changeset 5567:3bc58dc9d688

Replace #'flet by #'labels where appropriate, core code. lisp/ChangeLog addition: 2011-09-07 Aidan Kehoe <> * simple.el (transpose-subr): * specifier.el (let-specifier): * specifier.el (derive-device-type-from-tag-set): * test-harness.el (batch-test-emacs): * x-compose.el (alias-colon-to-doublequote): * mule/chinese.el (make-chinese-cns11643-charset): * mule/mule-cmds.el (set-locale-for-language-environment): * mule/mule-cmds.el (set-language-environment-coding-systems): * mule/mule-x-init.el (x-use-halfwidth-roman-font): * about.el (about-xemacs): * about.el (about-hackers): * diagnose.el (show-memory-usage): * diagnose.el (show-object-memory-usage-stats): * diagnose.el (show-mc-alloc-memory-usage): * diagnose.el (show-gc-stats): * dialog.el (make-dialog-box): * faces.el: * faces.el (Face-frob-property): * faces.el (set-face-stipple): * glyphs.el: * glyphs.el (init-glyphs): Removed. * help-macro.el (make-help-screen): * info.el (Info-construct-menu): * keymap.el (key-sequence-list-description): * lisp-mode.el (construct-lisp-mode-menu): * loadhist.el (unload-feature): * minibuf.el (get-user-response): * mouse.el (default-mouse-track-check-for-activation): * mouse.el (mouse-track-insert-1): Follow my own advice from the last commit and use #'labels instead of #'flet in core code.
author Aidan Kehoe <>
date Wed, 07 Sep 2011 21:21:36 +0100 (2011-09-07)
parents 4654c01af32b
children b039c0f018b8
files lisp/ChangeLog lisp/about.el lisp/cl-macs.el lisp/diagnose.el lisp/dialog.el lisp/faces.el lisp/glyphs.el lisp/help-macro.el lisp/info.el lisp/keymap.el lisp/lisp-mode.el lisp/loadhist.el lisp/minibuf.el lisp/mouse.el lisp/mule/chinese.el lisp/mule/mule-cmds.el lisp/mule/mule-x-init.el lisp/simple.el lisp/specifier.el lisp/test-harness.el lisp/x-compose.el
diffstat 21 files changed, 738 insertions(+), 706 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,37 @@
+2011-09-07  Aidan Kehoe  <>
+	* simple.el (transpose-subr):
+	* specifier.el (let-specifier):
+	* specifier.el (derive-device-type-from-tag-set):
+	* test-harness.el (batch-test-emacs):
+	* x-compose.el (alias-colon-to-doublequote):
+	* mule/chinese.el (make-chinese-cns11643-charset):
+	* mule/mule-cmds.el (set-locale-for-language-environment):
+	* mule/mule-cmds.el (set-language-environment-coding-systems):
+	* mule/mule-x-init.el (x-use-halfwidth-roman-font):
+	* about.el (about-xemacs):
+	* about.el (about-hackers):
+	* diagnose.el (show-memory-usage):
+	* diagnose.el (show-object-memory-usage-stats):
+	* diagnose.el (show-mc-alloc-memory-usage):
+	* diagnose.el (show-gc-stats):
+	* dialog.el (make-dialog-box):
+	* faces.el:
+	* faces.el (Face-frob-property):
+	* faces.el (set-face-stipple):
+	* glyphs.el:
+	* glyphs.el (init-glyphs): Removed.
+	* help-macro.el (make-help-screen):
+	* info.el (Info-construct-menu):
+	* keymap.el (key-sequence-list-description):
+	* lisp-mode.el (construct-lisp-mode-menu):
+	* loadhist.el (unload-feature):
+	* minibuf.el (get-user-response):
+	* mouse.el (default-mouse-track-check-for-activation):
+	* mouse.el (mouse-track-insert-1):
+	Follow my own advice from the last commit and use #'labels instead
+	of #'flet in core code.
 2011-09-07  Aidan Kehoe  <>
 	* bytecomp.el:
--- a/lisp/about.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/about.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -467,21 +467,21 @@
 XEmacs is the result of the time and effort of many people.  The
 developers responsible for this release are:\n\n")
-    (flet ((setup-person (who)
-	    (widget-insert "\t* ")
-	    (let* ((entry (assq who xemacs-hackers))
-		   (name (cadr entry))
-		   (address (caddr entry)))
-	      (widget-create 'link
-			     :help-echo (concat "Find out more about " name)
-			     :button-prefix ""
-			     :button-suffix ""
-			     :action 'about-maintainer
-			     :tag name
-			     :value who)
-	      (widget-insert (format "  <%s>\n" address)))))
+    (labels ((setup-person (who)
+               (widget-insert "\t* ")
+               (let* ((entry (assq who xemacs-hackers))
+                      (name (cadr entry))
+                      (address (caddr entry)))
+                 (widget-create 'link
+                                :help-echo (concat "Find out more about " name)
+                                :button-prefix ""
+                                :button-suffix ""
+                                :action 'about-maintainer
+                                :tag name
+                                :value who)
+                 (widget-insert (format "  <%s>\n" address)))))
       ;; Setup persons responsible for this release.
-      (mapc 'setup-person about-current-release-maintainers)
+      (mapc #'setup-person about-current-release-maintainers)
       (widget-insert "\n\t* ")
       (widget-create 'link :help-echo "A legion of XEmacs hackers"
 		     :action 'about-hackers
@@ -2009,14 +2009,12 @@
     (mapc 'about-show-linked-info about-once-and-future-hackers)
-    (flet ((print-short (name addr &optional shortinfo)
-	     (widget-insert (concat (about-with-face name 'italic)
-				    (about-tabs name)
-				    "<"))
-	     (about-mailto-link addr)
-	     (widget-insert
-	      (concat ">\n"
-		      (if shortinfo (concat shortinfo "\n") "")))))
+    (labels ((print-short (name addr &optional shortinfo)
+               (widget-insert (concat (about-with-face name 'italic)
+                                      (about-tabs name) "<"))
+               (about-mailto-link addr)
+               (widget-insert
+                (concat ">\n" (if shortinfo (concat shortinfo "\n") "")))))
 In addition to those just mentioned, the following people have spent a
--- a/lisp/cl-macs.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/cl-macs.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -1763,7 +1763,8 @@
 example, to pass it as a FUNCTION argument to `map'), quote its symbol name
 using `function'.
-arguments: (((FUNCTION ARGLIST &body BODY) &rest FUNCTIONS) &body FORM)"
+arguments: (((FUNCTION ARGLIST &body BODY) &rest FUNCTIONS) &body FORM)
   ;; XEmacs; the byte-compiler has a much better implementation of `labels'
   ;; in `byte-compile-initial-macro-environment' that is used in compiled
   ;; code.
--- a/lisp/diagnose.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/diagnose.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -33,69 +33,68 @@
   "Show statistics about memory usage of various sorts in XEmacs."
-  (flet ((show-foo-stats (objtypename statname-plist cleanfun objlist
-			  &optional objnamelen)
-	   (let* ((hash (make-hash-table))
-		  (first t)
-		  types origtypes fmt
-		  (objnamelen (or objnamelen 25))
-		  (linelen objnamelen)
-		  (totaltotal 0))
-	     (loop for obj in objlist do
-	       (let ((total 0)
-		     (stats (object-memory-usage obj)))
-		 ;; Pop off the slice describing the object itself's
-		 ;; memory
-		 (while (and stats (not (eq t (pop stats)))))
-		 ;; Pop off the slice describing the associated
-		 ;; non-Lisp-Object memory from the allocation
-		 ;; perspective, so we can get to the slice describing
-		 ;; the  memory grouped by type
-		 (while (and stats (pop stats)))
+  (labels ((show-foo-stats (objtypename statname-plist cleanfun objlist
+                            &optional objnamelen)
+             (let* ((hash (make-hash-table))
+                    (first t)
+                    types origtypes fmt
+                    (objnamelen (or objnamelen 25))
+                    (linelen objnamelen)
+                    (totaltotal 0))
+               (loop for obj in objlist do
+                 (let ((total 0)
+                       (stats (object-memory-usage obj)))
+                   ;; Pop off the slice describing the object itself's
+                   ;; memory
+                   (while (and stats (not (eq t (pop stats)))))
+                   ;; Pop off the slice describing the associated
+                   ;; non-Lisp-Object memory from the allocation
+                   ;; perspective, so we can get to the slice describing
+                   ;; the  memory grouped by type
+                   (while (and stats (pop stats)))
-		 (loop for (type . num) in (remq t stats) while type do
-		   (if first (push type origtypes))
-		   (setq type (getf statname-plist type type))
-		   (puthash type (+ num (or (gethash type hash) 0)) hash)
-		   (incf total num)
-		   (if first (push type types)))
-		 (incf totaltotal total)
-		 (when first
-		   (setq types (nreverse types))
-		   (setq origtypes (nreverse origtypes))
-		   (setq fmt (concat
-			      (format "%%-%ds" objnamelen)
-			      (mapconcat
-			       #'(lambda (type)
-				   (let ((fieldlen
-					  (max 7 (+ 2 (length
-						       (symbol-name type))))))
-				     (incf linelen fieldlen)
-				     (format "%%%ds" fieldlen)))
-			       types "")
-			      (progn (incf linelen 9) "%9s\n")))
-		   (princ "\n")
-		   (princ (apply 'format fmt objtypename
-				 (append types (list 'total))))
-		   (princ (make-string linelen ?-))
-		   (princ "\n"))
-		 (let ((objname (format "%s" (funcall cleanfun obj))))
-		   (princ (apply 'format fmt (substring objname 0
-							(min (length objname)
-							     (1- objnamelen)))
-				 (nconc (mapcar #'(lambda (type)
-						    (cdr (assq type stats)))
-						origtypes)
-					(list total)))))
-		 (setq first nil)))
-	     (princ "\n")
-	     (princ (apply 'format fmt "total"
-			   (nconc (mapcar #'(lambda (type)
-					      (gethash type hash))
-					  types)
-				  (list totaltotal))))
-	     totaltotal)))
+                   (loop for (type . num) in (remq t stats) while type do
+                     (if first (push type origtypes))
+                     (setq type (getf statname-plist type type))
+                     (puthash type (+ num (or (gethash type hash) 0)) hash)
+                     (incf total num)
+                     (if first (push type types)))
+                   (incf totaltotal total)
+                   (when first
+                     (setq types (nreverse types))
+                     (setq origtypes (nreverse origtypes))
+                     (setq fmt (concat
+                                (format "%%-%ds" objnamelen)
+                                (mapconcat
+                                 #'(lambda (type)
+                                     (let ((fieldlen
+                                            (max 7 (+ 2 (length
+                                                         (symbol-name type))))))
+                                       (incf linelen fieldlen)
+                                       (format "%%%ds" fieldlen)))
+                                 types "")
+                                (progn (incf linelen 9) "%9s\n")))
+                     (princ "\n")
+                     (princ (apply 'format fmt objtypename
+                                   (append types (list 'total))))
+                     (princ (make-string linelen ?-))
+                     (princ "\n"))
+                   (let ((objname (format "%s" (funcall cleanfun obj))))
+                     (princ (apply 'format fmt (substring objname 0
+                                                          (min (length objname)
+                                                               (1- objnamelen)))
+                                   (nconc (mapcar #'(lambda (type)
+                                                      (cdr (assq type stats)))
+                                                  origtypes)
+                                          (list total)))))
+                   (setq first nil)))
+               (princ "\n")
+               (princ (apply 'format fmt "total"
+                             (nconc (mapcar #'(lambda (type)
+                                                (gethash type hash))
+                                            types)
+                                    (list totaltotal))))
+               totaltotal)))
     (let ((grandtotal 0)
 	  (buffer "*memory usage*")
@@ -202,101 +201,102 @@
 	(fmt "%-28s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s\n")
 	(grandtotal 0)
-  (flet ((show-stats (match-string)
-	(princ (format "%28s%10s%40s\n" "" ""
-		       "--------------storage---------------"))
-	(princ (format fmt "object" "count" "object" "overhead"
-		       "non-Lisp" "ancillary"))
-	(princ (make-string 78 ?-))
-	(princ "\n")
-	(let ((total-use 0)
-	      (total-non-lisp-use 0)
-	      (total-use-overhead 0)
-	      (total-use-with-overhead 0)
-	      (total-count 0))
-	  (map-plist 
-	   #'(lambda (stat num)
-	       (let ((symmatch
-		      (and (string-match match-string (symbol-name stat))
-			   (match-string 1 (symbol-name stat)))))
-		 (when (and symmatch
-			    (or (< (length symmatch) 9)
-				(not (equal (substring symmatch -9)
-					    "-non-lisp")))
-			    (or (< (length symmatch) 15)
-				(not (equal (substring symmatch -15)
-					    "-lisp-ancillary"))))
-		   (let* ((storage-use num)
-			  (storage-use-overhead
-			   (or (plist-get 
-				plist 
-				(intern (concat symmatch
-						"-storage-overhead")))
-			       0))
-			  (storage-use-with-overhead
-			   (or (plist-get 
-				plist 
-				(intern (concat
-					 symmatch
-					 "-storage-including-overhead")))
-			       (+ storage-use storage-use-overhead)))
-			  (storage-use-overhead
-			   (- storage-use-with-overhead storage-use))
-			  (non-lisp-storage
-			   (or (plist-get
-				plist
-				(intern (concat symmatch
-						"-non-lisp-storage")))
-			       0))
-			  (lisp-ancillary-storage
-			   (or (plist-get
-				plist
-				(intern (concat symmatch
-						"-lisp-ancillary-storage")))
-			       0))
-			  (storage-count 
-			   (or (loop for str in '("s-used" "es-used" "-used")
-				 for val = (plist-get
-					    plist
-					    (intern
-					     (concat symmatch str)))
-				 if val
-				 return val)
-			       (plist-get 
-				plist 
-				(intern 
-				 (concat (substring symmatch 0 -1)
-					 "ies-used")))
-			       )))
-		     (incf total-use storage-use)
-		     (incf total-use-overhead storage-use-overhead)
-		     (incf total-use-with-overhead storage-use-with-overhead)
-		     (incf total-non-lisp-use non-lisp-storage)
-		     (incf total-count (or storage-count 0))
-		     (and (> storage-use-with-overhead 0)
-			  (princ (format fmt symmatch 
-					 (or storage-count "unknown")
-					 storage-use
-					 storage-use-overhead
-					 non-lisp-storage
-					 lisp-ancillary-storage)))))))
-	   plist)
-	  (princ "\n")
-	  (princ (format fmt "total" 
-			 total-count total-use total-use-overhead
-			 total-non-lisp-use ""))
-	  (incf grandtotal total-use-with-overhead)
-	  (incf grandtotal total-non-lisp-use)
-          (when-fboundp 'sort-numeric-fields
-            (sort-numeric-fields -4
-                                 (save-excursion
-                                   (goto-char begin)
-                                   (forward-line 4)
-                                   (point))
-                                 (save-excursion
-                                   (forward-line -2)
-                                   (point)))))))
-    (with-output-to-temp-buffer buffer
+    (labels
+        ((show-stats (match-string)
+           (princ (format "%28s%10s%40s\n" "" ""
+                          "--------------storage---------------"))
+           (princ (format fmt "object" "count" "object" "overhead"
+                          "non-Lisp" "ancillary"))
+           (princ (make-string 78 ?-))
+           (princ "\n")
+           (let ((total-use 0)
+                 (total-non-lisp-use 0)
+                 (total-use-overhead 0)
+                 (total-use-with-overhead 0)
+                 (total-count 0))
+             (map-plist 
+              #'(lambda (stat num)
+                  (let ((symmatch
+                         (and (string-match match-string (symbol-name stat))
+                              (match-string 1 (symbol-name stat)))))
+                    (when (and symmatch
+                               (or (< (length symmatch) 9)
+                                   (not (equal (substring symmatch -9)
+                                               "-non-lisp")))
+                               (or (< (length symmatch) 15)
+                                   (not (equal (substring symmatch -15)
+                                               "-lisp-ancillary"))))
+                      (let* ((storage-use num)
+                             (storage-use-overhead
+                              (or (plist-get 
+                                   plist 
+                                   (intern (concat symmatch
+                                                   "-storage-overhead")))
+                                  0))
+                             (storage-use-with-overhead
+                              (or (plist-get 
+                                   plist 
+                                   (intern (concat
+                                            symmatch
+                                            "-storage-including-overhead")))
+                                  (+ storage-use storage-use-overhead)))
+                             (storage-use-overhead
+                              (- storage-use-with-overhead storage-use))
+                             (non-lisp-storage
+                              (or (plist-get
+                                   plist
+                                   (intern (concat symmatch
+                                                   "-non-lisp-storage")))
+                                  0))
+                             (lisp-ancillary-storage
+                              (or (plist-get
+                                   plist
+                                   (intern (concat symmatch
+                                                   "-lisp-ancillary-storage")))
+                                  0))
+                             (storage-count 
+                              (or (loop for str in '("s-used" "es-used" "-used")
+                                    for val = (plist-get
+                                               plist
+                                               (intern
+                                                (concat symmatch str)))
+                                    if val
+                                    return val)
+                                  (plist-get 
+                                   plist 
+                                   (intern 
+                                    (concat (substring symmatch 0 -1)
+                                            "ies-used")))
+                                  )))
+                        (incf total-use storage-use)
+                        (incf total-use-overhead storage-use-overhead)
+                        (incf total-use-with-overhead storage-use-with-overhead)
+                        (incf total-non-lisp-use non-lisp-storage)
+                        (incf total-count (or storage-count 0))
+                        (and (> storage-use-with-overhead 0)
+                             (princ (format fmt symmatch 
+                                            (or storage-count "unknown")
+                                            storage-use
+                                            storage-use-overhead
+                                            non-lisp-storage
+                                            lisp-ancillary-storage)))))))
+              plist)
+             (princ "\n")
+             (princ (format fmt "total" 
+                            total-count total-use total-use-overhead
+                            total-non-lisp-use ""))
+             (incf grandtotal total-use-with-overhead)
+             (incf grandtotal total-non-lisp-use)
+             (when-fboundp 'sort-numeric-fields
+               (sort-numeric-fields -4
+                                    (save-excursion
+                                      (goto-char begin)
+                                      (forward-line 4)
+                                      (point))
+                                    (save-excursion
+                                      (forward-line -2)
+                                      (point)))))))
+      (with-output-to-temp-buffer buffer
 	(set-buffer buffer)
 	(setq begin (point))
@@ -319,114 +319,115 @@
              (globals (fifth stats))
              (mc-malloced-bytes (sixth stats)))
         (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*mc-alloc memory usage*"
-          (flet ((print-used-plhs (text plhs)
-                   (let ((sum-n-pages 0)
-                         (sum-used-n-cells 0)
-                         (sum-used-space 0)
-                         (sum-used-total 0)
-                         (sum-total-n-cells 0)
-                         (sum-total-space 0)
-                         (sum-total-total 0)
-                         (fmt "%7s%7s|%7s%9s%9s%4s|%7s%9s%9s%4s|%4s\n"))
-                     (princ (format "%-14s|%-29s|%-29s|\n"
-                                    text
-                                    "       currently in use"
-                                    "       total available"))
-                     (princ (format fmt "cell-sz" "#pages" 
-                                    "#cells" "space" "total" "% " 
-                                    "#cells" "space" "total" "% " "% "))
-                     (princ (make-string 79 ?-))
-                     (princ "\n")
-                     (while plhs
-                       (let* ((elem (car plhs))
-                              (cell-size (first elem))
-                              (n-pages (second elem))
-                              (used-n-cells (third elem))
-                              (used-space (fourth elem))
-                              (used-total (if (zerop cell-size)
-                                              (sixth elem)
-                                            (* cell-size used-n-cells)))
-                              (used-eff (floor (if (not (zerop used-total))
-                                                   (* (/ (* used-space 1.0)
-                                                         (* used-total 1.0))
+          (labels
+              ((print-used-plhs (text plhs)
+                 (let ((sum-n-pages 0)
+                       (sum-used-n-cells 0)
+                       (sum-used-space 0)
+                       (sum-used-total 0)
+                       (sum-total-n-cells 0)
+                       (sum-total-space 0)
+                       (sum-total-total 0)
+                       (fmt "%7s%7s|%7s%9s%9s%4s|%7s%9s%9s%4s|%4s\n"))
+                   (princ (format "%-14s|%-29s|%-29s|\n"
+                                  text
+                                  "       currently in use"
+                                  "       total available"))
+                   (princ (format fmt "cell-sz" "#pages" 
+                                  "#cells" "space" "total" "% " 
+                                  "#cells" "space" "total" "% " "% "))
+                   (princ (make-string 79 ?-))
+                   (princ "\n")
+                   (while plhs
+                     (let* ((elem (car plhs))
+                            (cell-size (first elem))
+                            (n-pages (second elem))
+                            (used-n-cells (third elem))
+                            (used-space (fourth elem))
+                            (used-total (if (zerop cell-size)
+                                            (sixth elem)
+                                          (* cell-size used-n-cells)))
+                            (used-eff (floor (if (not (zerop used-total))
+                                                 (* (/ (* used-space 1.0)
+                                                       (* used-total 1.0))
+                                                    100.0)
+                                               0)))
+                            (total-n-cells (fifth elem))
+                            (total-space (if (zerop cell-size)
+                                             used-space
+                                           (* cell-size total-n-cells)))
+                            (total-total (sixth elem))
+                            (total-eff (floor (if (not (zerop total-total))
+                                                  (* (/ (* total-space 1.0)
+                                                        (* total-total 1.0))
+                                                     100.0)
+                                                0)))
+                            (eff (floor (if (not (zerop total-total))
+                                            (* (/ (* used-space 1.0)
+                                                  (* total-total 1.0))
+                                               100.0)
+                                          0))))
+                       (princ (format fmt 
+                                      cell-size n-pages used-n-cells used-space 
+                                      used-total used-eff total-n-cells 
+                                      total-space total-total total-eff eff))
+                       (incf sum-n-pages n-pages)
+                       (incf sum-used-n-cells used-n-cells)
+                       (incf sum-used-space used-space)
+                       (incf sum-used-total used-total)
+                       (incf sum-total-n-cells total-n-cells)
+                       (incf sum-total-space total-space)
+                       (incf sum-total-total total-total))
+                     (setq plhs (cdr plhs)))
+                   (let ((avg-used-eff (floor (if (not (zerop sum-used-total))
+                                                  (* (/ (* sum-used-space 1.0)
+                                                        (* sum-used-total 1.0)) 
+                                                     100.0)
+                                                0)))
+                         (avg-total-eff (floor (if (not (zerop sum-total-total))
+                                                   (* (/ (* sum-total-space 1.0)
+                                                         (* sum-total-total 1.0)) 
-                              (total-n-cells (fifth elem))
-                              (total-space (if (zerop cell-size)
-                                               used-space
-                                             (* cell-size total-n-cells)))
-                              (total-total (sixth elem))
-                              (total-eff (floor (if (not (zerop total-total))
-                                                    (* (/ (* total-space 1.0)
-                                                          (* total-total 1.0))
-                                                       100.0)
-                                                  0)))
-                              (eff (floor (if (not (zerop total-total))
-                                              (* (/ (* used-space 1.0)
-                                                    (* total-total 1.0))
-                                                 100.0)
-                                            0))))
-                         (princ (format fmt 
-                                        cell-size n-pages used-n-cells used-space 
-                                        used-total used-eff total-n-cells 
-                                        total-space total-total total-eff eff))
-                         (incf sum-n-pages n-pages)
-                         (incf sum-used-n-cells used-n-cells)
-                         (incf sum-used-space used-space)
-                         (incf sum-used-total used-total)
-                         (incf sum-total-n-cells total-n-cells)
-                         (incf sum-total-space total-space)
-                         (incf sum-total-total total-total))
-                       (setq plhs (cdr plhs)))
-                     (let ((avg-used-eff (floor (if (not (zerop sum-used-total))
-                                                    (* (/ (* sum-used-space 1.0)
-                                                          (* sum-used-total 1.0)) 
-                                                       100.0)
-                                                  0)))
-                           (avg-total-eff (floor (if (not (zerop sum-total-total))
-                                                     (* (/ (* sum-total-space 1.0)
-                                                           (* sum-total-total 1.0)) 
-                                                        100.0)
-                                                   0)))
-                           (avg-eff (floor (if (not (zerop sum-total-total))
-                                               (* (/ (* sum-used-space 1.0)
-                                                     (* sum-total-total 1.0)) 
-                                                  100.0)
-                                             0))))
-                       (princ (format fmt "sum    " sum-n-pages sum-used-n-cells
-                                      sum-used-space sum-used-total avg-used-eff
-                                      sum-total-n-cells sum-total-space 
-                                      sum-total-total avg-total-eff avg-eff))
-                       (princ "\n"))))
+                         (avg-eff (floor (if (not (zerop sum-total-total))
+                                             (* (/ (* sum-used-space 1.0)
+                                                   (* sum-total-total 1.0)) 
+                                                100.0)
+                                           0))))
+                     (princ (format fmt "sum    " sum-n-pages sum-used-n-cells
+                                    sum-used-space sum-used-total avg-used-eff
+                                    sum-total-n-cells sum-total-space 
+                                    sum-total-total avg-total-eff avg-eff))
+                     (princ "\n"))))
-                 (print-free-plhs (text plhs)
-                   (let ((sum-n-pages 0)
-                         (sum-n-sects 0)
-                         (sum-space 0)
-                         (sum-total 0)
-                         (fmt "%6s%10s |%7s%10s\n"))
-                     (princ (format "%s\n" text))
-                     (princ (format fmt "#pages" "space" "#sects" "total")) 
-                     (princ (make-string 35 ?-))
-                     (princ "\n")
-                     (while plhs
-                       (let* ((elem (car plhs))
-                              (n-pages (first elem))
-                              (n-sects (second elem))
-                              (space (* n-pages page-size))
-                              (total (* n-sects space)))
-                         (princ (format fmt n-pages space n-sects total))
-                         (incf sum-n-pages n-pages)
-                         (incf sum-n-sects n-sects)
-                         (incf sum-space space)
-                         (incf sum-total total))
-                       (setq plhs (cdr plhs)))
-                     (princ (make-string 35 ?=))
-                     (princ "\n")
-                     (princ (format fmt sum-n-pages sum-space 
-                                    sum-n-sects sum-total))
-                     (princ "\n"))))
+               (print-free-plhs (text plhs)
+                 (let ((sum-n-pages 0)
+                       (sum-n-sects 0)
+                       (sum-space 0)
+                       (sum-total 0)
+                       (fmt "%6s%10s |%7s%10s\n"))
+                   (princ (format "%s\n" text))
+                   (princ (format fmt "#pages" "space" "#sects" "total")) 
+                   (princ (make-string 35 ?-))
+                   (princ "\n")
+                   (while plhs
+                     (let* ((elem (car plhs))
+                            (n-pages (first elem))
+                            (n-sects (second elem))
+                            (space (* n-pages page-size))
+                            (total (* n-sects space)))
+                       (princ (format fmt n-pages space n-sects total))
+                       (incf sum-n-pages n-pages)
+                       (incf sum-n-sects n-sects)
+                       (incf sum-space space)
+                       (incf sum-total total))
+                     (setq plhs (cdr plhs)))
+                   (princ (make-string 35 ?=))
+                   (princ "\n")
+                   (princ (format fmt sum-n-pages sum-space 
+                                  sum-n-sects sum-total))
+                   (princ "\n"))))
             (princ (format "%-12s%10s\n\n" "PAGE_SIZE" page-size))
@@ -467,19 +468,19 @@
       (let ((buffer "*garbage collection statistics*")
             (plist (gc-stats))
             (fmt "%-9s %16s %12s %12s %12s %12s\n"))
-        (flet ((plist-get-stat (category field)
-                 (let ((stat (plist-get plist
-                                        (intern (concat category field)))))
-                   (if stat
-                       (format "%.0f" stat)
-                     "-")))
-               (show-stats (category)
-                 (princ (format fmt category
-                                (plist-get-stat category "-total")
-                                (plist-get-stat category "-in-last-gc")
-                                (plist-get-stat category "-in-this-gc")
-                                (plist-get-stat category "-in-last-cycle")
-                                (plist-get-stat category "-in-this-cycle")))))
+        (labels
+            ((plist-get-stat (category field)
+               (let ((stat (plist-get plist (intern (concat category field)))))
+                 (if stat
+                     (format "%.0f" stat)
+                   "-")))
+             (show-stats (category)
+               (princ (format fmt category
+                              (plist-get-stat category "-total")
+                              (plist-get-stat category "-in-last-gc")
+                              (plist-get-stat category "-in-this-gc")
+                              (plist-get-stat category "-in-last-cycle")
+                              (plist-get-stat category "-in-this-cycle")))))
           (with-output-to-temp-buffer buffer
               (set-buffer buffer)
--- a/lisp/dialog.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/dialog.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -504,158 +504,159 @@
   `cancel' value if either the ESC key is pressed or the Cancel button
   is selected.  If the message box has no Cancel button, pressing ESC has
   no effect."
-  (flet ((dialog-box-modal-loop (thunk)
-	   (let* ((frames (frame-list))
-		  (result
-		   ;; ok, this is extremely tricky.  normally a modal
-		   ;; dialog will pop itself down using (dialog-box-finish)
-		   ;; or (dialog-box-cancel), which throws back to this
-		   ;; catch.  but question dialog boxes pop down themselves
-		   ;; regardless, so a badly written question dialog box
-		   ;; that does not use (dialog-box-finish) could seriously
-		   ;; wedge us.  furthermore, we disable all other frames
-		   ;; in order to implement modality; we need to restore
-		   ;; them before the dialog box is destroyed, because
-		   ;; otherwise windows at least will notice that no top-
-		   ;; level window can have the focus and will shift the
-		   ;; focus to a different app, raising it and obscuring us.
-		   ;; so we create `delete-dialog-box-hook', which is
-		   ;; called right *before* the dialog box gets destroyed.
-		   ;; here, we put a hook on it, and when it's our dialog
-		   ;; box and not someone else's that's being destroyed,
-		   ;; we reenable all the frames and remove the hook.
-		   ;; BUT ...  we still have to deal with exiting the
-		   ;; modal loop in case it doesn't happen before us.
-		   ;; we can't do this until after the callbacks for this
-		   ;; dialog box get executed, and that doesn't happen until
-		   ;; after the dialog box is destroyed.  so to keep things
-		   ;; synchronous, we enqueue an eval event, which goes into
-		   ;; the same queue as the misc-user events encapsulating
-		   ;; the dialog callbacks and will go after it (because
-		   ;; destroying the dialog box happens after processing
-		   ;; its selection).  if the dialog boxes are written
-		   ;; properly, we don't see this eval event, because we've
-		   ;; already exited our modal loop. (Thus, we make sure the
-		   ;; function given in this eval event is actually defined
-		   ;; and does nothing.) If we do see it, though, we know
-		   ;; that we encountered a badly written dialog box and
-		   ;; need to exit now.  Currently we just return nil, but
-		   ;; maybe we should signal an error or issue a warning.
-		   (catch 'internal-dialog-box-finish
-		     (let ((id (eval thunk))
-			   (sym (gensym)))
-		       (fset sym
-			     `(lambda (did)
-				(when (eq ',id did)
-				  (mapc 'enable-frame ',frames)
-				  (enqueue-eval-event
-				   'internal-make-dialog-box-exit did)
-				  (remove-hook 'delete-dialog-box-hook
-					       ',sym))))
-		       (if (framep id)
-			   (add-hook 'delete-frame-hook sym)
-			 (add-hook 'delete-dialog-box-hook sym))
-		       (mapc 'disable-frame frames)
-		       (block nil
-			 (while t
-			   (let ((event (next-event)))
-			     (if (and (eval-event-p event)
-				      (eq (event-function event)
-					  'internal-make-dialog-box-exit)
-				      (eq (event-object event) id))
-				 (return '(nil))
-			       (dispatch-event event)))))))))
-	     (if (listp result)
-		 (car result)
-	       (signal 'quit nil)))))
+  (labels
+      ((dialog-box-modal-loop (thunk)
+         (let* ((frames (frame-list))
+                (result
+                 ;; ok, this is extremely tricky.  normally a modal dialog
+                 ;; will pop itself down using (dialog-box-finish) or
+                 ;; (dialog-box-cancel), which throws back to this catch.
+                 ;; but question dialog boxes pop down themselves
+                 ;; regardless, so a badly written question dialog box that
+                 ;; does not use (dialog-box-finish) could seriously wedge
+                 ;; us.  furthermore, we disable all other frames in order
+                 ;; to implement modality; we need to restore them before
+                 ;; the dialog box is destroyed, because otherwise windows
+                 ;; at least will notice that no top- level window can have
+                 ;; the focus and will shift the focus to a different app,
+                 ;; raising it and obscuring us.  so we create
+                 ;; `delete-dialog-box-hook', which is called right *before*
+                 ;; the dialog box gets destroyed.  here, we put a hook on
+                 ;; it, and when it's our dialog box and not someone else's
+                 ;; that's being destroyed, we reenable all the frames and
+                 ;; remove the hook.  BUT ...  we still have to deal with
+                 ;; exiting the modal loop in case it doesn't happen before
+                 ;; us.  we can't do this until after the callbacks for this
+                 ;; dialog box get executed, and that doesn't happen until
+                 ;; after the dialog box is destroyed.  so to keep things
+                 ;; synchronous, we enqueue an eval event, which goes into
+                 ;; the same queue as the misc-user events encapsulating the
+                 ;; dialog callbacks and will go after it (because
+                 ;; destroying the dialog box happens after processing its
+                 ;; selection).  if the dialog boxes are written properly,
+                 ;; we don't see this eval event, because we've already
+                 ;; exited our modal loop. (Thus, we make sure the function
+                 ;; given in this eval event is actually defined and does
+                 ;; nothing.) If we do see it, though, we know that we
+                 ;; encountered a badly written dialog box and need to exit
+                 ;; now.  Currently we just return nil, but maybe we should
+                 ;; signal an error or issue a warning.
+                 (catch 'internal-dialog-box-finish
+                   (let ((id (eval thunk))
+                         (sym (gensym)))
+                     (fset sym
+                           `(lambda (did)
+                              (when (eq ',id did)
+                                (mapc 'enable-frame ',frames)
+                                (enqueue-eval-event
+                                 'internal-make-dialog-box-exit did)
+                                (remove-hook 'delete-dialog-box-hook
+                                             ',sym))))
+                     (if (framep id)
+                         (add-hook 'delete-frame-hook sym)
+                       (add-hook 'delete-dialog-box-hook sym))
+                     (mapc 'disable-frame frames)
+                     (block nil
+                       (while t
+                         (let ((event (next-event)))
+                           (if (and (eval-event-p event)
+                                    (eq (event-function event)
+                                        'internal-make-dialog-box-exit)
+                                    (eq (event-object event) id))
+                               (return '(nil))
+                             (dispatch-event event)))))))))
+           (if (listp result)
+               (car result)
+             (signal 'quit nil)))))
     (case type
-       (flet ((create-dialog-box-frame ()
-                (let* ((ftop (frame-property parent 'top))
-                       (fleft (frame-property parent 'left))
-                       (fwidth (frame-pixel-width parent))
-                       (fheight (frame-pixel-height parent))
-                       (fonth (font-height (face-font 'default)))
-                       (fontw (font-width (face-font 'default)))
-                       (properties (append properties
-                                              dialog-frame-plist))
-                       (dfheight (plist-get properties 'height))
-                       (dfwidth (plist-get properties 'width))
-                       (unmapped (plist-get properties
-                                            'initially-unmapped))
-                       (gutter-spec spec)
-                       (name (or (plist-get properties 'name) "XEmacs"))
-                       (frame nil))
-                  (plist-remprop properties 'initially-unmapped)
-                  ;; allow the user to just provide a glyph
-                  (or (glyphp spec) (setq spec (make-glyph spec)))
-                  (setq gutter-spec (copy-sequence "\n"))
-                  (set-extent-begin-glyph (make-extent 0 1 gutter-spec)
-                                          spec)
-                  ;; under FVWM at least, if I don't specify the
-                  ;; initial position, it ends up always at (0, 0).
-                  ;; xwininfo doesn't tell me that there are any
-                  ;; program-specified position hints, so it must be
-                  ;; an FVWM bug.  So just be smashing and position in
-                  ;; the center of the selected frame.
-                  (setq frame
-                        (make-frame
-                         (append properties
-                                 `(popup
-                                   ,parent initially-unmapped t
-                                   menubar-visible-p nil
-                                   has-modeline-p nil
-                                   default-toolbar-visible-p nil
-                                   top-gutter-visible-p t
-                                   top-gutter-height ,(* dfheight fonth)
-                                   top-gutter ,gutter-spec
-                                   minibuffer none
-                                   name ,name
-                                   modeline-shadow-thickness 0
-                                   vertical-scrollbar-visible-p nil
-                                   horizontal-scrollbar-visible-p nil
-                                   unsplittable t
-                                   internal-border-width 8
-                                   left ,(+ fleft (- (/ fwidth 2)
-                                                     (/ (* dfwidth
-                                                           fontw)
-                                                        2)))
-                                   top ,(+ ftop (- (/ fheight 2)
-                                                   (/ (* dfheight
-                                                         fonth)
-                                                      2)))))))
-                  (set-face-foreground 'modeline [default foreground] frame)
-                  (set-face-background 'modeline [default background] frame)
-                  ;; resize before mapping
-                  (when autosize
-                    (set-frame-displayable-pixel-size 
-                     frame
-                     (image-instance-width 
-                      (glyph-image-instance spec 
-                                            (frame-selected-window frame)))
-                     (image-instance-height 
-                      (glyph-image-instance spec 
-                                            (frame-selected-window frame)))))
-                  ;; somehow, even though the resizing is supposed
-                  ;; to be while the frame is not visible, a
-                  ;; visible resize is perceptible
-                  (unless unmapped (make-frame-visible frame))
-                  (let ((newbuf (generate-new-buffer " *dialog box*")))
-                    (set-buffer-dedicated-frame newbuf frame)
-                    (set-frame-property frame 'dialog-box-buffer newbuf)
-                    (set-window-buffer (frame-root-window frame) newbuf)
-                    (with-current-buffer newbuf
-                      (set (make-local-variable 'frame-title-format)
-                           title)
-                      (add-local-hook 'delete-frame-hook
-                                      #'(lambda (frame)
-                                          (kill-buffer
-                                           (frame-property
-                                            frame
-                                            'dialog-box-buffer))))))
-                  frame)))
+       (labels
+        ((create-dialog-box-frame ()
+           (let* ((ftop (frame-property parent 'top))
+                  (fleft (frame-property parent 'left))
+                  (fwidth (frame-pixel-width parent))
+                  (fheight (frame-pixel-height parent))
+                  (fonth (font-height (face-font 'default)))
+                  (fontw (font-width (face-font 'default)))
+                  (properties (append properties
+                                      dialog-frame-plist))
+                  (dfheight (plist-get properties 'height))
+                  (dfwidth (plist-get properties 'width))
+                  (unmapped (plist-get properties
+                                       'initially-unmapped))
+                  (gutter-spec spec)
+                  (name (or (plist-get properties 'name) "XEmacs"))
+                  (frame nil))
+             (plist-remprop properties 'initially-unmapped)
+             ;; allow the user to just provide a glyph
+             (or (glyphp spec) (setq spec (make-glyph spec)))
+             (setq gutter-spec (copy-sequence "\n"))
+             (set-extent-begin-glyph (make-extent 0 1 gutter-spec)
+                                     spec)
+             ;; under FVWM at least, if I don't specify the
+             ;; initial position, it ends up always at (0, 0).
+             ;; xwininfo doesn't tell me that there are any
+             ;; program-specified position hints, so it must be
+             ;; an FVWM bug.  So just be smashing and position in
+             ;; the center of the selected frame.
+             (setq frame
+                   (make-frame
+                    (append properties
+                            `(popup
+                              ,parent initially-unmapped t
+                              menubar-visible-p nil
+                              has-modeline-p nil
+                              default-toolbar-visible-p nil
+                              top-gutter-visible-p t
+                              top-gutter-height ,(* dfheight fonth)
+                              top-gutter ,gutter-spec
+                              minibuffer none
+                              name ,name
+                              modeline-shadow-thickness 0
+                              vertical-scrollbar-visible-p nil
+                              horizontal-scrollbar-visible-p nil
+                              unsplittable t
+                              internal-border-width 8
+                              left ,(+ fleft (- (/ fwidth 2)
+                                                (/ (* dfwidth
+                                                      fontw)
+                                                   2)))
+                              top ,(+ ftop (- (/ fheight 2)
+                                              (/ (* dfheight
+                                                    fonth)
+                                                 2)))))))
+             (set-face-foreground 'modeline [default foreground] frame)
+             (set-face-background 'modeline [default background] frame)
+             ;; resize before mapping
+             (when autosize
+               (set-frame-displayable-pixel-size 
+                frame
+                (image-instance-width 
+                 (glyph-image-instance spec 
+                                       (frame-selected-window frame)))
+                (image-instance-height 
+                 (glyph-image-instance spec 
+                                       (frame-selected-window frame)))))
+             ;; somehow, even though the resizing is supposed
+             ;; to be while the frame is not visible, a
+             ;; visible resize is perceptible
+             (unless unmapped (make-frame-visible frame))
+             (let ((newbuf (generate-new-buffer " *dialog box*")))
+               (set-buffer-dedicated-frame newbuf frame)
+               (set-frame-property frame 'dialog-box-buffer newbuf)
+               (set-window-buffer (frame-root-window frame) newbuf)
+               (with-current-buffer newbuf
+                 (set (make-local-variable 'frame-title-format)
+                      title)
+                 (add-local-hook 'delete-frame-hook
+                                 #'(lambda (frame)
+                                     (kill-buffer
+                                      (frame-property
+                                       frame
+                                       'dialog-box-buffer))))))
+             frame)))
         (if modal
-            (dialog-box-modal-loop '(create-dialog-box-frame))
+            (dialog-box-modal-loop (list #'create-dialog-box-frame))
        (remf rest :modal)
--- a/lisp/faces.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/faces.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@
   ;;     clearly added after-the-fact, don't deserve to live.  DOCUMENT
   ;;     THIS SHIT!
-  (flet
+  (labels
        ;; non-nil if either instantiator non-nil, or nil instantiators allowed.
@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@
 			  (cons prop 'tty)
 			  tag-set exact-p)))
-       ;; end of flets
+       ;; end of labels
     ;; the function itself
@@ -2049,11 +2049,11 @@
 		     (t nil))))
       ;; We're signaling a continuable error; let's make sure the
       ;; function `stipple-pixmap-p' at least exists.
-      (flet ((stipple-pixmap-p (pixmap)
-	       (or (stringp pixmap)
-		   (and (listp pixmap) (eql (length pixmap) 3)))))
+      (labels ((stipple-pixmap-p (pixmap)
+                 (or (stringp pixmap)
+                     (and (listp pixmap) (eql (length pixmap) 3)))))
 	(setq pixmap (signal 'wrong-type-argument
-			     (list 'stipple-pixmap-p pixmap)))))
+			     (list #'stipple-pixmap-p pixmap)))))
     (check-type frame (or null frame))
     (set-face-background-pixmap face instantiator frame)))
--- a/lisp/glyphs.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/glyphs.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -1135,108 +1135,105 @@
 (defalias 'subwindow-height 'image-instance-height)
 ;;;;;;;;;; initialization
-(defun init-glyphs ()
-  ;; initialize default image types
-  (if (featurep 'x)
-    (set-console-type-image-conversion-list 'x
-     `(,@(if (featurep 'xpm) '(("\\.xpm\\'" [xpm :file nil] 2)))
-       ("\\.xbm\\'" [xbm :file nil] 2)
-       ("/bitmaps/" [xbm :file nil] 2)
-       ,@(if (featurep 'xpm) '(("\\`/\\* XPM \\*/" [xpm :data nil] 2)))
-       ,@(if (featurep 'xface) '(("\\`X-Face:" [xface :data nil] 2)))
-       ,@(if (featurep 'gif) '(("\\.gif\\'" [gif :file nil] 2)
-			       ("\\`GIF8[79]" [gif :data nil] 2)))
-       ,@(if (featurep 'jpeg) '(("\\.jpe?g\\'" [jpeg :file nil] 2)))
-       ;; all of the JFIF-format JPEG's that I've seen begin with
-       ;; the following.  I have no idea if this is standard.
-       ,@(if (featurep 'jpeg) '(("\\`\377\330\377\340\000\020JFIF"
-				 [jpeg :data nil] 2)))
-       ,@(if (featurep 'png) '(("\\.png\\'" [png :file nil] 2)))
-       ,@(if (featurep 'png) '(("\\`\211PNG" [png :data nil] 2)))
-       ("" [string :data nil] 2)
-       ("" [nothing]))))
-  ;; #### this should really be formatted-string, not string but we
-  ;; don't have it implemented yet
-  (if (featurep 'tty)
-      (progn
-	(set-console-type-image-conversion-list
-	 'tty
-         '(("\\.xpm\\'" [string :data nil] 2)
-           ("\\.xbm\\'" [string :data nil] 2)
-	   ("/bitmaps/" [string :data nil] 2)
-           ;; #define could also mean a bitmap as well as a version 1 XPM. Who
-           ;; cares.
-           ("^#define" [string :data "[xpm]"])
-	   ("\\`/\\* XPM \\*/" [string :data "[xpm]"])
-           ("\\`X-Face:" [string :data "[xface]"])
-           ("\\.gif\\'" [string :data nil] 2)
-           ("\\`GIF8[79]" [string :data "[gif]"])
-           ("\\.jpe?g\\'" [string :data nil] 2)
-	   ("\\`\377\330\340\000\020JFIF" [string :data "[jpeg]"])
-           ;; all of the JFIF-format JPEG's that I've seen begin with
-           ;; the following.  I have no idea if this is standard.
-           ("\\`\377\330\377\340\000\020JFIF" [string :data "[jpeg]"])
-           ("\\.png\\'" [string :data nil] 2)
-           ("\\`\211PNG" [string :data "[png]"])
-           ("" [string :data nil] 2)
-	   ;; this last one is here for pointers and icons and such --
-	   ;; strings are not allowed so they will be ignored.
-	   ("" [nothing])))
-	;; finish initializing truncation glyph -- created internally
-	;; because it has a built-in bitmap
-	(set-glyph-image truncation-glyph "$" 'global 'tty)
+    ((init-glyphs ()
+       "Initialize default image types at dump time."
+       (if (featurep 'x)
+           (set-console-type-image-conversion-list
+            'x `(,@(if (featurep 'xpm) '(("\\.xpm\\'" [xpm :file nil] 2)))
+                 ("\\.xbm\\'" [xbm :file nil] 2)
+                 ("/bitmaps/" [xbm :file nil] 2)
+                 ,@(if (featurep 'xpm)
+                       '(("\\`/\\* XPM \\*/" [xpm :data nil] 2)))
+                 ,@(if (featurep 'xface)
+                       '(("\\`X-Face:" [xface :data nil] 2)))
+                 ,@(if (featurep 'gif) '(("\\.gif\\'" [gif :file nil] 2)
+                                         ("\\`GIF8[79]" [gif :data nil] 2)))
+                 ,@(if (featurep 'jpeg) '(("\\.jpe?g\\'" [jpeg :file nil] 2)))
+                 ;; all of the JFIF-format JPEG's that I've seen begin with
+                 ;; the following.  I have no idea if this is standard.
+                 ,@(if (featurep 'jpeg) '(("\\`\377\330\377\340\000\020JFIF"
+                                           [jpeg :data nil] 2)))
+                 ,@(if (featurep 'png) '(("\\.png\\'" [png :file nil] 2)))
+                 ,@(if (featurep 'png) '(("\\`\211PNG" [png :data nil] 2)))
+                 ("" [string :data nil] 2)
+                 ("" [nothing]))))
+       ;; #### this should really be formatted-string, not string but we
+       ;; don't have it implemented yet
+       (if (featurep 'tty)
+           (progn
+             (set-console-type-image-conversion-list
+              'tty
+              '(("\\.xpm\\'" [string :data nil] 2)
+                ("\\.xbm\\'" [string :data nil] 2)
+                ("/bitmaps/" [string :data nil] 2)
+                ;; #define could also mean a bitmap as well as a version 1
+                ;; XPM. Who cares.
+                ("^#define" [string :data "[xpm]"])
+                ("\\`/\\* XPM \\*/" [string :data "[xpm]"])
+                ("\\`X-Face:" [string :data "[xface]"])
+                ("\\.gif\\'" [string :data nil] 2)
+                ("\\`GIF8[79]" [string :data "[gif]"])
+                ("\\.jpe?g\\'" [string :data nil] 2)
+                ("\\`\377\330\340\000\020JFIF" [string :data "[jpeg]"])
+                ;; all of the JFIF-format JPEG's that I've seen begin with
+                ;; the following.  I have no idea if this is standard.
+                ("\\`\377\330\377\340\000\020JFIF" [string :data "[jpeg]"])
+                ("\\.png\\'" [string :data nil] 2)
+                ("\\`\211PNG" [string :data "[png]"])
+                ("" [string :data nil] 2)
+                ;; this last one is here for pointers and icons and such --
+                ;; strings are not allowed so they will be ignored.
+                ("" [nothing])))
-	;; finish initializing continuation glyph -- created internally
-	;; because it has a built-in bitmap
-	(set-glyph-image continuation-glyph "\\" 'global 'tty)
+             ;; finish initializing truncation glyph -- created internally
+             ;; because it has a built-in bitmap
+             (set-glyph-image truncation-glyph "$" 'global 'tty)
-	;; finish initializing hscroll glyph -- created internally
-	;; because it has a built-in bitmap
-	(set-glyph-image hscroll-glyph "$" 'global 'tty)))
-  ;; For streams, we don't want images at all -- dvl
-  (set-console-type-image-conversion-list 'stream '(("" [nothing])))
+             ;; finish initializing continuation glyph -- created internally
+             ;; because it has a built-in bitmap
+             (set-glyph-image continuation-glyph "\\" 'global 'tty)
-  (set-glyph-image octal-escape-glyph "\\")
-  (set-glyph-image control-arrow-glyph "^")
-  (set-glyph-image invisible-text-glyph " ...")
-  ;; (set-glyph-image hscroll-glyph "$")
+             ;; finish initializing hscroll glyph -- created internally
+             ;; because it has a built-in bitmap
+             (set-glyph-image hscroll-glyph "$" 'global 'tty)))
-  (let ((face (make-face 'border-glyph
-			 "Truncation and continuation glyphs face")))
-    (set-glyph-face continuation-glyph face)
-    (set-glyph-face truncation-glyph face)
-    (set-glyph-face hscroll-glyph face))
+       ;; For streams, we don't want images at all -- dvl
+       (set-console-type-image-conversion-list 'stream '(("" [nothing])))
+       (set-glyph-image octal-escape-glyph "\\")
+       (set-glyph-image control-arrow-glyph "^")
+       (set-glyph-image invisible-text-glyph " ...")
+       ;; (set-glyph-image hscroll-glyph "$")
-  ;; finish initializing xemacs logo -- created internally because it
-  ;; has a built-in bitmap
-  (if (featurep 'xpm)
-      (set-glyph-image xemacs-logo
-		       (concat "../etc/"
-			       (if emacs-beta-version
-				   "xemacs-beta.xpm"
-				 "xemacs.xpm"))
-		       'global 'x))
-  (cond ((featurep 'xpm)
-	 (set-glyph-image frame-icon-glyph
-			  (concat "../etc/" "xemacs-icon.xpm")
-			  'global 'x))
-	((featurep 'x)
-	 (set-glyph-image frame-icon-glyph
-			  (concat "../etc/" "xemacs-icon2.xbm")
-			  'global 'x)))
+       (let ((face (make-face 'border-glyph
+                              "Truncation and continuation glyphs face")))
+         (set-glyph-face continuation-glyph face)
+         (set-glyph-face truncation-glyph face)
+         (set-glyph-face hscroll-glyph face))
-  (if (featurep 'tty)
-      (set-glyph-image xemacs-logo
-		       "XEmacs <insert spiffy graphic logo here>"
-		       'global 'tty))
+       ;; finish initializing xemacs logo -- created internally because it
+       ;; has a built-in bitmap
+       (if (featurep 'xpm)
+           (set-glyph-image xemacs-logo
+                            (concat "../etc/"
+                                    (if emacs-beta-version
+                                        "xemacs-beta.xpm"
+                                      "xemacs.xpm"))
+                            'global 'x))
+       (cond ((featurep 'xpm)
+              (set-glyph-image frame-icon-glyph
+                               (concat "../etc/" "xemacs-icon.xpm")
+                               'global 'x))
+             ((featurep 'x)
+              (set-glyph-image frame-icon-glyph
+                               (concat "../etc/" "xemacs-icon2.xbm")
+                               'global 'x)))
-(unintern 'init-glyphs) ;; This was dump time thing, no need to keep the
-			;; function around.
+       (if (featurep 'tty)
+           (set-glyph-image xemacs-logo
+                            "XEmacs <insert spiffy graphic logo here>"
+                            'global 'tty))))
+  (init-glyphs))
 ;;; glyphs.el ends here.
--- a/lisp/help-macro.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/help-macro.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -86,24 +86,25 @@
   `(defun ,fname ()
      ,(eval help-text)
-     (flet ((help-read-key (prompt)
-	      ;; This is in `flet' to avoid problems with autoloading.
-	      ;; #### The function is ill-conceived -- there should be
-	      ;; a way to do it without all the hassle!
-	      (let (events)
-		(while (not (key-press-event-p
-			     (aref (setq events (read-key-sequence prompt)) 0)))
-		  ;; Mouse clicks are not part of the help feature, so
-		  ;; reexecute them in the standard environment.
-		  (mapc 'dispatch-event events))
-		(let ((key (nconc (event-modifiers (aref events 0))
-				  (list (event-key (aref events 0))))))
-		  ;; Make the HELP key translate to C-h.
-		  (when (lookup-key function-key-map key)
-		    (setq key (lookup-key function-key-map key)))
-		  (if (eq (length key) 1)
-		      (car key)
-		    key)))))
+     (labels
+         ((help-read-key (prompt)
+            ;; This is in `labels' to avoid problems with autoloading.
+            ;; #### The function is ill-conceived -- there should be
+            ;; a way to do it without all the hassle!
+            (let (events)
+              (while (not (key-press-event-p
+                           (aref (setq events (read-key-sequence prompt)) 0)))
+                ;; Mouse clicks are not part of the help feature, so
+                ;; reexecute them in the standard environment.
+                (mapc 'dispatch-event events))
+              (let ((key (nconc (event-modifiers (aref events 0))
+                                (list (event-key (aref events 0))))))
+                ;; Make the HELP key translate to C-h.
+                (when (lookup-key function-key-map key)
+                  (setq key (lookup-key function-key-map key)))
+                (if (eq (length key) 1)
+                    (car key)
+                  key)))))
        (let ((line-prompt
 	      (substitute-command-keys ,(eval help-line))))
 	 (when three-step-help
--- a/lisp/info.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/info.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -3232,14 +3232,14 @@
 	up-p prev-p next-p menu xrefs subnodes in)
       ;; `one-space' fixes "Notes:" xrefs that are split across lines.
-      (flet
+      (labels
 	  ((one-space (text)
-		      (let (i)
-			(while (setq i (string-match "[ \n\t]+" text i))
-			  (setq text (concat (substring text 0 i) " "
-					     (substring text (match-end 0))))
-			  (setq i (1+ i)))
-			text)))
+             (let (i)
+               (while (setq i (string-match "[ \n\t]+" text i))
+                 (setq text (concat (substring text 0 i) " "
+                                    (substring text (match-end 0))))
+                 (setq i (1+ i)))
+               text)))
 	(goto-char (point-min))
 	(if (looking-at ".*\\bNext:") (setq next-p t))
 	(if (looking-at ".*\\bPrev:") (setq prev-p t))
--- a/lisp/keymap.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/keymap.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -417,8 +417,8 @@
 		(vconcat keys))
 		(vector keys)))))
-    (flet ((event-to-list (ev)
-	     (append (event-modifiers ev) (list (event-key ev)))))
+    (labels ((event-to-list (ev)
+               (append (event-modifiers ev) (list (event-key ev)))))
        #'(lambda (key)
 	   (let* ((full-key
--- a/lisp/lisp-mode.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/lisp-mode.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
 (defvar lisp-mode-abbrev-table nil)
 (defun construct-lisp-mode-menu (popup-p emacs-lisp-p)
-  (flet ((popup-wrap (form)
-	   (if popup-p `(menu-call-at-event ',form) form)))
+  (labels ((popup-wrap (form)
+             (if popup-p `(menu-call-at-event ',form) form)))
     `(,@(if emacs-lisp-p
 	  `(["%_Byte-Compile This File" ,(popup-wrap
--- a/lisp/loadhist.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/loadhist.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -175,29 +175,29 @@
   (let* ((flist (feature-symbols feature))
 	 (file (car flist))
 	 (unloading-module nil))
-    (flet ((reset-aload (x)
-	     (let ((aload (get x 'autoload)))
-	       (if aload (fset x (cons 'autoload aload))))))
-    (mapc
-     #'(lambda (x)
-	 (cond ((stringp x) nil)
-	       ((consp x)
-		;; Remove any feature names that this file provided.
-		(if (eq (car x) 'provide)
-		    (setq features (delq (cdr x) features))
-		  (if (eq (car x) 'module)
-		      (setq unloading-module t))))
-	       ((and (boundp x)
-		     (fboundp x))
-		(makunbound x)
-		(fmakunbound x)
-		(reset-aload x))
-	       ((boundp x)
-		(makunbound x))
-	       ((fboundp x)
-		(fmakunbound x)
-		(reset-aload x))))
-     (cdr flist)))
+    (labels ((reset-aload (x)
+               (let ((aload (get x 'autoload)))
+                 (if aload (fset x (cons 'autoload aload))))))
+      (mapc
+       #'(lambda (x)
+           (cond ((stringp x) nil)
+                 ((consp x)
+                  ;; Remove any feature names that this file provided.
+                  (if (eq (car x) 'provide)
+                      (setq features (delq (cdr x) features))
+                    (if (eq (car x) 'module)
+                        (setq unloading-module t))))
+                 ((and (boundp x)
+                       (fboundp x))
+                  (makunbound x)
+                  (fmakunbound x)
+                  (reset-aload x))
+                 ((boundp x)
+                  (makunbound x))
+                 ((fboundp x)
+                  (fmakunbound x)
+                  (reset-aload x))))
+       (cdr flist)))
     ;; Delete the load-history element for this file.
     (let ((elt (assoc file load-history)))
       (setq load-history (delq elt load-history)))
--- a/lisp/minibuf.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/minibuf.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -2284,9 +2284,9 @@
       (let* ((answers (remove-if-not #'consp answers))
-	       (flet ((car-to-string-if (x)
-			(setq x (car x))
-			(if (stringp x)  x (char-to-string x))))
+	       (labels ((car-to-string-if (x)
+                          (setq x (car x))
+                          (if (stringp x)  x (char-to-string x))))
 		 (concat (mapconcat #'car-to-string-if
 			   (butlast answers) ", ") " or "
 			   (car-to-string-if (car (last answers)))))))
--- a/lisp/mouse.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/mouse.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -1246,11 +1246,11 @@
 ;; `conservative-activate-function'.
 (defun default-mouse-track-check-for-activation (event click-count
 						 count-list button-list)
-  (flet ((do-activate (event property)
-	   (let ((ex (extent-at-event event property)))
-	     (when ex
-	       (funcall (extent-property ex property) event ex)
-	       t))))
+  (labels ((do-activate (event property)
+             (let ((ex (extent-at-event event property)))
+               (when ex
+                 (funcall (extent-property ex property) event ex)
+                 t))))
      (and (some #'(lambda (count button)
 		    (and (= click-count count)
@@ -1477,23 +1477,23 @@
   (let ((default-mouse-track-type-list
 	  (if line-p '(line) default-mouse-track-type-list))
 	s selreg)
-    (flet ((Mouse-track-insert-drag-up-hook (event count)
-	     (setq selreg
-		   (default-mouse-track-return-dragged-selection event))
-	     t)
-	   (Mouse-track-insert-click-hook (event count)
-	     (default-mouse-track-drag-hook event count nil)
-	     (setq selreg
-		   (default-mouse-track-return-dragged-selection event))
-	     t))
+    (labels ((Mouse-track-insert-drag-up-hook (event count)
+               (setq selreg
+                     (default-mouse-track-return-dragged-selection event))
+               t)
+             (Mouse-track-insert-click-hook (event count)
+               (default-mouse-track-drag-hook event count nil)
+               (setq selreg
+                     (default-mouse-track-return-dragged-selection event))
+               t))
-	   '(mouse-track-drag-up-hook
-	     Mouse-track-insert-drag-up-hook
-	     mouse-track-click-hook
-	     Mouse-track-insert-click-hook))
+	   (list 'mouse-track-drag-up-hook
+                 #'Mouse-track-insert-drag-up-hook
+                 'mouse-track-click-hook
+                 #'Mouse-track-insert-click-hook))
 	  (if (consp selreg)
 	      (let ((pair selreg))
 		(setq s (prog1
--- a/lisp/mule/chinese.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/mule/chinese.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 ;; that appear once in some ancient manuscript and whose meaning
 ;; is unknown.
       (name plane final)
--- a/lisp/mule/mule-cmds.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/mule/mule-cmds.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -835,9 +835,9 @@
   (if (symbolp language-name)
       (setq language-name (symbol-name language-name)))
   (let ((doc (get-language-info language-name 'documentation)))
-    (flet ((princ-list (&rest args)
-		       (while args (princ (car args)) (setq args (cdr args)))
-		       (princ "\n")))
+    (labels ((princ-list (&rest args)
+               (while args (princ (car args)) (setq args (cdr args)))
+               (princ "\n")))
       (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
 	(princ-list language-name " language environment" "\n")
 	(if (stringp doc)
@@ -1228,38 +1228,39 @@
 setting it using `set-current-locale' and maybe also
 `mswindows-set-current-locale'.  Also sets the LANG environment variable.
 Returns non-nil if successfully set the locale(s)."
-  (flet ((mswindows-get-and-set-locale-from-langenv (langenv)
-	   ;; find the mswindows locale for the langenv, make it current,
-	   ;; and return it.  first we check the langenv-to-locale table
-	   ;; ...
-	   (let ((ms-locale
-		  (gethash langenv mswindows-langenv-to-locale-table)))
-	     (if ms-locale (progn
-			  (declare-fboundp (mswindows-set-current-locale
-					    ms-locale))
-			  ms-locale)
-	       ;; ... if not, see if the langenv specifies any locale(s).
-	       ;; if not, construct one from the langenv name.
-	       (let* ((mslocs (get-language-info langenv 'mswindows-locale))
-		      (mslocs (or mslocs (cons (upcase langenv) "DEFAULT")))
-		      (mslocs (if (and (consp mslocs)
-					(listp (cdr mslocs)))
-				   mslocs (list mslocs))))
-		 (dolist (msloc mslocs)
-		   ;; Sometimes a language with DEFAULT is different from
-		   ;; with SYS_DEFAULT, and on my system
-		   ;; (set-current-locale "chinese") is NOT the same as
-		   ;; (set-current-locale "chinese-default")!  The latter
-		   ;; gives Taiwan (DEFAULT), the former PRC (SYS_DEFAULT).
-		   ;; In the interests of consistency, we always use DEFAULT.
-		   (or (consp msloc) (setq msloc (cons msloc "DEFAULT")))
-		   (when (condition-case nil
-			     (progn
-			       (declare-fboundp (mswindows-set-current-locale
-						 msloc))
-			       t)
-			   (error nil))
-		     (return msloc))))))))
+  (labels
+      ((mswindows-get-and-set-locale-from-langenv (langenv)
+         ;; find the mswindows locale for the langenv, make it current,
+         ;; and return it.  first we check the langenv-to-locale table
+         ;; ...
+         (let ((ms-locale
+                (gethash langenv mswindows-langenv-to-locale-table)))
+           (if ms-locale (progn
+                           (declare-fboundp (mswindows-set-current-locale
+                                             ms-locale))
+                           ms-locale)
+             ;; ... if not, see if the langenv specifies any locale(s).
+             ;; if not, construct one from the langenv name.
+             (let* ((mslocs (get-language-info langenv 'mswindows-locale))
+                    (mslocs (or mslocs (cons (upcase langenv) "DEFAULT")))
+                    (mslocs (if (and (consp mslocs)
+                                     (listp (cdr mslocs)))
+                                mslocs (list mslocs))))
+               (dolist (msloc mslocs)
+                 ;; Sometimes a language with DEFAULT is different from
+                 ;; with SYS_DEFAULT, and on my system
+                 ;; (set-current-locale "chinese") is NOT the same as
+                 ;; (set-current-locale "chinese-default")!  The latter
+                 ;; gives Taiwan (DEFAULT), the former PRC (SYS_DEFAULT).
+                 ;; In the interests of consistency, we always use DEFAULT.
+                 (or (consp msloc) (setq msloc (cons msloc "DEFAULT")))
+                 (when (condition-case nil
+                           (progn
+                             (declare-fboundp (mswindows-set-current-locale
+                                               msloc))
+                             t)
+                         (error nil))
+                   (return msloc))))))))
     (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
 	(let ((ms-locale (mswindows-get-and-set-locale-from-langenv langenv)))
 	  (when ms-locale
@@ -1339,13 +1340,13 @@
 ; Russian, ISO-2022-JP will continue to be automatically recognized, since
 ; ISO-8859-5 and ISO-2022-JP are different coding categories.)"
-  (flet ((maybe-change-coding-system-with-eol (codesys eol-type)
-	   ;; if the EOL type specifies a specific type of ending,
-	   ;; then add that ending onto the given CODESYS; otherwise,
-	   ;; return CODESYS unchanged.
-	   (if (memq eol-type '(lf crlf cr unix dos mac))
-	       (coding-system-change-eol-conversion codesys eol-type)
-	     codesys)))
+  (labels ((maybe-change-coding-system-with-eol (codesys eol-type)
+             ;; if the EOL type specifies a specific type of ending,
+             ;; then add that ending onto the given CODESYS; otherwise,
+             ;; return CODESYS unchanged.
+             (if (memq eol-type '(lf crlf cr unix dos mac))
+                 (coding-system-change-eol-conversion codesys eol-type)
+               codesys)))
     ;; initialize category mappings and priority list.
     (let* ((priority (get-language-info language-name 'coding-priority))
--- a/lisp/mule/mule-x-init.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/mule/mule-x-init.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@
 occupy exactly twice the screen space of ASCII (`halfwidth')
 characters.  On many systems, e.g. Sun CDE systems, this can only be
 achieved by using a national variant roman font to display ASCII."
-  (flet ((charset-font-width (charset)
-	   (font-instance-width
-	    (face-font-instance 'default (selected-device) charset)))
+  (labels ((charset-font-width (charset)
+             (font-instance-width
+              (face-font-instance 'default (selected-device) charset)))
-	 (twice-as-wide (cs1 cs2)
-	   (let ((width1 (charset-font-width cs1))
-		 (width2 (charset-font-width cs2)))
-	     (and width1 width2 (eq (+ width1 width1) width2)))))
+           (twice-as-wide (cs1 cs2)
+             (let ((width1 (charset-font-width cs1))
+                   (width2 (charset-font-width cs2)))
+               (and width1 width2 (eq (+ width1 width1) width2)))))
     (when (eq 'x (device-type))
       (let ((original-registries (charset-registries 'ascii)))
--- a/lisp/simple.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/simple.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -2638,21 +2638,21 @@
 (defun transpose-subr (mover arg &optional move-region)
   (let (start1 end1 start2 end2)
-    ;; XEmacs -- use flet instead of defining a separate function and
+    ;; XEmacs -- use labels instead of defining a separate function and
     ;; relying on dynamic scope; use (mark t) etc; add code to support
     ;; the new MOVE-REGION arg.
-    (flet ((transpose-subr-1 ()
-	     (if (> (min end1 end2) (max start1 start2))
-		 (error "Don't have two things to transpose"))
-	     (let ((word1 (buffer-substring start1 end1))
-		   (word2 (buffer-substring start2 end2)))
-	       (delete-region start2 end2)
-	       (goto-char start2)
-	       (insert word1)
-	       (goto-char (if (< start1 start2) start1
-			    (+ start1 (- (length word1) (length word2)))))
-	       (delete-char (length word1))
-	       (insert word2))))
+    (labels ((transpose-subr-1 ()
+               (if (> (min end1 end2) (max start1 start2))
+                   (error "Don't have two things to transpose"))
+               (let ((word1 (buffer-substring start1 end1))
+                     (word2 (buffer-substring start2 end2)))
+                 (delete-region start2 end2)
+                 (goto-char start2)
+                 (insert word1)
+                 (goto-char (if (< start1 start2) start1
+                              (+ start1 (- (length word1) (length word2)))))
+                 (delete-char (length word1))
+                 (insert word2))))
       (if (= arg 0)
--- a/lisp/specifier.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/specifier.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -484,10 +484,10 @@
     (let-specifier ((modeline-shadow-thickness 0 (selected-window)))
       (sit-for 1))"
   (check-argument-type 'listp specifier-list)
-  (flet ((gensym-frob (x name)
-	   (if (or (atom x) (eq (car x) 'quote))
-	       (list x)
-	     (list (gensym name) x))))
+  (labels ((gensym-frob (x name)
+             (if (or (atom x) (eq (car x) 'quote))
+                 (list x)
+               (list (gensym name) x))))
     ;; VARLIST is a list of
     ;;  (TAG-SET) (HOW-TO-ADD))
@@ -854,11 +854,9 @@
   (or try-stages (setq try-stages 1))
   (if (eq try-stages t) (setq try-stages 3))
   (check-argument-range try-stages 1 3)
-  (flet ((delete-wrong-type (x)
-           (delete-if-not
-            #'(lambda (y)
-                (device-type-matches-spec y devtype-spec))
-            x)))
+  (labels ((delete-wrong-type (x)
+             (delete-if-not
+              #'(lambda (y) (device-type-matches-spec y devtype-spec)) x)))
     (let ((both (intersection 
                  (if current-device
                      (list (device-type current-device))
--- a/lisp/test-harness.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/test-harness.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -713,11 +713,11 @@
       ;; probably should just use (length "byte-compiler-tests.el")
       ;; and 5-place sizes -- this will also work for the file-by-file
       ;; printing when Adrian's kludge gets reverted
-      (flet ((print-width (i)
-	       (let ((x 10) (y 1))
-		 (while (>= i x)
-		   (setq x (* 10 x) y (1+ y)))
-		 y)))
+      (labels ((print-width (i)
+                 (let ((x 10) (y 1))
+                   (while (>= i x)
+                     (setq x (* 10 x) y (1+ y)))
+                   y)))
 	(while results
 	  (let* ((head (car results))
 		 (nn (length (file-name-nondirectory (first head))))
--- a/lisp/x-compose.el	Wed Sep 07 16:26:45 2011 +0100
+++ b/lisp/x-compose.el	Wed Sep 07 21:21:36 2011 +0100
@@ -865,14 +865,14 @@
 ;; Make colon equivalent to doublequote for diaeresis processing.  Some
 ;; Xlibs do this.
-(flet ((alias-colon-to-doublequote (keymap)
-         (map-keymap
-          #'(lambda (key value)
-              (when (keymapp value)
-                (alias-colon-to-doublequote value))
-              (when (eq key '\")
-                (define-key keymap ":" value)))
-          keymap)))
+(labels ((alias-colon-to-doublequote (keymap)
+           (map-keymap
+            #'(lambda (key value)
+                (when (keymapp value)
+                  (alias-colon-to-doublequote value))
+                (when (eq key '\")
+                  (define-key keymap ":" value)))
+            keymap)))
   (alias-colon-to-doublequote compose-map))
 ;;; Electric dead keys: making a' mean a-acute.