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<!doctype sinfo system>
<!-- $Id: tm-view-en.sgml,v 1.3 1997/02/02 05:06:56 steve Exp $ -->
<title>tm-view 7.80 Reference Manual (English Version)
<author>MORIOKA Tomohiko <mail></mail>



This file documents tm-view, a MIME Viewer for GNU Emacs.

<h1> What is tm-view?
<node> Introduction
The tm-view is a general MIME viewer running on GNU Emacs.
tm-view provides the major-mode called <a
node="mime/viewer-mode"><code>mime/viewer-mode</code> </a> to read
MIME message for MUA.  <a file="tm-en" node="MUA">MUA</a> implementer
can use it to add MIME function.
tm-view is a user interface kernel to view and navigate MIME message.
tm-view drives some programs to navigate each <dref
file="tm-en">content-type</dref>s, they are called <a
node="method"><concept>method</concept></a>.  tm-view calls some
programs to display each contents and headers in preview buffer, they
are called <a node="Two buffers for an
article"><concept>filter</concept></a>.  Method and filters are
tm-view application program.  They expand tm-view to treat various
kinds of MIME types.

<h1> Structure of display in mime/viewer-mode
<node> MIME display
In <a node="mime/viewer-mode">mime/viewer-mode</a>, following are
displayed for each parts:
You can change design or stop to display if you specify for each
conditions, such as content-types.

From: (MORIOKA Tomohiko)
Subject: Re: Question
Newsgroups: zxr.message.mime
Date: 22 Oct 93 11:02:44
Mime-Version: 1.0
Organization: Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
        Ishikawa, Japan

[1  (text/plain)]
  How to compose MIME message in MIME-Edit mode.

  Press `C-c C-x ?' then help message will be displayed:

C-c C-x C-t	insert a text message.
C-c C-x TAB	insert a (binary) file.
C-c C-x C-e	insert a reference to external body.
C-c C-x C-v	insert a voice message.
C-c C-x C-y	insert a mail or news message.
C-c C-x RET	insert a mail message.
C-c C-x C-s	insert a signature file at end.
C-c C-x t	insert a new MIME tag.
C-c C-x a	enclose as multipart/alternative.
C-c C-x p	enclose as multipart/parallel.
C-c C-x m	enclose as multipart/mixed.
C-c C-x d	enclose as multipart/digest.
C-c C-x s	enclose as PGP signed.
C-c C-x e	enclose as PGP encrypted.
C-c C-x C-k	insert PGP public key.
C-c C-x C-p	preview editing MIME message.

So press `C-c C-x C-i' and specify file name you want to include.

  MIME encoding for binary file is normally Base64.

[2  (image/gif)]

[3  (text/plain)]

  In this way, it is finish a message attaching a picture.

======================== A cup of Russian tea ========================
============  * not by jam, not by marmalade, by honey *  ============
============               MORIOKA Tomohiko               ============
=============== Internet E-mail: <> ===============

<h2> content-button
<node> content-button
content-subject displays abstract for the part.  It is placed in top
of the part.
In default, it is displayed following design:

        [1.3 test (text/plain)]

First number field represents position of a content in the part.  It
is called <concept>content-number</concept>.  It can be considered as
the chapter number in the message.
Second string part represents title.  It is created by following:

<li>name paramater or x-name parameter in <dref
file="tm-en">Content-Type field</dref>
<li><dref file="tm-en">Content-Description field</dref> or Subject
<li> filename of uuencode

If they are not exists, space is displayed.
Third parenthesis part represents content-type/subtype of the part.
If it is non-MIME part, <code>nil</code> is displayed.
Content-button is used like icon when <dref>content-header</dref> and
<dref>content-body</dref> are hidden.  For example:

        [2  (image/gif)]

if you press <kbd>v</kbd> key, GIF image is displayed.
If mouse operations are available, you can press content-button by
mouse button-2 (center button of 3 button-mouse) to play, similarly to
press <kbd>v</kbd> key. <cf node="mime/viewer-mode">
By the way, it is annoying to display content-button if content-header
is displayed.  So tm-view provides a mechanism to specify conditions
to display content-button.

<defvar name="mime-viewer/content-button-ignored-ctype-list">
List of content-types.
If content-type of a part is a member of this list, its content-button
is not displayed.

<h2> content-header
<node> content-header
A content header displays the header portion of a part in the
preview-buffer.  However it is annoying to display header for every
parts, so tm-view provides a mechanism to specify its condition.
When the function <code>mime-viewer/header-visible-p</code> returns
<code>t</code> for reversed-content-number of a part, content-header
is displayed.
This judge function returns <code>t</code> when a part is root or
content-type of its parent is a member of the variable
If you want to change this condition, please redefine it.  Notice that
it refers variable
however if you redefine function
<code>mime-viewer/header-visible-p</code>, it may not work.  So if you
want to redefine it, it should be refer variable
When content-header is displayed, content-header are formated by the
program called by <concept>content-header-filter</concept>.
Content-header-filter is searched from variable
<code>mime-viewer/content-header-filter-alist</code>.  Its key is
major-mode of the <a node="raw-article-buffer">raw-article-buffer</a>.
If not found, function
<code>mime-viewer/default-content-header-filter</code> is called.

<defvar name="mime-viewer/childrens-header-showing-Content-Type-list">
List of content-types.  If content-type of parent of a part is a
member of this variable, its content-header is displayed.  Default
value is <code>'("message/rfc822" "message/news")</code>.
This variable is referred by the function

<defun name="mime-viewer/header-visible-p">
<args> rcnum cinfo <opts> ctype
Returns <code>t</code> if a part which reversed-content-number is
<var>rcnum</var> in content-info <var>cinfo</var> is displayed.
If you know content-type, you can specify by <var>ctype</var>.

<defvar name="mime-viewer/content-header-filter-alist">
Association-list whose key is major-mode of a raw-article-buffer,
value is content-header-filter.

<defun name="mime-viewer/default-content-header-filter">
It is called when content-header-filter is not found in variable
It refers <code>mime-viewer/ignored-field-regexp</code>.

<defvar name="mime-viewer/ignored-field-list">
List of regular expression to represent invisible fields even if
content-header is displayed.
Variable <code>mime-viewer/ignored-field-regexp</code> is created from
Please use function <code>tm:add-fields</code> or
<code>tm:delete-fields</code> to set it.

<h2> content-body
<node> content-body
<concept>content-body</concept> represents content of the part.
tm-view does not display raw content body.  For example, if a content
has binary, it is hidden.  If a content has text/enriched, it is
formated.  Namely content body is hidden or formated.
Function <code>mime-viewer/body-visible-p</code> is a judge function
whether content-body of a content is displayed.  If it returns
<code>nil</code>, content-body is hidden.  In default, it returns
non-<code>nil</code> when content-type of a part is a member of
variable <code>mime-viewer/default-showing-Content-Type-list</code>.
When content-body of a content is displayed, content-body is formated
by <concept>content-filter</concept>.  Content-filter is searched from
variable <code>mime-viewer/content-filter-alist</code>.  At this time,
major-mode of the <dref>raw-article-buffer</dref> is used as the key.

If it is not found, function
<code>mime-viewer/default-content-filter</code> is called.

<defvar name="mime-viewer/default-showing-Content-Type-list">
List of content-type.  If content-type of a part is a member of this
variable, its body is displayed.

<defun name="mime-viewer/body-visible-p">
<args> rcnum cinfo <opts> ctype
Return non-<code>nil</code>, if content-type of a part is displayed.
<var>rcnum</var> is reversed-content-number of a part.
<var>cinfo</var> is content-info of the message.  If you know
content-type of a part, you can specify it as argument

<defvar name="mime-viewer/content-filter-alist">
Association-list whose key is major-mode of a raw-article-buffer,
value is content-filter.

<defun name="mime-viewer/default-content-filter">
<args> rcnum cinfo ctype params subj
It is called when content-body of a part should be displayed and
content-filter is not found in
In default, it does nothing.

<h2> content-separator
<node> content-separator
<concept>content-separator</concept> is displayed to represent
boundary of contents.
Content-separator is displayed by function
<code>mime-viewer/default-content-separator</code>.  In default, it
displays line-break when content-header and content-body are not
If you want to change this condition, please redefine this function.

<defun name="mime-viewer/default-content-separator">
<args> rcnum cinfo ctype params subj
Display content-separator.  <var>cnum</var> is content-number of a
content.  <var>cinfo</var> is content-info of the message.
<var>ctype</var> is content-type of a content.  <var>params</var> is
Content-Type field parameters of a content.  <var>subj</var> is
In default, it displays line-break when content-header and
content-body are not displayed.

<h1> Navigation in mime/viewer-mode
<node> mime/viewer-mode
<code>mime/viewer-mode</code> has following functions:
goes to the upper content (returns to the Summary mode if the cursor
is sitting on the top content (*1))
goes to the previous content
goes to the previous content
goes to the next content
goes to the next content
scrolls up
scrolls down
scrolls down
goes to the next line
goes to the previous line
goes to the beginning of message
goes to the end of message
playbacks a part (*2)
extracts a file from a part (*2)
<kt>C-c C-p
prints a part (*2)
displays X-Face in the message
drives mouse button in preview-buffer.
For content-button, it playbacks a part (*2)
For URL-button, it drives WWW browser
<memo title="Notice">
(*1) Not return to the Summary mode unless tm-view has been setup
using tm-mh-e, tm-vm, gnus-mime, tm-gnus, tm-rmail etc.
(*2) Actual playback/extract/print will be performed by a method.

<h1> Mechanism of decoding
<node> method
In <code>mime/viewer-mode</code>, you can do play (<kbd>v</kbd>),
extract (<kbd>e</kbd>), or print (<kbd>C-c C-p</kbd>) for each parts.
These operations are called <concept>decoding operation(s) (for a
part)</concept>.  And kind of decoding operations are called
When decoding operation is driven, tm-view calls a procedure matched
for the condition, such as <dref file="tm-en">content-type</dref> of
the part or its environment.  This procedure is called
There are two kinds of methods.  One is Emacs Lisp function, called
<concept>internal method</concept>.  Another one is external program,
called <concept>external method</concept>.
Internal method operates in Emacs, so it can do carefully.
External method is called as asynchronous process, so Emacs does not
wait while method is running.  So it is good for big data, such as
audio, image or video.

<h2> Setting decoding condition for parts
<node> decoding-condition
When decoding operation is driven, tm-view calls a method matched for
the condition searched from the variable
Variable <code>mime/content-decoding-condition</code> is defined as a
list with the following syntax:
        (condition_1 condition_2 ...)
Each condition are association-list with the following syntax:
        ((field-type_1 . value_1)
         (field-type_2 . value_2)
For example, if you want to call the external method named tm-plain to
decode every <dref file="tm-en">text/plain</dref> type parts, you can
define the condition like:
        ((type . "text/plain")
         (method "tm-plain" nil 'file 'type 'encoding 'mode 'name))
This condition definition will match all parts whose <dref
file="tm-en">content-type</dref> are text/plain.  Here is an another
        ((type . "text/plain")
         (method "tm-plain" nil 'file 'type 'encoding 'mode 'name)
         (mode . "play"))
This will match the part whose type is text/plain and the mode is
Here is an another example:
        ((method "metamail" t "-m" "tm" "-x" "-d" "-z" "-e" 'file)
         (mode . "play"))
This will match all parts which have a mode of play.
The conditions defined in a variable
<code>mime/content-decoding-condition</code> are examined from top to
bottom.  The first matching condition becomes valid and the method
specified in that condition definition will be executed.

<h3> Format of method value
<node> method value
You can specify the method field of the decoding-condition definition
in two different ways,
        (method . SYMBOL)
        (method  STRING  FLAG  arg1  arg2  ...)
can be accepted.
When a symbol is specified in the method field, a function whose name
is SYMBOL will be called as an internal method.
When a list is specified in the method field, it will be called as an
external method.
The list below shows the meaning of the parameters when the external
method is specified in the method field.
<dd>name of an external method
<dd>If <code>t</code>, both the content-header and the content-body
are passed to an external method.
If <code>nil</code>, only the content-body is passed to an external
<dd>list of arguments passed to an external method
An argument passed to an external method can be in one of the
following formats:
<dd>string itself
<dd>value gotten using SYMBOL as a key from decoding-condition
<dd>value gotten using STRING as a key from decoding-condition
<code>'SYMBOL</code> can be one of the following:
<dd>name of a file holding the original content
<dd>content-type/sub-type of Content-Type field
<dd>field body of Content-Transfer-Encoding field
<dd>name of a file created by decode operation

<code>'STRING</code> is used to search a parameter of the Content-Type
field whose name matches with it, and pass the value of that parameter
to the external method.

<h3> Example of decoding-condition
<node> Example of decoding-condition
Following is an example of decoding-condition:

(defvar mime/content-decoding-condition
  '(((type . "text/plain")
     (method "tm-plain" nil 'file 'type 'encoding 'mode 'name))
    ((type . "text/x-latex")
     (method "tm-latex" nil 'file 'type 'encoding 'mode 'name))
    ((type . "audio/basic")
     (method "tm-au"    nil 'file 'type 'encoding 'mode 'name))
    ((type . "image/gif")
     (method "tm-image" nil 'file 'type 'encoding 'mode 'name))
    ((type . "image/jpeg")
     (method "tm-image" nil 'file 'type 'encoding 'mode 'name))
    ((type . "image/tiff")
     (method "tm-image" nil 'file 'type 'encoding 'mode 'name))
    ((type . "image/x-tiff")
     (method "tm-image" nil 'file 'type 'encoding 'mode 'name))
    ((type . "image/x-xbm")
     (method "tm-image" nil 'file 'type 'encoding 'mode 'name))
    ((type . "image/x-pic")
     (method "tm-image" nil 'file 'type 'encoding 'mode 'name))
    ((type . "video/mpeg")`
     (method "tm-mpeg"  nil 'file 'type 'encoding 'mode 'name))
    ((type . "application/octet-stream")
     (method "tm-file"  nil 'file 'type 'encoding 'mode 'name))
    ((type . "message/partial")
     (method . mime/decode-message/partial-region))
    ((method "metamail" t
             "-m" "tm" "-x" "-d" "-z" "-e" 'file)(mode . "play"))

For example, if you want to use metamail to decode any contents,

(setq mime/content-decoding-condition
        ((method "metamail" t "-m" "tm" "-x" "-d" "-z" "-e" 'file))

will work.
Variable <code>mime/content-decoding-condition</code> provides you of
very flexible way to define the conditions of decoding.  It can be
simple if you only need the a few decoding methods, while it can be
very complicated if you want to use the separate decoding method for
each type/mode combination.
Following function may be useful to set decoding-condition.  It is a
function of <file>tl-atype.el</file>.

<defun name="set-atype">
<args> symbol alist
Add condition <var>alist</var> to <var>symbol</var>.

<memo title="Example">
(set-atype 'mime/content-decoding-condition
	   '((type . "message/external-body")
	     ("access-type" . "anon-ftp")
	     (method . mime/decode-message/external-ftp)

<h2> Environment variables
<node> environment variables
Standard methods of tm-view reference some environment variables.  You
can specify them to customize.

Directory for temporary files or extracted files.  If it is omitted,
<file>/tmp/</file> is used.
Dither for mpeg_play.  If it is omitted, `gray' is used.
WWW browser name.  If it is omitted, `netscape' is used.

<h1> raw-article-buffer and preview-buffer
<node> Two buffers for an article
tm-view managements two buffers, one is for raw message called
<concept>raw-article-buffer</concept>, another one is to preview for
user called <concept>preview-buffer</concept>.  major-mode of
raw-article-buffer is same as major-mode for article of original MUA,
major-mode of preview-buffer is <a
When called <code>mime/viewer-mode</code>, tm-view analyzes
raw-article-buffer, and sets its result to the variable
After that, tm-view create a preview-buffer corresponded to the
raw-article-buffer.  As this time, tm-view modifies header and body of
each parts of the message by specified conditions.  Filter program for
header is called <a
node="content-header"><concept>header-filter</concept></a>, filter
program for body is called <a
node="content-body"><concept>content-filter</concept></a>, and they
are called <concept>filter</concept>.
When preview-buffer is made, buffer local variable of preview-buffer
<code>mime::preview/content-list</code> is made to register structure
of preview-buffer.  tm-view manages message by
<code>mime::article/content-info</code> in raw-article-buffer and
<code>mime::preview/content-list</code> in preview-buffer.
<memo title="Notice">
In this document, I call ``content-type'' as content-type/subtype of
Content-Type field.

<h2> buffer local variables of raw-article-buffer
<node> raw-article-buffer
<define type="Structure" name="mime::content-info">
<args> rcnum point-min point-max type parameters encoding children
structure to represent MIME content in raw-article-buffer.  It is
called by <concept>content-info</concept>.
Please use reference function
<code>mime::content-info/SLOT-NAME</code> to reference slot of
content-info.  Their argument is only content-info.
Following is a list of slots of the structure:

<dt>rcnum<dd>``reversed content-number'' (list)
<dt>point-min<dd>beginning point of region in raw-article-buffer
<dt>point-max<dd>end point of region in raw-article-buffer
<dt>type<dd>content-type/sub-type (string or nil)
<dt>parameters<dd>parameter of Content-Type field (association list)
<dt>encoding<dd>Content-Transfer-Encoding (string or nil)
<dt>children<dd>parts included in this part (list of content-infos)
If a part includes other parts in its contents, such as multipart or
message/rfc822, content-infos of other parts are included in
<var>children</var>, so content-info become a tree.

<defvar name="mime::article/content-info">
result of MIME parsing of raw-article-buffer (content-info)

<defvar name="mime::article/preview-buffer">
preview-buffer corresponded by this buffer

<defun name="mime-article/point-content-number">
<args> point <opts> cinfo
In a region managed by content-info <var>cinfo</var>, it returns
content-number corresponded by <var>point</var>.
If <var>cinfo</var> is omitted,
<code>mime::article/content-info</code> is used as default value.

<defun name="mime-article/rcnum-to-cinfo">
<args> rcnum <opts> cinfo
In a region managed by content-info <var>cinfo</var>, it returns
content-info corresponded by reversed-content-number <var>rcnum</var>.
If <var>cinfo</var> is omitted,
<code>mime::article/content-info</code> is used as default value.

<defun name="mime-article/cnum-to-cinfo">
<args> rcnum <opts> cinfo
In a region managed by content-info <var>cinfo</var>, it returns
content-info corresponded by content-number <var>rcnum</var>.
If <var>cinfo</var> is omitted,
<code>mime::article/content-info</code> is used as default value.

<defun name="mime/flatten-content-info">
<args> <opts> cinfo
It returns flatten list of content-info from content-info
<var>cinfo</var> tree.
If <var>cinfo</var> is omitted,
<code>mime::article/content-info</code> is used as default value.

<h2> Buffer local variables of preview-buffer
<node> preview-buffer
<defvar name="mime::preview/mother-buffer">
Mother buffer of this preview-buffer.

<define type="Structure" name="mime::preview-content-info">
<args> point-min point-max buffer content-info
structure to represent MIME content in preview-buffer.  It is called
by <concept>preview-content-info</concept>.
Please use reference function
<code>mime::preview-content-info/SLOT-NAME</code> to reference slot of
preview-content-info.  Their argument is only preview-content-info.
Following is a list of slots of the structure:

<dt>point-min<dd>beginning point of region in preview-buffer
<dt> point-max<dd>end point of region in preview-buffer
<dt>buffer<dd>raw-article-buffer corresponding a part
<dt>content-info<dd>content-info corresponding a part

<defvar name="mime::preview/content-list">
List of preview-content-info to represent structure of this

<defvar name="mime::preview/article-buffer">
raw-article-buffer corresponded by this preview-buffer.

<defvar name="mime::preview/original-major-mode">
major-mode of original buffer.

<defvar name="mime::preview/original-window-configuration">
window-configuration just before made this preview-buffer.

<defun name="mime-preview/point-pcinfo">
<args> point <opts> pcl
In a region of preview-buffer managed by preview-content-info
<var>pcl</var>, it returns preview-content-info corresponded by
If <var>cinfo</var> is omitted,
<code>mime::preview/content-list</code> is used.

<h1> Functions to decode MIME message
<node> API
tm-view provides some available functions to decode and navigate MIME
message to each <a file="tm-en" node="MUA">MUA</a>s.
There are 2 kinds of functions, one is for MIME preview, another one
is to decode RFC 1522 <dref file="tm-en">encoded-word</dref>.

<h2> Function to preview MIME message
<node> API about MIME preview

<define type="Command" name="mime/viewer-mode">
<opts> mother ctl encoding ibuf obuf mother-keymap
Parse <var>ibuf</var> as a MIME message, and create preview-buffer
into <var>obuf</var> to display to user, then enter <a
If <var>ibuf</var> is omitted, current buffer is used.
<var>mother</var> is used to specify original raw-article-buffer.  It
may be useful when a raw-article-buffer is assembled from
message/partial messages.
<var>ctl</var> is used to specify <dref file="tm-en">Content-Type
field</dref> information.  Its format is output format of
<code>mime/Content-Type</code>.  When <var>ctl</var> is specified,
tm-view uses it instead of Content-Type field of the
<var>encoding</var> is used to specify field-body of
Content-Transfer-Encoding field.  When is is specified, tm-view uses
it instead of Content-Type field of the raw-article-buffer.
If <var>mother-keymap</var> is specified, keymap of
<code>mime/viewer-mode</code> includes it.

<h2> encoded-word decoder
<node> encoded-word decoding
tm-view has functions to decode RFC 1522 <dref

<define type="Command" name="mime/decode-message-header">
It decodes encoded-words in message header of current buffer.
If an encoded-word is broken or invalid, or it has non supported <a
file="tm-en" node="MIME charset">MIME charset</a>, it is not decoded.

<define type="Command" name="mime-eword/decode-region">
<args> start end <opts> unfolding must-unfold
It decodes encoded-words in region <var>start</var> to <var>end</var>.
If an encoded-word is broken or invalid, or it has non supported <a
file="tm-en" node="MIME charset">MIME charset</a>, it is not decoded.
If <var>unfolding</var> is non-nil, it unfolds folded fields.
If <var>must-fold</var> is non-nil and decoded result of an
encoded-word has folding or raw CR or LF, it unfolds or delete raw CR
or LF.

<defun name="mime-eword/decode-string">
<args> string <opts> must-unfold
It decodes encoded-words in <var>string</var> and returns decoded
If an encoded-word is broken or invalid, or it has non supported <a
file="tm-en" node="MIME charset">MIME charset</a>, it is not decoded.
If <var>string</var> is folded, it unfolds <var>string</var> before
If <var>must-fold</var> is non-nil and decoded result of an
encoded-word has folding or raw CR or LF, it unfolds or delete raw CR
or LF.

<h1> Acknowledgments
<node> Acknowledgments
First of all, I thank MASUTANI Yasuhiro.  He requested me a lot of
important features and gave me a lot of suggestions when tm-view was
born.  tm-view is based on his influence.
I thank ENAMI Tsugutomo for work of <file>mime.el</file>, which is an
origin of <file>tm-ew-d.el</file> and <file>mel-b.el</file>, and
permission to rewrite for tm.
I thank OKABE Yasuo for work of internal method for LaTeX and
automatic assembling method for message/partial.  I thank UENO
Hiroshi for work of internal method for tar archive.
Last of all, I thank members of two tm mailing lists, Japanese and
English version.

<h1> Concept Index
<node> Concept Index


<h1> Function Index
<node> Function Index


<h1> Variable Index
<node> Variable Index

