view lisp/dired/dired-num.el @ 18:d95e72db5c07 r19-15b92

Import from CVS: tag r19-15b92
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:49:43 +0200
parents 376386a54a3c
line wrap: on
line source

;;;; dired-num.el - Renaming with numbers in Tree Dired.

(defconst dired-num-version (substring "!Revision: 1.2 !" 11 -2)
  "Id: dired-num.el,v 1.2 1991/10/15 13:24:10 sk RelBeta ")
;; Copyright (C) 1991 by Sebastian Kremer <>

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

;; LISPDIR ENTRY for the Elisp Archive ===============================
;;    LCD Archive Entry:
;;    dired-num|Sebastian Kremer|
;;    |Renaming with numbers in Tree Dired. 
;;    |Date: 1991/10/15 13:24:10 |Revision: 1.2 |

;; INSTALLATION ======================================================
;; Put this file into your load-path and the following in your ~/.emacs:
;;   (autoload 'dired-do-rename-numeric "dired-num")
;;   (autoload 'dired-do-rename-list "dired-num")
;; Do
;;   (define-key dired-mode-map "%#" 'dired-do-rename-numeric)
;;   (define-key dired-mode-map "%(" 'dired-do-rename-list)
;; inside your dired-load-hook.

(require 'dired);; we need its macros when being compiled

(defun dired-number-of-marked-files (&optional arg)
  ;; Return the number of marked files in a dired buffer.
  ;; Optional ARG as in dired-mark-map.
     ;; this returns a list of ``results'' (i.e. nil's):
     (dired-mark-map nil arg))))

(defun dired-do-create-files-numeric (file-creator operation arg format start
						   &optional arg)
  ;; Create a new file for each marked file using numbers.
  ;; FILE-CREATOR and OPERATION as in dired-create-files.
  ;; ARG as in dired-mark-get-files.
  ;; FORMAT is a format string for use with an integer, assuming
  ;; values starting from START, incremented for each marked file.
  (let ((i (1- start)));; signals an error if START is not a number
     (function (lambda (x)
		 (format format (setq i (1+ i)))))
     operation arg)))

(defun dired-do-rename-numeric (format start &optional arg)
  "Rename all marked (or next ARG) files using numbers.
You are prompted for a format string, e.g \"part_%d_of_8\", and a starting
number, e.g. 1.  If there are 8 marked files, this example will rename them to

     (format "Rename numeric [%d files] (format string using %%d): "
	     (dired-number-of-marked-files current-prefix-arg)))
    (read-minibuffer "Numbers start at: " "1")
   (function dired-rename-file)
   "Rename-numeric" arg format start))

;; Copy etc. would be similar to implement.

(defun dired-do-create-files-list (file-creator operation arg format list
						   &optional arg)
  ;; Create a new file for each marked file by subsituting elements
  ;; from LIST in the format string FORMAT.
  ;; FILE-CREATOR and OPERATION as in dired-create-files.
  ;; ARG as in dired-mark-get-files.
  (let ((rest list))
     (function (lambda (x)
		 (format format (prog1
				    (car rest)
				  (setq rest (cdr rest))))))
     operation arg)))

(defun dired-do-rename-list (format list &optional arg)
  "Rename all marked (or next ARG) files using elements from LIST.
You are prompted for a format string, e.g \"x_%s\", and the list,
e.g. '(foo bar zod).  This example will rename the marked files to


It is an error if LIST has not as many elements as there are files."
  (interactive "sRename list (format using %%s): \nxList: \nP")
  (or (= (dired-number-of-marked-files arg)
	 (length list))
      (error "Must have as many elements as there are files to rename"))
   (function dired-rename-file)
   "Rename-list" arg format list))