view nt/ @ 5327:d1b17a33450b

Move the heavy lifting from cl-seq.el to C. src/ChangeLog addition: 2010-12-30 Aidan Kehoe <> Move the heavy lifting from cl-seq.el to C, finally making those functions first-class XEmacs citizens, with circularity checking, built-in support for tests other than #'eql, and as much compatibility with current Common Lisp as Paul Dietz' tests require. * fns.c (check_eq_nokey, check_eq_key, check_eql_nokey) (check_eql_key, check_equal_nokey, check_equal_key) (check_equalp_nokey, check_equalp_key, check_string_match_nokey) (check_string_match_key, check_other_nokey, check_other_key) (check_if_nokey, check_if_key, check_match_eq_key) (check_match_eql_key, check_match_equal_key) (check_match_equalp_key, check_match_other_key): New. These are basically to provide function pointers to be used by Lisp functions that take TEST, TEST-NOT and KEY arguments. (get_check_match_function_1, get_check_test_function) (get_check_match_function): These functions work out which of the previous list of functions to use, given the keywords supplied by the user. (count_with_tail): New. This is the bones of #'count. (list_count_from_end, string_count_from_end): Utility functions for #'count. (Fcount): New, moved from cl-seq.el. (list_position_cons_before): New. The implementation of #'member*, and important in implementing various other functions. (FmemberX, Fadjoin, FassocX, FrassocX, Fposition, Ffind) (FdeleteX, FremoveX, Fdelete_duplicates, Fremove_duplicates) (Fnsubstitute, Fsubstitute, Fsublis, Fnsublis, Fsubst, Fnsubst) (Ftree_equal, Fmismatch, Fsearch, Fintersection, Fnintersection) (Fsubsetp, Fset_difference, Fnset_difference, Fnunion, Funion) (Fset_exclusive_or, Fnset_exclusive_or): New, moved here from cl-seq.el. (position): New. The implementation of #'find and #'position. (list_delete_duplicates_from_end, subst, sublis, nsublis) (tree_equal, mismatch_from_end, mismatch_list_list) (mismatch_list_string, mismatch_list_array) (mismatch_string_array, mismatch_string_string) (mismatch_array_array, get_mismatch_func): Helper C functions for the Lisp-visible functions. (venn, nvenn): New. The implementation of the main Lisp functions that treat lists as sets. lisp/ChangeLog addition: 2010-12-30 Aidan Kehoe <> * cl-seq.el: Move the heavy lifting from this file to C. Dump the cl-parsing-keywords macro, but don't use defun* for the functions we define that do take keywords, dynamic scope lossage makes that not practical. * subr.el (sort, fillarray): Move these aliases here. (map-plist): #'nsublis is now built-in, but at this point #'eql isn't necessarily available as a test; use #'eq. * obsolete.el (cl-delete-duplicates): Make this available for old compiler macros and old code. (memql): Document that this is equivalent to #'member*, and worse. * cl.el (adjoin, subst): Removed. These are in C.
author Aidan Kehoe <>
date Thu, 30 Dec 2010 01:59:52 +0000
parents 43dd3413c7c7
line wrap: on
line source

XCOMM platform:  $XConsortium: /main/51 1996/12/19 14:20:08 lehors $

#ifndef OSName
#define OSName			Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
XCOMM operating system:  OSName
#ifndef OSMajorVersion
#define OSMajorVersion		4
#ifndef OSMinorVersion
#define OSMinorVersion		0
#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
#define OSTeenyVersion		0

#ifndef CompilerMajorVersion
/* 0 == NT 3.1 Win32 SDK, 2 == MSVC++ 2, 4 == MSVC 4 */
#define CompilerMajorVersion	4	

#define BootstrapCFlags		-DWIN32
#ifdef _M_IX86
#define CpuDefines -D_X86_
/* brain-damaged windows headers will not compile with -Za */
/*#define StandardDefines -DWIN32 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -D_DLL -D_MT -D__STDC__ CpuDefines*/
/* Try with single threaded libc --marcpa */
#define StandardDefines -DWIN32 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -D__STDC__ CpuDefines
#if CompilerMajorVersion < 4
#define DefaultCCOptions -nologo -batch -G4 -W2
#define DefaultCCOptions -nologo -G4 -W2
#if CompilerMajorVersion < 4
#define DebuggableCDebugFlags -Zi
#define DebuggableCDebugFlags -Zi -Od
#define ThreadedX		NO
#define HasThreadSafeAPI	NO
#define CpCmd copy
#define LnCmd copy
#define MvCmd ren
#define RmCmd del
#ifndef RmTreeCmd
/*#define RmTreeCmd del /q /s */
#define RmTreeCmd rm -rf
#define CcCmd cl
#define HasCplusplus		YES
#define CplusplusCmd cl
#if CompilerMajorVersion < 4
#define PreProcessCmd CcCmd -nologo -batch -EP
#define CppCmd  CcCmd -nologo -batch -E
#define PreProcessCmd CcCmd -nologo -EP
#define CppCmd  CcCmd -nologo -E
#define PatheticCpp		YES
#define ConstructMFLAGS		YES
#if (CompilerMajorVersion == 0)
#define ArCmdBase lib32
#define ArCmdBase lib
#define ArCmd ArCmdBase
#define CplusplusCmd cl
#define MkdirHierCmd mkdir
#define InstallCmd copy
#define InstPgmFlags /**/
#define InstBinFlags /**/
#define InstUidFlags /**/
#define InstLibFlags /**/
#define InstIncFlags /**/
#define InstManFlags /**/
#define InstDatFlags /**/
#define InstallFlags /**/
#if (CompilerMajorVersion == 0)
#define ExtraLibraries crtdll.lib kernel32.lib wsock32.lib
#elif (CompilerMajorVersion < 4)
#define ExtraLibraries msvcrt.lib kernel32.lib wsock32.lib
/* Use LIBC.LIB instead of msvcrt.lib since we compile
   with non-thread version. --marcpa */
#define ExtraLibraries libc.lib kernel32.lib wsock32.lib -link -nodefaultlib:libc
#define MakeCmd nmake -nologo
#if (CompilerMajorVersion == 0)
#define LdCmd link32
#define LdCmd link
#define MathLibrary
#define HasSymLinks		NO
#define HasPutenv		YES
#define Osuf obj
#ifndef CCsuf
#define CCsuf cxx
#define BuildServer		NO
#define ConnectionFlags		-DTCPCONN

/* override as necessary in site.def/host.def */
#ifndef StdIncDir
#define StdIncDir 		C:/MSDEVSTD/INCLUDE
#define LdPreLib /**/
#define LdPostLib /**/
#ifndef UseInstalled
#define ImakeCmd $(IMAKESRC:/=\)\imake
#define DependCmd $(DEPENDSRC:/=\)\makedepend
#define DependFlags -D_WIN32
#define FilesToClean *.bak *.obj *.lib make.log
#define ShLibDir $(BINDIR)

#define XFileSearchPathBase Concat4($(LIBDIR)/;L/;T/;N;C,;S:$(LIBDIR)/;l/;T/;N;C,;S:$(LIBDIR)/;T/;N;C,;S:$(LIBDIR)/;L/;T/;N;S:$(LIBDIR)/;l/;T/;N;S:$(LIBDIR)/;T/;N;S)

#define XawI18nDefines		-DHAS_WCHAR_H
#define UseRgbTxt  YES
#define HasCbrt NO
#define HasFfs NO
#define HasXdmAuth NO

/* the following components haven't been ported yet */
#define BuildLBX NO
#define BuildXprint NO
#define XprtServer NO

#include <Win32.rules>