view etc/sgml/htmlpro.dtd @ 112:48d667d6f17f r20-1b8

Import from CVS: tag r20-1b8
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:20:48 +0200
parents e04119814345
line wrap: on
line source

--This is the HTML Professional Document Type Description (DTD)--
<!ENTITY % head.any  "(META | LINK | SCRIPT | STYLE | RANGE)*"
               --<Title>Repeatable HEAD elements--

<!ENTITY % text  "((#PCDATA) | TT | I | B | U | S | BIG | SMALL | SUB | 
               SUP | EM | STRONG | DFN | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               Q | A | LANG | AU | AUTHOR | FONT | PERSON | ACRONYM | 
               ABBREV | INS | DEL | STYLE | SPAN | ENTITY | ELEMENT | 
               --<Title>textual, descriptive, or analytical elements--

<!ENTITY % insertions  "(BASEFONT | APP | APPLET | OBJECT | EMBED | 
               SCRIPT | MARQUEE | HR | ISINDEX | BGSOUND | TAB | IMG | 
               --<Title>things which are not part of the running text--

<!ENTITY % structure  "(DIV | CENTER | H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6 | P | 
               UL | OL | DL | DIR | MENU | PRE | XMP | LISTING | BQ | 
               FIG | BDO | NOTE | FN)+" --<Title>structural elements-- >

<!ENTITY % formula  "((#PCDATA) | BOX | ABOVE | BELOW | VEC | BAR | DOT | 
               DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | 
               I | T | BT)+" --<Title>mathematical formulae-- >

               --<Title>(P)EXPERIMENTAL Container used only for database (corpus) storage when there needs to be more than one HTML document in the file--

               --<Title>(H1)COMPULSORY The HTML overall container--

<!ELEMENT HEAD  - - ((%head.any;) , ((TITLE , (%head.any;)) & (BASE , 
               (%head.any;))? & (ISINDEX , (%head.any;))? & (NEXTID , 
               (%head.any;))? & (NOSCRIPT , (%head.any;))? & (BGSOUND , 
               --<Title>(H1)COMPULSORY Documentation header--

               --<Title>(H1)COMPULSORY document title--

               --<Title>(H1)This file is a script which accepts a single input--

               --<Title>(H2)Specifies home base URL--

               --<Title>(H2)Generic metainformation--

               --<Title>(H2)Link to another resource on the network--

               --<Title>(H1)OBSOLETE editor control value--

               --<Title>(M)SOLITAIRE Background sound--

               --<Title>(N)Script language statements--

<!ELEMENT NOSCRIPT  - - (%text;)+
               --<Title>(N)Text to display when SCRIPTs are disabled or unimplemented--

               --<Title>(H3)Stylesheet information--

               --<Title>(H3)Identifies arbitrary range of text from SPOT to SPOT--

               --<Title>(N)Set of FRAME elements--

               --<Title>(N)Display external HTML object in separate frame--

               --<Title>(N)Alternative body for non-FRAMEing browsers--

               --<Title>(H1)Text body of the document--

<!ELEMENT BANNER  - - ((%structure;) | (%insertions;) | (%text;))+
               --<Title>(H3)Static (non-scrolling) banner--

<!ELEMENT BODYTEXT  O O ((%structure;) | (%insertions;))+
               --<Title>(H3)Used only when distinguishing BANNER from remainder of BODY--

<!ELEMENT BDO  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(I) BiDirectional Override--

<!ELEMENT DIV  - - ((%structure;)+ | (%insertions;)* | (%text;)*)+
               --<Title>(H3)Unspecified structural division--

<!ELEMENT H1  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ --<Title>(H1)Heading level 1-- >

<!ELEMENT H2  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ --<Title>(H1)Heading level 2-- >

<!ELEMENT H3  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ --<Title>(H1)Heading level 3-- >

<!ELEMENT H4  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ --<Title>(H1)Heading level 4-- >

<!ELEMENT H5  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ --<Title>(H5)Heading level 5-- >

<!ELEMENT H6  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ --<Title>(H6)Heading level 6-- >

<!ELEMENT P  - O ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ --<Title>(H1)Paragraph-- >

<!ELEMENT MULTICOL  - - (%structure;)+
               --<Title>(N)Enclose multicolumn material--

<!ELEMENT NOBR  - - (%text;)+ +(WBR , APPLET , EMBED , OBJECT , IMG , 
               --<Title>(N)Prohibit break within this line--

               --<Title>(N)Discretionary linebreak between words within NOBR--

<!ELEMENT PRE  - - (%text;)+ -(BR , TT) +(HR , APPLET , EMBED , OBJECT , 
               IMG , IMAGE)
               --<Title>(H3)Preformatted text for fixed-width display--

<!ELEMENT BLOCKQUOTE  - - (BODYTEXT , CREDIT?) --<Title>(H1)Block quotation-- >

               --<Title>(H3)Alternative block quotation--

<!ELEMENT DL  - - (DT | DD | HR)* --<Title>(H1)Definition list-- >

<!ELEMENT DT  - O ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H1)Definition term in a DL--

<!ELEMENT DD  - O ((%structure;)+ | (%insertions;)* | (%text;)+)?
               --<Title>(H1)Definition description in a DL--

<!ELEMENT OL  - - (LI* | HR? | LH?)+ --<Title>(H1)Ordered list-- >

<!ELEMENT UL  - - (LI* | HR? | LH?)+ --<Title>(H1)Unordered list-- >

<!ELEMENT DIR  - - ((#PCDATA) | (LH? , LI*)+) -(P , UL , OL , DIR , MENU , 
               PRE , XMP , LISTING , DL , DIV , CENTER , BQ , FORM , 
               TABLE , FIELDSET)
               --<Title>(H1)Directory listing, (T) also allows #pcdata--

<!ELEMENT MENU  - - (LH? , LI*) -(P , UL , OL , DIR , MENU , PRE , XMP , 
               LISTING , DL , DIV , CENTER , BQ , FORM , TABLE , 
               FIELDSET) --<Title>(H1)Menu listing-- >

<!ELEMENT LH  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ --<Title>(H3)List header-- >

<!ELEMENT LI  - O ((%insertions;)* | (%text;)+ | P | UL | OL | DL | DIR | 
               MENU | PRE | XMP | LISTING | BLOCKQUOTE | BQ | FORM | 
               TABLE | ADDRESS)+ --<Title>(H1)Item in a list-- >

<!ELEMENT ADDRESS  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ +(P) --<Title>(H1)Address blocks-- >

<!ELEMENT FN  - - ((%structure;)+ | (%insertions;)* | (%text;)+)?
               --<Title>(H3)Footnotes (T)WARNING: idiosyncratic implementation--

<!ELEMENT NOTE  - - ((%structure;)+ | (%insertions;)* | (%text;)+)? --<Title>(H3)Notes-- >

<!ELEMENT SIDEBAR  - - ((%structure;)+ | (%insertions;)* | (%text;)+)?
               --<Title>(T) non-scrolling sidebar on-screen--

<!ELEMENT BLINK  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(N)DEPRECATED Flashing text, deprecated for medical reasons--

<!ELEMENT CENTER  - - ((%structure;)+ | (%insertions;)* | (%text;)*)+
               --<Title>(N)SUPERFLUOUS Centered material, use DIV with ALIGN="CENTER"--

<!ELEMENT HR  - O  EMPTY  --<Title>(H1)Horizontal rule-- >

<!ELEMENT BR  - O  EMPTY  --<Title>(H2)Forced line break-- >

               --<Title>(M)Change (specify) the base font from here on--

<!ELEMENT MARQUEE  - O (%text;)+
               --<Title>(M)Marching display text--

               --<Title>(N)Contains a LiveWire script--

               --<Title>(N)Governs concrete spacing--

               --<Title>(A)Inline image (IMAGE is a Netscapism, and STRONGLY deprecated)--


               --<Title>(T)Displays realtime animated image of a playing sound--

               --<Title>(N)Mapping spec for clientside imagemaps--

               --<Title>(N)Mapping area within a MAP--

<!ELEMENT OBJECT  - - (param+ | (%structure;)+ | (%insertions;)* | 
               --<Title>(W?)External object for insertion--

               --<Title>(N)Embedded plugin applet--

<!ELEMENT EMBED.BODY  O O ((%insertions;)* | (%text;)*)+ -(A) --<Title>(O) Object-- >

<!ELEMENT NOEMBED  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(N)Alternative text for EMBED-unable browsers--

<!ELEMENT APP  - - (param* , TEXTFLOW)
               --<Title>(S)Embedded application--

<!ELEMENT APPLET  - - (param* , TEXTFLOW) --<Title>APPLET-- >

<!ELEMENT param  - O  EMPTY 
               --<Title>(S)Named property value to pass to OBJECT or APPLET--

<!ELEMENT FORM  - - ((%structure;)+ | (%insertions;)* | (%text;)*)+ -(
               KEYGEN) --<Title>(H2)Fill-in form-- >

<!ELEMENT LABEL  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ -(LABEL) --<Title>(?)Field label text-- >

<!ELEMENT FIELDSET  - - (CAPTION? , ((%structure;)+ | (%insertions;)*)?) -(
               --<Title>(?)Encloses a set of form fields--

<!ELEMENT INPUT  - O  CDATA  --<Title>(H2)Single-line input-- >

               --<Title>(H2)Encloses multi-option form menu--

               --<Title>(H2)Options in a form menu--

               --<Title>(H2)Freetext input area--

               --<Title>(N)Generates and submits PublicKey encryption--

<!ELEMENT TABLE  - - (CAPTION? , (col* | colgroup*) , thead? , tfoot? , (
               tbody | tr*)+) --<Title>(H3)Table-- >

<!ELEMENT CAPTION  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H3)Caption to a TABLE or FIGURE--

<!ELEMENT colgroup  - O (col*)
               --<Title>(H3)Group of column specifications--

<!ELEMENT col  - O  EMPTY 
               --<Title>(H3)Column specification in a COLGROUP--

<!ELEMENT thead  - O (tr+) --<Title>(H3)Table header-- >

<!ELEMENT tfoot  - O (tr+)
               --<Title>(H3)Table footer: if used, must precede table body--

<!ELEMENT tbody  O O (tr+)
               --<Title>(H3)Table body, implied for all tables but optional--

<!ELEMENT tr  - O (th* | td*)+ --<Title>(H3)Table row-- >

<!ELEMENT th  - O ((%structure;)+ | (%insertions;)* | (%text;)+)+
               --<Title>(H3)Table headings and data (cells)--

<!ELEMENT td  - O ((%structure;)+ | (%insertions;)* | (%text;)+)+ --<Title>td-- >

               FIGTEXT)+ , CAPTION? , CREDIT?) -(FIG) --<Title>(H3)Floating figure-- >

<!ELEMENT OVERLAY  - O (#PCDATA) --<Title>(H3)Image overlay-- >

<!ELEMENT CREDIT  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ --<Title>(H3)source of image-- >

<!ELEMENT FIGTEXT  - O ((%structure;) | (%insertions;))+
               --<Title>(H3)Container for textual figures--

<!ELEMENT A  - - ((%insertions;)* | (%text;)*)+ -(A)
               --<Title>(H1)Hypertext anchor (link)--

<!ELEMENT AUTHOR  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(L)Author of a CITEd document--

<!ELEMENT CITE  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H1)Citation (book title, product name, etc)--

<!ELEMENT DFN  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H3)Definition (index term)--

<!ELEMENT U  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H2)Underlining where possible; WebTV wrongly does a UL here--

<!ELEMENT S  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H3)Stricken text, reason unspecified--

<!ELEMENT STRIKE  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(N)Alternative form of S--

<!ELEMENT BIG  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H3)Larger type than the current size--

<!ELEMENT SMALL  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H3)Smaller type than the current size--

<!ELEMENT SUB  - - (%text;)+ +(VEC , BAR , DOT , DDOT , HAT , TILDE , T , 
               BT , BOX , ABOVE , ROOT , SQRT , ARRAY) --<Title>(H3)Subscript-- >

<!ELEMENT SUP  - - (%text;)+ +(VEC , BAR , DOT , DDOT , HAT , TILDE , T , 
               BT , BOX , ABOVE , ROOT , SQRT , ARRAY) --<Title>(H3)Superscript-- >

<!ELEMENT Q  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(3I)Direct speech: browsers should display `quotes' appropriately--

<!ELEMENT SPAN  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ -(SPAN)
               --<Title>(H3)Marks a text fragment for analytical reasons--

<!ELEMENT AU  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H3)Author of a CITEd document--

<!ELEMENT PERSON  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H3)Personal name for indexing--

<!ELEMENT ACRONYM  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ --<Title>(H3)Acronym-- >

<!ELEMENT ABBREV  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ --<Title>(H3)Abbreviation-- >

               --<Title>(P)EXPERIMENTAL SGML entity--

               --<Title>(P)EXPERIMENTAL SGML element--

               --<Title>(P)EXPERIMENTAL SGML attribute--

<!ELEMENT EM  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ --<Title>(H1)Emphasis-- >

<!ELEMENT I  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H2)Unspecified italics--

<!ELEMENT VAR  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H1)Program variable name, filename, etc--

<!ELEMENT LANG  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H3)Language other than the base language of the document (eg eg :-)--

<!ELEMENT INS  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H3)Text inserted at the last edit, or text inserted in the opinion of an editor--

<!ELEMENT DEL  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H3)Text marked for deletion at the last edit, or text deleted by an editor but left on display for review--

<!ELEMENT CODE  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H1)Program or code fragment--

               --<Title>(H1)Single keyboard character, keycap, or button--

<!ELEMENT SAMP  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H1)Inline sample of computer input or response--

<!ELEMENT TT  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ --<Title>(H2)Fixed-width type-- >

<!ELEMENT B  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ --<Title>(H2)Unspecified bold-- >

<!ELEMENT STRONG  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+ --<Title>(H1)Strong emphasis-- >

<!ELEMENT BLACKFACE  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(T)Unspecified extra-bold--

               --<Title>(T) holds fixed-width text--

<!ELEMENT NOSMARTQUOTES  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(T) defeats "smart" quotes--

<!ELEMENT SHADOW  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(T) lights up shadow down and right of content text--

<!ELEMENT FONT  - - ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(M)Make local change to font--

               --<Title>(H3)Start or finish point of a RANGE--

               --<Title>(H3)Tab set and tab jump-to-- --was (#PCDATA)--

<!ELEMENT MATH  - - (%text;)+ -(EM , STRONG , Q , BLINK) +(VEC , BAR , 
               DOT , DDOT , HAT , TILDE , T , BT , BOX , ABOVE , BELOW , 
               ROOT , SQRT , ARRAY , SUB , SUP , FONT) --<Title>(H3)Mathematics-- >

<!ELEMENT BOX  - - ((%formula;) , (LEFT , (%formula;))? , ((OVER | ATOP | 
               CHOOSE) , (%formula;))? , (RIGHT , (%formula;))?)
               --<Title>(H3)Boxes for building fractions--

<!ELEMENT ABOVE  - - (%formula;) --<Title>(H3)Numerator-- >

<!ELEMENT BELOW  - - (%formula;) --<Title>(H3)Denominator-- >

               --<Title>(H3)Separates num from denom in fractions--

<!ELEMENT RIGHT  - O  EMPTY  --<Title>(H3)Math RH barrier-- >

<!ELEMENT CHOOSE  - O  EMPTY  --<Title>(H3)Math choose array-- >

               --<Title>(H3)Separates top from bottom in unlined overposition--

<!ELEMENT LEFT  - O  EMPTY  --<Title>(H3)Math LH barrier-- >

<!ELEMENT ARRAY  - - (ROW+) --<Title>(h3)LaTeX-like ARRAY-- >

               --<Title>(H3)Row in a math array--

<!ELEMENT ITEM  - O (%formula;)
               --<Title>(H3)Math array row item--

<!ELEMENT T  - - (%formula;) --<Title>(H3)Math typewriter-- >

<!ELEMENT BT  - - (%formula;)
               --<Title>(H3)Math bold typewriter--

<!ELEMENT ROOT  - - ((%formula;) , OF , (%formula;)) --<Title>(H3)Math root-- >

               --<Title>(H3)Dummy separator in ROOT--

<!ELEMENT SQRT  - - (%formula;)
               --<Title>(H3)Square root (convenience)--

<!ELEMENT TILDE  - - (%formula;)
               --<Title>(H3)Math accents: see TeX--

<!ELEMENT HAT  - - (%formula;) --<Title>HAT-- >

<!ELEMENT DOT  - - (%formula;) --<Title>DOT-- >

<!ELEMENT DDOT  - - (%formula;) --<Title>DDOT-- >

<!ELEMENT BAR  - - (%formula;) --<Title>BAR-- >

<!ELEMENT VEC  - - (%formula;) --<Title>VEC-- >

<!ELEMENT TEXTFLOW  - O ((%text;)+ | (%insertions;)*)+
               --<Title>(H3)Dummy: accomodates mixed content model in APPLET caused by REs between PARAMs--

               --<Title>(H1)OBSOLETE: example (of display code), superseded by PRE--

               --<Title>(H1)OBSOLETE: listing (lineprinter style), superseded by PRE--

               --<Title>(H1)OBSOLETE: no further markup permitted, superseded by PRE--

               --<Title>(M)SUPERFLUOUS: comment, use normal comment markup instead--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-000--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-001--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               VERSION  CDATA    #FIXED 
               "+//Silmaril//DTD HTML Pro v0r11 19970101//EN"
               --<Title>DTD version--
               VER  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(?)Added by dumb editors which don't grok the DOCTYPE--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "Book"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-002--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-003--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "Ti"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-004--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               href  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>URL for a linked resource. Note some browsers have faulty syntax in omitting HREF--
               action  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>URL for a server-side handler script--
               prompt  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Prompt message--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED 
               "<Para>[Document is a script accepting input.]</Para>"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-005--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               href  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>URL of the document's home base--
               target  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) target window in framing environment--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-006--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               http-equiv  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>HTTP response header name (RFC1945)--
               name  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Metainformation name (eg Dublin Core)--
               content  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>Metainformation itself--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-007--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               href  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>URL for linked resource--
               target  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) target window in framing environment--
               rel  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Forward link types (the HREF'd doc is these to this doc)--
               rev  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Reverse link types (this doc is these to the HREF'd doc)--
               type  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory Internet media type--
               urn  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URN when available--
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED 
               "Linked to: #AttVal (TITLE) (URN) (HREF)>"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-008--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               N  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>Number to pass to editor--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-009--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               alt  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>For display in place of noise--
               SRC  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>URL for sound file--
               fileformat  NOTATION (AU , WAV , SND)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Format of sound file if not implicit--
               LOOP (loop)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Loop control information (was NMTOKEN #IMPLIED)--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-010--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , center , justify)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Horizontal alignment--
               type  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Internet media type for script language--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               event  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(L) Undefined--
               for  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               scriptengine  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               language  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Predefined script language name--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URL for an external script--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-011--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-012--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               type  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>Internet media type for style notation--
               notation  NOTATION (CSS , DSSSL)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(L)Undefined in Lynx but must be one of these so far--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-013--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               from  IDREF    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>SPOT indicating start of marked range--
               until  IDREF    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>SPOT indicating end of marked range--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-014--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               cols  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-sep column specs in pixels or %, *=equalize remainder--
               rows  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-sep row specs in pixels or %, *=equalize remainder--
               border  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) border width in pixels--
               bordercolor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) Hex-encoded or Windows colorname--
               frameborder (YES , NO)  "NO"
               --<Title>(N) has the frame a border or not: rules are complex, see Netscape--
               onLoad  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Module to execute on loading--
               onUnload  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Module to execute on unloading (exiting)--
               onFocus  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Module to execute when window gains focus--
               onBlur  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Module to execute when window loses focus--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-015--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               marginheight  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) Margin above and below--
               marginwidth  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) Margin either side--
               bordercolor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) Hex-encoded or Windows colorname--
               frameborder  CDATA   "NO"
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) Name to refer to this frame by from <a> links--
               noresize (noresize)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) Frame cannot be size-dragged--
               scrolling (yes , no , auto)  "auto"
               --<Title>(N) Frame scrolling control--
               src  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>(N) URL for the document to display--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-016--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-017--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               background  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Image to tile for document background--
               bgcolor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>#rrggbb color code for document background--
               text  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>#rrggbb color code for body text--
               link  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>#rrggbb color code for unvisited <a> links--
               vlink  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>#rrggbb color code for visited <a> links--
               alink  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>#rrggbb color code for active <a> link--
               onLoad  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Module to execute on loading--
               onUnload  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Module to execute on unloading (exiting)--
               onFocus  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Module to execute when window gains focus--
               onBlur  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Module to execute when window loses focus--
               topmargin  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(?)Forces body to top of screen?--
               tile (vertical , horizontal , both)  "both"
               --<Title>(P)Controls direction of tiling BACKGROUND image--
               credits  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) URL of authors, contributors, etc--
               fontsize (small , medium , large)  "medium"
               --<Title>(T) overrides user-specified body font size--
               hspace  NUMBER   "8"
               --<Title>(T) specifies outer LH and RH margins of BODY in pixels--
               instructions  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) URL for user instructions related to current page--
               logo  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) URL for thumbnail for index entries of current page--
               nohtilebg (nohtilebg)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) defeats horizontal tiling of background image--
               novtilebg (novtilebg)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) defeats vertical tiling of background image--
               vspace  NUMBER   "6"
               --<Title>(T) specifies top and bottom margins of BODY in pixels--
               xspeed  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>(T) horizontal scroll speed for scrolled background image--
               yspeed  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>(T) vertical scroll speed for scrolled background image--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-018--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-019--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               data  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(L) reference to object's data--
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(L) name for image--
               ref  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(L) Undocumented--
               object  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               value  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>property value--
               valuetype (DATA , REF , OBJECT)  "DATA"
               --<Title>How to interpret value--
               type  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Internet media type--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-020--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(I) control of text flow--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-021--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , center , justify)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Horizontal alignment--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3)control of text flow--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-022--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , center , justify)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Horizontal alignment--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               dingbat  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>dingbat entity from obsolete HTMLicons collection--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) don't wrap words--
               seqnum  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Starting sequence number--
               skip  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>skip seq nums for missing items--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URI for bullet icon--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "H1"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-023--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , center , justify)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Horizontal alignment--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               dingbat  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>dingbat entity from obsolete HTMLicons collection--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) don't wrap words--
               seqnum  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Starting sequence number--
               skip  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>skip seq nums for missing items--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URI for bullet icon--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "H2"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-024--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , center , justify)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Horizontal alignment--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               dingbat  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>dingbat entity from obsolete HTMLicons collection--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) don't wrap words--
               seqnum  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Starting sequence number--
               skip  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>skip seq nums for missing items--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URI for bullet icon--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "H3"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-025--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , center , justify)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Horizontal alignment--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               dingbat  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>dingbat entity from obsolete HTMLicons collection--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) don't wrap words--
               seqnum  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Starting sequence number--
               skip  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>skip seq nums for missing items--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URI for bullet icon--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "H4"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-026--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , center , justify)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Horizontal alignment--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               dingbat  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>dingbat entity from obsolete HTMLicons collection--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) don't wrap words--
               seqnum  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Starting sequence number--
               skip  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>skip seq nums for missing items--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URI for bullet icon--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "H5"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-027--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , center , justify)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Horizontal alignment--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               dingbat  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>dingbat entity from obsolete HTMLicons collection--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) don't wrap words--
               seqnum  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Starting sequence number--
               skip  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>skip seq nums for missing items--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URI for bullet icon--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "H6"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-028--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , center , justify)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Horizontal alignment--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) don't wrap words--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "Para"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-029--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               cols  NUMBER    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>Number of columns--
               width  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Column width in pixels, default calculated--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               gutter  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Space between columns in pixels, default 10--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-030--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-031--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-032--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               width  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Recommended maximum width in fixed-width characters--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "Lit"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-033--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) don't wrap words--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "BQ"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-034--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) don't wrap words--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "BQ"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-035--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               compact (compact)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Reduced interitem spacing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "List"
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED "Definition List:"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-036--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "Term"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-037--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "LItem"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-038--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               seqnum  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Starting sequence number--
               type  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Numbering/lettering style constrained to [1aAiI]--
               start  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               continue  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Continuation sequence number--
               compact (compact)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Reduced interitem spacing--
               wrap (ON , OFF , HARD , SOFT , HORIZ)  "ON"
               --<Title>(N) how to handle line-wrapping--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "List"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-039--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               type (disc , square , circle , plain , A , I , 1)  
               --<Title>Bulleting style, [AaIi1] interpreted by browser--
               compact (compact)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Reduced interitem spacing--
               plain  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Unbulleted, ought to be the nametoken "PLAIN" but it's already bee used above for TYPE--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URI for bullet icon--
               dingbat  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>dingbat entity from obsolete HTMLicons collection--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               wrap (ON , OFF , HARD , SOFT , HORIZ)  "ON"
               --<Title>(N) how to handle line-wrapping--
               fileformat  NOTATION (GIF , JPG , DVI , BMP , EPS , PNG , 
               PICT , TIFF , XBM , XPM)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Format of image if not implicit--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "List"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-040--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               compact (compact)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Reduced interitem spacing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               dingbat  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>dingbat entity from obsolete HTMLicons collection--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URI for bullet icon--
               type  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Numbering/lettering style constrained to [1aAiI]--
               plain  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Unbulleted, ought to be the nametoken "PLAIN" but it's already bee used above for TYPE--
               wrap (ON , OFF , HARD , SOFT , HORIZ)  "ON"
               --<Title>(N) how to handle line-wrapping--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "List"
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED "<LHead>Directory</LHead>"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-041--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               compact (compact)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Reduced interitem spacing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               dingbat  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>dingbat entity from obsolete HTMLicons collection--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URI for bullet icon--
               type  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Numbering/lettering style constrained to [1aAiI]--
               plain  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Unbulleted, ought to be the nametoken "PLAIN" but it's already bee used above for TYPE--
               wrap (ON , OFF , HARD , SOFT , HORIZ)  "ON"
               --<Title>(N) how to handle line-wrapping--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "List"
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED "<LHead>Menu</LHead>"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-042--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-043--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               type  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>List item style, see TYPE for OL and UL--
               value  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Reset sequence number--
               skip  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>skip seq nums for missing items--
               dingbat  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>dingbat entity from obsolete HTMLicons collection--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URI for bullet icon--
               fileformat  NOTATION (GIF , JPG , DVI , BMP , EPS , PNG , 
               PICT , TIFF , XBM , XPM)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Format of icon if not implicit--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "LItem"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-044--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) don't wrap words--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "Lit"
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED "Address: "

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-045--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               flow (vertical , columnar , para)  "vertical"
               series  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Multiseries like A, B, C etc--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URI of image to embed--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               num  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Sequence number if needed--
               href  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) #ID fragmentary URL for an <fn id="..."> in current document--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-046--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               flow (vertical , columnar , para)  "vertical"
               series  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Multiseries like A, B, C etc--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URI of image to embed--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               num  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Sequence number if needed--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-047--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , center , justify)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Horizontal alignment--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               width  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) width of the sidebar in pixels or as a percent--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-048--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               speed  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Blinks per minutes--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-049--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-050--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , center , justify)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Horizontal alignment--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URI of image to embed--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               noshade (noshade)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) non-shaded rule--
               size  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) [+]nn e.g. size="+1", size="4"--
               width  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) suggested width in pixels--
               invertborder (invertborder)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) produces 3D-style raised rule--
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED "  "

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-051--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED " "

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-052--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               size  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>base font size for FONT elements--
               end  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               color  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>#RRGGBB in hex, e.g. red: color="#FF0000"--
               face  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>typeface if available--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-053--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , top , absmiddle , absbottom , 
               texttop , middle , baseline , bottom)  "bottom"
               --<Title>Relationship to adjacent text (type=block only)--
               DIRECTION  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Direction of scroll, should be (LEFT,RIGHT) but they've already been used--
               --<Title>Type of movement--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               --<Title>Quantity of scroll--
               --<Title>Delay time--
               LOOP  CDATA   "INFINITE"
               --<Title>How long to scroll for--
               bgcolor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Background color--
               BORDER  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Border width--
               HEIGHT  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               WIDTH  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               HSPACE  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Horizontal spacing--
               VSPACE  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Vertical spacing--
               transparency  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>(T) degree of transparency (0=opaque, 100=clear)--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-054--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-055--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , top , absmiddle , absbottom , 
               texttop , middle , baseline , bottom)  "bottom"
               --<Title>Relationship to adjacent text (type=block only)--
               height  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Height in pixels (type=block only)--
               size  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Width or height in pixels, depending on TYPE--
               type (horizontal , vertical , block)  "block"
               --<Title>Functional type--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               width  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Width in pixels (type=block only)--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-056--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               isobject (isobject)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(L) Figure is an object--
               units (en , pixels)  "pixels"
               --<Title>specifies units as en's or pixels--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               src  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>URL of image to embed--
               lowsrc  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) source for lo-res image--
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) name for image--
               onLoad  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Module to execute on loading--
               onAbort  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Module to execute when user cancels load--
               onError  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Module to execute when script encounters error--
               alt  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>For display in place of image--
               align (left , right , top , absmiddle , absbottom , 
               texttop , middle , baseline , bottom)  "bottom"
               --<Title>Relationship to adjacent text (type=block only)--
               height  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Suggested height in pixels--
               width  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Suggested width in pixels--
               border  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) border width in pixels--
               hspace  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Suggested horizontal gutter--
               vspace  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Suggested vertical gutter--
               usemap  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Use client-side image map--
               ismap (ismap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Use server image map--
               fileformat  NOTATION (GIF , JPG , DVI , BMP , EPS , PNG , 
               PICT , TIFF , XBM , XPM)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(P)Format of image file if not implicit--
               naturalsizeflag  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(M) Indicates if scaling has been used--
               ani  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) URL of alternate WebTV-specific animation to replace SRC--
               animateonselect (animateonselect)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) ANI animation only runs when user selects it--
               anistartx  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) ANI TLC location in pixels relative to page or table cell--
               anistarty  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               loop (loop)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(MT) recycle an animated image?--
               reload  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) frequency of reload--
               selected  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) wrests focus to "x,y" of imagemap relative to TLC--
               transparency  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>(T) degree of transparency (0=opaque, 100=clear)--
               dynsrc  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(?) Undocumented--
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED 
               "<Fig><?SDATrans Img: #AttList>#AttVal(Alt)</Fig>"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-057--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , top , absmiddle , absbottom , 
               texttop , middle , baseline , bottom)  "bottom"
               --<Title>Relationship to adjacent text (type=block only)--
               border  NUMBER   "1"
               --<Title>width of border in pixels--
               gain  NUMBER   "1"
               --<Title>multiplier for amplitude display--
               height  NUMBER   "80"
               --<Title>height of image in pixels--
               leftcolor  CDATA   "#8ECE10"
               --<Title>color of left channel trace--
               leftoffset  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>positions the left channel baseline + or - --
               maxlevel  CDATA   "false"
               --<Title>specifies clip level for gain--
               rightcolor  CDATA   "#8ECE10"
               --<Title>color of right channel trace--
               rightoffset  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>positions the right channel baseline + or - --
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               width  NUMBER   "100"
               --<Title>width of image in pixels--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-058--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Named link end--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-059--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               shape (rect , circle , poly , default)  "rect"
               --<Title>For use with OBJECT SHAPES--
               coords  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Coord pairs, always needed except for shape=default--
               href  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Hypertext link to apply--
               nohref (nohref)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>This region has no action--
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Named link end--
               target  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) target window in framing environment--
               rel  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>forward link types--
               rev  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>reverse link types--
               alt  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>Description for text-only browsers--
               tabindex  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Position in tabbing order--
               notab (notab)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Exclude from tabbing order--
               onClick  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>What to do on click--
               onMouseOver  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>What to do when mouse is moved over area--
               onMouseOut  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>What to do when mouse is moved off area--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-060--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               declare (declare)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>declare but don't instantiate flag--
               classid  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>identifies an implementation--
               codebase  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>some systems need an additional URL--
               data  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>reference to object's data--
               alt  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for display in place of object--
               type  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Internet media type for data--
               codetype  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Internet media type for code--
               standby  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message to show while loading--
               align (texttop , middle , textmiddle , baseline , 
               textbottom , left , center , right)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>positioning inside document--
               height  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>suggested height--
               width  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>suggested width--
               border  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>suggested link border width--
               hspace  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               vspace  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Suggested vertical gutter--
               ismap (ismap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Use server image map--
               usemap  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>reference to image map--
               shapes (shapes)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>object has shaped hypertext links--
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>submit as part of form--
               tabindex  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Position in tabbing order--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               notab (notab)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Exclude from tabbing order--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-061--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               ALIGN (top , middle , bottom , left , center , right)  
               --<Title>(O) more specific alignment--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               border  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) thickness of border in pixels--
               frameborder (YES , NO)  "NO"
               --<Title>(N) has the frame a border or not--
               hidden (TRUE , FALSE)  "FALSE"
               --<Title>(N) is the plugin visible--
               hspace  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) LR margin in pixels--
               vspace  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) TB margin in pixels--
               FLOWTO  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(O) flow text around block until this ID--
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) name of the applet--
               controls  CDATA   "FALSE"
               --<Title>(N) should the controls be on display--
               palette (FOREGROUND , BACKGROUND)  "FOREGROUND"
               --<Title>(N) where the applet's palette applies (MS-Win only)--
               pluginspace  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) URL of instructions if applet's MIME-type plugin not found--
               type  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) MIME content-type--
               src  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>location of object source--
               height  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>suggested height--
               width  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>suggested width--
               imagemap (imagemap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>pass background clicks to server--
               ismap (ismap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Use server image map--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               noflow (noflow)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>noflow around table--
               params  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(O) parameters to pass--
               units (en , px , relative)  "en"
               --<Title>units for column widths--
               usemap  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>reference to image map--
               alt  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for display in place of embedded object--
               URN  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(O) global entity name--
               REL  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(O) link relationship--
               REV  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(O) reverse relationship--
               ACCEPT  CDATA   "text/plain"
               --<Title>(O) applicable media type(s)--
               ACCEPT-CHARSET  CDATA   "ISO-8859-1"
               --<Title>(O) applicable character encoding(s)--
               ACCEPT-ENCODING  CDATA   "ISO-8859-1"
               --<Title>(O) applicable transfer encoding(s)--
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED 
               '<Fig><Xref IDRef="#AttVal(SRC)"><?SDATrans Embed: #AttList>'
               SDASUFF  CDATA    #FIXED "</Fig>"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-062--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-063--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-064--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               codebase  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>code base--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               mayscript (mayscript)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) allows applet access to JavaScript or similar--
               archive  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) URL of code archive (.zip, but not a compressed file)--
               code  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>class file--
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>applet name--
               alt  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for display in place of applet--
               align (top , middle , bottom , left , right)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>vertical or horizontal alignment--
               height  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               width  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               hspace  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               vspace  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Suggested vertical gutter--
               download  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>image download order--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-065--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               codebase  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>code base--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               mayscript (mayscript)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) allows applet access to JavaScript or similar--
               archive  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) URL of code archive (.zip, but not a compressed file)--
               code  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>class file--
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>applet name--
               alt  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for display in place of applet--
               align (top , middle , bottom , left , right)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>vertical or horizontal alignment--
               height  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               width  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               hspace  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               vspace  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Suggested vertical gutter--
               download  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>image download order--

<!ATTLIST param
               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-066--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               name  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>property name--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               value  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>property value--
               valuetype (DATA , REF , OBJECT)  "DATA"
               --<Title>How to interpret value--
               ref  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(L) Undocumented--
               valueref  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               data  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>reference to object's data--
               object  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               accept  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               accept-charset  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               accept-encoding  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               type  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Internet media type--
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED "<?SDATrans Param: #AttList>"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-067--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               script  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               subject  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               action  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>(H2) server-side form handler (script)--
               method (GET , POST , PGET)  "GET"
               --<Title>(H2) see HTTP specification: PGET added for Foteos' testing--
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) name for the form--
               target  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) name for the target window--
               enctype  CDATA   "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
               --<Title>(H2) Encoding type, may also be "multipart/form-data"--
               onReset  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) module to execute when form is reset--
               onSubmit  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) module to execute when form is submitted--
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED "<Para>Form:</Para>"
               SDASUFF  CDATA    #FIXED "<Para>Form End.</Para>"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-068--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               for  IDREF    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>matches a field ID value--
               accesskey  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>accessibility key character--
               onClick  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>intrinsic event--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-069--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               checked (checked)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>marks this set of fields by default as CHECKED--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-070--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               type (TEXT , PASSWORD , CHECKBOX , RADIO , SUBMIT , RESET , 
               FILE , HIDDEN , IMAGE , BUTTON)  "TEXT"
               --<Title>what kind of widget is needed--
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>required for all but submit and reset--
               value  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>required for radio and checkboxes, also for file uploads--
               checked (checked)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>marks this field by default as CHECKED--
               disabled (disabled)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>turns off this field--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               error  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               height  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               width  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               max  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               min  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               size  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>specific to each type of field--
               maxlength  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for fields with background images--
               alt  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for display in place of applet--
               fileformat  NOTATION (GIF , JPG , DVI , BMP , EPS , PNG , 
               PICT , TIFF , XBM , XPM)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Format of icon file if not implicit--
               accept  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Form-based file upload accepted types (RFC1867)--
               align (left , right , center , justify)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Horizontal alignment--
               tabindex  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Position in tabbing order--
               notab (notab)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Exclude from tabbing order--
               onClick  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) script to execute when button is clicked; (T) animation--
               onFocus  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               onBlur  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               onSelect  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               onChange  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               action  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) URL to send single field value to when field is clicked--
               submitform (submitform)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) with ACTION, sends whole form instead of single value--
               noargs (noargs)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) with ACTION, defeats sending of field data--
               nohighlight (nohighlight)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) disables auto-highlighting--
               usestyle (usestyle)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) use body font for content--
               autosubmit (autosubmit)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) in HIDDEN fields, submits form when user transcludes--
               loop (loop)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) forces an ONCLICK animation to loop--
               nocursor (nocursor)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) in IMAGE fields, disable cursor on image--
               borderimage  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) in TEXT, RESET and SUBMIT, specifies alternate button images--
               useform  IDREF    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) in SUBMIT, send the form ID="id" rather than the current form--
               allcaps (allcaps)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) forces keyboard to CAPS LOCK for data in this field--
               autocaps (autocaps)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) forces keyboard to initial capitalization for this field--
               autoactivate (autoactivate)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) in TEXT fields, activates focus automatically--
               bgcolor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) background color--
               cursor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) cursor color--
               executeurl  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) in TEXT, interpret data as URL and transclude on RETURN--
               nosubmit (nosubmit)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) defeats submission when RETURN is pressed--
               numbers (numbers)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) forces use of numeric keypad--
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED "Input: "

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-071--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , center , justify)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Horizontal alignment--
               name  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>property name--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               disabled (disabled)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>marks this field by default as disabled--
               error  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               width  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>desired width in units--
               height  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>desired height in units--
               units (en , pixels)  "pixels"
               --<Title>specifies units as en's or pixels--
               size  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>number of items in the list to be visible at once--
               multiple (multiple)   #IMPLIED 
               checked (checked)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>marks this field by default as CHECKED--
               tabindex  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Position in tabbing order--
               notab (notab)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Exclude from tabbing order--
               onFocus  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               onBlur  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               onChange  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               onClick  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) script to execute when button is clicked--
               autoactivate (autoactivate)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) in TEXT fields, activates focus automatically--
               bgcolor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) background color--
               exclusive (exclusive)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) detect and purge duplicate OPTION entries--
               selcolor  CDATA   "#EAEAEA"
               --<Title>(T) sets color for background of selected options--
               showempty (showempty)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) displays empty lists with string "empty"--
               text  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) sets color for text of OPTIONs--
               usestyle (usestyle)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) use body font for content--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "List"
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED 
               "<LHead>Select #AttVal(Multiple)</LHead>"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-072--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               disabled (disabled)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>marks this field by default as disabled--
               selected (selected)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>marks this field by default as selected--
               error  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               shape  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(L) Instantiation--
               value  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>defaults to element content--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "LItem"
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED 
               "Option: #AttVal(Value) #AttVal(Selected)"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-073--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , center , justify)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Horizontal alignment--
               name  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>property name--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               disabled (disabled)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>marks this field by default as disabled--
               error  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               wrap (ON , OFF , HARD , SOFT , PHYSICAL , VIRTUAL)  "OFF"
               --<Title>(N) how to handle line-wrapping and inserted newlines--
               rows  NUMBER    #REQUIRED 
               cols  NUMBER    #REQUIRED 
               checked (checked)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>marks this field by default as CHECKED--
               tabindex  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Position in tabbing order--
               notab (notab)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Exclude from tabbing order--
               onFocus  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               onBlur  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               onSelect  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               onChange  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               allcaps (allcaps)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) forces keyboard to CAPS LOCK for data in this field--
               autocaps (autocaps)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) forces keyboard to initial capitalization for this field--
               autoactivate (autoactivate)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) in TEXT fields, activates focus automatically--
               bgcolor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) background color--
               cursor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) cursor color--
               growable (growable)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) area grows when full instead of scrolling--
               nohardbreaks (nohardbreaks)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) RETURN moves to next field instead of entering a newline--
               nosoftbreaks (nosoftbreaks)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) soft breaks in wrapping will not be sent to server--
               numbers (numbers)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) forces use of numeric keypad--
               showkeyboard (showkeyboard)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) keyboard pops up automatically when area selected--
               usestyle (usestyle)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) use body font for content--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "Para"
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED "Input Text -- #AttVal(Name): "

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-074--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               name  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>Name for the name-value pair--
               challenge  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Challenge string (default is null IA5STRING)--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-075--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA   "no"
               --<Title>(left|right|all|no) move down past figures--
               needs  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>minimum width needed in ems or pixels, eg "40 em" or "100 pixels"--
               align (left , center , right , bleedleft , bleedright , 
               justify)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>table position relative to window--
               width  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>table width relative to window--
               cols  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>used for immediate display mode--
               border  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>controls frame width around table--
               frame (void , above , below , hsides , lhs , rhs , vsides , 
               box , border)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>which parts of table frame to include--
               rules (none , groups , rows , cols , all)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>rulings between rows and cols--
               cellspacing  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>spacing between cells--
               cellpadding  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>spacing within cells--
               colspec  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>column widths and alignment--
               units (en , px , relative)  "en"
               --<Title>units for column widths--
               dp  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>decimal point e.g. dp=","--
               valign (top , middle , bottom , baseline)  "top"
               --<Title>vertical alignment--
               noflow (noflow)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>noflow around table--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) don't wrap words--
               bgcolor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Table background color--
               bordercolor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>table border color--
               bordercolorlight  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>3D table border color--
               bordercolordark  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               background  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) Image to tile for table background--
               cellborder  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) set cell border width in pixels--
               href  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) Hypertext link to apply to whole table--
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) Name instead of ID--
               transparency  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>(T) degree of transparency (0=opaque, 100=clear)--
               stubcols  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(D) so user agent can progressive render--
               hdrrows  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(D) for symmetry, tho less important--
               TblWd  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) Table width--
               TblHt  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) Table height--
               TblUnits (percent , pixels , points , picas , mm , cm , 
               inches)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) Table units--
               --Not known if this is needed: SQTABLE CDATA #FIXED 'TBLBODY'--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-076--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (top , bottom)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) location of caption wrt table|figure|etc--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               accesskey  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>accessibility key character--
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED "Caption: "

<!ATTLIST colgroup
               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-077--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               span  NUMBER   "1"
               --<Title>default number of columns in group--
               width  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>default width for enclosed COLs--
               align (left , center , right , justify , char)  
               char  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               charoff  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>offset for alignment char--
               valign (top , middle , bottom , baseline)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>vertical alignment in cells--
               ColSep (VSingle , VDouble , VTriple , VDash , VDot , 
               VBold , VBlank , VNone)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) column separation pattern--
               AlignChr  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) alignment character--
               CharPos  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) character position--
               ColWd  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) default width for all cells in all columns--
               TblUnits (percent , pixels , points , picas , mm , cm , 
               inches)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) Table units--
               --Not known if this is needed: SQTABLE CDATA #FIXED 'TBLBODY'--
               TopSep (HSingle , HDouble , HTriple , HDash , HDot , 
               HBold , HBlank , HNone)  "HSingle"
               --<Title>(AE) default top border for all cells in row 1--
               --unused: SQTABLE CDATA #FIXED 'TBLCDEFS'--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-078--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               span  NUMBER   "1"
               --<Title>number of columns spanned by group--
               width  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>column width specification--
               align (left , center , right , justify , char)  
               char  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               charoff  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>offset for alignment char--
               valign (top , middle , bottom , baseline)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>vertical alignment in cells--
               ColSep (VSingle , VDouble , VTriple , VDash , VDot , 
               VBold , VBlank , VNone)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) column separation pattern--
               AlignChr  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) alignment character--
               CharPos  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) character position--
               ColWd  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) default width for all cells in all columns--
               TblUnits (percent , pixels , points , picas , mm , cm , 
               inches)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) Table units--
               --Not known if this is needed: SQTABLE CDATA #FIXED 'TBLBODY'--
               TopSep (HSingle , HDouble , HTriple , HDash , HDot , 
               HBold , HBlank , HNone)  "HSingle"
               --<Title>(AE) default top border for all cells in row 1--
               --unused: SQTABLE CDATA #FIXED 'TBLCDEFS'--

<!ATTLIST thead
               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-079--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , center , right , justify , char)  
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               char  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               charoff  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>offset for alignment char--
               dp  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>decimal point e.g. dp=","--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>don't wrap words--
               valign (top , middle , bottom , baseline)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>vertical alignment in cells--
               RowSep (HSingle , HDouble , HTriple , HDash , HDot , 
               HBold , HBlank , HNone)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) Inter-row border--

<!ATTLIST tfoot
               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-080--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , center , right , justify , char)  
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               char  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               charoff  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>offset for alignment char--
               dp  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>decimal point e.g. dp=","--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>don't wrap words--
               valign (top , middle , bottom , baseline)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>vertical alignment in cells--
               RowSep (HSingle , HDouble , HTriple , HDash , HDot , 
               HBold , HBlank , HNone)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) Inter-row border--

<!ATTLIST tbody
               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-081--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , center , right , justify , char)  
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               char  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               charoff  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>offset for alignment char--
               dp  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>decimal point e.g. dp=","--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>don't wrap words--
               valign (top , middle , bottom , baseline)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>vertical alignment in cells--
               RowSep (HSingle , HDouble , HTriple , HDash , HDot , 
               HBold , HBlank , HNone)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) Inter-row border--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-082--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               align (left , center , right , justify , char)  
               char  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               charoff  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>offset for horizontal alignment in cells--
               valign (top , middle , bottom , baseline)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>vertical alignment in cells--
               dp  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>decimal point e.g. dp=","--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>don't wrap words--
               bgcolor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>background color for cell--
               bordercolor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>cell border color--
               bordercolorlight  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>3D cell border color--
               bordercolordark  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               width  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>cell width--
               transparency  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>(T) degree of transparency (0=opaque, 100=clear)--
               rowaxes  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(D) to indicate the distinguishing row part of td axes value--
               ColSep (VSingle , VDouble , VTriple , VDash , VDot , 
               VBold , VBlank , VNone)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) column separation pattern--
               RowSep (HSingle , HDouble , HTriple , HDash , HDot , 
               HBold , HBlank , HNone)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) Inter-row border--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-083--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               axis  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>defaults to cell content--
               axes  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>list of axis names--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>suppress word wrap--
               bgcolor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>cell background color--
               rowspan  NUMBER   "1"
               --<Title>number of rows spanned by cell--
               colspan  NUMBER   "1"
               --<Title>number of cols spanned by cell--
               align (left , center , right , justify , char)  
               char  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               charoff  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>offset for horizontal alignment in cells--
               valign (top , middle , bottom , baseline)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>vertical alignment in cells--
               dp  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>decimal point e.g. dp=","--
               rowstart  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) edit control--
               colstart  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               bordercolor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>cell border color--
               bordercolorlight  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>3D cell border color--
               bordercolordark  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               width  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>cell width--
               absheight  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) height of cell, presumably in pixels--
               abswidth  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) width of cell, presumably in pixels--
               maxlines  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) max lines to display in cell--
               transparency  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>(T) degree of transparency (0=opaque, 100=clear)--
               ColSep (VSingle , VDouble , VTriple , VDash , VDot , 
               VBold , VBlank , VNone)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) column separation pattern--
               RowSep (HSingle , HDouble , HTriple , HDash , HDot , 
               HBold , HBlank , HNone)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) Inter-row border--
               AlignChr  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) alignment character--
               CharPos  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) character position--
               ColWd  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) default width for all cells in all columns--
               TblUnits (percent , pixels , points , picas , mm , cm , 
               inches)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) Table units--
               --Not known if this is needed: SQTABLE CDATA #FIXED 'TBLBODY'--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-084--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               axis  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>defaults to cell content--
               axes  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>list of axis names--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>suppress word wrap--
               bgcolor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>cell background color--
               rowspan  NUMBER   "1"
               --<Title>number of rows spanned by cell--
               colspan  NUMBER   "1"
               --<Title>number of cols spanned by cell--
               align (left , center , right , justify , char)  
               char  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               charoff  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>offset for horizontal alignment in cells--
               valign (top , middle , bottom , baseline)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>vertical alignment in cells--
               dp  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>decimal point e.g. dp=","--
               rowstart  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) edit control--
               colstart  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               bordercolor  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>cell border color--
               bordercolorlight  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>3D cell border color--
               bordercolordark  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               width  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>cell width--
               absheight  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) height of cell, presumably in pixels--
               abswidth  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) width of cell, presumably in pixels--
               background  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) Image to tile for table background--
               maxlines  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) max lines to display in cell--
               transparency  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>(T) degree of transparency (0=opaque, 100=clear)--
               ColSep (VSingle , VDouble , VTriple , VDash , VDot , 
               VBold , VBlank , VNone)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) column separation pattern--
               RowSep (HSingle , HDouble , HTriple , HDash , HDot , 
               HBold , HBlank , HNone)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) Inter-row border--
               AlignChr  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) alignment character--
               CharPos  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) character position--
               ColWd  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) default width for all cells in all columns--
               TblUnits (percent , pixels , points , picas , mm , cm , 
               inches)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(AE) Table units--
               --Not known if this is needed: SQTABLE CDATA #FIXED 'TBLBODY'--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-085--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               border  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>controls frame width around figure--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URI of image to embed--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               isobject (isobject)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(L) Figure is an object--
               width  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>desired width in units--
               height  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>desired height in units--
               units (en , pixels)  "pixels"
               --<Title>specifies units as en's or pixels--
               align (bleedleft , left , center , right , bleedright , 
               justify)  "center"
               noflow (noflow)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>noflow around figure--
               imagemap (CDATA)   #IMPLIED 
               fileformat  NOTATION (GIF , JPG , DVI , BMP , EPS , PNG , 
               PICT , TIFF , XBM , XPM)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Format of figure if not implicit--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-086--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               src  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>URI of image overlay--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               units (en , pixels)  "pixels"
               --<Title>specifies units as en's or pixels--
               x  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>offset from left in units--
               y  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>offset from top in units--
               width  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>desired width in units--
               height  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>desired height in units--
               imagemap (CDATA)   #IMPLIED 
               fileformat  NOTATION (GIF , JPG , DVI , BMP , EPS , PNG , 
               PICT , TIFF , XBM , XPM)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(P)Format of overlay image file if not implicit--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-087--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (left , right , center , justify)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Horizontal alignment--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "Fn"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-088--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-089--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               href  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URL for linked resource. RFC1808 (June 95) and RFC1738 (Dec 94)--
               urn  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URN when available--
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Named link end--
               rel  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>forward link types--
               rev  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>reverse link types--
               ismap (ismap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Use server image map--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               target  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(N) name for the target window--
               type  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Internet media type--
               accesskey  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>accessibility key character--
               shape (rect , circle , poly , default)  "rect"
               --<Title>For use with OBJECT SHAPES--
               coords  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               tabindex  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Position in tabbing order--
               notab (notab)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Exclude from tabbing order--
               onClick  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>intrinsic event--
               onMouseOver  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               onMouseOut  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               nocolor (nocolor)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T)defeats LINK color--
               selected (selected)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T)specifies this link is highlighted when 2+ appear on screen--
               bulletin-date  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(B) HTTP-format date/time of posting--
               bulletin-text  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(B) text to display--
               bulletin-expires  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(B) HTTP-format expiration date/time--
               bulletin-image  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(B) URL for a visual bulletin--
               bulletin-href  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(B) URL for a link to bulletin--
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED "<Anchor: #AttList>"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-090--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               key  IDREF    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Link to source--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "It"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-091--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               key  IDREF    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Link to source--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "It"

               PERSON , ACRONYM , ABBREV)
               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-092--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-093--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-094--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "It"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-095--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "Lit"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-096--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "B"

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-097--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               size  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) specify width in characters--
               width  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) specify width in pixels--
               value  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>(T) supplies the text whose value is to be limited--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-098--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-099--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-100--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               size  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>[+/-]nn eg size="+1", size="4", size="-2"; range is 1 thru 7--
               color  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>#RRGGBB in hex, e.g. red: color="#FF0000"--
               end  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               face  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>comma separated list of font names--
               effect (relief , emboss , shadow)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(T) variant--
               transparency  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>(T) degree of transparency (0=opaque, 100=clear)--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-101--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-102--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               indent  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>en units before new tab stop--
               to  IDREF    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>jump to same location as a previous tab stop with this ID value--
               align (left , center , right , decimal)  "left"
               --<Title>what kind of alignment--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               dp  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>specify the decimal point e.g. dp=","--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-103--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               box  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               position (display , inline)   #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>Position in the paragraph--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-104--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               size (normal , medium , large , huge)  "normal"
               --<Title>Delimiter size--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-105--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               sym  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Symbol (character entity reference) from ISOams*--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-106--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               sym  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Symbol (character entity reference) from ISOams*--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-107--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align (top , middle , bottom)  "middle"
               coldef  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Column alignment and separator--
               ldelim  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Stretchy left delimiter--
               rdelim  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Stretchy right delimiter--
               labels (labels)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>TeX's \bordermatrix style--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-108--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-109--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               align  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Override coldef alignment--
               colspan  NUMBER   "1"
               --<Title>Span columns as in TABLE--
               rowspan  NUMBER   "1"
               --<Title>Span rows as in TABLE--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-110--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-111--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3) control of text flow--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "Lit"
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED "Example: "

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-112--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Document-wide unique ID--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Comma-separated list of classes--
               style  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Style info for this occurrence only--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Advisory title (rec'd max 64 chars)--
               lang  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>RFC 1766 language value--
               dir (ltr , rtl)   #IMPLIED 
               noindex (noindex)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>(H3)control of text flow--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "Lit"
               SDAPREF  CDATA    #FIXED "Listing: "

               --<Title>html_p~1 - Attribute List-113--
               SDAFORM  CDATA    #FIXED "Lit"

               --<Title>Compu$erve Graphics Interchange Format--

               --<Title>Joint Photographic Experts Group--

               --<Title>Encapsulated Adobe PostScript--

               --<Title>TeX typesetting system binary typeset format--

               --<Title>Microsoft Windows BitMap--

               --<Title>Portable Network Graphics--

<!NOTATION TIFF SYSTEM "tif" --<Title>Tagged Image Format-- >

<!NOTATION PICT SYSTEM "pict" --<Title>Apple Mac Picture-- >

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<!NOTATION AU SYSTEM "au" --<Title>UNIX audio-- >

<!NOTATION SND SYSTEM "snd" --<Title>Apple Mac SouND-- >

<!NOTATION WAV SYSTEM "wav" --<Title>Windows WAVe audio-- >

<!NOTATION MOV SYSTEM "mov" --<Title>Windows Movie-- >

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<!NOTATION VIV SYSTEM "viv" --<Title>Vivo Video format-- >

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<!ENTITY % thisversion  
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<!ENTITY % commonatts  
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 title   CDATA     #IMPLIED
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 lang    NAME      #IMPLIED
 --<Title>RFC 1766 language value-- 
 dir     (ltr,rtl) #IMPLIED
 noindex (noindex) #IMPLIED
 --<Title>Defeats robot indexing--
               --<Title>attributes common to all elements--

<!ENTITY % horiz.align  
 align (left,right,center,justify) #IMPLIED
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               --<Title>horizontal alignment on some structural elements--

<!ENTITY % vert.align  
 align (top,middle,bottom) "middle"
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               --<Title>vertical alignment on some elements--

               --<Title>One to one mapping--

               --<Title>Generated text prefix--

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               --<Title>Generated text suffix--

               --<Title>Suspend transform process--

<!ENTITY % VBorder  

<!ENTITY % HBorder  

<!ENTITY % TblUnit  "(percent|pixels|points|picas|mm|cm|inches)"

<!ENTITY zwnj   CDATA ""
               --<Title>=zero width non-joiner--
               --=zero width non-joiner--

<!ENTITY zwj   CDATA "
               --<Title>=zero width joiner-- --=zero width joiner--

<!ENTITY lrm   CDATA "¢
               ­­¼Ôéôìå¾½ìåæô­ôï­òéçèô íáòë­­ ­­½ìåæô­ôï­òéçèô íáòë­­

¼¡ÅÎÔÉÔÙ òìí   ÃÄÁÔÁ ¢"
               --<Title>=right-to-left mark-- --=right-to-left mark--

<!ENTITY amp   CDATA "&"
               --<Title>(H1) ampersand--

<!ENTITY lt   CDATA "<"
               --<Title>(H1) less-than--

<!ENTITY gt   CDATA ">"
               --<Title>(H1) greater-than--

<!ENTITY quot   CDATA '"'
               --<Title>(I) internationalised application-dependent double-quote--

<!ENTITY nbsp   CDATA " "
               --<Title>(H3) non-breaking space--

<!ENTITY copy   CDATA "(C)"
               --<Title>(I) copyright symbol--

<!ENTITY reg   CDATA "(R)"
               --<Title>(I) registered symbol--

<!ENTITY % ISOlat1   PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN"   
               --<Title>Latin-1 (accented) characters--

<!ENTITY % ISOlat2   PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 2//EN"   
               --<Title>Latin-2 more accented characters--

<!ENTITY % ISOpub   PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN"   
               --<Title>Publishers' symbols--

               "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES General Technical//EN"   
               --<Title>Technical symbols--

               "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN"   
               --<Title>Numeric and graphic symbols--
