view lisp/mu/std11-parse.el @ 54:05472e90ae02 r19-16-pre2

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date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:57:55 +0200
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;;; std11-parse.el --- STD 11 parser for GNU Emacs

;; Copyright (C) 1995,1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; Author: MORIOKA Tomohiko <>
;; Keywords: mail, news, RFC 822, STD 11
;; Version:
;;	$Id: std11-parse.el,v 1.2 1996/12/22 00:29:20 steve Exp $

;; This file is part of MU (Message Utilities).

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
;; your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Code:

(require 'std11)
(require 'emu)

;;; @ lexical analyze

(defconst std11-space-chars " \t\n")
(defconst std11-spaces-regexp (concat "[" std11-space-chars "]+"))
(defconst std11-special-chars "][()<>@,;:\\<>.\"")
(defconst std11-atom-regexp
  (concat "^[^" std11-special-chars std11-space-chars "]+"))

(defun std11-analyze-spaces (string)
  (if (and (string-match std11-spaces-regexp string)
	   (= (match-beginning 0) 0))
      (let ((end (match-end 0)))
	(cons (cons 'spaces (substring string 0 end))
	      (substring string end)

(defun std11-analyze-special (str)
  (if (and (> (length str) 0)
	   (find (aref str 0) std11-special-chars)
      (cons (cons 'specials (substring str 0 1))
	    (substring str 1)

(defun std11-analyze-atom (str)
  (if (string-match std11-atom-regexp str)
      (let ((end (match-end 0)))
	(cons (cons 'atom (substring str 0 end))
	      (substring str end)

(defun std11-check-enclosure (str open close &optional recursive from)
  (let ((len (length str))
	(i (or from 0))
    (if (and (> len i)
	     (eq (aref str i) open))
	(let (p chr)
	  (setq i (1+ i))
	  (catch 'tag
	    (while (< i len)
	      (setq chr (aref str i))
	      (cond ((eq chr ?\\)
		     (setq i (1+ i))
		     (if (>= i len)
			 (throw 'tag nil)
		     (setq i (1+ i))
		    ((eq chr close)
		     (throw 'tag (1+ i))
		    ((eq chr open)
		     (if (and recursive
			      (setq p (std11-check-enclosure
				       str open close recursive i))
			 (setq i p)
		       (throw 'tag nil)
		     (setq i (1+ i))

(defun std11-analyze-quoted-string (str)
  (let ((p (std11-check-enclosure str ?\" ?\")))
    (if p
	(cons (cons 'quoted-string (substring str 1 (1- p)))
	      (substring str p))

(defun std11-analyze-domain-literal (str)
  (let ((p (std11-check-enclosure str ?\[ ?\])))
    (if p
	(cons (cons 'domain-literal (substring str 1 (1- p)))
	      (substring str p))

(defun std11-analyze-comment (str)
  (let ((p (std11-check-enclosure str ?\( ?\) t)))
    (if p
	(cons (cons 'comment (substring str 1 (1- p)))
	      (substring str p))

(defun std11-lexical-analyze (str)
  (let (dest ret)
    (while (not (string-equal str ""))
      (setq ret
	    (or (std11-analyze-quoted-string str)
		(std11-analyze-domain-literal str)
		(std11-analyze-comment str)
		(std11-analyze-spaces str)
		(std11-analyze-special str)
		(std11-analyze-atom str)
		'((error) . "")
      (setq dest (cons (car ret) dest))
      (setq str (cdr ret))
    (nreverse dest)

;;; @ parser

(defun std11-ignored-token-p (token)
  (let ((type (car token)))
    (or (eq type 'spaces)(eq type 'comment))

(defun std11-parse-token (lal)
  (let (token itl)
    (while (and lal
		  (setq token (car lal))
		  (std11-ignored-token-p token)
      (setq lal (cdr lal))
      (setq itl (cons token itl))
    (cons (nreverse (cons token itl))
	  (cdr lal))

(defun std11-parse-ascii-token (lal)
  (let (token itl parsed token-value)
    (while (and lal
		(setq token (car lal))
		(if (and (setq token-value (cdr token))
			 (find-non-ascii-charset-string token-value)
		    (setq token nil)
		  (std11-ignored-token-p token)
      (setq lal (cdr lal))
      (setq itl (cons token itl))
    (if (and token
	     (setq parsed (nreverse (cons token itl)))
	(cons parsed (cdr lal))

(defun std11-parse-token-or-comment (lal)
  (let (token itl)
    (while (and lal
		  (setq token (car lal))
		  (eq (car token) 'spaces)
      (setq lal (cdr lal))
      (setq itl (cons token itl))
    (cons (nreverse (cons token itl))
	  (cdr lal))

(defun std11-parse-word (lal)
  (let ((ret (std11-parse-ascii-token lal)))
    (if ret
	(let ((elt (car ret))
	      (rest (cdr ret))
	  (if (or (assq 'atom elt)
		  (assq 'quoted-string elt))
	      (cons (cons 'word elt) rest)

(defun std11-parse-word-or-comment (lal)
  (let ((ret (std11-parse-token-or-comment lal)))
    (if ret
	(let ((elt (car ret))
	      (rest (cdr ret))
	  (cond ((or (assq 'atom elt)
		     (assq 'quoted-string elt))
		 (cons (cons 'word elt) rest)
		((assq 'comment elt)
		 (cons (cons 'comment-word elt) rest)

(defun std11-parse-phrase (lal)
  (let (ret phrase)
    (while (setq ret (std11-parse-word-or-comment lal))
      (setq phrase (append phrase (cdr (car ret))))
      (setq lal (cdr ret))
    (if phrase
	(cons (cons 'phrase phrase) lal)

(defun std11-parse-local-part (lal)
  (let ((ret (std11-parse-word lal)))
    (if ret
	(let ((local-part (cdr (car ret))) dot)
	  (setq lal (cdr ret))
	  (while (and (setq ret (std11-parse-ascii-token lal))
		      (setq dot (car ret))
		      (string-equal (cdr (assq 'specials dot)) ".")
		      (setq ret (std11-parse-word (cdr ret)))
		      (setq local-part
			    (append local-part dot (cdr (car ret)))
		      (setq lal (cdr ret))
	  (cons (cons 'local-part local-part) lal)

(defun std11-parse-sub-domain (lal)
  (let ((ret (std11-parse-ascii-token lal)))
    (if ret
	(let ((sub-domain (car ret)))
	  (if (or (assq 'atom sub-domain)
		  (assq 'domain-literal sub-domain)
	      (cons (cons 'sub-domain sub-domain)
		    (cdr ret)

(defun std11-parse-domain (lal)
  (let ((ret (std11-parse-sub-domain lal)))
    (if ret
	(let ((domain (cdr (car ret))) dot)
	  (setq lal (cdr ret))
	  (while (and (setq ret (std11-parse-ascii-token lal))
		      (setq dot (car ret))
		      (string-equal (cdr (assq 'specials dot)) ".")
		      (setq ret (std11-parse-sub-domain (cdr ret)))
		      (setq domain
			    (append domain dot (cdr (car ret)))
		      (setq lal (cdr ret))
	  (cons (cons 'domain domain) lal)

(defun std11-parse-at-domain (lal)
  (let ((ret (std11-parse-ascii-token lal)) at-sign)
    (if (and ret
	     (setq at-sign (car ret))
	     (string-equal (cdr (assq 'specials at-sign)) "@")
	     (setq ret (std11-parse-domain (cdr ret)))
	(cons (cons 'at-domain (append at-sign (cdr (car ret))))
	      (cdr ret))

(defun std11-parse-addr-spec (lal)
  (let ((ret (std11-parse-local-part lal))
    (if (and ret
		 (setq addr (cdr (car ret)))
	       (setq lal (cdr ret))
	       (and (setq ret (std11-parse-at-domain lal))
		    (setq addr (append addr (cdr (car ret))))
		    (setq lal (cdr ret))
	(cons (cons 'addr-spec addr) lal)

(defun std11-parse-route (lal)
  (let ((ret (std11-parse-at-domain lal))
	route comma colon)
    (if (and ret
	       (setq route (cdr (car ret)))
	       (setq lal (cdr ret))
	       (while (and (setq ret (std11-parse-ascii-token lal))
			   (setq comma (car ret))
			   (string-equal (cdr (assq 'specials comma)) ",")
			   (setq ret (std11-parse-at-domain (cdr ret)))
		 (setq route (append route comma (cdr (car ret))))
		 (setq lal (cdr ret))
	       (and (setq ret (std11-parse-ascii-token lal))
		    (setq colon (car ret))
		    (string-equal (cdr (assq 'specials colon)) ":")
		    (setq route (append route colon))
	(cons (cons 'route route)
	      (cdr ret)

(defun std11-parse-route-addr (lal)
  (let ((ret (std11-parse-ascii-token lal))
	< route addr-spec >)
    (if (and ret
	     (setq < (car ret))
	     (string-equal (cdr (assq 'specials <)) "<")
	     (setq lal (cdr ret))
	     (progn (and (setq ret (std11-parse-route lal))
			 (setq route (cdr (car ret)))
			 (setq lal (cdr ret))
		    (setq ret (std11-parse-addr-spec lal))
	     (setq addr-spec (cdr (car ret)))
	     (setq lal (cdr ret))
	     (setq ret (std11-parse-ascii-token lal))
	     (setq > (car ret))
	     (string-equal (cdr (assq 'specials >)) ">")
	(cons (cons 'route-addr (append route addr-spec))
	      (cdr ret)

(defun std11-parse-phrase-route-addr (lal)
  (let ((ret (std11-parse-phrase lal)) phrase)
    (if ret
	  (setq phrase (cdr (car ret)))
	  (setq lal (cdr ret))
    (if (setq ret (std11-parse-route-addr lal))
	(cons (list 'phrase-route-addr
		    (cdr (car ret)))
	      (cdr ret))

(defun std11-parse-mailbox (lal)
  (let ((ret (or (std11-parse-phrase-route-addr lal)
		 (std11-parse-addr-spec lal)))
	mbox comment)
    (if (and ret
		 (setq mbox (car ret))
	       (setq lal (cdr ret))
	       (if (and (setq ret (std11-parse-token-or-comment lal))
			(setq comment (cdr (assq 'comment (car ret))))
		   (setq lal (cdr ret))
	(cons (list 'mailbox mbox comment)

(defun std11-parse-group (lal)
  (let ((ret (std11-parse-phrase lal))
	phrase colon comma mbox semicolon)
    (if (and ret
	     (setq phrase (cdr (car ret)))
	     (setq lal (cdr ret))
	     (setq ret (std11-parse-ascii-token lal))
	     (setq colon (car ret))
	     (string-equal (cdr (assq 'specials colon)) ":")
	     (setq lal (cdr ret))
	       (and (setq ret (std11-parse-mailbox lal))
		    (setq mbox (list (car ret)))
		    (setq lal (cdr ret))
		      (while (and (setq ret (std11-parse-ascii-token lal))
				  (setq comma (car ret))
				   (cdr (assq 'specials comma)) ",")
				  (setq lal (cdr ret))
				  (setq ret (std11-parse-mailbox lal))
				  (setq mbox (cons (car ret) mbox))
				  (setq lal (cdr ret))
	       (and (setq ret (std11-parse-ascii-token lal))
		    (setq semicolon (car ret))
		    (string-equal (cdr (assq 'specials semicolon)) ";")
	(cons (list 'group phrase (nreverse mbox))
	      (cdr ret)

(defun std11-parse-address (lal)
  (or (std11-parse-group lal)
      (std11-parse-mailbox lal)

(defun std11-parse-addresses (lal)
  (let ((ret (std11-parse-address lal)))
    (if ret
	(let ((dest (list (car ret))))
	  (setq lal (cdr ret))
	  (while (and (setq ret (std11-parse-ascii-token lal))
		      (string-equal (cdr (assq 'specials (car ret))) ",")
		      (setq ret (std11-parse-address (cdr ret)))
	    (setq dest (cons (car ret) dest))
	    (setq lal (cdr ret))
	  (nreverse dest)

;;; @ end

(provide 'std11-parse)

;;; std11-parse.el ends here