changeset 5645:5d3bb1100832

Remove some utility functions from the global namespace, lisp/ lisp/ChangeLog addition: 2012-04-07 Aidan Kehoe <> Remove some utility functions from the global namespace, it's more appropriate to have them as labels (that is, lexically-visible functions.) * behavior.el: * behavior.el (behavior-menu-filter-1): Moved to being a label. * behavior.el (behavior-menu-filter): Use the label. * cus-edit.el (custom-load-symbol-1): Moved to being a label. * cus-edit.el (custom-load-symbol): Use the label. * menubar.el (find-menu-item-1): Moved to being a label. * menubar.el (find-menu-item): Use the label. * window-xemacs.el: * window-xemacs.el (display-buffer-1): Moved to being a label. * window-xemacs.el (display-buffer): Use the label; use (block ...) instead of (catch ...), use prog1 instead of needlessly binding a variable.
author Aidan Kehoe <>
date Sat, 07 Apr 2012 21:57:31 +0100 (2012-04-07)
parents 0df3cedee9ac
children 7aa144d1404b
files lisp/ChangeLog lisp/behavior.el lisp/cus-edit.el lisp/menubar.el lisp/window-xemacs.el
diffstat 5 files changed, 404 insertions(+), 387 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog	Fri Mar 02 18:26:14 2012 +0000
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog	Sat Apr 07 21:57:31 2012 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
+2012-04-07  Aidan Kehoe  <>
+	Remove some utility functions from the global namespace, it's more
+	appropriate to have them as labels (that is, lexically-visible
+	functions.) 
+	* behavior.el:
+	* behavior.el (behavior-menu-filter-1): Moved to being a label.
+	* behavior.el (behavior-menu-filter): Use the label.
+	* cus-edit.el (custom-load-symbol-1): Moved to being a label.
+	* cus-edit.el (custom-load-symbol): Use the label.
+	* menubar.el (find-menu-item-1): Moved to being a label.
+	* menubar.el (find-menu-item): Use the label.
+	* window-xemacs.el:
+	* window-xemacs.el (display-buffer-1): Moved to being a label.
+	* window-xemacs.el (display-buffer): Use the label; use (block
+	...) instead of (catch ...), use prog1 instead of needlessly
+	binding a variable.
 2012-03-02  Aidan Kehoe  <>
 	* select.el (select-coerce):
--- a/lisp/behavior.el	Fri Mar 02 18:26:14 2012 +0000
+++ b/lisp/behavior.el	Sat Apr 07 21:57:31 2012 +0100
@@ -414,90 +414,96 @@
-(defun behavior-menu-filter-1 (menu group)
-  (submenu-generate-accelerator-spec
-   (let* (
-	  ;;options
-	  ;;help
-	  (enable
-	   (menu-split-long-menu
-	    (menu-sort-menu
-	     (let ((group-plist (gethash group behavior-group-hash-table)))
-	       (loop for behavior in (getf group-plist :children)
-		 nconc (if (behavior-group-p behavior)
-			   (list
-			    (cons (getf
-				   (gethash behavior behavior-group-hash-table)
-				   :short-doc)
-				  (behavior-menu-filter-1 menu behavior)))
-			 (let* ((plist (gethash behavior behavior-hash-table))
-				(commands (getf plist :commands)))
-			   (nconc
-			    (if (getf plist :enable)
-				`([,(format "%s (%s) [toggle]"
-					    (getf plist :short-doc)
-					    behavior)
-				   (if (memq ',behavior
-					     enabled-behavior-list)
-				       (disable-behavior ',behavior)
-				     (enable-behavior ',behavior))
-				   :active ,(if (getf plist :disable) t
-					      (not (memq
-						    ',behavior
-						    enabled-behavior-list)))
-				   :style toggle
-				   :selected (memq ',behavior
-						   enabled-behavior-list)]))
-			    (cond ((null commands) nil)
-				  ((and (eq (length commands) 1)
-					(vectorp (elt commands 0)))
-				   (let ((comm (copy-sequence
-						(elt commands 0))))
-				     (setf (elt comm 0)
-					   (format "%s (%s)"
-						   (elt comm 0) behavior))
-				     (list comm)))
-				  (t (list
-				      (cons (format "%s (%s) Commands"
-						    (getf plist :short-doc)
-						    behavior)
-					    commands)))))))))
-	     ))
-	   )
-	  )
-     enable)
-   '(?p)))
 (defun behavior-menu-filter (menu)
-  (append
-   `(("%_Package Utilities"
-       ("%_Set Download Site"
-	("%_Official Releases"
-	 :filter ,#'(lambda (&rest junk)
-                      (menu-split-long-menu
-                       (submenu-generate-accelerator-spec
-                        (package-ui-download-menu)))))
-	("%_Pre-Releases"
-	 :filter ,#'(lambda (&rest junk)
-                      (menu-split-long-menu
-                       (submenu-generate-accelerator-spec
-                        (package-ui-pre-release-download-menu)))))
-	("%_Site Releases"
-	 :filter ,#'(lambda (&rest junk)
-                      (menu-split-long-menu
-                       (submenu-generate-accelerator-spec
-                        (package-ui-site-release-download-menu))))))
-       "--:shadowEtchedIn"
-      ["%_Update Package Index" package-get-update-base]
-      ["%_List and Install" pui-list-packages]
-      ["U%_pdate Installed Packages" package-get-update-all]
-      ["%_Help" (Info-goto-node "(xemacs)Packages")])
-     "----")
-   (behavior-menu-filter-1 menu nil)))
+  (labels
+      ((behavior-menu-filter-1 (menu group)
+	 (submenu-generate-accelerator-spec
+	  (let* ((enable
+		  (menu-split-long-menu
+		   (menu-sort-menu
+		    (let ((group-plist (gethash group
+						behavior-group-hash-table)))
+		      (loop for behavior in (getf group-plist :children)
+			nconc (if (behavior-group-p behavior)
+				  (list
+				   (cons (getf
+					  (gethash behavior
+						   behavior-group-hash-table)
+					  :short-doc)
+					 (behavior-menu-filter-1
+					  menu behavior)))
+				(let* ((plist (gethash behavior
+						       behavior-hash-table))
+				       (commands (getf plist :commands)))
+				  (nconc
+				   (if (getf plist :enable)
+				       `([,(format "%s (%s) [toggle]"
+						   (getf plist :short-doc)
+						   behavior)
+					  (if (memq ',behavior
+						    enabled-behavior-list)
+					      (disable-behavior ',behavior)
+					    (enable-behavior ',behavior))
+					  :active ,(if (getf plist :disable)
+						       t
+						     (not
+						      (memq
+						       ',behavior
+						       enabled-behavior-list)))
+					  :style toggle
+					  :selected (memq
+						     ',behavior
+						     enabled-behavior-list)]))
+				   (cond ((null commands) nil)
+					 ((and (eq (length commands) 1)
+					       (vectorp (elt commands 0)))
+					  (let ((comm (copy-sequence
+						       (elt commands 0))))
+					    (setf (elt comm 0)
+						  (format "%s (%s)"
+							  (elt comm 0)
+							  behavior))
+					    (list comm)))
+					 (t (list
+					     (cons (format "%s (%s) Commands"
+							   (getf plist
+								 :short-doc)
+							   behavior)
+						   commands)))))))))
+		    ))
+		  )
+		 )
+	    enable)
+	  '(?p))))
+    (append
+     `(("%_Package Utilities"
+	("%_Set Download Site"
+	 ("%_Official Releases"
+	  :filter ,#'(lambda (&rest junk)
+		       (menu-split-long-menu
+			(submenu-generate-accelerator-spec
+			 (package-ui-download-menu)))))
+	 ("%_Pre-Releases"
+	  :filter ,#'(lambda (&rest junk)
+		       (menu-split-long-menu
+			(submenu-generate-accelerator-spec
+			 (package-ui-pre-release-download-menu)))))
+	 ("%_Site Releases"
+	  :filter ,#'(lambda (&rest junk)
+		       (menu-split-long-menu
+			(submenu-generate-accelerator-spec
+			 (package-ui-site-release-download-menu))))))
+	"--:shadowEtchedIn"
+	["%_Update Package Index" package-get-update-base]
+	["%_List and Install" pui-list-packages]
+	["U%_pdate Installed Packages" package-get-update-all]
+	["%_Help" (Info-goto-node "(xemacs)Packages")])
+       "----")
+     (behavior-menu-filter-1 menu nil))))
 ;; Initialize top-level group.
 (puthash nil '(:children nil :short-doc "Root") behavior-group-hash-table)
 (provide 'behavior)
-;;; finder-inf.el ends here
+;;; behavior.el ends here
--- a/lisp/cus-edit.el	Fri Mar 02 18:26:14 2012 +0000
+++ b/lisp/cus-edit.el	Sat Apr 07 21:57:31 2012 +0100
@@ -1684,33 +1684,28 @@
 (defun custom-load-symbol (symbol)
   "Load all dependencies for SYMBOL."
-  (unless custom-load-recursion
-    (let ((custom-load-recursion t)
-	  (loads (get symbol 'custom-loads))
-	  load)
-      (while loads
-	(setq load (car loads)
-	      loads (cdr loads))
-	(custom-load-symbol-1 load)))))
-(defun custom-load-symbol-1 (load)
-  (cond ((symbolp load)
-	 (condition-case nil
-	     (require load)
-	   (error nil)))
-	;; Don't reload a file already loaded.
-	((and (boundp 'preloaded-file-list)
-	      (member load preloaded-file-list)))
-	((assoc load load-history))
-	((assoc (locate-library load) load-history))
-	(t
-	 (condition-case nil
-	     ;; Without this, we would load cus-edit recursively.
-	     ;; We are still loading it when we call this,
-	     ;; and it is not in load-history yet.
-	     (or (equal load "cus-edit")
-		 (load-library load))
-	   (error nil)))))
+  (labels
+      ((custom-load-symbol-1 (load)
+	 (cond ((symbolp load)
+		(condition-case nil
+		    (require load)
+		  (error nil)))
+	       ;; Don't reload a file already loaded.
+	       ((and (boundp 'preloaded-file-list)
+		     (member load preloaded-file-list)))
+	       ((assoc load load-history))
+	       ((assoc (locate-library load) load-history))
+	       (t
+		(condition-case nil
+		    ;; Without this, we would load cus-edit recursively.
+		    ;; We are still loading it when we call this,
+		    ;; and it is not in load-history yet.
+		    (or (equal load "cus-edit")
+			(load-library load))
+		  (error nil))))))
+    (unless custom-load-recursion
+      (let ((custom-load-recursion t))
+        (map nil #'custom-load-symbol-1 (get symbol 'custom-loads))))))
 (defvar custom-already-loaded-custom-defines nil
   "List of already-loaded `custom-defines' files.")
--- a/lisp/menubar.el	Fri Mar 02 18:26:14 2012 +0000
+++ b/lisp/menubar.el	Sat Apr 07 21:57:31 2012 +0100
@@ -178,35 +178,36 @@
  the item found.
 If the item does not exist, the car of the returned value is nil.
 If some menu in the ITEM-PATH-LIST does not exist, an error is signalled."
-  (find-menu-item-1 menubar item-path-list))
-(defun find-menu-item-1 (menubar item-path-list &optional parent)
-  (check-argument-type 'listp item-path-list)
-  (if (not (consp menubar))
-      nil
-    (let ((rest menubar)
-	  result)
-      (when (stringp (car rest))
-	(setq rest (cdr rest)))
-      (while (keywordp (car rest))
-	(setq rest (cddr rest)))
-      (while rest
-	(if (and (car rest)
-		 (stringp (car item-path-list))
-		 (= 0 (compare-menu-text (car item-path-list)
-					 (menu-item-text (car rest)))))
-	    (setq result (car rest)
-		  rest nil)
-	  (setq rest (cdr rest))))
-      (if (cdr item-path-list)
-	  (cond ((consp result)
-		 (find-menu-item-1 (cdr result) (cdr item-path-list) result))
-		(result
-		 (signal 'error (list (gettext "not a submenu") result)))
-		(t
-		 (signal 'error (list (gettext "no such submenu")
-				      (car item-path-list)))))
-	(cons result parent)))))
+  (labels
+      ((find-menu-item-1 (menubar item-path-list &optional parent)
+         (check-argument-type 'listp item-path-list)
+         (if (not (consp menubar))
+             nil
+           (let ((rest menubar)
+                 result)
+             (when (stringp (car rest))
+               (setq rest (cdr rest)))
+             (while (keywordp (car rest))
+               (setq rest (cddr rest)))
+             (while rest
+               (if (and (car rest)
+                        (stringp (car item-path-list))
+                        (= 0 (compare-menu-text (car item-path-list)
+                                                (menu-item-text (car rest)))))
+                   (setq result (car rest)
+                         rest nil)
+                 (setq rest (cdr rest))))
+             (if (cdr item-path-list)
+                 (cond ((consp result)
+                        (find-menu-item-1 (cdr result) (cdr item-path-list)
+                                          result))
+                       (result
+                        (signal 'error (list (gettext "not a submenu") result)))
+                       (t
+                        (signal 'error (list (gettext "no such submenu")
+                                             (car item-path-list)))))
+               (cons result parent))))))
+    (find-menu-item-1 menubar item-path-list)))
 (defun add-menu-item-1 (leaf-p menu-path new-item before in-menu)
   ;; This code looks like it could be cleaned up some more
--- a/lisp/window-xemacs.el	Fri Mar 02 18:26:14 2012 +0000
+++ b/lisp/window-xemacs.el	Sat Apr 07 21:57:31 2012 +0100
@@ -756,18 +756,11 @@
   :type 'integer
   :group 'windows)
-;; Deiconify the frame containing the window WINDOW, then return WINDOW.
-(defun display-buffer-1 (window)
-  (if (frame-iconified-p (window-frame window))
-      (make-frame-visible (window-frame window)))
-  window)
 ;; Can you believe that all of this crap was formerly in C?
 ;; Praise Jesus that it's not there any more.
 (defun display-buffer (buffer &optional not-this-window-p override-frame
-			      shrink-to-fit)
+                       shrink-to-fit)
   "Make BUFFER appear in some window on the current frame, but don't select it.
 BUFFER can be a buffer or a buffer name.
 If BUFFER is shown already in some window in the current frame,
@@ -797,271 +790,275 @@
 Returns the window displaying BUFFER."
   (interactive "BDisplay buffer:\nP")
-  (let ((wconfig (current-window-configuration))
-	(result
-	 ;; We just simulate a `return' in C.  This function is way ugly
-	 ;; and does `returns' all over the place and there's no sense
-	 ;; in trying to rewrite it to be more Lispy.
-	 (catch 'done
-	   (let (window old-frame target-frame explicit-frame shrink-it)
-	     (setq old-frame (or (last-nonminibuf-frame) (selected-frame)))
-	     (setq buffer (get-buffer buffer))
-	     (check-argument-type 'bufferp buffer)
+  (let ((wconfig (current-window-configuration)))
+    (prog1
+        ;; We just simulate a `return' in C.  This function is way
+        ;; ugly and does `returns' all over the place and there's
+        ;; no sense in trying to rewrite it to be more Lispy.
+        (block nil
+          (labels
+              ((display-buffer-1 (window)
+                 ;; Deiconify the frame containing the window WINDOW, then
+                 ;; return WINDOW.
+                 (if (frame-iconified-p (window-frame window))
+                     (make-frame-visible (window-frame window)))
+                 window))
+            (let (window old-frame target-frame explicit-frame shrink-it)
+              (setq old-frame (or (last-nonminibuf-frame) (selected-frame)))
+              (setq buffer (get-buffer buffer))
+              (check-argument-type 'bufferp buffer)
-	     (setq explicit-frame
-		   (if pre-display-buffer-function
-		       (funcall pre-display-buffer-function buffer
-				not-this-window-p
-				override-frame
-				shrink-to-fit)))
-	     ;; Give the user the ability to completely reimplement
-	     ;; this function via the `display-buffer-function'.
-	     (if display-buffer-function
-		 (throw 'done
-			(funcall display-buffer-function buffer
-				 not-this-window-p
-				 override-frame
-				 shrink-to-fit)))
+              (setq explicit-frame
+                    (if pre-display-buffer-function
+                        (funcall pre-display-buffer-function buffer
+                                 not-this-window-p
+                                 override-frame
+                                 shrink-to-fit)))
-	     ;; If the buffer has a dedicated frame, that takes
-	     ;; precedence over the current frame, and over what the
-	     ;; pre-display-buffer-function did.
-	     (let ((dedi (buffer-dedicated-frame buffer)))
-	       (if (frame-live-p dedi) (setq explicit-frame dedi)))
+              ;; Give the user the ability to completely reimplement
+              ;; this function via the `display-buffer-function'.
+              (if display-buffer-function
+                  (return (funcall display-buffer-function buffer
+                                   not-this-window-p
+                                   override-frame
+                                   shrink-to-fit)))
-	     ;; if override-frame is supplied, that takes precedence over
-	     ;; everything.  This is gonna look bad if the
-	     ;; pre-display-buffer-function raised some other frame
-	     ;; already.
-	     (if override-frame
-		 (progn
-		   (check-argument-type 'frame-live-p override-frame)
-		   (setq explicit-frame override-frame)))
+              ;; If the buffer has a dedicated frame, that takes
+              ;; precedence over the current frame, and over what the
+              ;; pre-display-buffer-function did.
+              (let ((dedi (buffer-dedicated-frame buffer)))
+                (if (frame-live-p dedi) (setq explicit-frame dedi)))
-	     (setq target-frame
-		   (or explicit-frame
-		       (last-nonminibuf-frame)
-		       (selected-frame)))
+              ;; if override-frame is supplied, that takes precedence over
+              ;; everything.  This is gonna look bad if the
+              ;; pre-display-buffer-function raised some other frame already.
+              (if override-frame
+                  (progn
+                    (check-argument-type 'frame-live-p override-frame)
+                    (setq explicit-frame override-frame)))
-	     ;; If we have switched frames, then set not-this-window-p
-	     ;; to false.  Switching frames means that selected-window
-	     ;; is no longer the same as it was on entry -- it's the
-	     ;; selected-window of target_frame instead of old_frame,
-	     ;; so it's a fine candidate for display.
-	     (if (not (eq old-frame target-frame))
-		 (setq not-this-window-p nil))
+              (setq target-frame
+                    (or explicit-frame
+                        (last-nonminibuf-frame)
+                        (selected-frame)))
-	     ;; if it's in the selected window, and that's ok, then we're done.
-	     (if (and (not not-this-window-p)
-		      (eq buffer (window-buffer (selected-window))))
-		 (throw 'done (display-buffer-1 (selected-window))))
+              ;; If we have switched frames, then set not-this-window-p to
+              ;; false.  Switching frames means that selected-window is no
+              ;; longer the same as it was on entry -- it's the
+              ;; selected-window of target_frame instead of old_frame, so
+              ;; it's a fine candidate for display.
+              (if (not (eq old-frame target-frame))
+                  (setq not-this-window-p nil))
-	     ;; See if the user has specified this buffer should appear
-	     ;; in the selected window.
-	     (if not-this-window-p
-		 nil
+              ;; if it's in the selected window, and that's ok, then we're
+              ;; done.
+              (if (and (not not-this-window-p)
+                   (eq buffer (window-buffer (selected-window))))
+                  (return (display-buffer-1 (selected-window))))
-	       (if (or (member (buffer-name buffer) same-window-buffer-names)
-		       (assoc (buffer-name buffer) same-window-buffer-names))
-		   (progn
-		     (switch-to-buffer buffer)
-		     (throw 'done (display-buffer-1 (selected-window)))))
+              ;; See if the user has specified this buffer should
+              ;; appear in the selected window.
-	       (let ((tem same-window-regexps))
-		 (while tem
-		   (let ((car (car tem)))
-		     (if (or
-			  (and (stringp car)
-			       (string-match car (buffer-name buffer)))
-			  (and (consp car) (stringp (car car))
-			       (string-match (car car) (buffer-name buffer))))
-			 (progn
-			   (switch-to-buffer buffer)
-			   (throw 'done (display-buffer-1
-					 (selected-window))))))
-		   (setq tem (cdr tem)))))
+              (if not-this-window-p
+                  nil
+                (if (or (member (buffer-name buffer) same-window-buffer-names)
+                        (assoc (buffer-name buffer) same-window-buffer-names))
+                    (progn
+                      (switch-to-buffer buffer)
+                      (return (display-buffer-1 (selected-window)))))
+                (let ((tem same-window-regexps))
+                  (while tem
+                    (let ((car (car tem)))
+                      (if (or
+                           (and (stringp car)
+                                (string-match car (buffer-name buffer)))
+                           (and (consp car) (stringp (car car))
+                                (string-match (car car) (buffer-name buffer))))
+                          (progn
+                            (switch-to-buffer buffer)
+                            (return (display-buffer-1 (selected-window))))))
+                    (setq tem (cdr tem)))))
-	     ;; If pop-up-frames, look for a window showing BUFFER on
-	     ;; any visible or iconified frame.  Otherwise search only
-	     ;; the current frame.
-	     (if (and (not explicit-frame)
-		      (or pop-up-frames (not (last-nonminibuf-frame))))
-		 (setq target-frame 0))
+              ;; If pop-up-frames, look for a window showing BUFFER
+              ;; on any visible or iconified frame.  Otherwise search
+              ;; only the current frame.
+              (if (and (not explicit-frame)
+                   (or pop-up-frames (not (last-nonminibuf-frame))))
+                  (setq target-frame 0))
-	     ;; Otherwise, find some window that it's already in, and
-	     ;; return that, unless that window is the selected window
-	     ;; and that isn't ok.  What a contorted mess!
-	     (setq window (or (if (not explicit-frame)
-				  ;; search the selected frame
-				  ;; first if the user didn't
-				  ;; specify an explicit frame.
-				  (get-buffer-window buffer nil))
-			      (get-buffer-window buffer target-frame)))
-	     (if (and window
-		      (or (not not-this-window-p)
-			  (not (eq window (selected-window)))))
-		 (throw 'done (display-buffer-1 window)))
+              ;; Otherwise, find some window that it's already in,
+              ;; and return that, unless that window is the selected
+              ;; window and that isn't ok.  What a contorted mess!
+              (setq window (or (if (not explicit-frame)
+                                   ;; search the selected frame
+                                   ;; first if the user didn't
+                                   ;; specify an explicit frame.
+                                   (get-buffer-window buffer nil))
+                               (get-buffer-window buffer target-frame)))
+              (if (and window
+                   (or (not not-this-window-p)
+                       (not (eq window (selected-window)))))
+                  (return (display-buffer-1 window)))
+              ;; Certain buffer names get special handling.
+              (if special-display-function
+                  (progn
+                    (if (member (buffer-name buffer)
+                                special-display-buffer-names)
+                        (return (funcall special-display-function buffer)))
-	     ;; Certain buffer names get special handling.
-	     (if special-display-function
-		 (progn
-		   (if (member (buffer-name buffer)
-			       special-display-buffer-names)
-		       (throw 'done (funcall special-display-function buffer)))
-		   (let ((tem (assoc (buffer-name buffer)
-				     special-display-buffer-names)))
-		     (if tem
-			 (throw 'done (funcall special-display-function
-					       buffer (cdr tem)))))
+                    (let ((tem (assoc (buffer-name buffer)
+                                      special-display-buffer-names)))
+                      (if tem
+                          (return (funcall special-display-function
+                                           buffer (cdr tem)))))
-		   (let ((tem special-display-regexps))
-		     (while tem
-		       (let ((car (car tem)))
-			 (if (and (stringp car)
-				  (string-match car (buffer-name buffer)))
-			     (throw 'done
-				    (funcall special-display-function buffer)))
-			 (if (and (consp car)
-				  (stringp (car car))
-				  (string-match (car car)
-						(buffer-name buffer)))
-			     (throw 'done (funcall
-					   special-display-function buffer
-					   (cdr car)))))
-		       (setq tem (cdr tem))))))
+                    (let ((tem special-display-regexps))
+                      (while tem
+                        (let ((car (car tem)))
+                          (if (and (stringp car)
+                                   (string-match car (buffer-name buffer)))
+                              (return
+                               (funcall special-display-function buffer)))
+                          (if (and (consp car)
+                                   (stringp (car car))
+                                   (string-match (car car)
+                                                 (buffer-name buffer)))
+                              (return (funcall special-display-function buffer
+                                               (cdr car)))))
+                        (setq tem (cdr tem))))))
-	     ;; If there are no frames open that have more than a minibuffer,
-	     ;; we need to create a new frame.
-	     (if (or pop-up-frames
-		     (null (last-nonminibuf-frame)))
-		 (progn
-		   (setq window (frame-selected-window
-				 (funcall pop-up-frame-function)))
-		   (set-window-buffer window buffer)
-		   (throw 'done (display-buffer-1 window))))
+              ;; If there are no frames open that have more than a minibuffer,
+              ;; we need to create a new frame.
+              (if (or pop-up-frames
+                   (null (last-nonminibuf-frame)))
+                  (progn
+                    (setq window (frame-selected-window
+                                  (funcall pop-up-frame-function)))
+                    (set-window-buffer window buffer)
+                    (return (display-buffer-1 window))))
-	     ;; Otherwise, make it be in some window, splitting if
-	     ;; appropriate/possible.  Do not split a window if we are
-	     ;; displaying the buffer in a different frame than that which
-	     ;; was current when we were called.  (It is already in a
-	     ;; different window by virtue of being in another frame.)
-	     (if (or (and pop-up-windows (eq target-frame old-frame))
-		     (eq 'only (frame-property (selected-frame) 'minibuffer))
-		     ;; If the current frame is a special display frame,
-		     ;; don't try to reuse its windows.
-		     (window-dedicated-p (frame-root-window (selected-frame))))
-		 (progn
-		   (if (eq 'only (frame-property (selected-frame) 'minibuffer))
-		       (setq target-frame (last-nonminibuf-frame)))
+              ;; Otherwise, make it be in some window, splitting if
+              ;; appropriate/possible.  Do not split a window if we
+              ;; are displaying the buffer in a different frame than
+              ;; that which was current when we were called.  (It is
+              ;; already in a different window by virtue of being in
+              ;; another frame.)
+              (if (or (and pop-up-windows (eq target-frame old-frame))
+                   (eq 'only (frame-property (selected-frame) 'minibuffer))
+                   ;; If the current frame is a special display frame,
+                   ;; don't try to reuse its windows.
+                   (window-dedicated-p
+                    (frame-root-window (selected-frame))))
+                  (progn
+                    (if (eq 'only (frame-property (selected-frame)
+                                                  'minibuffer))
+                        (setq target-frame (last-nonminibuf-frame)))
-		   ;; Don't try to create a window if would get an error with
-		   ;; height.
-		   (if (< split-height-threshold (* 2 window-min-height))
-		       (setq split-height-threshold (* 2 window-min-height)))
+                    ;; Don't try to create a window if would get an error with
+                    ;; height.
+                    (if (< split-height-threshold (* 2 window-min-height))
+                        (setq split-height-threshold (* 2 window-min-height)))
-		   ;; Same with width.
-		   (if (< split-width-threshold (* 2 window-min-width))
-		       (setq split-width-threshold (* 2 window-min-width)))
+                    ;; Same with width.
+                    (if (< split-width-threshold (* 2 window-min-width))
+                        (setq split-width-threshold (* 2 window-min-width)))
-		   ;; If the frame we would try to split cannot be split,
-		   ;; try other frames.
-		   (if (frame-property (if (null target-frame)
-					   (selected-frame)
-					 (last-nonminibuf-frame))
-				       'unsplittable)
-		       (setq window
-			     ;; Try visible frames first.
-			     (or (get-largest-window 'visible)
-				 ;; If that didn't work, try iconified frames.
-				 (get-largest-window 0)
-				 (get-largest-window t)))
-		     (setq window (get-largest-window target-frame)))
+                    ;; If the frame we would try to split cannot be split,
+                    ;; try other frames.
+                    (if (frame-property (if (null target-frame)
+                                            (selected-frame)
+                                          (last-nonminibuf-frame))
+                                        'unsplittable)
+                        (setq window
+                              ;; Try visible frames first.
+                              (or (get-largest-window 'visible)
+                                  ;; If that didn't work, try iconified frames.
+                                  (get-largest-window 0)
+                                  (get-largest-window t)))
+                      (setq window (get-largest-window target-frame)))
-		   ;; If we got a tall enough full-width window that
-		   ;; can be split, split it.
-		   (if (and window
-			    (not (frame-property (window-frame window)
-						 'unsplittable))
-			    (>= (window-height window) split-height-threshold)
-			    (or (>= (window-width window)
-				    split-width-threshold)
-				(and (window-leftmost-p window)
-				     (window-rightmost-p window))))
-		       (setq window (split-window window))
-		     (let (upper other)
-		       (setq window (get-lru-window target-frame))
-		       ;; If the LRU window is selected, and big enough,
-		       ;; and can be split, split it.
-		       (if (and window
-				(not (frame-property (window-frame window)
-						     'unsplittable))
-				(or (eq window (selected-window))
-				    (not (window-parent window)))
-				(>= (window-height window)
-				    (* 2 window-min-height)))
-			   (setq window (split-window window)))
-		       ;; If get-lru-window returned nil, try other approaches.
-		       ;; Try visible frames first.
-		       (or window
-			   (setq window (or (get-largest-window 'visible)
-					    ;; If that didn't work, try
-					    ;; iconified frames.
-					    (get-largest-window 0)
-					    ;; Try invisible frames.
-					    (get-largest-window t)
-					    ;; As a last resort, make
-					    ;; a new frame.
-					    (frame-selected-window
-					     (funcall
-					      pop-up-frame-function)))))
-		       ;; If window appears above or below another,
-		       ;; even out their heights.
-		       (if (window-previous-child window)
-			   (setq other (window-previous-child window)
-				 upper other))
-		       (if (window-next-child window)
-			   (setq other (window-next-child window)
-				 upper window))
-		       ;; Check that OTHER and WINDOW are vertically arrayed.
-		       (if (and other
-				(not (= (nth 1 (window-pixel-edges other))
-					(nth 1 (window-pixel-edges window))))
-				(> (window-pixel-height other)
-				   (window-pixel-height window)))
-			   (enlarge-window (- (/ (+ (window-height other)
-						    (window-height window))
-						 2)
-					      (window-height upper))
-					   nil upper))
-                       ;; Klaus Berndl <>: Only in
-                       ;; this situation we shrink-to-fit but we can do
-                       ;; this first after we have displayed buffer in
-                       ;; window (s.b. (set-window-buffer window buffer))
-                       (setq shrink-it shrink-to-fit))))
+                    ;; If we got a tall enough full-width window that
+                    ;; can be split, split it.
+                    (if (and window
+                             (not (frame-property (window-frame window)
+                                                  'unsplittable))
+                             (>= (window-height window) split-height-threshold)
+                             (or (>= (window-width window)
+                                     split-width-threshold)
+                                 (and (window-leftmost-p window)
+                                      (window-rightmost-p window))))
+                        (setq window (split-window window))
+                      (let (upper other)
+                        (setq window (get-lru-window target-frame))
+                        ;; If the LRU window is selected, and big enough,
+                        ;; and can be split, split it.
+                        (if (and window
+                                 (not (frame-property (window-frame window)
+                                                      'unsplittable))
+                                 (or (eq window (selected-window))
+                                     (not (window-parent window)))
+                                 (>= (window-height window)
+                                     (* 2 window-min-height)))
+                            (setq window (split-window window)))
+                        ;; If get-lru-window returned nil, try other
+                        ;; approaches.  Try visible frames first.
+                        (or window
+                            (setq window (or (get-largest-window 'visible)
+                                             ;; If that didn't work, try
+                                             ;; iconified frames.
+                                             (get-largest-window 0)
+                                             ;; Try invisible frames.
+                                             (get-largest-window t)
+                                             ;; As a last resort, make
+                                             ;; a new frame.
+                                             (frame-selected-window
+                                              (funcall
+                                               pop-up-frame-function)))))
+                        ;; If window appears above or below another,
+                        ;; even out their heights.
+                        (if (window-previous-child window)
+                            (setq other (window-previous-child window)
+                                  upper other))
+                        (if (window-next-child window)
+                            (setq other (window-next-child window)
+                                  upper window))
+                        ;; Check that OTHER and WINDOW are vertically arrayed.
+                        (if (and other
+                                 (not (= (nth 1 (window-pixel-edges other))
+                                         (nth 1 (window-pixel-edges window))))
+                                 (> (window-pixel-height other)
+                                    (window-pixel-height window)))
+                            (enlarge-window (- (/ (+ (window-height other)
+                                                     (window-height window))
+                                                  2)
+                                               (window-height upper))
+                                            nil upper))
+                        ;; Klaus Berndl <>: Only in
+                        ;; this situation we shrink-to-fit but we can do
+                        ;; this first after we have displayed buffer in
+                        ;; window (s.b. (set-window-buffer window buffer))
+                        (setq shrink-it shrink-to-fit))))
-	       (setq window (get-lru-window target-frame)))
+                (setq window (get-lru-window target-frame)))
-	     ;; Bring the window's previous buffer to the top of the MRU chain.
-	     (if (window-buffer window)
-		 (save-excursion
-		   (save-selected-window
-		     (select-window window)
-		     (record-buffer (window-buffer window)))))
-	     (set-window-buffer window buffer)
+              ;; Bring the window's previous buffer to the top of the
+              ;; MRU chain.
+              (if (window-buffer window)
+                  (save-excursion
+                    (save-selected-window
+                      (select-window window)
+                      (record-buffer (window-buffer window)))))
-             ;; Now window's previous buffer has been brought to the top
-             ;; of the MRU chain and window displays buffer - now we can
-             ;; shrink-to-fit if necessary
-             (if shrink-it
-                 (shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer window))
+              (set-window-buffer window buffer)
-	     (display-buffer-1 window)))))
-    (or (equal wconfig (current-window-configuration))
-	(push-window-configuration wconfig))
-    result))
+              ;; Now window's previous buffer has been brought to the
+              ;; top of the MRU chain and window displays buffer -
+              ;; now we can shrink-to-fit if necessary
+              (if shrink-it
+                  (shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer window))
+              (display-buffer-1 window)))) ;; End of prog1's 1th form.
+      (or (equal wconfig (current-window-configuration))
+          (push-window-configuration wconfig)))))
 ;;; window-xemacs.el ends here