view nt/installer/Wise/ @ 2362:6aa56b089139

[xemacs-hg @ 2004-11-02 09:51:04 by ben] To: internals/index.texi: Deleted. Incorporated into internals.texi. Having a separate index file messes up texinfo-master-menu. internals/internals.texi: Add bunches and bunches and bunches and bunches of stuff, taken from documentation floating around in various places -- text.c, file-coding.c, other .c and .h files, stuff that I wrote up for an old XEmacs contract, proposals written up in the process of an e-mail discussion, etc. Fix up some mistakes, esp. in CCL. Extra crap from CCL, duplicated with Lispref, removed. Sections on Old Future Work and Future Work Discussion added. Bunches of other work. Add bunches of documentation taken from the source code. Fixup various places to use @strong{}, @code{}, @file{}. Create new Text chapter, split off from Buffers and Textual Representation. Create new chapter for MS Windows, mostly written from scratch. Consolidate all Mule info under "Multilingual Support". Break up chapter on modules and move some parts to the sections discussing the modules, for consolidation purposes. Add a big cross-reference table for all the modules to where they're discussed (or not). New chapter Asynchronous Events; Quit Checking. (Taken from various parts of the code.) New Introduction. New section on Focus Handling (from the code). NOTE that in the process, I discovered that we essentially have FOUR redundant introductions to Mule issues! Someone really needs to go through and clean them up and integrate them (sjt?).
author ben
date Tue, 02 Nov 2004 09:51:18 +0000
parents 74fd4e045ea6
children a268de273009
line wrap: on
line source

import string
import re
import os
import types


import version
import dirs
import filelist
import packages

def letter(package):
    index = packages.all.index(package)
    if index>29:
	raise "WISE error: too many components"
    return chr(ord("A")+index)

def letters(package_list):
    ret = ""
    for p in package_list: 
	ret = ret+letter(p)
    return ret

def describe(package):
    if package in packages.descriptions.keys():
	return ": "+packages.descriptions[package]
    else: return ""

def ifblock(var,val):
    return("item: If/While Statement\n  Variable=%s\n  Value=%s\n  Flags=00001010\nend\n" % (var,val))

def endblock():
    return("item: End Block\nend\n")

def setvar(var,val):
    return("item: Set Variable\n  Variable=%s\n  Value=%s\n  Flags=10000000\nend\n" % (string.upper(var), val))

def default_letters_of_category(cat):
    val = ""
    for p in packages.default:
        if packages.category_of_package(p) == cat:
            val = val + packages.letter_of_package(p)
    return val

def set_category_defaults():
    ret = ""
    for c in packages.category_names:
        ret = ret +  setvar(c, default_letters_of_category(c))
    return ret

def do_category(cat):
    ret = ifblock("COMPONENTS", packages.letter_of_category(cat))
    for pkg in packages.packages_of_category(cat):
        ret = ret + ifblock(string.upper(cat),packages.letter_of_package(pkg))
        for f in files_of_package(pkg):
            ret = ret+install_pkg_file(f)
        ret = ret + endblock()
    ret = ret + endblock()
    return ret

def files_of_package(package):
    manifest_file = dirs.packages + "\\pkginfo\\MANIFEST." + package
    manifest = open(manifest_file,"r")
    lines = manifest.readlines()
    lines = map(lambda s:s[:-1], lines)
    lines = map(lambda s:string.replace(s,'/','\\'), lines)
    return lines

def category_dialog(cat):
    npkg = len(packages.packages_of_category(cat))
    ret=ret+"  item: Dialog\n    Title="+packages.category_descriptions[cat]+" Packages\n"
    ret=ret+"    Width=210\n"
    ret=ret+"    Height=%d\n" % (45+npkg*10)
    ret=ret+"    Font Name=Helv\n"
    ret=ret+"    Font Size=8\n"
    ret=ret+"    item: Push Button\n"
    ret=ret+"      Rectangle=107 %d 147 %d\n" % (5+npkg*10+2, 5+npkg*10+17)
    ret=ret+"      Create Flags=01010000000000010000000000000001\n"
    ret=ret+"      Text=OK\n"
    ret=ret+"    end\n"
    ret=ret+"    item: Push Button\n"
    ret=ret+"      Rectangle=153 %d 193 %d\n" % (5+npkg*10+2, 5+npkg*10+17)
    ret=ret+"      Variable=%s\n" % string.upper(cat)
    ret=ret+"      Value=%%%s_SAVE%%\n" % string.upper(cat)
    ret=ret+"      Create Flags=01010000000000010000000000000000\n"
    ret=ret+"      Flags=0000000000000001\n"
    ret=ret+"      Text=Cancel\n"
    ret=ret+"    end\n"
    ret=ret+"    item: Checkbox\n"
    ret=ret+"      Rectangle=0 5 191 %d\n" % (10*npkg)
    ret=ret+"      Variable=%s\n"%string.upper(cat)
    ret=ret+"      Create Flags=01010000000000010000000000000011\n"
    ret=ret+"      Flags=0000000000000010\n"
    for pkg in packages.packages_of_category(cat):
        ret = ret+"      Text=%s: %s\n"%( pkg, packages.package_descriptions[pkg])
    ret=ret+"      Text=\n"
    ret=ret+"    end\n"
    ret=ret+"  end\n"
    return ret

def src_path(src,name):
    return src + "\\" + name

def dst_path(dst,name):
    return "%MAINDIR%"+"\\"+dst+"\\" + name

def install_file(name,src,dst):
    return("item: Install File\n  Source=%s\n  Destination=%s\n  Flags=0000000010000010\nend\n" % (src_path(src,name),dst_path(dst,name)))

def install_pkg_file(name):
    return install_file(name,dirs.packages,dirs.pkg_dst)

def do_package(package):
    return ifblock("COMPONENTS",letter(package)) + \
	   string.join(map(install_pkg_file,files(package)),"")+ \

for line in infile.readlines():
    if left>=0:
	if type(val)==types.StringType:
	    print line[:left] + val + line[right+3:],
	elif type(val)==types.ListType:
	    for v in val:
		print line[:left] + v + line[right+3:],
    else: print line,