view lisp/easymenu.el @ 291:7aa74ac42bd2

Added tag r21-0b43 for changeset c9fe270a4101
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:36:50 +0200
parents 41ff10fd062f
children 19dcec799385
line wrap: on
line source

;;; easymenu.el - Easy menu support for Emacs 19 and XEmacs.

;; Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <>
;; Maintainer: XEmacs Development Team
;; Keywords: internal, extensions, dumped

;; This file is part of XEmacs.

;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with XEmacs; if not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
;; 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Synched up with: Not synched with FSF.

;; Commentary:

;; This file is dumped with XEmacs.

;; Easymenu allows you to define menus for both Emacs 19 and XEmacs.

;; This file 
;; The advantages of using easymenu are:

;; - Easier to use than either the Emacs 19 and XEmacs menu syntax.

;; - Common interface for Emacs 18, Emacs 19, and XEmacs.  
;;   (The code does nothing when run under Emacs 18).

;; The public functions are:

;; - Function: easy-menu-define SYMBOL MAPS DOC MENU
;;     SYMBOL is both the name of the variable that holds the menu and
;;            the name of a function that will present a the menu.
;;     MAPS is a list of keymaps where the menu should appear in the menubar.
;;     DOC is the documentation string for the variable.
;;     MENU is an XEmacs style menu description.  

;;     See the documentation for easy-menu-define for details.

;; - Function: easy-menu-change PATH NAME ITEMS
;;     Change an existing menu.
;;     The menu must already exist and be visible on the menu bar.
;;     PATH is a list of strings used for locating the menu on the menu bar. 
;;     NAME is the name of the menu.  
;;     ITEMS is a list of menu items, as defined in `easy-menu-define'.

;; - Function: easy-menu-add MENU [ MAP ]
;;     Add MENU to the current menubar in MAP.

;; - Function: easy-menu-remove MENU
;;     Remove MENU from the current menubar.

;; Emacs 19 never uses `easy-menu-add' or `easy-menu-remove', menus
;; automatically appear and disappear when the keymaps specified by
;; the MAPS argument to `easy-menu-define' are activated.

;; XEmacs will bind the map to button3 in each MAPS, but you must
;; explicitly call `easy-menu-add' and `easy-menu-remove' to add and
;; remove menus from the menu bar.

;;; Code:

;; ;;;###autoload
(defmacro easy-menu-define (symbol maps doc menu)
  "Define a menu bar submenu in maps MAPS, according to MENU.
The arguments SYMBOL and DOC are ignored; they are present for
compatibility only.  SYMBOL is not evaluated.  In other Emacs versions
these arguments may be used as a variable to hold the menu data, and a
doc string for that variable.

The first element of MENU must be a string.  It is the menu bar item name.
The rest of the elements are menu items.

A menu item is usually a vector of three elements:  [NAME CALLBACK ENABLE]

NAME is a string--the menu item name.

CALLBACK is a command to run when the item is chosen,
or a list to evaluate when the item is chosen.

ENABLE is an expression; the item is enabled for selection
whenever this expression's value is non-nil.

Alternatively, a menu item may have the form: 


Where KEYWORD is one of the symbol defined below.

   :keys KEYS

KEYS is a string; a complex keyboard equivalent to this menu item.

   :active ENABLE

ENABLE is an expression; the item is enabled for selection
whenever this expression's value is non-nil.

   :suffix NAME

NAME is a string; the name of an argument to CALLBACK.

   :style STYLE
STYLE is a symbol describing the type of menu item.  The following are

toggle: A checkbox.  
        Currently just prepend the name with the string \"Toggle \".
radio: A radio button. 
nil: An ordinary menu item.

   :selected SELECTED

SELECTED is an expression; the checkbox or radio button is selected
whenever this expression's value is non-nil.
Currently just disable radio buttons, no effect on checkboxes.

A menu item can be a string.  Then that string appears in the menu as
unselectable text.  A string consisting solely of hyphens is displayed
as a solid horizontal line.

A menu item can be a list.  It is treated as a submenu.
The first element should be the submenu name.  That's used as the
menu item in the top-level menu.  The cdr of the submenu list
is a list of menu items, as above."
  (` (progn
       (defvar (, symbol) nil (, doc))
       (easy-menu-do-define (quote (, symbol)) (, maps) (, doc) (, menu)))))

(defun easy-menu-do-define (symbol maps doc menu)
  (if (featurep 'menubar)
	(set symbol menu)
	(fset symbol (list 'lambda '(e)
			   '(interactive "@e")
			   '(run-hooks 'activate-menubar-hook)
			   '(setq zmacs-region-stays 't)
			   (list 'popup-menu symbol))))))

(defun easy-menu-change (&rest args)
  (when (featurep 'menubar)
    (apply 'add-menu args)))

;; This variable hold the easy-menu mode menus of all major and
;; minor modes currently in effect in the current buffer.
(defvar easy-menu-all-popups nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'easy-menu-all-popups)

(defun easy-menu-add (menu &optional map)
  "Add MENU to the current menu bar."
  (if (featurep 'menubar)
	(unless (member menu easy-menu-all-popups)
	  (push menu easy-menu-all-popups))
	(setq mode-popup-menu (if (> (length easy-menu-all-popups) 1)
				  (cons (easy-menu-title)
					(reverse easy-menu-all-popups))
				(car easy-menu-all-popups)))

	(cond ((null current-menubar)
	       ;; Don't add it to a non-existing menubar.
	      ((assoc (car menu) current-menubar)
	       ;; Already present.
	      ((equal current-menubar '(nil))
	       ;; Set at left if only contains right marker.
	       (set-buffer-menubar (list menu nil)))
	       ;; Add at right.
	       (set-buffer-menubar (copy-sequence current-menubar))
	       (add-menu nil (car menu) (cdr menu)))))))

(defun easy-menu-remove (menu)
  "Remove MENU from the current menu bar."
  (if (featurep 'menubar)
	(setq easy-menu-all-popups (delq menu easy-menu-all-popups)
	      mode-popup-menu (if (< (length easy-menu-all-popups) 1)
				  (cons (easy-menu-title)
					(reverse easy-menu-all-popups))
				(car easy-menu-all-popups)))

	(and current-menubar
	     (assoc (car menu) current-menubar)
	     (delete-menu-item (list (car menu)))))))

;; Think up a good title for the menu.  Take the major-mode of the
;; buffer, strip the -mode part, convert hyphens to spaces, and
;; capitalize it.
;; If you can think of something smarter, feel free to replace it.
;; Don't forget to mail the change to where everyone
;; can flame, er, praise your changes.
(defun easy-menu-title ()
  (capitalize (replace-in-string (replace-in-string
				  (symbol-name major-mode) "-mode$" "")
				 "-" " ")))

(provide 'easymenu)

;;; easymenu.el ends here