view lisp/vm/vm-mark.el @ 1:c0c6a60d29db

Added tag r19-14 for changeset 376386a54a3c
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:45:53 +0200
parents 376386a54a3c
children 859a2309aef8
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line source

;;; Commands for handling messages marks
;;; Copyright (C) 1990, 1993, 1994 Kyle E. Jones
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
;;; any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

(provide 'vm-mark)

(defun vm-clear-all-marks ()
  "Removes all message marks in the current folder."
  (let ((mp vm-message-list))
    (while mp
      (if (vm-mark-of (car mp))
	    (vm-set-mark-of (car mp) nil)
	    (vm-mark-for-summary-update (car mp) t)))
      (setq mp (cdr mp))))
  (vm-display nil nil '(vm-clear-all-marks)
	      '(vm-clear-all-marks marking-message))

(defun vm-mark-all-messages ()
  "Mark all messages in the current folder."
  (let ((mp vm-message-list))
    (while mp
      (vm-set-mark-of (car mp) t)
      (vm-mark-for-summary-update (car mp) t)
      (setq mp (cdr mp))))
  (vm-display nil nil '(vm-mark-all-messages)
	      '(vm-mark-all-messages marking-message))

(defun vm-mark-message (count)
  "Mark the current message.
Numeric prefix argument N means mark the current message and the next
N-1 messages.  A negative N means mark the current message and the
previous N-1 messages."
  (interactive "p")
  (if (interactive-p)
  (let ((direction (if (< count 0) 'backward 'forward))
	(count (vm-abs count))
	(oldmp vm-message-pointer)
	(vm-message-pointer vm-message-pointer))
    (while (not (zerop count))
      (if (not (vm-mark-of (car vm-message-pointer)))
	    (vm-set-mark-of (car vm-message-pointer) t)
	    (vm-mark-for-summary-update (car vm-message-pointer) t)))
      (vm-decrement count)
      (if (not (zerop count))
	  (vm-move-message-pointer direction))))
  (vm-display nil nil '(vm-mark-message)
	      '(vm-mark-message marking-message))

(defun vm-unmark-message (count)
  "Remove the mark from the current message.
Numeric prefix argument N means unmark the current message and the next
N-1 messages.  A negative N means unmark the current message and the
previous N-1 messages."
  (interactive "p")
  (if (interactive-p)
  (let ((mlist (vm-select-marked-or-prefixed-messages count)))
    (while mlist
      (if (vm-mark-of (car mlist))
	    (vm-set-mark-of (car mlist) nil)
	    (vm-mark-for-summary-update (car mlist) t)))
      (setq mlist (cdr mlist))))
  (vm-display nil nil '(vm-unmark-message)
	      '(vm-unmark-message marking-message))

(defun vm-mark-or-unmark-messages-with-selector (val selector arg)
  (let ((mlist vm-message-list)
	(virtual (eq major-mode 'vm-virtual-mode))
	(arglist (if arg (list arg) nil))
	(count 0))
    (setq selector (intern (concat "vm-vs-" (symbol-name selector))))
    (while mlist
      (if (if virtual
		   (car mlist))))
		(apply selector (vm-real-message-of (car mlist)) arglist))
	    (apply selector (car mlist) arglist))
	    (vm-set-mark-of (car mlist) val)
	    (vm-mark-for-summary-update (car mlist) t)
	    (vm-increment count)))
      (setq mlist (cdr mlist)))
    (vm-display nil nil
		'(vm-mark-matching-messages vm-unmark-matching-messages)
		(list this-command 'marking-message))
    (message "%d message%s %smarked"
	     (if (= 1 count) "" "s")
	     (if val "" "un"))))

(defun vm-mark-matching-messages (selector &optional arg)
  "Mark messages matching some criterion.
You can use any of the virtual folder selectors, except for the
`and', `or' and `not' selectors.  See the documentation for the
variable vm-virtual-folder-alist for more information."
   (let ((last-command last-command)
	 (this-command this-command))
     (vm-read-virtual-selector "Mark messages: ")))
  (vm-mark-or-unmark-messages-with-selector t selector arg))

(defun vm-unmark-matching-messages (selector &optional arg)
  "Unmark messages matching some criterion.
You can use any of the virtual folder selectors, except for the
`and', `or' and `not' selectors.  See the documentation for the
variable vm-virtual-folder-alist for more information."
   (let ((last-command last-command)
	 (this-command this-command))
     (vm-read-virtual-selector "Unmark messages: ")))
  (vm-mark-or-unmark-messages-with-selector nil selector arg))

(defun vm-mark-thread-subtree ()
  "Mark all messages in the thread tree rooted at the current message."
  (vm-mark-or-unmark-thread-subtree t))

(defun vm-unmark-thread-subtree ()
  "Unmark all messages in the thread tree rooted at the current message."
  (vm-mark-or-unmark-thread-subtree nil))

(defun vm-mark-or-unmark-thread-subtree (mark)
  (let ((list (list (car vm-message-pointer)))
	(loop-obarray (make-vector 29 0))
	subject-sym id-sym)
    (while list
      (if (not (eq (vm-mark-of (car list)) mark))
	    (vm-set-mark-of (car list) mark)
	    (vm-mark-for-summary-update (car list))))
      (setq id-sym (car (vm-last (vm-th-thread-list (car list)))))
      (if (null (intern-soft (symbol-name id-sym) loop-obarray))
	    (intern (symbol-name id-sym) loop-obarray)
	    (nconc list (copy-sequence (get id-sym 'children)))
	    (setq subject-sym (intern (vm-so-sortable-subject (car list))
	    (if (and (boundp subject-sym) 
		     (eq id-sym (aref (symbol-value subject-sym) 0)))
		(nconc list (copy-sequence
			     (aref (symbol-value subject-sym) 2))))))
      (setq list (cdr list))))
  (vm-display nil nil
	      '(vm-mark-thread-subtree vm-unmark-thread-subtree)
	      (list this-command 'marking-message))

(defun vm-mark-messages-same-subject ()
  "Mark all messages with the same subject as the current message."
  (vm-mark-or-unmark-messages-same-subject t))

(defun vm-unmark-messages-same-subject ()
  "Unmark all messages with the same subject as the current message."
  (vm-mark-or-unmark-messages-same-subject nil))

(defun vm-mark-or-unmark-messages-same-subject (mark)
  (let ((mp vm-message-list)
	(mark-count 0)
	(subject (vm-so-sortable-subject (car vm-message-pointer))))
    (while mp
      (if (and (not (eq (vm-mark-of (car mp)) mark))
	       (string-equal subject (vm-so-sortable-subject (car mp))))
	    (vm-set-mark-of (car mp) mark)
	    (vm-increment mark-count)
	    (vm-mark-for-summary-update (car mp) t)))
      (setq mp (cdr mp)))
    (if (zerop mark-count)
	(message "No messages %smarked" (if mark "" "un"))
      (message "%d message%s %smarked"
	       (if (= 1 mark-count) "" "s")
	       (if mark "" "un"))))
  (vm-display nil nil
	      (list this-command 'marking-message))

(defun vm-mark-messages-same-author ()
  "Mark all messages with the same author as the current message."
  (vm-mark-or-unmark-messages-same-author t))

(defun vm-unmark-messages-same-author ()
  "Unmark all messages with the same author as the current message."
  (vm-mark-or-unmark-messages-same-author nil))

(defun vm-mark-or-unmark-messages-same-author (mark)
  (let ((mp vm-message-list)
	(mark-count 0)
	(author (vm-su-from (car vm-message-pointer))))
    (while mp
      (if (and (not (eq (vm-mark-of (car mp)) mark))
	       (string-equal author (vm-su-from (car mp))))
	    (vm-set-mark-of (car mp) mark)
	    (vm-increment mark-count)
	    (vm-mark-for-summary-update (car mp) t)))
      (setq mp (cdr mp)))
    (if (zerop mark-count)
	(message "No messages %smarked" (if mark "" "un"))
      (message "%d message%s %smarked"
	       (if (= 1 mark-count) "" "s")
	       (if mark "" "un"))))
  (vm-display nil nil
	      (list this-command 'marking-message))

(defun vm-next-command-uses-marks ()
  "Does nothing except insure that the next VM command will operate only
on the marked messages in the current folder."
  (setq this-command 'vm-next-command-uses-marks)
  (vm-unsaved-message "Next command uses marks...")
  (vm-display nil nil '(vm-next-command-uses-marks)

(defun vm-marked-messages ()
  (let (list (mp vm-message-list))
    (while mp
      (if (vm-mark-of (car mp))
	  (setq list (cons (car mp) list)))
      (setq mp (cdr mp)))
    (nreverse list)))

(defun vm-mark-help ()
  (vm-display nil nil '(vm-mark-help) '(vm-mark-help))
  (message "MM = mark, MU = unmark, Mm = mark all, Mu = unmark all, MN = use marks, ..."))