view lisp/hm--html-menus/hm--html-configuration.el @ 134:34a5b81f86ba r20-2b1

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date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:30:11 +0200
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;;; hm--html-configuration.el - Configurationfile for the html-mode
;;; $Id: hm--html-configuration.el,v 1.5 1997/03/28 02:28:41 steve Exp $
;;; Copyright (C) 1993 - 1997  Heiko Muenkel
;;; email:
;;;  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;;  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;;;  any later version.
;;;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;  GNU General Public License for more details.
;;;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;;  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;;;  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
;;; Description:
;;;	This file is for the system wide configuration of the html mode.
;;;	User specific configuration should be done in the file
;;;	~/.hm--html-configuration.el, which precedes the settings in
;;;	this file.
;;;	All settings in this file are done with defvar's, therefore
;;;	you could overwrite them also with the function setq in your
;;;	.emacs or default.el and so on.
;;; Installation: 
;;;	Put this file in one of your lisp load path directories or
;;;	set the environment variable HTML_CONFIG_FILE to this file.
;;;	For example: 
;;;       setenv HTML_CONFIG_FILE "~/data/hm--htm-environment.el"
;;;	  if you have put this file in the directory "~/data/"

;(require 'adapt)

;;; The User config file (an proposal of Manoj Srivastava)
(defvar hm--html-user-config-file nil
  "*The location of the users config file.
This variable will only be used, if no environment variable
Example value: \"~/.hm--html-configuration.el\".")

;;; The site specific config file
(defvar hm--html-site-config-file nil
  "*The location of a site specific config file.
This variable will only be used, if no environment variable

;;; Chose the initial popup menu
(defvar hm--html-expert nil
  "*t    : Use the HTML expert popup menu,
nil : Use the HTML novice (simple) menu.

NOTE: In the Emacs 19 you should set this variable only before 
      loading the mode.")

;;; Your Signature

(defvar hm--html-signature-file nil 
  "*Your Signature file.
For example: \"\".")

(defvar hm--html-username nil
  "*Your Name for the signature. For example: \"Heiko Münkel\".")

;;; HTML Doctype
(defvar hm--html-html-doctype-version "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"
  "The HTML version. This is used in the doctype element.")

;;; Your favorite server (eg: the name of the host of your own http server)
;;; This is used in some other variables

(defvar hm--html-favorite-http-server-host-name ""
  "*The name of your favorite http server host. It must be specified !")

;;; For links to Info Gateways

(defvar hm--html-info-hostname:port-alist '((""))
  "*Alist with hostnames and ports for the Info gateway.")

(defvar hm--html-info-hostname:port-default ""
  "*Default hostname with port for the Info gateway.")

(defvar hm--html-info-path-alist '((1 . "/appl/lemacs/Global/emacs/info")
				   (2 . "/appl/emacs/info")
				   (3 . "/appl/gnu/Global/info")
				   (4 . "/appl/emacs-19/Global/info")
				   (5 . "/"))
  "*Alist with directories for the Info gateway.")

;;; For links to WAIS Gateways

(defvar hm--html-wais-hostname:port-alist '(("")
  "*Alist with hostnames and ports for the WAIS gateway.")

(defvar hm--html-wais-hostname:port-default ""
  "*Default hostname with port for the WAIS gateway.")

(defvar hm--html-wais-servername:port-alist 
  "*Alist with servernames and ports for the WAIS gateway.")

(defvar hm--html-wais-servername:port-default ""
  "*Default servername with port for the WAIS gateway.")

(defvar hm--html-wais-path-alist nil
  "*Alist with directories for the wais gateway.")

;;; For links to HTML servers

(defvar hm--html-html-hostname:port-alist '(("")
  "*Alist with hostnames and ports for the HTML server.")

(defvar hm--html-html-hostname:port-default ""
  "*Default hostname with port for the HTML server.")

(defvar hm--html-html-path-alist '((1 . "/data/info/www/tnt/")
				   (2 . "/data/info/www/")
				   (3 . "/data/info/")
				   (4 . "/data/")
				   (5 . "/appl/")
				   (6 . "/project/")
				   (7 . "~/")
				   (8 . "/"))
  "*Alist with directories for the HTML server.")

;;; For links to file gateways

(defvar hm--html-file-path-alist '((1 . "/data/info/www/tnt/")
				   (2 . "/data/info/www/")
				   (3 . "/data/info/")
				   (4 . "/data/")
				   (5 . "/appl/")
				   (6 . "/project/")
				   (7 . "~/")
				   (8 . "/"))
  "*Alist with directories for the file gateway.")

;;; For links to ftp servers

(defvar hm--html-ftp-hostname:port-alist '(("")
  "*Alist with hostnames and ports for the ftp server.")

(defvar hm--html-ftp-hostname:port-default ""
  "*Default hostname with port for the ftp server.")

(defvar hm--html-ftp-path-alist '((1 . "/pub")
				  (2 . "/pub/gnu")
				  (3 . "/pub/linux")
				  (4 . "/pub/unix")
				  (5 . "/incoming")
				  (6 . "/"))
  "*Alist with directories for the ftp server.")

;;; For links to gopher servers

(defvar hm--html-gopher-hostname:port-alist
  "*Alist with hostnames and ports for the gopher server.")

(defvar hm--html-gopher-hostname:port-default
  "*Default hostname with port for the gopher server.")

(defvar hm--html-gopher-doctype-alist '(("/1")
  "*Alist with doctype strings for the gopher server.")

(defvar hm--html-gopher-doctype-default "/1"
  "*Default doctype string for the gopher server.")

(defvar hm--html-gopher-anchor-alist
  "*Alist with directories for the gopher server.")

;;; For the links to the Program Gateway

(defvar hm--html-proggate-hostname:port-alist
  "*Alist with hostnames and ports for the proggate server.")

(defvar hm--html-proggate-hostname:port-default ""
  "*Default hostname with port for the proggate server.")

(defvar hm--html-proggate-allowed-file "/appl/www/bin/proggate.allowed"
  "*The filename (with path) of the proggate allowed file.")

;;; For links to the Local Program Gatewy

(defvar hm--html-local-proggate-path-alist '((1 . "/bin/")
					     (2 . "/usr/bin/")
					     (3 . "/usr/local/bin/")
					     (4 . "/appl/util/bin/")
					     (5 . "/appl/gnu/Global/bin/")
					     (6 . "/")
					     (7 . "/appl/")
					     (8 . "~/appl/Global/bin/")
					     (9 . "~/"))
  "*Alist with directories for the local program gateway.")

;;; For links to the mail gateway

(defvar hm--html-mail-hostname:port-alist '(("")
  "*Alist with hostnames and ports for the mail gateway.")

(defvar hm--html-mail-hostname:port-default ""
  "*Default hostname with port for the mail gateway.")

(defvar hm--html-mail-path-alist '((1 . "~/data/docs/mail")
				   (2 . "~/data/docs/news")
				   (3 . "~/docs/mail")
				   (4 . "~/docs/news")
				   (5 . "~/mail")
				   (6 . "~/news")
				   (7 . "~/")
				   (8 . "/data/info/mail")
				   (9 . "/data/info/news")
				   (10 . "/"))
  "*Alist with directories for the mail gateway.")

;;; For mailto links

(defvar hm--html-mailto-alist '((""))
  "*Alist with mail adresses for the mailto alist.
The value of `user-mail-address' will also be added by the package to
this alist.")

;;; For the server side include directive
;;; not sure, if these directives works on any server

(defvar hm--html-server-side-include-command-alist '(("/bin/date")
  "*Alist with commands for the server side include directive.
These commands needs no parameter.")
(defvar hm--html-server-side-include-command-with-parameter-alist
  "*Alist with commands for the server side include directive.
These commands needs parameters.")

;;; Alist with URL'S for FORMS and IMAGE tags

(defvar hm--html-url-alist 
    (concat "http://" 
  "*Alist with URL's for FORMS and IMAGE tags. 
The cdr of each list contains symbols, which specifys the use of the

;;; For the marking of examples in the help buffer

(defvar hm--html-help-foreground "red"
  "The foreground color to highlight examples.")

(defvar hm--html-help-background nil
  "The background color to highlight examples.")

(defvar hm--html-help-font (face-font 'bold)
  "The font to highlight examples.")

;;; For the Templates

(defvar hm--html-template-dir "/data/info/www/tnt/guide/templates"
  "*A directory with templatefiles.
It is now also possible to use it as a list of directories.
Look at the variable `tmpl-template-dir-list' for further descriptions.")

(if (listp hm--html-template-dir)
    (unless (file-exists-p (car hm--html-template-dir))
      ;; Use a system directory, if the above one doesn't exist
      ;; This may only be useful, in the XEmacs >= 19.12
      (setq hm--html-template-dir (cons (concat data-directory
  (unless (file-exists-p hm--html-template-dir)
    ;; Use a system directory, if the above one doesn't exist
    ;; This may only be useful, in the XEmacs >= 19.12
    (setq hm--html-template-dir (concat data-directory

(defvar hm--html-frame-template-file (concat data-directory
  "File, which is used as template for a html frame.")

(defvar hm--html-automatic-expand-templates t
  "*Automatic expansion of templates. This feature needs the file
tmpl-minor-mode.el from Heiko Muenkel (,
which is distributed with the package hm--html-menus.")

(defvar hm--html-template-filter-regexp ".*\\.html\\.tmpl$"
  "*Regexp for filtering out non template files in a directory.")

;;; for deleting the automounter path-prefix
(defvar hm--html-delete-wrong-path-prefix '("/tmp_mnt" "/phys/[^/]+")
  "If non nil, it specifies path-prefixes, which should be deleted in pathes.
The Sun automounter adds a temporary prefix to the automounted directories
 (At our site the prefix is /tmp_mnt). But you can't select such a path, if 
the automounter has currently not mounted the directory and so you can't
follow a html-link, which consists of such a path. To overcome this behaviour,
you can set this variable to the prefix (eg. \"/tmp_mnt\"). After that, the
prefix should be stripped from the pathes during the creation of the links.
ATTENTION: This variable is used as regular expression !
It can be set to a string or to a list of strings.")

;;; For insertation of created and changed comments and automatic
;;; date update in the title line

(defvar hm--html-automatic-new-date t
  "*t   => The date in the title line will be updated before filesaving.
nil => No automatic update of the date.")

(defvar hm--html-automatic-changed-comment t
  "*t   => A \"changed comment\" line will be added before filesaving.
nil => No automatic insertation of a \"changed comment\" line.")

(defvar hm--html-automatic-created-comment t
  "*t   => A \"created comment\" line will be added.
nil => No automatic insertation of a \"created comment\" line.")

;;; Keybindings:

(defvar hm--html-bind-latin-1-char-entities t
  "Set this to nil, if you don't want to use the ISO Latin 1 character entities.
This is only useful, if `hm--html-use-old-keymap' is set to nil. It is only 
used during loading the html package the first time.")

;;; The drag and drop interface
(defvar hm--html-idd-create-relative-links t
  "If t, then the hm--html-idd-* functions are creating relative links.
Otherwise absolute links are used. The idd functions are used for
drag and drop.")

(defvar hm--html-idd-actions
  '((nil (((idd-if-major-mode-p . dired-mode)
	   (idd-if-dired-file-on-line-p . ".*\\.\\(gif\\)\\|\\(jpg\\)"))
	 (((idd-if-major-mode-p . dired-mode)
	   (idd-if-dired-no-file-on-line-p . nil))
	 (((idd-if-major-mode-p . dired-mode)
	   (idd-if-dired-no-file-on-line-p . t))
	 (((idd-if-major-mode-p . w3-mode)
	   (idd-if-url-at-point-p . t))
	 (((idd-if-major-mode-p . w3-mode))
	 (((idd-if-local-file-p . t))
  "The action list for the destination mode `hm--html-mode'.
Look at the description of the variable idd-actions.")

;;; The font lock keywords

(defconst hm--html-font-lock-keywords-1
   '("<!--.*-->" . font-lock-comment-face)
   '("<[^>]*>" . font-lock-keyword-face)
   '("<[^>=]*href[ \t\n]*=[ \t\n]*\"\\([^\"]*\\)\"" 1 font-lock-string-face t)
   '("<[^>=]src[ \t\n]*=[ \t\n]*\"\\([^\"]*\\)\"" 1 font-lock-string-face t))
  "Subdued level highlighting for hm--html-mode.")

(defconst hm--html-font-lock-keywords-2
  (append hm--html-font-lock-keywords-1
	   '(">\\([^<]*\\)</a>" 1 font-lock-reference-face)
	   '("</b>\\([^<]*\\)</b>" 1 bold)
	   '("</i>\\([^<]*\\)</i>" 1 italic)
  "Gaudy level highlighting for hm--html-mode.")

(defvar hm--html-font-lock-keywords hm--html-font-lock-keywords-1
  "Default expressions to highlight in the hm--html-mode.")

;;; The Prefix- Key for the keytables
(defvar hm--html-minor-mode-prefix-key "\C-z"
  "The prefix key for the keytables in the `hm--html-minor-mode'.")

(defvar hm--html-mode-prefix-key "\C-c"
  "The prefix key for the hm--html keys in the `hm--html-mode'.")

;;; The pulldown menu names
(defvar hm--html-minor-mode-pulldown-menu-name "HM-HTML"
  "The name of the pulldown menu in the minor html mode.")

(defvar hm--html-mode-pulldown-menu-name "HTML"
  "The name of the pulldown menu in the major html mode.")

;;; The hook variables
(defvar hm--html-load-hook nil
  "*Hook variable to execute functions after loading the package.")

(defvar hm--html-mode-hook nil
  "*This hook will be called each time, when the hm--html-mode is invoked.")

;;; For the file html-view.el
;;; There are also some other variables in hmtl-view.el
;;; Look at that file, if you've trouble with the functions
;;; to preview the html document with the Mosaic
(defvar html-view-mosaic-command "/sol/www/bin/mosaic"
  "The command that runs Mosaic on your system.")

(defvar html-sigusr1-signal-value 16
  "Value for the SIGUSR1 signal on your system.  
See, usually, /usr/include/sys/signal.h.
 	SunOS 4.1.x	: (setq html-sigusr1-signal-value 30)
	SunOS 5.x	: (setq html-sigusr1-signal-value 16)
	Linux		: (setq html-sigusr1-signal-value 10))")

;;; Meta information
(defvar hm--html-meta-name-alist '(("Expires") ("Keys") ("Author"))
  "*Alist with possible names for the name or http-equiv attribute of meta.")

;;; indentation

(defvar hm--html-disable-indentation nil
  "*Set this to t, if you want to disable the indentation in the hm--html-mode.
And may be send me ( a note, why you've
done this.")

(defvar hm--html-inter-tag-indent 2
  "*The indentation after a start tag.")

(defvar hm--html-comment-indent 5
  "*The indentation of a comment.")

(defvar hm--html-intra-tag-indent 2
  "*The indentation after the start of a tag.")

(defvar hm--html-tag-name-alist
  '(("!--" (:hm--html-one-element-tag t))
    ("!doctype" (:hm--html-one-element-tag t))
    ("isindex" (:hm--html-one-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (prompt)))
    ("base" (:hm--html-one-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-required-attributes (href)))
    ("meta" (:hm--html-one-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-required-attributes (content))
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (http-equiv name)))
    ("link" (:hm--html-one-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (href rel rev title)))
    ("hr" (:hm--html-one-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (align noshade size width)))
    ("input" (:hm--html-one-element-tag t)
      (type name value checked size maxlength src align)))
    ("img" (:hm--html-one-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-required-attributes (src))
      (alt align height width border hspace vspace usemap ismap)))
    ("param" (:hm--html-one-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-required-attributes (name))
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (value)))
    ("br" (:hm--html-one-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (clear)))
    ("basefont" (:hm--html-one-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes size))
    ("area" (:hm--html-one-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-required-attributes (alt))
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (shape coords href nohref)))
    ("option" (:hm--html-one-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (selected value)))

    ("html" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("head" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("body" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (bgcolor text link vlink alink background))
    ("h1" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (align)))
    ("h2" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (align)))
    ("h3" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (align)))
    ("h4" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (align)))
    ("h5" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (align)))
    ("h6" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (align)))
    ("address" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("p" (:hm--html-one-or-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (align)))
    ("ul" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (type compact)))
    ("ol" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (type start compact)))
    ("dl" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (compact)))
    ("li" (:hm--html-one-or-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (type (value "ol"))))
    ("dt" (:hm--html-one-or-two-element-tag t))
    ("dd" (:hm--html-one-or-two-element-tag t))
    ("dir" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (compact)))
    ("menu" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (compact)))
    ("pre" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (width)))
    ("div" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (align)))
    ("center" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("blockquote" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("form" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (action method enctype)))
    ("select" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-required-attributes (name))
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (size multiple)))
    ("textarea" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-required-attributes (name rows cols)))
    ("table" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
      (align width border cellspacing cellpading)))
    ("caption" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (align)))
    ("tr" (:hm--html-one-or-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (align valign)))
    ("th" (:hm--html-one-or-two-element-tag t)
      (nowrap rowspan colspan align valign width height)))
    ("td" (:hm--html-one-or-two-element-tag t)
      (nowrap rowspan colspan align valign width height)))
    ("tt" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("i" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("b" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("u" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("strike" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("big" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("small" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("sub" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("sup" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("em" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("strong" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("dfn" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("code" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("samp" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("kbd" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("var" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("cite" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("a" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (name href rel rev title)))
    ("applet" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-required-attributes (code width height))
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (codebase alt name align hspace vspace)))
    ("font" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-optional-attributes (size color)))
    ("map" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t)
     (:hm--html-required-attributes (name)))
    ("style" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
    ("script" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
  "An alist with tag names known by the `hm--html-mode'.

It is used to determine, if a tag is a one element tag or not.

In the future it should also be used to get possible parameters of
the tag.

Use lower case characters in this list!!!!")

;;; Announce the feature hm--html-configuration
(provide 'hm--html-configuration)