view lwlib/xlwcheckbox.c @ 5075:868a9ffcc37b

Normally return a compiled function if one argument, #'constantly. 2010-02-24 Aidan Kehoe <> * cl-extra.el (constantly): Normally return a compiled function from #'constantly if we are handed a single argument. Shouldn't actually matter, the overhead for returning a single constant in a lambda form vs. in a compiled function is minuscule, but using compiled functions as much as possible is good style in XEmacs, our interpreter is not stellar (nor indeed should it need to be).
author Aidan Kehoe <>
date Wed, 24 Feb 2010 17:17:13 +0000
parents 5460287a3327
children 308d34e9f07d
line wrap: on
line source

/* Checkbox Widget for XEmacs.
   Copyright (C) 1999 Edward A. Falk

This file is part of XEmacs.

XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.

XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

/* Synched up with: Checkbox.c 1.1 */

 * Checkbox.c - Checkbox button widget
 * Author: Edward A. Falk
 * Date:   June 30, 1997
 * Overview:  This widget is identical to the Radio widget in behavior,
 * except that the button is square and has a check mark.

#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include ATHENA_XawInit_h_
#include "xt-wrappers.h"
#include "xlwcheckboxP.h"

/* by using the same size for the checkbox as for the diamond box,
 * we can let the Radio widget do the vast majority of the work.

#define	BOX_SIZE	8
#define	DRAW_CHECK	0	/* don't draw the check mark */

#define	cclass(w)	((CheckboxWidgetClass)((w)->core.widget_class))

#ifdef	_ThreeDP_h
#define	swid(cw)	((cw)->threeD.shadow_width)
#define	swid(cw)	((cw)->core.border_width)

#define	bsize(cw)	(cclass(cw)->radio_class.dsize)
#define	bs(cw)		(bsize(cw) + 2*swid(cw))

#define check_width 14
#define check_height 14
static unsigned char check_bits[] = {
   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x03,
   0x8c, 0x03, 0xde, 0x01, 0xff, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00,
   0x70, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00};

 * Full class record constant

static char defaultTranslations[] =
    "<EnterWindow>:	highlight()\n\
     <LeaveWindow>:	unpress(draw) unhighlight()\n\
     <Btn1Down>:	press()\n\
     <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>:   unpress(nodraw) toggle() notify()";

#define	offset(field)	XtOffsetOf(CheckboxRec, checkbox.field)
#define res(name,_class,intrepr,type,member,extrepr,value) \
  Xt_RESOURCE (name, _class, intrepr, type, offset(member), extrepr, value)
static	XtResource	resources[] = {
  res (XtNtristate, XtCTristate, XtRBoolean, Boolean, tristate,
       XtRImmediate, FALSE),
} ;
#undef	offset

	/* Member functions */

static void CheckboxClassInit (void);
static void CheckboxInit (Widget, Widget, ArgList, Cardinal *);
static void CheckboxRealize (Widget, Mask *, XSetWindowAttributes *);
static void DrawCheck (Widget);

	/* Action procs */
static void CheckboxPress   (Widget, XEvent *, String *, Cardinal *);
static void CheckboxUnpress (Widget, XEvent *, String *, Cardinal *);

	/* internal privates */

static	XtActionsRec	actionsList[] =
  {"press",	CheckboxPress},
  {"unpress",	CheckboxUnpress},
} ;

#define SuperClass ((RadioWidgetClass)&radioClassRec)

CheckboxClassRec checkboxClassRec = {
    (WidgetClass) SuperClass,		/* superclass		*/
    (String) "Checkbox",		/* class_name		*/
    sizeof(CheckboxRec),		/* size			*/
    CheckboxClassInit,			/* class_initialize	*/
    NULL,				/* class_part_initialize  */
    FALSE,				/* class_inited		*/
    CheckboxInit,			/* initialize		*/
    NULL,				/* initialize_hook	*/
    CheckboxRealize,			/* realize		*/
    actionsList,			/* actions		*/
    XtNumber(actionsList),		/* num_actions		*/
    XtInheritRealize,			/* realize		*/
    NULL,				/* actions		*/
    0,					/* num_actions		*/
    resources,				/* resources		*/
    XtNumber(resources),		/* resource_count	*/
    NULLQUARK,				/* xrm_class		*/
    TRUE,				/* compress_motion	*/
    TRUE,				/* compress_exposure	*/
    TRUE,				/* compress_enterleave	*/
    FALSE,				/* visible_interest	*/
    NULL,				/* destroy		*/
    XtInheritResize,			/* resize		*/
    XtInheritExpose,			/* expose		*/
    NULL,				/* set_values		*/
    NULL,				/* set_values_hook	*/
    XtInheritSetValuesAlmost,		/* set_values_almost	*/
    NULL,				/* get_values_hook	*/
    NULL,				/* accept_focus		*/
    XtVersion,				/* version		*/
    NULL,				/* callback_private	*/
    defaultTranslations,		/* tm_table		*/
    XtInheritTranslations,		/* tm_table		*/
    XtInheritQueryGeometry,		/* query_geometry	*/
    XtInheritDisplayAccelerator,	/* display_accelerator	*/
    NULL				/* extension		*/
  },  /* CoreClass fields initialization */
    XtInheritChangeSensitive		/* change_sensitive	*/
  },  /* SimpleClass fields initialization */
#ifdef	_ThreeDP_h
    XtInheritXaw3dShadowDraw		/* field not used	*/
  },  /* ThreeDClass fields initialization */
    0					  /* field not used	*/
  },  /* LabelClass fields initialization */
    0					  /* field not used	*/
  },  /* CommandClass fields initialization */
      RadioSet,				/* Set Procedure.	*/
      RadioUnset,			/* Unset Procedure.	*/
      NULL				/* extension.		*/
  },  /* ToggleClass fields initialization */
      DrawCheck,			/* draw procedure */
      NULL				/* extension. */
  },  /* RadioClass fields initialization */
      NULL				/* extension. */
  },  /* CheckboxClass fields initialization */

  /* for public consumption */
WidgetClass checkboxWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) &checkboxClassRec;


 * Class Methods

static void
CheckboxClassInit (void)

static void
CheckboxInit (Widget   UNUSED (request),
	      Widget   new,
	      Widget   UNUSED (new_),
	      ArgList  UNUSED (args),
	      Cardinal *UNUSED (num_args))
    CheckboxWidget cw = (CheckboxWidget) new_;
    cw->checkbox.checkmark = None ;
    cw->checkbox.checkmark_GC = None ;

static void
CheckboxRealize(Widget w,
		Mask *valueMask,
		XSetWindowAttributes *attributes)
    CheckboxWidget cw = (CheckboxWidget) w;
    XtGCMask	value_mask, dynamic_mask, dontcare_mask ;
    XGCValues	values ;

    /* first, call superclass realize */
	(w, valueMask, attributes);

    /* TODO: cache this via xmu */
    if( cw->checkbox.checkmark == None )
      cw->checkbox.checkmark =
	XCreateBitmapFromData( XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),

    values.fill_style = FillStippled ;
    values.stipple = cw->checkbox.checkmark ;
    values.foreground = cw->label.foreground ;
    value_mask = GCFillStyle | GCStipple | GCForeground ;
    dynamic_mask = GCTileStipXOrigin | GCTileStipYOrigin ;
    dontcare_mask = GCLineWidth | GCLineStyle | GCCapStyle | GCJoinStyle |
    	GCFont | GCSubwindowMode | GCGraphicsExposures |
	GCDashOffset | GCDashList | GCArcMode ;
    cw->checkbox.checkmark_GC =
      XtAllocateGC(w, 0, value_mask, &values, dynamic_mask, dontcare_mask) ;

/*	Function Name: CheckboxDestroy
 *	Description: Destroy Callback for checkbox widget.
 *	Arguments: w - the checkbox widget that is being destroyed.
 *                 junk, garbage - not used.
 *	Returns: none.

static void
CheckboxDestroy (
		 Widget w,
		 XtPointer UNUSED (junk),
		 XtPointer UNUSED (garbage))
    CheckboxWidget cw = (CheckboxWidget) w;

    /* TODO: cache this via xmu */
    if( cw->checkbox.checkmark != None )
      XFreePixmap( XtDisplay(w), cw->checkbox.checkmark ) ;
    if( cw->checkbox.checkmark_GC != None )
      XtReleaseGC(w, cw->checkbox.checkmark_GC) ;
#endif /* DRAW_CHECK */


 *  Actions Procedures

static	void
CheckboxPress (Widget   w,
	       XEvent   *event,
	       String   *params,     /* unused */
	       Cardinal *num_params) /* unused */
  CheckboxWidget	cw = (CheckboxWidget) w ;
  if( !cw->checkbox.pressed ) {
    cw->checkbox.pressed = TRUE ;
    ((CheckboxWidgetClass)(w->core.widget_class))->radio_class.drawDiamond(w) ;

static	void
CheckboxUnpress (Widget   w,
		 XEvent   *event,
		 String   *params,     /* unused */
		 Cardinal *num_params) /* unused */
  CheckboxWidget	cw = (CheckboxWidget) w ;
  int			i ;

  if( cw->checkbox.pressed ) {
    cw->checkbox.pressed = FALSE ;
    if( *num_params > 0  &&  **params == 'd' )


 *  Internal Procedures

static	void
DrawCheck (Widget w)
	CheckboxWidget	cw = (CheckboxWidget) w ;
	Display		*dpy = XtDisplay(w) ;
	Window		win = XtWindow(w) ;
	GC		gc ;

#ifdef	_ThreeDP_h
	XPoint		pts[6] ;
	Dimension	s = swid(cw);
	Dimension	bsz = bsize(cw);
	Position	bx,by ;		/* Check upper-left */
	Dimension	bh ;
#ifdef	_ThreeDP_h
	Dimension	bw;
	GC		top, bot;
	GC		ctr ;

	/* foreground GC */
	gc = XtIsSensitive(w) ? cw->command.normal_GC : cw->label.gray_GC ;

	bh = bs(cw) ;
	bx = cw->label.internal_width ;
	by = cw->core.height/2 - bh/2 ;

#ifdef	_ThreeDP_h
	bw = bh ;

	if( !cw->command.set ) {
	  top = cw->threeD.top_shadow_GC ;
	  bot = cw->threeD.bot_shadow_GC ;
	} else {
	  top = cw->threeD.bot_shadow_GC ;
	  bot = cw->threeD.top_shadow_GC ;
	ctr = cw->command.inverse_GC ;
	ctr = cw->command.set ? cw->command.normal_GC : cw->command.inverse_GC ;

	XFillRectangle(dpy,win,ctr, bx+s,by+s, bsz,bsz) ;

#ifdef	_ThreeDP_h
	/* top-left shadow */
	pts[0].x = bx ;		pts[0].y = by ;
	pts[1].x = bw ;		pts[1].y = 0 ;
	pts[2].x = -s ;		pts[2].y = s ;
	pts[3].x = -bsz ;	pts[3].y = 0 ;
	pts[4].x = 0 ;		pts[4].y = bsz ;
	pts[5].x = -s ;		pts[5].y = s ;
	XFillPolygon(dpy,win,top, pts,6, Nonconvex,CoordModePrevious) ;
	/* bottom-right shadow */
	pts[0].x = bx+bw ;	pts[0].y = by+bh ;
	pts[1].x = -bw ;	pts[1].y = 0 ;
	pts[2].x = s ;		pts[2].y = -s ;
	pts[3].x = bsz ;	pts[3].y = 0 ;
	pts[4].x = 0 ;		pts[4].y = -bsz ;
	pts[5].x = s ;		pts[5].y = -s ;
	XFillPolygon(dpy,win,bot, pts,6, Nonconvex,CoordModePrevious) ;
	XDrawRectangle(dpy,win,gc, bx+s,by+s, bsz,bsz) ;

	if( cw->command.set && cw->checkbox.checkmark_GC != None ) {
	  XSetTSOrigin(dpy,cw->checkbox.checkmark_GC, bx+s, by+s) ;
	  	bx+s, by+s, check_width,check_height) ;