view nt/tiff.mak @ 5067:7d7ae8db0341

add functions `stable-union' and `stable-intersection' to do stable set operations -------------------- ChangeLog entries follow: -------------------- lisp/ChangeLog addition: 2010-02-22 Ben Wing <> * cl-seq.el: * cl-seq.el (stable-union): New. * cl-seq.el (stable-intersection): New. New functions to do stable set operations, i.e. preserve the order of the elements in the argument lists, and prefer LIST1 over LIST2 when ordering the combined result. The result looks as much like LIST1 as possible, followed (in the case of `stable-union') by any necessary elements from LIST2, in order. This is contrary to `union' and `intersection', which are not required to be order- preserving and are not -- they prefer LIST2 and output results in backwards order.
author Ben Wing <>
date Mon, 22 Feb 2010 21:23:02 -0600
parents 03ab78e48ef6
children ba07c880114a
line wrap: on
line source

##   TIFF makefile for Microsoft nmake
##   Copyright (C) 2001 Ben Wing.

## This file is part of XEmacs.

## XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
## Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
## later version.

## XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.

## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
## the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor,
## Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

!if !defined(DEBUG_XEMACS)

OPT=-Od -Zi
OPT=-O2 -G5


# the following is because fax3sm.c references "tiff.h" and "tif_fax3.h",
# under the assumption that those header files are in the same directory
# as fax3sm.c  But, since we're using a special fax3sm.c file, and we
# can't be sure the user has patch to change "xx" to "..\..\libtiff\xx",
# let's just copy these header files to this directory. (Symbolic links
# would be _so_ nice)
NEED_FOR_COMPILE= tiff.h tif_fax3.h

CPP_PROJ= /GX /YX /I "." /I ".." /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D\
 "_WINDOWS" /FR$(OBJDIR)/ /Fp$(OUTDIR)/"libtiff.pch" $(CFLAGS)

BSC32_FLAGS=/nologo /o$(OUTDIR)/libtiff.bsc 

LIB32_FLAGS=/NOLOGO /OUT:$(OUTDIR)\libtiff.lib 

	$(OBJDIR)\tif_jpeg.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_dirinfo.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_win32.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_flush.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_thunder.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_compress.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_print.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_dirread.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_getimage.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_fax3.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_version.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_codec.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_dir.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_predict.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_close.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_dumpmode.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_aux.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_error.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_lzw.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_zip.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_read.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_packbits.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_swab.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_dirwrite.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_open.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_warning.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_tile.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_strip.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_next.sbr \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_write.sbr \

	$(OBJDIR)\tif_jpeg.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_dirinfo.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_win32.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_flush.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_thunder.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_compress.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_print.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_dirread.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_getimage.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_fax3.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_version.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_codec.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_dir.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_predict.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_close.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_dumpmode.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_aux.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_error.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_lzw.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_zip.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_read.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_packbits.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_swab.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_dirwrite.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_open.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_warning.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_tile.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_strip.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_next.obj \
	$(OBJDIR)\tif_write.obj \

# nmake rule

.SUFFIXES:	.c .obj

	$(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $< -Fo$@

ALL : $(OUTDIR)/libtiff.lib $(OUTDIR)/libtiff.bsc

clean : 
	-del tiff.h
	-del tif_fax3.h
	-del t4.h
	-del tiffcomp.h
	-del tiffconf.h
	-del tiffio.h
	-del ..\..\libtiff\libtiff.lib
	-del *.pdb
	-del $(OBJDIR)\*.obj
	-del $(OBJDIR)\*.sbr
	-del $(OUTDIR)\libtiff.lib
	-del $(OUTDIR)\libtiff.bsc
	-del $(OUTDIR)\libtiff.pch
	-rmdir $(OUTDIR)

tiff.h :
	if not exist ./tiff.h copy ..\..\libtiff\tiff.h .
tif_fax3.h :
	if not exist ./tif_fax3.h copy ..\..\libtiff\tif_fax3.h .

        if not exist $(OUTDIR)/nul mkdir $(OUTDIR)

$(OUTDIR)/libtiff.bsc : $(OUTDIR)  $(BSC32_SBRS)
	$(BSC32) @<< 
	$(BSC32_FLAGS) $(BSC32_SBRS) 

$(OUTDIR)/libtiff.lib : $(OUTDIR)  $(DEF_FILE) $(LIB32_OBJS)
	$(LIB32) @<< 
	copy $(OUTDIR)\libtiff.lib ..\..\libtiff\libtiff.lib

	..\..\libtiff\tiff.h     \
$(OBJDIR)/fax3sm.obj :  $(DEP_FAX3S) $(OBJDIR)
	$(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) .\fax3sm.c -Fo$@