view lisp/w3/w3-forms.el @ 9:6f2bbbbbe05a

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date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:47:36 +0200
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;;; w3-forms.el --- Emacs-w3 forms parsing code for new display engine
;; Author: wmperry
;; Created: 1996/08/10 16:14:08
;; Version: 1.14
;; Keywords: faces, help, comm, data, languages

;;; Copyright (c) 1996 by William M. Perry (
;;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs, but the same permissions apply.
;;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;;; any later version.
;;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
;;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

;;; FORMS processing for html 2.0/3.0
  (require 'w3-draw))

(require 'widget)

(if (featurep 'mule) (fset 'string-width 'length))

;; These are things in later versions of the widget package that I don't
;; have yet.
(defun widget-at (pt)
  (or (get-text-property pt 'button)
      (get-text-property pt 'field)))

;; A form entry area is a vector
;; [ type name default-value value maxlength options widget]
;; Where:
;;          type = symbol defining what type of form entry area it is
;;                 (ie: file, radio)
;;          name = the name of the form element
;; default-value = the value this started out with

(defsubst w3-form-element-type          (obj) (aref obj 0))
(defsubst w3-form-element-name          (obj) (aref obj 1))
(defsubst w3-form-element-default-value (obj) (aref obj 2))
(defsubst w3-form-element-value         (obj) (aref obj 3))
(defsubst w3-form-element-size          (obj) (aref obj 4))
(defsubst w3-form-element-maxlength     (obj) (aref obj 5))
(defsubst w3-form-element-options       (obj) (aref obj 6))
(defsubst w3-form-element-action        (obj) (aref obj 7))
(defsubst w3-form-element-widget        (obj) (aref obj 8))

(defsubst w3-form-element-set-type          (obj val) (aset obj 0 val))
(defsubst w3-form-element-set-name          (obj val) (aset obj 1 val))
(defsubst w3-form-element-set-default-value (obj val) (aset obj 2 val))
(defsubst w3-form-element-set-value         (obj val) (aset obj 3 val))
(defsubst w3-form-element-set-size          (obj val) (aset obj 4 val))
(defsubst w3-form-element-set-maxlength     (obj val) (aset obj 5 val))
(defsubst w3-form-element-set-options       (obj val) (aset obj 6 val))
(defsubst w3-form-element-set-action        (obj val) (aset obj 7 val))
(defsubst w3-form-element-set-widget        (obj val) (aset obj 8 val))

;; The main function - this adds a single widget to the form
(defun w3-form-add-element (&rest args)
  (let* ((widget nil)
	 (buffer-read-only nil)
	 (inhibit-read-only t)
	 (widget-creation-function nil)
	 (action (cons (cons 'form-number (w3-get-state :formnum))
		       (nth 6 args)))
	 (node (assoc action w3-form-elements))
	 (name (or (nth 1 args)
		   (if (memq (nth 0 args) '(submit reset))
		     (symbol-name (nth 0 args)))))
	 (val (vector (nth 0 args)	; type
		      name		; name
		      (nth 5 args)	; default
		      (nth 2 args)	; value
		      (nth 3 args)	; size
		      (nth 4 args)	; maxlength
		      (nth 7 args)	; options
		      nil))		; widget
    (setq widget-creation-function (or (get (car args)
	  widget (funcall widget-creation-function val
			  (cdr (nth 10 args))))
    (if node
	(setcdr node (cons val (cdr node)))
      (setq w3-form-elements (cons (cons action (list val)) w3-form-elements)))
    (if (not widget)
      (w3-form-element-set-widget val widget)
      (widget-put widget 'w3-form-data val))))

;; These properties tell the add-element function how to actually create
;; each type of widget.
(put 'checkbox  'w3-widget-creation-function 'w3-form-create-checkbox)
(put 'multiline 'w3-widget-creation-function 'w3-form-create-multiline)
(put 'radio     'w3-widget-creation-function 'w3-form-create-radio-button)
(put 'reset     'w3-widget-creation-function 'w3-form-create-submit-button)
(put 'submit    'w3-widget-creation-function 'w3-form-create-submit-button)
(put 'hidden    'w3-widget-creation-function 'ignore)
(put 'file      'w3-widget-creation-function 'w3-form-create-file-browser)
(put 'option    'w3-widget-creation-function 'w3-form-create-option-list)
(put 'keygen    'w3-widget-creation-function 'w3-form-create-keygen-list)
(put 'button    'w3-widget-creation-function 'w3-form-create-button)
(put 'image	'w3-widget-creation-function 'w3-form-create-image)

(defun w3-form-create-checkbox (el face)
  (widget-create 'checkbox :value-face face
		 (and (w3-form-element-default-value el) t)))

(defun w3-form-create-radio-button (el face)
  (let* ((name (w3-form-element-name el))
	 (formobj (cdr (assoc name w3-form-radio-elements)))
	 (widget nil)
    (if formobj
	  (setq widget (w3-form-element-widget formobj))
	  (widget-radio-add-item widget
				 (list 'item
				       :format "%t"
				       :tag ""
				       :value (w3-form-element-value el)))
	  (if (w3-form-element-default-value el)
	      (widget-value-set widget (w3-form-element-value el)))
      (setq widget (widget-create 'radio
				  :value (w3-form-element-value el)
				  (list 'item
					:format "%t"
					:tag ""
					:value (w3-form-element-value el)))
	    w3-form-radio-elements (cons (cons name el)

(defun w3-form-create-button (el face)
  ;; This handles dealing with the bogus Netscape 'button' input type
  ;; that lots of places have been using to slap javascript shit onto
  (let ((val (w3-form-element-value el)))
    (if (or (not val) (string= val ""))
	(setq val "Push Me"))
    (widget-create 'push :notify 'ignore :button-face face val)))

(defun w3-form-create-image (el face)
  (let ((widget (widget-create 'push
			       :notify 'w3-form-submit/reset-callback
			       :value "Form-Image")))

(defun w3-form-create-submit-button (el face)
  (let ((val (w3-form-element-value el)))
    (if (or (not val) (string= val ""))
	(setq val (if (eq (w3-form-element-type el) 'submit)
    (widget-create 'push :notify 'w3-form-submit/reset-callback
		   :button-face face val)))

(defun w3-form-create-file-browser (el face)
  (widget-create 'file :value-face face :value (w3-form-element-value el)))

(defvar w3-form-valid-key-sizes
    ("1024 (Premium)" . 1024)
    ("896 (Regular)" . 896)
    ("768 (Unleaded)" . 768)
    ("512 (Low Grade)" . 512)
    ("508 (Woos)" . 508)
    ("256 (Test Grade)" . 256)
  "An assoc list of available key sizes and meaningful descriptions.")
(defun w3-form-create-keygen-list (el face)
  (let ((tmp w3-form-valid-key-sizes)
	(longest 0)
	(options nil))
    (while tmp
      (if (> (length (caar tmp)) longest)
	  (setq longest (length (caar tmp))))
      (setq options (cons (list 'choice-item :tag (caar tmp)
				:value (cdar tmp)) options)
	    tmp (cdr tmp)))
    (apply 'widget-create 'choice :value 1024
	   :tag "Key Length"
	   :size (1+ longest)
	   :value-face face

(defun w3-form-create-option-list (el face)
  (let ((widget (apply 'widget-create 'choice :value (w3-form-element-value el)
		       :tag "Choose"
		       :format "%v"
		       :size (w3-form-element-size el)
		       :value-face face
			 (lambda (x)
			   (list 'choice-item :format "%[%t%]"
				 :tag (car x) :value (car x))))
			(reverse (w3-form-element-options el))))))
    (widget-value-set widget (w3-form-element-value el))

;(defun w3-form-create-multiline (el face)
;  ;; FIX THIS! - need to padd out with newlines or something...
;  (widget-create 'field :value-face face (w3-form-element-value el)))

(defun w3-form-create-multiline (el face)
  (widget-create 'push :notify 'w3-do-text-entry "Multiline text area"))

(defun w3-form-default-widget-creator (el face)
  (widget-create 'link
		 :notify 'w3-form-default-button-callback
		 :size (w3-form-element-size el)
		 :tag (w3-truncate-string (w3-form-element-value el)
					  (w3-form-element-size el) ?_)
		 :value-face face
		 (w3-form-element-value el)))

(defun w3-form-default-button-callback (widget &rest ignore)
  (let* ((obj (widget-get widget 'w3-form-data))
	 (typ (w3-form-element-type obj))
	 (def (widget-value widget))
	 (val nil)
    (case typ
       (setq val (funcall url-passwd-entry-func "Password: " def))
       (widget-put widget :tag (w3-truncate-string
				(make-string (length val) ?*)
				(w3-form-element-size obj) ?_)))
       (setq val (read-string
		  (concat (capitalize (symbol-name typ)) ": ") def))
       (widget-put widget :tag (w3-truncate-string
				val (w3-form-element-size obj) ?_))))
    (widget-value-set widget val))
  (apply 'w3-form-possibly-submit widget ignore))

(defun w3-truncate-string (str len &optional pad)
  "Truncate string STR so that string-width of STR is not greater than LEN.
 If width of the truncated string is less than LEN, and if a character PAD is
 defined, add padding end of it."
  (if (featurep 'mule)
      (let ((cl (string-to-char-list str)) (n 0) (sw 0))
 	(if (<= (string-width str) len) str
 	  (while (<= (setq sw (+ (char-width (nth n cl)) sw)) len)
 	    (setq n (1+ n)))
 	  (string-match (make-string n ?.) str)
 	  (setq str (substring str 0 (match-end 0))))
 	(if pad (concat str (make-string (- len (string-width str)) pad)) str))
    (concat (if (> (length str) len) (substring str 0 len) str)
 	    (if (or (null pad) (> (length str) len))
 	      (make-string (- len (length str)) pad)))))

(defun w3-form-possibly-submit (widget &rest ignore)
  (let* ((formobj (widget-get widget 'w3-form-data))
	 (ident (w3-form-element-action formobj))
	 (widgets (w3-all-widgets ident))
	 (text-fields 0)
	 (text-p nil))
    ;; Gack.  Netscape auto-submits forms of one text field
    ;; here we go through the list of widgets in this form and
    ;; determine which are not submit/reset/button inputs.
    ;; If the # == 1, then submit the form.
    (while widgets
      (setq text-fields (+
			 (case (w3-form-element-type (car widgets))
			   ((submit reset image button)
			    (setq text-p t)
	    widgets (cdr widgets)))
    (if (and (= text-fields 1) text-p)
	(w3-submit-form ident))))

(defun w3-form-submit/reset-callback (widget &rest ignore)
  (let* ((formobj (widget-get widget 'w3-form-data))
	 (w3-submit-button formobj))
    (case (w3-form-element-type formobj)
      (submit (w3-submit-form (w3-form-element-action formobj)))
      (reset  (w3-revert-form (w3-form-element-action formobj)))
      (image  (w3-submit-form (w3-form-element-action formobj)))
	"Impossible widget type %s triggered w3-form-submit/reset-callback"
	(w3-form-element-type formobj))))))

(defun w3-do-text-entry (widget &rest ignore)
  (let* ((data (list widget (current-buffer)))
	 (formobj (widget-get widget 'w3-form-data))
	 (buff (get-buffer-create (format "Form Entry: %s"
					  (w3-form-element-name formobj)))))
    (switch-to-buffer-other-window buff)
    (if (w3-form-element-value formobj)
	(insert (w3-form-element-value formobj)))
    (setq w3-current-last-buffer data)
    (message "Press C-c C-c when finished with text entry.")
    (local-set-key "\C-c\C-c" 'w3-finish-text-entry)))

(defun w3-finish-text-entry ()
  (if w3-current-last-buffer
      (let* ((widget (nth 0 w3-current-last-buffer))
	     (formobj (widget-get widget 'w3-form-data))
	     (buff (nth 1 w3-current-last-buffer))
	     (valu (buffer-string))
	     (inhibit-read-only t)
	(local-set-key "\C-c\C-c" 'undefined)
	(kill-buffer (current-buffer))
	(condition-case ()
	  (error nil))
	(if (not (and buff (bufferp buff) (buffer-name buff)))
	    (message "Could not find the form buffer for this text!")
	  (switch-to-buffer buff)
	  (w3-form-element-set-value formobj valu)))))

(defsubst w3-all-widgets (actn)
  ;; Return a list of data entry widgets in form number ACTN
  (cdr-safe (assoc actn w3-form-elements)))

(defun w3-revert-form (actn)
    (let* ((formobjs (w3-all-widgets actn))
	   (inhibit-read-only t)
	   deft type widget formobj)
      (while formobjs
	(setq formobj (car formobjs)
	      widget (w3-form-element-widget formobj)
	      formobjs (cdr formobjs)
	      deft (w3-form-element-default-value formobj)
	      type (w3-form-element-type formobj))
	(case type
	  ((submit reset image) nil)
	   ;; Ack - how!?
	   (if deft
	       (widget-value-set widget t)
	     (widget-value-set widget nil)))
	   (widget-value-set widget deft))
	   (widget-value-set widget deft)))))))

(defun w3-form-encode-helper (formobjs)
  (let (
	(submit-button-data w3-submit-button)
	formobj result widget temp type)
    (while formobjs
      (setq formobj (car formobjs)
	    type (w3-form-element-type formobj)
	    widget (w3-form-element-widget formobj)
	    formobjs (cdr formobjs)
	    temp (case type
		   (reset nil)
		    (if (and (eq submit-button-data formobj)
			     (w3-form-element-name formobj))
			(setq result (append
					(concat (w3-form-element-name formobj)
						".x") "0")
					(concat (w3-form-element-name formobj)
						".y") "0"))
		    (if (and (eq submit-button-data formobj)
			     (w3-form-element-name formobj))
			(cons (w3-form-element-name formobj)
			      (w3-form-element-value formobj))))
		    (let* ((radio-name (w3-form-element-name formobj))
			   (radio-object (cdr-safe
					  (assoc radio-name
			   (chosen-widget (and radio-object
		      (if (assoc radio-name result)
			(cons radio-name (widget-value chosen-widget)))))
		    (if (widget-value widget)
			(cons (w3-form-element-name formobj)
			      (w3-form-element-value formobj))))
		    (let ((dat nil)
			  (fname (widget-value widget)))
			(set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *w3-temp*"))
			(setq dat
			      (condition-case ()
				  (insert-file-contents-literally fname)
				(error (concat "Error accessing " fname))))
			(cons (w3-form-element-name formobj) dat))))
		    (cons (w3-form-element-name formobj)
			   (assoc (widget-value widget)
				  (w3-form-element-options formobj)))))
		    (cons (w3-form-element-name formobj)
			  (format "Should create a %d bit RSA key"
				  (widget-value widget))))
		   ((multiline hidden)
		    (cons (w3-form-element-name formobj)
			  (w3-form-element-value formobj)))
		    (cons (w3-form-element-name formobj)
			  (widget-value widget)))))
      (if temp
	  (setq result (cons temp result))))

(defun w3-form-encode-make-mime-part (id data separator)
  (concat separator "\nContent-id: " id
	  "\nContent-length: " (length data)
	  "\n\n" data))

(defun w3-form-encode-multipart/x-www-form-data (formobjs)
  ;; Create a multipart form submission.
  ;; Returns a cons of two strings.  Car is the separator used.
  ;; cdr is the body of the MIME message."
  (let ((separator "---some-separator-for-www-form-data"))
    (cons separator
	    (lambda (formobj)
	      (w3-form-encode-make-mime-part (car formobj) (cdr formobj)
	   (w3-form-encode-helper formobjs)

(fset 'w3-form-encode-multipart/form-data
(fset 'w3-form-encode- 'w3-form-encode-application/x-www-form-urlencoded)

(defun w3-next-widget (pos)
  (let* ((next (cond ((get-text-property pos 'button)
		      (next-single-property-change pos 'button))
		     ((get-text-property pos 'field)
		      (next-single-property-change pos 'field))
		     (t pos)))
	 (button (next-single-property-change next 'button))
	 (field  (next-single-property-change next 'field)))
    (setq next
	   ((and button field) (min button field))
	   (button button)
	   (field field)
	   (t nil)))
    (and next
	 (or (get-text-property next 'button)
	     (get-text-property next 'field)))))

(defun w3-form-encode (result &optional enctype)
  "Create a string suitably encoded for a URL request."
  (let ((func (intern (concat "w3-form-encode-" enctype))))
    (if (fboundp func)
	(funcall func result)
      (w3-warn 'html (format "Bad encoding type for form data: %s" enctype))
      (w3-form-encode-application/x-www-form-urlencoded result))))

(defun w3-form-encode-text/plain (result)
  (let ((query ""))
    (setq query
	    (lambda (widget)
	      (let ((nam (car widget))
		    (val (cdr widget)))
		(if (string-match "\n" nam)
		    (setq nam (mapconcat
				(lambda (x)
				  (if (= x ?\n) "," (char-to-string x))))
			       nam "")))
		(concat nam " " val))))
	   (w3-form-encode-helper result) "\n"))

(defun w3-form-encode-application/x-w3-wais (result)
  (cdr (car (w3-form-encode-helper result))))

(defun w3-form-encode-application/x-gopher-query (result)
  (concat "\t" (cdr (car (w3-form-encode-helper result)))))

(defconst w3-xwfu-acceptable-chars
  ?a ?b ?c ?d ?e ?f ?g ?h ?i ?j ?k ?l ?m ?n ?o ?p ?q ?r ?s ?t ?u ?v ?w ?x ?y ?z
  ?A ?B ?C ?D ?E ?F ?G ?H ?I ?J ?K ?L ?M ?N ?O ?P ?Q ?R ?S ?T ?U ?V ?W ?X ?Y ?Z
  ?0 ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 ?7 ?8 ?9
  ?_ ;; BOGUS!  This is for #!%#@!ing netscape compatibility
  ?. ;; BOGUS!  This is for #!%#@!ing netscape compatibility
  "A list of characters that we do not have to escape in the media type
(defun w3-form-encode-xwfu (chunk)
  "Escape characters in a string for application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
Blasphemous crap because someone didn't think %20 was good enough for encoding
spaces.  Die Die Die."
  (if (and (featurep 'mule) chunk)
      (setq chunk (if w3-running-xemacs
		       chunk url-mule-retrieval-coding-system)
		     chunk *internal* url-mule-retrieval-coding-system))))
    (lambda (char)
       ((= char ?  ) "+")
       ((memq char w3-xwfu-acceptable-chars) (char-to-string char))
       (t (upcase (format "%%%02x" char))))))
   chunk ""))

(defun w3-form-encode-application/x-www-form-urlencoded (result)
    (lambda (data)
      (concat (w3-form-encode-xwfu (car data)) "="
	      (w3-form-encode-xwfu (cdr data)))))
   (w3-form-encode-helper result) "&"))

(defun w3-form-encode-application/x-w3-isindex (result)
  (let* ((info (w3-form-encode-helper result))
	 (query (cdr-safe (assoc "isindex" info))))
    (if query
	(url-hexify-string query)

(defun w3-form-encode-application/gopher-ask-block (result)
  (let ((query ""))
    ;;; gopher+ will expect all the checkboxes/etc, even if they are
    ;;; not turned on.  Should still ignore RADIO boxes that are not
    ;;; active though.
  (while result
    (if (and (not (and (string= (nth 2 (car result)) "RADIO")
		       (not (nth 6 (car result)))))
	     (not (member (nth 2 (car result)) '("SUBMIT" "RESET"))))
	(setq query (format "%s\r\n%s" query (nth 5 (car result)))))
    (setq result (cdr result)))
  (concat query "\r\n.\r\n")))

(defun w3-submit-form (ident)
  ;; Submit form entry fields matching ACTN as their action identifier.
  (let* ((result (w3-all-widgets ident))
	 (enctype (cdr (assq 'enctype ident)))
	 (query (w3-form-encode result enctype))
	 (themeth (upcase (or (cdr (assq 'method ident)) "get")))
	 (theurl (cdr (assq 'action ident))))
    (if (and (string= "GET" themeth)
	     (string-match "\\([^\\?]*\\)\\?" theurl))
	(setq theurl (url-match theurl 1)))
     ((or (string= "POST" themeth)
	  (string= "PUT" themeth))
      (if (consp query)
	  (setq enctype (concat enctype "; separator=\""
				(substring (car query) 3 nil)
		query (cdr query)))
      (let ((url-request-method themeth)
	    (url-request-data query)
	     (cons (cons "Content-type" enctype) url-request-extra-headers)))
	(w3-fetch theurl)))
     ((string= "GET" themeth)
      (let ((theurl (concat theurl (if (string-match "gopher" enctype)
				       "" "?") query)))
	(w3-fetch theurl)))
      (w3-warn 'html (format "Unknown submit method: %s" themeth))
      (let ((theurl (concat theurl "?" query)))
	(w3-fetch theurl))))))

(provide 'w3-forms)