view lisp/x11/x-toolbar.el @ 19:ac1f612d5250

Added tag r19-15b92 for changeset d95e72db5c07
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:49:44 +0200
parents 0293115a14e9
children 8fc7fe29b841
line wrap: on
line source

;; Toolbar support for X.
;; Copyright (C) 1994 Andy Piper <>
;; Copyright (C) 1995 Board of Trustees, University of Illinois
;; Copyright (C) 1996 Ben Wing <>

;; This file is part of XEmacs.

;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
;; Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

;; Miscellaneous toolbar functions, useful for users to redefine, in
;; order to get different behaviour.

(defun toolbar-open ()
  (call-interactively 'find-file))

(defun toolbar-dired ()
  (call-interactively 'dired))

(defun toolbar-save ()
  (call-interactively 'save-buffer))

(defun toolbar-print ()
  (call-interactively 'lpr-buffer))

(defun toolbar-cut ()
  (call-interactively 'x-kill-primary-selection))

(defun toolbar-copy ()
  (call-interactively 'x-copy-primary-selection))

(defun toolbar-paste ()
  (call-interactively 'x-yank-clipboard-selection))

(defun toolbar-undo ()
  (call-interactively 'undo))

(defun toolbar-replace ()
  (call-interactively 'query-replace))

;; toolbar ispell variables and defuns

(defun toolbar-ispell ()
  "Intelligently spell the region or buffer."
  (if (region-active-p)
      (ispell-region (region-beginning) (region-end))

;; toolbar mail variables and defuns

(defmacro toolbar-external (process &rest args)
  `(lambda () (interactive) (call-process ,process nil 0 nil ,@args)))

(defvar toolbar-mail-commands-alist
  `((vm		. vm)
    (gnus	. gnus-no-server)
    (rmail	. rmail)
    (mh		. mh-rmail)
    (pine	. ,(toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "pine")) ; *gag*
    (elm	. ,(toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "elm"))
    (mutt	. ,(toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "mutt"))
    (exmh	. ,(toolbar-external "exmh"))
    ;; How to turn on netscape mail, command-line??
    (netscape	. ,(toolbar-external "netscape")))
  "Alist of mail readers and their commands.
The car of the alist is the mail reader, and the cdr is the form
used to start it.")

(defvar toolbar-mail-reader 'vm
  "Mail reader toolbar will invoke.
The legal values are `vm' and `gnus', but you can add your own values
by customizing `toolbar-mail-commands-alist'.")

(defun toolbar-mail ()
  "Run mail in a separate frame."
  (let ((command (assq toolbar-mail-reader toolbar-mail-commands-alist)))
    (if (not command)
	(error "Uknown mail reader %s" toolbar-mail-reader))
    (funcall (cdr command))))

;; toolbar info variables and defuns

(defvar toolbar-info-frame nil
  "The frame in which info is displayed.")

(defun toolbar-info ()
  "Run info in a separate frame."
  (if (or (not toolbar-info-frame)
	  (not (frame-live-p toolbar-info-frame)))
	(setq toolbar-info-frame (make-frame))
	(select-frame toolbar-info-frame)
	(raise-frame toolbar-info-frame)))
  (if (frame-iconified-p toolbar-info-frame)
      (deiconify-frame toolbar-info-frame))
  (select-frame toolbar-info-frame)
  (raise-frame toolbar-info-frame)

;; toolbar debug variables and defuns

(defun toolbar-debug ()
  (if (featurep 'eos-debugger)
      (call-interactively 'eos::start-debugger)
    (require 'gdbsrc)
    (call-interactively 'gdbsrc))

(defvar compile-command)
(defvar toolbar-compile-already-run nil)

(defun toolbar-compile ()
  "Run compile without having to touch the keyboard."
  (require 'compile)
  (if toolbar-compile-already-run
      (compile compile-command)
    (setq toolbar-compile-already-run t)
     `(,(concat "Compile:\n        " compile-command)
       ["Compile" (compile compile-command) t]
       ["Edit command" compile t]
       ["Cancel" (message "Quit") t]))))

;; toolbar news variables and defuns

(defvar toolbar-news-frame nil
  "The frame in which news is displayed.")

(defvar toolbar-news-frame-properties nil
  "The properties of the frame in which news is displayed.")

(defun toolbar-news ()
  "Run Gnus in a separate frame."
  (when (or (not toolbar-news-frame)
	    (not (frame-live-p toolbar-news-frame)))
    (setq toolbar-news-frame (make-frame toolbar-news-frame-properties))
    (add-hook 'gnus-exit-gnus-hook
	      (lambda ()
		(when (frame-live-p toolbar-news-frame)
		  (if (cdr (frame-list))
		      (delete-frame toolbar-news-frame))
                  (setq toolbar-news-frame nil))))
    (select-frame toolbar-news-frame)
    (raise-frame toolbar-news-frame)
  (if (frame-iconified-p toolbar-news-frame)
      (deiconify-frame toolbar-news-frame))
  (select-frame toolbar-news-frame)
  (raise-frame toolbar-news-frame))

;; toolbar printing variable and defun
(defvar toolbar-print-command 'lpr-buffer
  "Command to run when the Print Icon is selected from the toolbar.
Set this to `ps-print-buffer-with-faces' if you primarily print with
a postscript printer.")

(defun toolbar-print ()
  "Print current buffer."
  (funcall toolbar-print-command))

;; toolbar replacement variable and defun
(defvar toolbar-replace-command 'query-replace
  "Command to run when the Replace Icon is selected from the toolbar.
One possibility for a different value would be `query-replace-regexp'.")

(defun toolbar-replace ()
  "Run a query-replace -type function on the current buffer."
  (funcall toolbar-replace-command))

(defvar toolbar-last-win-icon nil "A `last-win' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-next-win-icon nil "A `next-win' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-file-icon     nil "A `file' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-folder-icon   nil "A `folder' icon set")
(defvar toolbar-disk-icon     nil "A `disk' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-printer-icon  nil "A `printer' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-cut-icon      nil "A `cut' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-copy-icon     nil "A `copy' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-paste-icon    nil "A `paste' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-undo-icon     nil "An `undo' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-spell-icon    nil "A `spell' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-replace-icon  nil "A `replace' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-mail-icon     nil "A `mail' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-info-icon     nil "An `info' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-compile-icon  nil "A `compile' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-debug-icon    nil "A `debugger' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-news-icon     nil "A `news' icon set.")

;;; each entry maps a variable to the prefix used.

(defvar init-x-toolbar-list
  '((toolbar-last-win-icon . "last-win")
    (toolbar-next-win-icon . "next-win")
    (toolbar-file-icon     . "file")
    (toolbar-folder-icon   . "folder")
    (toolbar-disk-icon     . "disk")
    (toolbar-printer-icon  . "printer")
    (toolbar-cut-icon      . "cut")
    (toolbar-copy-icon     . "copy")
    (toolbar-paste-icon    . "paste")
    (toolbar-undo-icon     . "undo")
    (toolbar-spell-icon    . "spell")
    (toolbar-replace-icon  . "replace")
    (toolbar-mail-icon     . "mail")
    (toolbar-info-icon     . "info-def")
    (toolbar-compile-icon  . "compile")
    (toolbar-debug-icon    . "debug")
    (toolbar-news-icon     . "news")))

(defun init-x-toolbar ()
   (lambda (cons)
     (let ((prefix (expand-file-name (cdr cons) toolbar-icon-directory)))
       (set (car cons)
	    (if (featurep 'xpm)
		 (concat prefix "-up.xpm")
		 (concat prefix "-xx.xpm")
		 (concat prefix "-cap-up.xpm")
		 (concat prefix "-cap-xx.xpm"))
	       (concat prefix "-up.xbm")
	       (concat prefix "-dn.xbm")
	       (concat prefix "-xx.xbm")
  ;; do this now because errors will occur if the icon symbols
  ;; are not initted
  (set-specifier default-toolbar initial-toolbar-spec))
(defvar initial-toolbar-spec
  '(;[toolbar-last-win-icon	pop-window-configuration
				;;; #### illicit knowledge?
				;;; #### these don't work right!
				;;; #### not consistent.
				;;; I don't know what's wrong;
				;;; perhaps `selected-frame' is
				;;; wrong sometimes when this
				;;; is evaluated.  Note that I
				;;; even tried to kludge-fix this
				;;; by calls to `set-specifier-dirty-flag'
				;;; in pop-window-configuration
				;;; and such.
				;(frame-property (selected-frame)
				;		'window-config-stack)
	;			t
	;			"Most recent window config"]
    ;[toolbar-next-win-icon	unpop-window-configuration
				;;; #### illicit knowledge?
				;(frame-property (selected-frame)
				;		'window-config-unpop-stack)
	;			t
	;			"Undo \"Most recent window config\""]
    [toolbar-file-icon		toolbar-open	t	"Open a file"	]
    [toolbar-folder-icon	toolbar-dired	t	"View directory"]
    [toolbar-disk-icon		toolbar-save	t	"Save buffer"	]
    [toolbar-printer-icon	toolbar-print	t	"Print buffer"	]
    [toolbar-cut-icon		toolbar-cut	t	"Kill region"]
    [toolbar-copy-icon		toolbar-copy	t	"Copy region"]
    [toolbar-paste-icon		toolbar-paste	t 	"Paste from clipboard"]
    [toolbar-undo-icon		toolbar-undo	t	"Undo edit"	]
    [toolbar-spell-icon		toolbar-ispell	t	"Spellcheck"	]
    [toolbar-replace-icon	toolbar-replace	t	"Replace text"	]
    [toolbar-mail-icon		toolbar-mail	t	"Mail"		]
    [toolbar-info-icon		toolbar-info	t	"Information"	]
    [toolbar-compile-icon	toolbar-compile	t	"Compile"	]
    [toolbar-debug-icon		toolbar-debug	t	"Debug"		]
    [toolbar-news-icon		toolbar-news	t	"News"		])
  "The initial toolbar for a buffer.")

(defun x-init-toolbar-from-resources (locale)
   top-toolbar-height 'natnum locale
   '("topToolBarHeight" . "TopToolBarHeight"))
   bottom-toolbar-height 'natnum locale
   '("bottomToolBarHeight" . "BottomToolBarHeight"))
   left-toolbar-width 'natnum locale
   '("leftToolBarWidth" . "LeftToolBarWidth"))
   right-toolbar-width 'natnum locale
   '("rightToolBarWidth" . "RightToolBarWidth")))