view lisp/hyperbole/hmoccur.el @ 192:9d35321dd38c

Added tag r20-3b22 for changeset ecf6ba7b0a10
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:57:40 +0200
parents 4be1180a9e89
line wrap: on
line source

;; FILE:         hmoccur.el
;; SUMMARY:      Multi-buffer or multi-file regexp occurrence location.
;; USAGE:        GNU Emacs Lisp Library
;; KEYWORDS:     hypermedia, matching
;; AUTHOR:       Markus Freericks <> / Bob Weiner
;; ORG:          Technical University of Berlin         / InfoDock Associates
;; ORIG-DATE:     1-Aug-91
;; LAST-MOD:     31-Oct-96 at 22:35:01 by Bob Weiner
;; This file is part of Hyperbole.
;; Available for use and distribution under the same terms as GNU Emacs.
;; Copyright (C) 1991, Markus Freericks
;; Copyright (C) 1991-1996, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Developed with support from Motorola Inc.
;; Modified by Bob Weiner to allow selection of a set of files within a
;; single directory to search.  By default, {M-x moccur RET} searches
;; current buffers with files attached.
;; Date: 1 Aug 91 15:47:27 GMT
;; From: (Markus Freericks)
;; Subject: moccur - multibuffer occurences
;; While editing some dozen or so files, i had the dire need for
;; something like 'occur' that can cope with multiple buffers. This has
;; probably been done before; but still, here is my try at it. It seems
;; to be very useful.
;; How to use it: simple say 
;; 	M-x moccur <regexp> 
;; moccur then searches through *all buffers* currently existing that are
;; bound to files and displays the occurences in a buffer that runs in
;; Moccur-mode. Change to that buffer, scroll around, and say C-c C-c
;; to jump to the occurrence. Quite simple.
;; Incompatibilites to Occur mode: 
;; a) it browses through *all* buffers that have a file name
;; associated with them; those may or may not include the current
;; buffer. Especially, while standard occur works 
;; on 'all lines following point', Moccur does not.
;; b) there is no support for the 'NLINE' argument.
;; Usage:
;; moccur <regexp> shows all occurences of <regexp> in all buffers
;; currently existing that refer to files.
;; the occurences are displayed in a buffer running in Moccur mode;
;; C-c C-c gets you to the occurence

;;; ************************************************************************
;;; Public variables
;;; ************************************************************************

(defconst moccur-source-prefix "@loc> "
  "Prefix for lines indicating source of matches.")

;;; ************************************************************************
;;; Public functions
;;; ************************************************************************

(defun moccur (regexp &optional file-regexp no-fold-search)
  "Show all lines of all buffers containing a match for REGEXP.
With optional FILE-REGEXP, a pattern matching to files in a single
directory, search matching files rather than current buffers.
The lines are shown in a buffer named *Moccur* which serves as a menu to
find any of the occurrences in this buffer.
\\[describe-mode] in that buffer explains how."
  (interactive "sRegexp to find occurrences of: \nsFiles to search (default current file buffers): ")
  (if (equal file-regexp "") (setq file-regexp nil))
  (let*  ((buffers (if file-regexp (directory-files
				     (or (file-name-directory
					  file-regexp) "."))
				    'full (file-name-nondirectory file-regexp))
	  (occbuf (get-buffer-create "*Moccur*"))
	  (matches 0)
	  (firstmatch t))
    (set-buffer occbuf)
    (setq buffer-read-only nil)
    (insert "Lines matching '" regexp "':\n\n")
    (let ((currbuf) (currfile) (kill-buf))
      (while buffers
	(setq currbuf (car buffers)
	      currfile (if (stringp currbuf) currbuf)
	      kill-buf (and currfile (not (get-file-buffer currfile)))
	      buffers (cdr buffers))
	(if currfile
	    (setq currbuf (find-file-noselect currfile))
	  (setq currfile (buffer-file-name currbuf)))
	(if (or (not currfile) (not currbuf))
	  (set-buffer currbuf)
	  (let ((case-fold-search (not no-fold-search)))
	      (goto-char (point-min))
	      (setq firstmatch t)
	      (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
		(setq matches (+ matches 1))
		(let* ((linenum (count-lines (point-min)(point)))
		       (tag (format "\n%4d:" linenum)))
		  (set-buffer occbuf)
		  (if firstmatch
			(insert moccur-source-prefix currfile "\n")
			(setq firstmatch nil)))
		  (insert tag)
		  (set-buffer currbuf)
		  (forward-word -1) ;; needed if match goes to eoline
		  (let ((beg (point)))
		    (append-to-buffer occbuf beg (point)))
		  (forward-line 1)))))
	    (set-buffer occbuf)
	    (if (not firstmatch) (insert "\n\n"))
	    (if kill-buf (kill-buffer currbuf))))))
    (if (> matches 0)
	  (set-buffer occbuf)
	  (if (fboundp 'outline-minor-mode)
	      (and (progn (goto-char 1)
			  (search-forward "\C-m" nil t))
		   (outline-minor-mode 1)))
	  (goto-char (point-min))
	  (pop-to-buffer occbuf)
	  (message "%d matches." matches)
      (message "No matches.")

(defun moccur-to ()
  "Go to the line where this occurrence was found."
    (if (not (eq major-mode 'moccur-mode))
        (error "'moccur-to' must be called within a moccur buffer.")
	(let ((beg nil)
	      (line nil)
	      (lineno nil)
	      (dstbuf nil))
	    (setq beg (point))
            (setq line (buffer-substring beg (point)))
            (if (string-match "^[ ]*[0-9]+:" line)
                  (setq lineno (string-to-int (substring
					       line 0 (match-end 0))))
                  (if (re-search-backward
		       (concat "^" moccur-source-prefix
			       "\"?\\([^\" \n]+\\)\"?") nil t)
                        (setq line (buffer-substring
				    (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
			      dstbuf (find-file-noselect line))
			(if (not dstbuf)
			     "moccur-to: file '%s' is not readable" line)))
		    (error "No moccur header line for file.")))
	      (error "Not an moccur occurrence line.")))
	  (if (and lineno dstbuf)
		(message "Selection <%s> line %d." line lineno)
		(pop-to-buffer dstbuf)
		(goto-line lineno))))))

(fset 'moccur-mode-goto-occurrence 'moccur-to)

;;; ************************************************************************
;;; Private functions
;;; ************************************************************************

(defun moccur-mode ()
  "Major mode for output from \\[moccur].
Move point to one of the occurrences in this buffer,
then use \\[moccur-to] to go to the same occurrence
in the buffer that the occurrenc was found in.
  (use-local-map moccur-mode-map)
  (setq major-mode 'moccur-mode)
  (setq mode-name "Moccur"))

;;; ************************************************************************
;;; Private variables
;;; ************************************************************************

(defvar moccur-mode-map ())
(if moccur-mode-map
    (setq moccur-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
    (define-key moccur-mode-map "\C-c\C-c" 'moccur-to)
    (define-key moccur-mode-map " " 'moccur-to)
    (define-key moccur-mode-map "\C-m" 'moccur-to)

(provide 'hmoccur)