view lisp/comint/gdb-highlight.el @ 179:9ad43877534d r20-3b16

Import from CVS: tag r20-3b16
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:52:19 +0200
parents 43dd3413c7c7
line wrap: on
line source

;;; gdb-highlight.el --- make gdb buffers be mouse-sensitive.

;;; Copyright (C) 1997 Jamie Zawinski <>

;; Author: Jamie Zawinski <>
;; Created: 16-Apr-1997
;; Version: 1.2  (17-May-97)
;; Keywords: extensions, c, unix, tools, debugging

;; This file is part of XEmacs.

;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
;; 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Synched up with: Not synched.

;;; Commentary:
;;    This package makes most objects printed in a *gdb* buffer be
;;    mouse-sensitive: as text shows up in the buffer, it is parsed,
;;    and objects which are recognized have context-sensitive commands
;;    attached to them.  Generally, the types that are noticed are:
;;      = function and method names;
;;      = variable and parameter names;
;;      = structure and object slots;
;;      = source file names;
;;      = type names;
;;      = breakpoint numbers;
;;      = stack frame numbers.
;;    Any time one of those objects is presented in the *gdb* buffer,
;;    it will be mousable.  Clicking middle mouse button (button2) on
;;    it will take some default action -- edit the function, select
;;    the stack frame, disable the breakpoint, etc.  Clicking the right
;;    mouse button (button3) will bring up a menu of commands, including
;;    commands specific to the object under the mouse, or other objects
;;    on the same line.
;;    In addition to these context-sensitive commands are more general
;;    gdb commands which were previously inaccessible via the mouse
;;    (listing breakpoints, returning values, etc); and the general
;;    comint/shell-buffer commands which had been present before.
;;    If you notice an object being presented which could (usefully)
;;    be made mouse sensitive, but which currently is not, please let 
;;    me know.

;;; Installation:
;;    To install, add this to your .emacs file:
;;        (add-hook 'gdb-mode-hook '(lambda () (require 'gdb-highlight)))

;;; TODO:
;;    = It doesn't really work very well unless you've done `set width 0'
;;      in your .gdbinit.  It would be nice if this were fixed.
;;	(And with `set width 0', `set print pretty on' is the way to go.)
;;    = In some contexts, the toggle-breakpoint command doesn't work,
;;      because this code doesn't know whether it's enabled.  It should
;;      remember, or figure it out, or something.
;;    = Make it possible to edit the `keep' state of breakpoints.
;;    = Is it useful to make addresses clickable?  If an address is
;;      always acompanied by a variable, then no.
;;    = There has got to be a better way to implement `gdb-guess-file-name'.
;;    = Make some new toolbar icons and put the most common commands on it.
;;    = Maybe make gdb-toolbar-clear work more reliably by consulting a
;;      breakpoint-number extent?
;;    = I want breakpoint icons in my source files, just like in Energize.
;;    = Add a command to quit-and-restart the debugger, with the same
;;      breakpoints and program-arguments.  (This wouldn't be interesting
;;      if gdb didn't leak like a sieve...)
;;    = Figure out some way to realize when extents are no longer interesting
;;      (stack frames and local variables that are no longer on the stack)
;;      and make them no longer be mousable.  This is tricky...  Nuke them
;;      whenever a "run" command is seen?
;;    = Make C-x SPC in a source buffer use gdb-menu-command so that it will
;;      interrupt-and-continue the debugged program as necessary.
;;    = Do stuff for watchpoints (but I never use them, myself.)

;;         (extracted from my 13-May-1997 message to comp.emacs and
;;         comp.emacs.xemacs,
;;    6.1. Make gdbsrc-mode not suck.
;;         The idea behind gdbsrc-mode is on the side of the angels: one
;;         should be able to focus on the source code and not on the
;;         debugger buffer, absolutely.  But the implementation is just
;;         awful.
;;         First and foremost, it should not change "modes" (in the more
;;         general sense).  Any commands that it defines should be on
;;         keys which are exclusively used for that purpose, not keys
;;         which are normally self-inserting.  I can't be the only person
;;         who usually has occasion to actually *edit* the sources which
;;         the debugger has chosen to display!  Switching into and out of
;;         gdbsrc-mode is prohibitive.
;;         I want to be looking at my sources at all times, yet I don't
;;         want to have to give up my source-editing gestures.  I think
;;         the right way to accomplish this is to put the gdbsrc commands
;;         on the toolbar and on popup menus; or to let the user define
;;         their own keys (I could see devoting my kp_enter key to
;;         "step", or something common like that.)
;;         Also it's extremely frustrating that one can't turn off gdbsrc
;;         mode once it has been loaded, without exiting and restarting
;;         emacs; that alone means that I'd probably never take the time
;;         to learn how to use it, without first having taken the time to
;;         repair it...
;;    6.2. Make it easier access to variable values.
;;         I want to be able to double-click on a variable name to
;;         highlight it, and then drag it to the debugger window to have
;;         its value printed.
;;         I want gestures that let me write as well as read: for
;;         example, to store value A into slot B.
;;    6.3. Make all breakpoints visible.
;;         Any time there is a running gdb which has breakpoints, the
;;         buffers holding the lines on which those breakpoints are set
;;         should have icons in them.  These icons should be context-
;;         sensitive: I should be able to pop up a menu to enable or
;;         disable them, to delete them, to change their commands or
;;         conditions.
;;         I should also be able to MOVE them.  It's annoying when you
;;         have a breakpoint with a complex condition or command on it,
;;         and then you realize that you really want it to be at a
;;         different location.  I want to be able to drag-and-drop the
;;         icon to its new home.
;;    6.4. Make a debugger status display window.
;;         o  I want a window off to the side that shows persistent
;;            information -- it should have a pane which is a
;;            drag-editable, drag-reorderable representation of the
;;            elements on gdb's "display" list; they should be displayed
;;            here instead of being just dumped in with the rest of the
;;            output in the *gdb* buffer.
;;         o  I want a pane that displays the current call-stack and
;;            nothing else.  I want a pane that displays the arguments
;;            and locals of the currently-selected frame and nothing
;;            else.  I want these both to update as I move around on the
;;            stack.
;;            Since the unfortunate reality is that excavating this
;;            information from gdb can be slow, it would be a good idea
;;            for these panes to have a toggle button on them which meant
;;            "stop updating", so that when I want to move fast, I can,
;;            but I can easily get the display back when I need it again.
;;         The reason for all of this is that I spend entirely too much
;;         time scrolling around in the *gdb* buffer; with gdb-highlight,
;;         I can just click on a line in the backtrace output to go to
;;         that frame, but I find that I spend a lot of time *looking*
;;         for that backtrace: since it's mixed in with all the other
;;         random output, I waste time looking around for things (and
;;         usually just give up and type "bt" again, then thrash around
;;         as the buffer scrolls, and I try to find the lower frames that
;;         I'm interested in, as they have invariably scrolled off the
;;         window already...
;;    6.5. Save and restore breakpoints across emacs/debugger sessions.
;;         This would be especially handy given that gdb leaks like a
;;         sieve, and with a big program, I only get a few dozen
;;         relink-and-rerun attempts before gdb has blown my swap space.
;;    6.6. Keep breakpoints in sync with source lines.
;;         When a program is recompiled and then reloaded into gdb, the
;;         breakpoints often end up in less-than-useful places.  For
;;         example, when I edit text which occurs in a file anywhere
;;         before a breakpoint, emacs is aware that the line of the bp
;;         hasn't changed, but just that it is in a different place
;;         relative to the top of the file.  Gdb doesn't know this, so
;;         your breakpoints end up getting set in the wrong places
;;         (usually the maximally inconvenient places, like *after* a
;;         loop instead of *inside* it).  But emacs knows, so emacs
;;         should inform the debugger, and move the breakpoints back to
;;         the places they were intended to be.
;;     (Possibly the OOBR stuff does some of this, but can't tell,
;;     because I've never been able to get it to do anything but beep at
;;     me and mumble about environments.  I find it pretty funny that the
;;     manual keeps explaining to me how intuitive it is, without
;;     actually giving me a clue how to launch it...)

;;; Code:
;; This code should be considered an example of how over-use of regular
;; expressions leads to code that is an unreadable, unmaintainable mess,
;; and why it's unfortunate that so much of emacs's speed depends on
;; their use, rather than on the use of more traditional parsers.

(require 'gdb)

(define-key gdb-mode-map 'button3 'gdb-popup-menu)
(defvar gdb-popup-menu
  '("GDB Commands"
    ["Up Stack"			(gdb-menu-command "up" t)		t]
    ["Down Stack"		(gdb-menu-command "down" t)		t]
    ["Next Line"		(gdb-menu-command "next" t)		t]
    ["Next Line (Step In)"	(gdb-menu-command "step" t)		t]
    ["Continue"			(gdb-menu-command "continue" t)		t]
    ["Continue Until Return"	(gdb-menu-command "finish" t)		t]
     ["Return"			(gdb-menu-command "return" t)		t]
     ["Return 0"		(gdb-menu-command "return 0" t)		t]
     ["Return 1"		(gdb-menu-command "return 1" t)		t]
     ["Return -1"		(gdb-menu-command "return -1" t)	t]
     ["Return $"		(gdb-menu-command "return $" t)		t]
    ["Backtrace"		(gdb-menu-command "backtrace" t)	t]
    ["List Breakpoints"		(gdb-menu-command "info breakpoints" t)	t]
    ["List Local Variables"	(gdb-menu-command "info locals" t)	t]
  "Commands for the popup menu in gdb-mode.
The comint-popup-menu is appended to this, and certain context-sensitive
commands may be prepended to it, depending on the location of the mouse
when the `gdb-popup-menu' command is invoked.")

;;; Faces and keymaps used for mousable tokens in the *gdb* buffer.

(defvar gdb-highlight-face		'gdb-highlight-face)  ; the base face
(defvar gdb-breakpoint-number-face	'gdb-breakpoint-number-face)
;(defvar gdb-breakpoint-keep-face	'gdb-breakpoint-keep-face)
(defvar gdb-breakpoint-enabled-face	'gdb-breakpoint-enabled-face)
(defvar gdb-function-name-face		'gdb-function-name-face)
(defvar gdb-function-location-face	'gdb-function-location-face)
(defvar gdb-variable-name-face		'gdb-variable-name-face)
(defvar gdb-type-name-face		'gdb-type-name-face)

(make-face 'gdb-highlight-face)
(or (face-differs-from-default-p 'gdb-highlight-face)
    (make-face-italic 'gdb-highlight-face))

(let ((faces '(gdb-breakpoint-number-face
  (while faces
    (make-face (car faces))
    (or (face-differs-from-default-p (car faces))
	(if (fboundp 'set-face-parent)
	    (set-face-parent (car faces) 'gdb-highlight-face)
	  (copy-face 'gdb-highlight-face (car faces))))
    (setq faces (cdr faces))))

(defvar gdb-token-map			; the base map, inherited by all.
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (set-keymap-name m 'gdb-token-map)
    (define-key m 'button2 'undefined)
    ;;(define-key m 'button3 'gdb-token-popup)

(defvar gdb-breakpoint-number-map
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (set-keymap-name m 'gdb-breakpoint-number-map)
    (set-keymap-parent m gdb-token-map)
    ;; not sure if this is the most useful binding... maybe "delete" is better?
    (define-key m 'button2 'gdb-mouse-disable-breakpoint)

(defvar gdb-info-breakpoint-number-map
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (set-keymap-name m 'gdb-breakpoint-number-map)
    (set-keymap-parent m gdb-token-map)
    ;; not sure if this is the most useful binding... maybe "delete" is better?
    (define-key m 'button2 'gdb-mouse-toggle-breakpoint-enabled)

;(defvar gdb-breakpoint-keep-map
;  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
;    (set-keymap-name m 'gdb-breakpoint-keep-map)
;    (set-keymap-parent m gdb-token-map)
;    (define-key m 'button2 'gdb-token-mouse-toggle-keep)
;    m))

(defvar gdb-breakpoint-enabled-map
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (set-keymap-name m 'gdb-breakpoint-enabled-map)
    (set-keymap-parent m gdb-token-map)
    (define-key m 'button2 'gdb-mouse-toggle-breakpoint-enabled)

(defvar gdb-function-name-map
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (set-keymap-name m 'gdb-function-name-map)
    (set-keymap-parent m gdb-token-map)
    (define-key m 'button2 'gdb-mouse-edit-function)

(defvar gdb-function-location-map
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (set-keymap-name m 'gdb-function-location-map)
    (set-keymap-parent m gdb-token-map)
    (define-key m 'button2 'gdb-mouse-edit-function-location)

(defvar gdb-frame-number-map
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (set-keymap-name m 'gdb-frame-number-map)
    (set-keymap-parent m gdb-token-map)
    (define-key m 'button2 'gdb-mouse-goto-frame)

(defvar gdb-variable-name-map
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (set-keymap-name m 'gdb-variable-name-map)
    (set-keymap-parent m gdb-token-map)
    (define-key m 'button2 'gdb-mouse-print-variable)

(defvar gdb-type-name-map
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (set-keymap-name m 'gdb-type-name-map)
    (set-keymap-parent m gdb-token-map)
    (define-key m 'button2 'gdb-mouse-print-type)

;;; Token definitions.

;; These properties enumerate the faces and keymaps that will be put over
;; the tokens.

(put 'gdb-frame-number-token      'gdb-token-face   gdb-breakpoint-number-face)
(put 'gdb-frame-number-token      'gdb-token-keymap gdb-frame-number-map)

;(put 'gdb-breakpoint-keep-token  'gdb-token-face   gdb-breakpoint-keep-face)
;(put 'gdb-breakpoint-keep-token  'gdb-token-keymap gdb-breakpoint-keep-map)

(put 'gdb-enabled-token           'gdb-token-face  gdb-breakpoint-enabled-face)
(put 'gdb-enabled-token           'gdb-token-keymap gdb-breakpoint-enabled-map)

(put 'gdb-function-name-token     'gdb-token-face   gdb-function-name-face)
(put 'gdb-function-name-token     'gdb-token-keymap gdb-function-name-map)

(put 'gdb-function-location-token 'gdb-token-face   gdb-function-location-face)
(put 'gdb-function-location-token 'gdb-token-keymap gdb-function-location-map)

(put 'gdb-breakpoint-number-token 'gdb-token-face   gdb-breakpoint-number-face)
(put 'gdb-breakpoint-number-token 'gdb-token-keymap gdb-breakpoint-number-map)
(put 'gdb-info-breakpoint-number-token 'gdb-token-face
(put 'gdb-info-breakpoint-number-token 'gdb-token-keymap

(put 'gdb-frame-number-token      'gdb-token-face   gdb-breakpoint-number-face)
(put 'gdb-frame-number-token      'gdb-token-keymap gdb-frame-number-map)

(put 'gdb-variable-name-token     'gdb-token-face   gdb-variable-name-face)
(put 'gdb-variable-name-token     'gdb-token-keymap gdb-variable-name-map)

(put 'gdb-type-name-token         'gdb-token-face   gdb-type-name-face)
(put 'gdb-type-name-token         'gdb-token-keymap gdb-type-name-map)

;;; These regular expressions control what text corresponds to which tokens.

(defconst gdb-highlight-token-patterns
  ;; "May god forgive me for what I have unleashed." -- Evil Dead II.
    ;; Breakpoints output:
    ;; Breakpoint 5, XCreateWindow () at Window.c:136
    ;; Breakpoint 6, foobar (x=0x7fff3000 "baz") at blorp.c:5382
    (list (concat "\\(Breakpoint "				; 1
		    "\\([0-9]+\\)"				; .2
		  "\\), "					; 1
		  "\\(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ in \\)?"			; 3
		  "\\("						; 4
		    "\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\):[a-zA-Z0-9_:~]+"	; .5
		    "\\|"					; .
		    "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+"				; .
		  "\\)"						; 4
		  "\\("						; 6
		    " *\\((.*)\\)"				; .7
		    " at \\("					; .8
		      "\\([^ \t\n:]+\\):"			; ..9
		      "\\([0-9]+\\)"				; ..10
		    "\\)"					; .8
		  "\\)?"					; 6
	  '(gdb-breakpoint-number-token				; 1
	    nil							; 2
	    nil							; 3
	    gdb-function-name-token				; 4 (+5)
	    gdb-type-name-token					; 5
	    nil							; 6
	    gdb-arglist-token					; 7
	    gdb-function-location-token				; 8 (9+10)

    ;; Output of the "Break" command:
    ;; Breakpoint 1 at 0x4881d4
    ;; Breakpoint 6 at 0xfa50f68: file cuexit.c, line 58.
    (list (concat "\\(Breakpoint "				; 1
		    "\\([0-9]+\\)"				; .2
		  "\\) at "					; 1
		  "\\(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\\)"			; 3
		  "\\(: file "					; 4
		    "\\("					; .5
		      "\\([^ \t\n:]+\\)"			; ..6
		      ", line \\([0-9]+\\)"			; ..7
		    "\\)"					; .5
		  "\\)?"					; 4
	  '(gdb-breakpoint-number-token				; 1
	    nil							; 2
	    nil ;gdb-address-token				; 3
	    nil							; 4
	    gdb-function-location-token				; 5 (6+7)

    ;; Note: breakpoint 5 (disabled) also set at pc 0x40b420.
    ;; Note: breakpoint 5 also set at pc 0x40b420.
    (list (concat "Note: "					; 
		  "\\(breakpoint "				; 1
		    "\\([0-9]+\\)"				; .2
		  "\\)"						; 1
	  '(gdb-breakpoint-number-token				; 1
	    nil							; 2

    ;; Stack Frames:
    ;; 0xe1b8e0 in _OS_SELECT () at os_IRIX.s:50
    ;; XCreateWindow () at Window.c:136
    ;; #0  0x8e0db0 in _OS_SELECT () at os_IRIX.s:50
    ;; #0  XCreateWindow () at Window.c:136
    ;; Run till exit from #0  __ll_mul () at llmul.s:51
    (list (concat "\\(Run till exit from \\)?"			; 1
		  "\\("						; 2
		    "#\\([0-9]+ *\\)"				; .3
		  "\\)?"					; 2
		  "\\("						; 4
		    "\\(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\\)"			; .5
		  " in +\\)?"					; 4
		  "\\("						; 6
		    "\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\):[a-zA-Z0-9_:~]+"	; .7
		    "\\|"					; 6
		    "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+"				; 
		  "\\) ("					; 6
		  "\\("						; 8
		    "\\(.*\\)"					; .9
		      "\\bat \\("				; .10
		        "\\([^ \t\n:]+\\):"			; ..11
			"\\([0-9]+\\)"				; ..12
		      "\\)"					; .10
		    "\\)?"					; 8
	  '(nil							; 1
	    gdb-frame-number-token				; 2
	    nil							; 3
	    nil							; 4
	    nil ;gdb-address-token				; 5
	    gdb-function-name-token				; 6 (+7)
	    gdb-type-name-token					; 7
	    nil							; 8
	    gdb-arglist-token					; 9
	    gdb-function-location-token				; 10 (11+12)

    ;; Info Breakpoints output:
    ;; 1   breakpoint     keep y   0x0fa50f68 in exit at exit.c:58
    ;; 1   breakpoint     keep y   0x000a1b00  <exit+4>
    ;; 1   breakpoint     keep y   0x0fa429ac  <_write>
    ;; 6   breakpoint     keep y   0x00789490 in foo::bar(bad *) at x.cpp:99
    ;; 7   breakpoint     keep y   0x00789490  <foo::bar(bad *)+128>
    (list (concat "\\([0-9]+ *\\) "				; 1
		  "\\(breakpoint *\\|watchpoint *\\) "		; 2
		  "\\(keep *\\|del *\\|dis *\\) "		; 3
		  "\\([yn] *\\) "				; 4
		  "\\(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\\) *"			; 5
		  "\\(in "					; 6
		    "\\("					; .7
		      "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+"				; ..
		      "\\|"					; .7
		      "\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\):[a-zA-Z0-9_:~]+"	; ..8
		    "\\)"					; .7
		    "\\((.*)\\)?"				; 9
		    " at "					; .
		    "\\("					; .10
		      "\\([^ \t\n:]+\\):"			; ..11
		      "\\([0-9]+\\)"				; ..12
		    "\\)"					; .10
		  "\\|"						; 6
		    "<"						; .
		      "\\("					; .13
		        "\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\):[a-zA-Z0-9_:~]+"	; ..14
		      "\\|"					; .13
		        "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+"				; ..
		      "\\)"					; .13
		    "\\((.*)\\)?"				; .15
		    "[^>\n]*>"					; .
		  "\\)?"					; 6
	  '(gdb-info-breakpoint-number-token			; 1
	    nil							; 2
	    nil ;gdb-breakpoint-keep-token			; 3
	    gdb-enabled-token					; 4
	    nil ;gdb-address-token				; 5
	    nil							; 6
	    gdb-function-name-token				; 7 (+8)
	    gdb-type-name-token					; 8
	    gdb-arglist-types-token				; 9
	    gdb-function-location-token				; 10 (11+12)
	    nil							; 11
	    nil							; 12
	    gdb-function-name-token				; 13
	    gdb-type-name-token					; 14
	    gdb-arglist-types-token				; 15

    ;; Whatis and Ptype output:
    ;; type = struct _WidgetRec *
    ;; type = struct _WidgetRec {
    ;; type = int ()
    ;; type = struct <undefined> *(struct <undefined> *, void *, void (*)())
    ;; type = struct foo *(struct foo *, unsigned char, int)
    ;; type = unsigned int [4]
    (list (concat "type = "
		  "\\("						; 1
		    "\\(signed \\|unsigned \\)?"		; .2
		    "\\(struct \\|class \\|union \\|enum \\)?"	; .3
		    "\\(<?[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*>?\\)"		; .4
		  "\\)"						; 1
		  "[ *]*"					;
		  "\\("						; 5
		    "{?$\\|"					; .
		    "\\[[0-9]*\\]$\\|"				; .
		    "\\((.*)\\)"				; .6
		  "\\)"						; 5
	  '(gdb-type-name-token					; 1 (2+3+4)
	    nil							; 2
	    nil							; 3
	    nil							; 4
	    nil							; 5
	    gdb-arglist-types-token				; 6

    ;; Ptype output:
    ;;     CorePart core;
    ;;     void *constraints;
    ;;     short x;
    ;;     unsigned short width;
    ;;     struct <undefined> *event_table;
    ;;     XtTMRec tm;
    ;;     void (*class_initialize)();
    ;;     unsigned char (*set_values)();
    ;;     unsigned char st_fstype[16];
    ;;     type = enum {XtGeometryYes, XtGeometryNo, XtGeometryAlmost}
    (list (concat " *"
		  "\\("						; 1
		    "\\(signed \\|unsigned \\)?"		; .2
		    "\\(struct \\|class \\|union \\|enum \\)?"	; .3
		    "\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)"		; .4
		  "\\)"						; 1
		  "[ *]*"
		  "\\((\\**\\)?"				; 5
		  "\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)"		; 6
		  "\\()()\\)?"					; 7
		  "\\( *\\[[0-9]*\\]\\)?"			; 8
		  "; *$"
	  '(gdb-type-name-token					; 1 (2+3+4)

    ;; Ptype output on C++ classes:
    ;;     virtual foo (int);
    ;;     unsigned int foo(void);
    ;;     static long unsigned int * foo(bar *, baz *, unsigned int);
    ;;   not handled:
    ;;     foo(bar *, _WidgetRec *, char const *, int);
    ;;     foo (foo &);
    ;;     foo & operator=(foo const &);
    (list (concat " *"
		  "\\(static \\)?"				; 1
		  "\\("						; 2
		    "\\(signed \\|unsigned "			; .3
		       ;; #### not so sure about this:
		       "\\|long unsigned \\|short unsigned "	; .3
		    "\\)?"					; .3
		    "\\(struct \\|class \\|union \\|enum \\)?"	; .4
		    "\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)"		; .5
		  "\\)"						; 1
		  "[ *&]+"					; 
		  " *\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)"		; 6
		  " *\\((.*)\\)"				; 7
		  "; *$"					;
	  '(nil							; 1
	    gdb-type-name-token					; 2 (3+4+5)
	    nil							; 3
	    nil							; 4
	    nil							; 5
	    gdb-function-name-token				; 6
	    gdb-arglist-types-token				; 7

    ;; Pointers to functions:
    ;; $1 = {void ()} 0x4a1334 <fe_pulldown_cb>
    ;; $2 = (void (*)()) 0x4a1334 <fe_pulldown_cb>
    (list (concat ".* = "
		  "\\("						; 1
		    "\\(signed \\|unsigned \\)?"		; .2
		    "\\(struct \\|class \\|union \\|enum \\)?"	; .3
		    "\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)"		; .4
		  "\\)"						; 1
		  " \\((\\*) ?\\)?"				; 5
		  "\\((.*)\\)"					; 6
		  "[)}] +"					;
		  "\\(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\\) +"			; 7
		  "<\\([a-zA-Z_~][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)"		; 8
		  "\\+?[0-9]+?>"				; 
	  '(gdb-type-name-token					; 1 (2+3+4)
	    nil							; 2
	    nil							; 3
	    nil							; 4
	    nil							; 5
	    gdb-arglist-types-token				; 6
	    nil ;gdb-address-token				; 7
	    gdb-function-name-token				; 8

    ;; Local variables and structures:
    ;; shell = (struct _WidgetRec *) 0x10267350
    ;; delete_response = 270955344
    ;; allow_resize = 200 'È'
    ;; is_modal = 47 '/'
    ;; class_name = 0xf661d40 "TopLevelShell", 
    ;; static foo = 0x10791ec0, 
    ;; initialize = 0xf684770 <TopLevelInitialize>, 
    ;; av = {{
    ;;     name = "foo", 
    ;;     value = 270349836
    ;;   }, {
    ;;     name = 0x12 <Address 0x12 out of bounds>, 
    ;;     value = 0
    ;;   }, {
    ;;     name = 0x0, 
    ;;     value = 0
    ;;   }}
    (list (concat " *"
		  "\\(static \\)?"				; 1
		  "\\([$a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\) = "		; 2
		  "\\(("					; 3
		    "\\("					; .4
		      "\\(signed \\|unsigned \\)?"		; ..5
		      "\\(struct \\|class \\|union \\|enum \\)?"; ..6
		      "\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)"		; ..7
		    "\\)"					; .4
		    "[ *]*)"					;
		  "\\)?"					; 3
		  "\\("						; 8
		    " <\\([a-zA-Z_~][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)"		; .9
		    "\\+?[0-9]+?>"				; .
		  "\\)?"					; 8
	  '(nil							; 1
	    gdb-variable-name-token				; 2
	    nil							; 3
	    gdb-type-name-token					; 4
	    nil							; 5
	    nil							; 6
	    nil							; 7
	    nil							; 8
	    gdb-function-name-token				; 9

    ;; Purify output:
    ;;     UMR: Uninitialized memory read:
    ;;       * This is occurring while in:
    ;;          SHA1_Update    [algsha.c:137]
    ;;   * Reading 1 byte from 0xefffdb34 on the stack.
    (list (concat "[ \t]+"
		  "\\([a-zA-Z_~][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)[ \t]*"	; 1
		  "\\[\\("					; 2
		      "\\([^ \t\n:]+\\):"			; .3
		      "\\([0-9]+\\)"				; .4
		    "\\)\\]"					; 2
	  '(gdb-function-name-token				; 1
	    gdb-function-location-token				; 2 (3+4)

    ;; Purify output:
    ;;   * Address 0xefffdb34 is 36 bytes past start of local variable \
    ;;       "data" in function fe_EventForRNG.
    (list (concat ".*\\bAddress "
		  "\\(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\\) +"			; 1
		  ".*\\bvariable \""				;
		  "\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)\""		; 2
		  "\\("						; 3
		    ".*\\bfunction "				; .
		    "\\([a-zA-Z_~][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)"		; .4
		  "\\)?"					; 3
	  '(nil ;gdb-address-token				; 1
	    gdb-variable-name-token				; 2
	    nil							; 3
	    gdb-function-name-token				; 4
  "Patterns to highlight in gdb buffers.
Each element of this list takes the form
  ( \"regexp\" ( token-1 token-2 ... ))
where token-N is the token to place on the text matched
 by sub-pattern N in the match data.

The patterns should not begin with \"^\".")

(defun gdb-highlight-line ()
  "Highlight any tokens on the line which match gdb-highlight-token-patterns."
  (map-extents #'(lambda (e ignore) (delete-extent e))
	       (point) (save-excursion (forward-line 1) (point))
	       nil nil 'gdb-token)
  (while (looking-at comint-prompt-regexp)
    (goto-char (match-end 0)))
  (if (eobp)
    (let ((tokens gdb-highlight-token-patterns)
	  (do-magic-variable-hack nil))
      (while tokens
	(if (not (looking-at (car (car tokens))))
	    (setq tokens (cdr tokens))
	  (let ((i 1)
		(types (nth 1 (car tokens))))
	    (if (eq (car types) 'gdb-variable-name-token)
		(setq do-magic-variable-hack t))
	    (while types
	      (cond ((not (and (car types)
			       (match-beginning i)))
		    ((memq (car types) '(gdb-arglist-token
		     (gdb-highlight-arglist (car types)
					    (match-beginning i)
					    (match-end i)))
		    ((/= ?$ (char-after (match-beginning i)))
		     (gdb-highlight-token (car types)
					  (match-beginning i)
					  (match-end i))))
	      (setq i (1+ i)
		    types (cdr types)))

	    (if (not do-magic-variable-hack)
		;; we're done.
		(setq tokens nil)
	      ;; else, do a grody hack to cope with multiple variables
	      ;; on the same line.
		(let ((p (point))
		      (ok nil))
		  (narrow-to-region p (point))
		  (goto-char (match-end 0))
		  (if (= (following-char) ?\{)
			(forward-char 1)
			(setq ok t))
		    (setq p (scan-sexps (point) 1 nil t))
		    (setq ok (if (null p)
			       (goto-char p)
			       (if (or (= (following-char) ?\,)
				       (= (following-char) ?\}))
				 (setq p (scan-sexps (point) 1 nil t))
				 (if (null p)
				   (goto-char p)
		  (if ok
		      ;; skip over the comma and go around again.
		      (and (looking-at "}?[ \t]*,[ \t]*")
			   (goto-char (match-end 0)))
		    ;; saw something unexpected; give up on this line.
		    (setq tokens nil)))))

(defun gdb-highlight-token (type start end)
  "Helper for gdb-highlight-line -- makes an extent for one matched token."
  (let ((e (make-extent start end)))
    (set-extent-property e 'gdb-token type)
    (set-extent-property e 'highlight 't)
    (set-extent-property e 'help-echo 'gdb-token-help-echo)
    (set-extent-property e 'face      (get type 'gdb-token-face))
    (set-extent-property e 'keymap    (get type 'gdb-token-keymap))

(defun gdb-highlight-arglist (type start end)
  "Helper for gdb-highlight-line. 
Makes extents for variables or types in an arglist."
      (goto-char end)
      (if (eq (preceding-char) ?\))
	  (setq end (1- end)))
      (goto-char start)
      (if (eq (following-char) ?\()
	  (forward-char 1))
      (set-extent-property (make-extent start end) 'gdb-token type)

       ((eq type 'gdb-arglist-token)
	(let* ((pat1   "\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)=")
	       (pat2 ", \\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)=")
	       (pat pat1))
	  (while(re-search-forward pat end t)
	    (gdb-highlight-token 'gdb-variable-name-token
				 (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
	    (cond ((looking-at
		    "0?x?[0-9A-Fa-f]+ <\\([a-zA-Z_~][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)>")
		   (goto-char (match-end 0))
		   (gdb-highlight-token 'gdb-function-name-token
					(match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
	    (setq pat pat2))))

       ((eq type 'gdb-arglist-types-token)
	(let ((pat (eval-when-compile
		      "\\("						; 1
		        "\\(signed \\|unsigned \\)?"			; .2
			"\\(struct \\|class \\|union \\|enum \\)?"	; .3
			"\\(<?[a-zA-Z_~][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*>?\\)"		; .4
		      "\\)"						; 1
		      "[ *]*"
		      "\\((\\*) *(.*)\\)?"				; 5
	  (while (< (point) end)
	    (cond ((looking-at pat)
		   (goto-char (match-end 0))
		   (gdb-highlight-token 'gdb-type-name-token
					(match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
		   (if (looking-at " *, *")
		       (goto-char (match-end 0))))
		   ;; error -- try to cope...
		   (search-forward "," (1+ end) t))))))
	(error "unknown arglist type %s" type)))))

(defun gdb-token-help-echo (extent)
  "Used as the 'mouse-help property of gdb-token extents,
to describe the binding on button2."
  (let* ((map (extent-property extent 'keymap))
	 (key 'button2)
	 (fn (and map (lookup-key map key)))
	 (doc (and fn (symbolp fn)
		   (if (fboundp fn)
		       (format "%s: %s" key (documentation fn))
		     (format "Error: %s is undefined" fn)))))
    (if doc
	  (if (string-match "\n" doc)
	      (setq doc (substring doc 0 (match-beginning 0))))))
    (or doc
	(concat "Error: no doc for "
		(symbol-name (extent-property extent 'gdb-token))))))

(defun gdb-get-line-token-extents (tokens)
  "Given a list of gdb-tokens, returns this line's extents of those types.
The returned value is a list of the same length as the `tokens' list, with
the corresponding extents in the corresponding positions.  If an extent
isn't found, nil is placed in the result-list instead."
  (setq tokens (append tokens nil))
  (let* ((result (make-list (length tokens) nil)))
      (map-extents #'(lambda (e ignore)
		       (let ((type (extent-property e 'gdb-token))
			     (r1 tokens)
			     (r2 result))
			 (while r1
			   (cond ((and (car r1) (eq type (car r1)))
				  (setcar r1 nil)
				  (setcar r2 e)
				  (setq r1 nil)))
			   (setq r1 (cdr r1)
				 r2 (cdr r2))))
		   (progn (forward-line 1) (point))
		   nil nil

;;; Remembering directory names.
;;; gdb and gdb-mode conspire to hide from us the full file names of things
;;; that are presented into the buffer; this is an attempt to circumvent that.

(defvar gdb-highlight-last-directory nil)
(defvar gdb-highlight-last-directory-table nil)

(defun gdb-highlight-remember-directory ()
  ;; When gdb deigns to give us a full pathname, and it's in a different
  ;; directory than last time, cache it away on one of the nearby gdb-token
  ;; extents.  (We intern it to avoid hanging on to a lot of strings.)
  (cond ((and (boundp 'gdb-last-frame)
	      (car gdb-last-frame))
	 (cond ((not gdb-highlight-last-directory-table)
		(set (make-local-variable 'gdb-highlight-last-directory) nil)
		(set (make-local-variable 'gdb-highlight-last-directory-table)
		     (make-vector 211 0))))
	 (let ((dir (file-name-directory (car gdb-last-frame))))
	   (setq dir (intern dir gdb-highlight-last-directory-table))
	   (cond ((not (eq dir gdb-highlight-last-directory))
		  (let ((extent (previous-extent (current-buffer))))
		    (setq gdb-highlight-last-directory dir)
		    (while extent
		      (cond ((extent-property extent 'gdb-token)
			     (set-extent-property extent 'gdb-directory dir)
			     (setq extent nil))
			     (setq extent (previous-extent extent))))))))))))

(defun gdb-guess-directory ()
  "Guess what directory gdb was talking about when it wrote the current line."
  (let ((extent (or (map-extents #'(lambda (e ignore) e)
				 (current-buffer) (point) (point-max))
		    (previous-extent (current-buffer))
		    (error "no extents")))
	(dir nil))
    (while extent
      (setq dir (extent-property extent 'gdb-directory))
      (if dir
	  (setq extent nil)
	(setq extent (previous-extent extent))))
    (if dir
	(symbol-name dir)

(defun gdb-guess-file-name (file)
  "Given a directoryless file name printed by gdb, find the file.
First it tries to expand the file relative to `gdb-guess-directory',
and if the resultant file doesn't exist, it tries every other directory
gdb has ever told us about, in no particular order."
   (if (file-name-absolute-p file)
     (let ((file2 (expand-file-name file (gdb-guess-directory))))
       (if (file-exists-p file2)
	 ;; Oh boy, gdb didn't tell us what directory it's in.
	 ;; A-hunting we will go.
	 (if (catch 'done
	       (mapatoms #'(lambda (dir)
			     (setq file2 (expand-file-name file
							   (symbol-name dir)))
			     (if (file-exists-p file2)
				 (throw 'done t)))
	   (expand-file-name file)))))))

;;; Commands which are invoked from bindings in the keymaps of the tokens.

(defun gdb-mouse-toggle-breakpoint-enabled (event &optional what)
  "Toggle whether the breakpoint is enabled.
Looks for a gdb-breakpoint extent on the line under the mouse,
and executes an `enable' or `disable' command as appropriate.
Optional arg `what' may be 'enable, 'disable, or 'toggle (default.)"
  (interactive "@*e")
  (let (number target enabled-p)
      (mouse-set-point event)
      (let* ((extents (gdb-get-line-token-extents
	     (be (or (nth 0 extents) (nth 1 extents)))
	     (ee (nth 2 extents)))

	(or be
	    (error "no breakpoint-number extent on this line"))
	(setq number
	      (buffer-substring (extent-start-position be)
				(extent-end-position be)))
	(if (string-match " [0-9]+\\'" number)
	    (setq number (substring number (1+ (match-beginning 0)))))
	(setq number (string-to-int number))
	(or (> number 0)
	    (error "couldn't find breakpoint number"))
	(if (null ee)
	    (setq enabled-p 'unknown)
	  (setq target (extent-start-position ee))
	  (goto-char target)
	  (setq enabled-p
		(cond ((looking-at "[yY]\\b") t)
		      ((looking-at "[nN]\\b") nil)
		      (t (error "enabled is not y or n?")))))

	(cond ((eq what 'enable)
	       (setq enabled-p nil))
	      ((eq what 'disable)
	       (setq enabled-p t))
	      ((or (eq what 'toggle) (null what))
	       (if (eq enabled-p 'unknown)
		    "can't toggle breakpoint: don't know current state")))
	       (error "what must be enable, disable, toggle, or nil.")))

    (gdb-menu-command (format "%s %d"
			      (if enabled-p "disable" "enable")
    (message "%s breakpoint %d."
	     (if enabled-p "Disabled" "Enabled")
    (cond (target
	     (goto-char target)
	     (insert (if enabled-p "n" "y"))
	     (delete-char 1)
	     ;; don't let shell-fonts or font-lock second-guess us.
	     (remove-text-properties (1- (point)) (point) '(face))))))

(defun gdb-mouse-enable-breakpoint (event)
  "Enable the breakpoint.
Looks for a gdb-breakpoint extent on the line under the mouse,
and executes an `enable' command"
  (interactive "@*e")
  (gdb-mouse-toggle-breakpoint-enabled event 'enable))

(defun gdb-mouse-disable-breakpoint (event)
  "Disable the breakpoint.
Looks for a gdb-breakpoint extent on the line under the mouse,
and executes a `disable' command"
  (interactive "@*e")
  (gdb-mouse-toggle-breakpoint-enabled event 'disable))

;; compatibility hack...
(or (fboundp 'extent-object) (fset 'extent-object 'extent-buffer))

(defun gdb-mouse-edit-function (event)
  "Edit the definition of this function (as with \\[find-tag])
Looks for a gdb-function-name extent on the line under the mouse,
and runs find-tag on the text under that extent."
  (interactive "@*e")
  (let (extent)
      (mouse-set-point event)
      (setq extent (or (car (gdb-get-line-token-extents
		       (error "no function-name extent on this line"))))
     (buffer-substring (extent-start-position extent)
		       (extent-end-position extent)
		       (extent-object extent)))))

(defun gdb-mouse-edit-function-location (event)
  "Edit the source file of this function.
Looks for a gdb-function-location extent on line of the mouse,
and parses the text under it."
  (interactive "@*e")
  (let (file line)
      (mouse-set-point event)
      (let ((extent (or (car (gdb-get-line-token-extents
			(error "no function-location extent on this line"))))
	(goto-char (extent-start-position extent))
	(or (looking-at "\\([^ \t\n:,]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)")
	    (looking-at "\\([^ \t\n:,]+\\),? line \\([0-9]+\\)")
	    (error "no file position on this line"))
	(setq file (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
	      line (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
	(setq file (gdb-guess-file-name file)
	      line (string-to-int line))
    (if (file-exists-p file)
	(find-file-other-window file)
      (signal 'file-error (list "File not found" file)))
    (goto-line line)))

(defun gdb-mouse-goto-frame (event)
  "Select this stack frame.
Looks for a gdb-frame-number extent on the line of the mouse,
and executes a `frame' command to select that frame."
  (interactive "@*e")
  (let (number)
      (mouse-set-point event)
      (let ((extent (or (car (gdb-get-line-token-extents
			(error "no frame-number extent on this line"))))
	(goto-char (extent-start-position extent))
	(if (eq (following-char) ?#)
	    (forward-char 1))
	(setq number (string-to-int
		      (buffer-substring (point)
					(extent-end-position extent))))))
    (gdb-menu-command (format "frame %d" number) t))

(defun gdb-mouse-get-variable-reference (event)
  "Returns a string which references the variable under the mouse.
This works even if the variable is deep inside nested arrays or structures.
If the variable seems to hold a pointer, then a \"*\" will be prepended."
    (let* ((extent (if (extentp event)
		       (mouse-set-point event)
		       (extent-at (point) nil 'gdb-token))))
      (or (and extent
	       (eq (extent-property extent 'gdb-token)
	  (error "not over a variable name"))
      (setq name (buffer-substring (extent-start-position extent)
				   (extent-end-position extent)))
	(goto-char (extent-end-position extent))
	(if (and (looking-at " *= *\\(([^)]+)\\)? *0x[0-9a-fA-F]+")   ; pointer
		   (goto-char (match-end 0))
		   (not (looking-at " +\""))))		       ; but not string
	    (setq dereference-p t))

	;; Now, if this variable is buried in a structure, compose a complete
	;; reference-chain to it.
	(goto-char (extent-start-position extent))

	(let ((done nil))
	  (while (not done)
	    (skip-chars-backward " \t")
	    (if (or (and (/= (preceding-char) ?\n)
			 (/= (preceding-char) ?\,)
			 (/= (preceding-char) ?\{))
		    (<= (buffer-syntactic-context-depth) 0))
		(setq done t)
	      (let ((p (scan-lists (point) -1 1)))
		(if (null p)
		    (setq done t)
		  (goto-char (setq p (- p 3)))
		   ((looking-at " = {")
		    (skip-chars-backward "a-zA-Z0-9_")
		    (if (= (preceding-char) ?\$)
			(forward-char -1))
		    (setq name (concat (buffer-substring (point) p) "." name)))

		   ((looking-at "}, +{")
		    (forward-char 1)
		    (let ((parse-sexp-ignore-comments nil)
			  (count 0))
		      (while (setq p (scan-sexps (point) -1 nil t))
			(goto-char p)
			(setq count (1+ count)))

		      (setq name (format "[%d].%s" count name))

		      ;; up out of the list
		      (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
		      (if (= (preceding-char) ?\{)
			  (forward-char -1))

		      ;; we might be tightly nested in slot 0...
		      (while (= (preceding-char) ?\{)
			(forward-char -1)
			(setq name (concat "[0]" name)))

		      (skip-chars-backward " \t")
		      (if (= (preceding-char) ?=) (forward-char -1))
		      (skip-chars-backward " \t")
		      (setq p (point))
		      (skip-chars-backward "a-zA-Z0-9_")
		      (if (= (preceding-char) ?\$)
			  (forward-char -1))

		      (setq name (concat (buffer-substring (point) p) name))
		    (setq done t)))))))))

      (if dereference-p
	  (setq name (concat "*" name)))

(defun gdb-mouse-print-variable (event)
  "Print the value of this variable.
Finds a variable under the mouse, and figures out whether it is inside of
a structure, and composes and executes a `print' command.  If the variable
seems to hold a pointer, prints the object pointed to."
  (interactive "@*e")
  (gdb-menu-command (concat "print "
			    (gdb-mouse-get-variable-reference event))

(defun gdb-mouse-print-variable-type (event)
  "Describe the type of this variable.
Finds a variable under the mouse, and figures out whether it is inside of
a structure, and composes and executes a `whatis' command.  If the variable
seems to hold a pointer, describes the type of the object pointed to."
  (interactive "@*e")
  (gdb-menu-command (concat "whatis "
			    (gdb-mouse-get-variable-reference event))

(defun gdb-mouse-print-type (event)
  "Describe this type.
Finds a type description under the mouse, and executes a `ptype' command."
  (interactive "@*e")
  (let* ((extent (save-excursion
		     (mouse-set-point event)
		     (extent-at (point) nil 'gdb-token)))
    (or (and extent
	     (eq (extent-property extent 'gdb-token) 'gdb-type-name-token))
	(error "not over a type name"))
    (setq name (buffer-substring (extent-start-position extent)
				 (extent-end-position extent)))
    (gdb-menu-command (format "ptype %s" name)

;;; Popup menus

(defun gdb-menu-command (command &optional scroll-to-bottom)
  "Sends the command to gdb.
If gdb is not sitting at a prompt, interrupts it first
\(as if with \\[gdb-control-c-subjob]), executes the command, and then lets
the debugged program continue.

If scroll-to-bottom is true, then point will be moved to after the new
output.  Otherwise, an effort is made to avoid scrolling the window and 
to keep point where it was."

  ;; this is kinda like gdb-call except for the interrupt-first behavior,
  ;; but also it leaves the commands in the buffer instead of trying to
  ;; hide them.

  (let* ((proc (or (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
		   (error "no process in %s" (buffer-name (current-buffer)))))
	 (window (selected-window))
	 (opoint (point))

    (if (not (eq (current-buffer) (window-buffer window)))
	(setq window (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))))
    (setq wstart (window-start window))

    (let ((pmark (process-mark proc)))
      (setq was-at-bottom (>= (point) pmark))
      (goto-char pmark)
      (delete-region (point) (point-max)))

    (setq running-p (bolp))   ; maybe not the best way to tell...

    (cond (running-p
	   (message "Program is running -- interrupting first...")
	   (while (accept-process-output proc 1)
	     ;; continue accepting output as long as it's arriving

    (message "%s" command)
    (goto-char (process-mark proc))
    (insert command)

    ;; wait for the command to be accepted
    (accept-process-output proc)
    (goto-char (process-mark proc))

    ;; continue, if we had interrupted
    (cond (running-p
	   (insert "continue")

    (if scroll-to-bottom
	(goto-char (process-mark proc))

      (set-window-start window wstart)
      (goto-char opoint)
      (if was-at-bottom
	  (if (pos-visible-in-window-p (process-mark proc) window)
	      (goto-char (process-mark proc))
	    (goto-char (window-end window))
	    (forward-line -2))))

(defun gdb-make-context-menu (event)
  "Returns a menu-desc corresponding to the stack-frame line under the mouse.
Returns nil if not over a stack-frame."
    (mouse-set-point event)
    (let* ((extents (gdb-get-line-token-extents
	   (bnumber (or (nth 0 extents)
			(nth 1 extents)))
	   (enabled-p (nth 2 extents))
	   (fnumber (nth 3 extents))
	   (name (nth 4 extents))
	   (loc (nth 5 extents))
	   (al (nth 6 extents))
	   (alt (nth 7 extents))
	   (var (nth 8 extents))
	   (type (nth 9 extents))
	   (var-e var))

      ;; If this line has an arglist, only document variables and types
      ;; if the mouse is directly over them.
      (if (or al alt)
	  (setq var nil
		type nil))

      ;; Always prefer the object under the mouse to one elsewhere on the line.
      (let* ((e (extent-at (point) nil 'gdb-token))
	     (p (and e (extent-property e 'gdb-token))))
	(cond ((eq p 'gdb-function-name-token) (setq name e))
	      ((eq p 'gdb-variable-name-token) (setq var e var-e e))
	      ((eq p 'gdb-type-name-token) (setq type e))

      ;; Extract the frame number (it may begin with "#".)
      (cond (fnumber
	     (goto-char (extent-start-position fnumber))
	     (if (eq (following-char) ?#)
		 (forward-char 1))
	     (setq fnumber
		    (buffer-substring (point)
				      (extent-end-position fnumber))))))

      ;; Extract the breakpoint number (it may begin with "Breakpoint ".)
      (cond (bnumber
	     (setq bnumber
		   (buffer-substring (extent-start-position bnumber)
				     (extent-end-position bnumber)))
	     (if (string-match " [0-9]+\\'" bnumber)
		 (setq bnumber (substring bnumber (1+ (match-beginning 0)))))
	     (setq bnumber (string-to-int bnumber))
	     (or (> bnumber 0)
		 (error "couldn't parse breakpoint number"))))

      (cond ((null enabled-p)
	     (setq enabled-p 'unknown))
	    ((memq (char-after (extent-start-position enabled-p)) '(?y ?Y))
	     (setq enabled-p 't))
	    ((memq (char-after (extent-start-position enabled-p)) '(?n ?N))
	     (setq enabled-p 'nil))
	     (setq enabled-p 'unknown)))

      ;; Convert the extents to strings.
      (if name
	  (setq name (buffer-substring (extent-start-position name)
				       (extent-end-position name))))
      (if loc
	  (setq loc (buffer-substring (extent-start-position loc)
				      (extent-end-position loc))))
      (if var
	  (setq var (buffer-substring (extent-start-position var)
				      (extent-end-position var))))
      (if type
	  (setq type (buffer-substring (extent-start-position type)
				       (extent-end-position type))))

      ;; Return a menu description list.
       (if (and bnumber (not (eq enabled-p 'nil)))
	   (list (vector (format "Disable Breakpoint %d"
			 (list 'gdb-mouse-disable-breakpoint event)
       (if (and bnumber (not (eq enabled-p 't)))
	   (list (vector (format "Enable Breakpoint %d"
			 (list 'gdb-mouse-enable-breakpoint event)
       (if bnumber
	   (list (vector (format "Delete Breakpoint %d" bnumber)
			 (list 'gdb-menu-command (format "delete %d" bnumber)
       (if var
	   (list (vector (format "Print Value of `%s'" var)
			 (list 'gdb-mouse-print-variable var-e)
		 (vector (format "Print Type of `%s'" var)
			 (list 'gdb-mouse-print-variable-type var-e)
       (if name
	   (list (vector (format "Edit Definition of `%s'" name)
			 (list 'gdb-mouse-edit-function event)
		 (vector (format "Set Breakpoint on `%s'" name)
			 (list 'gdb-menu-command (format "break %s" name) nil)
       (if loc
	   (list (vector (format "Visit Source Line (%s)" loc)
			 (list 'gdb-mouse-edit-function-location event)
       (if type
	   (list (vector (format "Describe Type `%s'" type)
			 (list 'gdb-menu-command (format "ptype %s" type) t)
       (if fnumber
	   (list (vector (format "Select Stack Frame %d" fnumber)
			 (list 'gdb-menu-command (format "frame %d" fnumber) t)

(defun gdb-popup-menu (event)
  "Pop up a context-sensitive menu of gdb-mode commands."
  (interactive "_@e")
  (select-window (event-window event))
  (let (menu)
      (setq menu (append (if (boundp 'gdb-popup-menu)
			     (append (cdr gdb-popup-menu)
			 (if (boundp 'comint-popup-menu)
			     (cdr comint-popup-menu))))
      (let ((history (if (fboundp 'comint-make-history-menu)
	    (context (gdb-make-context-menu event)))
	(if history
	    (setq menu
		  (append menu (list "---" (cons "Command History" history)))))
	(if context
	    (setq menu (append context (cons "---" menu))))
      (setq menu (cons (if (boundp 'gdb-popup-menu)
			   (car gdb-popup-menu)
			 "GDB Commands")
    (popup-menu menu event)))

;;; Patch it in...

(or (fboundp 'gdb-highlight-orig-filter)
    (fset 'gdb-highlight-orig-filter (symbol-function 'gdb-filter)))

(defun gdb-highlight-filter (proc string)
  (let ((p (marker-position (process-mark proc))))
	(gdb-highlight-orig-filter proc string)
	;; If there are no newlines in this string at all, then don't
	;; bother processing it -- we will pick up these characters on
	;; the next time around, when the line's newline gets inserted.
	 ((string-match "\n" string)
	    (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
	    (goto-char p)
	    (let ((p2 (marker-position (process-mark proc)))
	      ;; If gdb has given us a full pathname, remember it.  (Do this
	      ;; before emitting any gdb-token extents, so that we attach it
	      ;; to the buffer *before* any of the extents to which it is
	      ;; known to correspond.
	      ;; Now highlight each line that has been written.  If we wrote
	      ;; the last half of a line, re-highlight that whole line.  (We
	      ;; need to do that so that the regexps will match properly;
	      ;; the "\n" test above also depends on this behavior.)
	      ;; But don't highlight lines longer than 5000 characters -- that
	      ;; probably means something is spewing, and we'll just get stuck
	      ;; hard in the regexp matcher.
	      (while (< (point) p2)
		(goto-char (prog1
			     (forward-line 1)
			     (setq p3 (point))))
		(if (< (- p3 (point)) 5000)
		(goto-char p3))))))))))

(fset 'gdb-filter 'gdb-highlight-filter)

(provide 'gdb-highlight)

;;; gdb-highlight.el ends here
