view lisp/toolbar-items.el @ 4465:732b87cfabf2

Document Win32 symlink behaviour; adjust tests to take it into a/c. src/ChangeLog addition: 2008-05-21 Aidan Kehoe <> * fileio.c (Fmake_symbolic_link): Document behaviour when the underlying OS doesn't support symbolic links. tests/ChangeLog addition: 2008-05-21 Aidan Kehoe <> * automated/mule-tests.el (featurep): Make sure that working symlinks are available before testing their functionality. Also, don't bomb out on deleting the other temporary files if deleting the first threw an error.
author Aidan Kehoe <>
date Wed, 21 May 2008 16:55:14 +0200
parents 79940b592197
children 3889ef128488 308d34e9f07d
line wrap: on
line source

;;; toolbar-items.el -- Static initialization of XEmacs toolbar

;; Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Copyright (C) 1994 Andy Piper <>
;; Copyright (C) 1995 Board of Trustees, University of Illinois
;; Copyright (C) 1996 Ben Wing <>

;; Maintainer: XEmacs development team
;; Keywords: frames, dumped

;; This file is part of XEmacs.

;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the 
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Synched up:  Not in FSF

;;; Commentary:

;; This file is dumped with XEmacs (when window system and toolbar support
;; is compiled in).

;; Miscellaneous toolbar functions, useful for users to redefine, in
;; order to get different behavior.

;;; Code:

(defgroup toolbar nil
  "Configure XEmacs Toolbar functions and properties"
  :group 'environment)

;; #### The following function is slightly obnoxious as it stands.  I
;; think it should print a message like "Toolbar not configured; press
;; me again to configure it", and when the button is pressed again
;; (within a reasonable period of time), `customize-variable' should
;; be invoked for the appropriate variable.

(defun toolbar-not-configured ()
  ;; Note: we don't use `susbtitute-command-keys' here, because
  ;; Customize is bound to `C-h C' by default, and that binding is not
  ;; familiar to people.  This is more descriptive.
   "Configure the item via `M-x customize RET toolbar RET'"))

(defcustom toolbar-open-function 'find-file
  "*Function to call when the open icon is selected."
  :type '(radio (function-item find-file)
                (function :tag "Other"))
  :group 'toolbar)

(defun toolbar-open ()
  (call-interactively toolbar-open-function))

(defcustom toolbar-dired-function 'dired
  "*Function to call when the dired icon is selected."
  :type '(radio (function-item dired)
                (function :tag "Other"))
  :group 'toolbar)

(defun toolbar-dired (dir)
  (interactive "DDired directory: ")
  (funcall toolbar-dired-function dir))

(defcustom toolbar-save-function 'save-buffer
  "*Function to call when the save icon is selected."
  :type '(radio (function-item save-buffer)
                (function :tag "Other"))
  :group 'toolbar)

(defun toolbar-save ()
  (call-interactively toolbar-save-function))

(defcustom toolbar-print-function 'lpr-buffer
  "*Function to call when the print icon is selected."
  :type '(radio (function-item lpr-buffer)
                (function :tag "Other"))
  :group 'toolbar)

(defun toolbar-print ()
  (call-interactively toolbar-print-function))

(defcustom toolbar-cut-function 'kill-primary-selection
  "*Function to call when the cut icon is selected."
  :type '(radio (function-item kill-primary-selection)
                (function :tag "Other"))
  :group 'toolbar)

(defun toolbar-cut ()
  (call-interactively toolbar-cut-function))

(defcustom toolbar-copy-function 'copy-primary-selection
  "*Function to call when the copy icon is selected."
  :type '(radio (function-item copy-primary-selection)
                (function :tag "Other"))
  :group 'toolbar)

(defun toolbar-copy ()
  (call-interactively toolbar-copy-function))

(defcustom toolbar-paste-function 'yank-clipboard-selection
  "*Function to call when the paste icon is selected."
  :type '(radio (function-item yank-clipboard-selection)
                (function :tag "Other"))
  :group 'toolbar)

(defun toolbar-paste ()
  ;; This horrible kludge is for pending-delete to work correctly.
  (and-boundp 'pending-delete-mode
    (let ((this-command toolbar-paste-function))
      (declare-fboundp (pending-delete-pre-hook))))
  (call-interactively toolbar-paste-function))

(defcustom toolbar-undo-function 'undo
  "*Function to call when the undo icon is selected."
  :type '(radio (function-item undo)
                (function :tag "Other"))
  :group 'toolbar)

(defun toolbar-undo ()
  (call-interactively toolbar-undo-function))

(defcustom toolbar-replace-function 'query-replace
  "*Function to call when the replace icon is selected."
  :type '(radio (function-item query-replace)
                (function :tag "Other"))
  :group 'toolbar)

(defun toolbar-replace ()
  (call-interactively toolbar-replace-function))

;; toolbar ispell variables and defuns

(defun toolbar-ispell-internal ()
  (if-fboundp 'ispell-region
      (with-fboundp '(ispell-message ispell-buffer)
	 ((region-active-p) (ispell-region (region-beginning) (region-end)))
	 ((eq major-mode 'mail-mode) (ispell-message))
	 ((eq major-mode 'message-mode) (ispell-message))
	 (t (ispell-buffer))))
    (error 'unimplemented "`ispell' package unavailable")))

(defcustom toolbar-ispell-function 'toolbar-ispell-internal
  "*Function to call when the ispell icon is selected."
  :type '(radio (function-item toolbar-ispell-internal)
		(function :tag "Other"))
  :group 'toolbar)

(defun toolbar-ispell ()
  "Intelligently spell the region or buffer."
  (call-interactively toolbar-ispell-function))

;; toolbar mail variables and defuns

;; This used to be a macro that expanded its arguments to a form that
;; called `call-process'.  With the advent of customize, it's better
;; to have it as a defun, to make customization easier.
(defun toolbar-external (process &rest args)
  (apply 'call-process process nil 0 nil args))

(defcustom toolbar-mail-commands-alist
  `((not-configured . toolbar-not-configured)
    (vm		. vm)
    (gnus	. gnus-no-server)
    (rmail	. rmail)
    (mh		. mh-rmail)
    (pine	. (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "pine")) ; *gag*
    (elm	. (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "elm"))
    (mutt	. (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "mutt"))
    (exmh	. (toolbar-external "exmh"))
    (netscape	. (toolbar-external "netscape" "mailbox:"))
    (send	. mail))
  "*Alist of mail readers and their commands.
The car of each alist element is the mail reader, and the cdr is the form
used to start it."
  :type '(repeat (cons :format "%v"
		       (symbol :tag "Mailer") (function :tag "Start with")))
  :group 'toolbar)

(defcustom toolbar-mail-reader 'not-configured
  "*Mail reader toolbar will invoke.
The legal values are the keys from `toolbar-mail-command-alist', which
 should be used to add new mail readers.
Mail readers known by default are vm, gnus, rmail, mh, pine, elm,
 mutt, exmh, netscape and send."
  :type '(choice (const :tag "Not Configured" not-configured)
		 (const vm) (const gnus) (const rmail) (const mh)
		 (const pine) (const elm) (const mutt) (const exmh)
		 (const netscape)
                 (const send)
		 (symbol :tag "Other"
			 :validate (lambda (wid)
				     (if (assq (widget-value wid)
				       (widget-put wid :error
						   "Unknown mail reader")
  :group 'toolbar)

(defun toolbar-mail ()
  "Run mail in a separate frame."
  (let ((command (cdr (assq toolbar-mail-reader toolbar-mail-commands-alist))))
    (or command
	(error "Uknown mail reader %s" toolbar-mail-reader))
    (if (symbolp command)
	(call-interactively command)
      (eval command))))

;; toolbar info variables and defuns

(defcustom toolbar-info-use-separate-frame t
  "*Whether Info is invoked in a separate frame."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'toolbar)

(defcustom toolbar-info-frame-plist
  ;; Info pages are 80 characters wide, so it makes a good default.
  `(width 80 ,@(let ((h (plist-get default-frame-plist 'height)))
		 (and h `(height ,h))))
  "*The properties of the frame in which news is displayed."
  :type 'plist
  :group 'info)

(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'Info-frame-plist

(defvar toolbar-info-frame nil
  "The frame in which info is displayed.")

(defun toolbar-info ()
  "Run info in a separate frame."
  (when toolbar-info-use-separate-frame
    (cond ((or (not toolbar-info-frame)
	       (not (frame-live-p toolbar-info-frame)))
	   ;; We used to raise frame here, but it's a bad idea,
	   ;; because raising is a matter of WM policy.  However, we
	   ;; *must* select it, to ensure that the info buffer goes to
	   ;; the right frame.
	   (setq toolbar-info-frame (make-frame toolbar-info-frame-plist))
	   (select-frame toolbar-info-frame))
	   ;; However, if the frame already exists, and the user
	   ;; clicks on info, it's OK to raise it.
	   (select-frame toolbar-info-frame)
	   (raise-frame toolbar-info-frame)))
    (when (frame-iconified-p toolbar-info-frame)
      (deiconify-frame toolbar-info-frame)))

;; toolbar debug variables and defuns

(defun toolbar-debug ()
  (if (featurep 'eos-debugger)
      (call-interactively 'eos::start-debugger)
    (require 'gdbsrc)
    (call-interactively 'gdbsrc)))

(defun toolbar-compile ()
  "Run compile without having to touch the keyboard."
  (declare (special compile-command toolbar-compile-already-run))
  (if-fboundp 'compile
	(require 'compile)
	(if (boundp 'toolbar-compile-already-run)
	    (compile compile-command)
	  (setq toolbar-compile-already-run t)
	  (if (should-use-dialog-box-p)
	      (make-dialog-box 'question
			       (concat "Compile:\n        " compile-command)
			       '(["Compile" (compile compile-command) t]
				 ["Edit command" compile t]
				 ["Cancel" (message "Quit") t]))
	    (compile compile-command))))
    (error 'unimplemented "`compile' package unavailable")))

;; toolbar news variables and defuns

(defcustom toolbar-news-commands-alist
  `((not-configured . toolbar-not-configured)
    (gnus	. toolbar-gnus)			; M-x all-hail-gnus
    (rn		. (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "rn"))
    (nn		. (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "nn"))
    (trn	. (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "trn"))
    (xrn	. (toolbar-external "xrn"))
    (slrn	. (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "slrn"))
    (pine	. (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "pine")) ; *gag*
    (tin	. (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "tin")) ; *gag*
    (netscape	. (toolbar-external "netscape" "news:")))
  "*Alist of news readers and their commands.
The car of each alist element the pair is the news reader, and the cdr
is the form used to start it."
  :type '(repeat (cons :format "%v"
		       (symbol :tag "Reader") (sexp :tag "Start with")))
  :group 'toolbar)

(defcustom toolbar-news-reader 'gnus
  "*News reader toolbar will invoke.
The legal values are the keys from `toolbar-news-command-alist', which should
 be used to add new news readers.
Newsreaders known by default are gnus, rn, nn, trn, xrn, slrn, pine
 and netscape."
  :type '(choice (const :tag "Not Configured" not-configured)
		 (const gnus) (const rn) (const nn) (const trn)
		 (const xrn) (const slrn) (const pine) (const tin)
		 (const netscape)
		 (symbol :tag "Other"
			 :validate (lambda (wid)
				     (if (assq (widget-value wid)
				       (widget-put wid :error
						   "Unknown news reader")
  :group 'toolbar)

(defcustom toolbar-news-use-separate-frame t
  "*Whether Gnus is invoked in a separate frame."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'toolbar)

(defvar toolbar-news-frame nil
  "The frame in which news is displayed.")

(defcustom toolbar-news-frame-plist nil
  "*The properties of the frame in which news is displayed."
  :type 'plist
  :group 'toolbar)

(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'toolbar-news-frame-properties

(defun toolbar-gnus ()
  "Run Gnus in a separate frame."
  (if-fboundp 'gnus
	(if (not toolbar-news-use-separate-frame)
	  (unless (frame-live-p toolbar-news-frame)
	    (setq toolbar-news-frame (make-frame toolbar-news-frame-plist))
	    (add-hook 'gnus-exit-gnus-hook
		      (lambda ()
			(when (frame-live-p toolbar-news-frame)
			  (if (cdr (frame-list))
			      (delete-frame toolbar-news-frame))
			  (setq toolbar-news-frame nil))))
	    (select-frame toolbar-news-frame)
	  (when (framep toolbar-news-frame)
	    (when (frame-iconified-p toolbar-news-frame)
	      (deiconify-frame toolbar-news-frame))
	    (select-frame toolbar-news-frame)
	    (raise-frame toolbar-news-frame))))
    (error 'unimplemented "`gnus' package unavailable")))

(defun toolbar-news ()
  "Run News."
  (let ((command (cdr-safe
		  (assq toolbar-news-reader toolbar-news-commands-alist))))
    (or command
	(error "Unkown news reader %s" toolbar-news-reader))
    (if (symbolp command)
	(call-interactively command)
      (eval command))))

(defvar toolbar-last-win-icon nil "A `last-win' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-next-win-icon nil "A `next-win' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-file-icon     nil "A `file' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-folder-icon   nil "A `folder' icon set")
(defvar toolbar-disk-icon     nil "A `disk' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-printer-icon  nil "A `printer' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-cut-icon      nil "A `cut' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-copy-icon     nil "A `copy' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-paste-icon    nil "A `paste' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-undo-icon     nil "An `undo' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-spell-icon    nil "A `spell' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-replace-icon  nil "A `replace' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-mail-icon     nil "A `mail' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-info-icon     nil "An `info' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-compile-icon  nil "A `compile' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-debug-icon    nil "A `debugger' icon set.")
(defvar toolbar-news-icon     nil "A `news' icon set.")

;;; each entry maps a variable to the prefix used.

(defvar init-toolbar-list
  '((toolbar-last-win-icon . "last-win")
    (toolbar-next-win-icon . "next-win")
    (toolbar-file-icon     . "file")
    (toolbar-folder-icon   . "folder")
    (toolbar-disk-icon     . "disk")
    (toolbar-printer-icon  . "printer")
    (toolbar-cut-icon      . "cut")
    (toolbar-copy-icon     . "copy")
    (toolbar-paste-icon    . "paste")
    (toolbar-undo-icon     . "undo")
    (toolbar-spell-icon    . "spell")
    (toolbar-replace-icon  . "replace")
    (toolbar-mail-icon     . "mail")
    (toolbar-info-icon     . "info-def")
    (toolbar-compile-icon  . "compile")
    (toolbar-debug-icon    . "debug")
    (toolbar-news-icon     . "news")))

(defun init-toolbar ()
  (toolbar-add-item-data init-toolbar-list)
  ;; do this now because errors will occur if the icon symbols
  ;; are not initted
  (set-specifier default-toolbar initial-toolbar-spec))
(defun toolbar-add-item-data (icon-list &optional icon-dir)
  (if (eq icon-dir nil)
      (setq icon-dir toolbar-icon-directory))
   (lambda (cons)
     (let ((prefix (expand-file-name (cdr cons) icon-dir)))
       ;; #### This should use a better mechanism for finding the
       ;; glyphs, allowing for formats other than x[pb]m.  Look at
       ;; `widget-glyph-find' for an example how it might be done.
       (set (car cons)
	    (if (featurep 'xpm)
		 (concat prefix "-up.xpm")
		 (concat prefix "-xx.xpm")
		 (concat prefix "-cap-up.xpm")
		 (concat prefix "-cap-xx.xpm"))
	       (concat prefix "-up.xbm")
	       (concat prefix "-dn.xbm")
	       (concat prefix "-xx.xbm"))))))

(defvar toolbar-vector-open 
  [toolbar-file-icon            toolbar-open	t       "Open a file"]
  "Define the vector for the \"Open\" toolbar button")

(defvar toolbar-vector-dired
  [toolbar-folder-icon	        toolbar-dired	t	"Edit a directory"]
  "Define the vector for the \"Dired\" toolbar button")

(defvar toolbar-vector-save
  [toolbar-disk-icon		toolbar-save	t	"Save buffer"]
  "Define the vector for the \"Save\" toolbar button")

(defvar toolbar-vector-print
  [toolbar-printer-icon	        toolbar-print	t	"Print buffer"]
  "Define the vector for the \"Printer\" toolbar button")

(defvar toolbar-vector-cut
  [toolbar-cut-icon		toolbar-cut	t	"Kill region"]
  "Define the vector for the \"Cut\" toolbar button")

(defvar toolbar-vector-copy
  [toolbar-copy-icon		toolbar-copy	t	"Copy region"]
  "Define the vector for the \"Copy\" toolbar button")

(defvar toolbar-vector-paste
  [toolbar-paste-icon		toolbar-paste	t	"Paste from clipboard"]
  "Define the vector for the \"Paste\" toolbar button")

(defvar toolbar-vector-undo
  [toolbar-undo-icon		toolbar-undo	t	"Undo edit"]
  "Define the vector for the \"Undo\" toolbar button")

(defvar toolbar-vector-spell
  [toolbar-spell-icon		toolbar-ispell	t	"Check spelling"]
  "Define the vector for the \"Spell\" toolbar button")

(defvar toolbar-vector-replace
  [toolbar-replace-icon	        toolbar-replace	t	"Search & Replace"]  
  "Define the vector for the \"Replace\" toolbar button")

(defvar toolbar-vector-mail
  [toolbar-mail-icon		toolbar-mail	t	"Read mail"]
  "Define the vector for the \"Mail\" toolbar button")

(defvar toolbar-vector-info
  [toolbar-info-icon		toolbar-info	t	"Info documentation"]
  "Define the vector for the \"Info\" toolbar button")

(defvar toolbar-vector-compile
  [toolbar-compile-icon	        toolbar-compile	t	"Start a compilation"]
  "Define the vector for the \"Compile\" toolbar button")

(defvar toolbar-vector-debug
  [toolbar-debug-icon		toolbar-debug	t	"Start a debugger"]
  "Define the vector for the \"Debug\" toolbar button")

(defvar toolbar-vector-news
  [toolbar-news-icon		toolbar-news	t	"Read news"]
  "Define the vector for the \"News\" toolbar button")

(defvar initial-toolbar-spec
    ;;[toolbar-last-win-icon	pop-window-configuration
    ;;(frame-property (selected-frame)
    ;;		'window-config-stack) t	"Most recent window config"]
    ;; #### Illicit knowledge?
    ;; #### These don't work right - not consistent!
    ;; I don't know what's wrong; perhaps `selected-frame' is wrong
    ;; sometimes when this is evaluated.  Note that I even tried to
    ;; kludge-fix this by calls to `set-specifier-dirty-flag' in
    ;; pop-window-configuration and such.

    ;;[toolbar-next-win-icon	unpop-window-configuration
    ;;(frame-property (selected-frame)
    ;;	'window-config-unpop-stack) t "Undo \"Most recent window config\""]
    ;; #### Illicit knowledge?
  "The initial toolbar for a buffer.")

;;; toolbar-items.el ends here