view src/objects-msw.c @ 847:74899b430f18

[xemacs-hg @ 2002-05-17 03:46:55 by stephent] complete the patch
author stephent
date Fri, 17 May 2002 03:46:55 +0000
parents 6728e641994e
children e7ee5f8bde58
line wrap: on
line source

/* mswindows-specific Lisp objects.
   Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   Copyright (C) 1995 Board of Trustees, University of Illinois.
   Copyright (C) 1995 Tinker Systems.
   Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 Ben Wing.
   Copyright (C) 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
   Copyright (C) 1997 Jonathan Harris.

This file is part of XEmacs.

XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.

XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

/* Synched up with: Not in FSF. */

/* Authorship:

   Jamie Zawinski, Chuck Thompson, Ben Wing
   Rewritten for mswindows by Jonathan Harris, November 1997 for 21.0.

/* This function Mule-ized by Ben Wing, 3-24-02. */

/* TODO: palette handling */

#include <config.h>
#include "lisp.h"

#include "console-msw.h"
#include "objects-msw.h"

#include "buffer.h"
#include "charset.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "elhash.h"
#include "insdel.h"
#include "opaque.h"

typedef struct colormap_t
  const Char_ASCII *name;
  COLORREF colorref;
} colormap_t;

/* Colors from X11R6 "XConsortium: rgb.txt,v 10.41 94/02/20 18:39:36 rws Exp" */
/* MSWindows tends to round up the numbers in its palette, ie where X uses
 * 127, MSWindows uses 128. Colors commented as "Adjusted" are tweaked to
 * match the Windows standard palette to increase the likelihood of
 * mswindows_color_to_string() finding a named match.
static const colormap_t mswindows_X_color_map[] =
  {"white"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 255) },
  {"black"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 0) },
  {"snow"		, PALETTERGB (255, 250, 250) },
  {"GhostWhite"		, PALETTERGB (248, 248, 255) },
  {"WhiteSmoke"		, PALETTERGB (245, 245, 245) },
  {"gainsboro"		, PALETTERGB (220, 220, 220) },
  {"FloralWhite"	, PALETTERGB (255, 250, 240) },
  {"OldLace"		, PALETTERGB (253, 245, 230) },
  {"linen"		, PALETTERGB (250, 240, 230) },
  {"AntiqueWhite"	, PALETTERGB (250, 235, 215) },
  {"PapayaWhip"		, PALETTERGB (255, 239, 213) },
  {"BlanchedAlmond"	, PALETTERGB (255, 235, 205) },
  {"bisque"		, PALETTERGB (255, 228, 196) },
  {"PeachPuff"		, PALETTERGB (255, 218, 185) },
  {"NavajoWhite"	, PALETTERGB (255, 222, 173) },
  {"moccasin"		, PALETTERGB (255, 228, 181) },
  {"cornsilk"		, PALETTERGB (255, 248, 220) },
  {"ivory"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 240) },
  {"LemonChiffon"	, PALETTERGB (255, 250, 205) },
  {"seashell"		, PALETTERGB (255, 245, 238) },
  {"honeydew"		, PALETTERGB (240, 255, 240) },
  {"MintCream"		, PALETTERGB (245, 255, 250) },
  {"azure"		, PALETTERGB (240, 255, 255) },
  {"AliceBlue"		, PALETTERGB (240, 248, 255) },
  {"lavender"		, PALETTERGB (230, 230, 250) },
  {"LavenderBlush"	, PALETTERGB (255, 240, 245) },
  {"MistyRose"		, PALETTERGB (255, 228, 225) },
  {"DarkSlateGray"	, PALETTERGB (47, 79, 79) },
  {"DarkSlateGrey"	, PALETTERGB (47, 79, 79) },
  {"DimGray"		, PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
  {"DimGrey"		, PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
  {"SlateGray"		, PALETTERGB (112, 128, 144) },
  {"SlateGrey"		, PALETTERGB (112, 128, 144) },
  {"LightSlateGray"	, PALETTERGB (119, 136, 153) },
  {"LightSlateGrey"	, PALETTERGB (119, 136, 153) },
  {"gray"		, PALETTERGB (190, 190, 190) },
  {"grey"		, PALETTERGB (190, 190, 190) },
  {"LightGrey"		, PALETTERGB (211, 211, 211) },
  {"LightGray"		, PALETTERGB (211, 211, 211) },
  {"MidnightBlue"	, PALETTERGB (25, 25, 112) },
  {"navy"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 128) },
  {"NavyBlue"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 128) },
  {"CornflowerBlue"	, PALETTERGB (100, 149, 237) },
  {"DarkSlateBlue"	, PALETTERGB (72, 61, 139) },
  {"SlateBlue"		, PALETTERGB (106, 90, 205) },
  {"MediumSlateBlue"	, PALETTERGB (123, 104, 238) },
  {"LightSlateBlue"	, PALETTERGB (132, 112, 255) },
  {"MediumBlue"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 205) },
  {"RoyalBlue"		, PALETTERGB (65, 105, 225) },
  {"blue"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 255) },
  {"DodgerBlue"		, PALETTERGB (30, 144, 255) },
  {"DeepSkyBlue"	, PALETTERGB (0, 191, 255) },
  {"SkyBlue"		, PALETTERGB (135, 206, 235) },
  {"LightSkyBlue"	, PALETTERGB (135, 206, 250) },
  {"SteelBlue"		, PALETTERGB (70, 130, 180) },
  {"LightSteelBlue"	, PALETTERGB (176, 196, 222) },
  {"LightBlue"		, PALETTERGB (173, 216, 230) },
  {"PowderBlue"		, PALETTERGB (176, 224, 230) },
  {"PaleTurquoise"	, PALETTERGB (175, 238, 238) },
  {"DarkTurquoise"	, PALETTERGB (0, 206, 209) },
  {"MediumTurquoise"	, PALETTERGB (72, 209, 204) },
  {"turquoise"		, PALETTERGB (64, 224, 208) },
  {"cyan"		, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 255) },
  {"LightCyan"		, PALETTERGB (224, 255, 255) },
  {"CadetBlue"		, PALETTERGB (95, 158, 160) },
  {"MediumAquamarine"	, PALETTERGB (102, 205, 170) },
  {"aquamarine"		, PALETTERGB (127, 255, 212) },
  {"DarkGreen"		, PALETTERGB (0, 128, 0) },	/* Adjusted */
  {"DarkOliveGreen"	, PALETTERGB (85, 107, 47) },
  {"DarkSeaGreen"	, PALETTERGB (143, 188, 143) },
  {"SeaGreen"		, PALETTERGB (46, 139, 87) },
  {"MediumSeaGreen"	, PALETTERGB (60, 179, 113) },
  {"LightSeaGreen"	, PALETTERGB (32, 178, 170) },
  {"PaleGreen"		, PALETTERGB (152, 251, 152) },
  {"SpringGreen"	, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 127) },
  {"LawnGreen"		, PALETTERGB (124, 252, 0) },
  {"green"		, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 0) },
  {"chartreuse"		, PALETTERGB (127, 255, 0) },
  {"MediumSpringGreen"	, PALETTERGB (0, 250, 154) },
  {"GreenYellow"	, PALETTERGB (173, 255, 47) },
  {"LimeGreen"		, PALETTERGB (50, 205, 50) },
  {"YellowGreen"	, PALETTERGB (154, 205, 50) },
  {"ForestGreen"	, PALETTERGB (34, 139, 34) },
  {"OliveDrab"		, PALETTERGB (107, 142, 35) },
  {"DarkKhaki"		, PALETTERGB (189, 183, 107) },
  {"khaki"		, PALETTERGB (240, 230, 140) },
  {"PaleGoldenrod"	, PALETTERGB (238, 232, 170) },
  {"LightGoldenrodYellow", PALETTERGB (250, 250, 210) },
  {"LightYellow"	, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 224) },
  {"LightYellow"	, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 225) },	/* Adjusted */
  {"yellow"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 0) },
  {"gold"		, PALETTERGB (255, 215, 0) },
  {"LightGoldenrod"	, PALETTERGB (238, 221, 130) },
  {"goldenrod"		, PALETTERGB (218, 165, 32) },
  {"DarkGoldenrod"	, PALETTERGB (184, 134, 11) },
  {"RosyBrown"		, PALETTERGB (188, 143, 143) },
  {"IndianRed"		, PALETTERGB (205, 92, 92) },
  {"SaddleBrown"	, PALETTERGB (139, 69, 19) },
  {"sienna"		, PALETTERGB (160, 82, 45) },
  {"peru"		, PALETTERGB (205, 133, 63) },
  {"burlywood"		, PALETTERGB (222, 184, 135) },
  {"beige"		, PALETTERGB (245, 245, 220) },
  {"wheat"		, PALETTERGB (245, 222, 179) },
  {"SandyBrown"		, PALETTERGB (244, 164, 96) },
  {"tan"		, PALETTERGB (210, 180, 140) },
  {"chocolate"		, PALETTERGB (210, 105, 30) },
  {"firebrick"		, PALETTERGB (178, 34, 34) },
  {"brown"		, PALETTERGB (165, 42, 42) },
  {"DarkSalmon"		, PALETTERGB (233, 150, 122) },
  {"salmon"		, PALETTERGB (250, 128, 114) },
  {"LightSalmon"	, PALETTERGB (255, 160, 122) },
  {"orange"		, PALETTERGB (255, 165, 0) },
  {"DarkOrange"		, PALETTERGB (255, 140, 0) },
  {"coral"		, PALETTERGB (255, 127, 80) },
  {"LightCoral"		, PALETTERGB (240, 128, 128) },
  {"tomato"		, PALETTERGB (255, 99, 71) },
  {"OrangeRed"		, PALETTERGB (255, 69, 0) },
  {"red"		, PALETTERGB (255, 0, 0) },
  {"HotPink"		, PALETTERGB (255, 105, 180) },
  {"DeepPink"		, PALETTERGB (255, 20, 147) },
  {"pink"		, PALETTERGB (255, 192, 203) },
  {"LightPink"		, PALETTERGB (255, 182, 193) },
  {"PaleVioletRed"	, PALETTERGB (219, 112, 147) },
  {"maroon"		, PALETTERGB (176, 48, 96) },
  {"MediumVioletRed"	, PALETTERGB (199, 21, 133) },
  {"VioletRed"		, PALETTERGB (208, 32, 144) },
  {"magenta"		, PALETTERGB (255, 0, 255) },
  {"violet"		, PALETTERGB (238, 130, 238) },
  {"plum"		, PALETTERGB (221, 160, 221) },
  {"orchid"		, PALETTERGB (218, 112, 214) },
  {"MediumOrchid"	, PALETTERGB (186, 85, 211) },
  {"DarkOrchid"		, PALETTERGB (153, 50, 204) },
  {"DarkViolet"		, PALETTERGB (148, 0, 211) },
  {"BlueViolet"		, PALETTERGB (138, 43, 226) },
  {"purple"		, PALETTERGB (160, 32, 240) },
  {"MediumPurple"	, PALETTERGB (147, 112, 219) },
  {"thistle"		, PALETTERGB (216, 191, 216) },
  {"snow1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 250, 250) },
  {"snow2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 233, 233) },
  {"snow3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 201, 201) },
  {"snow4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 137, 137) },
  {"seashell1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 245, 238) },
  {"seashell2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 229, 222) },
  {"seashell3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 197, 191) },
  {"seashell4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 134, 130) },
  {"AntiqueWhite1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 239, 219) },
  {"AntiqueWhite2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 223, 204) },
  {"AntiqueWhite3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 192, 176) },
  {"AntiqueWhite4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 131, 120) },
  {"bisque1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 228, 196) },
  {"bisque2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 213, 183) },
  {"bisque3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 183, 158) },
  {"bisque4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 125, 107) },
  {"PeachPuff1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 218, 185) },
  {"PeachPuff2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 203, 173) },
  {"PeachPuff3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 175, 149) },
  {"PeachPuff4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 119, 101) },
  {"NavajoWhite1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 222, 173) },
  {"NavajoWhite2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 207, 161) },
  {"NavajoWhite3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 179, 139) },
  {"NavajoWhite4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 121, 94) },
  {"LemonChiffon1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 250, 205) },
  {"LemonChiffon2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 233, 191) },
  {"LemonChiffon3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 201, 165) },
  {"LemonChiffon4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 137, 112) },
  {"cornsilk1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 248, 220) },
  {"cornsilk2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 232, 205) },
  {"cornsilk3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 200, 177) },
  {"cornsilk4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 136, 120) },
  {"ivory1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 240) },
  {"ivory2"		, PALETTERGB (240, 240, 208) },	/* Adjusted */
  {"ivory3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 205, 193) },
  {"ivory4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 139, 131) },
  {"honeydew1"		, PALETTERGB (240, 255, 240) },
  {"honeydew2"		, PALETTERGB (224, 238, 224) },
  {"honeydew3"		, PALETTERGB (193, 205, 193) },
  {"honeydew4"		, PALETTERGB (131, 139, 131) },
  {"LavenderBlush1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 240, 245) },
  {"LavenderBlush2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 224, 229) },
  {"LavenderBlush3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 193, 197) },
  {"LavenderBlush4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 131, 134) },
  {"MistyRose1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 228, 225) },
  {"MistyRose2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 213, 210) },
  {"MistyRose3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 183, 181) },
  {"MistyRose4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 125, 123) },
  {"azure1"		, PALETTERGB (240, 255, 255) },
  {"azure2"		, PALETTERGB (224, 238, 238) },
  {"azure3"		, PALETTERGB (193, 205, 205) },
  {"azure4"		, PALETTERGB (131, 139, 139) },
  {"SlateBlue1"		, PALETTERGB (131, 111, 255) },
  {"SlateBlue2"		, PALETTERGB (122, 103, 238) },
  {"SlateBlue3"		, PALETTERGB (105, 89, 205) },
  {"SlateBlue4"		, PALETTERGB (71, 60, 139) },
  {"RoyalBlue1"		, PALETTERGB (72, 118, 255) },
  {"RoyalBlue2"		, PALETTERGB (67, 110, 238) },
  {"RoyalBlue3"		, PALETTERGB (58, 95, 205) },
  {"RoyalBlue4"		, PALETTERGB (39, 64, 139) },
  {"blue1"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 255) },
  {"blue2"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 238) },
  {"blue3"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 205) },
  {"blue4"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 139) },
  {"DodgerBlue1"	, PALETTERGB (30, 144, 255) },
  {"DodgerBlue2"	, PALETTERGB (28, 134, 238) },
  {"DodgerBlue3"	, PALETTERGB (24, 116, 205) },
  {"DodgerBlue4"	, PALETTERGB (16, 78, 139) },
  {"SteelBlue1"		, PALETTERGB (99, 184, 255) },
  {"SteelBlue2"		, PALETTERGB (92, 172, 238) },
  {"SteelBlue3"		, PALETTERGB (79, 148, 205) },
  {"SteelBlue4"		, PALETTERGB (54, 100, 139) },
  {"DeepSkyBlue1"	, PALETTERGB (0, 191, 255) },
  {"DeepSkyBlue2"	, PALETTERGB (0, 178, 238) },
  {"DeepSkyBlue3"	, PALETTERGB (0, 154, 205) },
  {"DeepSkyBlue4"	, PALETTERGB (0, 104, 139) },
  {"SkyBlue1"		, PALETTERGB (135, 206, 255) },
  {"SkyBlue2"		, PALETTERGB (126, 192, 238) },
  {"SkyBlue3"		, PALETTERGB (108, 166, 205) },
  {"SkyBlue4"		, PALETTERGB (74, 112, 139) },
  {"LightSkyBlue1"	, PALETTERGB (176, 226, 255) },
  {"LightSkyBlue2"	, PALETTERGB (164, 211, 238) },
  {"LightSkyBlue3"	, PALETTERGB (141, 182, 205) },
  {"LightSkyBlue4"	, PALETTERGB (96, 123, 139) },
  {"SlateGray1"		, PALETTERGB (198, 226, 255) },
  {"SlateGray2"		, PALETTERGB (185, 211, 238) },
  {"SlateGray3"		, PALETTERGB (159, 182, 205) },
  {"SlateGray4"		, PALETTERGB (108, 123, 139) },
  {"LightSteelBlue1"	, PALETTERGB (202, 225, 255) },
  {"LightSteelBlue2"	, PALETTERGB (188, 210, 238) },
  {"LightSteelBlue3"	, PALETTERGB (162, 181, 205) },
  {"LightSteelBlue4"	, PALETTERGB (110, 123, 139) },
  {"LightBlue1"		, PALETTERGB (191, 239, 255) },
  {"LightBlue2"		, PALETTERGB (178, 223, 238) },
  {"LightBlue3"		, PALETTERGB (154, 192, 205) },
  {"LightBlue4"		, PALETTERGB (104, 131, 139) },
  {"LightCyan1"		, PALETTERGB (224, 255, 255) },
  {"LightCyan2"		, PALETTERGB (209, 238, 238) },
  {"LightCyan3"		, PALETTERGB (180, 205, 205) },
  {"LightCyan4"		, PALETTERGB (122, 139, 139) },
  {"PaleTurquoise1"	, PALETTERGB (187, 255, 255) },
  {"PaleTurquoise2"	, PALETTERGB (174, 238, 238) },
  {"PaleTurquoise3"	, PALETTERGB (150, 205, 205) },
  {"PaleTurquoise4"	, PALETTERGB (102, 139, 139) },
  {"CadetBlue1"		, PALETTERGB (152, 245, 255) },
  {"CadetBlue2"		, PALETTERGB (144, 220, 240) },	/* Adjusted */
  {"CadetBlue3"		, PALETTERGB (122, 197, 205) },
  {"CadetBlue4"		, PALETTERGB (83, 134, 139) },
  {"turquoise1"		, PALETTERGB (0, 245, 255) },
  {"turquoise2"		, PALETTERGB (0, 229, 238) },
  {"turquoise3"		, PALETTERGB (0, 197, 205) },
  {"turquoise4"		, PALETTERGB (0, 134, 139) },
  {"cyan1"		, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 255) },
  {"cyan2"		, PALETTERGB (0, 238, 238) },
  {"cyan3"		, PALETTERGB (0, 205, 205) },
  {"cyan4"		, PALETTERGB (0, 139, 139) },
  {"DarkSlateGray1"	, PALETTERGB (151, 255, 255) },
  {"DarkSlateGray2"	, PALETTERGB (141, 238, 238) },
  {"DarkSlateGray3"	, PALETTERGB (121, 205, 205) },
  {"DarkSlateGray4"	, PALETTERGB (82, 139, 139) },
  {"aquamarine1"	, PALETTERGB (127, 255, 212) },
  {"aquamarine2"	, PALETTERGB (118, 238, 198) },
  {"aquamarine3"	, PALETTERGB (102, 205, 170) },
  {"aquamarine4"	, PALETTERGB (69, 139, 116) },
  {"DarkSeaGreen1"	, PALETTERGB (193, 255, 193) },
  {"DarkSeaGreen2"	, PALETTERGB (180, 238, 180) },
  {"DarkSeaGreen3"	, PALETTERGB (155, 205, 155) },
  {"DarkSeaGreen4"	, PALETTERGB (105, 139, 105) },
  {"SeaGreen1"		, PALETTERGB (84, 255, 159) },
  {"SeaGreen2"		, PALETTERGB (78, 238, 148) },
  {"SeaGreen3"		, PALETTERGB (67, 205, 128) },
  {"SeaGreen4"		, PALETTERGB (46, 139, 87) },
  {"PaleGreen1"		, PALETTERGB (154, 255, 154) },
  {"PaleGreen2"		, PALETTERGB (144, 238, 144) },
  {"PaleGreen3"		, PALETTERGB (124, 205, 124) },
  {"PaleGreen4"		, PALETTERGB (84, 139, 84) },
  {"SpringGreen1"	, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 127) },
  {"SpringGreen2"	, PALETTERGB (0, 238, 118) },
  {"SpringGreen3"	, PALETTERGB (0, 205, 102) },
  {"SpringGreen4"	, PALETTERGB (0, 139, 69) },
  {"green1"		, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 0) },
  {"green2"		, PALETTERGB (0, 238, 0) },
  {"green3"		, PALETTERGB (0, 205, 0) },
  {"green4"		, PALETTERGB (0, 139, 0) },
  {"chartreuse1"	, PALETTERGB (127, 255, 0) },
  {"chartreuse2"	, PALETTERGB (118, 238, 0) },
  {"chartreuse3"	, PALETTERGB (102, 205, 0) },
  {"chartreuse4"	, PALETTERGB (69, 139, 0) },
  {"OliveDrab1"		, PALETTERGB (192, 255, 62) },
  {"OliveDrab2"		, PALETTERGB (179, 238, 58) },
  {"OliveDrab3"		, PALETTERGB (154, 205, 50) },
  {"OliveDrab4"		, PALETTERGB (105, 139, 34) },
  {"DarkOliveGreen1"	, PALETTERGB (202, 255, 112) },
  {"DarkOliveGreen2"	, PALETTERGB (188, 238, 104) },
  {"DarkOliveGreen3"	, PALETTERGB (162, 205, 90) },
  {"DarkOliveGreen4"	, PALETTERGB (110, 139, 61) },
  {"khaki1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 246, 143) },
  {"khaki2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 230, 133) },
  {"khaki3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 198, 115) },
  {"khaki4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 134, 78) },
  {"LightGoldenrod1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 236, 139) },
  {"LightGoldenrod2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 220, 130) },
  {"LightGoldenrod3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 190, 112) },
  {"LightGoldenrod4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 129, 76) },
  {"LightYellow1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 224) },
  {"LightYellow2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 238, 209) },
  {"LightYellow3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 205, 180) },
  {"LightYellow4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 139, 122) },
  {"yellow1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 0) },
  {"yellow2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 238, 0) },
  {"yellow3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 205, 0) },
  {"yellow4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 139, 0) },
  {"gold1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 215, 0) },
  {"gold2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 201, 0) },
  {"gold3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 173, 0) },
  {"gold4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 117, 0) },
  {"goldenrod1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 193, 37) },
  {"goldenrod2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 180, 34) },
  {"goldenrod3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 155, 29) },
  {"goldenrod4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 105, 20) },
  {"DarkGoldenrod1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 185, 15) },
  {"DarkGoldenrod2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 173, 14) },
  {"DarkGoldenrod3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 149, 12) },
  {"DarkGoldenrod4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 101, 8) },
  {"RosyBrown1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 193, 193) },
  {"RosyBrown2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 180, 180) },
  {"RosyBrown3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 155, 155) },
  {"RosyBrown4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 105, 105) },
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  {"IndianRed2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 99, 99) },
  {"IndianRed3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 85, 85) },
  {"IndianRed4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 58, 58) },
  {"sienna1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 130, 71) },
  {"sienna2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 121, 66) },
  {"sienna3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 104, 57) },
  {"sienna4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 71, 38) },
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  {"burlywood2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 197, 145) },
  {"burlywood3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 170, 125) },
  {"burlywood4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 115, 85) },
  {"wheat1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 231, 186) },
  {"wheat2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 216, 174) },
  {"wheat3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 186, 150) },
  {"wheat4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 126, 102) },
  {"tan1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 165, 79) },
  {"tan2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 154, 73) },
  {"tan3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 133, 63) },
  {"tan4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 90, 43) },
  {"chocolate1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 127, 36) },
  {"chocolate2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 118, 33) },
  {"chocolate3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 102, 29) },
  {"chocolate4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 69, 19) },
  {"firebrick1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 48, 48) },
  {"firebrick2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 44, 44) },
  {"firebrick3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 38, 38) },
  {"firebrick4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 26, 26) },
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  {"brown2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 59, 59) },
  {"brown3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 51, 51) },
  {"brown4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 35, 35) },
  {"salmon1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 140, 105) },
  {"salmon2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 130, 98) },
  {"salmon3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 112, 84) },
  {"salmon4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 76, 57) },
  {"LightSalmon1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 160, 122) },
  {"LightSalmon2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 149, 114) },
  {"LightSalmon3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 129, 98) },
  {"LightSalmon4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 87, 66) },
  {"orange1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 165, 0) },
  {"orange2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 154, 0) },
  {"orange3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 133, 0) },
  {"orange4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 90, 0) },
  {"DarkOrange1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 127, 0) },
  {"DarkOrange2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 118, 0) },
  {"DarkOrange3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 102, 0) },
  {"DarkOrange4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 69, 0) },
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  {"coral2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 106, 80) },
  {"coral3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 91, 69) },
  {"coral4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 62, 47) },
  {"tomato1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 99, 71) },
  {"tomato2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 92, 66) },
  {"tomato3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 79, 57) },
  {"tomato4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 54, 38) },
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  {"OrangeRed2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 64, 0) },
  {"OrangeRed3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 55, 0) },
  {"OrangeRed4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 37, 0) },
  {"red1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 0, 0) },
  {"red2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 0, 0) },
  {"red3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 0, 0) },
  {"red4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 0, 0) },
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  {"DeepPink2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 18, 137) },
  {"DeepPink3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 16, 118) },
  {"DeepPink4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 10, 80) },
  {"HotPink1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 110, 180) },
  {"HotPink2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 106, 167) },
  {"HotPink3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 96, 144) },
  {"HotPink4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 58, 98) },
  {"pink1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 181, 197) },
  {"pink2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 169, 184) },
  {"pink3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 145, 158) },
  {"pink4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 99, 108) },
  {"LightPink1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 174, 185) },
  {"LightPink2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 162, 173) },
  {"LightPink3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 140, 149) },
  {"LightPink4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 95, 101) },
  {"PaleVioletRed1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 130, 171) },
  {"PaleVioletRed2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 121, 159) },
  {"PaleVioletRed3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 104, 137) },
  {"PaleVioletRed4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 71, 93) },
  {"maroon1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 52, 179) },
  {"maroon2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 48, 167) },
  {"maroon3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 41, 144) },
  {"maroon4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 28, 98) },
  {"VioletRed1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 62, 150) },
  {"VioletRed2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 58, 140) },
  {"VioletRed3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 50, 120) },
  {"VioletRed4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 34, 82) },
  {"magenta1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 0, 255) },
  {"magenta2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 0, 238) },
  {"magenta3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 0, 205) },
  {"magenta4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 0, 139) },
  {"orchid1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 131, 250) },
  {"orchid2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 122, 233) },
  {"orchid3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 105, 201) },
  {"orchid4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 71, 137) },
  {"plum1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 187, 255) },
  {"plum2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 174, 238) },
  {"plum3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 150, 205) },
  {"plum4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 102, 139) },
  {"MediumOrchid1"	, PALETTERGB (224, 102, 255) },
  {"MediumOrchid2"	, PALETTERGB (209, 95, 238) },
  {"MediumOrchid3"	, PALETTERGB (180, 82, 205) },
  {"MediumOrchid4"	, PALETTERGB (122, 55, 139) },
  {"DarkOrchid1"	, PALETTERGB (191, 62, 255) },
  {"DarkOrchid2"	, PALETTERGB (178, 58, 238) },
  {"DarkOrchid3"	, PALETTERGB (154, 50, 205) },
  {"DarkOrchid4"	, PALETTERGB (104, 34, 139) },
  {"purple1"		, PALETTERGB (155, 48, 255) },
  {"purple2"		, PALETTERGB (145, 44, 238) },
  {"purple3"		, PALETTERGB (125, 38, 205) },
  {"purple4"		, PALETTERGB (85, 26, 139) },
  {"MediumPurple1"	, PALETTERGB (171, 130, 255) },
  {"MediumPurple2"	, PALETTERGB (159, 121, 238) },
  {"MediumPurple3"	, PALETTERGB (137, 104, 205) },
  {"MediumPurple4"	, PALETTERGB (93, 71, 139) },
  {"thistle1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 225, 255) },
  {"thistle2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 210, 238) },
  {"thistle3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 181, 205) },
  {"thistle4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 123, 139) },
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  {"grey0"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 0) },
  {"gray1"		, PALETTERGB (3, 3, 3) },
  {"grey1"		, PALETTERGB (3, 3, 3) },
  {"gray2"		, PALETTERGB (5, 5, 5) },
  {"grey2"		, PALETTERGB (5, 5, 5) },
  {"gray3"		, PALETTERGB (8, 8, 8) },
  {"grey3"		, PALETTERGB (8, 8, 8) },
  {"gray4"		, PALETTERGB (10, 10, 10) },
  {"grey4"		, PALETTERGB (10, 10, 10) },
  {"gray5"		, PALETTERGB (13, 13, 13) },
  {"grey5"		, PALETTERGB (13, 13, 13) },
  {"gray6"		, PALETTERGB (15, 15, 15) },
  {"grey6"		, PALETTERGB (15, 15, 15) },
  {"gray7"		, PALETTERGB (18, 18, 18) },
  {"grey7"		, PALETTERGB (18, 18, 18) },
  {"gray8"		, PALETTERGB (20, 20, 20) },
  {"grey8"		, PALETTERGB (20, 20, 20) },
  {"gray9"		, PALETTERGB (23, 23, 23) },
  {"grey9"		, PALETTERGB (23, 23, 23) },
  {"gray10"		, PALETTERGB (26, 26, 26) },
  {"grey10"		, PALETTERGB (26, 26, 26) },
  {"gray11"		, PALETTERGB (28, 28, 28) },
  {"grey11"		, PALETTERGB (28, 28, 28) },
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  {"grey12"		, PALETTERGB (31, 31, 31) },
  {"gray13"		, PALETTERGB (33, 33, 33) },
  {"grey13"		, PALETTERGB (33, 33, 33) },
  {"gray14"		, PALETTERGB (36, 36, 36) },
  {"grey14"		, PALETTERGB (36, 36, 36) },
  {"gray15"		, PALETTERGB (38, 38, 38) },
  {"grey15"		, PALETTERGB (38, 38, 38) },
  {"gray16"		, PALETTERGB (41, 41, 41) },
  {"grey16"		, PALETTERGB (41, 41, 41) },
  {"gray17"		, PALETTERGB (43, 43, 43) },
  {"grey17"		, PALETTERGB (43, 43, 43) },
  {"gray18"		, PALETTERGB (46, 46, 46) },
  {"grey18"		, PALETTERGB (46, 46, 46) },
  {"gray19"		, PALETTERGB (48, 48, 48) },
  {"grey19"		, PALETTERGB (48, 48, 48) },
  {"gray20"		, PALETTERGB (51, 51, 51) },
  {"grey20"		, PALETTERGB (51, 51, 51) },
  {"gray21"		, PALETTERGB (54, 54, 54) },
  {"grey21"		, PALETTERGB (54, 54, 54) },
  {"gray22"		, PALETTERGB (56, 56, 56) },
  {"grey22"		, PALETTERGB (56, 56, 56) },
  {"gray23"		, PALETTERGB (59, 59, 59) },
  {"grey23"		, PALETTERGB (59, 59, 59) },
  {"gray24"		, PALETTERGB (61, 61, 61) },
  {"grey24"		, PALETTERGB (61, 61, 61) },
  {"gray25"		, PALETTERGB (64, 64, 64) },
  {"grey25"		, PALETTERGB (64, 64, 64) },
  {"gray26"		, PALETTERGB (66, 66, 66) },
  {"grey26"		, PALETTERGB (66, 66, 66) },
  {"gray27"		, PALETTERGB (69, 69, 69) },
  {"grey27"		, PALETTERGB (69, 69, 69) },
  {"gray28"		, PALETTERGB (71, 71, 71) },
  {"grey28"		, PALETTERGB (71, 71, 71) },
  {"gray29"		, PALETTERGB (74, 74, 74) },
  {"grey29"		, PALETTERGB (74, 74, 74) },
  {"gray30"		, PALETTERGB (77, 77, 77) },
  {"grey30"		, PALETTERGB (77, 77, 77) },
  {"gray31"		, PALETTERGB (79, 79, 79) },
  {"grey31"		, PALETTERGB (79, 79, 79) },
  {"gray32"		, PALETTERGB (82, 82, 82) },
  {"grey32"		, PALETTERGB (82, 82, 82) },
  {"gray33"		, PALETTERGB (84, 84, 84) },
  {"grey33"		, PALETTERGB (84, 84, 84) },
  {"gray34"		, PALETTERGB (87, 87, 87) },
  {"grey34"		, PALETTERGB (87, 87, 87) },
  {"gray35"		, PALETTERGB (89, 89, 89) },
  {"grey35"		, PALETTERGB (89, 89, 89) },
  {"gray36"		, PALETTERGB (92, 92, 92) },
  {"grey36"		, PALETTERGB (92, 92, 92) },
  {"gray37"		, PALETTERGB (94, 94, 94) },
  {"grey37"		, PALETTERGB (94, 94, 94) },
  {"gray38"		, PALETTERGB (97, 97, 97) },
  {"grey38"		, PALETTERGB (97, 97, 97) },
  {"gray39"		, PALETTERGB (99, 99, 99) },
  {"grey39"		, PALETTERGB (99, 99, 99) },
  {"gray40"		, PALETTERGB (102, 102, 102) },
  {"grey40"		, PALETTERGB (102, 102, 102) },
  {"gray41"		, PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
  {"grey41"		, PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
  {"gray42"		, PALETTERGB (107, 107, 107) },
  {"grey42"		, PALETTERGB (107, 107, 107) },
  {"gray43"		, PALETTERGB (110, 110, 110) },
  {"grey43"		, PALETTERGB (110, 110, 110) },
  {"gray44"		, PALETTERGB (112, 112, 112) },
  {"grey44"		, PALETTERGB (112, 112, 112) },
  {"gray45"		, PALETTERGB (115, 115, 115) },
  {"grey45"		, PALETTERGB (115, 115, 115) },
  {"gray46"		, PALETTERGB (117, 117, 117) },
  {"grey46"		, PALETTERGB (117, 117, 117) },
  {"gray47"		, PALETTERGB (120, 120, 120) },
  {"grey47"		, PALETTERGB (120, 120, 120) },
  {"gray48"		, PALETTERGB (122, 122, 122) },
  {"grey48"		, PALETTERGB (122, 122, 122) },
  {"gray49"		, PALETTERGB (125, 125, 125) },
  {"grey49"		, PALETTERGB (125, 125, 125) },
  {"gray50"		, PALETTERGB (128, 128, 128) },	/* Adjusted */
  {"grey50"		, PALETTERGB (128, 128, 128) },	/* Adjusted */
  {"gray51"		, PALETTERGB (130, 130, 130) },
  {"grey51"		, PALETTERGB (130, 130, 130) },
  {"gray52"		, PALETTERGB (133, 133, 133) },
  {"grey52"		, PALETTERGB (133, 133, 133) },
  {"gray53"		, PALETTERGB (135, 135, 135) },
  {"grey53"		, PALETTERGB (135, 135, 135) },
  {"gray54"		, PALETTERGB (138, 138, 138) },
  {"grey54"		, PALETTERGB (138, 138, 138) },
  {"gray55"		, PALETTERGB (140, 140, 140) },
  {"grey55"		, PALETTERGB (140, 140, 140) },
  {"gray56"		, PALETTERGB (143, 143, 143) },
  {"grey56"		, PALETTERGB (143, 143, 143) },
  {"gray57"		, PALETTERGB (145, 145, 145) },
  {"grey57"		, PALETTERGB (145, 145, 145) },
  {"gray58"		, PALETTERGB (148, 148, 148) },
  {"grey58"		, PALETTERGB (148, 148, 148) },
  {"gray59"		, PALETTERGB (150, 150, 150) },
  {"grey59"		, PALETTERGB (150, 150, 150) },
  {"gray60"		, PALETTERGB (153, 153, 153) },
  {"grey60"		, PALETTERGB (153, 153, 153) },
  {"gray61"		, PALETTERGB (156, 156, 156) },
  {"grey61"		, PALETTERGB (156, 156, 156) },
  {"gray62"		, PALETTERGB (158, 158, 158) },
  {"grey62"		, PALETTERGB (158, 158, 158) },
  {"gray63"		, PALETTERGB (161, 161, 161) },
  {"grey63"		, PALETTERGB (161, 161, 161) },
  {"gray64"		, PALETTERGB (163, 163, 163) },
  {"grey64"		, PALETTERGB (163, 163, 163) },
  {"gray65"		, PALETTERGB (166, 166, 166) },
  {"grey65"		, PALETTERGB (166, 166, 166) },
  {"gray66"		, PALETTERGB (168, 168, 168) },
  {"grey66"		, PALETTERGB (168, 168, 168) },
  {"gray67"		, PALETTERGB (171, 171, 171) },
  {"grey67"		, PALETTERGB (171, 171, 171) },
  {"gray68"		, PALETTERGB (173, 173, 173) },
  {"grey68"		, PALETTERGB (173, 173, 173) },
  {"gray69"		, PALETTERGB (176, 176, 176) },
  {"grey69"		, PALETTERGB (176, 176, 176) },
  {"gray70"		, PALETTERGB (179, 179, 179) },
  {"grey70"		, PALETTERGB (179, 179, 179) },
  {"gray71"		, PALETTERGB (181, 181, 181) },
  {"grey71"		, PALETTERGB (181, 181, 181) },
  {"gray72"		, PALETTERGB (184, 184, 184) },
  {"grey72"		, PALETTERGB (184, 184, 184) },
  {"gray73"		, PALETTERGB (186, 186, 186) },
  {"grey73"		, PALETTERGB (186, 186, 186) },
  {"gray74"		, PALETTERGB (189, 189, 189) },
  {"grey74"		, PALETTERGB (189, 189, 189) },
  {"gray75"		, PALETTERGB (192, 192, 192) },	/* Adjusted */
  {"grey75"		, PALETTERGB (192, 192, 192) },	/* Adjusted */
  {"gray76"		, PALETTERGB (194, 194, 194) },
  {"grey76"		, PALETTERGB (194, 194, 194) },
  {"gray77"		, PALETTERGB (196, 196, 196) },
  {"grey77"		, PALETTERGB (196, 196, 196) },
  {"gray78"		, PALETTERGB (199, 199, 199) },
  {"grey78"		, PALETTERGB (199, 199, 199) },
  {"gray79"		, PALETTERGB (201, 201, 201) },
  {"grey79"		, PALETTERGB (201, 201, 201) },
  {"gray80"		, PALETTERGB (204, 204, 204) },
  {"grey80"		, PALETTERGB (204, 204, 204) },
  {"gray81"		, PALETTERGB (207, 207, 207) },
  {"grey81"		, PALETTERGB (207, 207, 207) },
  {"gray82"		, PALETTERGB (209, 209, 209) },
  {"grey82"		, PALETTERGB (209, 209, 209) },
  {"gray83"		, PALETTERGB (212, 212, 212) },
  {"grey83"		, PALETTERGB (212, 212, 212) },
  {"gray84"		, PALETTERGB (214, 214, 214) },
  {"grey84"		, PALETTERGB (214, 214, 214) },
  {"gray85"		, PALETTERGB (217, 217, 217) },
  {"grey85"		, PALETTERGB (217, 217, 217) },
  {"gray86"		, PALETTERGB (219, 219, 219) },
  {"grey86"		, PALETTERGB (219, 219, 219) },
  {"gray87"		, PALETTERGB (222, 222, 222) },
  {"grey87"		, PALETTERGB (222, 222, 222) },
  {"gray88"		, PALETTERGB (224, 224, 224) },
  {"grey88"		, PALETTERGB (224, 224, 224) },
  {"gray89"		, PALETTERGB (227, 227, 227) },
  {"grey89"		, PALETTERGB (227, 227, 227) },
  {"gray90"		, PALETTERGB (229, 229, 229) },
  {"grey90"		, PALETTERGB (229, 229, 229) },
  {"gray91"		, PALETTERGB (232, 232, 232) },
  {"grey91"		, PALETTERGB (232, 232, 232) },
  {"gray92"		, PALETTERGB (235, 235, 235) },
  {"grey92"		, PALETTERGB (235, 235, 235) },
  {"gray93"		, PALETTERGB (237, 237, 237) },
  {"grey93"		, PALETTERGB (237, 237, 237) },
  {"gray94"		, PALETTERGB (240, 240, 240) },
  {"grey94"		, PALETTERGB (240, 240, 240) },
  {"gray95"		, PALETTERGB (242, 242, 242) },
  {"grey95"		, PALETTERGB (242, 242, 242) },
  {"gray96"		, PALETTERGB (245, 245, 245) },
  {"grey96"		, PALETTERGB (245, 245, 245) },
  {"gray97"		, PALETTERGB (247, 247, 247) },
  {"grey97"		, PALETTERGB (247, 247, 247) },
  {"gray98"		, PALETTERGB (250, 250, 250) },
  {"grey98"		, PALETTERGB (250, 250, 250) },
  {"gray99"		, PALETTERGB (252, 252, 252) },
  {"grey99"		, PALETTERGB (252, 252, 252) },
  {"gray100"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 255) },
  {"grey100"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 255) },
  {"DarkGrey"		, PALETTERGB (169, 169, 169) },
  {"DarkGray"		, PALETTERGB (169, 169, 169) },
  {"DarkBlue"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 128) },	/* Adjusted == Navy */
  {"DarkCyan"		, PALETTERGB (0, 128, 128) },	/* Adjusted */
  {"DarkMagenta"	, PALETTERGB (128, 0, 128) },	/* Adjusted */
  {"DarkRed"		, PALETTERGB (128, 0, 0) },	/* Adjusted */
  {"LightGreen"		, PALETTERGB (144, 238, 144) },
  /* Added to match values in the default Windows palette: */
  {"DarkYellow"		, PALETTERGB (128, 128, 0) },
  {"PaleYellow"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 128) }

typedef struct fontmap_t
  const Char_ASCII *name;
  int value;
} fontmap_t;

/* Default weight first, preferred names listed before synonyms */
static const fontmap_t fontweight_map[] =
  {"Regular"		, FW_REGULAR},	/* The standard font weight */
  {"Thin"		, FW_THIN},
  {"Extra Light"	, FW_EXTRALIGHT},
  {"Ultra Light"	, FW_ULTRALIGHT},
  {"Light"		, FW_LIGHT},
  {"Normal"		, FW_NORMAL},
  {"Medium"		, FW_MEDIUM},
  {"Semi Bold"		, FW_SEMIBOLD},
  {"Demi Bold"		, FW_DEMIBOLD},
  {"Bold"		, FW_BOLD},	/* The standard bold font weight */
  {"Extra Bold"		, FW_EXTRABOLD},
  {"Ultra Bold"		, FW_ULTRABOLD},
  {"Heavy"		, FW_HEAVY},
  {"Black"		, FW_BLACK}

/* Default charset first, no synonyms allowed because these names are
 * matched against the names reported by win32 by match_font() */
static const fontmap_t charset_map[] =
  {"Western"		, ANSI_CHARSET}, /* Latin 1 */
  {"Central European"	, EASTEUROPE_CHARSET},
  {"Cyrillic"		, RUSSIAN_CHARSET},
  {"Greek"		, GREEK_CHARSET},
  {"Turkish"		, TURKISH_CHARSET},
  {"Hebrew"		, HEBREW_CHARSET},
  {"Arabic"		, ARABIC_CHARSET},
  {"Baltic"		, BALTIC_CHARSET},
  {"Thai"		, THAI_CHARSET},
  {"Japanese"		, SHIFTJIS_CHARSET},
  {"Korean"		, HANGEUL_CHARSET},
  {"Simplified Chinese"	, GB2312_CHARSET},
  {"Traditional Chinese", CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET},

  {"Symbol"		, SYMBOL_CHARSET},
  {"Mac"		, MAC_CHARSET},
  {"Korean Johab"	, JOHAB_CHARSET},

#ifdef MULE

typedef struct unicode_subrange_raw_t
  int subrange_bit;
  int start; /* first Unicode codepoint */
  int end; /* last Unicode codepoint */
} unicode_subrange_raw_t;

/* This table comes from MSDN, Unicode Subset Bitfields [Platform SDK
   Documentation, Base Services, International Features, Unicode and
   Character Sets, Unicode and Character Set Reference, Unicode and
   Character Set Constants].  We preprocess it at startup time into an
   array of unicode_subrange_t.

static const unicode_subrange_raw_t unicode_subrange_raw_map[] =
  {0, 0x0020, 0x007e}, /* Basic Latin */
  {1, 0x00a0, 0x00ff}, /* Latin-1 Supplement */
  {2, 0x0100, 0x017f}, /* Latin Extended-A */
  {3, 0x0180, 0x024f}, /* Latin Extended-B */
  {4, 0x0250, 0x02af}, /* IPA Extensions */
  {5, 0x02b0, 0x02ff}, /* Spacing Modifier Letters */
  {6, 0x0300, 0x036f}, /* Combining Diacritical Marks */
  {7, 0x0370, 0x03ff}, /* Basic Greek */
  /* 8  Reserved */
  {9, 0x0400, 0x04ff}, /* Cyrillic */
  {10, 0x0530, 0x058f}, /* Armenian */
  {11, 0x0590, 0x05ff}, /* Basic Hebrew */
  /* 12   Reserved */
  {13, 0x0600, 0x06ff}, /* Basic Arabic */
  /* 14   Reserved */
  {15, 0x0900, 0x097f}, /* Devanagari */
  {16, 0x0980, 0x09ff}, /* Bengali */
  {17, 0x0a00, 0x0a7f}, /* Gurmukhi */
  {18, 0x0a80, 0x0aff}, /* Gujarati */
  {19, 0x0b00, 0x0b7f}, /* Oriya */
  {20, 0x0b80, 0x0bff}, /* Tamil */
  {21, 0x0c00, 0x0c7f}, /* Telugu */
  {22, 0x0c80, 0x0cff}, /* Kannada */
  {23, 0x0d00, 0x0d7f}, /* Malayalam */
  {24, 0x0e00, 0x0e7f}, /* Thai */
  {25, 0x0e80, 0x0eff}, /* Lao */
  {26, 0x10a0, 0x10ff}, /* Basic Georgian */
  /* 27   Reserved */
  {28, 0x1100, 0x11ff}, /* Hangul Jamo */
  {29, 0x1e00, 0x1eff}, /* Latin Extended Additional */
  {30, 0x1f00, 0x1fff}, /* Greek Extended */
  {31, 0x2000, 0x206f}, /* General Punctuation */
  {32, 0x2070, 0x209f}, /* Subscripts and Superscripts */
  {33, 0x20a0, 0x20cf}, /* Currency Symbols */
  {34, 0x20d0, 0x20ff}, /* Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols */
  {35, 0x2100, 0x214f}, /* Letter-like Symbols */
  {36, 0x2150, 0x218f}, /* Number Forms */
  {37, 0x2190, 0x21ff}, /* Arrows */
  {38, 0x2200, 0x22ff}, /* Mathematical Operators */
  {39, 0x2300, 0x23ff}, /* Miscellaneous Technical */
  {40, 0x2400, 0x243f}, /* Control Pictures */
  {41, 0x2440, 0x245f}, /* Optical Character Recognition */
  {42, 0x2460, 0x24ff}, /* Enclosed Alphanumerics */
  {43, 0x2500, 0x257f}, /* Box Drawing */
  {44, 0x2580, 0x259f}, /* Block Elements */
  {45, 0x25a0, 0x25ff}, /* Geometric Shapes */
  {46, 0x2600, 0x26ff}, /* Miscellaneous Symbols */
  {47, 0x2700, 0x27bf}, /* Dingbats */
  {48, 0x3000, 0x303f}, /* Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) Symbols and Punctuation */
  {49, 0x3040, 0x309f}, /* Hiragana */
  {50, 0x30a0, 0x30ff}, /* Katakana */
  {51, 0x3100, 0x312f}, /* Bopomofo */
  {51, 0x31a0, 0x31bf}, /* Extended Bopomofo */
  {52, 0x3130, 0x318f}, /* Hangul Compatibility Jamo */
  {53, 0x3190, 0x319f}, /* CJK Miscellaneous */
  {54, 0x3200, 0x32ff}, /* Enclosed CJK Letters and Months */
  {55, 0x3300, 0x33ff}, /* CJK Compatibility */
  {56, 0xac00, 0xd7a3}, /* Hangul */
  {57, 0xd800, 0xdfff}, /* Surrogates. Note that setting this bit implies that there is at least one codepoint beyond the Basic Multilingual Plane that is supported by this font.  */
  /* 58   Reserved */
  {59, 0x4e00, 0x9fff}, /* CJK Unified Ideographs */
  {59, 0x2e80, 0x2eff}, /* CJK Radicals Supplement */
  {59, 0x2f00, 0x2fdf}, /* Kangxi Radicals */
  {59, 0x2ff0, 0x2fff}, /* Ideographic Description */
  {59, 0x3400, 0x4dbf}, /* CJK Unified Ideograph Extension A */
  {60, 0xe000, 0xf8ff}, /* Private Use Area */
  {61, 0xf900, 0xfaff}, /* CJK Compatibility Ideographs */
  {62, 0xfb00, 0xfb4f}, /* Alphabetic Presentation Forms */
  {63, 0xfb50, 0xfdff}, /* Arabic Presentation Forms-A */
  {64, 0xfe20, 0xfe2f}, /* Combining Half Marks */
  {65, 0xfe30, 0xfe4f}, /* CJK Compatibility Forms */
  {66, 0xfe50, 0xfe6f}, /* Small Form Variants */
  {67, 0xfe70, 0xfefe}, /* Arabic Presentation Forms-B */
  {68, 0xff00, 0xffef}, /* Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms */
  {69, 0xfff0, 0xfffd}, /* Specials */
  {70, 0x0f00, 0x0fcf}, /* Tibetan */
  {71, 0x0700, 0x074f}, /* Syriac */
  {72, 0x0780, 0x07bf}, /* Thaana */
  {73, 0x0d80, 0x0dff}, /* Sinhala */
  {74, 0x1000, 0x109f}, /* Myanmar */
  {75, 0x1200, 0x12bf}, /* Ethiopic */
  {76, 0x13a0, 0x13ff}, /* Cherokee */
  {77, 0x1400, 0x14df}, /* Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics */
  {78, 0x1680, 0x169f}, /* Ogham */
  {79, 0x16a0, 0x16ff}, /* Runic */
  {80, 0x1780, 0x17ff}, /* Khmer */
  {81, 0x1800, 0x18af}, /* Mongolian */
  {82, 0x2800, 0x28ff}, /* Braille */
  {83, 0xa000, 0xa48c}, /* Yi, Yi Radicals */
  /* 84-122   Reserved */
  /* 123   Windows 2000/XP: Layout progress: horizontal from right to left */
  /* 124   Windows 2000/XP: Layout progress: vertical before horizontal */
  /* 125   Windows 2000/XP: Layout progress: vertical bottom to top */
  /* 126   Reserved; must be 0 */
  /* 127   Reserved; must be 1 */

typedef struct unicode_subrange_t
  int no_subranges;
  const unicode_subrange_raw_t *subranges;
} unicode_subrange_t;

unicode_subrange_t *unicode_subrange_table;

/* Hash table mapping font specs (strings) to font signature data
   (FONTSIGNATURE structures stored in opaques), as determined by
   GetTextCharsetInfo().  I presume this is somewhat expensive because it
   involves creating a font object.  At the very least, with no hashing, it
   definitely took awhile (a few seconds) when encountering characters from
   charsets needing stage 2 processing. */
Lisp_Object Vfont_signature_data;

#endif /* MULE */

/*                               helpers                                */

static int
hexval (Intbyte c)
  /* assumes ASCII and isxdigit (c) */
  if (c >= 'a')
    return c - 'a' + 10;
  else if (c >= 'A')
    return c - 'A' + 10;
    return c - '0';

mswindows_string_to_color (const Intbyte *name)
  int i;

  if (*name == '#')
      /* numeric names look like "#RRGGBB", "#RRRGGGBBB" or "#RRRRGGGGBBBB"
	 or "rgb:rrrr/gggg/bbbb" */
      unsigned int r, g, b;

      for (i = 1; i < qxestrlen (name); i++)
	  if (!byte_ascii_p (name[i]) || !isxdigit ((int) name[i]))
	    return (COLORREF) -1;
      if (qxestrlen (name) == 7)
	  r = hexval (name[1]) * 16 + hexval (name[2]);
	  g = hexval (name[3]) * 16 + hexval (name[4]);
	  b = hexval (name[5]) * 16 + hexval (name[6]);
	  return (PALETTERGB (r, g, b));
      else if (qxestrlen (name) == 10)
	  r = hexval (name[1]) * 16 + hexval (name[2]);
	  g = hexval (name[4]) * 16 + hexval (name[5]);
	  b = hexval (name[7]) * 16 + hexval (name[8]);
	  return (PALETTERGB (r, g, b));
      else if (qxestrlen (name) == 13)
	  r = hexval (name[1]) * 16 + hexval (name[2]);
	  g = hexval (name[5]) * 16 + hexval (name[6]);
	  b = hexval (name[9]) * 16 + hexval (name[10]);
	  return (PALETTERGB (r, g, b));
  else if (!qxestrncmp_c (name, "rgb:", 4))
      unsigned int r, g, b;

      if (sscanf ((CIntbyte *) name, "rgb:%04x/%04x/%04x", &r, &g, &b) == 3)
	  int len = qxestrlen (name);
	  if (len == 18)
	      r /= 257;
	      g /= 257;
	      b /= 257;
	  else if (len == 15)
	      r /= 17;
	      g /= 17;
	      b /= 17;
	  return (PALETTERGB (r, g, b));
	return (COLORREF) -1;
  else if (*name)	/* Can't be an empty string */
      Intbyte *nospaces = (Intbyte *) alloca (qxestrlen (name) + 1);
      Intbyte *c = nospaces;
      while (*name)
	if (*name != ' ')
	  *c++ = *name++;
      *c = '\0';

      for (i = 0; i < countof (mswindows_X_color_map); i++)
	if (!qxestrcasecmp_c (nospaces, mswindows_X_color_map[i].name))
	  return (mswindows_X_color_map[i].colorref);
  return (COLORREF) -1;

mswindows_color_to_string (COLORREF color)
  int i;
  Char_ASCII buf[8];
  COLORREF pcolor = PALETTERGB (GetRValue (color), GetGValue (color),
				GetBValue (color));

  for (i = 0; i < countof (mswindows_X_color_map); i++)
    if (pcolor == (mswindows_X_color_map[i].colorref))
      return  build_string (mswindows_X_color_map[i].name);

  sprintf (buf, "#%02X%02X%02X",
	   GetRValue (color), GetGValue (color), GetBValue (color));
  return build_string (buf);

 * Returns non-zero if the two supplied font patterns match.
 * If they match and fontname is not NULL, copies the logical OR of the
 * patterns to fontname (which is assumed to be at least MSW_FONTSIZE in size).
 * The patterns 'match' iff for each field that is not blank in either pattern,
 * the corresponding field in the other pattern is either identical or blank.
static int
match_font (Intbyte *pattern1, Intbyte *pattern2,
	    Intbyte *fontname)
  Intbyte *c1 = pattern1, *c2 = pattern2, *e1 = 0, *e2 = 0;
  int i;

  if (fontname)
    fontname[0] = '\0';

  for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      if (c1 && (e1 = qxestrchr (c1, ':')))
        *(e1) = '\0';
      if (c2 && (e2 = qxestrchr (c2, ':')))
        *(e2) = '\0';

      if (c1 && c1[0] != '\0')
	  if (c2 && c2[0] != '\0' && qxestrcasecmp (c1, c2))
	      if (e1) *e1 = ':';
	      if (e2) *e2 = ':';
	      return 0;
	  else if (fontname)
	    qxestrcat_c (qxestrcat (fontname, c1), ":");
      else if (fontname)
	  if (c2 && c2[0] != '\0')
	    qxestrcat_c (qxestrcat (fontname, c2), ":");
	    qxestrcat_c (fontname, ":");

      if (e1) *(e1++) = ':';
      if (e2) *(e2++) = ':';
      c1 = e1;
      c2 = e2;

  if (fontname)
    fontname[qxestrlen (fontname) - 1] = '\0';	/* Trim trailing ':' */
  return 1;

/*                                 exports                              */

struct font_enum_t
  HDC hdc;
  Lisp_Object list;

static int CALLBACK
font_enum_callback_2 (ENUMLOGFONTEXW *lpelfe, NEWTEXTMETRICEXW *lpntme,
		      int FontType, struct font_enum_t *font_enum)
  Intbyte fontname[MSW_FONTSIZE * 2 * MAX_EMCHAR_LEN]; /* should be enough :)*/
  Lisp_Object fontname_lispstr;
  int i;
  Intbyte *facename;

   * The enumerated font weights are not to be trusted because:
   *  a) lpelfe->elfStyle is only filled in for TrueType fonts.
   *  b) Not all Bold and Italic styles of all fonts (including some Vector,
   *     Truetype and Raster fonts) are enumerated.
   * I guess that fonts for which Bold and Italic styles are generated
   * 'on-the-fly' are not enumerated. It would be overly restrictive to
   * disallow Bold And Italic weights for these fonts, so we just leave
   * weights unspecified. This means that we have to weed out duplicates of
   * those fonts that do get enumerated with different weights.
  TSTR_TO_C_STRING (lpelfe->elfLogFont.lfFaceName, facename);
  if (charptr_emchar (facename) == '@')
    /* This is a font for writing vertically. We ignore it. */
    return 1;

  if (FontType == 0 /*vector*/ || FontType & TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE)
    /* Scalable, so leave pointsize blank */
    qxesprintf (fontname, "%s::::", facename);
    /* Formula for pointsize->height from LOGFONT docs in Platform SDK */
    qxesprintf (fontname, "%s::%d::", facename,
		MulDiv (lpntme->ntmTm.tmHeight -
			72, GetDeviceCaps (font_enum->hdc, LOGPIXELSY)));

   * The enumerated font character set strings are not to be trusted because
   * lpelfe->elfScript is returned in the host language and not in English.
   * We can't know a priori the translations of "Western", "Central European"
   * etc into the host language, so we must use English. The same argument
   * applies to the font weight string when matching fonts.
  for (i = 0; i < countof (charset_map); i++)
    if (lpelfe->elfLogFont.lfCharSet == charset_map[i].value)
	qxestrcat_c (fontname, charset_map[i].name);
  if (i == countof (charset_map))
    return 1;

  /* Add the font name to the list if not already there */
  fontname_lispstr = build_intstring (fontname);
  if (NILP (Fmember (fontname_lispstr, font_enum->list)))
    font_enum->list = Fcons (fontname_lispstr, font_enum->list);

  return 1;

static int CALLBACK
font_enum_callback_1 (ENUMLOGFONTEXW *lpelfe, NEWTEXTMETRICEXW *lpntme,
		      int FontType, struct font_enum_t *font_enum)
  /* This function gets called once per facename per character set.
   * We call a second callback to enumerate the fonts in each facename */
  return qxeEnumFontFamiliesEx (font_enum->hdc, &lpelfe->elfLogFont,
				(FONTENUMPROCW) font_enum_callback_2,
				(LPARAM) font_enum, 0);

 * Enumerate the available on the HDC fonts and return a list of string
 * font names.
mswindows_enumerate_fonts (HDC hdc)
  /* This cannot GC */
  LOGFONTW logfont;
  struct font_enum_t font_enum;

  assert (hdc != NULL);
  logfont.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
  logfont.lfFaceName[0] = '\0';
  logfont.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH;
  font_enum.hdc = hdc;
  font_enum.list = Qnil;
  /* EnumFontFamilies seems to enumerate only one charset per font, which
     is not what we want.  We aren't supporting NT 3.5x, so no need to
     worry about this not existing. */
  qxeEnumFontFamiliesEx (hdc, &logfont, (FONTENUMPROCW) font_enum_callback_1,
			 (LPARAM) (&font_enum), 0);

  return font_enum.list;

static HFONT
mswindows_create_font_variant (Lisp_Font_Instance *f,
			       int under, int strike)
  /* Cannot GC */
  HFONT hfont;

  assert (FONT_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HFONT_VARIANT (f, under, strike) == NULL);

		    sizeof (lf), (void *) &lf) == 0)
      hfont = MSWINDOWS_BAD_HFONT;
      lf.lfUnderline = under;
      lf.lfStrikeOut = strike;

      hfont = qxeCreateFontIndirect (&lf);
      if (hfont == NULL)

  FONT_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HFONT_VARIANT (f, under, strike) = hfont;
  return hfont;

mswindows_get_hfont (Lisp_Font_Instance *f,
		     int under, int strike)
  /* Cannot GC */

  if (hfont == NULL)
    hfont = mswindows_create_font_variant (f, under, strike);

  /* If strikeout/underline variant of the font could not be
     created, then use the base version of the font */
  if (hfont == MSWINDOWS_BAD_HFONT)

  assert (hfont != NULL && hfont != MSWINDOWS_BAD_HFONT);

  return hfont;
/*                               methods                                */

static int
mswindows_initialize_color_instance (Lisp_Color_Instance *c, Lisp_Object name,
				     Lisp_Object device, Error_Behavior errb)
  COLORREF color;

  color = mswindows_string_to_color (XSTRING_DATA (name));
  if (color != (COLORREF) -1)
      c->data = xnew (struct mswindows_color_instance_data);
      return 1;
  maybe_signal_error (Qinvalid_constant,
		      "Unrecognized color", name, Qcolor, errb);

#if 0
static void
mswindows_mark_color_instance (Lisp_Color_Instance *c)

static void
mswindows_print_color_instance (Lisp_Color_Instance *c,
				Lisp_Object printcharfun,
				int escapeflag)
  write_fmt_string (printcharfun,
		    " %06ld=(%04X,%04X,%04X)", color & 0xffffff,
		    GetRValue (color) * 257, GetGValue (color) * 257,
		    GetBValue (color) * 257);

static void
mswindows_finalize_color_instance (Lisp_Color_Instance *c)
  if (c->data)
      xfree (c->data);
      c->data = 0;

static int
mswindows_color_instance_equal (Lisp_Color_Instance *c1,
				Lisp_Color_Instance *c2,
				int depth)

static unsigned long
mswindows_color_instance_hash (Lisp_Color_Instance *c, int depth)
  return (unsigned long) COLOR_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_COLOR (c);

static Lisp_Object
mswindows_color_instance_rgb_components (Lisp_Color_Instance *c)
  return list3 (make_int (GetRValue (color) * 257),
		make_int (GetGValue (color) * 257),
		make_int (GetBValue (color) * 257));

static int
mswindows_valid_color_name_p (struct device *d, Lisp_Object color)
  return (mswindows_string_to_color (XSTRING_DATA (color)) != (COLORREF) -1);

static void
mswindows_finalize_font_instance (Lisp_Font_Instance *f);

static HFONT
create_hfont_from_font_spec (const Intbyte *namestr,
			     HDC hdc,
			     Lisp_Object name_for_errors,
			     Lisp_Object device_font_list,
			     Error_Behavior errb)
  LOGFONTW logfont;
  int fields, i;
  int pt;
  Intbyte fontname[LF_FACESIZE], weight[LF_FACESIZE], *style, points[8];
  Intbyte effects[LF_FACESIZE], charset[LF_FACESIZE];
  Intbyte *c;
  HFONT hfont;

   * mswindows fonts look like:
   *	fontname[:[weight ][style][:pointsize[:effects]]][:charset]
   * The font name field shouldn't be empty.
   * ie:
   *	Lucida Console:Regular:10
   * minimal:
   *	Courier New
   * maximal:
   *	Courier New:Bold Italic:10:underline strikeout:western

  fields = sscanf ((CIntbyte *) namestr, "%31[^:]:%31[^:]:%7[^:]:%31[^:]:%31s",
		   fontname, weight, points, effects, charset);

  /* This function is implemented in a fairly ad-hoc manner.
   * The general idea is to validate and canonicalize each of the above fields
   * at the same time as we build up the win32 LOGFONT structure. This enables
   * us to use match_font() on a canonicalized font string to check the
   * availability of the requested font */

  if (fields < 0)
      maybe_signal_error (Qinvalid_argument, "Invalid font", name_for_errors,
			  Qfont, errb);
      return NULL;

  if (fields > 0 && qxestrlen (fontname))
      Extbyte *extfontname;

      C_STRING_TO_TSTR (fontname, extfontname);
      xetcsncpy ((Extbyte *) logfont.lfFaceName, extfontname, LF_FACESIZE - 1);
      logfont.lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE - 1] = 0;
      maybe_signal_error (Qinvalid_argument, "Must specify a font name",
			  name_for_errors, Qfont, errb);
      return NULL;

  /* weight */
  if (fields < 2)
    qxestrcpy_c (weight, fontweight_map[0].name);

  /* Maybe split weight into weight and style */
  if ((c = qxestrchr (weight, ' ')))
    *c = '\0';
    style = c + 1;
    style = NULL;

  for (i = 0; i < countof (fontweight_map); i++)
    if (!qxestrcasecmp_c (weight, fontweight_map[i].name))
	logfont.lfWeight = fontweight_map[i].value;
  if (i == countof (fontweight_map))	/* No matching weight */
      if (!style)
	  logfont.lfWeight = FW_REGULAR;
	  style = weight;	/* May have specified style without weight */
	  maybe_signal_error (Qinvalid_constant, "Invalid font weight",
			      name_for_errors, Qfont, errb);
	  return NULL;

  if (style)
      /* #### what about oblique? */
      if (qxestrcasecmp_c (style, "italic") == 0)
	logfont.lfItalic = TRUE;
	  maybe_signal_error (Qinvalid_constant,
			      "Invalid font weight or style",
			      name_for_errors, Qfont, errb);
	  return NULL;

      /* Glue weight and style together again */
      if (weight != style)
        *c = ' ';
    logfont.lfItalic = FALSE;

  if (fields < 3)
    pt = 10;	/* #### Should we reject strings that don't specify a size? */
  else if ((pt = qxeatoi (points)) == 0)
      maybe_signal_error (Qinvalid_argument, "Invalid font pointsize",
			  name_for_errors, Qfont, errb);
      return NULL;

  /* Formula for pointsize->height from LOGFONT docs in MSVC5 Platform SDK */
  logfont.lfHeight = -MulDiv (pt, GetDeviceCaps (hdc, LOGPIXELSY), 72);
  logfont.lfWidth = 0;

  /* Effects */
  logfont.lfUnderline = FALSE;
  logfont.lfStrikeOut = FALSE;
  if (fields >= 4 && effects[0] != '\0')
      Intbyte *effects2;

      /* Maybe split effects into effects and effects2 */
      if ((c = qxestrchr (effects, ' ')))
          *c = '\0';
          effects2 = c + 1;
        effects2 = NULL;

      if (qxestrcasecmp_c (effects, "underline") == 0)
	logfont.lfUnderline = TRUE;
      else if (qxestrcasecmp_c (effects, "strikeout") == 0)
	logfont.lfStrikeOut = TRUE;
          maybe_signal_error (Qinvalid_constant, "Invalid font effect",
			      name_for_errors, Qfont, errb);
	  return NULL;

      if (effects2 && effects2[0] != '\0')
	  if (qxestrcasecmp_c (effects2, "underline") == 0)
	    logfont.lfUnderline = TRUE;
	  else if (qxestrcasecmp_c (effects2, "strikeout") == 0)
	    logfont.lfStrikeOut = TRUE;
	      maybe_signal_error (Qinvalid_constant, "Invalid font effect",
				  name_for_errors, Qfont, errb);
	      return NULL;

      /* Regenerate sanitised effects string */
      if (logfont.lfUnderline)
	  if (logfont.lfStrikeOut)
	    qxestrcpy_c (effects, "underline strikeout");
	    qxestrcpy_c (effects, "underline");
      else if (logfont.lfStrikeOut)
	qxestrcpy_c (effects, "strikeout");
    effects[0] = '\0';

  /* Charset */
  /* charset can be specified even if earlier fields haven't been */
  if (fields < 5)
      if ((c = qxestrchr (namestr, ':')) && (c = qxestrchr (c + 1, ':')) &&
	  (c = qxestrchr (c + 1, ':')) && (c = qxestrchr (c + 1, ':')))
	  qxestrncpy (charset, c + 1, LF_FACESIZE);
	  charset[LF_FACESIZE - 1] = '\0';
	qxestrcpy_c (charset, charset_map[0].name);

  for (i = 0; i < countof (charset_map); i++)
    if (!qxestrcasecmp_c (charset, charset_map[i].name))
	logfont.lfCharSet = charset_map[i].value;

  if (i == countof (charset_map))	/* No matching charset */
      maybe_signal_error (Qinvalid_argument, "Invalid charset",
			  name_for_errors, Qfont, errb);
      return NULL;

  /* Misc crud */
  logfont.lfEscapement = logfont.lfOrientation = 0;
#if 1
  logfont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
  logfont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
  logfont.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY;
  logfont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_STROKE_PRECIS;
  logfont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_STROKE_PRECIS;
  logfont.lfQuality = PROOF_QUALITY;
  /* Default to monospaced if the specified fontname doesn't exist. */
  logfont.lfPitchAndFamily = FF_MODERN;

  /* Windows will silently substitute a default font if the fontname specifies
     a non-existent font. This is bad for screen fonts because it doesn't
     allow higher-level code to see the error and to act appropriately.
     For instance complex_vars_of_faces() sets up a fallback list of fonts
     for the default face. */

  if (!NILP (device_font_list))
      Lisp_Object fonttail;
      Intbyte truename[MSW_FONTSIZE];

      qxesprintf (truename, "%s:%s:%d:%s:%s", fontname, weight, pt, effects,
      LIST_LOOP (fonttail, device_font_list)
	  if (match_font (XSTRING_DATA (XCAR (fonttail)), truename,
      if (NILP (fonttail))
	  maybe_signal_error (Qinvalid_argument, "No matching font",
			      name_for_errors, Qfont, errb);
	  return NULL;

  if ((hfont = qxeCreateFontIndirect (&logfont)) == NULL)
      maybe_signal_error (Qgui_error, "Couldn't create font",
			  name_for_errors, Qfont, errb);
      return NULL;

  return hfont;

 * This is a work horse for both mswindows_initialize_font_instance and
 * msprinter_initialize_font_instance.
static int
initialize_font_instance (Lisp_Font_Instance *f, Lisp_Object name,
			  Lisp_Object device_font_list, HDC hdc,
			  Error_Behavior errb)
  HFONT hfont, hfont2;
  TEXTMETRICW metrics;
  Intbyte *namestr = XSTRING_DATA (name);

  hfont = create_hfont_from_font_spec (namestr, hdc, name, device_font_list,
  f->data = xnew_and_zero (struct mswindows_font_instance_data);

  /* Some underlined fonts have the descent of one pixel more than their
     non-underlined counterparts. Font variants though are assumed to have
     identical metrics. So get the font metrics from the underlined variant
     of the font */
  hfont2 = mswindows_create_font_variant (f, 1, 0);
  if (hfont2 != MSWINDOWS_BAD_HFONT)
    hfont = hfont2;

  hfont2 = (HFONT) SelectObject (hdc, hfont);
  if (!hfont2)
      mswindows_finalize_font_instance (f);
      maybe_signal_error (Qgui_error, "Couldn't map font", name, Qfont, errb);
      return 0;
  qxeGetTextMetrics (hdc, &metrics);
  SelectObject (hdc, hfont2);

  f->width = (unsigned short) metrics.tmAveCharWidth;
  f->height = (unsigned short) metrics.tmHeight;
  f->ascent = (unsigned short) metrics.tmAscent;
  f->descent = (unsigned short) metrics.tmDescent;
  f->proportional_p = (metrics.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH);

  return 1;

static int
mswindows_initialize_font_instance (Lisp_Font_Instance *f, Lisp_Object name,
				    Lisp_Object device, Error_Behavior errb)
  HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC (NULL);
  Lisp_Object font_list = DEVICE_MSWINDOWS_FONTLIST (XDEVICE (device));
  int res = initialize_font_instance (f, name, font_list, hdc, errb);
  DeleteDC (hdc);
  return res;

static int
msprinter_initialize_font_instance (Lisp_Font_Instance *f, Lisp_Object name,
				    Lisp_Object device, Error_Behavior errb)
  Lisp_Object font_list = DEVICE_MSPRINTER_FONTLIST (XDEVICE (device));
  return initialize_font_instance (f, name, font_list, hdc, errb);

static void
mswindows_finalize_font_instance (Lisp_Font_Instance *f)
  int i;

  if (f->data)
      for (i = 0; i < MSWINDOWS_NUM_FONT_VARIANTS; i++)
	    DeleteObject (FONT_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HFONT_I (f, i));

      xfree (f->data);
      f->data = 0;

#if 0
static void
mswindows_mark_font_instance (Lisp_Font_Instance *f)

static void
mswindows_print_font_instance (Lisp_Font_Instance *f,
			       Lisp_Object printcharfun,
			       int escapeflag)
  write_fmt_string (printcharfun, " 0x%lx",
		    (unsigned long)


static Lisp_Object
mswindows_list_fonts (Lisp_Object pattern, Lisp_Object device)
  struct device *d = XDEVICE (device);
  Lisp_Object font_list = Qnil, fonttail, result = Qnil;

    font_list = DEVICE_MSWINDOWS_FONTLIST (d);
  else if (DEVICE_MSPRINTER_P (d))
    font_list = DEVICE_MSPRINTER_FONTLIST (d);
    abort ();

  LIST_LOOP (fonttail, font_list)
      Intbyte fontname[MSW_FONTSIZE];

      if (match_font (XSTRING_DATA (XCAR (fonttail)), XSTRING_DATA (pattern),
	result = Fcons (build_intstring (fontname), result);

  return Fnreverse (result);

/* Fill in missing parts of a font spec. This is primarily intended as a
 * helper function for the functions below.
 * mswindows fonts look like:
 *	fontname[:[weight][ style][:pointsize[:effects]]][:charset]
 * A minimal mswindows font spec looks like:
 *	Courier New
 * A maximal mswindows font spec looks like:
 *	Courier New:Bold Italic:10:underline strikeout:Western
 * Missing parts of the font spec should be filled in with these values:
 *	Courier New:Regular:10::Western */
static Lisp_Object
mswindows_font_instance_truename (Lisp_Font_Instance *f, Error_Behavior errb)
  /* #### does not handle charset at end!!!  charset can be given even
     when previous fields are not.

     #### does not canonicalize given fields!  needs to be merged
     with initialize_font_instance(). */

  int nsep = 0;
  Intbyte *ptr = (Intbyte *) XSTRING_DATA (f->name);
  Intbyte *name = (Intbyte *) alloca (XSTRING_LENGTH (f->name) + 19);

  qxestrcpy (name, ptr);

  while ((ptr = qxestrchr (ptr, ':')) != 0)

  switch (nsep)
    case 0:
      qxestrcat_c (name, ":Regular:10::Western");
    case 1:
      qxestrcat_c (name, ":10::Western");
    case 2:
      qxestrcat_c (name, "::Western");
    case 3:
      qxestrcat_c (name, ":Western");

  return build_intstring (name);

#ifdef MULE

static int
mswindows_font_spec_matches_charset_stage_1 (const Intbyte *font_charset,
					     Lisp_Object charset)
  int i, ms_charset = 0;
  int font_code_page;
  Lisp_Object charset_code_page;

  /* Get code page from the font spec */
  for (i = 0; i < countof (charset_map); i++)
    if (qxestrcasecmp_c (font_charset, charset_map[i].name) == 0)
	ms_charset = charset_map[i].value;
  if (i == countof (charset_map))
    return 0;

  /* For border-glyph use */
  if (ms_charset == SYMBOL_CHARSET)
    ms_charset = ANSI_CHARSET;

  if (!TranslateCharsetInfo ((DWORD *) ms_charset, &info, TCI_SRCCHARSET))
    return 0;

  font_code_page = info.ciACP;

  /* Get code page for the charset */
  charset_code_page = Fmswindows_charset_code_page (charset);
  if (!INTP (charset_code_page))
    return 0;

  return font_code_page == XINT (charset_code_page);

static int
mswindows_font_spec_matches_charset (struct device *d, Lisp_Object charset,
				     const Intbyte *nonreloc,
				     Lisp_Object reloc,
				     Bytecount offset, Bytecount length)
  const Intbyte *the_nonreloc = nonreloc;
  int i;
  const Intbyte *c;
  Bytecount the_length = length;

/* The idea is that, when trying to find a suitable font for a character,
   we first see if the character comes from one of the known charsets
   listed above; if so, we try to find a font which is declared as being of
   that charset (that's the last element of the font spec).  If so, this
   means that the font is specifically designed for the charset, and we
   prefer it.  However, there are only a limited number of defined
   charsets, and new ones aren't being defined; so if we fail the first
   stage, we search through each font looking at the Unicode subranges it
   supports, to see if the character comes from that subrange.

  if (UNBOUNDP (charset))
    return 1;

  if (!the_nonreloc)
    the_nonreloc = XSTRING_DATA (reloc);
  fixup_internal_substring (nonreloc, reloc, offset, &the_length);
  the_nonreloc += offset;

  c = the_nonreloc;
  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      Intbyte *newc = (Intbyte *) memchr (c, ':', the_length);
      if (!newc)
      the_length -= (newc - c);
      c = newc;

  if (i >= 4 && mswindows_font_spec_matches_charset_stage_1 (c, charset))
    return 1;

  /* Stage 2. */
    FONTSIGNATURE *fsp = &fs;
    struct gcpro gcpro1;
    Lisp_Object fontsig;

    /* Get the list of Unicode subranges corresponding to the font.  This
      is contained inside of FONTSIGNATURE data, obtained by calling
      GetTextCharsetInfo on a font object, which we need to create from the
      spec.  See if the FONTSIGNATURE data is already cached.  If not, get
      it and cache it. */
    if (!STRINGP (reloc) || the_nonreloc != XSTRING_DATA (reloc))
      reloc = build_intstring (the_nonreloc);
    GCPRO1 (reloc);
    fontsig = Fgethash (reloc, Vfont_signature_data, Qunbound);

    if (!UNBOUNDP (fontsig))
	fsp = (FONTSIGNATURE *) XOPAQUE_DATA (fontsig);
	HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC (NULL);
	Lisp_Object font_list = DEVICE_MSWINDOWS_FONTLIST (d);
	HFONT hfont = create_hfont_from_font_spec (the_nonreloc, hdc, Qnil,

	if (!hfont || !(hfont = (HFONT) SelectObject (hdc, hfont)))
	    DeleteDC (hdc);
	    return 0;
	if (GetTextCharsetInfo (hdc, &fs, 0) == DEFAULT_CHARSET)
	    SelectObject (hdc, hfont);
	    goto nope;
	SelectObject (hdc, hfont);
	DeleteDC (hdc);
	Fputhash (reloc, make_opaque (&fs, sizeof (fs)), Vfont_signature_data);

      int lowlim, highlim;
      int dim, j, cp = -1;

      /* Try to find a Unicode char in the charset.  #### This is somewhat
	 bogus.  We should really be doing these checks on the char level,
	 not the charset level.  There's no guarantee that a charset covers
	 a single Unicode range.  Furthermore, this is extremely wasteful.
	 We should be doing this when we're about to redisplay and already
	 have the Unicode codepoints in hand.

	 #### Cache me baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      get_charset_limits (charset, &lowlim, &highlim);
      dim = XCHARSET_DIMENSION (charset);

      if (dim == 1)
	  for (i = lowlim; i <= highlim; i++)
	    if ((cp = emchar_to_unicode (make_emchar (charset, i, 0))) >= 0)
	  for (i = lowlim; i <= highlim; i++)
	    for (j = lowlim; j <= highlim; j++)
	      if ((cp = emchar_to_unicode (make_emchar (charset, i, j))) >= 0)
      if (cp < 0)
	return 0;

      /* Check to see, for each subrange supported by the font,
	 whether the Unicode char is within that subrange.  If any match,
	 the font supports the char (whereby, the charset, bogusly). */
      for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
	  if (fsp->fsUsb[i >> 5] & (1 << (i & 32)))
	      for (j = 0; j < unicode_subrange_table[i].no_subranges; j++)
		if (cp >= unicode_subrange_table[i].subranges[j].start &&
		    cp <= unicode_subrange_table[i].subranges[j].end)
		  return 1;

      return 0;

/* find a font spec that matches font spec FONT and also matches
   (the registry of) CHARSET. */
static Lisp_Object
mswindows_find_charset_font (Lisp_Object device, Lisp_Object font,
			     Lisp_Object charset)
  Lisp_Object fontlist, fonttail;

  fontlist = mswindows_list_fonts (font, device);
  LIST_LOOP (fonttail, fontlist)
      if (mswindows_font_spec_matches_charset
	  (XDEVICE (device), charset, 0, XCAR (fonttail), 0, -1))
	return XCAR (fonttail);
  return Qnil;

#endif /* MULE */

/*                             non-methods                              */

DEFUN ("mswindows-color-list", Fmswindows_color_list, 0, 0, 0, /*
Return a list of the colors available on mswindows devices.
  Lisp_Object result = Qnil;
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < countof (mswindows_X_color_map); i++)
    result = Fcons (build_string (mswindows_X_color_map[i].name), result);

  return Fnreverse (result);

/*                            initialization                            */

syms_of_objects_mswindows (void)
  DEFSUBR (Fmswindows_color_list);

console_type_create_objects_mswindows (void)
  /* object methods */
  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, initialize_color_instance);
/*  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, mark_color_instance); */
  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, print_color_instance);
  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, finalize_color_instance);
  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, color_instance_equal);
  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, color_instance_hash);
  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, color_instance_rgb_components);
  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, valid_color_name_p);

  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, initialize_font_instance);
/*  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, mark_font_instance); */
  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, print_font_instance);
  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, finalize_font_instance);
  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, font_instance_truename);
  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, list_fonts);
#ifdef MULE
  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, font_spec_matches_charset);
  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, find_charset_font);

  /* Printer methods - delegate most to windows methods,
     since graphical objects behave the same way. */

  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, initialize_color_instance);
/*  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, mark_color_instance); */
  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, print_color_instance);
  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, finalize_color_instance);
  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, color_instance_equal);
  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, color_instance_hash);
  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, color_instance_rgb_components);
  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, valid_color_name_p);

  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (msprinter, initialize_font_instance);
/*  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, mark_font_instance); */
  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, print_font_instance);
  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, finalize_font_instance);
  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, font_instance_truename);
  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, list_fonts);
#ifdef MULE
  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, font_spec_matches_charset);
  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, find_charset_font);

reinit_vars_of_object_mswindows (void)
#ifdef MULE
  int i;

  unicode_subrange_table = xnew_array_and_zero (unicode_subrange_t, 128);
  for (i = 0; i < countof (unicode_subrange_raw_map); i++)
      const unicode_subrange_raw_t *el = &unicode_subrange_raw_map[i];
      if (unicode_subrange_table[el->subrange_bit].subranges == 0)
	unicode_subrange_table[el->subrange_bit].subranges = el;

  Fclrhash (Vfont_signature_data);
#endif /* MULE */

vars_of_objects_mswindows (void)
#ifdef MULE
  Vfont_signature_data =
    make_lisp_hash_table (100, HASH_TABLE_NON_WEAK, HASH_TABLE_EQUAL);
  staticpro (&Vfont_signature_data);
#endif /* MULE */

  reinit_vars_of_object_mswindows ();