view mule-doc/viet/FAQ.VISCII @ 193:f53b5ca2e663 r20-3b23

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                      FAQ for Viet-Std & TriChlor Software

Last modified date: June 3, 1993

This is the list of Frequently Asked Questions on Viet-Std and TriChlor
Software, which will cover the VIQR/VISCII standards and public-domain
Vietnamese software.


[A0] Viet-Std
	A1. What is Viet-Std?
	A5. Where to get the specifications?
	A6. VIQR/VISCII for software developers
	A7. Contact points
		A6.1 Postal address
		A6.2 Email:
[B0] TriChlor
	B1. What is TriChlor?
	B2. What software available?
	B3. Contact Points
		B3.1 Postal Address
		B3.2 Email
	B4. Can you help?

[C0] Where/How to get software 
	C1. Via modem download
	C2. Via FTP 
	C3. Via Email
	C4. Via Postal Mail

[D0] Microsoft Windows 3.1
	D1. Basic Package WINVNKEY
		D1.1 What is WinVNKey
		D1.2 How to Install
		D1.3 Change Configuration
		D1.4 Hardware/Software notes: Compatibility
		D1.5 WordPerfect
		D1.6 Word
		D1.7 AmiPro
		D1.8 Apple Laser Writer
	D2. More Fonts
	D3 Other Packages
		D3.1 VietVU
		D3.2 ThiTa^.p
[E0] DOS
	E1. Basic Package VietDOS
		E1.1 What is VietDOS
		E1.2 How to Install
		E1.3 Change Configuration
		E1.4 Hardware/software notes
		E1.5 WordPerfect
		E1.6 WordStar
[F0] Unix
	F1. Base VietTerm
	F2. etc...
[G0] Tex/Latex
[F0] Other software
	[F1] Is there any similar software for:
		- Macintosh/Apple ?

[A0] Viet-Std
A1. What is Viet-Std?
Viet-Std is the short name for the Vietnamese Standardization Group, which
unites Vietnamese professionals worldwide from many fields to promote the
standardization of Vietnamese character encoding and to monitor ongoing
work of international bodies in this regard.  The Viet-Std group has
proposed an 8-bit Vietnamese code table known as Vietnamese Standard Code
for Information Interchange (VISCII) that allows Vietnamese characters
to integrate into existing computing environments on many platforms.  
The group also defined a Vietnamese Quoted Readable (VIQR) convention that
allows use of Vietnamese characters in 7-bit environments.
In addition, the group has contacted the two committees on multilingual 
character encoding---the Unicode Consortium and the International 
Standardizations Organization (ISO)---to ensure that all the Vietnamese 
characters be encoded in a precomposed form in the same manner as other
Latin-based European languages.

VIQR stands for Vietnamese Quoted Readable, which is a convention to
write Vietnamese using 7-bit ASCII only.  Vietnamese text written in
this convention is so easy to read that their use is very popular in
7-bit environments.  The convention was initiated by the Vietnamese
community using Internet e-mail and Usenet News in 1987.  The Vietnamese 
Standardization Group later adopted and formalized the technique, and
the rest is history.  VIQR has been used by thousands of Vietnet members

Following is the VIQR mnemonics for composing Vietnamese using ASCII
graphic characters only.

                  VIQR Mnemonics for Vietnamese Diacritics. (*)
          | Diacritic   | Char |  ASCII Code        | D<a^'>u   |
          | breve       |  (   |  0x28, left paren  | tr<a(>ng  |
          | circumflex  |  ^   |  0x5E, caret       | m<u~>     |
          | horn        |  +   |  0x2B, plus sign   | m<o'>c    |
          | acute       |  '   |  0x27, apostrophe  | s<a('>c   |
          | grave       |  `   |  0x60, backquote   | huy<e^`>n |
          | hook above  |  ?   |  0x3F, question    | h<o?>i    |
          | tilde       |  ~   |  0x7E, tilde       | ng<a~>    |
          | dot below   |  .   |  0x2E, period      | n<a(.>ng  |
          | d bar       |  dd  |  (repeated d)      | <dd>      |
          | D bar       |  DD  |  (repeated D)      | <DD>      |

	  Tra(m na(m trong co~i ngu+o+`i ta,
	  Chu+~ ta`i chu+~ me^.nh khe'o la` ghe't nhau\.
	  Tra?i qua mo^.t cuo^.c be^? da^u,
	  Nhu+~ng ddie^`u tro^ng tha^'y ma` ddau ddo+'n lo`ng.

    To avoid a diacritical symbol combining with the preceding vowel,
    one has to insert a backslash in between as in the last word on
    the second line.
VISCII stands for Vietnamese Standard Code for Information Interchange,
an 8-bit encoding of Vietnamese characters designed by the Vietnamese
Standardization Group.  VISCII encodes all Vietnamese characters in a
precomposed form, thus allowing VSCII-compliant software to integrate
into existing computing environments.  This feat has been achieved by 
preserving all the 96 ASCII graphic characters and distributing the
remaining 134 Vietnamese-specific characters wisely in the upper half
region of ASCII (128 characters) and in the control character region
(6 characters).  To minimize conflicts with operating systems or
communication software, only the least-often used six upper case 
Vietnamese characters are put in the slots of the least-often used
six control characters.

Following is the VISCII table expressed in the VIQR convention.
                        VISCII 8-bit Encoding Table. (*)
  |   | 0x  1x  2x  3x  4x  5x  6x  7x | 8x  9x  Ax  Bx  Cx  Dx  Ex  Fx  |
  | 0 | nul dle sp  0   @   P   `   p  | A.  O^` O~  o^` A`  DD  a`  dd  |
  | 1 | soh dc1 !   1   A   Q   a   q  | A(' O^? a(' o^? A'  u+' a'  u+. |
  | 2 | A(? dc2 "   2   B   R   b   r  | A(` O^~ a(` o^~ A^  O`  a^  o`  |
  | 3 | etx dc3 #   3   C   S   c   s  | A(. O^. a(. O+~ A~  O'  a~  o'  |
  | 4 | eot Y?  $   4   D   T   d   t  | A^' O+. a^' O+  A?  O^  a?  o^  |
  | 5 | A(~ nak %   5   E   U   e   u  | A^` O+' a^` o^. A(  a.  a(  o~  |
  | 6 | A^~ syn &   6   F   V   f   v  | A^? O+` a^? o+` a(? y?  u+~ o?  |
  | 7 | bel etb '   7   G   W   g   w  | A^. O+? a^. o+? a(~ u+` a^~ o.  |
  | 8 | bs  can (   8   H   X   h   x  | E~  I.  e~  i.  E`  u+? e`  u.  |
  | 9 | ht  Y~  )   9   I   Y   i   y  | E.  O?  e.  U+. E'  U`  e'  u`  |
  | A | lf  sub *   :   J   Z   j   z  | E^' O.  e^' U+' E^  U'  e^  u'  |
  | B | vt  esc +   ;   K   [   k   {  | E^` I?  e^` U+` E?  y~  e?  u~  |
  | C | ff  fs  ,   <   L   \   l   |  | E^? U?  e^? U+? I`  y.  i`  u?  |
  | D | cr  gs  -   =   M   ]   m   }  | E^~ U~  e^~ o+  I'  Y'  i'  y'  |
  | E | so  Y.  .   >   N   ^   n   ~  | E^. U.  e^. o+' I~  o+~ i~  o+. |
  | F | si  us  /   ?   O   _   o   DEL| O^' Y`  o^' U+  y`  u+  i?  U+~ |

  (*) Excerpt from RFC-DRAFT of Vietnamese Standardization Group, Conventions
  for encoding the Vietnamese Language, prepared by Randal Atkinson and
  Viet-Std, 1993.


A5. Where to get the spec
One can acquire the Viet-Std specifications via ftp, email, or postal mail.

ftp:   All VISCII archives carry the spec for viet-std, check below
       for VISCII ftp sites worldwide.
email: Mail your request to or contact
       the Viet-Std group directly via postal address (below) or fax.

A6. VIQR/VISCII for software developers
Software developers are encouraged to use the Viet-Std specifications.
Most Vietnamese software houses have voiced their support for 
VISCII in their products. There is no fee of any kind
levied on the software that uses the VIQR/VISCII standards. 

A7. Contact points
A7.1 Postal address
        Viet-Std, 1212 Somerset Dr., San Jose, CA 95312, USA 
	Fax: (408) 246-9532
A7.2 Email 
Most of questions and inquiries are quickly handled by a group of
people in Viet-Std and/or others on the net.

[B0] TriChlor
B1. What is TriChlor
TriChlor is a non-profit software group that was founded by Cuong Tan Nguyen,
Cuong Minh Bui, and Tin Le in 1991 to independently explore and implement any
encoding scheme for Vietnamese to gain real experience with the pros and cons
in each scheme.  Since then it has been joined by Vietnamese software 
developers worldwide to develop public-domain VISCII-compliant software
for use on Unix, X-Windows, DOS, MS Windows 3.1, etc.  As of this writing
it has completed work on DOS, MS Windows 3.1, X-Windows, and various Unix
flavors.  By distributing VISCII-compliant software of high quality
to the public for FREE of charge, the TriChlor group hopes that 
VISCII/VIQR will ultimately be accepted as the de-facto standards.

The TriChlor group welcomes donations of any amount from users to support
ongoing developments.

B2. What software is available?
MS-DOS: Software to Vietnamize all DOS applications, eg: Dbase, Foxpro,
MS-Word, Dos Edit, Lotus 123, etc.; Hypertext databases of Vietnamese
songs and poems; True Vietnamese word processor & text editor; print
utilities for dot-matrix and laser to print Vietnamese.

WINDOWS 3.1: Vietnamese keyboards to type/display/print Vietnamese in 99%
of all Window 3.1 software e.g.: Pagemaker, Ventura, Coreldraw, Photoshop,
MS Word, Quattro Pro, Foxpro, etc.; multimedia database of Vietnamese
poems; Vietnamese theme cliparts; Vietnamese VISCII Truetype fonts.

Unix & X-WINDOWS: Vietnamese keyboard shell; email & news in true Vietnamese;
Vietnamese library and fonts for software developers; VISCII locale for
Sun OS 4.1.x, AIX; tex/latex & nroff/troff.

MAC: Currently under development, tentative release date: Summer 93

B3. Contact Points
B3.1 Postal Address
        TriChlor, 3388 Burgundy Dr, San Jose CA 95132, USA
	Fax: (408) 246-9532
B3.2 Email

TriChlor Group maintains a mailing list (
for announcements, questions and inquiries on TriChlor Group's software.
This is the fastest way to gain support for WINVNKEY, VietVu and other
software.  To join the mailing list, please mail to
with 'SIGN-ON' on the "Subject:" line.
B4. Can you help?
Are you a software developer?  All software developers are welcome to
participate in development of Vietnamese applications of any kind.
Contributions to the Vietnamese FREE Software Archive are greatly
appreciated.  Currently many special interest groups are working
fervently on different aspects of the Future of Vietnamese Computing.
For users, please help use and distribute software freely to your
friends, colleagues, or community. 

[C0] Where/How to get software?
C1. Via modem download
	Modem (VietNet BBSes)
	1-213-734-8528	Los Angeles & Southern California, USA
	1-408-730-1092	Bay Area & Northern California, USA

C2. Via FTP
All the ftp sites that carry VIQR/VISCII specifications also have the
software from the TriChlor Group.  The number of sites is growing rapidly.
The list of new sites is announced in the VNSoftware INFORMATION FILE, which
is posted regularly on Vietnet by (Ho^` Phu+o+'c Hu`ng).

Anonymous FTP                            Directory
~~~~~~~~~~~~~                            ~~~~~~~~~
	(Username: anonymous, Password: your e-mail address.
	Please FTP from the site closest to you.)

Sony Corporation, CA, USA		/tin/VN (  (Main VietNet archive,
	with other TriChlor VISCII software for Unix and X-Windows)
	(unfortunately, this site may be unavailable in the near future)
SIMTEL20, NM, USA			pd1:<msdos.viscii> (
Oakland Univ., MI, USA			/pub/msdos/viscii (
Washington Univ., MO, USA		/mirrors/msdos/viscii (
North Carolina State U., NC, USA        /mirrors/wustl/mirrors/msdos/ (	 	      viscii	
UUNet Communication Service, VA, USA 	/systems/ibmpc/msdos/simtel20/ (                                viscii
Halcyon Organization, WA, USA		/wuarchive/mirrros/msdos/viscii (
AARNet, Melbourne, Australia		/micros/pc/oak/viscii (
Monash Univ., Melbourne, Australia      /pub/vietnam (
Austria					/pc/dos/viscii (
Imperial College, London, UK		/computing/systems/ibmpc/SIMTEL20/, (                             viscii
Finland			                /pub/msdos/SIMTEL20-mirror/viscii (
Germany					/pub/msdos/simtel/viscii (
Japan					/mirrors/simtel20.msdos/viscii (
Switzerland        		        /mirror/msdos/viscii, (
Taiwan			                /SIMTEL20/msdos/viscii, ( 
C3. Via Email
Electronic Mail (uuencoded)
Use FTPMAIL server at DEC ( to access all 
archives above (send FTP commands in an e-mail message to this 
address), or use the mailserver at (send e-mail to, with a command HELP in the body for info).

C4. Via Postal Mail
Please send $5 to cover postage and disks to Cu+o+`ng Nguye^~n at
3388 Burgundy Dr., San Jose, CA 95132, USA.  All DOS & Windows software
will be mailed out on 2 high density 3.5" diskettes.

[D0] Microsoft Window 3.1
D1. Basic Package WINVNKEY
D1.1 What is WinVNKey?
WinVNKey is a software utility running under MS Windows 3.1.
Vietnamese characters can be typed in from an ASCII keyboard,
displayed, and printed on any monitor and printer supported by
Microsoft Corporation.  The default style of typing Vietnamese is
based on the VIQR convention.  However, WinVNKey allows the user
to customize the style.

D1.2 How to Install
D1.3 Change Configuration
D1.4 Hardware/software notes: Compability
The following software have been tested and verified to be compatible with 
VISCII software:

D1.5 WordPerfect
D1.6 Word
D1.7 AmiPro
D1.8 Apple Laser Writer
Q: I've install WinVNKey on a 386/486 SVGA/S3/ATI Ultra system connected to 
   an Apple Laser Writer. The problem is that the Viet fonts are not
   displayed correctly in any of the word processors, e.g., Write,
   Word for Windows 2.0 or Amipro 2.0 & 3.0. 

A: Check your printer setup. Click on the "Control Panel", click on "Printers"
   icon, Select "Options", Select "Advanced Options".  Make sure the option 
    "Use Printers Fonts for all True Type Fonts" is *NOT* checked.  If you 
    have to *UNCHECK* the option, click "OK" to save it, otherwise click

D2. More Fonts
A set of fonts is included with the WinVNKey package.  Additional fonts are 
available separately in the archive as, and, etc.
Please check any VISCII archives or Vietnet BBSes for newly released fonts.

D3. Other Packages
D3.1 VietVU
It allows any commercial MS Windows software on the market to type,
display, print Vietnamese. It is very much like WinVNKey, but has a
Vietnamese Clipboard. 

D3.2 ThiTa^.p
These are collections of poems by Vietnamese poets Quang Dung
and Nguyen Binh, implemented in a Windows 3.1 menu system.

E1. Basic Package VietDOS
E1.1 What is VietDOS?
	This program allows the user to use most existing DOS applications
(for example, WordPerfect, MS-Word, Dbase, Foxpro, Turbo C, etc) in Vietnamese.
In addition, file and directory names can also be in Vietnamese.  EGA or VGA
monitor only.

E1.2 How to Install

E1.3 Change Configuration

E1.4 Hardware/software notes

E1.5 WordPerfect

E1.6 WordStar

[F0] Unix
F1 Base VietTerm

[G0] Tex/Latex

[F0] Other software
[F1] Is there any similar software for:
	- Macintosh/Apple ?

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: END :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::