view nt/ @ 2362:6aa56b089139

[xemacs-hg @ 2004-11-02 09:51:04 by ben] To: internals/index.texi: Deleted. Incorporated into internals.texi. Having a separate index file messes up texinfo-master-menu. internals/internals.texi: Add bunches and bunches and bunches and bunches of stuff, taken from documentation floating around in various places -- text.c, file-coding.c, other .c and .h files, stuff that I wrote up for an old XEmacs contract, proposals written up in the process of an e-mail discussion, etc. Fix up some mistakes, esp. in CCL. Extra crap from CCL, duplicated with Lispref, removed. Sections on Old Future Work and Future Work Discussion added. Bunches of other work. Add bunches of documentation taken from the source code. Fixup various places to use @strong{}, @code{}, @file{}. Create new Text chapter, split off from Buffers and Textual Representation. Create new chapter for MS Windows, mostly written from scratch. Consolidate all Mule info under "Multilingual Support". Break up chapter on modules and move some parts to the sections discussing the modules, for consolidation purposes. Add a big cross-reference table for all the modules to where they're discussed (or not). New chapter Asynchronous Events; Quit Checking. (Taken from various parts of the code.) New Introduction. New section on Focus Handling (from the code). NOTE that in the process, I discovered that we essentially have FOUR redundant introductions to Mule issues! Someone really needs to go through and clean them up and integrate them (sjt?).
author ben
date Tue, 02 Nov 2004 09:51:18 +0000
parents 43dd3413c7c7
line wrap: on
line source

XCOMM platform:  $XConsortium: /main/51 1996/12/19 14:20:08 lehors $

#ifndef OSName
#define OSName			Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
XCOMM operating system:  OSName
#ifndef OSMajorVersion
#define OSMajorVersion		4
#ifndef OSMinorVersion
#define OSMinorVersion		0
#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
#define OSTeenyVersion		0

#ifndef CompilerMajorVersion
/* 0 == NT 3.1 Win32 SDK, 2 == MSVC++ 2, 4 == MSVC 4 */
#define CompilerMajorVersion	4	

#define BootstrapCFlags		-DWIN32
#ifdef _M_IX86
#define CpuDefines -D_X86_
/* brain-damaged windows headers will not compile with -Za */
/*#define StandardDefines -DWIN32 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -D_DLL -D_MT -D__STDC__ CpuDefines*/
/* Try with single threaded libc --marcpa */
#define StandardDefines -DWIN32 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -D__STDC__ CpuDefines
#if CompilerMajorVersion < 4
#define DefaultCCOptions -nologo -batch -G4 -W2
#define DefaultCCOptions -nologo -G4 -W2
#if CompilerMajorVersion < 4
#define DebuggableCDebugFlags -Zi
#define DebuggableCDebugFlags -Zi -Od
#define ThreadedX		NO
#define HasThreadSafeAPI	NO
#define CpCmd copy
#define LnCmd copy
#define MvCmd ren
#define RmCmd del
#ifndef RmTreeCmd
/*#define RmTreeCmd del /q /s */
#define RmTreeCmd rm -rf
#define CcCmd cl
#define HasCplusplus		YES
#define CplusplusCmd cl
#if CompilerMajorVersion < 4
#define PreProcessCmd CcCmd -nologo -batch -EP
#define CppCmd  CcCmd -nologo -batch -E
#define PreProcessCmd CcCmd -nologo -EP
#define CppCmd  CcCmd -nologo -E
#define PatheticCpp		YES
#define ConstructMFLAGS		YES
#if (CompilerMajorVersion == 0)
#define ArCmdBase lib32
#define ArCmdBase lib
#define ArCmd ArCmdBase
#define CplusplusCmd cl
#define MkdirHierCmd mkdir
#define InstallCmd copy
#define InstPgmFlags /**/
#define InstBinFlags /**/
#define InstUidFlags /**/
#define InstLibFlags /**/
#define InstIncFlags /**/
#define InstManFlags /**/
#define InstDatFlags /**/
#define InstallFlags /**/
#if (CompilerMajorVersion == 0)
#define ExtraLibraries crtdll.lib kernel32.lib wsock32.lib
#elif (CompilerMajorVersion < 4)
#define ExtraLibraries msvcrt.lib kernel32.lib wsock32.lib
/* Use LIBC.LIB instead of msvcrt.lib since we compile
   with non-thread version. --marcpa */
#define ExtraLibraries libc.lib kernel32.lib wsock32.lib -link -nodefaultlib:libc
#define MakeCmd nmake -nologo
#if (CompilerMajorVersion == 0)
#define LdCmd link32
#define LdCmd link
#define MathLibrary
#define HasSymLinks		NO
#define HasPutenv		YES
#define Osuf obj
#ifndef CCsuf
#define CCsuf cxx
#define BuildServer		NO
#define ConnectionFlags		-DTCPCONN

/* override as necessary in site.def/host.def */
#ifndef StdIncDir
#define StdIncDir 		C:/MSDEVSTD/INCLUDE
#define LdPreLib /**/
#define LdPostLib /**/
#ifndef UseInstalled
#define ImakeCmd $(IMAKESRC:/=\)\imake
#define DependCmd $(DEPENDSRC:/=\)\makedepend
#define DependFlags -D_WIN32
#define FilesToClean *.bak *.obj *.lib make.log
#define ShLibDir $(BINDIR)

#define XFileSearchPathBase Concat4($(LIBDIR)/;L/;T/;N;C,;S:$(LIBDIR)/;l/;T/;N;C,;S:$(LIBDIR)/;T/;N;C,;S:$(LIBDIR)/;L/;T/;N;S:$(LIBDIR)/;l/;T/;N;S:$(LIBDIR)/;T/;N;S)

#define XawI18nDefines		-DHAS_WCHAR_H
#define UseRgbTxt  YES
#define HasCbrt NO
#define HasFfs NO
#define HasXdmAuth NO

/* the following components haven't been ported yet */
#define BuildLBX NO
#define BuildXprint NO
#define XprtServer NO

#include <Win32.rules>