view lwlib/xlwgauge.c @ 1559:9bf5135fc04f

[xemacs-hg @ 2003-07-04 07:16:25 by michaels] 2003-07-02 Mike Sperber <> * toolbar.c (update_frame_toolbars_geometry): Update the frame size when correct information to compute it is actually available. Moreover, do it right via the frame method if it's available.
author michaels
date Fri, 04 Jul 2003 07:16:26 +0000
parents b39c14581166
children 0dfff19d20da
line wrap: on
line source

/* Gauge Widget for XEmacs.
   Copyright (C) 1999 Edward A. Falk

This file is part of XEmacs.

XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.

XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

/* Synched up with: Gauge.c 1.2 */

 * Gauge.c - Gauge widget
 * Author: Edward A. Falk
 * Date:   July 9, 1997
 * Note: for fun and demonstration purposes, I have added selection
 * capabilities to this widget.  If you select the widget, you create
 * a primary selection containing the current value of the widget in
 * both integer and string form.  If you copy into the widget, the
 * primary selection is converted to an integer value and the gauge is
 * set to that value.

/* TODO:  display time instead of value

#define	DEF_LEN	50	/* default width (or height for vertical gauge) */
#define	MIN_LEN	10	/* minimum reasonable width (height) */
#define	TIC_LEN	6	/* length of tic marks */
#define	GA_WID	3	/* width of gauge */
#define	MS_PER_SEC 1000

#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include ATHENA_XawInit_h_
#include "xlwgaugeP.h"
#include "../src/xmu.h"
#ifdef HAVE_XMU
#include <X11/Xmu/Atoms.h>
#include <X11/Xmu/Drawing.h>
#include <X11/Xmu/StdSel.h>

 * Gauge resources

static	char	defaultTranslations[] =
	"<Btn1Up>:	select()\n\
	 <Key>F1:	select(CLIPBOARD)\n\
	 <Btn2Up>:	paste()\n\
	 <Key>F2:	paste(CLIPBOARD)" ;

#define offset(field) XtOffsetOf(GaugeRec, field)
static XtResource resources[] = {
    {XtNvalue, XtCValue, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
	offset(gauge.value), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0},
    {XtNminValue, XtCMinValue, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
	offset(gauge.v0), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0},
    {XtNmaxValue, XtCMaxValue, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
	offset(gauge.v1), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)100},
    {XtNntics, XtCNTics, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
	offset(gauge.ntics), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0},
    {XtNnlabels, XtCNLabels, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
	offset(gauge.nlabels), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0},
    {XtNlabels, XtCLabels, XtRStringArray, sizeof(String *),
	offset(gauge.labels), XtRStringArray, NULL},
    {XtNautoScaleUp, XtCAutoScaleUp, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
	offset(gauge.autoScaleUp), XtRImmediate, FALSE},
    {XtNautoScaleDown, XtCAutoScaleDown, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
	offset(gauge.autoScaleDown), XtRImmediate, FALSE},
    {XtNorientation, XtCOrientation, XtROrientation, sizeof(XtOrientation),
	offset(gauge.orientation), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)XtorientHorizontal},
    {XtNupdate, XtCInterval, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
	offset(gauge.update), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0},
    {XtNgetValue, XtCCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer),
	offset(gauge.getValue), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)NULL},
#undef offset

	/* member functions */

static void GaugeClassInit (void);
static void GaugeInit (Widget, Widget, ArgList, Cardinal *);
static void GaugeDestroy (Widget);
static void GaugeResize (Widget);
static void GaugeExpose (Widget, XEvent *, Region);
static Boolean GaugeSetValues (Widget, Widget, Widget, ArgList, Cardinal *);
static XtGeometryResult GaugeQueryGeometry (Widget, XtWidgetGeometry *,
					    XtWidgetGeometry *);

	/* action procs */

static void GaugeSelect (Widget, XEvent *, String *, Cardinal *);
static void GaugePaste  (Widget, XEvent *, String *, Cardinal *);

	/* internal privates */

static void GaugeSize (GaugeWidget, Dimension *, Dimension *, Dimension);
static void MaxLabel  (GaugeWidget, Dimension *, Dimension *,
		       Dimension *, Dimension *);
static void AutoScale     (GaugeWidget);
static void EnableUpdate  (GaugeWidget);
static void DisableUpdate (GaugeWidget);

static void GaugeGetValue (XtPointer, XtIntervalId *);
static void GaugeMercury (Display *, Window, GC, GaugeWidget, Cardinal, Cardinal);

static Boolean GaugeConvert (Widget, Atom *, Atom *, Atom *,
			     XtPointer *, unsigned long *, int *);
static void GaugeLoseSel (Widget, Atom *);
static void GaugeDoneSel (Widget, Atom *, Atom *);
static void GaugeGetSelCB (Widget, XtPointer, Atom *, Atom *,
			   XtPointer, unsigned long *, int *);

static GC Get_GC (GaugeWidget, Pixel);

static	XtActionsRec	actionsList[] =
  {"select",	GaugeSelect},
  {"paste",	GaugePaste},
} ;

 * Full class record constant

GaugeClassRec gaugeClassRec = {
/* core_class fields */
    /* superclass	  	*/	(WidgetClass) &labelClassRec,
    /* class_name	  	*/	"Gauge",
    /* widget_size	  	*/	sizeof(GaugeRec),
    /* class_initialize   	*/	GaugeClassInit,
    /* class_part_initialize	*/	NULL,
    /* class_inited       	*/	FALSE,
    /* initialize	  	*/	GaugeInit,
    /* initialize_hook		*/	NULL,
    /* realize		  	*/	XtInheritRealize,	/* TODO? */
    /* actions		  	*/	actionsList,
    /* num_actions	  	*/	XtNumber(actionsList),
    /* resources	  	*/	resources,
    /* num_resources	  	*/	XtNumber(resources),
    /* xrm_class	  	*/	NULLQUARK,
    /* compress_motion	  	*/	TRUE,
    /* compress_exposure  	*/	TRUE,
    /* compress_enterleave	*/	TRUE,
    /* visible_interest	  	*/	FALSE,
    /* destroy		  	*/	GaugeDestroy,
    /* resize		  	*/	GaugeResize,
    /* expose		  	*/	GaugeExpose,
    /* set_values	  	*/	GaugeSetValues,
    /* set_values_hook		*/	NULL,
    /* set_values_almost	*/	XtInheritSetValuesAlmost,
    /* get_values_hook		*/	NULL,
    /* accept_focus	 	*/	NULL,
    /* version			*/	XtVersion,
    /* callback_private   	*/	NULL,
    /* tm_table		   	*/	defaultTranslations,
    /* query_geometry		*/	GaugeQueryGeometry,
    /* display_accelerator	*/	XtInheritDisplayAccelerator,
    /* extension		*/	NULL
/* Simple class fields initialization */
    /* change_sensitive		*/	XtInheritChangeSensitive
#ifdef	_ThreeDP_h
/* ThreeD class fields initialization */
    XtInheritXaw3dShadowDraw	/* shadowdraw 		*/
/* Label class fields initialization */
    /* ignore 			*/	0
/* Gauge class fields initialization */
    /* extension		*/	NULL

WidgetClass gaugeWidgetClass = (WidgetClass)&gaugeClassRec;


 * Member Procedures

static void
GaugeClassInit (void)
#ifdef HAVE_XMU
    XtAddConverter(XtRString, XtROrientation, XmuCvtStringToOrientation,
    		NULL, 0) ;

static void
GaugeInit (Widget   request,
	   Widget   new,
	   ArgList  args,
	   Cardinal *num_args)
    GaugeWidget gw = (GaugeWidget) new;

    if( gw->gauge.v0 == 0  &&  gw->gauge.v1 == 0 ) {
      gw->gauge.autoScaleUp = gw->gauge.autoScaleDown = TRUE ;
      AutoScale(gw) ;

    /* If size not explicitly set, set it to our preferred size now.  */

    if( request->core.width == 0  ||  request->core.height == 0 )
      Dimension w,h ;
      GaugeSize(gw, &w,&h, DEF_LEN) ;
      if( request->core.width == 0 )
	new->core.width = w ;
      if( request->core.height == 0 )
	new->core.height = h ;
      gw->core.widget_class->core_class.resize(new) ;

    gw->gauge.selected = None ;
    gw->gauge.selstr = NULL ;

    if( gw->gauge.update > 0 )
      EnableUpdate(gw) ;

    gw->gauge.inverse_GC = Get_GC(gw, gw->core.background_pixel) ;

static void
GaugeDestroy (Widget w)
	GaugeWidget gw = (GaugeWidget)w;

	if( gw->gauge.selstr != NULL )
	  XtFree(gw->gauge.selstr) ;

	if( gw->gauge.selected != None )
	  XtDisownSelection(w, gw->gauge.selected, CurrentTime) ;

	XtReleaseGC(w, gw->gauge.inverse_GC) ;

	if( gw->gauge.update > 0 )
	  DisableUpdate(gw) ;

/* React to size change from manager.  Label widget will compute some
 * internal stuff, but we need to override.

static void
GaugeResize (Widget w)
	GaugeWidget gw = (GaugeWidget)w;
	int	size ;		/* height (width) of gauge */
	int	vmargin ;	/* vertical (horizontal) margin */
	int	hmargin ;	/* horizontal (vertical) margin */

	vmargin = gw->gauge.orientation == XtorientHorizontal ?
	  gw->label.internal_height : gw->label.internal_width ;
	hmargin = gw->gauge.orientation == XtorientHorizontal ?
	  gw->label.internal_width : gw->label.internal_height ;

	/* TODO: need to call parent resize proc?  I don't think so since
	 * we're recomputing everything from scratch anyway.

	/* find total height (width) of contents */

	size = GA_WID+2 ;			/* gauge itself + edges */

	if( gw->gauge.ntics > 1 )		/* tic marks */
	  size += vmargin + TIC_LEN ;

	if( gw->gauge.nlabels > 1 )
	  Dimension	lwm, lw0, lw1 ;	/* width of max, left, right labels */
	  Dimension	lh ;

	  MaxLabel(gw,&lwm,&lh, &lw0,&lw1) ;

	  if( gw->gauge.orientation == XtorientHorizontal )
	    gw->gauge.margin0 = lw0 / 2 ;
	    gw->gauge.margin1 = lw1 / 2 ;
	    size += lh + vmargin ;
	    gw->gauge.margin0 =
	    gw->gauge.margin1 = lh / 2 ;
	    size += lwm + vmargin ;
	  gw->gauge.margin0 = gw->gauge.margin1 = 0 ;

	gw->gauge.margin0 += hmargin ;
	gw->gauge.margin1 += hmargin ;

	/* Now distribute height (width) over components */

	if( gw->gauge.orientation == XtorientHorizontal )
	  gw->gauge.gmargin = (gw->core.height-size)/2 ;
	  gw->gauge.gmargin = (gw->core.width-size)/2 ;

	gw->gauge.tmargin = gw->gauge.gmargin + GA_WID+2 + vmargin ;
	if( gw->gauge.ntics > 1 )
	  gw->gauge.lmargin = gw->gauge.tmargin + TIC_LEN + vmargin ;
	  gw->gauge.lmargin = gw->gauge.tmargin ;

 * Repaint the widget window

static void
GaugeExpose (Widget w,
	     XEvent *event,
	     Region region)
	GaugeWidget gw = (GaugeWidget) w;
register Display *dpy = XtDisplay(w) ;
register Window	win = XtWindow(w) ;
	GC	gc;	/* foreground, background */
	GC	gctop, gcbot ;	/* dark, light shadows */

	int	len ;		/* length (width or height) of widget */
	int	hgt ;		/* height (width) of widget */
	int	e0,e1 ;		/* ends of the gauge */
	int	x ;
	int	y ;		/* vertical (horizontal) position */
	int	i ;
	int	v0 = gw->gauge.v0 ;
	int	v1 = gw->gauge.v1 ;
	int	value = gw->gauge.value ;

	gc = XtIsSensitive(w) ? gw->label.normal_GC : gw->label.gray_GC ;

#ifdef	_ThreeDP_h
	gctop = gw->threeD.bot_shadow_GC ;
	gcbot = gw->threeD.top_shadow_GC ;
	gctop = gcbot = gc ;

	if( gw->gauge.orientation == XtorientHorizontal ) {
	  len = gw->core.width ;
	  hgt = gw->core.height ;
	} else {
	  len = gw->core.height ;
	  hgt = gw->core.width ;

	/* if the gauge is selected, signify by drawing the background
	 * in a contrasting color.

	if( gw->gauge.selected )
	  XFillRectangle(dpy,win, gc, 0,0, w->core.width,w->core.height) ;
	  gc = gw->gauge.inverse_GC ;

	e0 = gw->gauge.margin0 ;		/* left (top) end */
	e1 = len - gw->gauge.margin1 -1 ;	/* right (bottom) end */

	/* Draw the Gauge itself */

	y = gw->gauge.gmargin ;

	if( gw->gauge.orientation == XtorientHorizontal )	/* horizontal */
	  XDrawLine(dpy,win,gctop, e0+1,y, e1-1,y) ;
	  XDrawLine(dpy,win,gctop, e0,y+1, e0,y+GA_WID) ;
	  XDrawLine(dpy,win,gcbot, e0+1, y+GA_WID+1, e1-1, y+GA_WID+1) ;
	  XDrawLine(dpy,win,gcbot, e1,y+1, e1,y+GA_WID) ;
	else							/* vertical */
	  XDrawLine(dpy,win,gctop, y,e0+1, y,e1-1) ;
	  XDrawLine(dpy,win,gctop, y+1,e0, y+GA_WID,e0) ;
	  XDrawLine(dpy,win,gcbot, y+GA_WID+1,e0+1, y+GA_WID+1, e1-1) ;
	  XDrawLine(dpy,win,gcbot, y+1,e1, y+GA_WID,e1) ;

		/* draw the mercury */

	GaugeMercury(dpy, win, gc, gw, 0,value) ;

	if( gw->gauge.ntics > 1 )
	  y = gw->gauge.tmargin ;
	  for(i=0; i<gw->gauge.ntics; ++i)
	    x = e0 + i*(e1-e0-1)/(gw->gauge.ntics-1) ;
	    if( gw->gauge.orientation == XtorientHorizontal ) {
	      XDrawLine(dpy,win,gcbot, x,y+1, x,y+TIC_LEN-2) ;
	      XDrawLine(dpy,win,gcbot, x,y, x+1,y) ;
	      XDrawLine(dpy,win,gctop, x+1,y+1, x+1,y+TIC_LEN-2) ;
	      XDrawLine(dpy,win,gctop, x,y+TIC_LEN-1, x+1,y+TIC_LEN-1) ;
	    else {
	      XDrawLine(dpy,win,gcbot, y+1,x, y+TIC_LEN-2,x) ;
	      XDrawLine(dpy,win,gcbot, y,x, y,x+1) ;
	      XDrawLine(dpy,win,gctop, y+1,x+1, y+TIC_LEN-2,x+1) ;
	      XDrawLine(dpy,win,gctop, y+TIC_LEN-1,x, y+TIC_LEN-1,x+1) ;

	/* draw labels */
	if( gw->gauge.nlabels > 1 )
	  char	label[20], *s = label ;
	  int	xlen, wd,h =0 ;

	  if( gw->gauge.orientation == XtorientHorizontal )
	    y = gw->gauge.lmargin + gw->label.font->max_bounds.ascent - 1 ;
	  else {
	    y = gw->gauge.lmargin ;
	    h = gw->label.font->max_bounds.ascent / 2 ;

	  for(i=0; i<gw->gauge.nlabels; ++i)
	    if( gw->gauge.labels == NULL )
	      sprintf(label, "%d", v0+i*(v1 - v0)/(gw->gauge.nlabels - 1)) ;
	      s = gw->gauge.labels[i] ;
	    if( s != NULL ) {
	      x = e0 + i*(e1-e0-1)/(gw->gauge.nlabels-1) ;
	      xlen = strlen(s) ;
	      if( gw->gauge.orientation == XtorientHorizontal ) {
		wd = XTextWidth(gw->label.font, s, xlen) ;
		XDrawString(dpy,win,gc, x-wd/2,y, s,xlen) ;
	      else {
		XDrawString(dpy,win,gc, y,x+h, s,xlen) ;

 * Set specified arguments into widget

static Boolean
GaugeSetValues (Widget   old,
		Widget   request,
		Widget   new,
		ArgList  args,
		Cardinal *num_args)
	GaugeWidget oldgw = (GaugeWidget) old;
	GaugeWidget gw = (GaugeWidget) new;
	Boolean was_resized = False;

	if( gw->gauge.selected != None ) {
	  XtDisownSelection(new, gw->gauge.selected, CurrentTime) ;
	  gw->gauge.selected = None ;

	/* Changes to v0,v1,labels, ntics, nlabels require resize & redraw. */
	/* Change to value requires redraw and possible resize if autoscale */

	was_resized =
	  gw->gauge.v0 != oldgw->gauge.v0  ||
	  gw->gauge.v1 != oldgw->gauge.v1  ||
	  gw->gauge.ntics != oldgw->gauge.ntics  ||
	  gw->gauge.nlabels != oldgw->gauge.nlabels  ||
	  gw->gauge.labels != oldgw->gauge.labels ;

	if( (gw->gauge.autoScaleUp && gw->gauge.value > gw->gauge.v1) ||
	    (gw->gauge.autoScaleDown && gw->gauge.value < gw->gauge.v1/3 ))
	  AutoScale(gw) ;
	  was_resized = TRUE ;

	if( was_resized ) {
	  if( gw->label.resize )
	    GaugeSize(gw, &gw->core.width, &gw->core.height, DEF_LEN) ;
	    GaugeResize(new) ;

	if( gw->gauge.update != oldgw->gauge.update )
	    if( gw->gauge.update > 0 )
	      EnableUpdate(gw) ;
	      DisableUpdate(gw) ;

	if( gw->core.background_pixel != oldgw->core.background_pixel )
	  XtReleaseGC(new, gw->gauge.inverse_GC) ;
	  gw->gauge.inverse_GC = Get_GC(gw, gw->core.background_pixel) ;

	return was_resized || gw->gauge.value != oldgw->gauge.value  ||
	   XtIsSensitive(old) != XtIsSensitive(new);

static XtGeometryResult
GaugeQueryGeometry (Widget w,
		    XtWidgetGeometry *intended,
		    XtWidgetGeometry *preferred)
    register GaugeWidget gw = (GaugeWidget)w;

    if( intended->width == w->core.width  &&
	intended->height == w->core.height )
      return XtGeometryNo ;

    preferred->request_mode = CWWidth | CWHeight;
    GaugeSize(gw, &preferred->width, &preferred->height, DEF_LEN) ;

    if( (!(intended->request_mode & CWWidth) ||
	  intended->width >= preferred->width)  &&
	(!(intended->request_mode & CWHeight) ||
	  intended->height >= preferred->height) )
      return XtGeometryYes;
      return XtGeometryAlmost;


 * Action Procedures

static void
GaugeSelect (Widget   w,
	     XEvent   *event,
	     String   *params,
	     Cardinal *num_params)
	GaugeWidget	gw = (GaugeWidget)w ;
	Atom		seln = XA_PRIMARY ;

	if( gw->gauge.selected != None ) {
	  XtDisownSelection(w, gw->gauge.selected, CurrentTime) ;
	  gw->gauge.selected = None ;

	if( *num_params > 0 ) {
	  seln = XInternAtom(XtDisplay(w), params[0], False) ;
	  printf("atom %s is %ld\n", params[0], seln) ;

	if( ! XtOwnSelection(w, seln, event->xbutton.time, GaugeConvert,
			GaugeLoseSel, GaugeDoneSel) )
	  /* in real code, this error message would be replaced by
	   * something more elegant, or at least deleted

	  fprintf(stderr, "Gauge failed to get selection, try again\n") ;
	  gw->gauge.selected = TRUE ;
	  gw->gauge.selstr = (String)XtMalloc(4*sizeof(int)) ;
	  sprintf(gw->gauge.selstr, "%d", gw->gauge.value) ;
	  GaugeExpose(w,0,0) ;

static	Boolean
GaugeConvert (Widget	w,
	      Atom	*selection,	/* usually XA_PRIMARY */
	      Atom	*target,	/* requested target */
	      Atom	*type,		/* returned type */
	      XtPointer *value,		/* returned value */
	      unsigned long	*length,	/* returned length */
	      int	*format)	/* returned format */
	GaugeWidget	gw = (GaugeWidget)w ;
	XSelectionRequestEvent *req ;

	printf( "requesting selection %s:%s\n",

#ifdef HAVE_XMU
	if( *target == XA_TARGETS(XtDisplay(w)) )
	  Atom *rval, *stdTargets ;
	  unsigned long stdLength ;

	  /* XmuConvertStandardSelection can handle this.  This function
	   * will return a list of standard targets.  We prepend TEXT,
	   * STRING and INTEGER to the list and return it.

	  req = XtGetSelectionRequest(w, *selection, NULL) ;
	  XmuConvertStandardSelection(w, req->time, selection, target,
	  	type, (XPointer*)&stdTargets, &stdLength, format) ;

	  *type = XA_ATOM ;		/* TODO: needed? */
	  *length = stdLength + 3 ;
	  rval = (Atom *) XtMalloc(sizeof(Atom)*(stdLength+3)) ;
	  *value = (XtPointer) rval ;
	  *rval++ = XA_INTEGER ;
	  *rval++ = XA_STRING ;
	  *rval++ = XA_TEXT(XtDisplay(w)) ;
	  memcpy((char *)rval, (char *)stdTargets, stdLength*sizeof(Atom)) ;
	  XtFree((char*) stdTargets) ;
	  *format = 8*sizeof(Atom) ;	/* TODO: needed? */
	  return True ;

	  if( *target == XA_INTEGER )
	  *type = XA_INTEGER ;
	  *length = 1 ;
	  *value = (XtPointer) &gw->gauge.value ;
	  *format = 8*sizeof(int) ;
	  return True ;

	else if( *target == XA_STRING
#ifdef HAVE_XMU
		 *target == XA_TEXT(XtDisplay(w))
	  *type = *target ;
	  *length = strlen(gw->gauge.selstr)*sizeof(char) ;
	  *value = (XtPointer) gw->gauge.selstr ;
	  *format = 8 ;
	  return True ;

	  /* anything else, we just give it to XmuConvertStandardSelection() */
#ifdef HAVE_XMU
	  req = XtGetSelectionRequest(w, *selection, NULL) ;
	  if( XmuConvertStandardSelection(w, req->time, selection, target,
	  	type, (XPointer *) value, length, format) )
	    return True ;
		"Gauge: requestor is requesting unsupported selection %s:%s\n",
	    return False ;

static	void
GaugeLoseSel (Widget w,
	      Atom   *selection)	/* usually XA_PRIMARY */
	GaugeWidget	gw = (GaugeWidget)w ;
	Display *dpy = XtDisplay(w) ;
	Window	win = XtWindow(w) ;

	if( gw->gauge.selstr != NULL ) {
	  XtFree(gw->gauge.selstr) ;
	  gw->gauge.selstr = NULL ;

	gw->gauge.selected = False ;
	XClearWindow(dpy,win) ;
	GaugeExpose(w,0,0) ;

static	void
GaugeDoneSel (Widget w,
	      Atom   *selection,	/* usually XA_PRIMARY */
	      Atom   *target)		/* requested target */
	/* selection done, anything to do? */

static void
GaugePaste (Widget   w,
	    XEvent   *event,
	    String   *params,
	    Cardinal *num_params)
	Atom		seln = XA_PRIMARY ;

	if( *num_params > 0 ) {
	  seln = XInternAtom(XtDisplay(w), params[0], False) ;
	  printf("atom %s is %ld\n", params[0], seln) ;

	/* try for integer value first */
	XtGetSelectionValue(w, seln, XA_INTEGER,
		GaugeGetSelCB, (XtPointer)XA_INTEGER,
		event->xbutton.time) ;

static	void
GaugeGetSelCB (Widget    w,
	       XtPointer client,
	       Atom      *selection,
	       Atom      *type,
	       XtPointer value,
	       unsigned long    *length,
	       int       *format)
	Display	*dpy = XtDisplay(w) ;
	Atom	target = (Atom)client ;
	int	*iptr ;
	char	*cptr ;

	if( *type == XA_INTEGER ) {
	  iptr = (int *)value ;
	  XawGaugeSetValue(w, *iptr) ;

	else if( *type == XA_STRING
#ifdef HAVE_XMU
		 *type == XA_TEXT(dpy)
	  cptr = (char *)value ;
	  XawGaugeSetValue(w, atoi(cptr)) ;

	/* failed, try string */
	else if( *type == None && target == XA_INTEGER )
	  XtGetSelectionValue(w, *selection, XA_STRING,
		GaugeGetSelCB, (XtPointer)XA_STRING,
		CurrentTime) ;


 * Public Procedures

	/* Change gauge value.  Only undraw or draw what needs to be
	 * changed.

XawGaugeSetValue (Widget   w,
		  Cardinal value)
	GaugeWidget gw = (GaugeWidget)w ;
	int	oldvalue ;
	GC	gc ;

	if( gw->gauge.selected != None ) {
	  XtDisownSelection(w, gw->gauge.selected, CurrentTime) ;
	  gw->gauge.selected = None ;

	if( !XtIsRealized(w) ) {
	  gw->gauge.value = value ;
	  return ;

	/* need to rescale? */
	if(( gw->gauge.autoScaleUp && (int) value > gw->gauge.v1) ||
	   (gw->gauge.autoScaleDown && (int) value < gw->gauge.v1/3 ))
	  XtVaSetValues(w, XtNvalue, value, 0) ;
	  return ;

	oldvalue = gw->gauge.value ;
	gw->gauge.value = value ;

	gc = XtIsSensitive(w) ? gw->label.normal_GC : gw->label.gray_GC ;
	GaugeMercury(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), gc, gw, oldvalue,value) ;

XawGaugeGetValue (Widget w)
	GaugeWidget gw = (GaugeWidget)w ;
	return gw->gauge.value ;


 * Private Procedures

	/* draw the mercury over a specific region */

static	void
GaugeMercury (Display     *dpy,
	      Window      win,
	      GC          gc,
	      GaugeWidget gw,
	      Cardinal    val0,
	      Cardinal    val1)
	int	v0 = gw->gauge.v0 ;
	int	v1 = gw->gauge.v1 ;
	int	vd = v1 - v0 ;
	Dimension len ;		/* length (width or height) of gauge */
	Position e0, e1 ;	/* gauge ends */
	Position p0, p1 ;	/* mercury ends */
	int	y ;		/* vertical (horizontal) position */
	Boolean	undraw = FALSE ;

	len = gw->gauge.orientation == XtorientHorizontal ?
	  gw->core.width : gw->core.height ;

	e0 = gw->gauge.margin0 ;		/* left (top) end */
	e1 = len - gw->gauge.margin1 -1 ;	/* right (bottom) end */

	if( vd <= 0 ) vd = 1 ;

	if( (int) val0 < v0 ) val0 = v0 ;
	else if( (int) val0 > v1 ) val0 = v1 ;
	if( (int) val1 < v0 ) val1 = v0 ;
	else if( (int) val1 > v1 ) val1 = v1 ;

	p0 = (val0-v0)*(e1-e0-1)/vd ;
	p1 = (val1-v0)*(e1-e0-1)/vd ;

	if( p1 == p0 )
	  return ;

	y = gw->gauge.gmargin ;

	if( p1 < p0 )
	  Position tmp = p0 ;
	  p0 = p1 ;
	  p1 = tmp ;
	  gc = gw->label.normal_GC ;
	  XSetForeground(dpy,gc, gw->core.background_pixel) ;
	  undraw = TRUE ;

	if( gw->gauge.orientation == XtorientHorizontal )
	  XFillRectangle(dpy,win,gc, e0+p0+1,y+1, p1-p0,GA_WID) ;
	  XFillRectangle(dpy,win,gc, y+1,e1-p1, GA_WID,p1-p0) ;

	if( undraw )
	  XSetForeground(dpy,gc, gw->label.foreground) ;

/* Search the labels, find the largest one. */
/* TODO: handle vertical fonts? */

static void
MaxLabel (GaugeWidget	gw,
	  Dimension	*wid,	/* max label width */
	  Dimension	*hgt,	/* max label height */
	  Dimension	*w0,	/* width of first label */
	  Dimension	*w1)	/* width of last label */
	char	lstr[80], *lbl ;
	int	w ;
	XFontStruct *font = gw->label.font ;
	int	i ;
	int	lw = 0;
	int	v0 = gw->gauge.v0 ;
	int	dv = gw->gauge.v1 - v0 ;
	int	n = gw->gauge.nlabels ;

	if( n > 0 )
	  if( --n <= 0 ) {n = 1 ; v0 += dv/2 ;}

	  /* loop through all labels, figure out how much room they
	   * need.
	  w = 0 ;
	  for(i=0; i<gw->gauge.nlabels; ++i)
	    if( gw->gauge.labels == NULL )	/* numeric labels */
	      sprintf(lbl = lstr,"%d", v0 + i*dv/n) ;
	      lbl = gw->gauge.labels[i] ;

	    if( lbl != NULL ) {
	      lw = XTextWidth(font, lbl, strlen(lbl)) ;
	      w = Max( w, lw ) ;
	      lw = 0 ;

	    if( i == 0 && w0 != NULL ) *w0 = lw ;
	  if( w1 != NULL ) *w1 = lw ;

	  *wid = w ;
	  *hgt = font->max_bounds.ascent + font->max_bounds.descent ;
	  *wid = *hgt = 0 ;

/* Determine the preferred size for this widget.  choose 100x100 for
 * debugging.

static void
GaugeSize (GaugeWidget gw,
	   Dimension   *wid,
	   Dimension   *hgt,
	   Dimension   min_len)
	int	w,h ;		/* width, height of gauge */
	int	vmargin ;	/* vertical margin */
	int	hmargin ;	/* horizontal margin */

	hmargin = gw->label.internal_width ;
	vmargin = gw->label.internal_height ;

	/* find total height (width) of contents */

	/* find minimum size for undecorated gauge */

	if( gw->gauge.orientation == XtorientHorizontal )
	  w = min_len ;
	  h = GA_WID+2 ;			/* gauge itself + edges */
	  w = GA_WID+2 ;
	  h = min_len ;

	if( gw->gauge.ntics > 0 )
	  if( gw->gauge.orientation == XtorientHorizontal )
	    w = Max(w, gw->gauge.ntics*3) ;
	    h += vmargin + TIC_LEN ;
	    w += hmargin + TIC_LEN ;
	    h = Max(h, gw->gauge.ntics*3) ;

	/* If labels are requested, this gets a little interesting.
	 * We want the end labels centered on the ends of the gauge and
	 * the centers of the labels evenly spaced.  The labels at the ends
	 * will not be the same width, meaning that the gauge itself need
	 * not be centered in the widget.
	 * First, determine the spacing.  This is the width of the widest
	 * label, plus the internal margin.  Total length of the gauge is
	 * spacing * (nlabels-1).  To this, we add half the width of the
	 * left-most label and half the width of the right-most label
	 * to get the entire desired width of the widget.
	if( gw->gauge.nlabels > 0 )
	  Dimension	lwm, lw0, lw1 ;	/* width of max, left, right labels */
	  Dimension	lh ;

	  MaxLabel(gw,&lwm,&lh, &lw0,&lw1) ;

	  if( gw->gauge.orientation == XtorientHorizontal )
	    lwm = (lwm+hmargin) * (gw->gauge.nlabels-1) + (lw0+lw1)/2 ;
	    w = Max(w, lwm) ;
	    h += lh + vmargin ;
	    lh = lh*gw->gauge.nlabels + (gw->gauge.nlabels - 1)*vmargin ;
	    h = Max(h, lh) ;
	    w += lwm + hmargin ;

	w += hmargin*2 ;
	h += vmargin*2 ;

	*wid = w ;
	*hgt = h ;

static void
AutoScale (GaugeWidget gw)
	static int scales[3] = {1,2,5} ;
	int sptr = 0, smult=1 ;

	if( gw->gauge.autoScaleDown )
	  gw->gauge.v1 = 0 ;
	while( gw->gauge.value > gw->gauge.v1 )
	  if( ++sptr > 2 ) {
	    sptr = 0 ;
	    smult *= 10 ;
	  gw->gauge.v1 = scales[sptr] * smult ;

static	void
EnableUpdate (GaugeWidget gw)
	gw->gauge.intervalId =
	  	gw->gauge.update * MS_PER_SEC, GaugeGetValue,
		(XtPointer)gw) ;

static	void
DisableUpdate (GaugeWidget gw)
	XtRemoveTimeOut(gw->gauge.intervalId) ;

static	void
GaugeGetValue (XtPointer    clientData,
	       XtIntervalId *intervalId)
	GaugeWidget	gw = (GaugeWidget)clientData ;
	Cardinal	value ;

	if( gw->gauge.update > 0 )
	  EnableUpdate(gw) ;

	if( gw->gauge.getValue != NULL )
	  XtCallCallbackList((Widget)gw, gw->gauge.getValue, (XtPointer)&value);
	  XawGaugeSetValue((Widget)gw, value) ;

static	GC
Get_GC (GaugeWidget gw,
	Pixel       fg)
	XGCValues	values ;
#define	vmask	GCForeground
#define	umask	(GCBackground|GCSubwindowMode|GCGraphicsExposures|GCDashOffset\

	values.foreground = fg ;

	return XtAllocateGC((Widget)gw, 0, vmask, &values, 0L, umask) ;