view etc/sgml/html-plus+.dtd @ 9:6f2bbbbbe05a

Added tag r19-15b5 for changeset 4b173ad71786
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:47:36 +0200
parents 376386a54a3c
line wrap: on
line source


<!-- DTD for HTML+ It assumes the default <!SGML> declaration.

 Markup minimisation should be avoided with the exception of </>
 for the endtag. Browsers should be forgiving of markup errors.

 Common Attributes:

    id      The id attribute allows authors to name elements such as 
            headers and paragraphs as potential destinations for links. 
            Note links don't specify points, but rather extended objects.

    index   Allows authors to specify how given headers etc should be 
            indexed as primary or secondary keys, where "/" separates
            primary from secondary keys ";" separates multiple entries


  <!ENTITY % foo "X | Y | Z"> is a macro definition for parameters and
  in subsequent statements, the string "%foo;" is expanded to "X | Y | Z"

  Various classes of SGML text types:

    #CDATA      text which doesn't include markup or entity references

    #RCDATA     text with entity references but no markup

    #PCDATA     text occurring in a context in which markup and entity
                references may occur.

<!ENTITY % URL "CDATA" -- a URL or URN designating a hypertext node -->
<!ENTITY % paras "P|PRE|FIG|HR">
<!ENTITY % lists "UL|OL|DL">
<!ENTITY % heading "H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6"> 
<!ENTITY % table "%text;|P|%heading;|%lists;">
<!ENTITY % main "%heading;|%misc;|%lists;|%paras;|%text;">
<!ENTITY % setup "(TITLE? & HTML? &ISINDEX? & NEXTID? & LINK* & BASE?)">

   <!ELEMENT tagname - - CONTENT> elements needing closing tags
   <!ELEMENT tagname - O CONTENT> elements without closing tags
   <!ELEMENT tagname - O EMPTY> elements without content or closing tags

 The content definition is:
    a)  an entity reference as defined above
    b)  a tagname
    c)  (brackets enclosing the above)

 These may be combined with the operators:

    A*   A occurs zero or more times
    A+   A occurs one or more times
   AŻB   implies either A or B
    A?   A may occur zero or one times
   A,B   implies first A then B

<!ELEMENT HTMLPLUS O O ((HEAD, BODY) | ((%setup;), (%main;)*))>

<!ELEMENT HEAD - - (%setup;)>

<!ELEMENT BODY - - (%main;)*>

<!-- Document title -->

        id      ID      #IMPLIED -- link destination --
        index   CDATA   #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation -->

<!-- Document/Node role for cataloging documents held by servers -->


<!ATTLIST HTML role CDATA #IMPLIED -- home page, index, ... -->

<!-- Floating panel which can be moved around relative to the normal text 
 flow. Often rendered with a different background and possibly framed. The 
 panel can be anchored to a named point in the document as specified by the 
 AT attribute. The panel may be placed at that point or after, but not 

<!ELEMENT PANEL - - (TITLE?, (%main;)*)>

        id      ID      #IMPLIED -- defines link destination --
        at      IDREF   #IMPLIED -- anchor point --
        index   CDATA   #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation -->

<!-- Document headers -->

<!ELEMENT (%heading;) - - (#PCDATA | A | EM)+>

<!ATTLIST (%heading;)
        id      ID      #IMPLIED -- defines link destination --
        index   CDATA   #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation -->

<!-- logical emphasis with optional style hints -->

<!ELEMENT EM - - (%text;)*>

    role    CDATA   #IMPLIED -- semantic category e.g. CITE --
    b       (b)     #IMPLIED -- render in bold font --
    i       (i)     #IMPLIED -- render in italic font --
    u       (u)     #IMPLIED -- underline text --
    tt      (tt)    #IMPLIED -- render in typewriter font --
    tr      (tr)    #IMPLIED -- render in serif (Times Roman) font --
    hv      (hv)    #IMPLIED -- render in sans serif (Helvetica) font --
    sup     (sup)   #IMPLIED -- superscript --
    sub     (sub)   #IMPLIED -- subscript --
    index   CDATA   #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation -->

<!-- Paragraphs with different roles and optional style hints -->

<!ELEMENT P - O (%text;)+>

    id      ID        #IMPLIED -- link destination --
    role    CDATA     #IMPLIED -- semantic role --
    align   CDATA     #IMPLIED -- left, center or right --
    indent  (indent)  #IMPLIED -- indented margins --
    index   CDATA     #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation -->

<!ELEMENT HR - O EMPTY -- horizontal rule -->

<!ELEMENT BR - O EMPTY -- line break -->

<!ELEMENT SP - O EMPTY -- unbreakable space -->

<!-- Preformatted text with fixed pitch font, respecting original spacing 
 and newlines. Authors can also request proportional fonts. Further control 
 is possible with EM.

<!ELEMENT ADDRESS - - (%text;|P)+>

<!ELEMENT PRE - - (%text;)+>

    id      ID      #IMPLIED -- link destination --
    style   CDATA   #IMPLIED -- various styles --
    tr      (tr)    #IMPLIED -- serif (Times Roman) font --
    hv      (hv)    #IMPLIED -- sans serif (Helvetica) font --
    width   NUMBER  #IMPLIED -- e.g. 40, 80, 132 --
    index   CDATA   #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation -->

<!-- Lists which can be nested -->

<!ELEMENT OL - - (LI | UL | OL)+ -- ordered list -->

    id      ID          #IMPLIED
    compact (compact)   #IMPLIED
    index   CDATA       #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation -->

<!ELEMENT UL - - (LI | UL | OL)+ -- unordered list -->

    id      ID          #IMPLIED -- link destination --
    compact (compact)   #IMPLIED -- reduced interitem spacing --
    narrow  (narrow)    #IMPLIED -- narrow perhaps multi columns --
    index   CDATA       #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation -->

<!-- List items for UL and OL lists -->

<!ELEMENT LI - O (P|%text;)+>

    id      ID      #IMPLIED
    src     %URL;   #IMPLIED -- icon for use in place of bullet --
    index   CDATA   #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation -->

<!-- Definition Lists (terms + definitions) -->

<!ELEMENT DL - - (DT,DD)+ -- DT and DD *MUST* be paired -- >

    id      ID          #IMPLIED
    compact (compact)   #IMPLIED
    index   CDATA       #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation -->

<!ELEMENT DT - O (%text;)+ -- term text -- >

<!ELEMENT DD - O (P|QUOTE|UL|OL|%text;)+ -- definition text -- >

    id      ID      #IMPLIED
    index   CDATA   #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation -->

<!-- Tables with titles and column headers, e.g.

    <tbl border>
        <tt> An Example of a Table
        <th> <th s="2"> average <th> other <tr>
        <th> <th> height <th> weight <th> category <tr>
        <td> males <td> 1.9 <td> .003 <td> yyy <tr>
        <td> females <td> 1.7 <td> .002 <td> xxx

<!ELEMENT TBL - - (TT?, (TH|TD|TR|TB)*) -- mixed headers and data -->

    id      ID          #IMPLIED
    compact (compact)   #IMPLIED -- if present use compact style --
    border  (border)    #IMPLIED -- if present draw borders --
    index   CDATA       #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation -->

<!ELEMENT TT - O (%text;)+ -- table title -->

<!ATTLIST TT top (top) #IMPLIED -- place title above table -->

<!ELEMENT TH - O (%table;)* -- a header cell -->

    colspan NUMBER    1       -- columns spanned --
    rowspan NUMBER    1       -- rows spanned --
    align   CDATA   #IMPLIED  -- left, center or right -->

<!ELEMENT TD - O (%table;)* -- a data cell -->

    colspan NUMBER    1       -- columns spanned --
    rowspan NUMBER    1       -- rows spanned --
    align   CDATA   #IMPLIED  -- left, center or right -->

<!ELEMENT TR - O EMPTY -- row *separator* not terminator -->

<!ELEMENT TB - O EMPTY -- vertical break of 1/2 line spacing -->

<!-- Forms composed from input fields and selection menus

 These elements define fields which users can type into or select with mouse 
 clicks. The browser should manage the input focus e.g. with the tab/shift 
 tab keys and mouse clicks.

 The enter/return key is then taken to mean the use has filled in the form 
 and wants the apppropriate action taken:

   -  send as query/update to WWW server
   -  email/fax to designated person

 The action is specified as a URL, e.g. " You can 
 specify additional mail headers with the MH tag:

    <MH>Subject: Please add me to tennis tournament</MH>

 Each FORM should include one or more INPUT elements which can be layed out 
 with normal and preformatted text, lists and tables.

<!ELEMENT FORM - - (MH?,(%main;)*)>

        id      ID      #IMPLIED
        action  %URL;   #IMPLIED
        index   CDATA   #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation -->

<!ELEMENT MH - - CDATA -- one or more RFC 822 header fields -->

<!ATTLIST MH hidden (hidden) #IMPLIED -- hide mail headers from view -->

<!-- INPUT elements should be defined within a FORM element.

 Users can alter the value of the INPUT element by typing or clicking with 
 the mouse. Use radio buttons for selecting one attribute value from a set 
 of alternatives. In this case there will be several INPUT elements with the 
 same name. Attributes which can take multiple values at the same time 
 should be defined with checkboxes: define each allowed value in a separate 
 INPUT element but with the same attribute name. For checkboxes and radio 
 buttons, the value doesn't change, instead the state of the button shown by 
 the presence or absence of the checked attribute in each element.
 The size attribute specifies the size of the input field as appropriate to 
 each type. For text this gives the width in characters and height in lines 
 (separated by an "x"). For numbers this gives the maximum precision.


    name      CDATA     #IMPLIED -- attribute name (may not be unique) --
    size      CDATA     #IMPLIED -- e.g."32x4" for multiline text --
    value     CDATA     #IMPLIED -- attribute value (altered by user) --
    checked  (checked)  #IMPLIED -- for check boxes and radio buttons --
    disabled (disabled) #IMPLIED -- if grayed out --
    error    (error)    #IMPLIED -- if in error -->

<!-- Embedded Data

 You can embed information in a foreign format into the HTML+ document. This 
 is very convenient for mathematical equations and simple drawings. Images 
 and complex drawings are better specified as linked documents using the FIG 
 or IMG elements.

 Arbitrary 8 bit data is allowed but any occurrences of the following chars 
 must be escaped as shown:

        "&"     by      "&amp;"
        "<"     by      "&lt;"
        ">"     by      "&gt;"

 The browser can pipe such data thru filters to generate the corresponding 
 pixmap The data format is specified as a MIME content type, e.g. "text/eqn"


    id      ID      #IMPLIED
    type    CDATA   #IMPLIED  -- mime content type --
    index   CDATA   #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation -->

<!-- Figures

 The image/drawing is specified by a URL or as embedded data for simple 
 drawings. The element's text serves as the caption. Use the emphasis with 
 style = "credits" to record photo credits etc.

 FIGD allows dumb terminals etc to show a textual description in place
 of the actual sound sequence, image, movie or graphic.

<!ELEMENT FIG - - (EMBED?, FIGD?, (FIGA|FIGT)*, (%text;)*)>
    id      ID          #IMPLIED
    align   CDATA       #IMPLIED -- position: left, right or center --
    cap     CDATA       #IMPLIED -- caption at left, right, top, bottom --
    noflow  (noflow)    #IMPLIED -- disables text flow --
    ismap   (ismap)     #IMPLIED -- server can handle mouse clicks/drags --
    src     %URL;       #IMPLIED -- link to image data --
    index   CDATA       #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation -->

<!ELEMENT FIGD - - (%table;) -- figure description -->

<!-- Figure anchors designate polygonal areas on the figure which can be 
 clicked with the mouse. The default area is the whole of the figure. This 
 mechanism interprets mouse clicks locally, and browsers can choose to 
 highlight the designated area (or change the mouse sprite) when the mouse 
 is moved over the area.

 Note that polygons may be non-convex or even intersect themselves, thereby 
 complicating the definition of what is enclosed by the polygon. Holes are 


        href    %URL;   #REQUIRED -- link to traverse when clicked --
        area    NUMBERS #IMPLIED -- x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,... -->

<!-- FIGT Text on top of an figure background, or in a colored background 
 box which sits arbitrarily on top of an figure background. The text can 
 include headers, lists and tables etc. The width attribute allows you to 
 limit the width of the text box. The height is then determined 
 automatically by the browser.

 FIGT can also be used to position a graphic on top of a picture using an 
 IMG element within FIGT. In this case the chromakey attribute may allow 
 parts of the underlying image to show through.
 You can make the whole of the box into a hypertext link. This will act as 
 if it is underneath any hypertext links specified by the overlay markup 

<!ELEMENT FIGT - - (%main;)>
    at      NUMBERS     #IMPLIED -- upper left origin for text --
    width   NUMBER      #IMPLIED -- given as fraction of picture --
    framed  (framed)    #IMPLIED -- framed with coloured background --
    href    %URL;       #IMPLIED -- link to traverse when clicked -->

<!-- inline icons/small graphics

 The align attribute defines whether the top middle or bottom of the graphic 
 and current text line should be aligned vertically

 The SEETHRU attribute is intended as a chromakey to allow a given colour to 
 be designated as "transparent". Pixels with this value should not be 
 painted. The exact format of this attribute's value has yet to be defined.

 Use the FIG tag for captioned figures with active areas etc.


        src     %URL;   #REQUIRED -- where to get image data --
        align   CDATA   #IMPLIED  -- top, middle or bottom --
        seethru CDATA   #IMPLIED  -- for transparency --
        ismap   (ismap) #IMPLIED  -- send mouse clicks/drags to server -->

<!-- Hierarchical groups for books, chapters, sections etc. -->

<!ELEMENT GROUP - - ((TITLE|LINK*), (%main;)*)>

    id      ID      #IMPLIED
    role    CDATA   #IMPLIED -- book, chapter, section etc. --
    inset   (inset) #IMPLIED -- rendering hint: indent margins -->

<!-- change bars defined by a matched pair of CHANGED elements:

        <changed id=z34> changed text <changed idref=z34>

 This tag can't act as a container, since changes don't respect
 the nesting implied by paragraphs, headers, lists etc.


<!ATTLIST CHANGED -- one of id and idref is always required --
    id      ID      #IMPLIED -- signals start of changes --
    idref   IDREF   #IMPLIED -- signals end of changes -->

<!-- Hypertext Links from points within document nodes -->


    id      ID      #IMPLIED -- as target of link --
    name    CDATA   #IMPLIED -- backwards compatibility --
    href    %URL;   #IMPLIED -- destination node --
    role    CDATA   #IMPLIED -- role of link, e.g. "partof" --
    effect  CDATA   #IMPLIED -- replace/new/overlay --
    print   CDATA   #IMPLIED -- reference/footnote/section --
    title   CDATA   #IMPLIED -- when otherwise unavailable --
    type    CDATA   #IMPLIED -- for presentation cues --
    size    NAMES   #IMPLIED -- for progress cues -->

<!-- Other kinds of relationships between documents -->


    href    %URL;   #IMPLIED -- destination node --
    role    CDATA   #IMPLIED -- role played, e.g. "toc" -->

<!-- Original document URL for resolving relative URLs  -->



<!-- Signifies the document's URL accepts queries -->


<!ATTLIST ISINDEX href %URL; #IMPLIED -- defaults to document's URL -->

<!-- For use with autonumbering editors - don't reuse ids,
 instead, allocate next one starting from this one -->



<!-- Mnemonic character entities. -->

<!ENTITY AElig "&#198;" -- capital AE diphthong (ligature) -->
<!ENTITY Aacute "&#193;" -- capital A, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY Acirc "&#194;" -- capital A, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY Agrave "&#192;" -- capital A, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY Aring "&#197;" -- capital A, ring -->
<!ENTITY Atilde "&#195;" -- capital A, tilde -->
<!ENTITY Auml "&#196;" -- capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY Ccedil "&#199;" -- capital C, cedilla -->
<!ENTITY ETH "&#208;" -- capital Eth, Icelandic -->
<!ENTITY Eacute "&#201;" -- capital E, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY Ecirc "&#202;" -- capital E, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY Egrave "&#200;" -- capital E, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY Euml "&#203;" -- capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY Iacute "&#205;" -- capital I, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY Icirc "&#206;" -- capital I, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY Igrave "&#204;" -- capital I, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY Iuml "&#207;" -- capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY Ntilde "&#209;" -- capital N, tilde -->
<!ENTITY Oacute "&#211;" -- capital O, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY Ocirc "&#212;" -- capital O, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY Ograve "&#210;" -- capital O, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY Oslash "&#216;" -- capital O, slash -->
<!ENTITY Otilde "&#213;" -- capital O, tilde -->
<!ENTITY Ouml "&#214;" -- capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY THORN "&#222;" -- capital THORN, Icelandic -->
<!ENTITY Uacute "&#218;" -- capital U, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY Ucirc "&#219;" -- capital U, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY Ugrave "&#217;" -- capital U, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY Uuml "&#220;" -- capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY Yacute "&#221;" -- capital Y, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY aacute "&#225;" -- small a, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY acirc "&#226;" -- small a, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY aelig "&#230;" -- small ae diphthong (ligature) -->
<!ENTITY agrave "&#224;" -- small a, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY amp "&amp;" -- ampersand -->
<!ENTITY aring "&#229;" -- small a, ring -->
<!ENTITY atilde "&#227;" -- small a, tilde -->
<!ENTITY auml "&#228;" -- small a, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY ccedil "&#231;" -- small c, cedilla -->
<!ENTITY eacute "&#233;" -- small e, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY ecirc "&#234;" -- small e, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY egrave "&#232;" -- small e, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY eth "&#240;" -- small eth, Icelandic -->
<!ENTITY euml "&#235;" -- small e, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY gt "&#62;" -- greater than -->
<!ENTITY iacute "&#237;" -- small i, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY icirc "&#238;" -- small i, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY igrave "&#236;" -- small i, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY iuml "&#239;" -- small i, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY lt "&lt;" -- less than -->
<!ENTITY ntilde "&#241;" -- small n, tilde -->
<!ENTITY oacute "&#243;" -- small o, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY ocirc "&#244;" -- small o, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY ograve "&#242;" -- small o, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY oslash "&#248;" -- small o, slash -->
<!ENTITY otilde "&#245;" -- small o, tilde -->
<!ENTITY ouml "&#246;" -- small o, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY szlig "&#223;" -- small sharp s, German (sz ligature) -->
<!ENTITY thorn "&#254;" -- small thorn, Icelandic -->
<!ENTITY uacute "&#250;" -- small u, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY ucirc "&#251;" -- small u, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY ugrave "&#249;" -- small u, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY uuml "&#252;" -- small u, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY yacute "&#253;" -- small y, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY yuml "&#255;" -- small y, dieresis or umlaut mark -->

<!-- dash entities -->

<!ENTITY endash "--"  -- En dash -->
<!ENTITY emdash "---" -- Em dash -->

<!-- The END -->
