      (setq type (get (car type) 'widget-type)))
-    ;; Finally set the keyword args.
-    (while keys 
-      (let ((next (nth 0 keys)))
-	(if (and (symbolp next) (eq (aref (symbol-name next) 0) ?:))
-	    (progn 
-	      (widget-put widget next (nth 1 keys))
-	      (setq keys (nthcdr 2 keys)))
-	  (setq keys nil))))
-    ;; Convert the :value to internal format.
-    (if (widget-member widget :value)
-	(let ((value (widget-get widget :value)))
-	  (widget-put widget
-		      :value (widget-apply widget :value-to-internal value))))
-    ;; Return the newly create widget.
-    widget))
-(defun widget-insert (&rest args)
-  "Call `insert' with ARGS and make the text read only."
-  (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
-	after-change-functions
-	(from (point)))
-    (apply 'insert args)
-    (widget-specify-text from (point))))
-;;; Keymap and Comands.
-(defvar widget-keymap nil
-  "Keymap containing useful binding for buffers containing widgets.
-Recommended as a parent keymap for modes using widgets.")
-(unless widget-keymap 
-  (setq widget-keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
-  (define-key widget-keymap "\t" 'widget-forward)
-  (define-key widget-keymap "\M-\t" 'widget-backward)
-  (define-key widget-keymap [(shift tab)] 'widget-backward)
-  (define-key widget-keymap [(shift tab)] 'widget-backward)
-  (define-key widget-keymap [backtab] 'widget-backward)
-  (if (string-match "XEmacs" (emacs-version))
-      (define-key widget-keymap [button2] 'widget-button-click)
-    (define-key widget-keymap [menu-bar] 'nil)
-    (define-key widget-keymap [mouse-2] 'widget-button-click))
-  (define-key widget-keymap "\C-m" 'widget-button-press))
-(defvar widget-global-map global-map
-  "Keymap used for events the widget does not handle themselves.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'widget-global-map)
-(defvar widget-field-keymap nil
-  "Keymap used inside an editable field.")
-(unless widget-field-keymap 
-  (setq widget-field-keymap (copy-keymap widget-keymap))
-  (define-key widget-field-keymap "\C-m" 'widget-field-activate)
-  (set-keymap-parent widget-field-keymap global-map))
-(defvar widget-text-keymap nil
-  "Keymap used inside a text field.")
-(unless widget-text-keymap 
-  (setq widget-text-keymap (copy-keymap widget-keymap))
-  (set-keymap-parent widget-text-keymap global-map))
-(defun widget-field-activate (pos &optional event)
-  "Activate the ediable field at point."
-  (interactive "@d")
-  (let* ((field (get-text-property pos 'field)))
-    (if field
-	(widget-apply field :action event)
-      (call-interactively
-       (lookup-key widget-global-map (this-command-keys))))))
-(defun widget-button-click (event)
-  "Activate button below mouse pointer."
-  (interactive "@e")
-  (widget-button-press (event-point event) event))
-(defun widget-button-press (pos &optional event)
-  "Activate button at POS."
-  (interactive "@d")
-  (let* ((button (get-text-property pos 'button)))
-    (if button
-	(widget-apply button :action event)
-      (call-interactively
-       (lookup-key widget-global-map (this-command-keys))))))
-(defun widget-move (arg)
-  "Move point to the ARG next field or button.
-ARG may be negative to move backward."
-  (while (> arg 0)
-    (setq arg (1- arg))
-    (let ((next (cond ((get-text-property (point) 'button)
-		       (next-single-property-change (point) 'button))
-		      ((get-text-property (point) 'field)
-		       (next-single-property-change (point) 'field))
-		      (t
-		       (point)))))
-      (if (null next)			; Widget extends to end. of buffer
-	  (setq next (point-min)))
-      (let ((button (next-single-property-change next 'button))
-	    (field (next-single-property-change next 'field)))
-	(cond ((or (get-text-property next 'button)
-		   (get-text-property next 'field))
-	       (goto-char next))
-	      ((and button field)
-	       (goto-char (min button field)))
-	      (button (goto-char button))
-	      (field (goto-char field))
-	      (t
-	       (let ((button (next-single-property-change (point-min) 'button))
-		     (field (next-single-property-change (point-min) 'field)))
-		 (cond ((and button field) (goto-char (min button field)))
-		       (button (goto-char button))
-		       (field (goto-char field))
-		       (t
-			(error "No buttons or fields found")))))))))
-  (while (< arg 0)
-    (if (= (point-min) (point))
-	(forward-char 1))
-    (setq arg (1+ arg))
-    (let ((previous (cond ((get-text-property (1- (point)) 'button)
-			   (previous-single-property-change (point) 'button))
-			  ((get-text-property (1- (point)) 'field)
-			   (previous-single-property-change (point) 'field))
-			  (t
-			   (point)))))
-      (if (null previous)		; Widget extends to beg. of buffer
-	  (setq previous (point-max)))
-      (let ((button (previous-single-property-change previous 'button))
-	    (field (previous-single-property-change previous 'field)))
-	(cond ((and button field)
-	       (goto-char (max button field)))
-	      (button (goto-char button))
-	      (field (goto-char field))
-	      (t
-	       (let ((button (previous-single-property-change
-			      (point-max) 'button))
-		     (field (previous-single-property-change
-			     (point-max) 'field)))
-		 (cond ((and button field) (goto-char (max button field)))
-		       (button (goto-char button))
-		       (field (goto-char field))
-		       (t
-			(error "No buttons or fields found"))))))))
-    (let ((button (previous-single-property-change (point) 'button))
-	  (field (previous-single-property-change (point) 'field)))
-      (cond ((and button field)
-	     (goto-char (max button field)))
-	    (button (goto-char button))
-	    (field (goto-char field)))))
-  (widget-echo-help (point))
-  (run-hooks 'widget-move-hook))
-(defun widget-forward (arg)
-  "Move point to the next field or button.
-With optional ARG, move across that many fields."
-  (interactive "p")
-  (run-hooks 'widget-forward-hook)
-  (widget-move arg))
-(defun widget-backward (arg)
-  "Move point to the previous field or button.
-With optional ARG, move across that many fields."
-  (interactive "p")
-  (run-hooks 'widget-backward-hook)
-  (widget-move (- arg)))
-;;; Setting up the buffer.
-(defvar widget-field-new nil)
-;; List of all newly created editable fields in the buffer.
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'widget-field-new)
-(defvar widget-field-list nil)
-;; List of all editable fields in the buffer.
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'widget-field-list)
-(defun widget-setup ()
-  "Setup current buffer so editing string widgets works."
-  (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
-	(after-change-functions nil)
-	field)
-    (while widget-field-new
-      (setq field (car widget-field-new)
-	    widget-field-new (cdr widget-field-new)
-	    widget-field-list (cons field widget-field-list))
-      (let ((from (widget-get field :value-from))
-	    (to (widget-get field :value-to)))
-	(widget-specify-field field from to)
-	(move-marker from (1- from))
-	(move-marker to (1+ to)))))
-  (widget-clear-undo)
-  ;; We need to maintain text properties and size of the editing fields.
-  (make-local-variable 'after-change-functions)
-  (if widget-field-list
-      (setq after-change-functions '(widget-after-change))
-    (setq after-change-functions nil)))
-(defvar widget-field-last nil)
-;; Last field containing point.
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'widget-field-last)
-(defvar widget-field-was nil)
-;; The widget data before the change.
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'widget-field-was)
-(defun widget-field-find (pos)
-  ;; Find widget whose editing field is located at POS.
-  ;; Return nil if POS is not inside and editing field.
-  ;; 
-  ;; This is only used in `widget-field-modified', since ordinarily
-  ;; you would just test the field property.
-  (let ((fields widget-field-list)
-	field found)
-    (while fields
-      (setq field (car fields)
-	    fields (cdr fields))
-      (let ((from (widget-get field :value-from))
-	    (to (widget-get field :value-to)))
-	(if (and from to (< from pos) (> to  pos))
-	    (setq fields nil
-		  found field))))
-    found))
-(defun widget-after-change (from to old)
-  ;; Adjust field size and text properties.
-  (condition-case nil
-      (let ((field (widget-field-find from))
-	    (inhibit-read-only t))
-	(cond ((null field))
-	      ((not (eq field (widget-field-find to)))
-	       (debug)
-	       (message "Error: `widget-after-change' called on two fields"))
-	      (t
-	       (let ((size (widget-get field :size)))
-		 (if size 
-		     (let ((begin (1+ (widget-get field :value-from)))
-			   (end (1- (widget-get field :value-to))))
-		       (widget-specify-field-update field begin end)
-		       (cond ((< (- end begin) size)
-			      ;; Field too small.
-			      (save-excursion
-				(goto-char end)
-				(insert-char ?\  (- (+ begin size) end))
-				(widget-specify-field-update field 
-							     begin
-							     (+ begin size))))
-			     ((> (- end begin) size)
-			      ;; Field too large and
-			      (if (or (< (point) (+ begin size))
-				      (> (point) end))
-				  ;; Point is outside extra space.
-				  (setq begin (+ begin size))
-				;; Point is within the extra space.
-				(setq begin (point)))
-			      (save-excursion
-				(goto-char end)
-				(while (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\ )
-					    (> (point) begin))
-				  (delete-backward-char 1))))))
-		   (widget-specify-field-update field from to)))
-	       (widget-apply field :notify field))))
-    (error (debug))))
-;;; Widget Functions
-;; These functions are used in the definition of multiple widgets. 
-(defun widget-children-value-delete (widget)
-  "Delete all :children and :buttons in WIDGET."
-  (mapcar 'widget-delete (widget-get widget :children))
-  (widget-put widget :children nil)
-  (mapcar 'widget-delete (widget-get widget :buttons))
-  (widget-put widget :buttons nil))
-(defun widget-types-convert-widget (widget)
-  "Convert :args as widget types in WIDGET."
-  (widget-put widget :args (mapcar 'widget-convert (widget-get widget :args)))
-  widget)
-;;; The `default' Widget.
-(define-widget 'default nil
-  "Basic widget other widgets are derived from."
-  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value) value)
-  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value) value)
-  :create 'widget-default-create
-  :indent nil
-  :offset 0
-  :format-handler 'widget-default-format-handler
-  :button-face-get 'widget-default-button-face-get 
-  :sample-face-get 'widget-default-sample-face-get 
-  :delete 'widget-default-delete
-  :value-set 'widget-default-value-set
-  :value-inline 'widget-default-value-inline
-  :menu-tag-get 'widget-default-menu-tag-get
-  :validate (lambda (widget) nil)
-  :action 'widget-default-action
-  :notify 'widget-default-notify)
-(defun widget-default-create (widget)
-  "Create WIDGET at point in the current buffer."
-  (widget-specify-insert
-   (let ((from (point))
-	 (tag (widget-get widget :tag))
-	 (doc (widget-get widget :doc))
-	 button-begin button-end
-	 sample-begin sample-end
-	 doc-begin doc-end
-	 value-pos)
-     (insert (widget-get widget :format))
-     (goto-char from)
-     ;; Parse % escapes in format.
-     (while (re-search-forward "%\\(.\\)" nil t)
-       (let ((escape (aref (match-string 1) 0)))
-	 (replace-match "" t t)
-	 (cond ((eq escape ?%)
-		(insert "%"))
-	       ((eq escape ?\[)
-		(setq button-begin (point)))
-	       ((eq escape ?\])
-		(setq button-end (point)))
-	       ((eq escape ?\{)
-		(setq sample-begin (point)))
-	       ((eq escape ?\})
-		(setq sample-end (point)))
-	       ((eq escape ?n)
-		(when (widget-get widget :indent)
-		  (insert "\n")
-		  (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent))))
-	       ((eq escape ?t)
-		(if tag
-		    (insert tag)
-		  (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
-		    (princ (widget-get widget :value)))))
-	       ((eq escape ?d)
-		(when doc
-		  (setq doc-begin (point))
-		  (insert doc)
-		  (while (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
-		    (delete-backward-char 1))
-		  (insert "\n")
-		  (setq doc-end (point))))
-	       ((eq escape ?v)
-		(if (and button-begin (not button-end))
-		    (widget-apply widget :value-create)
-		  (setq value-pos (point))))
-	       (t 
-		(widget-apply widget :format-handler escape)))))
-     ;; Specify button, sample, and doc, and insert value.
-     (and button-begin button-end
-	  (widget-specify-button widget button-begin button-end))
-     (and sample-begin sample-end
-	  (widget-specify-sample widget sample-begin sample-end))
-     (and doc-begin doc-end
-	  (widget-specify-doc widget doc-begin doc-end))
-     (when value-pos
-       (goto-char value-pos)
-       (widget-apply widget :value-create)))
-   (let ((from (copy-marker (point-min)))
-	 (to (copy-marker (point-max))))
-     (widget-specify-text from to)
-     (set-marker-insertion-type from t)
-     (set-marker-insertion-type to nil)
-     (widget-put widget :from from)
-     (widget-put widget :to to))))
-(defun widget-default-format-handler (widget escape)
-  ;; We recognize the %h escape by default.
-  (let* ((buttons (widget-get widget :buttons))
-	 (doc-property (widget-get widget :documentation-property))
-	 (doc-try (cond ((widget-get widget :doc))
-			((symbolp doc-property)
-			 (documentation-property (widget-get widget :value)
-						 doc-property))
-			(t
-			 (funcall doc-property (widget-get widget :value)))))
-	 (doc-text (and (stringp doc-try)
-			(> (length doc-try) 1)
-			doc-try)))
-    (cond ((eq escape ?h)
-	   (when doc-text
-	     (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
-		  (widget-get widget :indent)
-		  (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
-	     ;; The `*' in the beginning is redundant.
-	     (when (eq (aref doc-text  0) ?*)
-	       (setq doc-text (substring doc-text 1)))
-	     ;; Get rid of trailing newlines.
-	     (when (string-match "\n+\\'" doc-text)
-	       (setq doc-text (substring doc-text 0 (match-beginning 0))))
-	     (push (if (string-match "\n." doc-text)
-		       ;; Allow multiline doc to be hiden.
-		       (widget-create-child-and-convert
-			widget 'widget-help 
-			:doc (progn
-			       (string-match "\\`.*" doc-text)
-			       (match-string 0 doc-text))
-			:widget-doc doc-text
-			"?")
-		     ;; A single line is just inserted.
-		     (widget-create-child-and-convert
-		      widget 'item :format "%d" :doc doc-text nil))
-		   buttons)))
-	  (t 
-	   (error "Unknown escape `%c'" escape)))
-    (widget-put widget :buttons buttons)))
-(defun widget-default-button-face-get (widget)
-  ;; Use :button-face or widget-button-face
-  (or (widget-get widget :button-face) 'widget-button-face))
-(defun widget-default-sample-face-get (widget)
-  ;; Use :sample-face.
-  (widget-get widget :sample-face))
-(defun widget-default-delete (widget)
-  ;; Remove widget from the buffer.
-  (let ((from (widget-get widget :from))
-	(to (widget-get widget :to))
-	(inhibit-read-only t)
-	after-change-functions)
-    (widget-apply widget :value-delete)
-    (delete-region from to)
-    (set-marker from nil)
-    (set-marker to nil)))
-(defun widget-default-value-set (widget value)
-  ;; Recreate widget with new value.
-  (save-excursion
-    (goto-char (widget-get widget :from))
-    (widget-apply widget :delete)
-    (widget-put widget :value value)
-    (widget-apply widget :create)))
-(defun widget-default-value-inline (widget)
-  ;; Wrap value in a list unless it is inline.
-  (if (widget-get widget :inline)
-      (widget-value widget)
-    (list (widget-value widget))))
-(defun widget-default-menu-tag-get (widget)
-  ;; Use tag or value for menus.
-  (or (widget-get widget :menu-tag)
-      (widget-get widget :tag)
-      (widget-princ-to-string (widget-get widget :value))))
-(defun widget-default-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Notify the parent when a widget change
-  (let ((parent (widget-get widget :parent)))
-    (when parent
-      (widget-apply parent :notify widget event))))
-(defun widget-default-notify (widget child &optional event)
-  ;; Pass notification to parent.
-  (widget-default-action widget event))
-;;; The `item' Widget.
-(define-widget 'item 'default
-  "Constant items for inclusion in other widgets."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-item-convert-widget
-  :value-create 'widget-item-value-create
-  :value-delete 'ignore
-  :value-get 'widget-item-value-get
-  :match 'widget-item-match
-  :match-inline 'widget-item-match-inline
-  :action 'widget-item-action
-  :format "%t\n")
-(defun widget-item-convert-widget (widget)
-  ;; Initialize :value from :args in WIDGET.
-  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args)))
-    (when args 
-      (widget-put widget :value (widget-apply widget
-					      :value-to-internal (car args)))
-      (widget-put widget :args nil)))
-  widget)
-(defun widget-item-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Insert the printed representation of the value.
-  (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
-    (princ (widget-get widget :value))))
-(defun widget-item-match (widget value)
-  ;; Match if the value is the same.
-  (equal (widget-get widget :value) value))
-(defun widget-item-match-inline (widget values)
-  ;; Match if the value is the same.
-  (let ((value (widget-get widget :value)))
-    (and (listp value)
-	 (<= (length value) (length values))
-	 (let ((head (subseq values 0 (length value))))
-	   (and (equal head value)
-		(cons head (subseq values (length value))))))))
-(defun widget-item-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Just notify itself.
-  (widget-apply widget :notify widget event))
-(defun widget-item-value-get (widget)
-  ;; Items are simple.
-  (widget-get widget :value))
-;;; The `push-button' Widget.
-(define-widget 'push-button 'item
-  "A pushable button."
-  :format "%[[%t]%]")
-;;; The `link' Widget.
-(define-widget 'link 'item
-  "An embedded link."
-  :help-echo "Push me to follow the link."
-  :format "%[_%t_%]")
-;;; The `info-link' Widget.
-(define-widget 'info-link 'link
-  "A link to an info file."
-  :action 'widget-info-link-action)
-(defun widget-info-link-action (widget &optional event)
-  "Open the info node specified by WIDGET."
-  (Info-goto-node (widget-value widget)))
-;;; The `url-link' Widget.
-(define-widget 'url-link 'link
-  "A link to an www page."
-  :action 'widget-url-link-action)
-(defun widget-url-link-action (widget &optional event)
-  "Open the url specified by WIDGET."
-  (require 'browse-url)
-  (funcall browse-url-browser-function (widget-value widget)))
-;;; The `editable-field' Widget.
-(define-widget 'editable-field 'default
-  "An editable text field."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-item-convert-widget
-  :keymap widget-field-keymap
-  :format "%v"
-  :value ""
-  :action 'widget-field-action
-  :value-create 'widget-field-value-create
-  :value-delete 'widget-field-value-delete
-  :value-get 'widget-field-value-get
-  :match 'widget-field-match)
-;; History of field minibuffer edits.
-(defvar widget-field-history nil)
-(defun widget-field-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Edit the value in the minibuffer.
-  (let ((tag (widget-apply widget :menu-tag-get))
-	(invalid (widget-apply widget :validate)))
-    (when invalid
-      (error (widget-get invalid :error)))
-    (widget-value-set widget 
-		      (widget-apply widget 
-				    :value-to-external
-				    (read-string (concat tag ": ") 
-						 (widget-apply 
-						  widget
-						  :value-to-internal
-						  (widget-value widget))
-						 'widget-field-history)))
-    (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
-    (widget-setup)))
-(defun widget-field-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Create an editable text field.
-  (insert " ")
-  (let ((size (widget-get widget :size))
-	(value (widget-get widget :value))
-	(from (point)))
-    (insert value)
-    (and size
-	 (< (length value) size)
-	 (insert-char ?\  (- size (length value))))
-    (unless (memq widget widget-field-list)
-      (setq widget-field-new (cons widget widget-field-new)))
-    (widget-put widget :value-to (copy-marker (point)))
-    (set-marker-insertion-type (widget-get widget :value-to) nil)
-    (if (null size)
-	(insert ?\n)
-      (insert ?\ ))
-    (widget-put widget :value-from (copy-marker from))
-    (set-marker-insertion-type (widget-get widget :value-from) t)))
-(defun widget-field-value-delete (widget)
-  ;; Remove the widget from the list of active editing fields.
-  (setq widget-field-list (delq widget widget-field-list))
-  (set-marker (widget-get widget :value-from) nil)
-  (set-marker (widget-get widget :value-to) nil))
-(defun widget-field-value-get (widget)
-  ;; Return current text in editing field.
-  (let ((from (widget-get widget :value-from))
-	(to (widget-get widget :value-to))
-	(size (widget-get widget :size))
-	(secret (widget-get widget :secret))
-	(old (current-buffer)))
-    (if (and from to)
-	(progn 
-	  (set-buffer (marker-buffer from))
-	  (setq from (1+ from)
-		to (1- to))
-	  (while (and size
-		      (not (zerop size))
-		      (> to from)
-		      (eq (char-after (1- to)) ?\ ))
-	    (setq to (1- to)))
-	  (let ((result (buffer-substring-no-properties from to)))
-	    (when secret
-	      (let ((index 0))
-		(while (< (+ from index) to)
-		  (aset result index
-			(get-text-property (+ from index) 'secret))
-		  (setq index (1+ index)))))
-	    (set-buffer old)
-	    result))
-      (widget-get widget :value))))
-(defun widget-field-match (widget value)
-  ;; Match any string.
-  (stringp value))
-;;; The `text' Widget.
-(define-widget 'text 'editable-field
-  :keymap widget-text-keymap
-  "A multiline text area.")
-;;; The `menu-choice' Widget.
-(define-widget 'menu-choice 'default
-  "A menu of options."
-  :convert-widget  'widget-types-convert-widget
-  :format "%[%t%]: %v"
-  :case-fold t
-  :tag "choice"
-  :void '(item :format "invalid (%t)\n")
-  :value-create 'widget-choice-value-create
-  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
-  :value-get 'widget-choice-value-get
-  :value-inline 'widget-choice-value-inline
-  :action 'widget-choice-action
-  :error "Make a choice"
-  :validate 'widget-choice-validate
-  :match 'widget-choice-match
-  :match-inline 'widget-choice-match-inline)
-(defun widget-choice-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Insert the first choice that matches the value.
-  (let ((value (widget-get widget :value))
-	(args (widget-get widget :args))
-	current)
-    (while args
-      (setq current (car args)
-	    args (cdr args))
-      (when (widget-apply current :match value)
-	(widget-put widget :children (list (widget-create-child-value
-					    widget current value)))
-	(widget-put widget :choice current)
-	(setq args nil
-	      current nil)))
-    (when current
-      (let ((void (widget-get widget :void)))
-	(widget-put widget :children (list (widget-create-child-and-convert
-					    widget void :value value)))
-	(widget-put widget :choice void)))))
-(defun widget-choice-value-get (widget)
-  ;; Get value of the child widget.
-  (widget-value (car (widget-get widget :children))))
-(defun widget-choice-value-inline (widget)
-  ;; Get value of the child widget.
-  (widget-apply (car (widget-get widget :children)) :value-inline))
-(defun widget-choice-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Make a choice.
-  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
-	(old (widget-get widget :choice))
-	(tag (widget-apply widget :menu-tag-get))
-	(completion-ignore-case (widget-get widget :case-fold))
-	current choices)
-    ;; Remember old value.
-    (if (and old (not (widget-apply widget :validate)))
-	(let* ((external (widget-value widget))
-	       (internal (widget-apply old :value-to-internal external)))
-	  (widget-put old :value internal)))
-    ;; Find new choice.
-    (setq current
-	  (cond ((= (length args) 0)
-		 nil)
-		((= (length args) 1)
-		 (nth 0 args))
-		((and (= (length args) 2)
-		      (memq old args))
-		 (if (eq old (nth 0 args))
-		     (nth 1 args)
-		   (nth 0 args)))
-		(t
-		 (while args
-		   (setq current (car args)
-			 args (cdr args))
-		   (setq choices
-			 (cons (cons (widget-apply current :menu-tag-get)
-				     current)
-			       choices)))
-		 (widget-choose tag (reverse choices) event))))
-    (when current
-      (widget-value-set widget 
-			(widget-apply current :value-to-external
-				      (widget-get current :value)))
-    (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
-    (widget-setup)))
-  ;; Notify parent.
-  (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
-  (widget-clear-undo))
-(defun widget-choice-validate (widget)
-  ;; Valid if we have made a valid choice.
-  (let ((void (widget-get widget :void))
-	(choice (widget-get widget :choice))
-	(child (car (widget-get widget :children))))
-    (if (eq void choice)
-	widget
-      (widget-apply child :validate))))
-(defun widget-choice-match (widget value)
-  ;; Matches if one of the choices matches.
-  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
-	current found)
-    (while (and args (not found))
-      (setq current (car args)
-	    args (cdr args)
-	    found (widget-apply current :match value)))
-    found))
-(defun widget-choice-match-inline (widget values)
-  ;; Matches if one of the choices matches.
-  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
-	current found)
-    (while (and args (null found))
-      (setq current (car args)
-	    args (cdr args)
-	    found (widget-match-inline current values)))
-    found))
-;;; The `toggle' Widget.
-(define-widget 'toggle 'menu-choice
-  "Toggle between two states."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-toggle-convert-widget
-  :format "%v"
-  :on "on"
-  :off "off")
-(defun widget-toggle-convert-widget (widget)
-  ;; Create the types representing the `on' and `off' states.
-  (let ((on-type (widget-get widget :on-type))
-	(off-type (widget-get widget :off-type)))
-    (unless on-type
-      (setq on-type
-	    (list 'choice-item 
-		  :value t
-		  :match (lambda (widget value) value)
-		  :tag (widget-get widget :on))))
-    (unless off-type
-      (setq off-type
-	    (list 'choice-item :value nil :tag (widget-get widget :off))))
-    (widget-put widget :args (list on-type off-type)))
-  widget)
-;;; The `checkbox' Widget.
-(define-widget 'checkbox 'toggle
-  "A checkbox toggle."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-item-convert-widget
-  :on-type '(choice-item :format "%[[X]%]" t)
-  :off-type  '(choice-item :format "%[[ ]%]" nil))
-;;; The `checklist' Widget.
-(define-widget 'checklist 'default
-  "A multiple choice widget."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-types-convert-widget
-  :format "%v"
-  :offset 4
-  :entry-format "%b %v"
-  :menu-tag "checklist"
-  :greedy nil
-  :value-create 'widget-checklist-value-create
-  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
-  :value-get 'widget-checklist-value-get
-  :validate 'widget-checklist-validate
-  :match 'widget-checklist-match
-  :match-inline 'widget-checklist-match-inline)
-(defun widget-checklist-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Insert all values
-  (let ((alist (widget-checklist-match-find widget (widget-get widget :value)))
-	(args (widget-get widget :args)))
-    (while args 
-      (widget-checklist-add-item widget (car args) (assq (car args) alist))
-      (setq args (cdr args)))
-    (widget-put widget :children (nreverse (widget-get widget :children)))))
-(defun widget-checklist-add-item (widget type chosen)
-  ;; Create checklist item in WIDGET of type TYPE.
-  ;; If the item is checked, CHOSEN is a cons whose cdr is the value.
-  (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
-       (widget-get widget :indent)
-       (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
-  (widget-specify-insert 
-   (let* ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	  (buttons (widget-get widget :buttons))
-	  (from (point))
-	  child button)
-     (insert (widget-get widget :entry-format))
-     (goto-char from)
-     ;; Parse % escapes in format.
-     (while (re-search-forward "%\\([bv%]\\)" nil t)
-       (let ((escape (aref (match-string 1) 0)))
-	 (replace-match "" t t)
-	 (cond ((eq escape ?%)
-		(insert "%"))
-	       ((eq escape ?b)
-		(setq button (widget-create-child-and-convert
-			      widget 'checkbox :value (not (null chosen)))))
-	       ((eq escape ?v)
-		(setq child
-		      (cond ((not chosen)
-			     (widget-create-child widget type))
-			    ((widget-get type :inline)
-			     (widget-create-child-value
-			      widget type (cdr chosen)))
-			    (t
-			     (widget-create-child-value
-			      widget type (car (cdr chosen)))))))
-	       (t 
-		(error "Unknown escape `%c'" escape)))))
-     ;; Update properties.
-     (and button child (widget-put child :button button))
-     (and button (widget-put widget :buttons (cons button buttons)))
-     (and child (widget-put widget :children (cons child children))))))
-(defun widget-checklist-match (widget values)
-  ;; All values must match a type in the checklist.
-  (and (listp values)
-       (null (cdr (widget-checklist-match-inline widget values)))))
-(defun widget-checklist-match-inline (widget values)
-  ;; Find the values which match a type in the checklist.
-  (let ((greedy (widget-get widget :greedy))
-	(args (copy-list (widget-get widget :args)))
-	found rest)
-    (while values
-      (let ((answer (widget-checklist-match-up args values)))
-	(cond (answer 
-	       (let ((vals (widget-match-inline answer values)))
-		 (setq found (append found (car vals))
-		       values (cdr vals)
-		       args (delq answer args))))
-	      (greedy
-	       (setq rest (append rest (list (car values)))
-		     values (cdr values)))
-	      (t 
-	       (setq rest (append rest values)
-		     values nil)))))
-    (cons found rest)))
-(defun widget-checklist-match-find (widget vals)
-  ;; Find the vals which match a type in the checklist.
-  ;; Return an alist of (TYPE MATCH).
-  (let ((greedy (widget-get widget :greedy))
-	(args (copy-list (widget-get widget :args)))
-	found)
-    (while vals
-      (let ((answer (widget-checklist-match-up args vals)))
-	(cond (answer 
-	       (let ((match (widget-match-inline answer vals)))
-		 (setq found (cons (cons answer (car match)) found)
-		       vals (cdr match)
-		       args (delq answer args))))
-	      (greedy
-	       (setq vals (cdr vals)))
-	      (t 
-	       (setq vals nil)))))
-    found))
-(defun widget-checklist-match-up (args vals)
-  ;; Rerturn the first type from ARGS that matches VALS.
-  (let (current found)
-    (while (and args (null found))
-      (setq current (car args)
-	    args (cdr args)
-	    found (widget-match-inline current vals)))
-    (if found
-	current
-      nil)))
-(defun widget-checklist-value-get (widget)
-  ;; The values of all selected items.
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	child result)
-    (while children 
-      (setq child (car children)
-	    children (cdr children))
-      (if (widget-value (widget-get child :button))
-	  (setq result (append result (widget-apply child :value-inline)))))
-    result))
-(defun widget-checklist-validate (widget)
-  ;; Ticked chilren must be valid.
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	child button found)
-    (while (and children (not found))
-      (setq child (car children)
-	    children (cdr children)
-	    button (widget-get child :button)
-	    found (and (widget-value button)
-		       (widget-apply child :validate))))
-    found))
-;;; The `option' Widget
-(define-widget 'option 'checklist
-  "An widget with an optional item."
-  :inline t)
-;;; The `choice-item' Widget.
-(define-widget 'choice-item 'item
-  "Button items that delegate action events to their parents."
-  :action 'widget-choice-item-action
-  :format "%[%t%] \n")
-(defun widget-choice-item-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Tell parent what happened.
-  (widget-apply (widget-get widget :parent) :action event))
-;;; The `radio-button' Widget.
-(define-widget 'radio-button 'toggle
-  "A radio button for use in the `radio' widget."
-  :notify 'widget-radio-button-notify
-  :on-type '(choice-item :format "%[(*)%]" t)
-  :off-type '(choice-item :format "%[( )%]" nil))
-(defun widget-radio-button-notify (widget child &optional event)
-  ;; Notify the parent.
-  (widget-apply (widget-get widget :parent) :action widget event))
-;;; The `radio-button-choice' Widget.
-(define-widget 'radio-button-choice 'default
-  "Select one of multiple options."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-types-convert-widget
-  :offset 4
-  :format "%v"
-  :entry-format "%b %v"
-  :menu-tag "radio"
-  :value-create 'widget-radio-value-create
-  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
-  :value-get 'widget-radio-value-get
-  :value-inline 'widget-radio-value-inline
-  :value-set 'widget-radio-value-set
-  :error "You must push one of the buttons"
-  :validate 'widget-radio-validate
-  :match 'widget-choice-match
-  :match-inline 'widget-choice-match-inline
-  :action 'widget-radio-action)
-(defun widget-radio-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Insert all values
-  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
-	arg)
-    (while args 
-      (setq arg (car args)
-	    args (cdr args))
-      (widget-radio-add-item widget arg))))
-(defun widget-radio-add-item (widget type)
-  "Add to radio widget WIDGET a new radio button item of type TYPE."
-  ;; (setq type (widget-convert type))
-  (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
-       (widget-get widget :indent)
-       (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
-  (widget-specify-insert 
-   (let* ((value (widget-get widget :value))
-	  (children (widget-get widget :children))
-	  (buttons (widget-get widget :buttons))
-	  (from (point))
-	  (chosen (and (null (widget-get widget :choice))
-		       (widget-apply type :match value)))
-	  child button)
-     (insert (widget-get widget :entry-format))
-     (goto-char from)
-     ;; Parse % escapes in format.
-     (while (re-search-forward "%\\([bv%]\\)" nil t)
-       (let ((escape (aref (match-string 1) 0)))
-	 (replace-match "" t t)
-	 (cond ((eq escape ?%)
-		(insert "%"))
-	       ((eq escape ?b)
-		(setq button (widget-create-child-and-convert
-			      widget 'radio-button 
-			      :value (not (null chosen)))))
-	       ((eq escape ?v)
-		(setq child (if chosen
-				(widget-create-child-value
-				 widget type value)
-			      (widget-create-child widget type))))
-	       (t 
-		(error "Unknown escape `%c'" escape)))))
-     ;; Update properties.
-     (when chosen
-       (widget-put widget :choice type))
-     (when button 
-       (widget-put child :button button)
-       (widget-put widget :buttons (nconc buttons (list button))))
-     (when child
-       (widget-put widget :children (nconc children (list child))))
-     child)))
-(defun widget-radio-value-get (widget)
-  ;; Get value of the child widget.
-  (let ((chosen (widget-radio-chosen widget)))
-    (and chosen (widget-value chosen))))
-(defun widget-radio-chosen (widget)
-  "Return the widget representing the chosen radio button."
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	current found)
-    (while children
-      (setq current (car children)
-	    children (cdr children))
-      (let* ((button (widget-get current :button))
-	     (value (widget-apply button :value-get)))
-	(when value
-	  (setq found current
-		children nil))))
-    found))
-(defun widget-radio-value-inline (widget)
-  ;; Get value of the child widget.
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	current found)
-    (while children
-      (setq current (car children)
-	    children (cdr children))
-      (let* ((button (widget-get current :button))
-	     (value (widget-apply button :value-get)))
-	(when value
-	  (setq found (widget-apply current :value-inline)
-		children nil))))
-    found))
-(defun widget-radio-value-set (widget value)
-  ;; We can't just delete and recreate a radio widget, since children
-  ;; can be added after the original creation and won't be recreated
-  ;; by `:create'.
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	current found)
-    (while children
-      (setq current (car children)
-	    children (cdr children))
-      (let* ((button (widget-get current :button))
-	     (match (and (not found)
-			 (widget-apply current :match value))))
-	(widget-value-set button match)
-	(if match 
-	    (widget-value-set current value))
-	(setq found (or found match))))))
-(defun widget-radio-validate (widget)
-  ;; Valid if we have made a valid choice.
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	current found button)
-    (while (and children (not found))
-      (setq current (car children)
-	    children (cdr children)
-	    button (widget-get current :button)
-	    found (widget-apply button :value-get)))
-    (if found
-	(widget-apply current :validate)
-      widget)))
-(defun widget-radio-action (widget child event)
-  ;; Check if a radio button was pressed.
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	(buttons (widget-get widget :buttons))
-	current)
-    (when (memq child buttons)
-      (while children
-	(setq current (car children)
-	      children (cdr children))
-	(let* ((button (widget-get current :button)))
-	  (cond ((eq child button)
-		 (widget-value-set button t))
-		((widget-value button)
-		 (widget-value-set button nil)))))))
-  ;; Pass notification to parent.
-  (widget-apply widget :notify child event))
-;;; The `insert-button' Widget.
-(define-widget 'insert-button 'push-button
-  "An insert button for the `editable-list' widget."
-  :tag "INS"
-  :action 'widget-insert-button-action)
-(defun widget-insert-button-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Ask the parent to insert a new item.
-  (widget-apply (widget-get widget :parent) 
-		:insert-before (widget-get widget :widget)))
-;;; The `delete-button' Widget.
-(define-widget 'delete-button 'push-button
-  "A delete button for the `editable-list' widget."
-  :tag "DEL"
-  :action 'widget-delete-button-action)
-(defun widget-delete-button-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Ask the parent to insert a new item.
-  (widget-apply (widget-get widget :parent) 
-		:delete-at (widget-get widget :widget)))
-;;; The `editable-list' Widget.
-(define-widget 'editable-list 'default
-  "A variable list of widgets of the same type."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-types-convert-widget
-  :offset 12
-  :format "%v%i\n"
-  :format-handler 'widget-editable-list-format-handler
-  :entry-format "%i %d %v"
-  :menu-tag "editable-list"
-  :value-create 'widget-editable-list-value-create
-  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
-  :value-get 'widget-editable-list-value-get
-  :validate 'widget-editable-list-validate
-  :match 'widget-editable-list-match
-  :match-inline 'widget-editable-list-match-inline
-  :insert-before 'widget-editable-list-insert-before
-  :delete-at 'widget-editable-list-delete-at)
-(defun widget-editable-list-format-handler (widget escape)
-  ;; We recognize the insert button.
-  (cond ((eq escape ?i)
-	 (and (widget-get widget :indent)
-	      (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
-	 (widget-create-child-and-convert widget 'insert-button))
-	(t 
-	 (widget-default-format-handler widget escape))))
-(defun widget-editable-list-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Insert all values
-  (let* ((value (widget-get widget :value))
-	 (type (nth 0 (widget-get widget :args)))
-	 (inlinep (widget-get type :inline))
-	 children)
-    (widget-put widget :value-pos (copy-marker (point)))
-    (set-marker-insertion-type (widget-get widget :value-pos) t)
-    (while value
-      (let ((answer (widget-match-inline type value)))
-	(if answer
-	    (setq children (cons (widget-editable-list-entry-create
-				  widget
-				  (if inlinep
-				      (car answer)
-				    (car (car answer)))
-				  t)
-				 children)
-		  value (cdr answer))
-	  (setq value nil))))
-    (widget-put widget :children (nreverse children))))
-(defun widget-editable-list-value-get (widget)
-  ;; Get value of the child widget.
-  (apply 'append (mapcar (lambda (child) (widget-apply child :value-inline))
-			 (widget-get widget :children))))
-(defun widget-editable-list-validate (widget)
-  ;; All the chilren must be valid.
-  (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	child found)
-    (while (and children (not found))
-      (setq child (car children)
-	    children (cdr children)
-	    found (widget-apply child :validate)))
-    found))
-(defun widget-editable-list-match (widget value)
-  ;; Value must be a list and all the members must match the type.
-  (and (listp value)
-       (null (cdr (widget-editable-list-match-inline widget value)))))
-(defun widget-editable-list-match-inline (widget value)
-  (let ((type (nth 0 (widget-get widget :args)))
-	(ok t)
-	found)
-    (while (and value ok)
-      (let ((answer (widget-match-inline type value)))
-	(if answer 
-	    (setq found (append found (car answer))
-		  value (cdr answer))
-	  (setq ok nil))))
-    (cons found value)))
-(defun widget-editable-list-insert-before (widget before)
-  ;; Insert a new child in the list of children.
-  (save-excursion
-    (let ((children (widget-get widget :children))
-	  (inhibit-read-only t)
-	  after-change-functions)
-      (cond (before 
-	     (goto-char (widget-get before :entry-from)))
-	    (t
-	     (goto-char (widget-get widget :value-pos))))
-      (let ((child (widget-editable-list-entry-create 
-		    widget nil nil)))
-	(when (< (widget-get child :entry-from) (widget-get widget :from))
-	  (set-marker (widget-get widget :from)
-		      (widget-get child :entry-from)))
-	(widget-specify-text (widget-get child :entry-from)
-			     (widget-get child :entry-to))
-	(if (eq (car children) before)
-	    (widget-put widget :children (cons child children))
-	  (while (not (eq (car (cdr children)) before))
-	    (setq children (cdr children)))
-	  (setcdr children (cons child (cdr children)))))))
-  (widget-setup)
-  (widget-apply widget :notify widget))
-(defun widget-editable-list-delete-at (widget child)
-  ;; Delete child from list of children.
-  (save-excursion
-    (let ((buttons (copy-list (widget-get widget :buttons)))
-	  button
-	  (inhibit-read-only t)
-	  after-change-functions)
-      (while buttons
-	(setq button (car buttons)
-	      buttons (cdr buttons))
-	(when (eq (widget-get button :widget) child)
-	  (widget-put widget
-		      :buttons (delq button (widget-get widget :buttons)))
-	  (widget-delete button))))
-    (let ((entry-from (widget-get child :entry-from))
-	  (entry-to (widget-get child :entry-to))
-	  (inhibit-read-only t)
-	  after-change-functions)
-      (widget-delete child)
-      (delete-region entry-from entry-to)
-      (set-marker entry-from nil)
-      (set-marker entry-to nil))
-    (widget-put widget :children (delq child (widget-get widget :children))))
-  (widget-setup)
-  (widget-apply widget :notify widget))
-(defun widget-editable-list-entry-create (widget value conv)
-  ;; Create a new entry to the list.
-  (let ((type (nth 0 (widget-get widget :args)))
-	child delete insert)
-    (widget-specify-insert 
-     (save-excursion
-       (and (widget-get widget :indent)
-	    (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
-       (insert (widget-get widget :entry-format)))
-     ;; Parse % escapes in format.
-     (while (re-search-forward "%\\(.\\)" nil t)
-       (let ((escape (aref (match-string 1) 0)))
-	 (replace-match "" t t)
-	 (cond ((eq escape ?%)
-		(insert "%"))
-	       ((eq escape ?i)
-		(setq insert (widget-create-child-and-convert
-			      widget 'insert-button)))
-	       ((eq escape ?d)
-		(setq delete (widget-create-child-and-convert
-			      widget 'delete-button)))
-	       ((eq escape ?v)
-		(if conv
-		    (setq child (widget-create-child-value 
-				 widget type value))
-		  (setq child (widget-create-child widget type))))
-	       (t 
-		(error "Unknown escape `%c'" escape)))))
-     (widget-put widget 
-		 :buttons (cons delete 
-				(cons insert
-				      (widget-get widget :buttons))))
-     (let ((entry-from (copy-marker (point-min)))
-	   (entry-to (copy-marker (point-max))))
-       (widget-specify-text entry-from entry-to)
-       (set-marker-insertion-type entry-from t)
-       (set-marker-insertion-type entry-to nil)
-       (widget-put child :entry-from entry-from)
-       (widget-put child :entry-to entry-to)))
-    (widget-put insert :widget child)
-    (widget-put delete :widget child)
-    child))
-;;; The `group' Widget.
-(define-widget 'group 'default
-  "A widget which group other widgets inside."
-  :convert-widget 'widget-types-convert-widget
-  :format "%v"
-  :value-create 'widget-group-value-create
-  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
-  :value-get 'widget-editable-list-value-get
-  :validate 'widget-editable-list-validate
-  :match 'widget-group-match
-  :match-inline 'widget-group-match-inline)
-(defun widget-group-value-create (widget)
-  ;; Create each component.
-  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
-	(value (widget-get widget :value))
-	arg answer children)
-    (while args
-      (setq arg (car args)
-	    args (cdr args)
-	    answer (widget-match-inline arg value)
-	    value (cdr answer))
-      (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
-	   (widget-get widget :indent)
-	   (insert-char ?  (widget-get widget :indent)))
-      (push (cond ((null answer)
-		   (widget-create-child widget arg))
-		  ((widget-get arg :inline)
-		   (widget-create-child-value widget arg  (car answer)))
-		  (t
-		   (widget-create-child-value widget arg  (car (car answer)))))
-	    children))
-    (widget-put widget :children (nreverse children))))
-(defun widget-group-match (widget values)
-  ;; Match if the components match.
-  (and (listp values)
-       (let ((match (widget-group-match-inline widget values)))
-	 (and match (null (cdr match))))))
-(defun widget-group-match-inline (widget vals)
-  ;; Match if the components match.
-  (let ((args (widget-get widget :args))
-	argument answer found)
-    (while args
-      (setq argument (car args)
-	    args (cdr args)
-	    answer (widget-match-inline argument vals))
-      (if answer 
-	  (setq vals (cdr answer)
-		found (append found (car answer)))
-	(setq vals nil
-	      args nil)))
-    (if answer
-	(cons found vals)
-      nil)))
-;;; The `widget-help' Widget.
-(define-widget 'widget-help 'push-button
-  "The widget documentation button."
-  :format "%[[%t]%] %d"
-  :help-echo "Push me to toggle the documentation."
-  :action 'widget-help-action)
-(defun widget-help-action (widget &optional event)
-  "Toggle documentation for WIDGET."
-  (let ((old (widget-get widget :doc))
-	(new (widget-get widget :widget-doc)))
-    (widget-put widget :doc new)
-    (widget-put widget :widget-doc old))
-  (widget-value-set widget (widget-value widget)))
-;;; The Sexp Widgets.
-(define-widget 'const 'item
-  "An immutable sexp."
-  :format "%t\n%d")
-(define-widget 'function-item 'item
-  "An immutable function name."
-  :format "%v\n%h"
-  :documentation-property (lambda (symbol)
-			    (condition-case nil
-				(documentation symbol t)
-			      (error nil))))
-(define-widget 'variable-item 'item
-  "An immutable variable name."
-  :format "%v\n%h"
-  :documentation-property 'variable-documentation)
-(define-widget 'string 'editable-field
-  "A string"
-  :tag "String"
-  :format "%[%t%]: %v")
-(define-widget 'regexp 'string
-  "A regular expression."
-  ;; Should do validation.
-  :tag "Regexp")
-(define-widget 'file 'string
-  "A file widget.  
-It will read a file name from the minibuffer when activated."
-  :format "%[%t%]: %v"
-  :tag "File"
-  :action 'widget-file-action)
-(defun widget-file-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Read a file name from the minibuffer.
-  (let* ((value (widget-value widget))
-	 (dir (file-name-directory value))
-	 (file (file-name-nondirectory value))
-	 (menu-tag (widget-apply widget :menu-tag-get))
-	 (must-match (widget-get widget :must-match))
-	 (answer (read-file-name (concat menu-tag ": (defalt `" value "') ")
-				 dir nil must-match file)))
-    (widget-value-set widget (abbreviate-file-name answer))
-    (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
-    (widget-setup)))
-(define-widget 'directory 'file
-  "A directory widget.  
-It will read a directory name from the minibuffer when activated."
-  :tag "Directory")
-(define-widget 'symbol 'string
-  "A lisp symbol."
-  :value nil
-  :tag "Symbol"
-  :match (lambda (widget value) (symbolp value))
-  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value)
-		       (if (symbolp value)
-			   (symbol-name value)
-			 value))
-  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value)
-		       (if (stringp value)
-			   (intern value)
-			 value)))
-(define-widget 'function 'sexp
-  ;; Should complete on functions.
-  "A lisp function."
-  :tag "Function")
-(define-widget 'variable 'symbol
-  ;; Should complete on variables.
-  "A lisp variable."
-  :tag "Variable")
-(define-widget 'sexp 'string
-  "An arbitrary lisp expression."
-  :tag "Lisp expression"
-  :value nil
-  :validate 'widget-sexp-validate
-  :match (lambda (widget value) t)
-  :value-to-internal 'widget-sexp-value-to-internal
-  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value) (read value)))
-(defun widget-sexp-value-to-internal (widget value)
-  ;; Use pp for printer representation.
-  (let ((pp (pp-to-string value)))
-    (while (string-match "\n\\'" pp)
-      (setq pp (substring pp 0 -1)))
-    (if (or (string-match "\n\\'" pp)
-	    (> (length pp) 40))
-	(concat "\n" pp)
-      pp)))
-(defun widget-sexp-validate (widget)
-  ;; Valid if we can read the string and there is no junk left after it.
-  (save-excursion
-    (let ((buffer (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *Widget Scratch*"))))
-      (erase-buffer)
-      (insert (widget-apply widget :value-get))
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (condition-case data
-	  (let ((value (read buffer)))
-	    (if (eobp)
-		(if (widget-apply widget :match value)
-		    nil
-		  (widget-put widget :error (widget-get widget :type-error))
-		  widget)
-	      (widget-put widget
-			  :error (format "Junk at end of expression: %s"
-					 (buffer-substring (point)
-							   (point-max))))
-	      widget))
-	(error (widget-put widget :error (error-message-string data))
-	       widget)))))
-(define-widget 'integer 'sexp
-  "An integer."
-  :tag "Integer"
-  :value 0
-  :type-error "This field should contain an integer"
-  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value)
-		       (if (integerp value) 
-			   (prin1-to-string value)
-			 value))
-  :match (lambda (widget value) (integerp value)))
-(define-widget 'character 'string
-  "An character."
-  :tag "Character"
-  :value 0
-  :size 1 
-  :format "%{%t%}: %v\n"
-  :type-error "This field should contain a character"
-  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value)
-		       (if (integerp value) 
-			   (char-to-string value)
-			 value))
-  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value)
-		       (if (stringp value)
-			   (aref value 0)
-			 value))
-  :match (lambda (widget value) (integerp value)))
-(define-widget 'number 'sexp
-  "A floating point number."
-  :tag "Number"
-  :value 0.0
-  :type-error "This field should contain a number"
-  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value)
-		       (if (numberp value)
-			   (prin1-to-string value)
-			 value))
-  :match (lambda (widget value) (numberp value)))
-(define-widget 'list 'group
-  "A lisp list."
-  :tag "List"
-  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v")
-(define-widget 'vector 'group
-  "A lisp vector."
-  :tag "Vector"
-  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v"
-  :match 'widget-vector-match
-  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value) (append value nil))
-  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value) (apply 'vector value)))
-(defun widget-vector-match (widget value) 
-  (and (vectorp value)
-       (widget-group-match widget
-			   (widget-apply :value-to-internal widget value))))
-(define-widget 'cons 'group
-  "A cons-cell."
-  :tag "Cons-cell"
-  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v"
-  :match 'widget-cons-match
-  :value-to-internal (lambda (widget value)
-		       (list (car value) (cdr value)))
-  :value-to-external (lambda (widget value)
-		       (cons (nth 0 value) (nth 1 value))))
-(defun widget-cons-match (widget value) 
-  (and (consp value)
-       (widget-group-match widget
-			   (widget-apply widget :value-to-internal value))))
-(define-widget 'choice 'menu-choice
-  "A union of several sexp types."
-  :tag "Choice"
-  :format "%[%t%]: %v")
-(define-widget 'radio 'radio-button-choice
-  "A union of several sexp types."
-  :tag "Choice"
-  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v")
-(define-widget 'repeat 'editable-list
-  "A variable length homogeneous list."
-  :tag "Repeat"
-  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v%i\n")
-(define-widget 'set 'checklist
-  "A list of members from a fixed set."
-  :tag "Set"
-  :format "%{%t%}:\n%v")
-(define-widget 'boolean 'toggle
-  "To be nil or non-nil, that is the question."
-  :tag "Boolean"
-  :format "%{%t%}: %v")
-;;; The `color' Widget.
-(define-widget 'color-item 'choice-item
-  "A color name (with sample)."
-  :format "%v (%[sample%])\n"
-  :button-face-get 'widget-color-item-button-face-get)
-(defun widget-color-item-button-face-get (widget)
-  ;; We create a face from the value.
-  (require 'facemenu)
-  (condition-case nil
-      (facemenu-get-face (intern (concat "fg:" (widget-value widget))))
-    (error 'default)))
-(define-widget 'color 'push-button
-  "Choose a color name (with sample)."
-  :format "%[%t%]: %v"
-  :tag "Color"
-  :value "default"
-  :value-create 'widget-color-value-create
-  :value-delete 'widget-children-value-delete
-  :value-get 'widget-color-value-get
-  :value-set 'widget-color-value-set
-  :action 'widget-color-action
-  :match 'widget-field-match
-  :tag "Color")
-(defvar widget-color-choice-list nil)
-;; Variable holding the possible colors.
-(defun widget-color-choice-list ()
-  (unless widget-color-choice-list
-    (setq widget-color-choice-list 
-	  (mapcar '(lambda (color) (list color))
-		  (x-defined-colors))))
-  widget-color-choice-list)
-(defun widget-color-value-create (widget)
-  (let ((child (widget-create-child-and-convert
-		widget 'color-item (widget-get widget :value))))
-    (widget-put widget :children (list child))))
-(defun widget-color-value-get (widget)
-  ;; Pass command to first child.
-  (widget-apply (car (widget-get widget :children)) :value-get))
-(defun widget-color-value-set (widget value)
-  ;; Pass command to first child.
-  (widget-apply (car (widget-get widget :children)) :value-set value))
-(defvar widget-color-history nil
-  "History of entered colors")
-(defun widget-color-action (widget &optional event)
-  ;; Prompt for a color.
-  (let* ((tag (widget-apply widget :menu-tag-get))
-	 (prompt (concat tag ": "))
-	 (answer (cond ((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
-			(read-color prompt))
-		       ((fboundp 'x-defined-colors)
-			(completing-read (concat tag ": ")
-					 (widget-color-choice-list) 
-					 nil nil nil 'widget-color-history))
-		       (t
-			(read-string prompt (widget-value widget))))))
-    (unless (zerop (length answer))
-      (widget-value-set widget answer)
-      (widget-apply widget :notify widget event)
-      (widget-setup))))
-;;; The Help Echo
-(defun widget-echo-help-mouse ()
-  "Display the help message for the widget under the mouse.
-Enable with (run-with-idle-timer 1 t 'widget-echo-help-mouse)"
-  (let* ((pos (mouse-position))
-	 (frame (car pos))
-	 (x (car (cdr pos)))
-	 (y (cdr (cdr pos)))
-	 (win (window-at x y frame))
-	 (where (coordinates-in-window-p (cons x y) win)))
-    (when (consp where)
-      (save-window-excursion
-	(progn ; save-excursion
-	  (select-window win)
-	  (let* ((result (compute-motion (window-start win)
-					 '(0 . 0)
-					 (window-end win)
-					 where
-					 (window-width win)
-					 (cons (window-hscroll) 0)
-					 win)))
-	    (when (and (eq (nth 1 result) x)
-		       (eq (nth 2 result) y))
-	      (widget-echo-help (nth 0 result))))))))
-  (unless track-mouse
-    (setq track-mouse t)
-    (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'widget-stop-mouse-tracking)))
-(defun widget-stop-mouse-tracking (&rest args)
-  "Stop the mouse tracking done while idle."
-  (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'widget-stop-mouse-tracking)
-  (setq track-mouse nil))
-(defun widget-at (pos)
-  "The button or field at POS."
-  (or (get-text-property pos 'button)
-      (get-text-property pos 'field)))
-(defun widget-echo-help (pos)
-  "Display the help echo for widget at POS."
-  (let* ((widget (widget-at pos))
-	 (help-echo (and widget (widget-get widget :help-echo))))
-    (cond ((stringp help-echo)
-	   (message "%s" help-echo))
-	  ((and (symbolp help-echo) (fboundp help-echo)
-		(stringp (setq help-echo (funcall help-echo widget))))
-	   (message "%s" help-echo)))))
-;;; The End:
-(provide 'widget-edit)
-;; widget-edit.el ends here
--- a/lisp/w3/widget.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-;;; widget.el --- a library of user interface components.
-;; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <>
-;; Keywords: help, extensions, faces, hypermedia
-;; Version: 1.22
-;; X-URL:
-;;; Commentary:
-;; If you want to use this code, please visit the URL above.
-;; This file only contain the code needed to define new widget types.
-;; Everything else is autoloaded from `widget-edit.el'.
-;;; Code:
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
-(defmacro define-widget-keywords (&rest keys)
-  (`
-   (eval-and-compile
-     (let ((keywords (quote (, keys))))
-       (while keywords
-	 (or (boundp (car keywords))
-	     (set (car keywords) (car keywords)))
-	 (setq keywords (cdr keywords)))))))
-(define-widget-keywords :secret :sample-face :sample-face-get :case-fold
-  :widget-doc 
-  :create :convert-widget :format :value-create :offset :extra-offset
-  :tag :doc :from :to :args :value :value-from :value-to :action
-  :value-set :value-delete :match :parent :delete :menu-tag-get
-  :value-get :choice :void :menu-tag :on :off :on-type :off-type
-  :notify :entry-format :button :children :buttons :insert-before
-  :delete-at :format-handler :widget :value-pos :value-to-internal
-  :indent :size :value-to-external :validate :error :directory
-  :must-match :type-error :value-inline :inline :match-inline :greedy
-  :button-face-get :button-face :value-face :keymap :entry-from
-  :entry-to :help-echo :documentation-property :hide-front-space
-  :hide-rear-space) 
-;; These autoloads should be deleted when the file is added to Emacs.
-(autoload 'widget-create "widget-edit")
-(autoload 'widget-insert "widget-edit")
-(defun define-widget (name class doc &rest args)
-  "Define a new widget type named NAME from CLASS.
-NAME and CLASS should both be symbols, CLASS should be one of the
-existing widget types, or nil to create the widget from scratch.
-After the new widget has been defined, the following two calls will
-create identical widgets:
-* (widget-create NAME)
-* (apply 'widget-create CLASS ARGS)
-The third argument DOC is a documentation string for the widget."
-  (put name 'widget-type (cons class args))
-  (put name 'widget-documentation doc))
-;;; The End.
-(provide 'widget)
-;; widget.el ends here
--- a/lisp/x11/x-menubar.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/x11/x-menubar.el	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -638,6 +638,7 @@
        ["No Warranty"		describe-no-warranty	t]
        ["XEmacs License"	describe-copying	t]
        ["The Latest Version"	describe-distribution	t])
+      ,custom-help-menu
--- a/man/gnus.texi	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/man/gnus.texi	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -8606,8 +8606,11 @@
 mail belongs in that group.
 The last of these groups should always be a general one, and the regular
-expression should @emph{always} be @samp{} so that it matches any
-mails that haven't been matched by any of the other regexps.
+expression should @emph{always} be @samp{} so that it matches any mails
+that haven't been matched by any of the other regexps.  (These rules are
+processed from the beginning of the alist toward the end.  The first
+rule to make a match will "win", unless you have crossposting enabled.
+In that case, all matching rules will "win".)
 If you like to tinker with this yourself, you can set this variable to a
 function of your choice.  This function will be called without any
@@ -12649,6 +12652,10 @@
 If this variable is @code{nil} (which is the default), the mode line
 strings won't be chopped off, and they won't be padded either.
+Note that the default is unlikely to be desirable, as even the
+percentage complete in the buffer may be crowded off the mode line;
+the user should configure this variable appropriately for their
 @node Highlighting and Menus
--- a/src/	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-/* Some people use these in paths they define.  We don't want their paths
+/* Some people use these in paths they define.  We do not want their paths
    getting changed on them. */
 #undef sparc
 #undef sun
@@ -61,14 +61,14 @@
    in-place location, it will not get recompiled in the not-in-place
-   The GNU Make `vpath' directive continues this tradition, but at
+   The GNU Make "vpath" directive continues this tradition, but at
    least lets you restrict the classes of files that it applies to.
    This allows us to kludge around the problem. */
 #ifdef USE_GNU_MAKE
 vpath %.c @srcdir@
 vpath %.h @srcdir@
 /* now list files that should NOT be searched in the srcdir.
-   This includes any .c or .h that's built from something else
+   This includes any .c or .h that is built from something else
    (e.g. a .in file). */
 vpath config.h
 vpath paths.h
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 /* On some machines #define register is done in config;
-   don't let it interfere with this file.  */
+   do not let it interfere with this file.  */
 #undef register
 /* On some systems we may not be able to use the system make command. */
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
-/* Some machines don't find the standard C libraries in the usual place.  */
+/* Some machines do not find the standard C libraries in the usual place.  */
 #define LIB_STANDARD -lc
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
-/* cc switches needed to make `asm' keyword work.
+/* cc switches needed to make "asm" keyword work.
    Nothing special needed on most machines.  */
 #ifndef C_SWITCH_ASM
 #define C_SWITCH_ASM
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@
    for use in Emacs.
    -DHAVE_CONFIG_H is needed for some other files to take advantage of
-   the information in `config.h'.  */
+   the information in "config.h".  */
    since it may have -I options that should override those two.  */
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@
 #define NSOBJS console-ns.o device-ns.o DIALOG_NS_OBJS event-ns.o frame-ns.o \
 	       glyphs-ns.o MENUBAR_NS_OBJS nsselect.o objects-ns.o \
 	       redisplay-ns.o SCROLLBAR_NS_OBJS TOOLBAR_NS_OBJS
 # define NSOBJS
 #endif /* HAVE_NEXTSTEP */
@@ -618,18 +618,18 @@
 /* Versions of GCC >= 2.0 put their library, libgcc.a, in obscure
    places that are difficult to figure out at make time.  Fortunately,
    these same versions allow you to pass arbitrary flags on to the
-   linker, so there's no reason not to use it as a linker.
+   linker, so there is no reason not to use it as a linker.
-   Well, it's not quite perfect.  The `-nostdlib' keeps GCC from
+   Well, it is not quite perfect.  The "-nostdlib" keeps GCC from
    searching for libraries in its internal directories, so we have to
    ask GCC explicitly where to find libgcc.a.  */
 #ifndef LINKER
 #define LINKER $(CC) -nostdlib
 /* GCC passes any argument prefixed with -Xlinker directly to the
-   linker.  See prefix-args.c for an explanation of why we don't do
-   this with the shell's `for' construct.
-   Note that some people don't have '.'  in their paths, so we must
+   linker.  See prefix-args.c for an explanation of why we do not do
+   this with the shell "for" construct.
+   Note that some people do not have "."  in their paths, so we must
    use ./prefix-args.  */
 #define YMF_PASS_LDFLAGS(flags) `./prefix-args -Xlinker flags`
 #endif /* LINKER */
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@
 #endif /* not ORDINARY_LINK */
 /* A macro which other sections of the makefile can redefine to munge the
-   flags before they're passed to LD.  This is helpful if you have
+   flags before they are passed to LD.  This is helpful if you have
    redefined LD to something odd, like "gcc".  */
 #define YMF_PASS_LDFLAGS(flags) flags
@@ -916,13 +916,13 @@
 #  define EXTERNAL_WIDGET_OBJS ExternalShell.o extw-Xt-nonshared.o extw-Xlib-nonshared.o
 /* Now we try to figure out how to link a shared library.
-   If we can't figure it out, leave EXTW_LINK undefined and a shared
+   If we can not figure it out, leave EXTW_LINK undefined and a shared
    library will not be created. */
 # ifdef USE_GCC
 #  ifdef USG5
 #   define EXTW_LINK(objs, output) $(CC) -shared objs -Xlinker -z -Xlinker text -o output
-   /* I can't figure out how to do shared a.out libraries, so just punt. */
+   /* I can not figure out how to do shared a.out libraries, so just punt. */
 #  elif !defined (LINUX) || defined (__ELF__)
 #   define EXTW_LINK(objs, output) $(CC) -shared objs -o output
 #  endif
@@ -1119,10 +1119,10 @@
 /* List of Lisp files loaded into the dumped Emacs.
    Every file that is loaded from loadup.el must be enumerated
-   here, or the functions won't have docstrings.
+   here, or the functions will not have docstrings.
    This is dumb - this list should be generated automatically.
-   [Note: "version.el" is included in the doc separately, but is not listed 
-    here because we don't want things to appear to be out-of-date just 
+   [Note: "version.el" is included in the doc separately, but is not listed
+    here because we do not want things to appear to be out-of-date just 
     because the version number has been incremented. -- D.N.G. 8/28/93]
 /* loaddefs is now included handled by the SUNPRO_LISP define because
@@ -1158,14 +1158,16 @@
         ${lispdir}modes/auto-show.elc SUNPRO_LISP TTY_LISP \
         ${lispdir}bytecomp/bytecomp-runtime.elc FLOAT_LISP EPOCH_LISP \
         ${lispdir}prim/itimer.elc ${lispdir}ediff/ediff-hook.elc \
+	${lispdir}custom/custom.elc ${lispdir}custom/widget.elc \
+	${lispdir}w3/w3-sysdp.elc ${lispdir}w3/font.elc \
 	${lispdir}packages/fontl-hooks.elc SCROLLBAR_LISP \
 	${lispdir}prim/buffer.elc MENUBAR_LISP \
 	${lispdir}packages/buff-menu.elc DIALOG_LISP \
 	${lispdir}modes/abbrev.elc X11_LISP NS_LISP ENERGIZE_LISP TOOLTALK_LISP
-/* Other Lisp files that are not dumped out but where it's convenient
+/* Other Lisp files that are not dumped out but where it is convenient
    (or required?) for them to be byte-compiled early, before xemacs
-   is dumped out.  Don't list them in ${lisp} because then the doc-snarfing
+   is dumped out.  Do not list them in ${lisp} because then the doc-snarfing
    routines get confused. */
 otherlisp= ${lispdir}bytecomp/bytecomp.elc \
 	   ${lispdir}bytecomp/byte-optimize.elc \
@@ -1433,9 +1435,9 @@
 	cd ${cppdir}; ${MAKE} ${MFLAGS} EMACS=-DEMACS
 	ln ${cppdir}cpp localcpp  /* Name where ALL_CFLAGS will refer to it */
 /* cc appears to be cretinous and require all of these to exist
-   if -B is specified -- we can't use one local pass and let the
+   if -B is specified -- we can not use one local pass and let the
    others be the standard ones.  What a loser.
-   We can't even use ln, since they are probably
+   We can not even use ln, since they are probably
    on different disks.  */
 	cp /lib/ccom localccom
 	-cp /lib/optim localoptim
@@ -1487,7 +1489,7 @@
 	cp ${srcdir}/alloca.s allocatem.c
 /* Remove any ^L, blank lines, and preprocessor comments,
    since some assemblers barf on them.  Use a different basename for the
-   output file, since some stupid compilers (Green Hill's) use that
+   output file, since some stupid compilers (Green Hill) use that
    name for the intermediate assembler file. */
 	$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(ALL_CFLAGS) allocatem.c | \
 	sed -e 's///' -e 's/^#.*//' | \
@@ -1587,7 +1589,7 @@
 gnu-depend: $(obj_dep)
 	/* #### Needs a bit of work: it doesn't see the object files that
-	   we aren't compiling */
+	   we are not compiling */
 	cat $(obj_dep) | sh ${libsrc} > depend.out
 #endif /* GCC */
--- a/src/cmds.c	Mon Aug 13 08:49:21 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/cmds.c	Mon Aug 13 08:49:43 2007 +0200
@@ -464,6 +464,9 @@
   defsubr (&Sbeginning_of_line);
   defsubr (&Send_of_line);
+  defsubr (&Spoint_at_bol);
+  defsubr (&Spoint_at_eol);
   defsubr (&Sdelete_char);
   defsubr (&Sdelete_backward_char);