view lisp/gtk-file-dialog.el @ 2420:ad56e5a6d09f

[xemacs-hg @ 2004-12-06 03:46:06 by ben] (none) README.packages: Document use of --package-prefix. Fix error in specifying standard package location. make-docfile.c: Use QXE_PATH_MAX. info.el: Correct doc string giving example package path. menubar-items.el: Move Prefix Rectangle command up one level. xemacs/packages.texi: Add long form of Lisp Reference Manual to links. Add links pointing to Lisp Reference Manual for more detailed package discussion. lispref/range-tables.texi: Document range-table changes. internals/internals.texi: Update history section. elhash.c, elhash.h, profile.c: Create inchash_eq() to allow direct incrementing of hash-table entry. Use in profile.c to try to reduce profiling overhead. Increase initial size of profile hash tables to reduce profiling overhead. buffer.c, device-msw.c, dialog-msw.c, dired-msw.c, editfns.c, event-msw.c, events.c, glyphs-msw.c, keymap.c, objects-msw.c, process-nt.c, syswindows.h, text.c, text.h, unexnt.c: Rename xetcs* -> qxetcs* for consistency with qxestr*. Rename ei*_c(_*) -> ei*_ascii(_*) since they work with ASCII-only strings not "C strings", whatever those are. This is the last place where "c" was incorrectly being used for "ascii". dialog-msw.c, dumper.c, event-msw.c, fileio.c, glyphs-gtk.c, glyphs-x.c, nt.c, process-nt.c, realpath.c, sysdep.c, sysfile.h, unexcw.c, unexnext.c, unexnt.c: Try to avoid differences in systems that do or do not include final null byte in PATH_MAX. Create PATH_MAX_INTERNAL and PATH_MAX_EXTERNAL and use them everywhere. Rewrite code in dumper.c to avoid use of PATH_MAX. When necessary in nt.c, use _MAX_PATH instead of MAX_PATH to be consistent with other places. text.c: Code to short-circuit when binary or Unicode was not working due to EOL wrapping. Fix this code to work when either no EOL autodetection or no CR's or LF's in the text. lisp.h, rangetab.c, rangetab.h, regex.c, search.c: Implement different types of ranges (open/closed start and end). Change default to be start-closed, end-open.
author ben
date Mon, 06 Dec 2004 03:46:07 +0000
parents 7039e6323819
children 308d34e9f07d
line wrap: on
line source

;;; gtk-file-dialog.el --- A nicer file selection dialog for XEmacs w/GTK primitives

;; Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; Maintainer: William M. Perry <>
;; Keywords: extensions, internal

;; This file is part of XEmacs.

;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the 
;; Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF.

;;; Commentary:

;; The default GTK file selection dialog is not sufficient for our
;; needs.  Limitations include:
;; - not derived from GtkDialog
;; - no support for filters based on file types
;; - no support for setting an initial directory
;; - no way to tell it 'file must exist'
;; - no easy way to tell it to look at directories only
;; - ugly as sin
;; This attempts to rectify the situation.

   gtk-clist-freeze gtk-clist-append
   gtk-clist-thaw gtk-combo-set-popdown-strings gtk-dialog-new
   gtk-dialog-vbox gtk-dialog-action-area gtk-window-set-title
   gtk-button-new-with-label gtk-container-add gtk-signal-connect
   gtk-entry-get-text gtk-widget-destroy gtk-combo-new
   gtk-combo-disable-activate gtk-box-pack-start gtk-combo-entry
   gtk-hbox-new gtk-clist-new-with-titles gtk-scrolled-window-new
   gtk-widget-set-usize gtk-clist-get-text gtk-entry-set-text
   gtk-button-clicked gtk-option-menu-new gtk-menu-new
   gtk-label-new gtk-menu-item-new-with-label gtk-menu-append
   gtk-widget-show gtk-option-menu-set-menu gtk-box-pack-end
   gtk-entry-new gtk-widget-set-sensitive gtk-widget-realize))

(defun gtk-file-dialog-fill-file-list (dialog dir)
  (if (not dir)
      (setq dir (get dialog 'x-file-dialog-current-dir nil)))

  (put dialog 'x-file-dialog-current-dir dir)

  (let ((list (get dialog 'x-file-dialog-files-list nil))
	;(remotep (file-remote-p dir))
    (if (not list)
      (gtk-clist-clear list)
      (gtk-clist-freeze list)
      ;; NOTE: Current versions of efs / ange-ftp do not honor the
      ;; files-only flag to directory-files, but actually DOING these
      ;; checks is hideously expensive.  Leave it turned off for now.
      (mapc #'(lambda (f)
		(if (or t		; Lets just wait for EFS to
			;(not remotep)	; fix itself, shall we?
			;(not (file-directory-p (expand-file-name f dir)))
		    (gtk-clist-append list (list f))))
	    (directory-files dir nil
			     (get dialog 'x-file-dialog-active-filter nil)
			     nil t))
      (gtk-clist-thaw list))))

(defun gtk-file-dialog-fill-directory-list (dialog dir)
  (let ((subdirs (directory-files dir nil nil nil 5))
	;(remotep (file-remote-p dir))
	;(selected-dir (get dialog 'x-file-dialog-current-dir "/"))
	(directory-list (get dialog 'x-file-dialog-directory-list)))

    (gtk-clist-freeze directory-list)
    (gtk-clist-clear directory-list)

    (while subdirs
      (if (equal "." (car subdirs))
	;; NOTE: Current versions of efs / ange-ftp do not honor the
	;; files-only flag to directory-files, but actually DOING these
	;; checks is hideously expensive.  Leave it turned off for now.
	(if (or t			; Lets just wait for EFS to
		;(not remotep)		; fix itself, shall we?
		;(file-directory-p (expand-file-name (car subdirs) dir))
	    (gtk-clist-append directory-list (list (car subdirs)))))
      (pop subdirs))
    (gtk-clist-thaw directory-list)))

(defun gtk-file-dialog-update-dropdown (dialog dir)
  (let ((combo-box (get dialog 'x-file-dialog-select-list))
	(components (reverse
		     (delete ""
			     (split-string dir
					   (concat "[" (char-to-string directory-sep-char) "]")))))
	(entries nil))

    (while components
      (push (concat "/" (mapconcat 'identity (reverse components)
				   (char-to-string directory-sep-char)))
      (pop components))
    (push (expand-file-name "." "~/") entries)
    (gtk-combo-set-popdown-strings combo-box (nreverse entries))))

(defun gtk-file-dialog-select-directory (dialog dir)
  (gtk-file-dialog-fill-directory-list dialog dir)
  (gtk-file-dialog-fill-file-list dialog dir)
  (gtk-file-dialog-update-dropdown dialog dir))

(defun gtk-file-dialog-new (&rest keywords)
  "Create a XEmacs file selection dialog.
Optional keyword arguments allowed:

:title			The title of the dialog
:initial-directory	Initial directory to show
:filter-list		List of filter descriptions and filters
:file-must-exist	Whether the file must exist or not
:directory		Look for a directory instead
:callback		Function to call with one arg, the selection
  (let* ((dialog (gtk-dialog-new))
	 (vbox (gtk-dialog-vbox dialog))
	 (dir (plist-get keywords :initial-directory default-directory))
	 (button-area (gtk-dialog-action-area dialog))
	 ;(initializing-gtk-file-dialog t)
	 (select-box nil)
	 button hbox)

    (put dialog 'type 'dialog)

    (gtk-window-set-title dialog (plist-get keywords :title "Select a file..."))

    (setq button (gtk-button-new-with-label "OK"))
    (gtk-container-add button-area button)
    (gtk-signal-connect button 'clicked
			(lambda (button dialog)
			   (get dialog 'x-file-dialog-callback 'ignore)
			    (get dialog 'x-file-dialog-entry nil)))
			  (gtk-widget-destroy dialog))
    (put dialog 'x-file-dialog-ok-button button)

    (setq button (gtk-button-new-with-label "Cancel"))
    (gtk-container-add button-area button)
    (gtk-signal-connect button 'clicked
			(lambda (button dialog)
			  (gtk-widget-destroy dialog)) dialog)

    (put dialog 'x-file-dialog-cancel-button button)
    (put dialog 'x-file-dialog-callback (plist-get keywords :callback 'ignore))
    (put dialog 'x-file-dialog-construct-args keywords)
    (put dialog 'x-file-dialog-current-dir dir)

    ;; Dropdown list of directories...
    (setq select-box (gtk-combo-new))
    (gtk-combo-disable-activate select-box)
    (gtk-box-pack-start vbox select-box nil nil 5)
    (put dialog 'x-file-dialog-select-list select-box)

    ;; Hitting return in the entry will change dirs...
    (gtk-signal-connect (gtk-combo-entry select-box) 'activate
			(lambda (entry dialog)
			  (gtk-file-dialog-select-directory dialog
							    (gtk-entry-get-text entry)))

    ;; Start laying out horizontally...
    (setq hbox (gtk-hbox-new nil 0))
    (gtk-box-pack-start vbox hbox t t 5)

    ;; Directory listing
    (let ((directories (gtk-clist-new-with-titles 1 '("Directories")))
	  (scrolled (gtk-scrolled-window-new nil nil)))
      (gtk-container-add scrolled directories)
      (gtk-widget-set-usize scrolled 200 300)
      (gtk-box-pack-start hbox scrolled t t 0)
      (put dialog 'x-file-dialog-directory-list directories)
      (put dialog 'x-file-dialog-directory-scrolled scrolled)

      (gtk-signal-connect directories 'select-row
			  (lambda (list row column event dialog)
			    (let ((dir (expand-file-name
					  (get dialog 'x-file-dialog-directory-list)
					  row column)
					 (get dialog 'x-file-dialog-current-dir))))
			      (if (and (misc-user-event-p event)
				       (event-function event))
				  (gtk-file-dialog-select-directory dialog dir)
				 (get dialog 'x-file-dialog-entry)

    (if (plist-get keywords :directory nil)
	;; Directory listings only do not need the file or filters buttons.
      ;; File listing
      (let ((list (gtk-clist-new-with-titles 1 '("Files")))
	    (scrolled (gtk-scrolled-window-new nil nil)))
	(gtk-container-add scrolled list)
	(gtk-widget-set-usize scrolled 200 300)
	(gtk-box-pack-start hbox scrolled t t 0)

	(gtk-signal-connect list 'select-row
			    (lambda (list row column event dialog)
			       (get dialog 'x-file-dialog-entry nil)
				(gtk-clist-get-text list row column)
				(get dialog 'x-file-dialog-current-dir nil)))
			      (if (and (misc-user-event-p event)
				       (event-function event))
				  ;; Got a double or triple click event...
				   (get dialog 'x-file-dialog-ok-button nil))))

	(put dialog 'x-file-dialog-files-list list))

      ;; Filters
      (if (not (plist-get keywords :filter-list nil))
	  ;; Don't need to bother packing this
	(setq hbox (gtk-hbox-new nil 0))
	(gtk-box-pack-start vbox hbox nil nil 0)

	(let ((label nil)
	      (options (plist-get keywords :filter-list nil))
	      (omenu nil)
	      (menu nil)
	      (item nil))
	  (setq omenu (gtk-option-menu-new)
		menu (gtk-menu-new)
		label (gtk-label-new "Filter: "))

	  (put dialog 'x-file-dialog-active-filter (cdr (car options)))
	  (mapc (lambda (o)
		  (setq item (gtk-menu-item-new-with-label (car o)))
		  (gtk-signal-connect item 'activate
				      (lambda (obj data)
					(put (car data) 'x-file-dialog-active-filter (cdr data))
					(gtk-file-dialog-fill-file-list (car data) nil))
				      (cons dialog (cdr o)))
		  (gtk-menu-append menu item)
		  (gtk-widget-show item)) options)
	  (gtk-option-menu-set-menu omenu menu)
	  (gtk-box-pack-end hbox omenu nil nil 0)
	  (gtk-box-pack-end hbox label nil nil 0))))

      ;; Entry
    (let ((entry (gtk-entry-new)))
      (if (plist-get keywords :directory nil)
	(gtk-box-pack-start vbox entry nil nil 0))
      (if (plist-get keywords :file-must-exist nil)
	    (gtk-widget-set-sensitive (get dialog 'x-file-dialog-ok-button nil) nil)
	    (gtk-signal-connect entry 'changed
				(lambda (entry dialog)
				   (get dialog 'x-file-dialog-ok-button)
				   (file-exists-p (gtk-entry-get-text entry))))
      (put dialog 'x-file-dialog-entry entry))

    (gtk-widget-realize dialog)

    ;; Populate the file list if necessary
    (gtk-file-dialog-select-directory dialog dir)

(provide 'gtk-file-dialog)