view etc/w3/stylesheet @ 142:1856695b1fa9 r20-2b5

Import from CVS: tag r20-2b5
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:33:18 +0200
parents 6608ceec7cf8
children 318232e2a3f0
line wrap: on
line source

**       File: default.css
**    Purpose: Default Stylesheet for Emacs-W3
**       Info: Copyright (c) 1995-1996 William M. Perry <>
**             Copyright (c) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
**    Created: William M. Perry <>, Aug-31-1995
** Maintainer: William M. Perry <>
**  This contains the top level fallback default styles for Emacs-w3
** To specify device-dependent styles, you must mark a section with
** @media devicetype { ... }
** If you are not using 'devicetype', then anything within the { ... }
** is ignored.
** These sections are currently defined by
**    print  - output for paged opaque material, and for documents viewed
**             on screen in print preview mode
**    screen - a continuous presentation of computer screens
** projector - paged presentation for projected presentations
**   braille - for braille tactile feedback devices
**    speech - aural presentation
**       all - the default value, applies to all output devices
** There are a few special Emacs-W3 sections
**  emacs - only include this chunk if you are using Emacs 19
** xemacs - only include this chunk if you are using XEmacs
**  light - only include this chunk if you are using a light background
**   dark - only include this chunk if you are using a dark background
**    tty - only include this chunk if you are using a TTY
** ansi-tty - "  include this chunk if you are using an ANSI-capable TTY 
** There are some things this stylesheet cannot really specify, that we 
** must rely on the browser to explicitly handle correctly:
** o table formatting
** o actually creating a hyperlink from an <a> tag and its attributes
** o specifying which tags open lists
** o inlined images
** o frames (perhaps with positioning)
** o applet/script/embed/object
** o horizontal rules

/* Headers */

h4,h5,h6  {
	    display: block;
            font-family : serif;
            font-weight : bold;

      h1  { font-size : +12pt }
      h2  { font-size : +6pt  }
      h3  { font-size : +4pt  }
      h5  { font-size : -2pt  }
      h6  { font-size : -4pt  }

/* This causes problems with Emacs 19 */
@media xemacs {
  plaintext { font-family: monospace }
key,code,tt { font-family: monospace }

** Best we can do under Emacs-19 is use the default font and try to make
** the headers stand out somehow.

@media emacs {
h4,h5,h6  { text-decoration: underline; }
       h1 { color: rgb(0,255,255); }   // cyan
       h2 { color: rgb(70,130,180); }  // steelblue
       h3 { color: rgb(106,90,205); }  // slateblue
       h4 { color: rgb(135,206,235); } // skyblue
       h5 { color: rgb(0,0,128); }     // navy
       h6 { color: rgb(173,216,230); } // lightblue

strong,em { color: red         }
      dfn { font-style: italic }
 s,strike { color: green       }

} // @media emacs

       p  { display: block }
 pre,xmp  { display: block; white-space: pre; }
blockquote{ display: block; margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em; }

** How to draw form elements.
** This is an extension in Emacs-W3 (and perhaps soon E-Scape)
** Since there are so many different types of input fields, you should be
** able to control formatting based on that.  Enter pseudo-classes.
** This functionality will be removed as soon as the W3C comes up with
** the standard way to do this, perhaps in CSS level 2.
input:text    { text-decoration: underline; }
input:submit  { color: green;  text-decoration: none; }
input:reset   { color: red;    text-decoration: none; }
input:button  { color: yellow; text-decoration: none; }
input:image   { text-decoration: none; }

** List formatting instructions

       ul { display: block;     }
       ol { display: block;     }
       dl { display: block;     }
      dir { display: block;     }
     menu { display: block;     }
       dt { font-weight: bold; display: list-item }
       dd { display: list-item; margin-left: 5em; }
       li { display: list-item; margin-left: 5em; }
    ul li { list-style: circle; }
    ol li { list-style: decimal; }

/* These are to make nested list items look better */
ul ul,ol ul,ol ol,ul ol { display: line; }

** All logical emphasis tags, the way god intended

        div { display: line;                }
  strong,em { font-weight: bold             }
        dfn { font-style: italic            }
   s,strike { text-decoration: line-through }
        sub { text-position: sub            }
        sup { text-position: sup            }
     secret { text-transform: rot13         }

** Physical emphasis - spawn of evil
          b { font-weight: bold }
	  i { font-style: italic }
          u { text-decoration: underline }
      blink { text-decoration: blink }
     center { display: line; text-align: center; }
** Various and sundry
         br { display: line }
         hr { display: line; text-align: center; }

** Hypertext link coloring

a:link    { color: #FF0000 }
a:visited { color: #B22222 }
a:active  { color: #FF0000 }

** Table formatting
table     { display: block;    }
   th     { display: block; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; }
   td     { display: block; text-align: left; }
caption   { display: block; text-align: center; }

** Various other character-level formatting issues

 address { text-align: right; display: line; }
abstract { font-style: bold & italic ; text-align : indent }
   quote { font-style: italic ; text-align : indent }

** Now for monochrome defaults
@media mono {
   a:link { color: black; text-decoration: underline }
a:visited { color: black; text-decoration: underline }
 a:active { color: white }
} // @media mono
** All the TTY specific formatting

@media tty {
** First, handle some stuff for generic TTYs to emulate our old
** behaviour with w3-delimit-links and a subset of w3-delimit-emphasis

h4,h5,h6 {
           insert-before: *;
           insert-after: *

           insert-before: "{{";
           insert-after: "}}"

a:link   {
           insert-before: "[[";
           insert-after: "]]"

input:text    { insert-before: "[{"; insert-after: "}]"; }
select { insert-before: "[{"; insert-after: "}]"; }

} // @media tty

@media ansi-tty {
** Now comes the cool TTY stuff.  You will need to be using XEmacs 19.14
** or later (or Emacs 19.30 under DOS) in order to get any benefit from
** these whatsoever.  But if you are using one of these, wow, cool, eh?
** ANSI specifies these colors, and most (all?) TTYs that support color
** will generally have 2 versions.  One normal and one bright or 'standout'
** version.
**  Color     R     G     B
** --------------------------
**   white - 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0
**    cyan - 0.0 , 1.0 , 1.0
** magenta - 1.0 , 0.0 , 1.0
**    blue - 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0
**  yellow - 1.0 , 1.0 , 0.0
**   green - 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0
**     red - 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0
**   black - 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0

h4,h5,h6  { color : cyan     }
a:visited { color : magenta  }
   a:link { color : red      }
 a:active { color : yellow   }
} // @media ansi-tty

** Secial styles for the Emacspeak subsystem of emacs - an incredibly cool
** speech synthesizer.  This was contributed by T.V. Raman (
@media speech {
h4,h5,h6 { voice-family: paul; stress: 2; richness: 9; }
      h1 { pitch: 1; pitch-range: 9; }
      h2 { pitch: 2; pitch-range: 8; }
      h3 { pitch: 3; pitch-range: 7; }
      h4 { pitch: 4; pitch-range: 6; }
      h5 { pitch: 5; pitch-range: 5; }
      h6 { pitch: 6; pitch-range: 4; }

li,dt,dd { pitch: 6; richness: 6; }
      dt { stress: 8; }

pre,xmp,plaintext,key,code,tt { pitch: 5; 
				pitch-range: 0;
				stress: 0;
				richness: 8;
      em { pitch: 6; pitch-range: 6; stress: 6; richness: 5; }
  strong { pitch: 6; pitch-range: 6; stress: 9; richness: 9; }
     dfn { pitch: 7; pitch-range: 6; stress: 6; }
s,strike { richness: 0; }
       i { pitch: 6; pitch-range: 6; stress: 6; richness: 5 }
       b { pitch: 6; pitch-range: 6; stress: 9; richness: 9; }
       u { richness: 0; }
   a:link { voice-family: harry; }
a:visited { voice-family: betty;}
 a:active { voice-family: betty; pitch-range: 8; pitch: 8 }

} // @media speech