view lisp/keymap.el @ 5750:66d2f63df75f

Correct some spelling and formatting in behavior.el. Mentioned in tracker issue 826, the third thing mentioned there (the file name at the bottom of the file) had already been fixed. lisp/ChangeLog addition: 2013-08-05 Aidan Kehoe <> * behavior.el: (override-behavior): Correct some spelling and formatting here, thank you Steven Mitchell in tracker issue 826.
author Aidan Kehoe <>
date Mon, 05 Aug 2013 10:05:32 +0100
parents f9e4d44504a4
children 0e9f791cc655
line wrap: on
line source

;; keymap.el --- Keymap functions for XEmacs.

;; Copyright (C) 1993-4, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Copyright (C) 1995 Tinker Systems and INS Engineering Corp.
;; Copyright (C) 2003 Ben Wing.

;; Maintainer: XEmacs Development Team
;; Keywords: internals, dumped

;; This file is part of XEmacs.

;; XEmacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
;; Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
;; option) any later version.

;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
;; for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with XEmacs.  If not, see <>.

;;; Synched up with: FSF 19.28.

;;; Commentary:

;; This file is dumped with XEmacs.

;;; Note: FSF does not have a file keymap.el.  This stuff is
;;; in keymap.c.

;Prevent the \{...} documentation construct
;from mentioning keys that run this command.

;;; Code:


(defun undefined ()

;Prevent the \{...} documentation construct
;from mentioning keys that run this command.
(put 'undefined 'suppress-keymap t)

(defun suppress-keymap (map &optional nodigits)
  "Make MAP override all normally self-inserting keys to be undefined.
Normally, as an exception, digits and minus-sign are set to make prefix args,
but optional second arg NODIGITS non-nil treats them like other chars."
  (substitute-key-definition 'self-insert-command 'undefined map global-map)
  (or nodigits
      (let ((string (make-string 1 ?0)))
	(define-key map "-" 'negative-argument)
	;; Make plain numbers do numeric args.
	(while (<= (aref string 0) ?9)
	  (define-key map string 'digit-argument)
	  (incf (aref string 0))))))

;Unneeded in XEmacs (defvar key-substitution-in-progress nil

(defun substitute-key-definition (olddef newdef keymap &optional oldmap prefix)
  "Replace OLDDEF with NEWDEF for any keys in KEYMAP now defined as OLDDEF.
In other words, OLDDEF is replaced with NEWDEF wherever it appears.
Prefix keymaps are checked recursively.  If optional fourth argument OLDMAP
is specified, we redefine in KEYMAP as NEWDEF those chars which are defined
as OLDDEF in OLDMAP, unless that keybinding is already present in KEYMAP.
If optional fifth argument PREFIX is non-nil, then only those occurrences of
OLDDEF found in keymaps accessible through the keymap bound to PREFIX in
KEYMAP are redefined.  See also `accessible-keymaps'."
  (let ((maps (accessible-keymaps (or oldmap keymap) prefix))
	(shadowing (not (null oldmap)))
	prefix map)
    (while maps
      (setq prefix (car (car maps))
	    map (cdr (car maps))
	    maps (cdr maps))
      ;; Substitute in this keymap
      (map-keymap #'(lambda (key binding)
		      (if (or (eq binding olddef)
			      ;; Compare with equal if definition is a key
			      ;; sequence.  That is useful for operating on
			      ;; function-key-map.
			      (and (or (stringp binding) (vectorp binding))
				   (equal binding olddef)))
			  ;; The new bindings always go in KEYMAP even if we
			  ;; found them in OLDMAP or one of its children.
			  ;; If KEYMAP will be shadowing OLDMAP, then do not
			  ;; redefine the key if there is another binding
			  ;; in KEYMAP that will shadow OLDDEF.
			  (or (and shadowing
				   (lookup-key keymap key))
			      ;; define-key will give an error if a prefix
			      ;; of the key is already defined.  Otherwise
			      ;; it will define the key in the map.
			      ;; #### - Perhaps this should be protected?
				(vconcat prefix (list key))

;; FSF garbage.  They misguidedly tried to put menu entries into keymaps,
;; and needed stuff like the following.  Eventually they admitted defeat
;; and switched to our method.

; (defun define-key-after (keymap key definition &optional after)
;   "Add binding in KEYMAP for KEY => DEFINITION, right after AFTER's binding.
; This is like `define-key' except that the binding for KEY is placed
; just after the binding for the event AFTER, instead of at the beginning
; of the map.  Note that AFTER must be an event type (like KEY), NOT a command
; \(like DEFINITION).
; If AFTER is t or omitted, the new binding goes at the end of the keymap.
; KEY must contain just one event type--that is to say, it must be a
; string or vector of length 1, but AFTER should be a single event
; type--a symbol or a character, not a sequence.
; Bindings are always added before any inherited map.
; The order of bindings in a keymap matters when it is used as a menu."

(defmacro kbd (keys)
  "Convert KEYS to the internal Emacs key representation.
KEYS should be a string constant in the format used for
saving keyboard macros (see `insert-kbd-macro')."
  (if (or (stringp keys)
	  (vectorp keys))
      ;; #### need to move xemacs-base into the core!!!!!!
      (declare-fboundp (read-kbd-macro keys))
    `(declare-fboundp (read-kbd-macro ,keys))))


;; This used to wrap forms into an interactive lambda.  It is unclear
;; to me why this is needed in this function.  Anyway,
;; `key-or-menu-binding' doesn't do it, so this function no longer
;; does it, either.
(defun insert-key-binding (key)         ; modeled after describe-key
  "Insert the command bound to KEY."
  (interactive "kInsert command bound to key: ")
  (let ((defn (key-or-menu-binding key)))
    (if (or (null defn) (integerp defn))
	(error "%s is undefined" (key-description key))
      (if (or (stringp defn) (vectorp defn))
          (setq defn (key-binding defn))) ;; a keyboard macro
      (insert (format "%s" defn)))))

(defun read-command-or-command-sexp (prompt)
  "Read a command symbol or command sexp.
A command sexp is wrapped in an interactive lambda if needed.
Prompts with PROMPT."
  ;; Todo: it would be better if we could reject symbols that are not
  ;; commandp (as does 'read-command') but that is not easy to do
  ;; because we must supply arg4 = require-match = nil for sexp case.
  (let ((result (car (read-from-string
                      (completing-read prompt obarray 'commandp)))))
    (if (and (consp result)
             (not (eq (car result) 'lambda)))
        `(lambda ()

(defun local-key-binding (keys &optional accept-defaults)
  "Return the binding for command KEYS in current local keymap only.
KEYS is a string, a vector of events, or a vector of key-description lists
as described in the documentation for the `define-key' function.
The binding is probably a symbol with a function definition; see
the documentation for `lookup-key' for more information."
  (let ((map (current-local-map)))
    (if map
        (lookup-key map keys accept-defaults)

(defun global-key-binding (keys &optional accept-defaults)
  "Return the binding for command KEYS in current global keymap only.
KEYS is a string or vector of events, a sequence of keystrokes.
The binding is probably a symbol with a function definition; see
the documentation for `lookup-key' for more information."
  (lookup-key (current-global-map) keys accept-defaults))

(defun global-set-key (key command)
  "Give KEY a global binding as COMMAND.
COMMAND is a symbol naming an interactively-callable function.
KEY is a string, a vector of events, or a vector of key-description lists
as described in the documentation for the `define-key' function.
Note that if KEY has a local binding in the current buffer
that local binding will continue to shadow any global binding."
  ;;(interactive "KSet key globally: \nCSet key %s to command: ")
  (interactive (list (setq key (read-key-sequence "Set key globally: "))
                     ;; Command sexps are allowed here so that this arg
                     ;; may be supplied interactively via insert-key-binding.
                       (format "Set key %s to command: "
                               (key-description key)))))
  (define-key (current-global-map) key command)

(defun local-set-key (key command)
  "Give KEY a local binding as COMMAND.
COMMAND is a symbol naming an interactively-callable function.
KEY is a string, a vector of events, or a vector of key-description lists
as described in the documentation for the `define-key' function.
The binding goes in the current buffer's local map,
which is shared with other buffers in the same major mode."
  ;;(interactive "KSet key locally: \nCSet key %s locally to command: ")
  (interactive (list (setq key (read-key-sequence "Set key locally: "))
                     ;; Command sexps are allowed here so that this arg
                     ;; may be supplied interactively via insert-key-binding.
                       (format "Set key %s locally to command: "
                               (key-description key)))))
  (if (null (current-local-map))
      (use-local-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
  (define-key (current-local-map) key command)

(defun global-unset-key (key)
  "Remove global binding of KEY.
KEY is a string, a vector of events, or a vector of key-description lists
as described in the documentation for the `define-key' function."
  (interactive "kUnset key globally: ")
  (global-set-key key nil))

(defun local-unset-key (key)
  "Remove local binding of KEY.
KEY is a string, a vector of events, or a vector of key-description lists
as described in the documentation for the `define-key' function."
  (interactive "kUnset key locally: ")
  (if (current-local-map)
      (define-key (current-local-map) key nil)))

;; FSF-inherited brain-death.
(defun minor-mode-key-binding (key &optional accept-default)
  "Find the visible minor mode bindings of KEY.
Return an alist of pairs (MODENAME . BINDING), where MODENAME is
the symbol which names the minor mode binding KEY, and BINDING is
KEY's definition in that mode.  In particular, if KEY has no
minor-mode bindings, return nil.  If the first binding is a
non-prefix, all subsequent bindings will be omitted, since they would
be ignored.  Similarly, the list doesn't include non-prefix bindings
that come after prefix bindings.

If optional argument ACCEPT-DEFAULT is non-nil, recognize default
bindings; see the description of `lookup-key' for more details about this."
  (let ((tail minor-mode-map-alist)
        a s v)
    (while tail
      (setq a (car tail)
            tail (cdr tail))
      (and (consp a)
           (symbolp (setq s (car a)))
           (boundp s)
           (symbol-value s)
           ;; indirect-function deals with autoloadable keymaps
           (setq v (indirect-function (cdr a)))
           (setq v (lookup-key v key accept-default))
           ;; Terminate loop, with v set to non-nil value
           (setq tail nil)))

(defun current-minor-mode-maps ()
  "Return a list of keymaps for the minor modes of the current buffer."
  (let ((l '())
        (tail minor-mode-map-alist)
        a s v)
    (while tail
      (setq a (car tail)
            tail (cdr tail))
      (and (consp a)
           (symbolp (setq s (car a)))
           (boundp s)
           (symbol-value s)
           ;; indirect-function deals with autoloadable keymaps
           (setq v (indirect-function (cdr a)))
           (setq l (cons v l))))
    (nreverse l)))

;;#### What a crock
(defun define-prefix-command (name &optional mapvar)
  "Define COMMAND as a prefix command.
A new sparse keymap is stored as COMMAND's function definition.
If second optional argument MAPVAR is not specified,
 COMMAND's value (as well as its function definition) is set to the keymap.
If a second optional argument MAPVAR is given and is not `t',
  the map is stored as its value.
Regardless of MAPVAR, COMMAND's function-value is always set to the keymap."
  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap name)))
    (fset name map)
    (cond ((not mapvar)
           (set name map))
          ((eq mapvar 't)
           (set mapvar map)))

;;; Converting vectors of events to a read-equivalent form.
(defun events-to-keys (events &optional no-mice)
 "Given a vector of event objects, return a vector of key descriptors.

If all events can be represented unambiguously as characters, return a
string.  Both the string and the vector will be equivalent to the events, if
the elements are passed to `character-to-event'.

If an event represents a key press of a printable ASCII character between ?@
and ?_, with the control modifier and only the control modifier, it is
returned as a character between ?\x00 and ?\x1f, inclusive. ?\\C-i, ?\\C-j,
?\\C-m are returned as the symbols `tab', `linefeed' and `return',

There is a similar equivalence between ASCII characters with the meta
modifier and Latin 1 characters, but this function does not use that

Obsolete optional argument NO-MICE means that mouse events are not allowed.
These are actually never allowed, since `character-to-event' never accepts

EVENTS can be a string, and will be treated as a vector of the events
corresponding to those characters."
 ;; This is only used in packages. There were some contexts where it was
 ;; used in core, but those dated from before #'lookup-key accepted events
 ;; in KEYS; it conses less and is more accurate to use the events directly,
 ;; rather than calling this function. It'd be nice to move this to
 ;; xemacs-base and add an autoload, there's no need for it to be dumped.
 (if (and events (symbolp events)) (setq events (vector events)))
 (check-type events array)
 (cond ((let* ((length (length events))
               (string (make-string length 0))
               c ce
               (i 0))
          (while (< i length)
            (setq ce (aref events i))
            (or (eventp ce) (setq ce (character-to-event ce)))
            ;; Normalize `c' to `?c' and `(control k)' to `?\C-k' We don't
            ;; "normalize" Latin 1 to the corresponding meta characters, or
            ;; vice-versa.
            (setq c (event-to-character ce))
            (if (and c
                     (key-press-event-p ce))
                (if (symbolp (event-key ce))
                    (if (get (event-key ce) 'character-of-keysym)
                        ;; Don't use a string `tab' to avoid that unpleasant
                        ;; little ambiguity.
                        (setq c nil))))
            (if c
                (aset string i c)
                (setq i length string nil))
            (setq i (1+ i)))
        (let* ((length (length events))
               (new (vconcat events nil))
               event mods key
               (i 0))
          (while (< i length)
            (setq event (aref events i))
            (or (eventp event) (setq event (character-to-event event)))
            (cond ((key-press-event-p event)
                   (setq mods (event-modifiers event)
                         key (event-key event))
                   (aset new i (if mods
                                   (nconc mods (cons key nil))
                  ((or (and event (symbolp event))
                       (and (consp event) (symbolp (car event))))
                   (aset new i event))
                   (signal 'wrong-type-argument
                           (list 'key-press-event-p event))))
            (setq i (1+ i)))
(defun next-key-event ()
  "Return the next available keyboard event."
  (let (event)
    (while (not (key-press-event-p (setq event (next-command-event))))
      (dispatch-event event))

(defun key-sequence-list-description (keys)
  "Convert a key sequence KEYS to the full [(modifiers... key)...] form.
Argument KEYS can be in any form accepted by `define-key' function.
The output is always in a canonical form, meaning you can use this
function to determine if two key sequence specifications are equivalent
by comparing the respective outputs of this function using `equal'."
  (let ((vec
	 (cond ((vectorp keys)
	       ((stringp keys)
		(vconcat keys))
		(vector keys)))))
    (labels ((event-to-list (ev)
               (append (event-modifiers ev) (list (event-key ev)))))
      (declare (inline event-to-list))
       #'(lambda (key)
	   (let* ((full-key
		   (cond ((key-press-event-p key)
			  (event-to-list key))
			 ((characterp key)
			  (event-to-list (character-to-event key)))
			 ((listp key)
			  (copy-sequence key))
			  (list key))))
		  (keysym (car (last full-key))))
	     (if (characterp keysym)
		 (setcar (last full-key) (intern (char-to-string keysym))))

;;; Support keyboard commands to turn on various modifiers.

;;; These functions -- which are not commands -- each add one modifier
;;; to the following event.

(defun event-apply-alt-modifier (ignore-prompt)
  (event-apply-modifiers '(alt)))
(defun event-apply-super-modifier (ignore-prompt)
  (event-apply-modifiers '(super)))
(defun event-apply-hyper-modifier (ignore-prompt)
  (event-apply-modifiers '(hyper)))
(defun event-apply-shift-modifier (ignore-prompt)
  (event-apply-modifiers '(shift)))
(defun event-apply-control-modifier (ignore-prompt)
  (event-apply-modifiers '(control)))
(defun event-apply-meta-modifier (ignore-prompt)
  (event-apply-modifiers '(meta)))

;;; #### `key-translate-map' is ignored for now.
(defun event-apply-modifiers (list)
  "Return the next key event, with a list of modifiers applied.
LIST describes the names of these modifier, a list of symbols.
`function-key-map' is scanned for prefix bindings."
  (let (events binding)
    ;; read keystrokes scanning `function-key-map'
    (while (keymapp
	    (setq binding
		    (setq events
			  (append events (list (next-key-event)))))))))
    (if binding				; found a binding
	  ;; allow for several modifiers
	  (if (and (symbolp binding) (fboundp binding))
	      (setq binding (funcall binding nil)))
	  (setq events (append binding nil))
	  ;; put remaining keystrokes back into input queue
	  (setq unread-command-events
		(mapcar 'character-to-event (cdr events))))
      (setq unread-command-events (cdr events)))
    ;; add modifiers LIST to the first keystroke or event
     (append list
             (set-difference (aref (key-sequence-list-description (car events))
                             list :stable t)))))

(defun event-apply-modifier (symbol)
  "Return the next key event, with a single modifier applied.
See `event-apply-modifiers'."
  (event-apply-modifiers (list symbol)))

(defun synthesize-keysym (ignore-prompt)
  "Read a sequence of keys, and returned the corresponding key symbol.
The characters must be from the [-_a-zA-Z0-9].  Reading is terminated
 by RET (which is discarded)."
  (let ((continuep t)
	event char list)
    (while continuep
      (setq event (next-key-event))
      (cond ((and (setq char (event-to-character event))
		  (or (memq char '(?- ?_))
		      (eq ?w (char-syntax char (standard-syntax-table)))))
	     ;; Advance a character.
	     (push char list))
	    ((or (memq char '(?\r ?\n))
		 (memq (event-key event) '(return newline)))
	     ;; Legal termination.
	     (setq continuep nil))
	     ;; Illegal character.
	     (error "Illegal character in keysym: %c" char))
	     ;; Illegal event.
	     (error "Event has no character equivalent: %s" event))))
    (vector (intern (concat "" (nreverse list))))))

(define-key function-key-map-parent [?\C-x ?@ ?h] 'event-apply-hyper-modifier)
(define-key function-key-map-parent [?\C-x ?@ ?s] 'event-apply-super-modifier)
(define-key function-key-map-parent [?\C-x ?@ ?m] 'event-apply-meta-modifier)
(define-key function-key-map-parent [?\C-x ?@ ?S] 'event-apply-shift-modifier)
(define-key function-key-map-parent [?\C-x ?@ ?c] 'event-apply-control-modifier)
(define-key function-key-map-parent [?\C-x ?@ ?a] 'event-apply-alt-modifier)
(define-key function-key-map-parent [?\C-x ?@ ?k] 'synthesize-keysym)

;; The autoloads for the compose map, and their bindings in
;; function-key-map-parent are used by GTK as well as X11. And Julian
;; Bradfield, at least, uses x-compose on the TTY, it's reasonable to make
;; them generally available.

(loop for map in '(compose-acute-map compose-breve-map compose-caron-map
                   compose-cedilla-map compose-circumflex-map
                   compose-diaeresis-map compose-dot-map
                   compose-doubleacute-map compose-grave-map
                   compose-hook-map compose-horn-map compose-macron-map
                   compose-map compose-ogonek-map compose-ring-map
                   compose-stroke-map compose-tilde-map)
  do (autoload map "x-compose" nil t 'keymap))

  for (key map)
  ;; The dead keys might really be called just about anything, depending
  ;; on the vendor.  MIT thinks that the prefixes are "SunFA_", "D", and
  ;; "hpmute_" for Sun, DEC, and HP respectively.  However, OpenWindows 3
  ;; thinks that the prefixes are "SunXK_FA_", "DXK_", and "hpXK_mute_".
  ;; And HP (who don't mention Sun and DEC at all) use "XK_mute_".  Go
  ;; figure.

  ;; Presumably if someone is running OpenWindows, they won't be using the
  ;; DEC or HP keysyms, but if they are defined then that is possible, so
  ;; in that case we accept them all.

  ;; If things seem not to be working, you might want to check your
  ;; /usr/lib/X11/XKeysymDB file to see if your vendor has an equally
  ;; mixed up view of what these keys should be called.

  ;; Canonical names:
  in '((acute                   compose-acute-map)
       (grave                   compose-grave-map)
       (cedilla                 compose-cedilla-map)
       (diaeresis               compose-diaeresis-map)
       (circumflex              compose-circumflex-map)
       (tilde                   compose-tilde-map)
       (degree                  compose-ring-map)
       (multi-key               compose-map)

       ;; Sun according to MIT:
       (SunFA_Acute             compose-acute-map)
       (SunFA_Grave             compose-grave-map)
       (SunFA_Cedilla           compose-cedilla-map)
       (SunFA_Diaeresis compose-diaeresis-map)
       (SunFA_Circum            compose-circumflex-map)
       (SunFA_Tilde             compose-tilde-map)

       ;; Sun according to OpenWindows 2:
       (Dead_Grave              compose-grave-map)
       (Dead_Circum             compose-circumflex-map)
       (Dead_Tilde              compose-tilde-map)

       ;; Sun according to OpenWindows 3:
       (SunXK_FA_Acute          compose-acute-map)
       (SunXK_FA_Grave          compose-grave-map)
       (SunXK_FA_Cedilla        compose-cedilla-map)
       (SunXK_FA_Diaeresis      compose-diaeresis-map)
       (SunXK_FA_Circum         compose-circumflex-map)
       (SunXK_FA_Tilde          compose-tilde-map)

       ;; DEC according to MIT:
       (Dacute_accent           compose-acute-map)
       (Dgrave_accent           compose-grave-map)
       (Dcedilla_accent         compose-cedilla-map)
       (Dcircumflex_accent      compose-circumflex-map)
       (Dtilde                  compose-tilde-map)
       (Dring_accent            compose-ring-map)

       ;; DEC according to OpenWindows 3:
       (DXK_acute_accent        compose-acute-map)
       (DXK_grave_accent        compose-grave-map)
       (DXK_cedilla_accent      compose-cedilla-map)
       (DXK_circumflex_accent   compose-circumflex-map)
       (DXK_tilde               compose-tilde-map)
       (DXK_ring_accent         compose-ring-map)

       ;; HP according to MIT:
       (hpmute_acute            compose-acute-map)
       (hpmute_grave            compose-grave-map)
       (hpmute_diaeresis        compose-diaeresis-map)
       (hpmute_asciicircum      compose-circumflex-map)
       (hpmute_asciitilde       compose-tilde-map)

       ;; Empirically discovered on Linux XFree86 MetroX:
       (usldead_acute           compose-acute-map)
       (usldead_grave           compose-grave-map)
       (usldead_diaeresis       compose-diaeresis-map)
       (usldead_asciicircum     compose-circumflex-map)
       (usldead_asciitilde      compose-tilde-map)

       ;; HP according to OpenWindows 3:
       (hpXK_mute_acute         compose-acute-map)
       (hpXK_mute_grave         compose-grave-map)
       (hpXK_mute_diaeresis     compose-diaeresis-map)
       (hpXK_mute_asciicircum   compose-circumflex-map)
       (hpXK_mute_asciitilde    compose-tilde-map)

       ;; HP according to HP-UX 8.0:
       (XK_mute_acute           compose-acute-map)
       (XK_mute_grave           compose-grave-map)
       (XK_mute_diaeresis       compose-diaeresis-map)
       (XK_mute_asciicircum     compose-circumflex-map)
       (XK_mute_asciitilde      compose-tilde-map)

       ;; XFree86 uses lower case and an underscore. XEmacs converts the
       ;; underscore to a hyphen in x_keysym_to_emacs_keysym because the
       ;; keysym is in the "Keyboard" character set, which seems a very
       ;; arbitrary approach.
       (dead-acute              compose-acute-map)
       (dead-grave              compose-grave-map)
       (dead-cedilla            compose-cedilla-map)
       (dead-diaeresis          compose-diaeresis-map)
       (dead-circum             compose-circumflex-map)
       (dead-circumflex         compose-circumflex-map)
       (dead-tilde              compose-tilde-map)
       (dead-abovering          compose-ring-map)
       (dead-caron              compose-caron-map)
       (dead-macron             compose-macron-map)
       (dead-breve              compose-breve-map)
       (dead-abovedot           compose-dot-map)
       (dead-doubleacute        compose-doubleacute-map)
       (dead-ogonek             compose-ogonek-map)
       (dead-hook               compose-hook-map)
       (dead-horn               compose-horn-map)
       (dead-stroke             compose-stroke-map))
  do (define-key function-key-map-parent (vector key) map))

;;; keymap.el ends here