view tests/gtk/gnome-test.el @ 5602:c9e5612f5424

Support the MP library on recent FreeBSD, have it pass relevant tests. src/ChangeLog addition: 2011-11-26 Aidan Kehoe <> * number-mp.c (bignum_to_string): Don't overwrite the accumulator we've just set up for this function. * number-mp.c (BIGNUM_TO_TYPE): mp_itom() doesn't necessarily do what this code used to think with negative numbers, it can treat them as unsigned ints. Subtract numbers from bignum_zero instead of multiplying them by -1 to convert them to their negative equivalents. * number-mp.c (bignum_to_int): * number-mp.c (bignum_to_uint): * number-mp.c (bignum_to_long): * number-mp.c (bignum_to_ulong): * number-mp.c (bignum_to_double): Use the changed BIGNUM_TO_TYPE() in these functions. * number-mp.c (bignum_ceil): * number-mp.c (bignum_floor): In these functions, be more careful about rounding to positive and negative infinity, respectively. Don't use the sign of QUOTIENT when working out out whether to add or subtract one, rather use the sign QUOTIENT would have if arbitrary-precision division were done. * number-mp.h: * number-mp.h (MP_GCD): Wrap #include <mp.h> in BEGIN_C_DECLS/END_C_DECLS. * number.c (Fbigfloat_get_precision): * number.c (Fbigfloat_set_precision): Don't attempt to call XBIGFLOAT_GET_PREC if this build doesn't support big floats.
author Aidan Kehoe <>
date Sat, 26 Nov 2011 17:59:14 +0000
parents b9167d522a9a
line wrap: on
line source

;; gnome-test.el --- test GNOME integration
;; Copyright 2000, 2001 William Perry
;; This file is part of XEmacs.

;; XEmacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
;; Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
;; option) any later version.

;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
;; for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with XEmacs.  If not, see <>.

(require 'gnome)

 "GNOME Stock Pixmaps" gnome gnome-pixmaps nil
 (let ((hbox nil)
       (vbox nil)
       (widget nil)
       (label nil)
       (i 0))
   (mapc (lambda (b)
	   (if (= (% i 5) 0)
		 (setq hbox (gtk-hbutton-box-new))
		 (gtk-box-set-spacing hbox 5)
		 (gtk-container-add window hbox)))

	   (setq widget (gnome-stock-pixmap-widget-new window (car b))
		 vbox (gtk-vbox-new t 0)
		 label (gtk-label-new (cdr b)))
	   (gtk-container-add hbox vbox)
	   (gtk-container-add vbox widget)
	   (gtk-container-add vbox label)
	   (gtk-widget-show-all vbox)
	   (setq i (1+ i)))

 "GNOME Stock Buttons" gnome gnome-buttons nil
 (let ((hbbox nil)
       (button nil)
       (i 0))
   (mapc (lambda (b)
	   (setq button (gnome-stock-button (car b)))
	   (gtk-signal-connect button 'clicked (lambda (obj data)
						 (message "Stock GNOME Button: %s" data))
			       (cdr b))
	   (if (= (% i 3) 0)
		 (setq hbbox (gtk-hbutton-box-new))
		 (gtk-button-box-set-spacing hbbox 5)
		 (gtk-container-add window hbbox)))
	   (gtk-container-add hbbox button)
	   (gtk-widget-show button)
	   (setq i (1+ i)))
 "GNOME About" gnome gnome-about t
 (setq window (gnome-about-new "XEmacs/GTK Test Application"
			       "Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation"
			       '("William M. Perry <>"
				 "Ichabod Crane")
			       "This is a comment string... what wonderful commentary you have my dear!"

 "GNOME File Entry" gnome gnome-file-entry nil
 (let ((button (gnome-file-entry-new nil "Test browse dialog...")))
   (gtk-container-add window button)))
 "GNOME Color Picker" gnome gnome-color-picker nil
 (let ((picker (gnome-color-picker-new))
       (hbox (gtk-hbox-new nil 0))
       (label (gtk-label-new "Please choose a color: ")))

   (gtk-box-pack-start hbox label nil nil 2)
   (gtk-box-pack-start hbox picker t t 2)
   (gtk-container-add window hbox)
   (gtk-widget-show-all hbox)))

 "GNOME Desktop Entry Editor" gnome gnome-dentry-edit nil
 (let* ((notebook (gtk-notebook-new)))
   (gnome-dentry-edit-new-notebook notebook)
   (gtk-container-add window notebook)))

 "GNOME Date Edit" gnome gnome-date-entry nil
 (let ((date (gnome-date-edit-new 0 t t))
   (gtk-box-pack-start window date t t 0)

   (setq button (gtk-check-button-new-with-label "Show time"))
   (gtk-signal-connect button 'clicked
		       (lambda (button date)
			 (let ((flags (gnome-date-edit-get-flags date)))
			   (if (gtk-toggle-button-get-active button)
			       (push 'show-time flags)
			     (setq flags (delq 'show-time flags)))
			   (gnome-date-edit-set-flags date flags))) date)
   (gtk-toggle-button-set-active button t)
   (gtk-box-pack-start window button nil nil 0)

   (setq button (gtk-check-button-new-with-label "24 Hour format"))
   (gtk-signal-connect button 'clicked
		       (lambda (button date)
			 (let ((flags (gnome-date-edit-get-flags date)))
			   (if (gtk-toggle-button-get-active button)
			       (push '24-hr flags)
			     (setq flags (delq '24-hr flags)))
			   (gnome-date-edit-set-flags date flags))) date)
   (gtk-toggle-button-set-active button t)
   (gtk-box-pack-start window button nil nil 0)

   (setq button (gtk-check-button-new-with-label "Week starts on monday"))
   (gtk-signal-connect button 'clicked
		       (lambda (button date)
			 (let ((flags (gnome-date-edit-get-flags date)))
			   (if (gtk-toggle-button-get-active button)
			       (push 'week-starts-on-monday flags)
			     (setq flags (delq 'week-starts-on-monday flags)))
			   (gnome-date-edit-set-flags date flags))) date)
   (gtk-toggle-button-set-active button t)
   (gtk-box-pack-start window button nil nil 0)))
 "GNOME Font Picker" gnome gnome-font-picker nil
 (let ((hbox (gtk-hbox-new nil 5))
       (fp (gnome-font-picker-new))
       (label (gtk-label-new "Choose a font: "))
       (button nil))
   (gtk-box-pack-start hbox label t t 0)
   (gtk-box-pack-start hbox fp nil nil 2)
   (gnome-font-picker-set-title fp "Select a font...")
   (gnome-font-picker-set-mode fp 'font-info)
   (gtk-box-pack-start window hbox t t 0)

   (setq button (gtk-check-button-new-with-label "Use font in label"))
   (gtk-signal-connect button 'clicked
		       (lambda (button fp)
			  fp (gtk-toggle-button-get-active button) 14))
   (gtk-box-pack-start window button nil nil 0)

   (setq button (gtk-check-button-new-with-label "Show size"))
   (gtk-signal-connect button 'clicked
		       (lambda (button fp)
			  fp (gtk-toggle-button-get-active button)))
   (gtk-box-pack-start window button nil nil 0)))

 "GNOME Application" gnome gnome-app t
 (setq window (gnome-app-new "XEmacs" "XEmacs/GNOME"))
 (let ((menubar (gtk-menu-bar-new))
       (contents nil)
       ;(toolbar-instance (specifier-instance top-toolbar))
       (toolbar nil)
       (item nil)
       (flushright nil))
   (mapc (lambda (node)
	   (if (not node)
	       (setq flushright t)
	     (setq item (gtk-build-xemacs-menu node))
	     (gtk-widget-show item)
	     (if flushright (gtk-menu-item-right-justify item))
	     (gtk-menu-append menubar item)))

   (setq toolbar (gtk-toolbar-new 'horizontal 'both))
   (mapc (lambda (x)
	   (let ((button (gtk-button-new))
		 (pixmap (gnome-stock-pixmap-widget-new toolbar x)))
	     (gtk-container-add button pixmap)
	     (gtk-toolbar-append-widget toolbar button (symbol-name x) nil)))
	 '(open save print cut copy paste undo spellcheck srchrpl mail help))

   (setq contents (gtk-hbox-new nil 5))
   (let ((hbox contents)
	 (vbox (gtk-vbox-new nil 5))
	 (frame nil)
	 (label nil))
     (gtk-box-pack-start hbox vbox nil nil 0)

     (setq frame (gtk-frame-new "Normal Label")
	   label (gtk-label-new "This is a Normal label"))
     (gtk-container-add frame label)
     (gtk-box-pack-start vbox frame nil nil 0)

     (setq frame (gtk-frame-new "Multi-line Label")
	   label (gtk-label-new "This is a multi-line label.\nSecond line\nThird line"))
     (gtk-container-add frame label)
     (gtk-box-pack-start vbox frame nil nil 0)

     (setq frame (gtk-frame-new "Left Justified Label")
	   label (gtk-label-new "This is a Left-Justified\nMulti-line label.\nThird      line"))
     (gtk-label-set-justify label 'left)
     (gtk-container-add frame label)
     (gtk-box-pack-start vbox frame nil nil 0)

     (setq frame (gtk-frame-new "Right Justified Label")
	   label (gtk-label-new "This is a Right-Justified\nMulti-line label.\nFourth line, (j/k)"))
     (gtk-label-set-justify label 'right)
     (gtk-container-add frame label)
     (gtk-box-pack-start vbox frame nil nil 0)

     ;; Start a second row so that we don't make a ridiculously tall window
     (setq vbox (gtk-vbox-new nil 5))
     (gtk-box-pack-start hbox vbox nil nil 0)

     (setq frame (gtk-frame-new "Line wrapped label")
	   label (gtk-label-new
		  (concat "This is an example of a line-wrapped label.  It should not be taking "
			  "up the entire             " ;;; big space to test spacing
			  "width allocated to it, but automatically wraps the words to fit.  "
			  "The time has come, for all good men, to come to the aid of their party.  "
			  "The sixth sheik's six sheep's sick.\n"
			  "     It supports multiple paragraphs correctly, and  correctly   adds "
			  "many          extra  spaces. ")))
     (gtk-label-set-line-wrap label t)
     (gtk-container-add frame label)
     (gtk-box-pack-start vbox frame nil nil 0)

     (setq frame (gtk-frame-new "Filled, wrapped label")
	   label (gtk-label-new
		   "This is an example of a line-wrapped, filled label.  It should be taking "
		   "up the entire              width allocated to it.  Here is a seneance to prove "
		   "my point.  Here is another sentence. "
		   "Here comes the sun, do de do de do.\n"
		   "    This is a new paragraph.\n"
		   "    This is another newer, longer, better paragraph.  It is coming to an end, "
     (gtk-label-set-justify label 'fill)
     (gtk-label-set-line-wrap label t)
     (gtk-container-add frame label)
     (gtk-box-pack-start vbox frame nil nil 0)

     (setq frame (gtk-frame-new "Underlined label")
	   label (gtk-label-new (concat "This label is underlined!\n"
					"This one is underlined in 日本語の入用quite a funky fashion")))
     (gtk-label-set-justify label 'left)
     (gtk-label-set-pattern label "_________________________ _ _________ _ _____ _ __ __  ___ ____ _____")
     (gtk-container-add frame label)
     (gtk-box-pack-start vbox frame nil nil 0))
   (gtk-widget-show-all toolbar)
   (gtk-widget-show-all menubar)
   (gtk-widget-show-all contents)
   (gnome-app-set-menus window menubar)
   (gnome-app-set-toolbar window toolbar)
   (gnome-app-set-contents window contents)))