view lisp/oobr/BR-RELEASE @ 54:05472e90ae02 r19-16-pre2

Import from CVS: tag r19-16-pre2
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:57:55 +0200
parents 4103f0995bd7
children 131b0175ea99
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line source

# SUMMARY:      What's new in this version of the OO-Browser?
# AUTHOR:       Bob Weiner
# ORG:          InfoDock Associates.  We sell corporate support and development
#               contracts for InfoDock, Emacs and XEmacs.
#               E-mail: <>  Web:
#               Tel: +1 408-243-3300
# ORIG-DATE:    15-Oct-90
# LAST-MOD:     21-Feb-97 at 16:33:20 by Bob Weiner
# Copyright (C) 1990-1997  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# See the file BR-COPY for license information.
# This file is part of the OO-Browser.

			       VERSION 2.10

* OO-Browser Multi-language Changes

  ** Added Show-Inherited-Features toggle button to the OO-Browser Options
     menu.  This determines whether or not inherited features are shown
     when listing class features.  (The default is `on'.)

  ** Adding a single class to an Environment with the br-add-class command
     now properly adds its features too.  Similarly, the br-delete command
     deletes associated features.

  ** X OO-Browser bug on some platforms that blackened the whole window after
     drawing the tree may be eliminated on some platforms, but not all.

  ** br-edit-feature is now more flexible, permitting separate specification of
     class and feature name arguments.

  ** Fixed br-find-file to never display a file in a browser listing window.

  ** Eliminated unnecessary execution of mode-specific hooks when scanning
     class files.  For example, invocation of syntax highlighting could
     slow down scanning dramatically.

  ** Added InfoDock Associates contact info to version/credit screen that
     appears on startup or when using the {C-c #} command in the browser
     to make it easy for people to get commercial support or custom
     develpment for the OO-Browser.

* C++ OO-Browser

  ** Added support for multi-line virtual method declarations.

* Java OO-Browser

  ** Attributes are now included as features of a class (you must rebuild
     any existing Environment to have them included).  They are prefaced
     with "= " when shown in a browser listing buffer.

  ** Array return values from methods are now handled properly by the
     OO-Browser scanner.

  ** Feature name completion now works properly, whenever the browser
     prompts for a feature name.

  ** Added support for .jav files for 3-character suffix impaired users.

  ** Cleaned up a number of areas of the code that were improperly carried
     over from the C++ OO-Browser.

  ** Removed support for threadsafe keyword since it has been deleted from
     the language specification.

* Objective-C OO-Browser

  ** objc-feature-matches can now take a regular expression and return
     all matching features.

* Python OO-Browser

  ** Included support for the Python object-oriented scripting language.

			       VERSION 2.9.11

* Added man/br-design.texi to document the design rationale of the

* Java: The OO-Browser now works on code with the new Java exception syntax:
      public Connection(String host, int port)
	throws UnknownHostException, InputOutputException {}

* Fixed mouse key initialization bug.

* C: Fixed bug in displaying structure or enum definitions.

* Emacs 19: Fixed bug that caused OO-Browser menubar menu not to appear.

* BR-README: Rewrote Installation / Configuration section.

			       VERSION 2.9.10

* {M-x br-report-bug RET} bound to {C-c C-b} in OO-Browser listing buffers
  can be used to send mail to the OO-Browser discussion list.

* A number of significant bug fixes, including errors triggered when scanning
  source directories and encountering an unreadable file.  See "ChangeLog".

* .icc and .I C++ inline definition file suffixes are now supported.

* Any time an Environment is built interactively, you are queried whether or
  not to build it in the background.

* If you try to load an Environment which has not yet been built and you
  decide not to build it, then the load is aborted rather than prompting you
  for another Environment to load.

			       VERSION 2.9.9

* Standard OO-Browser invocation command renamed to 'oo-browser' for clarity.
  'oobr' still exists for backward compatibility.  Invocation is now much
  simpler and cleaner.  You are always prompted for the Environment to
  browse, but if you hit {RET} immediately or if you give a prefix argument
  to the command, then you jump right into browsing the previous Environment.
  This eliminates the problem new users had in not knowing how to switch
  Environments.  See "( Environments".

* {q} to quit from the OO-Browser now always puts the browser buffers at the
  bottom of the buffer list, as it should.

* Subdirectories whose names are a single character long now are scanned

* br-skip-dir-regexps and br-file-dir-regexp are now documented in the
  manual, see "(".

			       VERSION 2.9.8

* Improved tree-x/Makefile support for building under UNIX System V.

* Fixed bugs in Java Environment building.

* Added Java Specifics section to the OO-Browser manual.
			  VERSIONS 2.9.6 and 2.9.7

* Added support for browsing Java code, a language developed by Sun
  Microsystems, in popular use for new World-Wide Web applications.

* A number of bug fixes.
			  VERSIONS 2.9.4 and 2.9.5

* Eiffel: Added some new Eiffel V3 keywords.

* Added information on the new oo-browser mailing list in the "BR-README"
  file.  Also added menu items to subscribe to / unsubscribe from the list
  and to send mail to it.

* CLOS: Changed language name to Lisp, since the browser is useful on
  non-CLOS Lisp too.

				VERSION 2.9.3

* Environment files now contain the version of the OO-Browser which was used
  to build them.  If the Environment file format is obsolete, the OO-Browser
  will automatically prompt you to rebuild it whenever you load it.

* {C-c C-s} now properly saves Environment features, when the Environment is

* The browser user interface will now display within a frame even if you have
  set the unsplittable frame property.

* Eiffel: Fixed bug that prevented display of a feature from its listing
   entry when using {f}.
				VERSION 2.9.2

* Added pulldown and popup menu support for Emacs 19.

* 'make install' now installs OO-Browser documentation in an Emacs tree.

				VERSION 2.9.1

* C++/C/Objective-C:

         NOTE:  You must rebuild any Objective-C Environments that you have
                built with earlier versions of the browser.  If you want the
                new C default classes described below to appear in C++
                Environments, you must rebuild them, too.

         The OO-Browser now supports browsing the following C constructs
         within C++ and Objective-C Environments via default classes:

         [constant]       #define constant
         [enumeration]    enum {}
         [function]       non-member function()
         [macro]          #define macro()
         [structure]      struct {}
         [type]           typedef {}
         [union]          union {}

         You may now define a C++ Environment which contains only C code.
         The above default classes are the only ones that will appear in such

* C++: Added recognition of keywords, `mutable' and `explicit', newly added
       to standard C++.

* Removed key binding of br-toggle-keep-viewed since this is little used and
  reused its key, {V}, for br-view-friend, which views the definition of a
  C++ friend declaration.  This was mistakenly formerly bound to {M-v} which
  conflicted with a basic scrolling command.

* C++: Recognition of new array operators, 'operator new [] ()' and 'operator
       delete [] ()'.

* The X OO-Browser can now be built on systems without the usleep system call
  (see oobr/tree-x/Makefile).

* {M-e}, br-env-stats, now shows the names of any classes which are defined
  multiple times within the Environment, to help you eliminate duplicates.
  It also shows a list of undefined classes, those which are referenced,
  e.g. as parents of another class, but not defined within the Environment.

				 VERSION 2.9

* C++: See the C++ Specifics section of the OO-Browser manual for user
       documentation on all of these changes.

* C++: friend declarations now appear in class feature listings, prefixed by
       '% '.  {V} views the definition of a friend.

* C++: pure virtual functions now appear in listings as '> func' instead of
      'func = 0'.  Object creation and deletion functions appear as '+ func'
      instead of '- func'.

* C++: Overloading of operator[] and operator() is now supported.

* C++: Greatly speeded up feature listings by caching feature names.

* C++: Expanded variety of complex declarations/definitions that the browser

* Eiffel: Added full feature browsing as in other languages along with Eiffel
          V3 support.

				VERSION 2.8.6

* Added KEYWORDS: header to all *.el files, so the Emacs finder
  program, {C-h p}, can now include them in its indices for lookup.

* C++: Added support for browsing pure virtual function interfaces declared
  within classes.  Given a pure virtual function named, f, it appears as, f =
  0, in a browser listing buffer to distinguish it from a member definition.

* C++: Improved scanning of a broader range of C++ definitions.

* {C-u F} now works properly.  It shows the signatures/tags of all features
  in the current listing buffer.

* CLOS: Added proper support for &keywords in argument lists.

* CLOS: All methods which do not contain any specialized parameters (those
  of a specific type) are considered members of the root CLOS class 't'. 

				VERSION 2.8.5

* Documented InfoDock/XEmacs menus in the manual.

* Improved Makefile support for adding custom load-path entries.

* Emacs 19 versions now run site-start.el when batch compiling files.

				VERSION 2.8.4

* Added autoload comments so that autoloaded OO-Browser commands are
  automatically picked up under V19.

* The default display of class features/elements, bound to {f}, now includes
  all inherited features.  Use {M-0 f} to turn off display of inherited

* Under XEmacs when mouse support is available, there is an OO-Browser
  pulldown menu and the same menu as a popup, bound to the right mouse button
  when in a browser listing buffer.

* Instantiation of templates is handled well now, especially when a parent
  class is a template instantiation.

* Action Key press on a C++ class feature declaration now properly jumps to
  the definition.

			  VERSIONS 2.8.2 and 2.8.3

* New version of the X OO-Browser with more reliable display updates after a
  node is collapsed and a color X resource file.

* Support for C++ template class and method browsing.

* Under C++, non-class functions are now found and added to the default
  [function] class for easy browsing.  This includes both C and C++ functions.

* Br-unique, {u}, and br-order, {o}, now work on all entry types, not just

* New command, br-match-entries, bound to {M}.  Permits filtering of the set
  of entries in a listing buffer.  Under Emacs 19, you can still browse
  entries after filtering them.  Emacs 18 doesn't permit this since each
  entry name is not necessarily unique.

* Many bug fixes and many fewer invalid method tag matches under C++.

* Much faster compilation of the OO-Browser Emacs Lisp source code since all
  files are compiled with one invocation of Emacs, rather than one per file.

* Environment builds may now be done in the background.  (You are prompted
  for whether to build in the background, each time you build an
  Environment.  When the build finishes, you are asked if you would like to
  browse the built Environment.)

* Eiffel 3 inheritance clause support.

				VERSION 2.8.1

* Much faster C++ feature lookups.  You *must* rebuild any C++ Environments
  built with earlier versions of the OO-Browser before trying to browse
  features within the Environment.  Load such an Environment and use {C-c
  C-e} to rebuild it.

* XEmacs 19.12 mouse support.

				 VERSION 2.8

* Command and Key Binding Improvements

  ** Action Key press on an OO-Browser environment file named OOBR or
     OOBR-FTR, automatically determines the language of the Environment and
     loads it for browsing.

  ** Common Lisp and Emacs Lisp element browsing support added.  Standard
     language element types are added as default classes to Environment, so
     one can browse functions, variables, methods and more.  See
     "( Specifics" for details.

  ** The feature listing command, br-routines, previously bound to {r}, has
     been renamed br-features and bound to {f}.  {f} used to run br-find; use
     {C-u e} (br-edit-entry) for that command instead.  This makes the
     bindings of {f} and {F}, which lists feature signatures, more uniform.
     {r} still works for backwards compatibility in this release.

  ** {f} if applied to a single class for which there are no feature
     definitions within the Environment, displays the associated class
     definition so that you may browse its feature declarations.  This
     improves browsing in Environments where you have only interface
     specifications, e.g. *.h files, but no source code.

  ** Fixed {I}, br-implementors command.  Also, now an Action Key press on
     an implementor class shows the implemented element.

  ** {C} lists class categories.  Presently only supported under Objective-C.
     {v} or {e} views or edits the class category definition.
     {I} shows the classes which implement a category.
     The [category] default class displays all Environment categories as its
     features.  {v} or {e} then displays the associated category definition.

  ** {P} lists class protocols.   Presently only supported under Objective-C.
     {v} or {e} views or edits the class definition which directly conforms
     to the protocol.
     {I} shows the classes which implement a protocol.
     The [protocol] default class displays all Environment protocols as its
     features.  {v} or {e} then displays the associated protocol definition.

* Graphical Browser Improvements

  ** Motif version of the X OO-Browser interface redone using the Athena
     toolkit, so that only free X libraries are required.  Thanks to Torgeir
     Veimo for this conversion work.

* Many bug fixes.

  ** The browser will no longer scan SCCS revision subdirectories by default.

  ** Better support for the wide variety of C++ coding styles and file naming

* User Manual Improvements

  ** Reorganized and renamed sections for clarity.

  ** New sections:

     ***  "( Categories"
     ***  "( Elements"
     ***  "( Implementors"
     ***  "( Protocols"

  ** Expanded glossary in user manual.

* Installation Improvements

  ** Improved Makefile to support all common Emacs versions.

  ** More detailed installation notes in "BR-README".