view lisp/mel/mel-q.el @ 183:e121b013d1f0 r20-3b18

Import from CVS: tag r20-3b18
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:54:23 +0200
parents 6075d714658b
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line source

;;; mel-q.el: Quoted-Printable and Q-encoding encoder/decoder for GNU Emacs

;; Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; Author: MORIOKA Tomohiko <>
;; Created: 1995/6/25
;; Version: $Id: mel-q.el,v 1.5 1997/07/26 22:09:47 steve Exp $
;; Keywords: MIME, Quoted-Printable, Q-encoding

;; This file is part of MEL (MIME Encoding Library).

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
;; your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Code:

(require 'emu)

;;; @ Quoted-Printable encoder

(defconst quoted-printable-hex-chars "0123456789ABCDEF")

(defsubst quoted-printable-quote-char (character)
   (char-to-string (aref quoted-printable-hex-chars (ash character -4)))
   (char-to-string (aref quoted-printable-hex-chars (logand character 15)))

(defun quoted-printable-internal-encode-region (start end)
      (narrow-to-region start end)
      (goto-char start)
      (let ((col 0)
	(while (< (point)(point-max))
	  (cond ((>= col 75)
		 (insert "=\n")
		 (setq col 0)
		((looking-at "^From ")
		 (replace-match "=46rom ")
		 (backward-char 1)
		 (setq col (+ col 6))
		((looking-at "[ \t]\n")
		 (forward-char 1)
		 (insert "=\n")
		 (forward-char 1)
		 (setq col 0)
		 (let ((chr (char-after (point))))
		   (cond ((= chr ?\n)
			  (forward-char 1)
			  (setq col 0)
			 ((or (= chr ?\t)
			      (and (<= 32 chr)(/= chr ?=)(< chr 127))
			  (forward-char 1)
			  (setq col (1+ col))
			 ((>= col 73)
			  (insert "=\n")
			  (setq col 0)
			  (delete-char 1)
			  (insert (quoted-printable-quote-char chr))
			  (setq col (+ col 3))

(defvar quoted-printable-external-encoder '("mmencode" "-q")
  "*list of quoted-printable encoder program name and its arguments.")

(defun quoted-printable-external-encode-region (start end)
      (narrow-to-region start end)
       (apply (function call-process-region)
	      start end (car quoted-printable-external-encoder)
	      t t nil (cdr quoted-printable-external-encoder))
      ;; for OS/2
      ;;   regularize line break code
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward "\r$" nil t)
	(replace-match "")

(defvar quoted-printable-internal-encoding-limit
  (if (and (featurep 'xemacs)(featurep 'mule))
    (require 'file-detect)
    (if (exec-installed-p "mmencode")
      (message "Don't found external encoder for Quoted-Printable!")
  "*limit size to use internal quoted-printable encoder.
If size of input to encode is larger than this limit,
external encoder is called.")

(defun quoted-printable-encode-region (start end)
  "Encode current region by quoted-printable.
START and END are buffer positions.
This function calls internal quoted-printable encoder if size of
region is smaller than `quoted-printable-internal-encoding-limit',
otherwise it calls external quoted-printable encoder specified by
`quoted-printable-external-encoder'.  In this case, you must install
the program (maybe mmencode included in metamail or XEmacs package)."
  (interactive "r")
  (if (and quoted-printable-internal-encoding-limit
	   (> (- end start) quoted-printable-internal-encoding-limit))
      (quoted-printable-external-encode-region start end)
    (quoted-printable-internal-encode-region start end)

(defun quoted-printable-encode-string (string)
  "Encode STRING to quoted-printable, and return the result."
    (insert string)
    (quoted-printable-encode-region (point-min)(point-max))

(defun quoted-printable-insert-encoded-file (filename)
  "Encode contents of file FILENAME to quoted-printable, and insert the result.
It calls external quoted-printable encoder specified by
`quoted-printable-external-encoder'.  So you must install the program
\(maybe mmencode included in metamail or XEmacs package)."
  (interactive (list (read-file-name "Insert encoded file: ")))
  (apply (function call-process) (car quoted-printable-external-encoder)
	 filename t nil (cdr quoted-printable-external-encoder))

;;; @ Quoted-Printable decoder

(defun quoted-printable-decode-string (string)
  "Decode STRING which is encoded in quoted-printable, and return the result."
  (let (q h l)
    (mapconcat (function
		(lambda (chr)
		  (cond ((eq chr ?=)
			 (setq q t)
			(q (setq h
				 (cond ((<= ?a chr) (+ (- chr ?a) 10))
				       ((<= ?A chr) (+ (- chr ?A) 10))
				       ((<= ?0 chr) (- chr ?0))
			   (setq q nil)
			(h (setq l (cond ((<= ?a chr) (+ (- chr ?a) 10))
					 ((<= ?A chr) (+ (- chr ?A) 10))
					 ((<= ?0 chr) (- chr ?0))
			       (char-to-string (logior (ash h 4) l))
			     (setq h nil)
			(t (char-to-string chr))
	       string "")))

(defconst quoted-printable-octet-regexp
  (concat "=[" quoted-printable-hex-chars
	  "][" quoted-printable-hex-chars "]"))

(defun quoted-printable-internal-decode-region (start end)
      (narrow-to-region start end)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward "=\n" nil t)
	(replace-match "")
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (let (b e str)
	(while (re-search-forward quoted-printable-octet-regexp nil t)
	  (setq b (match-beginning 0))
	  (setq e (match-end 0))
	  (setq str (buffer-substring b e))
	  (delete-region b e)
	  (insert (quoted-printable-decode-string str))

(defvar quoted-printable-external-decoder '("mmencode" "-q" "-u")
  "*list of quoted-printable decoder program name and its arguments.")

(defun quoted-printable-external-decode-region (start end)
     (apply (function call-process-region)
	    start end (car quoted-printable-external-decoder)
	    t t nil (cdr quoted-printable-external-decoder))

(defvar quoted-printable-internal-decoding-limit nil
  "*limit size to use internal quoted-printable decoder.
If size of input to decode is larger than this limit,
external decoder is called.")

(defun quoted-printable-decode-region (start end)
  "Decode current region by quoted-printable.
START and END are buffer positions.
This function calls internal quoted-printable decoder if size of
region is smaller than `quoted-printable-internal-decoding-limit',
otherwise it calls external quoted-printable decoder specified by
`quoted-printable-external-decoder'.  In this case, you must install
the program (maybe mmencode included in metamail or XEmacs package)."
  (interactive "r")
  (if (and quoted-printable-internal-decoding-limit
	   (> (- end start) quoted-printable-internal-decoding-limit))
      (quoted-printable-external-decode-region start end)
    (quoted-printable-internal-decode-region start end)

;;; @ Q-encoding encode/decode string

(defconst q-encoding-special-chars-alist
  '((text	?= ?? ?_)
    (comment	?= ?? ?_ ?\( ?\) ?\\)
    (phrase	?= ?? ?_ ?\( ?\) ?\\ ?\" ?# ?$ ?% ?& ?' ?, ?. ?/
		?: ?\; ?< ?> ?@ ?\[ ?\] ?^ ?` ?{ ?| ?} ?~)

(defun q-encoding-encode-string (string &optional mode)
  "Encode STRING to Q-encoding of encoded-word, and return the result.
MODE allows `text', `comment', `phrase' or nil.  Default value is
  (let ((specials (cdr (or (assq mode q-encoding-special-chars-alist)
			   (assq 'phrase q-encoding-special-chars-alist)
    (mapconcat (function
		(lambda (chr)
		  (cond ((eq chr ? ) "_")
			((or (< chr 32) (< 126 chr)
			     (memq chr specials)
			 (quoted-printable-quote-char chr)
			 (char-to-string chr)
	       string "")

(defun q-encoding-decode-string (string)
  "Decode STRING which is encoded in Q-encoding and return the result."
  (let (q h l)
    (mapconcat (function
		(lambda (chr)
		  (cond ((eq chr ?_) " ")
			((eq chr ?=)
			 (setq q t)
			(q (setq h (cond ((<= ?a chr) (+ (- chr ?a) 10))
					 ((<= ?A chr) (+ (- chr ?A) 10))
					 ((<= ?0 chr) (- chr ?0))
			   (setq q nil)
			(h (setq l (cond ((<= ?a chr) (+ (- chr ?a) 10))
					 ((<= ?A chr) (+ (- chr ?A) 10))
					 ((<= ?0 chr) (- chr ?0))
			       (char-to-string (logior (ash h 4) l))
			     (setq h nil)
			(t (char-to-string chr))
	       string "")))

;;; @@ etc

(defun q-encoding-printable-char-p (chr mode)
  (and (not (memq chr '(?= ?? ?_)))
       (<= ?\   chr)(<= chr ?~)
       (cond ((eq mode 'text) t)
	     ((eq mode 'comment)
	      (not (memq chr '(?\( ?\) ?\\)))
	      (string-match "[A-Za-z0-9!*+/=_---]" (char-to-string chr))

(defun q-encoding-encoded-length (string &optional mode)
  (let ((l 0)(i 0)(len (length string)) chr)
    (while (< i len)
      (setq chr (elt string i))
      (if (q-encoding-printable-char-p chr mode)
	  (setq l (+ l 1))
	(setq l (+ l 3))
      (setq i (+ i 1)) )

;;; @ end

(provide 'mel-q)

;;; mel-q.el ends here