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view lwlib/xlwscrollbar.c @ 101:a0ec055d74dd
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author | cvs |
date | Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:15:13 +0200 |
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/* Implements a lightweight scrollbar widget. Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994 Lucid, Inc. This file is part of the Lucid Widget Library. The Lucid Widget Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. The Lucid Widget Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* Created by Douglas Keller <> */ /* * Athena-style scrollbar button bindings added on Sun Dec 24 22:03:57 1995 * by Jonathan Stigelman <>... Ho ho ho! * * To use them, put this resource in your .Xdefaults * * Emacs*XlwScrollBar.translations: #override \n\ * <Btn1Down>: PageDownOrRight() \n\ * <Btn3Down>: PageUpOrLeft() * */ /* * Resources Supported: * XmNforeground * XmNbackground * XmNtopShadowColor * XmNtopShadowPixmap * XmNbottomShadowColor * XmNbottomShadowPixmap * XmNtroughColor * XmNshadowThickness * XmNshowArrows * XmNorientation * XmNborderWidth * * XmNminimum * XmNmaximum * XmNvalue * XmNincrement * XmNpageIncrement * * XmNvalueChangedCallback * XmNincrementCallback * XmNdecrementCallback * XmNpageIncrementCallback * XmNpageDecrementCallback * XmNtoTopCallback * XmNtoBottomCallback * XmNdragCallback * * XmNknobStyle - values can be: "plain" or "dimple" * XmNarrowPosition - values can be: "opposite" or "same" * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include <X11/IntrinsicP.h> #include <X11/StringDefs.h> #include <X11/bitmaps/gray> #include "xlwscrollbarP.h" #include "xlwscrollbar.h" #define DBUG(x) #define MINL(x,y) ((((unsigned long) (x)) < ((unsigned long) (y))) \ ? ((unsigned long) (x)) : ((unsigned long) (y))) #define VERT(w) ((w)->sb.orientation == XmVERTICAL) #define SS_MIN 8 #define ARROW_UP 0 #define ARROW_DOWN 1 #define ARROW_LEFT 2 #define ARROW_RIGHT 3 #define ARM_NONE 0 #define ARM_KNOB 1 #define ARM_UP 2 #define ARM_DOWN 3 #define ARM_PAGEUP 4 #define ARM_PAGEDOWN 5 #define BUTTON_NONE 0 #define BUTTON_KNOB 1 #define BUTTON_UP_ARROW 2 #define BUTTON_DOWN_ARROW 3 #define BUTTON_TROUGH_ABOVE 4 #define BUTTON_TROUGH_BELOW 5 #define KNOB_PLAIN 0 #define KNOB_DIMPLE 1 /************************************************************************ ** ** Resources ** */ #define offset(field) XtOffset(XlwScrollBarWidget, field) static XtResource resources[] = { { XmNforeground, XmCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel), offset(sb.foreground), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) XtDefaultForeground }, { XmNtopShadowColor, XmCTopShadowColor, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel), offset(sb.topShadowColor), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) ~0 }, { XmNbottomShadowColor, XmCBottomShadowColor, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel), offset(sb.bottomShadowColor), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)~0 }, { XmNtopShadowPixmap, XmCTopShadowPixmap, XtRPixmap, sizeof (Pixmap), offset(sb.topShadowPixmap), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)None}, { XmNbottomShadowPixmap, XmCBottomShadowPixmap, XtRPixmap, sizeof (Pixmap), offset(sb.bottomShadowPixmap), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)None}, { XmNtroughColor, XmCTroughColor, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel), offset(sb.troughColor), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)~0 }, { XmNshadowThickness, XmCShadowThickness, XtRInt, sizeof(int), offset(sb.shadowThickness), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)2 }, { XmNborderWidth, XmCBorderWidth, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension), offset(core.border_width), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0 }, { XmNshowArrows, XmCShowArrows, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), offset(sb.showArrows), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)True }, { XmNinitialDelay, XmCInitialDelay, XtRInt, sizeof(int), offset(sb.initialDelay), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 250 }, { XmNrepeatDelay, XmCRepeatDelay, XtRInt, sizeof(int), offset(sb.repeatDelay), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 50 }, { XmNorientation, XmCOrientation, XtROrientation, sizeof(unsigned char), offset(sb.orientation), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL }, { XmNminimum, XmCMinimum, XtRInt, sizeof(int), offset(sb.minimum), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0}, { XmNmaximum, XmCMaximum, XtRInt, sizeof(int), offset(sb.maximum), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 100}, { XmNvalue, XmCValue, XtRInt, sizeof(int), offset(sb.value), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0}, { XmNsliderSize, XmCSliderSize, XtRInt, sizeof(int), offset(sb.sliderSize), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 10}, { XmNincrement, XmCIncrement, XtRInt, sizeof(int), offset(sb.increment), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 1}, { XmNpageIncrement, XmCPageIncrement, XtRInt, sizeof(int), offset(sb.pageIncrement), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 10}, { XmNvalueChangedCallback, XmCValueChangedCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer), offset(sb.valueChangedCBL), XtRCallback, NULL}, { XmNincrementCallback, XmCIncrementCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer), offset(sb.incrementCBL), XtRCallback, NULL}, { XmNdecrementCallback, XmCDecrementCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer), offset(sb.decrementCBL), XtRCallback, NULL}, { XmNpageIncrementCallback, XmCPageIncrementCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer), offset(sb.pageIncrementCBL), XtRCallback, NULL}, { XmNpageDecrementCallback, XmCPageDecrementCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer), offset(sb.pageDecrementCBL), XtRCallback, NULL}, { XmNtoTopCallback, XmCToTopCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer), offset(sb.toTopCBL), XtRCallback, NULL}, { XmNtoBottomCallback, XmCToBottomCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer), offset(sb.toBottomCBL), XtRCallback, NULL}, { XmNdragCallback, XmCDragCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer), offset(sb.dragCBL), XtRCallback, NULL}, { XmNknobStyle, XmCKnobStyle, XtRString, sizeof(char *), offset(sb.knobStyle), XtRImmediate, NULL}, { XmNarrowPosition, XmCArrowPosition, XtRString, sizeof(char *), offset(sb.arrowPosition), XtRImmediate, NULL}, }; /************************************************************************ ** ** Prototypes ** */ /* ** Actions */ static void Select(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *parms, Cardinal *num_parms); static void PageUpOrLeft(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *parms, Cardinal *num_parms); static void PageDownOrRight(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *parms, Cardinal *num_parms); static void Drag(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *parms, Cardinal *num_parms); static void Release(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *parms, Cardinal *num_parms); static void Jump(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *parms, Cardinal *num_parms); static void Abort(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *parms, Cardinal *num_parms); /* ** Methods */ static void Initialize(Widget treq, Widget tnew, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args); static Boolean SetValues(Widget current, Widget request, Widget nw, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args); static void Destroy(Widget widget); static void Redisplay(Widget widget, XEvent *event, Region region); static void Resize(Widget widget); static void Realize(Widget widget, XtValueMask *valuemask, XSetWindowAttributes *attr); /* ** Private */ /************************************************************************ ** ** Actions Table ** */ static XtActionsRec actions[] = { {"Select", Select}, {"PageDownOrRight", PageDownOrRight}, {"PageUpOrLeft", PageUpOrLeft}, {"Drag", Drag}, {"Release", Release}, {"Jump", Jump}, {"Abort", Abort}, }; /************************************************************************ ** ** Default Translation Table ** */ static char default_translations[] = "<Btn1Down>: Select()\n" "<Btn1Motion>: Drag()\n" "<Btn1Up>: Release()\n" "<Btn2Down>: Jump()\n" "<Btn2Motion>: Drag()\n" "<Btn2Up>: Release()\n" "<Key>Delete: Abort()" ; /************************************************************************ ** ** Class record initalization ** */ XlwScrollBarClassRec xlwScrollBarClassRec = { /* core_class fields */ { /* superclass */ (WidgetClass) &coreClassRec, /* class_name */ "XlwScrollBar", /* widget_size */ sizeof(XlwScrollBarRec), /* class_initialize */ NULL, /* class_part_init */ NULL, /* class_inited */ False, /* initialize */ Initialize, /* initialize_hook */ NULL, /* realize */ Realize, /* actions */ actions, /* num_actions */ XtNumber(actions), /* resources */ resources, /* num_resources */ XtNumber(resources), /* xrm_class */ NULLQUARK, /* compress_motion */ True, /* compress_exposure */ XtExposeCompressMultiple, /* compress_enterleave */ True, /* visible_interest */ False, /* destroy */ Destroy, /* resize */ Resize, /* expose */ Redisplay, /* set_values */ SetValues, /* set_values_hook */ NULL, /* set_values_almost */ XtInheritSetValuesAlmost, /* get_values_hook */ NULL, /* accept_focus */ NULL, /* version */ XtVersionDontCheck, /* callback_private */ NULL, /* tm_table */ default_translations, /* query_geometry */ NULL, }, /* scrollbar_class fields */ { /* dummy_field */ 0, }, }; WidgetClass xlwScrollBarWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) &xlwScrollBarClassRec; /************************************************************************ ** ** Debug functions ** */ #ifdef SHOW_CLEAR static void myXClearArea(Display *dpy, Drawable d, int x, int y, int w, int h, Boolean exp, XlwScrollBarWidget widget) { XFillRectangle (dpy, d, widget->sb.topShadowGC, x, y, w, h); XSync (dpy, False); sleep (2); XClearArea (dpy, d, x, y, w, h, exp); } #define XClearArea(dpy,win,x,y,width,height,exp) myXClearArea(dpy,win,x,y,width,height,exp,w) #endif #ifdef CHECK_VALUES static void check(XlwScrollBarWidget w) { int height; height= widget_h (w); if (w->sb.showArrows) height -= (2 * arrow_h (w)); if ((w->sb.above + w-> + w->sb.below > height) || (w->sb.value < w->sb.minimum) || (w->sb.value > w->sb.maximum - w->sb.sliderSize) ) { printf("above=%d ss=%d below=%d height=%d\n", w->sb.above, w->, w->sb.below, height); printf("value=%d min=%d max=%d ss=%d max-ss=%d\n", w->sb.value, w->sb.minimum, w->sb.maximum, w->sb.sliderSize, w->sb.maximum - w->sb.sliderSize); abort(); } } # define CHECK(w) check(w) #else # define CHECK(w) #endif /************************************************************************ ** ** Static functions ** */ static void call_callbacks (XlwScrollBarWidget w, int reason, int value, int pixel, XEvent *event) { XlwScrollBarCallbackStruct cbs; Boolean called_anything; cbs.reason = reason; cbs.event = event; cbs.value = value; cbs.pixel = pixel; called_anything = False; switch (reason) { case XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED: XtCallCallbackList ((Widget) w, w->sb.valueChangedCBL, &cbs); called_anything = True; break; case XmCR_INCREMENT: if (w->sb.incrementCBL) { XtCallCallbackList ((Widget) w, w->sb.incrementCBL, &cbs); called_anything = True; } break; case XmCR_DECREMENT: if (w->sb.decrementCBL) { XtCallCallbackList ((Widget) w, w->sb.decrementCBL, &cbs); called_anything = True; } break; case XmCR_PAGE_INCREMENT: if (w->sb.incrementCBL) { XtCallCallbackList ((Widget) w, w->sb.pageIncrementCBL, &cbs); called_anything = True; } break; case XmCR_PAGE_DECREMENT: if (w->sb.decrementCBL) { XtCallCallbackList ((Widget) w, w->sb.pageDecrementCBL, &cbs); called_anything = True; } break; case XmCR_TO_TOP: if (w->sb.toTopCBL) { XtCallCallbackList ((Widget) w, w->sb.toTopCBL, &cbs); called_anything = True; } break; case XmCR_TO_BOTTOM: if (w->sb.toBottomCBL) { XtCallCallbackList ((Widget) w, w->sb.toBottomCBL, &cbs); called_anything = True; } break; case XmCR_DRAG: if (w->sb.dragCBL) { XtCallCallbackList ((Widget) w, w->sb.dragCBL, &cbs); } called_anything = True; /* Special Case */ break; } if (!called_anything) { cbs.reason = XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED; XtCallCallbackList ((Widget) w, w->sb.valueChangedCBL, &cbs); } } /* ** Widget sizes minus the shadow and highlight area */ static int widget_x (XlwScrollBarWidget w) { return w->sb.shadowThickness; } static int widget_y (XlwScrollBarWidget w) { return w->sb.shadowThickness; } static int widget_w (XlwScrollBarWidget w) { int width, x = w->sb.shadowThickness; width = VERT (w) ? w->core.width : w->core.height; if (width <= (2 * x)) return 1; else return width - (2 * x); } static int widget_h (XlwScrollBarWidget w) { int height, y = w->sb.shadowThickness; height = VERT (w) ? w->core.height : w->core.width; if (height <= (2 * y)) return 1; else return height - (2 * y); } static int arrow_h (XlwScrollBarWidget w) { int width, height; width = widget_w (w); height= widget_h (w); if (width > ((height / 2) - (SS_MIN / 2) - 1)) return (height / 2) - (SS_MIN / 2) - 1 ; else return width; } static int event_x (XlwScrollBarWidget w, XEvent *event) { return VERT (w) ? event->xbutton.x : event->xbutton.y; } static int event_y (XlwScrollBarWidget w, XEvent *event) { return VERT (w) ? event->xbutton.y : event->xbutton.x; } /* ** Safe addition and subtraction */ static int safe_add (int a, int b) { if (a > 0 && INT_MAX - a < b) return INT_MAX; else return a + b; } static int safe_subtract (int a, int b) { if (a < 0 && -(INT_MIN - a) < b) return INT_MIN; else return a - b; } static int knob_style (XlwScrollBarWidget w) { return w->sb.knobStyle && w->sb.knobStyle[0] == 'd' ? KNOB_DIMPLE : KNOB_PLAIN; } static Boolean arrow_same_end (XlwScrollBarWidget w) { return w->sb.arrowPosition && w->sb.arrowPosition[0] == 's' ? True : False; } /* ** GC and Pixel allocation */ static GC get_gc (XlwScrollBarWidget w, Pixel fg, Pixel bg, Pixmap pm) { XGCValues values; XtGCMask mask; if (pm == w->sb.grayPixmap) { /* If we're using the gray pixmap, guarantee white on black ... * otherwise, we could end up with something odd like grey on white * when we're on a color display that ran out of color cells */ fg = WhitePixelOfScreen (DefaultScreenOfDisplay (XtDisplay (w))); bg = BlackPixelOfScreen (DefaultScreenOfDisplay (XtDisplay (w))); } values.foreground = fg; values.background = bg; values.fill_style = FillOpaqueStippled; values.stipple = pm; mask = GCForeground | GCBackground | (pm == None ? 0 : GCStipple | GCFillStyle); return XtGetGC((Widget) w, mask, &values); } /* Replacement for XAllocColor() that tries to return the nearest available color if the colormap is full. From FSF Emacs. */ static int allocate_nearest_color (Display *display, Colormap screen_colormap, XColor *color_def) { int status = XAllocColor (display, screen_colormap, color_def); if (status) return status; { /* If we got to this point, the colormap is full, so we're going to try to get the next closest color. The algorithm used is a least-squares matching, which is what X uses for closest color matching with StaticColor visuals. */ int nearest, x; unsigned long nearest_delta = ULONG_MAX; int no_cells = XDisplayCells (display, XDefaultScreen (display)); /* Don't use alloca here because lwlib doesn't have the necessary configuration information that src does. */ XColor *cells = (XColor *) malloc (sizeof (XColor) * no_cells); for (x = 0; x < no_cells; x++) cells[x].pixel = x; XQueryColors (display, screen_colormap, cells, no_cells); for (nearest = 0, x = 0; x < no_cells; x++) { long dred = (color_def->red >> 8) - (cells[x].red >> 8); long dgreen = (color_def->green >> 8) - (cells[x].green >> 8); long dblue = (color_def->blue >> 8) - (cells[x].blue >> 8); unsigned long delta = dred * dred + dgreen * dgreen + dblue * dblue; if (delta < nearest_delta) { nearest = x; nearest_delta = delta; } } color_def->red = cells[nearest].red; color_def->green = cells[nearest].green; color_def->blue = cells[nearest].blue; free (cells); return XAllocColor (display, screen_colormap, color_def); } } static void make_shadow_pixels (XlwScrollBarWidget w) { Display *dpy = XtDisplay((Widget) w); Colormap cmap = w->core.colormap; XColor topc, botc; int top_frobbed, bottom_frobbed; Pixel bg, fg; top_frobbed = bottom_frobbed = 0; bg = w->core.background_pixel; fg = w->sb.foreground; if (w->sb.topShadowColor == (Pixel)~0) w->sb.topShadowColor = bg; if (w->sb.bottomShadowColor == (Pixel)~0) w->sb.bottomShadowColor = fg; if (w->sb.topShadowColor == bg || w->sb.topShadowColor == fg) { topc.pixel = bg; XQueryColor (dpy, cmap, &topc); /* don't overflow/wrap! */ = MINL(65535, * 1.2); = MINL(65535, * 1.2); = MINL(65535, * 1.2); if (allocate_nearest_color (dpy, cmap, &topc)) { if (topc.pixel == bg) { XFreeColors (dpy, cmap, &topc.pixel, 1, 0); = MINL(65535, + 0x8000); = MINL(65535, + 0x8000); = MINL(65535, + 0x8000); if (allocate_nearest_color (dpy, cmap, &topc)) { w->sb.topShadowColor = topc.pixel; } } else { w->sb.topShadowColor = topc.pixel; } top_frobbed = 1; } } if (w->sb.bottomShadowColor == fg || w->sb.bottomShadowColor == bg) { botc.pixel = bg; XQueryColor (dpy, cmap, &botc); *= 0.6; *= 0.6; *= 0.6; if (allocate_nearest_color (dpy, cmap, &botc)) { if (botc.pixel == bg) { XFreeColors (dpy, cmap, &botc.pixel, 1, 0); = MINL(65535, + 0x4000); = MINL(65535, + 0x4000); = MINL(65535, + 0x4000); if (allocate_nearest_color (dpy, cmap, &botc)) { w->sb.bottomShadowColor = botc.pixel; } } else { w->sb.bottomShadowColor = botc.pixel; } bottom_frobbed = 1; } } if (top_frobbed && bottom_frobbed) { int top_avg = (( / 3) + ( / 3) + ( / 3)); int bot_avg = (( / 3) + ( / 3) + ( / 3)); if (bot_avg > top_avg) { Pixel tmp = w->sb.topShadowColor; w->sb.topShadowColor = w->sb.bottomShadowColor; w->sb.bottomShadowColor = tmp; } else if (topc.pixel == botc.pixel) { if (botc.pixel == bg) w->sb.topShadowColor = bg; else w->sb.bottomShadowColor = fg; } } if (w->sb.topShadowColor == w->core.background_pixel || w->sb.bottomShadowColor == w->core.background_pixel) { /* Assume we're in mono. This code should be okay even if we're * really in color but just short on color cells -- We want the * following behavior, which has been empirically determined to * work well for all fg/bg combinations in mono: If the trough * and thumb are BOTH black, then use a white top shadow and a * grey bottom shadow, otherwise use a grey top shadow and a * black bottom shadow. */ Pixel white = WhitePixelOfScreen (DefaultScreenOfDisplay (XtDisplay (w))); Pixel black = BlackPixelOfScreen (DefaultScreenOfDisplay (XtDisplay (w))); /* Note: core.background_pixel is the color of the thumb ... */ if (w->core.background_pixel == black && w->sb.troughColor == black) { w->sb.topShadowColor = white; w->sb.bottomShadowPixmap = w->sb.grayPixmap; } else { w->sb.topShadowPixmap = w->sb.grayPixmap; w->sb.bottomShadowColor = black; } } } static void make_trough_pixel (XlwScrollBarWidget w) { Display *dpy = XtDisplay((Widget) w); Colormap cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen (XtScreen ((Widget) w)); XColor troughC; if (w->sb.troughColor == (Pixel)~0) w->sb.troughColor = w->core.background_pixel; if (w->sb.troughColor == w->core.background_pixel) { troughC.pixel = w->core.background_pixel; XQueryColor (dpy, cmap, &troughC); *= 0.8; *= 0.8; *= 0.8; if (allocate_nearest_color (dpy, cmap, &troughC)) w->sb.troughColor = troughC.pixel; } } /* ** Draw 3d border */ static void draw_shadows (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC shine_gc, GC shadow_gc, int x, int y, int width, int height, int shadowT) { XSegment shine[10], shadow[10]; int i; if (shadowT > (width / 2)) shadowT = (width / 2); if (shadowT > (height / 2)) shadowT = (height / 2); if (shadowT <= 0) return; for (i = 0; i < shadowT; i++) { /* Top segments */ shine[i].x1 = x; shine[i].y2 = shine[i].y1 = y + i; shine[i].x2 = x + width - i - 1; /* Left segments */ shine[i + shadowT].x2 = shine[i + shadowT].x1 = x + i; shine[i + shadowT].y1 = y + shadowT; shine[i + shadowT].y2 = y + height - i - 1; /* Bottom segments */ shadow[i].x1 = x + i; shadow[i].y2 = shadow[i].y1 = y + height - i - 1; shadow[i].x2 = x + width - 1 ; /* Right segments */ shadow[i + shadowT].x2 = shadow[i + shadowT].x1 = x + width - i - 1; shadow[i + shadowT].y1 = y + i + 1; shadow[i + shadowT].y2 = y + height - 1 ; } XDrawSegments (dpy, d, shine_gc, shine, shadowT * 2); XDrawSegments (dpy, d, shadow_gc, shadow, shadowT * 2); } /* ** Draw 3d arrows, left, up, down, and right */ static int make_vert_seg (XSegment *seg, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int shadowT) { int i; for (i=0; i<shadowT; i++) { seg[i].x1 = x1; seg[i].y1 = y1 + i; seg[i].x2 = x2; seg[i].y2 = y2 + i; } return shadowT; } static int make_hor_seg (XSegment *seg, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int shadowT) { int i; for (i=0; i<shadowT; i++) { seg[i].x1 = x1 + i; seg[i].y1 = y1; seg[i].x2 = x2 + i; seg[i].y2 = y2; } return shadowT; } static void draw_arrow_up (Display *dpy, Drawable win, GC bgGC, GC shineGC, GC shadowGC, int x, int y, int width, int height, int shadowT) { XSegment shine[10], shadow[10]; XPoint triangle[3]; int mid; mid = width / 2; if (shadowT > (width / 2)) shadowT = (width / 2); if (shadowT > (height / 2)) shadowT = (height / 2); if (shadowT <= 0) shadowT = 0; /* / */ make_vert_seg (shine, x, y + height - shadowT - 1, x + mid, y, shadowT); /* _\ */ make_vert_seg (shadow, x, y + height - shadowT - 1, x + width - 1, y + height - shadowT - 1, shadowT); make_vert_seg (shadow + shadowT, x + mid, y, x + width - 1, y + height - shadowT - 1, shadowT); triangle[0].x = x; triangle[0].y = y + height - 1; triangle[1].x = x + mid; triangle[1].y = y; triangle[2].x = x + width - 1; triangle[2].y = y + height - 1; XFillPolygon (dpy, win, bgGC, triangle, 3, Convex, ArcChord); XDrawSegments (dpy, win, shadowGC, shadow, shadowT * 2); XDrawSegments (dpy, win, shineGC, shine, shadowT); } static void draw_arrow_left (Display *dpy, Drawable win, GC bgGC, GC shineGC, GC shadowGC, int x, int y, int width, int height, int shadowT) { XSegment shine[10], shadow[10]; XPoint triangle[3]; int mid; mid = width / 2; if (shadowT > (width / 2)) shadowT = (width / 2); if (shadowT > (height / 2)) shadowT = (height / 2); if (shadowT <= 0) shadowT = 0; /* / */ make_hor_seg (shine, x, y + mid, x + width - shadowT - 1, y, shadowT); /* \| */ make_hor_seg (shadow, x, y + mid, x + width - shadowT - 1, y + height - 1, shadowT); make_hor_seg (shadow + shadowT, x + width - shadowT - 1, y, x + width - shadowT - 1, y + height - 1, shadowT); triangle[0].x = x + width - 1; triangle[0].y = y + height - 1; triangle[1].x = x; triangle[1].y = y + mid; triangle[2].x = x + width - 1; triangle[2].y = y; XFillPolygon (dpy, win, bgGC, triangle, 3, Convex, ArcChord); XDrawSegments (dpy, win, shadowGC, shadow, shadowT * 2); XDrawSegments (dpy, win, shineGC, shine, shadowT); } static void draw_arrow_down (Display *dpy, Drawable win, GC bgGC, GC shineGC, GC shadowGC, int x, int y, int width, int height, int shadowT) { XSegment shine[10], shadow[10]; XPoint triangle[3]; int mid; mid = width / 2; if (shadowT > (width / 2)) shadowT = (width / 2); if (shadowT > (height / 2)) shadowT = (height / 2); if (shadowT <= 0) shadowT = 0; /* \- */ make_vert_seg (shine, x, y, x + mid, y + height - shadowT - 1, shadowT); make_vert_seg (shine + shadowT, x, y, x + width - 1, y, shadowT); /* / */ make_vert_seg (shadow, x + width - 1, y, x + mid, y + height - shadowT - 1, shadowT); triangle[0].x = x; triangle[0].y = y; triangle[1].x = x + mid; triangle[1].y = y + height - 1; triangle[2].x = x + width - 1; triangle[2].y = y; XFillPolygon (dpy, win, bgGC, triangle, 3, Convex, ArcChord); XDrawSegments (dpy, win, shadowGC, shadow, shadowT); XDrawSegments (dpy, win, shineGC, shine, shadowT * 2); } static void draw_arrow_right (Display *dpy, Drawable win, GC bgGC, GC shineGC, GC shadowGC, int x, int y, int width, int height, int shadowT) { XSegment shine[10], shadow[10]; XPoint triangle[3]; int mid; mid = width / 2; if (shadowT > (width / 2)) shadowT = (width / 2); if (shadowT > (height / 2)) shadowT = (height / 2); if (shadowT <= 0) shadowT = 0; /* |\ */ make_hor_seg (shine, x, y, x + width - shadowT - 1, y + mid, shadowT); make_hor_seg (shine + shadowT, x, y, x, y + height -1, shadowT); /* / */ make_hor_seg (shadow, x, y + height -1, x + width - shadowT - 1, y + mid, shadowT); triangle[0].x = x + 1; triangle[0].y = y + height - 1; triangle[1].x = x + width - 1; triangle[1].y = y + mid; triangle[2].x = x + 1; triangle[2].y = y; XFillPolygon (dpy, win, bgGC, triangle, 3, Convex, ArcChord); XDrawSegments (dpy, win, shadowGC, shadow, shadowT); XDrawSegments (dpy, win, shineGC, shine, shadowT * 2); } static void draw_dimple (Display *dpy, Drawable win, GC shine, GC shadow, int x, int y, int width, int height) { XDrawArc (dpy, win, shine, x, y, width, height, 46*64, 180*64); XDrawArc (dpy, win, shadow, x, y, width, height, 45*64, -179*64); } /* ** Scrollbar values -> pixels, pixels -> scrollbar values */ static void seg_pixel_sizes (XlwScrollBarWidget w, int *above_return, int *ss_return, int *below_return) { float total, height, fuz; int value; int above, ss, below; height= widget_h (w); if (w->sb.showArrows) height -= (2 * arrow_h (w)); value = w->sb.value - w->sb.minimum; total = w->sb.maximum - w->sb.minimum; fuz = total / 2; ss = ((height * w->sb.sliderSize + fuz) / total); above = ((height * value + fuz) / total); below = ((height) - (ss + above)); /* Dont' let knob get smaller than SS_MIN */ if (ss < SS_MIN) { /* add a percent amount for integer rounding */ float tmp = ((((float) (SS_MIN - ss) * (float) value)) / total) + 0.5; above -= (int) tmp; ss = SS_MIN; below = ((height) - (ss + above)); if (above < 0) { above = 0; below = height - ss; } if (below < 0) { above = height - ss; below = 0; } if (ss > height) { above = 0; ss = height; below = 0; } } *above_return = above; *ss_return = ss; *below_return = below; CHECK (w); } static void verify_values (XlwScrollBarWidget w) { int total = w->sb.maximum - w->sb.minimum; if (w->sb.sliderSize > total) w->sb.sliderSize = total; if (w->sb.pageIncrement > total) w->sb.pageIncrement = total; if (w->sb.increment > total) w->sb.increment = total; if (w->sb.value < w->sb.minimum) w->sb.value = w->sb.minimum; if (w->sb.value > w->sb.maximum - w->sb.sliderSize) w->sb.value = w->sb.maximum - w->sb.sliderSize; } static int value_from_pixel (XlwScrollBarWidget w, int above) { float total, height, fuz; int value, ss; height= widget_h (w); if (w->sb.showArrows) height -= (2 * arrow_h (w)); total = w->sb.maximum - w->sb.minimum; fuz = height / 2; ss = ((height * w->sb.sliderSize + (total / 2)) / total); if (ss < SS_MIN) { /* add a percent amount for integer rounding */ above += ((((SS_MIN - ss) * above) + fuz) / height); } { /* Prevent SIGFPE's that would occur if we don't truncate the value. */ float floatval = w->sb.minimum + ((float)(above * total + fuz) / height); if (floatval >= (float) INT_MAX) value = INT_MAX; else if (floatval <= (float) INT_MIN) value = INT_MIN; else value = floatval; } return value; } static void redraw_dimple (XlwScrollBarWidget w, Display *dpy, Window win, int x, int y, int width, int height) { GC shine, shadow; int shadowT, size; if (KNOB_DIMPLE == knob_style (w)) { if (w->sb.armed == ARM_KNOB) { shine = w->sb.bottomShadowGC; shadow = w->sb.topShadowGC; } else { shine = w->sb.topShadowGC; shadow = w->sb.bottomShadowGC; } shadowT = w->sb.shadowThickness; x += shadowT; y += shadowT; width -= 2*shadowT; height -= 2*shadowT; size = (width < height ? width : height) * 3 / 4; if (size%2 != (width < height ? width : height)%2) size--; DBUG (fprintf (stderr, "%d %d\n", x + (width / 2) - (size / 2) - 2*shadowT, width - size - shadowT)); draw_dimple (dpy, win, shine, shadow, x + (width / 2) - (size / 2), y + (height / 2) - (size / 2), size, size); } } static void draw_knob (XlwScrollBarWidget w, int above, int ss, int below) { Display *dpy = XtDisplay ((Widget) w); Window win = XtWindow ((Widget) w); int x, y, width, height; int shadowT; x = widget_x (w); y = widget_y (w); width = widget_w (w); height = widget_h (w); shadowT = w->sb.shadowThickness; if (shadowT > (width / 2)) shadowT = (width / 2); if (shadowT > (height / 2)) shadowT = (height / 2); if (shadowT <= 0) return; if (w->sb.showArrows && !arrow_same_end (w)) y += arrow_h (w); /* trough above knob */ if (above > 0) { if (VERT (w)) XClearArea (dpy, win, x, y, width, above, False); else XClearArea (dpy, win, y, x, above, width, False); } /* knob */ if (VERT (w)) { draw_shadows (dpy, win, w->sb.topShadowGC, w->sb.bottomShadowGC, x, y + above, width, ss, shadowT); XFillRectangle (dpy, win, w->sb.backgroundGC, x+shadowT, y + above + shadowT, width-2*shadowT, ss-2*shadowT); redraw_dimple (w, dpy, win, x, y + above, width, ss); } else { draw_shadows (dpy, win, w->sb.topShadowGC, w->sb.bottomShadowGC, y + above, x, ss, width, shadowT); XFillRectangle (dpy, win, w->sb.backgroundGC, y + above + shadowT, x+shadowT, ss-2*shadowT, width-2*shadowT); redraw_dimple (w, dpy, win, y + above, x, ss, width); } /* trough below knob */ if (below > 0) { if (VERT (w)) XClearArea (dpy, win, x, y + above + ss, width, below, False); else XClearArea (dpy, win, y + above + ss, x, below, width, False); } CHECK (w); } static void redraw_up_arrow (XlwScrollBarWidget w, Boolean armed, Boolean clear_behind) { Display *dpy = XtDisplay ((Widget) w); Window win = XtWindow ((Widget) w); GC bg, shine, shadow; int x, y, width, height, arrow_height, shadowT; x = widget_x (w); y = widget_y (w); width = widget_w (w); height = widget_h (w); arrow_height = arrow_h (w); shadowT = w->sb.shadowThickness; bg = w->sb.backgroundGC; if (armed) { shine = w->sb.bottomShadowGC; shadow = w->sb.topShadowGC; } else { shine = w->sb.topShadowGC; shadow = w->sb.bottomShadowGC; } if (VERT (w)) { if (arrow_same_end (w)) { y += height - 2 * arrow_h (w) + 2; } if (clear_behind) XClearArea (dpy, win, x, y, width, arrow_height + 1, False); draw_arrow_up (dpy, win, bg, shine, shadow, x + (width - arrow_height)/2, y, arrow_height, arrow_height, shadowT); } else { if (arrow_same_end (w)) { y += height - 2 * arrow_h (w); } if (clear_behind) XClearArea (dpy, win, y, x, arrow_height + 1, height, False); draw_arrow_left (dpy, win, bg, shine, shadow, y, x + (width - arrow_height)/2, arrow_height, arrow_height, shadowT); } } static void redraw_down_arrow (XlwScrollBarWidget w, Boolean armed, Boolean clear_behind) { Display *dpy = XtDisplay ((Widget) w); Window win = XtWindow ((Widget) w); GC bg, shine, shadow; int x, y, width, height, arrow_height, shadowT; x = widget_x (w); y = widget_y (w); width = widget_w (w); height = widget_h (w); arrow_height = arrow_h (w); shadowT = w->sb.shadowThickness; bg = w->sb.backgroundGC; if (armed) { shine = w->sb.bottomShadowGC; shadow = w->sb.topShadowGC; } else { shine = w->sb.topShadowGC; shadow = w->sb.bottomShadowGC; } if (VERT (w)) { if (clear_behind) XClearArea (dpy, win, x, y + height - arrow_height, width, arrow_height + 1, False); draw_arrow_down (dpy, win, bg, shine, shadow, x + (width - arrow_height)/2, y + height - arrow_height + 1, arrow_height, arrow_height, shadowT); } else { if (clear_behind) XClearArea (dpy, win, y + height - arrow_height, x, arrow_height + 1, height, False); draw_arrow_right (dpy, win, bg, shine, shadow, y + height - arrow_height + 1, x + (width - arrow_height)/2, arrow_height, arrow_height, shadowT); } } static void redraw_everything (XlwScrollBarWidget w, Region region, Boolean behind_arrows) { Display *dpy = XtDisplay ((Widget) w); Window win = XtWindow ((Widget) w); int x, y, width, height, shadowT, tmp; x = widget_x (w); y = widget_y (w); width = widget_w (w); height = widget_h (w); shadowT = w->sb.shadowThickness; if (w->sb.showArrows) { if (region == NULL || XRectInRegion (region, x, y, width, width)) { redraw_up_arrow (w, False, behind_arrows); } if (VERT (w)) { y = y + height - width + 1; } else { tmp = y; y = x; x = tmp + height - width + 1; } if (region == NULL || XRectInRegion (region, x, y, width, width)) { redraw_down_arrow (w, False, behind_arrows); } } draw_shadows (dpy, win, w->sb.bottomShadowGC, w->sb.topShadowGC, 0, 0, w->core.width, w->core.height, shadowT); draw_knob (w, w->sb.above, w->, w->sb.below); } /************************************************************************ ** ** Method functions ** */ static void Initialize (Widget treq, Widget tnew, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args) { XlwScrollBarWidget request = (XlwScrollBarWidget) treq; XlwScrollBarWidget w = (XlwScrollBarWidget) tnew; Display *dpy = XtDisplay ((Widget) w); Window win = RootWindowOfScreen (DefaultScreenOfDisplay (dpy)); DBUG (fprintf (stderr, "Initialize\n")); if (request->core.width == 0) w->core.width += (VERT (w) ? 12 : 25); if (request->core.height == 0) w->core.height += (VERT (w) ? 25 : 12); verify_values (w); w->sb.lastY = 0; w->sb.above = 0; w-> = 0; w->sb.below = 0; w->sb.armed = ARM_NONE; if (w->sb.shadowThickness > 5) w->sb.shadowThickness = 5; w->sb.grayPixmap = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData (dpy, win, (char *) gray_bits, gray_width, gray_height, 1, 0, 1); make_trough_pixel (w); make_shadow_pixels (w); w->sb.backgroundGC = get_gc (w, w->core.background_pixel, w->core.background_pixel, None); w->sb.topShadowGC = get_gc (w, w->sb.topShadowColor, w->core.background_pixel, w->sb.topShadowPixmap); w->sb.bottomShadowGC = get_gc (w, w->sb.bottomShadowColor, w->core.background_pixel, w->sb.bottomShadowPixmap); w->sb.fullRedrawNext = True; w->sb.timerActive = False; } static void Destroy (Widget widget) { XlwScrollBarWidget w = (XlwScrollBarWidget) widget; Display *dpy = XtDisplay ((Widget) w); DBUG (fprintf (stderr, "Destroy\n")); XtReleaseGC (widget, w->sb.bottomShadowGC); XtReleaseGC (widget, w->sb.topShadowGC); XtReleaseGC (widget, w->sb.backgroundGC); XFreePixmap (dpy, w->sb.grayPixmap); if (w->sb.timerActive) XtRemoveTimeOut (w->sb.timerId); } static void Realize (Widget widget, XtValueMask *valuemask, XSetWindowAttributes *attr) { XlwScrollBarWidget w = (XlwScrollBarWidget) widget; Display *dpy = XtDisplay ((Widget) w); Window win; XSetWindowAttributes win_attr; DBUG (fprintf (stderr, "Realize\n")); (*coreClassRec.core_class.realize)(widget, valuemask, attr); win = XtWindow ((Widget) w); seg_pixel_sizes (w, &w->sb.above, &w->, &w->sb.below); XSetWindowBackground (dpy, win, w->sb.troughColor); /* Change bit gravity so widget is not cleared on resize */ win_attr.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity; XChangeWindowAttributes (dpy, win, CWBitGravity , &win_attr); } static void Resize (Widget widget) { XlwScrollBarWidget w = (XlwScrollBarWidget) widget; Display *dpy = XtDisplay ((Widget) w); Window win = XtWindow ((Widget) w); if (XtIsRealized (widget)) { DBUG (fprintf (stderr, "Resize = %08lx\n", w)); seg_pixel_sizes (w, &w->sb.above, &w->, &w->sb.below); /*redraw_everything(w, NULL, True);*/ w->sb.fullRedrawNext = True; /* Force expose event */ XClearArea (dpy, win, widget_x(w), widget_y(w), 1, 1, True); } } static void Redisplay (Widget widget, XEvent *event, Region region) { XlwScrollBarWidget w = (XlwScrollBarWidget) widget; DBUG (fprintf (stderr, "Redisplay = %08lx\n", w)); if (XtIsRealized (widget)) { if (w->sb.fullRedrawNext) { redraw_everything (w, NULL, True); } else { redraw_everything (w, region, False); } w->sb.fullRedrawNext = False; } } static Boolean SetValues (Widget current, Widget request, Widget neww, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args) { XlwScrollBarWidget cur = (XlwScrollBarWidget) current; XlwScrollBarWidget w = (XlwScrollBarWidget) neww; Boolean do_redisplay = False; if (cur->sb.troughColor != w->sb.troughColor) { if (XtIsRealized ((Widget) w)) { XSetWindowBackground (XtDisplay((Widget) w), XtWindow ((Widget) w), w->sb.troughColor); do_redisplay = True; } } if (cur->core.background_pixel != w->core.background_pixel) { XtReleaseGC ((Widget)cur, cur->sb.backgroundGC); w->sb.backgroundGC = get_gc (w, w->core.background_pixel, w->core.background_pixel, None); do_redisplay = True; } if (cur->sb.topShadowColor != w->sb.topShadowColor || cur->sb.topShadowPixmap != w->sb.topShadowPixmap) { XtReleaseGC ((Widget)cur, cur->sb.topShadowGC); w->sb.topShadowGC = get_gc (w, w->sb.topShadowColor, w->core.background_pixel, w->sb.topShadowPixmap); do_redisplay = True; } if (cur->sb.bottomShadowColor != w->sb.bottomShadowColor || cur->sb.bottomShadowPixmap != w->sb.bottomShadowPixmap) { XtReleaseGC ((Widget)cur, cur->sb.bottomShadowGC); w->sb.bottomShadowGC = get_gc (w, w->sb.bottomShadowColor, w->core.background_pixel, w->sb.bottomShadowPixmap); do_redisplay = True; } if (cur->sb.orientation != w->sb.orientation) { do_redisplay = True; } if (cur->sb.minimum != w->sb.minimum || cur->sb.maximum != w->sb.maximum || cur->sb.sliderSize != w->sb.sliderSize || cur->sb.value != w->sb.value || cur->sb.pageIncrement != w->sb.pageIncrement || cur->sb.increment != w->sb.increment) { verify_values (w); if (XtIsRealized ((Widget) w)) { seg_pixel_sizes (w, &w->sb.above, &w->, &w->sb.below); draw_knob (w, w->sb.above, w->, w->sb.below); } } if (w->sb.shadowThickness > 5) w->sb.shadowThickness = 5; return do_redisplay; } void XlwScrollBarGetValues (Widget widget, int *value, int *sliderSize, int *increment, int *pageIncrement) { XlwScrollBarWidget w = (XlwScrollBarWidget) widget; if (w && XtClass ((Widget) w) == xlwScrollBarWidgetClass) { if (value) *value = w->sb.value; if (sliderSize) *sliderSize = w->sb.sliderSize; if (increment) *increment = w->sb.increment; if (pageIncrement) *pageIncrement = w->sb.pageIncrement; } } void XlwScrollBarSetValues (Widget widget, int value, int sliderSize, int increment, int pageIncrement, Boolean notify) { XlwScrollBarWidget w = (XlwScrollBarWidget) widget; int last_value; if (w && XtClass ((Widget) w) == xlwScrollBarWidgetClass && (w->sb.value != value || w->sb.sliderSize != sliderSize || w->sb.increment != increment || w->sb.pageIncrement != pageIncrement)) { w->sb.value = value; w->sb.sliderSize = sliderSize; w->sb.increment = increment; w->sb.pageIncrement = pageIncrement; verify_values (w); if (XtIsRealized (widget)) { seg_pixel_sizes (w, &w->sb.above, &w->, &w->sb.below); draw_knob (w, w->sb.above, w->, w->sb.below); last_value = w->sb.value; w->sb.value = value_from_pixel (w, w->sb.above); verify_values (w); if (w->sb.value != last_value && notify) { call_callbacks (w, XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED, w->sb.value, 0, NULL); } } } } /************************************************************************ ** ** Action functions ** */ static void timer (XtPointer data, XtIntervalId *id) { XlwScrollBarWidget w = (XlwScrollBarWidget) data; int reason, last_value; w->sb.timerActive = False; if (w->sb.armed != ARM_NONE) { last_value = w->sb.value; reason = XmCR_NONE; switch (w->sb.armed) { case ARM_PAGEUP: w->sb.value = safe_subtract (w->sb.value, w->sb.pageIncrement); reason = XmCR_PAGE_DECREMENT; break; case ARM_PAGEDOWN: w->sb.value = safe_add (w->sb.value, w->sb.pageIncrement); reason = XmCR_PAGE_INCREMENT; break; case ARM_UP: w->sb.value = safe_subtract (w->sb.value, w->sb.increment); reason = XmCR_DECREMENT; break; case ARM_DOWN: w->sb.value = safe_add (w->sb.value, w->sb.increment); reason = XmCR_INCREMENT; break; } verify_values (w); if (last_value != w->sb.value) { seg_pixel_sizes (w, &w->sb.above, &w->, &w->sb.below); draw_knob (w, w->sb.above, w->, w->sb.below); call_callbacks (w, reason, w->sb.value, 0, NULL); w->sb.timerId = XtAppAddTimeOut (XtWidgetToApplicationContext ((Widget) w), (unsigned long) w->sb.repeatDelay, timer, (XtPointer) w); w->sb.timerActive = True; } } } static int what_button (XlwScrollBarWidget w, int mouse_x, int mouse_y) { int x, y, width, height, arrow_height_top, arrow_height_bottom; int where; x = widget_x (w); y = widget_y (w); width = widget_w (w); height = widget_h (w); #if 0 arrow_height = w->sb.showArrows ? arrow_h (w) : 0; #endif if (w->sb.showArrows) { if (arrow_same_end (w)) { arrow_height_top = 0; arrow_height_bottom = 2 * arrow_h (w); } else { arrow_height_top = arrow_height_bottom = arrow_h (w); } } else { arrow_height_top = arrow_height_bottom = 0; } where = BUTTON_NONE; if (mouse_x > x && mouse_x < (x + width)) { if (mouse_y > (y + arrow_height_top) && mouse_y < (y + height - arrow_height_bottom)) { if (mouse_y < (y + w->sb.above + arrow_height_top)) { where = BUTTON_TROUGH_ABOVE; } else if (mouse_y > (y + w->sb.above + w-> + arrow_height_top)) { where = BUTTON_TROUGH_BELOW; } else { where = BUTTON_KNOB; } } else if (arrow_same_end (w)) { if (mouse_y > (y + height - arrow_height_bottom + 1) && mouse_y < (y + height)) { if (mouse_y < (y + height - arrow_height_bottom/2)) { where = BUTTON_UP_ARROW; } else { where = BUTTON_DOWN_ARROW; } } } else { if (mouse_y > y && mouse_y < (y + arrow_height_top)) { where = BUTTON_UP_ARROW; } else if (mouse_y > (y + height - arrow_height_bottom + 1) && mouse_y < (y + height)) { where = BUTTON_DOWN_ARROW; } } } #if 0 if (mouse_x > x && mouse_x < (x + width)) { if (mouse_y > (y + arrow_height) && mouse_y < (y + height - arrow_height)) { if (mouse_y < (y+w->sb.above+arrow_height)) { where = BUTTON_TROUGH_ABOVE; } else if (mouse_y > (y + w->sb.above + w-> + arrow_height)) { where = BUTTON_TROUGH_BELOW; } else { where = BUTTON_KNOB; } } else if (mouse_y > y && mouse_y < (y + arrow_height)) { where = BUTTON_UP_ARROW; } else if (mouse_y > (y + height - arrow_height + 1) && mouse_y < (y + height)) { where = BUTTON_DOWN_ARROW; } } #endif return where; } #define FORCED_SCROLL_NONE 0 #define FORCED_SCROLL_DOWNRIGHT 1 #define FORCED_SCROLL_UPLEFT 2 int forced_scroll_flag = FORCED_SCROLL_NONE; static void PageDownOrRight (Widget widget, XEvent *event, String *parms, Cardinal *num_parms) { forced_scroll_flag = FORCED_SCROLL_DOWNRIGHT; Select (widget, event, parms, num_parms); forced_scroll_flag = FORCED_SCROLL_NONE; } static void PageUpOrLeft (Widget widget, XEvent *event, String *parms, Cardinal *num_parms) { forced_scroll_flag = FORCED_SCROLL_UPLEFT; Select (widget, event, parms, num_parms); forced_scroll_flag = FORCED_SCROLL_NONE; } static void Select (Widget widget, XEvent *event, String *parms, Cardinal *num_parms) { XlwScrollBarWidget w = (XlwScrollBarWidget) widget; int mouse_x, mouse_y; int reason, last_value; int sb_button; DBUG (fprintf (stderr, "Select:\n")); mouse_x = event_x (w, event); mouse_y = event_y (w, event); w->sb.savedValue = w->sb.value; last_value = w->sb.value; reason = XmCR_NONE; XtGrabKeyboard ((Widget) w, False, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, event->xbutton.time); sb_button = what_button (w, mouse_x, mouse_y); if (forced_scroll_flag != FORCED_SCROLL_NONE) { switch (sb_button) { case BUTTON_TROUGH_ABOVE: case BUTTON_TROUGH_BELOW: case BUTTON_KNOB: sb_button= BUTTON_NONE; /* cause next switch to fall through */ if (forced_scroll_flag == FORCED_SCROLL_UPLEFT) { w->sb.value = safe_subtract (w->sb.value, w->sb.pageIncrement); w->sb.armed = ARM_PAGEUP; reason = XmCR_PAGE_DECREMENT; break; } else if (forced_scroll_flag == FORCED_SCROLL_DOWNRIGHT) { w->sb.value = safe_add (w->sb.value, w->sb.pageIncrement); w->sb.armed = ARM_PAGEDOWN; reason = XmCR_PAGE_INCREMENT; break; } abort(); } } switch (sb_button) { case BUTTON_TROUGH_ABOVE: w->sb.value = safe_subtract (w->sb.value, w->sb.pageIncrement); w->sb.armed = ARM_PAGEUP; reason = XmCR_PAGE_DECREMENT; break; case BUTTON_TROUGH_BELOW: w->sb.value = safe_add (w->sb.value, w->sb.pageIncrement); w->sb.armed = ARM_PAGEDOWN; reason = XmCR_PAGE_INCREMENT; break; case BUTTON_KNOB: w->sb.lastY = mouse_y; w->sb.armed = ARM_KNOB; draw_knob (w, w->sb.above, w->, w->sb.below); break; case BUTTON_UP_ARROW: if (event->xbutton.state & ControlMask) { w->sb.value = INT_MIN; w->sb.armed = ARM_UP; reason = XmCR_TO_TOP; } else { w->sb.value = safe_subtract (w->sb.value, w->sb.increment); w->sb.armed = ARM_UP; reason = XmCR_DECREMENT; } redraw_up_arrow (w, True, False); break; case BUTTON_DOWN_ARROW: if (event->xbutton.state & ControlMask) { w->sb.value = INT_MAX; w->sb.armed = ARM_DOWN; reason = XmCR_TO_BOTTOM; } else { w->sb.value = safe_add (w->sb.value, w->sb.increment); w->sb.armed = ARM_DOWN; reason = XmCR_INCREMENT; } redraw_down_arrow (w, True, False); break; } verify_values (w); if (last_value != w->sb.value) { seg_pixel_sizes (w, &w->sb.above, &w->, &w->sb.below); draw_knob (w, w->sb.above, w->, w->sb.below); call_callbacks (w, reason, w->sb.value, mouse_y, event); if (w->sb.timerActive) XtRemoveTimeOut (w->sb.timerId); w->sb.timerId = XtAppAddTimeOut (XtWidgetToApplicationContext ((Widget) w), (unsigned long) w->sb.initialDelay, timer, (XtPointer) w); w->sb.timerActive = True; } CHECK (w); } static void Drag (Widget widget, XEvent *event, String *parms, Cardinal *num_parms) { XlwScrollBarWidget w = (XlwScrollBarWidget) widget; int diff; int height, mouse_y; int last_value, last_above; DBUG (fprintf (stderr, "Drag:\n")); if (w->sb.armed == ARM_KNOB) { height = widget_h (w); if (w->sb.showArrows) height -= (2 * arrow_h (w)); mouse_y = event_y (w, event); diff = mouse_y - w->sb.lastY; last_above = w->sb.above; last_value = w->sb.value; if (diff < 0) { /* up */ w->sb.above -= (-diff); if (w->sb.above < 0) { mouse_y = (mouse_y - w->sb.above); w->sb.above = 0; diff = 0; w->sb.below = height - w->; } w->sb.below -= diff; CHECK (w); } else if (diff > 0) { /* down */ w->sb.above += diff; if (w->sb.above + w-> > height) { mouse_y = height + (mouse_y - (w->sb.above + w->; w->sb.above = height - w->; diff = 0; w->sb.below = 0; } w->sb.below -= diff; CHECK (w); } if (last_above != w->sb.above) { draw_knob (w, w->sb.above, w->, w->sb.below); w->sb.lastY = mouse_y; w->sb.value = value_from_pixel (w, w->sb.above); verify_values (w); CHECK (w); if (w->sb.value != last_value) call_callbacks (w, XmCR_DRAG, w->sb.value, event_y (w, event), event); } } CHECK (w); } static void Release (Widget widget, XEvent *event, String *parms, Cardinal *num_parms) { XlwScrollBarWidget w = (XlwScrollBarWidget) widget; DBUG (fprintf (stderr, "EndDrag:\n")); switch (w->sb.armed) { case ARM_KNOB: call_callbacks (w, XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED, w->sb.value, event_y (w, event), event); w->sb.armed = ARM_NONE; draw_knob (w, w->sb.above, w->, w->sb.below); break; case ARM_UP: redraw_up_arrow (w, False, False); break; case ARM_DOWN: redraw_down_arrow (w, False, False); break; } XtUngrabKeyboard ((Widget) w, event->xbutton.time); w->sb.armed = ARM_NONE; } static void Jump (Widget widget, XEvent *event, String *parms, Cardinal *num_parms) { XlwScrollBarWidget w = (XlwScrollBarWidget) widget; int x, y, width, height, mouse_x, mouse_y; int arrow_height; int last_above, last_value; DBUG (fprintf (stderr, "Jump:\n")); x = widget_x (w); y = widget_y (w); width = widget_w (w); height = widget_h (w); mouse_x = event_x (w, event); mouse_y = event_y (w, event); arrow_height = w->sb.showArrows ? arrow_h (w) : 0; XtGrabKeyboard ((Widget) w, False, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, event->xbutton.time); switch (what_button (w, mouse_x, mouse_y)) { case BUTTON_TROUGH_ABOVE: case BUTTON_TROUGH_BELOW: case BUTTON_KNOB: w->sb.savedValue = w->sb.value; height -= (2*arrow_height); y += arrow_height; last_above = w->sb.above; last_value = w->sb.value; w->sb.armed = ARM_KNOB; draw_knob (w, w->sb.above, w->, w->sb.below); w->sb.above = mouse_y - (w-> / 2) - arrow_height; if (w->sb.above < 0) { w->sb.above = 0; } else if (w->sb.above + w-> > height) { w->sb.above = height - w->; } w->sb.below = (height - (w-> + w->sb.above)); if (last_above != w->sb.above) { draw_knob (w, w->sb.above, w->, w->sb.below); w->sb.value = value_from_pixel (w, w->sb.above); verify_values (w); CHECK (w); w->sb.lastY = mouse_y; w->sb.lastY = w->sb.above + arrow_height + (w-> / 2); if (w->sb.value != last_value) { call_callbacks (w, XmCR_DRAG, w->sb.value, event_y (w, event), event); } } break; } CHECK (w); } static void Abort (Widget widget, XEvent *event, String *parms, Cardinal *num_parms) { XlwScrollBarWidget w = (XlwScrollBarWidget) widget; DBUG (fprintf (stderr, "Abort:\n")); if (w->sb.armed != ARM_NONE) { if (w->sb.value != w->sb.savedValue) { w->sb.value = w->sb.savedValue; seg_pixel_sizes (w, &w->sb.above, &w->, &w->sb.below); draw_knob (w, w->sb.above, w->, w->sb.below); call_callbacks (w, XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED, w->sb.value, event_y (w, event), event); } switch (w->sb.armed) { case ARM_UP: redraw_up_arrow (w, False, False); break; case ARM_DOWN: redraw_down_arrow (w, False, False); break; } w->sb.armed = ARM_NONE; XtUngrabKeyboard ((Widget) w, event->xbutton.time); } }