view man/dired-ref.tex @ 61:dd3566f69ebd

Added tag r19-16-pre5 for changeset 2e6f5e180fb8
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:59:00 +0200
parents 376386a54a3c
line wrap: on
line source

% Document Type: TeX
% Master File: dired-ref.tex
% TREE DIRED Reference Card for GNU Emacs version 18 on Unix systems
%**start of header

% This file can be printed with 1, 2, or 3 columns per page (see below).
% Specify how many you want here.  Nothing else needs to be changed.


% Copyright (c) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

% This file is part of GNU Emacs.

% This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
% accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
% or for whether it serves any particular purpose or describes
% any piece of software unless they say so in writing.  Refer to the
% GNU Emacs General Public License for full details.
% Permission is granted to copy, modify and redistribute this source
% file provided the copyright notice and permission notices are
% preserved on all copies.
% Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the
% results, provided the printed document carries copyright and
% permission notices identical to the ones below.

% This file is intended to be processed by plain TeX (TeX82).
% The final reference card has six columns, three on each side.
% This file can be used to produce it in any of three ways:
% 1 column per page
%    produces six separate pages, each of which needs to be reduced to 80%.
%    This gives the best resolution.
% 2 columns per page
%    produces three already-reduced pages.
%    You will still need to cut and paste.
% 3 columns per page
%    produces two pages which must be printed sideways to make a
%    ready-to-use 8.5 x 11 inch reference card.
%    For this you need a dvi device driver that can print sideways.
% Which mode to use is controlled by setting \columnsperpage above.
% TeX Layout commands taken from the GNU Emacs Refcard (thanks to
% Stephen Gildea <> for this work)

\def\diredx{$^\dagger$}		% marks extra feature not present in dired.el
\let\diredx\diredx		% `compile' while ^ still active
\def\~{\char`~}			% an ASCII tilde character

\def\version{\year\ v\versionnumber}

\def\shortcopyrightnotice{\vskip 1ex plus 2 fill
  \centerline{\small \copyright\ \year\ Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  Permissions on back.  v\versionnumber}}

\vskip 1ex plus 2 fill\begingroup\small
\centerline{Copyright \copyright\ \year\ Free Software Foundation, Inc.}
% \centerline{designed by Stephen Gildea, \version}
\centerline{for GNU Emacs version 18 on Unix systems}

Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of
this card provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
are preserved on all copies.

For copies of the GNU Emacs manual, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge MA 02139.


% make \bye not \outer so that the \def\bye in the \else clause below
% can be scanned without complaint.



  column\if 1\ncolumns\else s\fi\space per page]}

\def\scaledmag#1{ scaled \magstep #1}

% This multi-way format was designed by Stephen Gildea
% October 1986.
\if 1\ncolumns
  \hsize 4in
  \vsize 10in
  \voffset -.7in
  \font\titlefont=\fontname\tenbf \scaledmag3
  \font\headingfont=\fontname\tenbf \scaledmag2

  \hsize 3.2in
  \vsize 7.95in
  \hoffset -.75in
  \voffset -.745in
  \font\titlefont=cmbx10 \scaledmag2
  \font\headingfont=cmbx10 \scaledmag1
  \normalbaselines\rm		%make definitions take effect

  \if 2\ncolumns
    \def\makefootline{\vskip 2in \hsize=6.86in\line{\the\footline}}
  \else \if 3\ncolumns
    \errhelp{You must set \columnsperpage equal to 1, 2, or 3.}
    \errmessage{Illegal number of columns per page}

      % This next line is useful when designing the layout.
      %\immediate\write16{Column \folio\abc\space starts with \firstmark}
      \if \maxcolumn\abc \multicolumnformat \global\def\abc{a}
      \else\if a\abc
	\global\setbox\columna\columnbox \global\def\abc{b}
        %% in case we never use \columnb (two-column mode)
        \global\setbox\columnb\hbox to -\intercolumnskip{}
	\global\setbox\columnb\columnbox \global\def\abc{c}\fi\fi}

    \if a\abc \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
    \if a\abc \else\null\vfill\eject\fi

% we won't be using math mode much, so redefine some of the characters
% we might want to talk about



\parindent 0pt
\parskip 1ex plus .5ex minus .5ex



\outer\def\title#1{{\titlefont\centerline{#1}}\vskip 1ex plus .5ex}

  \vskip 3ex plus 2ex minus 2ex {\headingfont #1}\mark{#1}%
  \vskip 2ex plus 1ex minus 1.5ex}




\def\<#1>{$\langle${\rm #1}$\rangle$}

\def\kbd#1{{\tt#1}\null}	%\null so not an abbrev even if period follows

{\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }

\def\key#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\vtop

\setbox\metaxbox\hbox{\kbd{M-x }}

\def\metax#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\hbox to .75\hsize
  \hskip -\metaxwidth minus 1fil

\def\threecolumn#1#2#3{\hskip\keyindent\relax{#1}\hfil&{#2}\quad &{#3}\quad\cr}

%**end of header

\title{Tree Dired Reference Card}

\centerline{(for GNU Emacs version 18)}

\centerline{$ !Id: dired-ref.tex,v 1992/06/29 22:33:08 devin Exp ! $}

A feature marked like this\diredx{} is optional and not part of dired

\section{Starting Dired}

\key{Dired in current window} {C-x d}
\key{Dired in other window} {C-x 4 d}

The last component of the pathname may contain wildcards.  With prefix
argument, Dired asks you to enter the listing switches for the {\tt
ls} command.

Another way is from within {\tt find-file}, \kbd{C-x C-f}: just enter
a directory name (no wildcards possible).

\section {Cursor Motion}
All the usual Emacs cursor motion commands are available in Dired
buffers. Special motion commands are (see also ``Subdirectories''

\paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
\threecol{\bf go to}           {\bf previous}      {\bf next}
\threecol{line}                {C-p {\rm or} p}    {C-n {\rm or} n}
\threecol{directory line}      {<}                 {>}
%\threecol{inserted directory}  {ESC C-p}           {ESC C-n} % now below
\threecol{marked file}         {ESC \{}            {ESC \}}

\section{Visiting Files}

\key{visit current file (dired if directory)} {f}
\key{visit current file in other window}{o}
\key{view current file read-only} {v}

\section{Displaying Files}

\key{toggle between sort by name/date} {s}
\key{specify new ls switches}{C-u s}
\key{redisplay current, marked or next N files}{l}
\key{revert buffer}{g}

\key{kill this line (but not this file)}{k}
\key{undo changes to Dired buffer}  {C-x u {\rm or} C-_}
\key{copy file name(s) to kill ring\diredx} {w}

\section{Marking and Unmarking Files}

\key{mark (with \kbd{*}) the current or next N file(s)} {m}
\key{remove mark}{u}
\key{remove mark on previous line}{DEL}

\key{mark all files matching REGEXP}{\%m}
\key{mark all executable files}{*}
\key{mark all symbolic links}{@}
\key{mark all directories}{/}

\key{unmark the current or next N file(s)} {u}
\key{move up lines and remove flags there} {DEL}
\key{remove a specific or all flags from every file}{ESC DEL}
%\key{toggle marks\diredx}{T} % this command is not very important

\section {Mark Using Commands} 

The following commands are applied to the marked files or (if there
are none) to the current file. Numeric prefix argument means, apply
command to the next N (previous N if negative) files.  Digits work as
prefix arguments.

{\bf Copying And Moving Files\dots}

Default target directory is where point is.

\key{move or rename} {r}
\key{copy} {c}
\key{make hard links} {H}
\key{make symbolic links} {Y}
\key{make relative symbolic links\diredx} {S}

{\bf \dots With Regexps}

{\tt \\\&} in NEWNAME stands for the entire text being replaced.  {\tt
\\N} in NEWNAME, where N is a digit, stands for whatever matched the
N'th parenthesized grouping in REGEXP.

\key{move or rename} {\%r}
\key{copy} {\%c}
\key{make hard links} {\%H}
\key{make symbolic links} {\%Y}
\key{make relative symbolic links\diredx} {\%S}

\key{rename to upper case}{\%u}
\key{rename to lower case}{\%l}

{\bf Shell Commands}

Shell commands have the top level directory as working directory.
A {\tt *} indicates where filenames go (default: at end).

\key{run a shell command}{!}
\key{run a shell command in background\diredx}{\&}

{\bf Other Mark Using Commands}

\key{compress files}{C}
\key{uncompress files}{U}

\key{change the mode ({\tt g+w} etc. allowed)} {M}
\key{change the group} {G}
\key{change the owner} {O}

\key{load elisp files}{L}
\key{byte compile elisp files} {B}

\key{print files} {P}

\section {Deleting Files}

\key{flag (with \kbd{D}) file for deletion}{d}

\key{flag auto-save files}{\#}
\key{flag backup files}{\~}
\key{flag excess numeric backup files}{.}
\key{flag files matching REGEXP}{\%d}

\key{delete \kbd{D}-flagged files}{x}
\key{delete \kbd{*}-marked files} {X}

\section{Comparing files}

\key{diff current file with file mark is on} {D}
\key{diff current file with its backup file} {ESC \~}

\section{Making Directories}

\key{create a new directory}{+}

\section{Error Logging}

\key{see why something went wrong}{W}


\key{insert directory into same Dired buffer}{i}
\key{insert all marked directories\diredx}{I}

\key{relist subdirectory of this headerline}{l}
\key{kill subdirectory of this headerline}{k}

\key{go up (Dired parent directory)}{^}
\key{go down (view this directory)}{v}

\key{go up in inserted directory tree}{ESC C-u}
\key{go down in inserted directory tree}{ESC C-d}
\key{next inserted directory}{ESC C-n}
\key{previous inserted directory}{ESC C-p}

\section{Hiding Directories}
\key{hide or unhide current inserted directory}{\$}
\key{hide or unhide all inserted directories}{=}

\section{Advanced Commands\diredx}

%{\bf Dynamic Markers}
%\section{Dynamic Markers\diredx}

\key{push a new marker character}{(}
\key{pop current marker off stack}{)}

%{\bf Omitting}

\key{toggle omitting}{ESC o}

%{\bf Advanced Mark Commands}
%\section{Advanced Mark Commands\diredx}

\key{mark files for which PREDICATE is non-nil}{ESC (}

\advance\leftskip by \keyindent
PREDICATE is a lisp expression, e.g., {\tt (= size 0)}, that can refer
to the following symbols:

\paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
\threecolumn{\bf meaning}                             {\bf symbol} {\bf type}
\threecolumn{inode (only for {\tt ls -i})}            {\tt inode}{\rm integer} 
\threecolumn{size, usually in blocks (only for {\tt ls -s})}{\tt s}{\rm integer}
\threecolumn{file permission bits ({\tt "-rw-r--r--"})}{\tt mode}{\rm string} 
\threecolumn{number of links to file}                 {\tt nlink}{\rm integer}
\threecolumn{owner}                                   {\tt uid}{\rm string}
\threecolumn{group}                                   {\tt gid}{\rm string}
\threecolumn{file size in bytes}                      {\tt size}{\rm integer}
\threecolumn{time that {\tt ls} displays ({\tt "Feb 12 14:17"})}{\tt time}{\rm string}
\threecolumn{name of the file}                        {\tt name}{\rm string}
\threecolumn{if symlink, linked-to name, else {\tt ""}}{\tt sym}{\rm string}
\section{Filename Transformers\diredx}
Use e.g. {\tt [b]} instead of {\tt *} to access basenames in shell

\key{unmodified filename (equivalent to {\tt [dbe]}).}{*}
\key{name without directory information}{n}
\key{directory component}{d}
\key{basename, without directory and extension}{b}
\key{file without directory and without {\tt,v} suffix.}{v}
\key{without directory and without {\tt .Z} suffix}{z}

\section{Find Dired\diredx}

\metax{Feed arbitrary find(1) command to Dired}{M-x find-dired}
\metax{Find file names matching WILDCARD}{M-x find-name-dired}
\metax{Find files containing PATTERN}{M-x find-grep-dired}
